Chicago, Illinois
Senior Exec. w/10 yrs discounting quality leases with Investment
Grade and Fortune 1000 credits. Must consider re-locating to Illinois,
working with an independent entrepreneurial community bank.
Richard A. Burns, SVP, 312-850-1405
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Jazz Saxophone player, composer, bandleader Branford Marsalis born August 26, 1960, Breaux Bridge, Louisiana; part of the famous Marsalis family jazz musicians. He won a Grammy in 2001 for his album "Contemporary Jazz."
Alert--GMD Founder is Back!
Classified Ads---Asset Management
Many Readers Appreciate Allied Alert
BSB Leasing Joins the Funder List
Madison Capital Joins “Back Office List”
ELFA July MLFI is Misleading
ELFF "Continued Uncertainty"
Classified ads---Help Wanted
Sales makes it Happen—by Bob Teichman, CLP
Fall, 2010—Conferences and Regional Meetings
Soul Kitchen/Nanny McPhee Returns
Hot Tub Time Machine/North Face/3 Silents
Fernando Croce Movie/DVD Reviews
Brooklyn, New York--Adopt a Dog
News Briefs ---
Greenbrier New Railcar/Refurbishment Orders
Credit card debt drops lowest level 8 years
Woods’ ex-wife says she's ‘been through hell’
New York to tax sliced bagels
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

Alert--GMD Founder is Back!
from Bernie Boettingheimer CLP
Lease Police

When I wrote “A Real Live Sting” which appeared in Leasing News on March 8, 2010, the scenario was very much like the storyline in the movie "The Sting”. The “con-artists” scammed their money, and all those "duped" were willing to leave it alone.
Last week, after over five months, a caller revealed that Gilles Jean Casse, GDM’s former President who had fled to France) was back in New Orleans. Going back on my old notes on the file, I was reacquainted with another theme from this scam - “Where Is the Outrage?” I have been baffled by the complete silence by every one of the creditors. Here we were with unpaid debts exceeding $11 Million and a President who ran off to France to escape prosecution. It was as if the music had stopped, there were no more chairs, so everyone just went home. No bankruptcy, no law suits, and no one cared. It was like the ending of the movie, The Sting”.
Now in getting back to Casse, was he back to face the music and pay his debts? Did he want to clear his name? Where was he located? Some of my sources had no knowledge of his return, some said they were visited by the FBI, and some seemed quite unnerved by my call. Deep suspicion became my reaction when the North Texas banker whose bank lost $3.5 Million would not return several of my calls. What could be going on? Nothing has ever seemed normal or understandable in this case either in March or now in August 2010.
From reliable and public sources we now know that a Louisiana corporation was formed by two former investors of GMD International Inc and it is operating a carbon-copy of the fraudulent predecessor company in New Orleans. In a call to its President, he denied knowing that Gilles Jean Casse had returned to the U.S...Contrary to that remark our investigation revealed that while Mr. Casse is not a direct investor, but in a technical business such as this, he is an important technical contributor.
Bernie Boettingheimer CLP
Lease Police, Inc.
A Real Life "Sting"
by Bernie Boettingheimer, CLP
Many Readers Thank Leasing News for Allied Alert
Thank you for the compliments
Kit Menkin, editor/publisher

This is to remind attorneys for these companies that have not filed Notice of Appearance and Request for Service of Notice for the Allied Health Care Services, Orange, New Jersey Involuntary Chapter 7 hearing to September 7, 2010, 12pm. Courtroom 3A, MLK, Jr. Federal Building, Newark, New Jersey, to please do so. Objections to be received no later than September 3, 2010, 11am.
This should be given to your attorney, if you have not responded, or if not notified, you should get on board now:
OST Interim Motion:
Those who have responded to date (who are not on the list of those who filed separate complaints):
All Points Capital Corp.
EQ Acquisitions 2004, Inc
Kenney Bank and Trust.
Lyon Financial Services, Inc.
d/b/a U.S. Bancorp Manifest Funding Services
NewAlliance Bank
Public Savings Bank
The Huntington National Bank
Two of the three who filed for Chapter 7, are also not on the complaint list:
Key Equipment Finance Inc
Republic Bank of Chicago
as well as
Holding $15 million note and liens:
Sun National Bank, Vineland, New Jersey
(not responded)
Here are those that filed a legal complaint prior to the Involuntary Chapter 7 (except for Kingsbridge Holding, one of the three, they have not responded):
ABCO Leasing
AEL Financial et. al.
American Bank FSB, Bethesda, MD
American Bank FSB, Rockville, MD
Commonwealth Capital Corporation
Crossroad Bank, Wabash, Indiana
De Lage Landen Financial Services
Drake Bank, St. Paul, Minnesota
Eastern Funding, New York, NY
First Security Bank, Canby Minnesota
Franklin National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota
Kingsbridge Holding
M2Lease Funds
M&L Marshal & Isley Bank
MinnWest Capital Corporation
National Bank, Bettendorf, Iowa
Onset Financial
Republic Bank, Salt Lake City, Utah
Texas Capital Bank, Dallas, Texas
United Western Bank, Denver, Colorado
These companies who have leases with Allied Health Care Services also have not responded to date:
From April, 2010:
Highland Capital Court, Boulder Colorado
(Don't have files with me as on vacation in Hawaii, but have spoken to several small banks in New Jersey that did leases in March and April. They should file.)
These are UCC filings from February, 2010, not responded:
D&R Placements
Falcon Leasing
Farmers Exchange Bank
LaChance Financial Services
LCA Bank, Park City, Utah
PNC Bank Equipment Finance
From late 2009 UCC Filings:
Brandywine Capital, New Jersey
Community Bank, Pennsylvania
First Liberty Bank, Pennsylvania
First National Bank of Jermyn, New Jersey
Global Vantage, New Jersey
Kenney Bank & Trust, New Jersey
Continental Bank, New Jersey
PMC Financial
There are many others including:
Bank of the West, Greater Bay Bank, IFC Credit, Madison Capital, M&I Bank, Security Bank USA, Bemidji, Minnesota, Wells Fargo, to name just a few.
This also does not include the suit against the vendor and its founder: Donner Medical, Bruce Donner, brought by De Lage Landen. Perhaps the key to the entire matter!
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
BSB Leasing Joins the Funder List

Former “Super Broker” turns funder with over 80% of their deals to their line of credit.
12 |
National |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program | D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen
“In addition we offer an experienced Syndication Desk that can place transactions that fall outside of credit, equipment, geographic or dollar amount appetite.”
Don Myerson, President, is on the Leasing News Advisory Board, a long time personal friend of Kit Menkin, who also did a lot of business with him at American Leasing, a broker/lessor with their own non-recourse and recourse lines of credit; American Leasing is no longer active.
Full Funder List “A”:
Madison Capital Joins the “Back Office List”

19 |
Mark Caplan, Chairman |
Property tax administration; vehicle titling; vehicle acquisition; vehicle disposition; billing & collections, UCC filings;
insurance tracking
N/A |
National |
Contact Us |
Full Information on Madison Back Office:
Back Office Companies:
Back Office: Atlanta, GA
Let Tax Partners handle your sales and use tax compliance duties w/less risk and cost than in-house. Largest tax compliance firm
in US |
Backoffice: Dallas, TX
Property Tax and sales and use tax administration services performance is guaranteed and we will save you time and money or our service is free.
E-mail: |
Back Office: Laughlin, NV
20 years experience on funder/broker sides. Looking for a relationship where I act as credit shop for smaller brokers when financial statements are involved. |
Backoffice: New Rochelle, NY
Proactive management/administration of commercial/consumer vehicle lease/finance portfolios covering insurance, titles,
registrations, sales/property taxes, tickets, collections, accounting, vehicle disposition. Since 1975
E-mail: |
Back Office: Northbrook, IL
Our staff of CPA's and lease professionals can handle any or all portfolio responsibilities incl. portfolio mgmt, invoicing, sales/property/income tax, accounting, etc.
E-mail: |
Back Office: San Rafael, CA
We can run your back office from origination to final payoff. 30 years experience in commercial equipment lease and loan portfolio management.
Back Office - Portland, OR
Keep more of your hard-earned commissions! Middle-Market, Small-Ticket for brokers, nationwide, 20+years experience, negotiable splits. Contact us for more information at (888)745-9481 or
Back Office -Portland
Portfolio Financial Servicing Company is a leading provider of private label primary and backup servicing for lease and loan contracts. 800-547-4905 |
Back Office: National Property Tax Compliance Services to the leasing industry. Over 60-years experience and fifty Lessors as clients. References and free quotes available,
(216) 658-5618,
E-mail |
Back Office – National
Spending too much time on processing credit applications, preparing lease documents and other administrative tasks and not enough time marketing and growing your business? Call us! 407.964.1232 |
Back Office: Gig Harbor, WA
Orion First Financial provides comprehensive lease/loan account servicing, collection/workout solutions and strategic advisory services. Contact David T. Schaefer
ELFA July MLFI is Misleading
by Christopher Menkin, Publisher

The July Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) Monthly Finance Index Press Release is quite misleading, especially appearing in the Wall Street Journal:
"CHICAGO (Dow Jones)--Financing volume for business equipment purchases grew by 16.7% in July, the largest increase in two years, according to a survey of banks and finance companies."
In the first paragraph of the press release, ELFA states "After 20 consecutive months of declines, business volume continues to show positive year-over-year growth in each of the last four months. The July increase in originations was the strongest in two years."
I don’t know what they were talking about. July, 2009 was $4.8 billion, down from the previous month of $5.2 and August, 2009 fell to $3.7. And comparing June of $5.5 to July of $5.6 is no "strongest growth in two years." Yes, it is up, and perhaps up from the previous year, but no “strongest in two years. “ Ask those in the business how they are doing.
The Equipment Leasing and Foundation Association reported July showed “Shows Continued Uncertainty” in their survey and quoted those in the industry about their predictions. (story follows this one).
To add to the misleading information from the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, the quotation in the press release they chose comes from a man who has closed down LEAF Specialty, Columbia, South Carolina, and LEAF Financial company is reportedly for sale; 2009 SEC LEAF filings showed 377 employees; February down to 271; reportedly down to 113 now, primarily 80 in the former Dolphin operation in Missouri. His company is reportedly for sale, but you would never know it with his comments:

Crit DeMent, Chairman, CEO, LEAF Financial Corporation
"There have been some positive signs in the industry,” said Crit DeMent, Chairman, CEO, LEAF Financial Corporation, in the ELFA press release. “In addition to the recent encouraging trends in origination growth and portfolio performance, the asset back securitization market seems to be strengthening for equipment leasing. Several lessors have completed transactions in 2010, and investors have been very receptive to our asset class because of its relatively good performance. The latter half of the year promises to be even stronger as issuers and rating agencies become more comfortable operating under some of the new government regulations. The return of this critical source of capital is a vital component to the long-term success of many in our industry, especially among independents and captives.”
It also appears ELFA is also out of touch with its publicity that the association will have any influence on changing the FASB proposal that has been in the works for several years from all sectors and influenced by out of the country financing standards also.
As Terry Winders, CLP, wrote in Monday's Leasing News: "The accounting changes proposed by the Financial Accounting Board on August 17. 2010 will be under review until December 15, 2010. You are invited to send your comments prior to that date. But do not expect much change. It appears they have their minds made up. They want leases “exposed”--- including all of the standard costs associated with it. They expect to implement them some time next year to be in effect for all of 2011."
Other writers on FASB in Leasing News have expressed the same opinion.
Ironically the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation reported last year that 91% of the leases are “capital leases.” So what are we talking about: multi-million dollar sales/leasebacks, international swapping, so Bank of America and General Electric pay less income tax. That’s really helping the economy and small business?
It’s about time transparency was more than a word and debt was expressed on the financial statement for both creditors and investors to see the entire balance sheet.
ELFA also has to get their act together regarding the continual opposition to changing "Evergreen" and "Winter Green" clauses to making it mandatory that lessors inform 90 days in advance of the purchase option, as the clause is being seriously abused by many small ticket lessors, even with $1.00 outs. Transparency is the issue, again. The “Evergreen” and “Winter Green” clauses are chasing small businesses away from leasing.
These criticisms on ELFA monthly chart, Evergreen, and being out of touch with small business is not new at Leasing News. It was hoped that new leadership would change things, but it looks like more of the old ways of taking care of Bank of America and General Electric and not the small businesses that make up the majority of the leasing industry clients.
WSJ: EFLA Reports Equipment Financing Up 16.7% July:
Resource America blames it on Leasing:
LEAF for Sale:
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Proposed Accounting Standards Update for Lessee’s
Equipment Finance Industry Confidence Index Shows Continued Uncertainty
(ELFA Press Release Headline)

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Association reports (ELFA) “Overall, confidence in the equipment finance market is 58.2, an increase from the July 2010 index of 57.6.”
This uncertainty is further illustrated in the August confidence survey results.
Bank, Middle Market
Russ Nelson,
Farm Credit Leasing
“Companies and individuals continue to delay major capital expenditures, waiting for further evidence of strengthening in the U.S. economy. Pent-up demand for equipment and expansion will have significant favorable impact on the equipment finance industry, which could occur as early as the second quarter of 2011.”
Independent, Middle Market
Aylin Cankardes,
Rockwell Financial Group
“The recovery is a lot slower than we had expected. We continue to see demand in certain sectors from the end user side, but not the same confidence in the lending market.”
Small Ticket
Paul Menzel,
Financial Pacific Leasing
“I feel OK about the equipment finance industry's future. It is the future of the general economy that gives me pause for concern. Our industry needs the economy to realize some measure of expansion in order for businesses to make capital equipment expenditures.”
Captive, Middle Market
Rob Showers
Altec Capital
“It appears demand for equipment loans and leases are increasing slightly. We look for fourth quarter demand to be higher than the first half of the year.” Rob Stowers, Altec Capital
“When asked about the outlook for the future, survey respondent Harry Kaplun, President, Frost Bank said, ‘Events in general are positive although guarded. No sector is very robust. There is still quite a bit of capacity to be absorbed before any real growth will occur.’”
The ELFF press continues: “When asked to assess if their current business conditions would remain the same over the next four months, 22% of executives responding said they believe business conditions will improve over the next four months, a significant drop from 33.5% in July. 4.9% believe conditions will get worse, an improvement from July response of 7.5%. 73% believe business conditions will remain the same over the next four months, compared to the July response of 55%.
“22% of survey respondents, down from 30% in July, believe demand for leases and loans to fund capital expenditures (capex) will increase over the next four months, while 73%, believe demand will “remain the same” during the same four-month time period, and 5% believe demand will decrease.
“When asked, 27% of the executives reported they expect to hire more employees over the next four months, up significantly from 17.5% in July, and 71% expect no change in headcount over the next four months while 2% expect to lay off employees.”
August 2010 Survey Comments from Industry Executive Leadership:
Depending on the market segment they represent, executives have differing, but improving points of view on the current and future outlook for the industry.
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Chicago, Illinois
Senior Exec. w/10 yrs discounting quality leases with Investment
Grade and Fortune 1000 credits. Must consider re-locating to Illinois,
working with an independent entrepreneurial community bank.
Richard A. Burns, SVP, 312-850-1405
Second decade of business, providing sales incentives that require a
commitment and passion for driving sales success.
Sales Account Executives: Jacksonville, FL/Philadelphia, PA. Small ticket funder with broad funding and
exceptional vendor service capabilities. E-mail resume to:
Navitas Lease Finance Corp is an innovator in the Small Ticket Leasing Industry. We offer solutions to small-to-medium-sized businesses looking to acquire and finance equipment.
Territory Managers
Originate FMV leases for IT/Communication
10+ years direct origination required.
For more info, click here
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Sales Make it Happen

by Bob Teichman, CLP
Equipment leasing isn't the oldest profession in the world, but it comes close. There is evidence that agricultural leases were written over 4,000 years ago. Leases are no longer written on clay tablets, but types of assets leased then are leased today. We still lease agricultural equipment, we still lease land, we still lease cattle.
But leasing as we know it only really dates from the mid-twentieth century. Then a lessor could be a generalist, serving to its customers whatever kind of equipment they wanted using a limited palette of leases. Credit decisions were either heavily oriented towards collateral, or required intensive due diligence. Industry specialists were mainly affiliated with manufacturers.
Today the equipment leasing world is far more complex. Small ticket, medium ticket, large ticket, application-only, full disclosure, domestic, cross-border; the variations alone could and do fill entire volumes.
So how does a small practitioner decide where to spend his or her valuable selling time? Unlike large lessors, who cover all markets through specialized units, the small lessor or broker must establish limits and make careful choices.
Many successful lessors choose to specialize by industry. They learn all they can about their chosen industry, write articles for their industry's newsletters, join their industry's associations and exhibit at their industry's trade shows. They become part of the industry, are well-known to vendors and manufacturers, and, as a result, are the first lessors to come to mind when the subject of financing comes up.
Often, lessors work with industries with which they worked before they entered the leasing business. But how does a lessor with no equipment background choose an industry? The process may start with a preferred vendor, or with an acquaintance, or with a personal interest in a process or device. It doesn't matter if the starting point is small so long as the lessor maintains direction and a continued interest in the industry.
As with all industries, the equipment leasing business has peaks and valleys; we are still recovering from the most recent downturn. What happens to the lessor if his or her preferred industry goes into a decline? When the economy turned bad a few years ago I received a call from a lessor who specialized in an industry which few lenders wanted to fund. He believed he was at a dead end, since he didn't know any other business but that of his specialty. I suggested that he help his vendors obtain financing for their own needs and that he expand his vendor relationships by asking his industry vendors to refer companies who supplied equipment to them. This strategy worked.
Specializing in an industry doesn't mean turning away entirely from related opportunities. But it does require focus and dedication, and can pay long term dividends, both personal and economic.
Bob Teichman, CLP
Teichman Financial Training
"Education & training for equipment leasing and financing personnel"

Fernando's View
By Fernando F. Croce
The feisty comedy “Soul Kitchen” and the fantasy sequel “Nanny McPhee Returns” provide moviegoers with a rollicking double-feature, while DVD watchers will be able to choose from inspired screwball silliness (“Hot Tub Time Machine”), arresting historical drama (“North Face”), and a movie giant’s lesser-known masterpieces (“Three Silent Classics by Josef von Sternberg”).

Soul Kitchen (IFC Films): After tearing through art-house screens with such anguished tales as “Head-On” and “Edge of Heaven,” German-Turkish director Fatih Akin lightens up with this furiously energetic comedy set in the world of scrappy dreamers and tasty dishes. Set in a working-class Hamburg restaurant, the picture follows the misadventures of Zinos (Adam Bousdoukos), who’s scrambling to deal with one problem after another. There’s a girlfriend who’s leaving for China (Pheline Roggan), a new chef with a fiery temper (Birol Unel), and a band that’s going nowhere fast. To top it all, there’s a younger brother (Moritz Bleibtreu) who’s just out of jail and looking for a place to start anew. For a mix of tantalizing dishes and belly laughs, Akin’s on-stop party can’t be beat. With subtitles.

Nanny McPhee Returns (Universal Pictures): Nanny McPhee (Emma Thompson), the British governor endowed with awe-inspiring magical powers and less-than-inspiring looks, returns in this enjoyable sequel. This time around, her mission is to come to the aid of the Green family. Struggling to keep her bustling household together while her husband is off fighting during World War II, Mom (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has the extra load of snobbish visiting relatives, including a scoundrel of an uncle (Rhys Ifans). Thompson, who also wrote the screenplay, is marvelous in a role that slyly combines fantasy and sentiment. Building on the tradition of the remarkable British nanny while spoofing it (its potshots at Mary Poppins are delicious), this is family-entertainment of the first order.

Netflix Tip: “Soul Kitchen” continues a long saga of culinary movies where the preparation of the food is as important as the characters’ dramas. Other savory cinematic dishes include “Babbette’s Feast” (1988), “Eat Drink Man Woman” (1994), “Big Night” (1995) and “Mostly Martha” (2002). Check out these titles from Netflix, and have yourself a buffet. |
New on DVD:

Hot Tub Time Machine (MGM): Don’t let the ridiculous title fool you: This comedy is one of the season’s funniest movies. It starts with a group of best friends coming together for some commiserating. Adam (John Cusack) is having romantic trouble, Nick (Craig Robinson) is a henpecked husband, Lou (Rob Corddry) is an aging party animal, and Jacob (Clark Duke) is too caught up in video games to see the world. Their bonding takes a fantastical turn when the hot tub at their club transports them back to 1986, giving each a chance to regain the dreams of their youth… and be utterly baffled by 1980s fashion. Not for anyone easily offended by crude humor, the movie nevertheless offers a parade of belly laughs and a genuine cleverness that undercuts the silliness of the plot.

North Face (Music Box Films): Ever since the 1920s, Germany has held a long tradition of poetic and exciting stories set on mountaintops. This updated version, based on a true story, offers some of the adventure of those alpine classics. Set in 1936, it tells the tale of Toni Kurtz (Benno Furmann) and Andi Hinterstoisser (Florian Lukas), a pair of daring rock-climbers who become reluctant stars of nascent Nazi propaganda by agreeing to conquer the dangerous Swiss Eiger mountains. Though the plot has plenty of interest for history buffs, the movie’s greatest asset remains its visual splendor. Making exceptional use of snowy peaks and endless icy expanses, director Philipp Stolzl creates a memorable blend of danger and exhilaration. Make sure to get a large screen. With subtitles.

Three Silent Classics by Josef von Sternberg (Criterion): Though his intensely romantic films with his intensely romantic films with his ironic German muse Marlene Dietrich have assured director Josef von Sternberg’s place in cinema, they have also obscured his lesser known but equally striking films. This three-disc DVD set from Criterion should help movie-lovers get acquainted with von Sternberg’s beautifully made silent movies. Included is 1927’s “Underworld,” arguably one of Hollywood’s pioneering gangster sagas, as well as “The Last Command” and “Docks of New York,” two masterful examples of purely visual storytelling from 1928. Peerlessly stylish and emotionally resonant under their luxurious surfaces, these movies are virtual feasts from one of cinema’s most expressive poets.
Brooklyn, New York ---Adopt a Dog

7 years old
"By any measure, Leroy is a great dog! He was originally found as a stray several years ago and was adopted from us and lived with the family for 2 years. Sadly, some of his needs were sorely neglected, and he ended up being returned to us overweight! He misses having a family and a home. Leroy is good with other dogs and children and loves being outside. He is a great walker and would love to run and he likes water was well. He has been on a diet since he was returned and he is looking great now, having lost nearly 20lbs. His diet will need to be monitored closely, because he just loves his food. Perhaps, it was his time as a stray that made him food "obsessed". In fact, he needs to be stictly kept away from human foods so that he doesn't try to steal your dinner. We think Leroy is about 7 years old. But we know, he would make you a wonderful companion."
More photos of Leroy here:
Adoption Process:
BARC Shelter (Brooklyn Animal Resource Coalition)
253 Wythe Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211
(718) 486-7489
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet

This Day in American History
1791-John Fitch granted a patent for a steamboat after a dispute on the invention, but it wasn't until 1814 that Fulton and Livingston started
steam boating when they began to offer regular steamboat service between New Orleans , Louisiana and Natchez , Mississippi . The boats traveled at the rates of eight miles per hour downstream and three miles per hour upstream. It revolutionized commerce in the area, eventually spreading up the entire Mississippi and other tributaries.
1839 - The slave ship Amistad was captured off Long Island. The U.S.S. Washington, a U.S. Navy brig, seized the Amistad York, and escorted it to New London, Connecticut.
1847 - Liberia was proclaimed an independent republic. Freed American slaves founded Liberia. They modeled their constitution after that of the US, copied the US flag, and named their capital Monrovia, after James Monroe, who financed early settlers. Over the decades 16,400 former slaves made the voyage. They assumed that the 16 native tribes were there to be exploited.
1862 - The stage is set for the Second Battle of Bull Run on this day when Confederate cavalry under General Fitzhugh Lee enter Manassas Junction and capture the rail center. From August 26 until the beginning of Second Bull Run on August 29, Pope's men searched for Jackson, who had hidden his army in the trees along Bull Run. On August 29, Jackson surprised Pope and the battle was on. The rest of Lee's army showed up, and the result was a major victory for the Confederacy.
1865 - Civil War ends with naval strength over 58,500 men and 600 ships.
1867-The National Teachers Association was organized at a national convention attended by representatives of state teachers' association, who met in the Hall of the Controllers of the Public Schools in Philadelphia, PA. the organization was intended “ to elevate the character and advance the interest of the profession of teaching and to promote the cause of popular education in the United Sates. John L. Enos was chairman. At the conventional held in Cleveland , OH , on August 15, 1870, the name was change dot the National Education Association.
1873-The birthday of DeForest Lee, a brilliant inventor, who's inventions include the electron tube, radio knife for surgery and the photoelectric cell and a pioneer in the creation of talking pictures and television. Born at Council Bluff, IA, DeForest was holder of hundreds of patents but perhaps best remembered by the moniker he gave himself in the title of his autobiography, “Father of Radio,” published in 1950. So unbelievable was the idea of wireless radio broadcasting that De Forest was accused of fraud and arrested for selling stock to underwrite his invention that late was to become an essential part of daily life. DeForest died at Hollywood , CA , June 30, 1961.
1873-The first public school kindergarten class started this day by the Board of Education of St. Louis, MO, and officially opened September, 1873 in the Des Peres School, with an enrollment of 42. Susan Elizabeth Blow was the teacher. Dr. William Torrey Harris was the superintendent of schools. The
concept first started in Germany , thus the name of this organized and public “pre-school” class.
1874--Birthday of Zona Gale was the first woman to have a play on Broadway and the first woman to win the Pulitzer (1921) for drama. An ardent feminist and activist. Her writing style evolved throughout her life and her later works appear to be the works of a different writer.
1883-The biggest explosion in historic time, the eruption of the Indonesian volcanic island, Karakatoa(Krakatau) was heard 3,000 miles away, created tidal waves 120 feet high ( killing 36,000 people), hurled five cubic miles of earth fragments into the air ( some to a height of 50 miles ) and effected the oceans and the atmosphere for years.
1901- The New Testament of the ASV (American Standard Version) Bible was first published. This U.S. edition of the 1881 English Revised Version (ERV) comprised the first major American Bible translation since the King James Version of 1611.
1903-August 26, Singer Jimmy Rushing Birthday
1904-Birthday of Christopher Ishherwood, who lived in the Pacific Palisades when I was growing up and we ran into him often in coffee shops with his close male companion. Isherwood was an author of short stories, plays and novels, born at High Lane Cheshire , England . The play and motion picture “I am a Camera” and the musical “Cabaret” were based on the short story, “Sally Bowles” in his collection from the 1930's titled “ Goodbye to Berlin,” which contained the line, “ I am a camera with its shutter open, quite passive, recording not thinking. “ Isherwood died at Santa Monica , CA , Jan 4, 1986.
1904-Birthday of alto sax player Buster Smith, born Ellis County, Texas.
1906-Birthday of American medical researcher Albert Bruce Sabin, born at Bialystok , Poland . He is most noted for his oral vaccine for polio, which replaced Jonas
Salk's injected vaccine because Sabin's provided lifetime protection. He was awarded the US National a Medal of Science in 1971. Sabin died March 3, 1993, at Washington , DC .
1920-The 19 th amendment was certified and became part of the US Constitution. Known as the Woman's Equality Act, it prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex with regard to voting. It was a long time coming, actually submitted in 1868 to Congress and at intervals thereafter without much success. It actually passed the Congress on May 21, 1919, and by the Senate on June 4. It was ratified by Illinois , Wisconsin , and Michigan on June 10. Tennessee was the 36 th state to ratify, on August 18, thus completing the necessary three-quarters of the states to put the amendment into effect. (not all the states ratified this amendment, by the way, while there were states that allowed women to vote in state and local elections, but not national elections ).
1924-Birthday of singer Frances Wayne, born Boston , MA .
1937- Pumping to build Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay is finished. The
original intention was to become the city airport, but holding the city's third World Fair took precedence.
1927--Birthday of 1827 Annie Turner Wittenmeyer who spent at least $130,000 of her own money and personally carried food and supplies to the front as well as to wounded soldiers in hospitals during the Civil War. She developed special diet kitchens for army hospitals because the food was so bad.
1939-The first major league baseball game to be shown on television was a double-header played at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn New York City between the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodges. Both games were televised by station W2XBS, New York City , using two cameras that alternated , according to the play. During the intermission, there were appearances by Leo Durocher, manager of the Dodges, William McKenchie, manager of the Reds, and several players. Walter Lanier “Red” Barber was the announcer.
1943-Birthday of Charles Isbell, Sr., author of This Day in Black History,
born, Chattanooga , Tennessee .
1943-William Dawson elected Black Democratic Party vice-presidential candidate.
1946-Birthday of composer, singer and producer Valerie Simpson Ashford.
1947 - Don Bankhead became the first black pitcher in major-league baseball this day. The Brooklyn Dodger hurler helped his own cause by slamming a home run in his first appearance at the plate.
1948-Valerie Simpson Bronx , singer, Ashford's partner (Like a Rock)
1950--HANDRICH, MELVIN O. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company C, 5th Infantry Regiment. Place and date: Near Sobuk San Mountain, Korea, 25 and 26 August 1950. Entered service at: Manawa, Wis. Born: 26 January 1919, Manawa, Wis. G.O. No.: 60, 2 August 1951. Citation: M/Sgt. Handrich, Company C, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action. His company was engaged in repulsing an estimated 150 enemy who were threatening to overrun its position. Near midnight on 25 August, a hostile group over 100 strong attempted to infiltrate the company perimeter. M/Sgt. Handrich, despite the heavy enemy fire, voluntarily left the comparative safety of the defensive area and moved to a forward position where he could direct mortar and artillery fire upon the advancing enemy. He remained at this post for 8 hours directing fire against the enemy who often approached to within 50 feet of his position. Again, on the morning of 26 August, another strong hostile force made an attempt to overrun the company's position. With complete disregard for his safety, M/Sgt. Handrich rose to his feet and from this exposed position fired his rifle and directed mortar and artillery fire on the attackers. At the peak of this action he observed elements of his company preparing to withdraw. He perilously made his way across fire-swept terrain to the defense area where, by example and forceful leadership, he reorganized the men to continue the fight. During the action M/Sgt. Handrich was severely wounded. Refusing to take cover or be evacuated, he returned to his forward position and continued to direct the company's fire. Later a determined enemy attack overran M/Sgt. Handrich's position and he was mortally wounded. When the position was retaken, over 70 enemy dead were counted in the area he had so intrepidly defended. M/Sgt. Handrich's sustained personal bravery, consummate courage, and gallant self-sacrifice reflect untold glory upon himself and the heroic traditions of the military service. 1950--HANDRICH, MELVIN O. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company C, 5th Infantry Regiment. Place and date: Near Sobuk San Mountain, Korea, 25 and 26 August 1950. Entered service at: Manawa, Wis. Born: 26 January 1919, Manawa, Wis. G.O. No.: 60, 2 August 1951. Citation: M/Sgt. Handrich, Company C, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action. His company was engaged in repulsing an estimated 150 enemy who were threatening to overrun its position. Near midnight on 25 August, a hostile group over 100 strong attempted to infiltrate the company perimeter. M/Sgt. Handrich, despite the heavy enemy fire, voluntarily left the comparative safety of the defensive area and moved to a forward position where he could direct mortar and artillery fire upon the advancing enemy. He remained at this post for 8 hours directing fire against the enemy who often approached to within 50 feet of his position. Again, on the morning of 26 August, another strong hostile force made an attempt to overrun the company's position. With complete disregard for his safety, M/Sgt. Handrich rose to his feet and from this exposed position fired his rifle and directed mortar and artillery fire on the attackers. At the peak of this action he observed elements of his company preparing to withdraw. He perilously made his way across fire-swept terrain to the defense area where, by example and forceful leadership, he reorganized the men to continue the fight. During the action M/Sgt. Handrich was severely wounded. Refusing to take cover or be evacuated, he returned to his forward position and continued to direct the company's fire. Later a determined enemy attack overran M/Sgt. Handrich's position and he was mortally wounded. When the position was retaken, over 70 enemy dead were counted in the area he had so intrepidly defended. M/Sgt. Handrich's sustained personal bravery, consummate courage, and gallant self-sacrifice reflect untold glory upon himself and the heroic traditions of the military service.
1957-The theme from the movie Tammy and the Bachelor, called simply "Tammy" by Debbie Reynolds sat at the top of both the Billboard record chart and Cashbox Magazine's best sellers list. Debbie was accompanied by only a piano on the single release, but the movie version included a full orchestra.
1957 - The Ford Motor Company rolled out the first Edsel automobile. 110,847 of the cars were built before Ford pulled the plug due to lack of sales. The car was named Edsel for the company founder's son, Edsel Bryant Ford.
1960-Birthday of musician Branford Marsalis, New Orleans , LA.
1961 - The NHL Hockey Hall of Fame opened in Toronto , Canada .
1964-Lyndon Baines Johnson was nominated at Democratic convention in Atlantic City , NJ , after assuming the presidency from the death of John F. Kennedy in 1968; Senator Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota was nominated for the vice-presidency. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution , a joint resolution approving U>S. action in Southeast Asia , was passed by Congress less than twenty days earlier. In September, the Warren Commission would report the assassination of John F. Kennedy was by one lone person, Harvey Oswald, and that Jack Ruby, convicted murdered of Oswald, had had no prior contact with Oswald. In November, Johnson would gain 486 electoral votes over Sen. Barry M. Goldwater, 52, with a popular vote split of 43,126,506 to 27, 176,799. The Democrats would gain one senate seat for a 68-32 majority, and 37 House seats for a 296-140 majority. Johnson would think it was his “hawk” stand and being a “leader” that got him the position, not the television ads of the atomic bomb explosions that told this would happen if Goldwater were chosen. The death of JFK was still in everyone's mind, and Johnson being sworn in with Jackie Kennedy on the airplane was vivid.
1966-13th Floor Elevator, Grace Slick and the Great Society, and Sopwith Camel at the San Francisco Fillmore Auditorium.
1966--After seeing caricature of himself on the scoreboard an angry Leo Durocher calls the Astrodome's press box to have it remove. When nothing is done, the enraged Cubs manager rips the phone out of the dugout wall and tosses it onto the infield.
1967--- The Beatles follow their favorite new lecturer, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to University College in Bangor, North Wales, along with Mick Jagger and his girlfriend Marianne Faithfull. After his lecture the group holds a press conference to announce that they've become his disciples in the "Spiritual Regeneration Movement" and officially renounced the use of all drugs.
1967-DAY, GEORGE E. Medal of Honor Rank and organization: Colonel (then Major), U.S. Air Force, Forward Air Controller Pilot of an F-100 aircraft. Place and date: North Vietnam, 26 August 1967. Entered service at: Sioux City, Iowa. Born: 24 February 1925, Sioux City, Iowa. Citation: On 26 August 1967, Col. Day was forced to eject from his aircraft over North Vietnam when it was hit by ground fire. His right arm was broken in 3 places, and his left knee was badly sprained. He was immediately captured by hostile forces and taken to a prison camp where he was interrogated and severely tortured. After causing the guards to relax their vigilance, Col. Day escaped into the jungle and began the trek toward South Vietnam. Despite injuries inflicted by fragments of a bomb or rocket, he continued southward surviving only on a few berries and uncooked frogs. He successfully evaded enemy patrols and reached the Ben Hai River, where he encountered U.S. artillery barrages. With the aid of a bamboo log float, Col. Day swam across the river and entered the demilitarized zone. Due to delirium, he lost his sense of direction and wandered aimlessly for several days. After several unsuccessful attempts to signal U.S. aircraft, he was ambushed and recaptured by the Viet Cong, sustaining gunshot wounds to his left hand and thigh. He was returned to the prison from which he had escaped and later was moved to Hanoi after giving his captors false information to questions put before him. Physically, Col. Day was totally debilitated and unable to perform even the simplest task for himself. Despite his many injuries, he continued to offer maximum resistance. His personal bravery in the face of deadly enemy pressure was significant in saving the lives of fellow aviators who were still flying against the enemy. Col. Day's conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Air Force and reflect great credit upon himself and the U.S. Armed Forces.
1967 -Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze was released. Are You Experienced? (1968) The greatest psychedelic blues ever conceived. Classic Albums - The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland DVD Great footage of Hendrix and The Experience. This DVD is a rare insight into one of the truest musical genius of the 20th century.
1968- the first national political convention to propose African-Americans for the offices of president and vice-president took place at the Democratic convention in Chicago , IL . Rv. Channing Emery Phillips of Washington ,DC, received 67.5 of the 2,622 votes. Julian Bond of Atlanta , GA , was nominated on August 29, but declined, as he did not fulfill the necessary age requirement. Once considered the rising star on the political arena, he has all but disappeared from national view.
1968-Jeannie C. Riley's "Harper Valley P.T.A." is certified Gold.
1968-Democratic Party Convention in Chicago: Yippie activist Abbie Hoffman protested a decision to forcibly drive people out of the park. Tom Hayden was arrested in the afternoon for a certain squad car incident. Hoffman and Jerry Rubin allegedly urged demonstrators to hold Lincoln Park. Rennie Davis urged demonstrators "Don't let the pigs take the hill (high ground near a statue in the park)". About 3,000 demonstrators gathered chanting, singing songs, and talking and were attacked by police with clubs and tear gas after the 11 pm curfew.Meanwhile Mayor Richard Daley opened the Democratic National Convention.
1968-- The Beatles releases "Hey Jude" b/w "Revolution"
1969--Although Elvis Presley has written a soprano part for backup singer Cissy Houston during "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" her actual live performance of it tonight at the International Hotel in Vegas strikes Elvis as amazingly funny for some reason, leading to a collector's classic: a performance where the King cannot stop laughing. "That's it, man, fourteen years right down the drain," he jokes as the song ends.
1970--In San Francisco, the Isle of Wight Pop Festival was underway; Jimi Hendrix made his last public appearance. Other Isle of Wight artists included The Who, John Sebastian, Donovan, Ten Years After, The Doors, Moody Blues, Kris Kristofferson, Miles Davis, Leonard Cohen, Tiny Tim, Emerson, Lake and Palmer, Joan Baez and Jethro Tull.
1970 - Jimi Hendrix opened his recording studio in New York City . Because of its state-of-the-art 36-track recording capability, it attracted many top rock groups.
1970-- After an all-night jam, the Allman Brothers' Duane Allman asks Eric Clapton if he can attend the recording sessions for his new group, Derek and the Dominoes. Clapton agrees, only on the condition that Allman also play on the sessions.
1978- Italian Cardinal Albino Luciani, 65, was elevated to the papacy as John Paul I. His unexpected death only 34 days later left a profound sadness for millions of people who had been drawn to him by his warm personality.
1978-Nearly sixteen years after he topped the US record charts with "Sherry", Frankie Valli had the number one song again, with the title track from the musical Grease. It went on to sell over 2 million in the States and was also a #3 hit in the UK.
1987 - The Fuller Brush Company announced plans to open two retail stores in Dallas , TX . This was a first for the company that had sold its products door to door for 81 years.
1987-Sonny Bono, who once said that he never voted until age 53, announced that he was running for mayor of Palm Springs, California. Sonny said he was frustrated over the red tape he faced for a remodeling project at his Italian restaurant. He would win the election in 1988 and serve until 1992. He failed in a Senate race later that year, but won a seat in Congress in 1996. Bono died in a skiing accident on January 6th, 1998, at the age of 62.
1988 - A dozen cities in Texas, Colorado and California reported record high temperatures for the date, including readings of 100 degrees at Pueblo CO, 106 degrees at Wichita Falls TX, and 109 degrees at Redding CA. Afternoon thunderstorms in Utah deluged the town of Beaver with more than an inch of rain in twenty minutes.
1992 - A no-fly zone was imposed on southern Iraq . Operation Southern Watch was orchestrated by the United States , France and Britain . The campaign supported U.N. Security Council resolutions containing Iraq , protecting Kuwait , and keeping pressure on Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime
1996 --With ten year, $20 million deal, Pro Player, the sports apparel division of Fruit of the Loom, becomes the first sports marketing and products company to have its name used as the moniker for a stadium. The renaming Joe Robbie Stadium, the home of the Florida Marlins, to Pro Player Stadium sparks controversy as many Miamians believe the name of the benefactor, whose name will be removed, should still be included due his generosity and efforts to fund the original project.
2002 -The first video streaming coverage of a major league baseball game takes place on the internet. Approximately 30,000 fans visit to see the Yankees defeat the Rangers, 10-3.
2002- Derek Jeter becomes only the third player to score at least 100 runs in his first seven major league seasons. The Yankees' shortstop joins Hall of Fame outfielders Ted Williams (Red Sox, 1939-49) and Earle Combs (Yankees, 1925-32) as the only big leaguers to accomplish the feat.
2003-Rolling Stone Magazine named Jimi Hendrix as the greatest guitarist in Rock history. Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, Chuck Berry, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Ry Cooder also made the top 10.
Baseball Poem
"I Dream of a Baseball Star"
by Gregory Corso
I dreamed Ted Williams
leaning at night
against the Eiffel Tower, weeping.
He was in uniform
and his bat lay at his feet
-- knotted and twiggy.
"Randall Jarrell says you're a poet!" I cried.
"So do I! I say you're a poet!"
He picked up his bat with blown hands;
stood there astraddle as he would in the batter's box,
and laughed! flinging his schoolboy wrath
toward some invisible pitcher's mound
-- waiting the pitch all the way from heaven.
It came; hundreds came! all afire!
He swung and swung and swung and connected not one
sinker curve hook or right-down-the middle.
A hundred strikes!
The umpire dressed in strange attire
thundered his judgment: YOU'RE OUT!
And the phantom crowd's horrific boo
dispersed the gargoyles from Notre Dame.
And I screamed in my dream:
God! throw thy merciful pitch!
Herald the crack of bats!
Hooray the sharp liner to left!
Yea the double, the triple!
Hosannah the home run!
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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