Wednesday, July 28, 2010

American Hall of Fame Basketball Player/ former three-term Democratic U.S. Senator from New Jersey, William Warren "Bill" Bradley born July 28, 1943 Crystal City, Missouri. He is a three-time basketball All-American at Princeton, an Olympic gold medalist, a Rhodes scholar, and a professional player for ten years with the New York Knicks. Elected to the Senate from New Jersey in 1978, 1984, and 1990, he has authored extensive legislation, including the Tax Reform Act of 1986. Bradley is the author of five other books: Time Present, Time Past, a New York Times bestseller about his life as a senator and his travels throughout the country; Values of the Game, another New York Times bestseller; The Journey from Here; The Fair Tax; and Life on the Run. |
Alert---Mark Anstett, InSpec Global Technologies
Classified Ads---Legal
Sun National Bank “Conservative Loan” to Allied Health
by Christopher Menkin
June Sales Statistics from ELFA and ELFF
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Mesa Leasing re-Joins Funder List/Story Credit List
Correction: Commercial Capital "Broker/Lessor" List
Sales makes it Happen---by S. Anthony Iannarino
"Where Sales Reps Really Go Wrong"
CIT Reports 2nd Q 2010 Net Income of $142 Million
Fingerprint Mobile Telephone Security
Phoenix, Arizona -- Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
NetSol Signs Contract w/ Major Auto Mfg. in China
BP taking $10 billion tax credit from Gulf spill
Gold falls to three-month low as economy jitters fade
Companies hold record $837B in cash
New Financial Regs. to Impact Collection Industry
Oracle's Ellison highest paid boss: WSJ
You May have Missed---
California Nuts Brief---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

Alert---Mark Anstett, InSpec Global Technologies, LLC

Former president of Equipment Acquisition Resources, Palatine, Illinois, named in the bankruptcy along with ex-convict Sheldon Player, as well as various complaints from creditors, including banks, has opened his own company: InSpec Global Technologies, LLC.
"InSpec Global Technologies acquires and sells pre-owned equipment, refurbish's equipment, offers peripherals and parts. Warranty and support included. Come back often to view our current inventory."
The charges in bankruptcy and complaints center around leases of the same used equipment many times, ghost equipment, as well as other performances.
Anstett's LinkedIn lists him as past president of "Equipment Acquisition," no address, and the current company has a web site with his name and address. The telephone is his cell telephone. Leasing News called, but did not receive a response.
Mark Anstett
InSpec Global Technologies, LLC
P.O. Box 286
Deerfield, IL 60015 USA
1-708-878-1994 cell
Skype Account name: markanstett
Equipment Acquisition Resources articles:
Sun National Bank “Conservative Loan” to Allied Health
by Christopher Menkin

Perhaps the problems started with Sun National Bank (NASDAQ-SNBC), Vineland, New Jersey, who had lent Allied Health Care Services, Orange, New Jersey, $15 million as well as extended other credit. Sun lost $17.1 million in 2009, compared to a $14.9 million profit in 2008. In April 2010, the bank signed an agreement with the OCC committing it to boost its capital base and revise its commercial credit, which it did, announcing an infusion of $100 million July 7th.
Charles Schwartz, president of Allied had been telling creditors, including banks, leasing companies, that he was negotiating a $15 million loan. What he didn't tell them was that his loan at Sun National Bank is in "work out," according to a highly reliable source.
February 9th, Leasing News issued an alert to learn more about this company. It came from an inquiry to Lease Police from a funder who had turned down the vendor, Donner Medical, for a lease to Allied Health Care Services, and the broker said he would provide another vendor who would present the invoice. The new vendor appeared on the Lease Police list as someone not to do business with. The funder had already turned the transaction down, but was curious about the new vendor. Bernie Boettingheimer, CLP, president of Lease Police, was in turn curious about Allied Health Care Services and called me up, saying he saw the problem, but couldn’t “nail it to the wall”--- had I ever heard of them. "No, but let me see what the readers can tell me."
Wow, I received over 50 telephone calls the next few days, several dozen emails, and spent the next basic two months talking with the callers, all off the record, as well as receiving financial statements, tax returns, and other information for an opinion.
In almost all the conversations, the bankers would start off, "My first impression is it looked too good to be true." Whether the creditors ever spoke to anyone at Sun National Bank was not covered, although the UCC shows a 11-18-2004 lien on "Inventory including proceeds and products - Accounts receivable including proceeds and products - Account(s) including proceeds and products - Computer equipment including proceeds and products - and OTHERS." The others, Leasing News is told, are all the personal and commercial real estate owned by Charles Schwartz, which Sun National has a lien. Whether this legally includes the pension fund is not known.
In speaking with the various creditors, they noted all the certificates of deposits. Perhaps they were checked "on line" through the banking system, but it appears no one asked the banks where they were domiciled if they were pledged or being secured for other loans and leases. The pledges and liens on real estate were not noted on the business or personal financial statements as seen by Leasing News, and noted by others, as well as the security held by Sun National.
Several verified the tax returns as being what was submitted to the IRS.
A reliable source in the industry, suggested we verify the serial numbers listed on the recent public UCC filings. Leasing News found the relatively sequential numbers odd as mentioned in previous articles, in addition an odd occurrence was the manner in which Allied was purchasing the units. Leasing News asked ourselves the following question: Why would a company buying such large quantities of equipment buy from a broker? Most companies buying such large quantities would find it easier, cheaper and beneficial to buy direct from the Manufacturer. The equipment was discontinued and most of the units purchased were “used,” although not disclosed on the invoices, although many creditors were told they were “refurbished.”
Leasing News called the manufacturers and discovered that none of the serial numbers we provided were real.
In checking out the marketplace, Leasing News found the respirators retailed from $995 to $1500, with the average price of $1250. These were for one unit, not a discount for more than one. The dealer, who rented them for $200 a month on a rental contract, including the care of the equipment with a free loaner, also offered at $256 a month and own at the end. In all the Allied transactions, they were purchased for $5,000 a piece. Due to the nature of the equipment, no sales tax or personal property tax, verified by both the New Jersey and New York law statutes.
The invoices were simple and many numbers in consecutive order; not all, but in groups. An industry source suggested that because of the nature of the equipment, the manufacturer is required to maintain serial numbers and records for all products sold including the LPV-120 and that the Manufacturer could verify the serial numbers provided by Allied and Donner Medical. What Leasing News found was that none of the serial numbers on the lists that we had could be validated raising the question: Does any equipment exist? Or is there something else going on between Allied and Donner? Did they actually buy equipment?
There is more to the report as well as other inside knowledge for a future article. Seven banks so far have filed complaints for non-payment and demand over $20 million at this date. Leasing News is aware of several more banks that are ready to file.
Calls to Charles Schwartz at Allied Health Care Services were not returned, as well as telephone and email calls to Noel R. Devine Director of Marketing, Sun National and

A. Bruce Dansbury, Executive Vice President,
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Credit Policy Officer, Sun National
The Sun National bank $100 million infusion of capital announced July 7th included billionaire Wilbur Ross, who now owns a 25 percent interest in the bank, as he invested $50 million, the Brown family contributed $30 million and other investors contributed $20 million.
Bernard A. Brown, 84, has been Sun’s chairman of board since its inception in January 1985. Directors Ike Brown, Sidney R. Brown, Anne E. Koons and Jeffrey S. Brown are his children. Brown also chairs NFI, a trucking conglomerate based in Vineland. Sidney Brown, 52, serves as Sun’s vice chairman and CEO of NFI.
According to Yahoo Finance, Bernard Brown owns 2 million shares as of June 30 while Sidney owns 380,844, Koons owns 408,815, Irwin Brown owns 276,368 shares and Jeffrey Brown owns 225,856 shares. Bernard A. Brown, 84, has been chairman of Sun’s board of directors since its inception in January 1985. Directors Ike Brown, Sidney R. Brown, Anne E. Koons and Jeffrey S. Brown are his children. Brown also chairs NFI, a trucking conglomerate based in Vineland. Sidney Brown, 52, serves as Sun’s vice chairman and CEO of NFI.
Sun Conservatively Managed:
Current Dun & Bradstreet Report on Allied Health:
7th Bank files against Allied Health Care Services:

(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
June Sales Statistics from ELFA and ELFF

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25)

Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (ELFF) Monthly Confidence Index (MCI-EFI)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Correction: Commercial Capital "Broker/Lessor" List

Due to a technical error, now corrected, this is being repeated with corrections.- Editor
As many "Broker/Lessors" have the ability, Commercial Capital works with a limited number of brokers, particularly in their specialties.
1988 |
15 |
Midwest states |
Not stated |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
A - City Business License | B- State License | C - Certified Leasing Professional | D - State(s) sales/use tax license |E - Named as "lessor" on 50% or more of lease contract signed. |
“Commercial Capital Company has been in business for over 25 years centrally located in Overland Park, Kansas, a suburb of Kansas City. Throughout our history, we have been known as the company that can get it done.
"Any financing company can work with typical capital equipment like construction equipment, vocational trucks, or manufacturing equipment. This type of equipment makes up 80% of our assets. We also provide service to industries that are poorly served by the financial industry. For example, we are one of the largest dairy cattle financing companies in the country. We can provide specialized financing such as receivable financing, and asset based financing. We have been a direct funding source for the majority of our history which has allowed us to finance out of the box businesses a bank wouldn’t touch or understand."
Commercial Capital Team:
Full List “A” Broker-Lessor:
Sales Makes It Happen---by S. Anthony Iannarino

Where Sales Reps Really Go Wrong
(reprinted from

Each day, the good people at Harvard Business Review are kind enough to send me an email message called The Daily Stat. Today’s stat is from The McKinsey Quarterly and it is right in our wheelhouse.
The email reads: “The ‘most destructive’ failures of business-to-business sales reps are too much contact with customers (35%) and inadequate product knowledge (20%), a McKinsey survey of sales targets indicates.”
The chart indicates that only 8% of clients complain of being ignored after signing the contract, 8% of salespeople are considered too aggressive, and 9% lack business or industry knowledge about the usefulness of their offering to their client’s business.
The remaining 20% is made up of inconsistent sales team, slow response to sale inquiries, too little contact, no help in organizing spending, no single point of contact, and no meaningful information sharing.
Too Much Communication? As If!
I am not privy to the survey questions or those surveyed, except that article notes that they surveyed 1,200 purchasing decision makers who buy high-tech products and services.
But even though I don’t have this information, I am going to disagree with the premise of “too much” communication. There isn’t such a thing as too much communication with your dream clients. The word “communication” itself should mean that it was a meaningful exchange. My experience tells me that it isn’t the frequency of the communication that is problematic; it is the fact that it is meaningless. It is the fact the communication attempt isn’t made with a meaningful and valuable outcome for the client in mind.
Where Sales Rep Really Go Wrong
Where sales reps go wrong is in under-communicating. They believe that it is necessary to “check in,” or to “touch base.” Their dream clients see these calls or visits as a waste of their valuable time, and the sales rep misses the opportunity to make the contact meaningful by not having an agenda and an outcome for every contact they make with their client.
If you have won the business, there are countless communications that provide you with the opportunity to meet with your dream client and add value. You can:
* review the progress on your implementation plan,
* review the progress you have made in creating the value you that you sold and that you promised,
* review your satisfaction scorecard from the existing quarter and discuss your new initiatives,
* or you can meet to explore other opportunities to create value that have appeared since you have started gathering an understanding of their business.
Too many salespeople think relationship building is based on acquiring a personal friendship alone. It isn’t. The personal friendship and trust is important, but it isn’t enough by itself and it must be coupled with the value that you create as a salesperson.
Striking the Right Balance
The article states:
Striking the right balance between contacting customers too much and too little requires understanding their stated and actual needs. There should be a clear strategy for reaching out to customers based on needs and profit potential, with schedules dictating frequency. The best contact calendars center around events that create value for customers, such as semiannual business reviews, which provide an opportunity to assess customer needs and ensure satisfaction. The key is to recognize that customers are also looking to lower their interaction costs, so any contact with them must be meaningful.
This isn’t right at all. Not even a little bit. Understanding their needs? Sure. Schedules to dictate frequency? Sure . . . if you think Custer had a pretty solid plan.
Meaningful, calendared events are a wonderful idea. But does your quarterly business review really indicate that you care deeply? Ever show up to one in which the problems your client brought up had been going on for 10 weeks? Did they call to complain? Nope. Should they have had to?
Frequency alone is rarely enough to be considered valuable, except when your presence makes all of the difference in the world. Your client has a major problem. You can’t fix it and you need someone else to. You show up anyway and make calls. Your presence says everything.
You have no reason to see your dream client decision-maker. You stop by and see all of the stakeholders to make sure they are receiving the value you sold them, no other reason. Your decision-maker has a concern about your offering and mentions it to a stakeholder. The stakeholder says: “I just saw him last week. We already made a change.” Same value 13 weeks from now? Not even close.
The right balance is to see your dream clients as frequently as possible with two restrictions. First, you cannot see them without taking on the responsibility of making it meaningful for them. Second, you cannot use your existing client business as a reason not to prospect and develop your pipeline.
Most salespeople, if they are guilt of anything with their dream clients, it is under-communicating, not over-communicating. Clients want to spend time with you, but you have to make it meaningful. Here’s how.
1. Are you clients more likely to die of suffocation or of neglect?
2. Do you hope that by hanging around you can develop a personal connection and that that alone will secure your dream client’s business?
3. How do you make each and every call you make meaningful for your dream client?
4. Do you wait for a scheduled opportunity to see your dream clients or do you work to create valuable, meaningful, business relationship nurturing events that you dream client can’t wait to be a part of?
(614) 212-4279


### Press Release ############################
CIT Reports Second Quarter 2010 Net Income of $142 Million; $0.71 Per Diluted Share

Continued Progress Advancing Corporate Initiatives:
Increased capital and built reserves:
Tier 1 ratio over 17%
Book value over $43 per share
Debt reduced $3 billion
Continued to extend credit to small and middle market businesses
New business volume up 14% to over $1 billion
NEW YORK—CIT, a leading provider of financing to small businesses and middle market companies, today reported net income for the quarter ended June 30, 2010 of $142.1 million, $0.71 per diluted share, up from $97.3 million and $0.49 per diluted share last quarter.

Chairman/Chief Executive Officer
“During the second quarter we continued to advance our key corporate initiatives,” said John A. Thain, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “We improved our funding flexibility, repaid higher cost debt, streamlined our portfolio and largely completed the build-out of our senior management team. We remain committed to increasing the value of our commercial franchises and supporting the small business and middle market sectors that are vital to the U.S. economy."
Summary of Financial Results
Net income increased from the quarter ended March 31, 2010, as gains on sales of assets and recoveries of pre-FSA charged-off receivables more than offset a higher provision for credit losses and costs for an employee retention program announced last quarter. The second quarter results include pre-tax net accretion and lower depreciation of $407 million resulting from fresh start accounting (“FSA”) balance sheet adjustments recorded in December 2009.
Net interest revenue declined $31 million on lower financing assets and less net FSA accretion. However, total net revenues1 increased 28% sequentially as an increase in other income offset the decline in net interest revenue.
Net finance revenue1 (which includes operating lease rentals and depreciation) as a percentage of average earning assets was 4.03% compared to 4.09% last quarter and includes a 3.72% benefit from FSA. Excluding the impacts from FSA and prepayment penalty fees on high cost debt, margin was 0.68% up slightly from the first quarter.
Other income (excluding operating lease rentals) increased from last quarter due to gains on receivable sales and recoveries on receivables charged-off prior to the adoption of FSA. The prior quarter included losses on foreign currency exposures that were largely hedged during the second quarter.
Operating expenses increased from the first quarter as costs related to an employee retention program established last quarter more than offset declines in all other expense categories.
Continued focus on balance sheet optimization resulted in total assets declining $3.1 billion to $54.9 billion. Strategic asset sales, net portfolio collections and $800 million in new financings, enabled the pay down of $3 billion of debt. New business volume of over $1 billion was up 14% from last quarter. Assets held for sale declined during the quarter as the Company completed the sales of its Australia and New Zealand vendor business and approximately $580 million of student lending receivables.
Preliminary Tier 1 and Total Capital ratios improved to 17.2% and 17.9%, respectively, from 15.5% and 15.9% at March 31, 2010, benefiting from both growth in common equity and a decline in risk-weighted assets.
Full Press Release with Financial Statement here:
Conference Call Transcript:
#### Press Release #############################
Fingerprint Mobile Telephone Security

Yesterday's admission from Citigroup that they discovered a flaw with their iPhone mobile enterprise application, clearly presents the case for strong authentication on mobile devices. While consumer adoption of mobile banking is just one example why stronger mobile security measures are necessary, there are many, many more - worker logging onto his Company's secure server from his/ hers mobile device, and a consumer logging on to conduct any financial transaction.
Yesterday's New York Times article on Citigroup's mishap stated, "an incident that highlights the growing security challenges around wireless apps".
The Times also stated, "Mobile banking is a popular and fast-growing activity on smart phones. The Citi Mobile app, currently the 11th most popular app in the finance category of Apple's App Store, allows customers to check balances, transfer funds and pay bills. The glitch highlights the security challenges that are emerging as cell phones grow more sophisticated and consumers increasingly use them to organize their lives. John Hering, chief executive of mobile security provider Lookout, said his company is discovering more apps that could inadvertently expose or leak personal information, such as location information and phone numbers."
BIO-key International is unveiling its first ever mobile biometric identification and authentication platform. The mobility platform provides enterprises with the ability to capture and transmit fingerprint biometric data to a secure server for identity and authentication of Smartphone, laptop, tablet and desktop users.
In short, you will have the ability to use your fingerprint, to ID you through your mobile device, to an enterprise's secure server. No passwords, keys or tokens... just your finger. This would effectively negate the majority of security issues associated with mobile enterprise ID.
Enterprise Application Providers Can Now Easily Add Biometrics for Strong Authentication of Smartphone Users
WALL, N.J., / -- BIO-key International, Inc. (OTC Bulletin Board: BKYI.OB ), a leader in finger-based biometric identification solutions today announced the company will be unveiling its first ever mobile biometric identification and authentication platform that provides enterprises with the ability to capture and transmit fingerprint biometric data to a secure server for identity and authentication of Smartphone, laptop, tablet and desktop users today, Wednesday, July 28 , from 6:00 to 9:30PM, in Oracle Corporation’s Hospitality Suite at the Burton Group Catalyst Conference held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, CA.
“We live in a world with 24 by 7 access to information from mobile devices. Application providers and enterprise IT professionals have been struggling with how they can quickly, conveniently and accurately establish the identity of remote users looking to access their sites and applications,” said Mike DePasquale, CEO of BIO-key International. “With the anticipated ubiquity of fingerprint enabled Smartphone's such as the LG eXpo, the first such smartphone introduced in the US market, enterprise application providers now have a more secure and convenient alternative to passwords for their remote users to establish their identity,”
BIO-key partners including Oracle, IBM, Computer Associates and Evidian, who have added BIO-key’s biometric identity solution into their offerings, can now provide their enterprise customers a fast, secure and convenient way to assure their users identities to access enterprise applications through smartphones
BIO-key is a Gold level member of the Oracle® Partner Network. “The fact that BIO-key’s software is interoperable with numerous fingerprint readers is an important feature for Oracle because it enables enterprises to more easily establish identity remotely on a variety of devices – from laptops to tablets to cell phones,” said Darren Calman, director of product management, Oracle Identity & Access Management. “Software that can enroll, identify and verify mobile users is critical to our customers with today’s work force.”
According to IDC’s May 2010 Worldwide Mobile Phone Quarterly Tracker report, growth in the smartphone market more than doubled that of the overall mobile phone market in the first quarter this year, stating vendors shipped a total of 54.7 million units in the first quarter of 2010 (1Q10), up 56.7% from the same quarter the year prior. Furthermore, a March 2010 Nielson report predicted that smartphones will become the standard device by the end of 2011, with the number of smartphones in the U.S. exceeding mobile phones.
“Cell phone manufacturers recognize that passwords and PIN codes are not sufficient to secure a cell phone user’s personal data or provide secure access to company networks and servers. Over 10 million mobile phones have now added fingerprint readers from AuthenTec into manufacturers’various models to take advantage of the convenient security, personalization and touch control combined with very low solution implementation cost and we see deployments continuing to grow,” said Larry Ciaccia, President of AuthenTec, a leading provider of security, identity management and touch control solutions.
“The BIO-key fingerprint biometric software protects user privacy while providing a convenient and significantly more secure alternative to passwords and tokens for a person remotely accessing an enterprise application. With the simple touch of a finger and without the need for other forms of identification, BIO-key's identification software can quickly search an enterprise database of authorized users to positively establish the identity of a remote user,” added Dr. Ronald D. Black, Chairman and CEO, UPEK a leader in enterprise and consumer biometric fingerprint solutions.
“Smartphones provide enterprise users with further flexibility to access applications and information from virtually anywhere and at anytime;” commented Rob Baxter, CEO, Validity, Inc, a leading provider of convenient, secure and reliable fingerprint authentication solutions. “BIO-key’s biometric enterprise identification platform ensures quick and secure identification of enterprise users from any device running on any platform without the inconvenience of typing passwords, and giving enterprises the reliability and security to include smartphones as part of their IT solution,” he added
The Burton Group Catalyst Conference, is a five-day, industry-shaping conference that explores cutting-edge ideas, current challenges as well as emerging technologies shaping today’s and tomorrow’s enterprise. This event is renowned for its attendee-driven agenda, high-profile speakers, in-depth content and fiercely independent point of view. On Wednesday from 6:00 to 9:30 PM, in the Oracle hospitality suite, BIO-key will demonstrate how a user can establish identity on the Oracle Identity Management platform over smartphones and laptops to gain access to data and applications.
Mr. DePasquale concluded, “For years our fingerprint biometric identity solutions have been running in retail, financial, healthcare, education and civil applications using laptops, tablets and desktops equipped with fingerprint readers to authenticate the identity of users. Now, with the proliferation of smartphones, BIO-key has a fast, secure and convenient identity and authentication solution for businesses that need to establish the identity of smartphone users before giving them access to applications and critical information.”
About BIO-key
BIO-key International, Inc., headquartered in Wall, New Jersey, develops and delivers advanced identification solutions to commercial and government enterprises, integrators, and custom application developers. BIO-key’s award winning, high performance, scalable, cost-effective and easy-to-deploy biometric finger identification technology accurately identifies and authenticates users of wireless and enterprise applications. Our solutions are used in local embedded OEM products as well as some of the world’s largest identification deployments to improve security, guarantee identity, and help reduce identity theft. BIO-key’s technology is offered directly or by market leading partners around the world. (
About Oracle PartnerNetwork
Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) Specialized is the latest version of Oracle's partner program that provides partners with tools to better develop, sell and implement Oracle solutions. OPN Specialized offers resources to train and support specialized knowledge of Oracle products and solutions and has evolved to recognize Oracle's growing product portfolio, partner base and business opportunity. Key to the latest enhancements to OPN is the ability for partners to differentiate through Specializations. Specializations are achieved through competency development, business results, expertise and proven success. To find out more visit
Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates.
About AuthenTec
AuthenTec (NASDAQ:AUTH), provides security, identity management and touch control solutions for enterprise and consumer applications. The Company's smart sensor products and security solutions are used in virtually every aspect of life, from the PC on your desk to the mobile device in your hand to the server in the cloud. AuthenTec's newest generation of TruePrint® smart sensors, TrueSuite® identity management software and TrueProtect™ embedded security products (formerly SafeNet Embedded Security Solutions) provide developers and users secure and convenient ways to manage today's rapidly evolving digital identities and security needs. For more information, visit or follow us at
About UPEK
UPEK, Inc. (“UPEK”) is a privately held company. UPEK is a leader in enterprise and consumer biometric fingerprint solutions. UPEK authentication hardware and software are integrated into laptops from the world's top five largest PC makers, as well as USB flash drives, external hard disk drives, and mobile phones from leading manufacturers. UPEK's ecosystem of over 100 hardware and software partners enables strong authentication solutions for market verticals including healthcare, banking, education, and government. UPEK offers the only silicon-based fingerprint sensor that is FIPS 201 certified for authentication of millions of US government employees and contractors. UPEK also provides consumer packaged goods including the CES award-winning Eikon Digital Privacy Manager, the only fingerprint reader on the market that supports PCs and Macs. UPEK products make your digital world safe and personal. For more info, visit
About Validity
Headquartered in San Jose, California, Validity, Inc. develops the world's most durable, flexible and highest performing biometric fingerprint solution for information, communication and entertainment devices. Validity's biometric security products enable convenient, secure and affordable solutions for Identity Validation™, including features such as password replacement, identity verification, centralized management for corporate network security, secure wireless transactions, protection of portable data, and physical access control.
#### Press Release #############################
Phoenix, Arizona--Adopt-a-Dog

"Poe is a 4 year old yellow boy. He came from a home with 4 children and gets along well with them. He’s a typical young lab with a lot of energy. Poe likes being around other dogs and uses the doggie door.
He is a smart, expressive boy who knows sit, down, roll, give paw, come, wait, off, lay down and he will go outside and wait at the door when you tell him to. He is slender and has short hair. We believe he may be mixed with a pointer and he will point at times. It is very cute.
He would be a good jogging partner and will do best in an active home where he gets a lot of exercise. Poe loves to cuddle and would be happy to sleep in your bed although he is also happy on a dog bed. He is also being crate trained in his foster home."
Adoption Process:
Here are other dogs available for adoption:
AZ Labrador & Giant Breed Rescue, Inc
P.O. Box 26116
Phoenix, AZ. 85068-6116
(602) 307-LABS
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet

This Day in American History
1746-Thomas Heyward birthday, American Revolutionary soldier, signer of the Declaration of Independence. Died Mar 6, 1809.
1777-Vermont enacted the first universal voting rights to freemen without restriction as to property or wealth. The state constitution adopted at a general convention at Windsor, VT., permitted all freemen who were natural-born citizens over 21 years of age to elect officers and to be elected to office.
1841- Forces from the national bank movement received a glimmer of hope as the Senate narrowly passed the Fiscal Bank Bill. An initiative of the embattled Whig party, this bill called for the creation of the Fiscal Bank of the United States, a federal financial institution to be located in the District of Columbia. The bank's starchy name barely disguised the ideological intent of its inventors: the Whigs sought nothing less than the revival of the Second Bank of the United States, the ill-fated institution that Andrew Jackson had putatively killed in the name of states' rights earlier in the 1830s. The bill to establish a Fiscal Bank of the U.S. was introduced in the Senate, an approved this day by the Senate and the House, August 6. For a brief spell during the summer of 1841, it looked as though the Whigs would have their day; however, despite the Fiscal Bank Bill passing through the House in early August, the legislation--and its Whig advocates--was doomed to failure. On August 16, President John Tyler, a staunch state supporter, announced that he was vetoing the bill. The legislation bounced back to the Senate, but the Whigs failed to marshal sufficient support to override Tyler's veto.
The Whig leadership was enraged by Tyler’s veto. They believed Tyler had agreed to sign the bill and that he had reneged on a promise
1819 - A small but intense hurricane passed over Bay Saint Louis, MS. The hurricane was considered the worst in fifty years. Few houses were left standing either at Bay Saint Louis or at Pass Christian, and much of the Mississippi coast was desolate following the storm. A U.S. cutter was lost along with its thirty-nine crew members. The storm struck the same area that was hit 150 years later by Hurricane Camille.
1858-Four British and American ships spliced a telegraph cable together on this day in 1858, then set sail for home the following day. The cable was laid out until the ships reached Ireland and Newfoundland. The cable, which stretched more than 1,950 miles and was laid as deep as two miles under the ocean in some places, established transatlantic telegraph communication, and an initial message was exchanged by President James Buchanan and Queen Victoria in August. However, the cable's weak signal was insufficient for regular communication and service ended on September 1.
1864-Confederates under General John Bell Hood make a third attempt to break General William T. Sherman's hold on Atlanta. Like the first two, this attack failed, destroying the Confederate Army of Tennessee's offensive capabilities. Hood had replaced Joseph Johnston as commander of the Army of Tennessee on July 18, 1864, because Johnston had failed to keep Sherman away from Atlanta. Upon assuming command of the army, Hood quickly scrapped Johnston's defensive strategy and attacked Sherman, first on July 20 at Peachtree Creek, and then on July 22 at the Battle of Atlanta. Both failed, but that did not deter Hood from making another attempt to break the Union hold on the important Southern city. When Sherman sent General Oliver O. Howard southeast of Atlanta to cut the Macon and Western Railroad, one of the remaining supply lines, Hood sent Stephen D. Lee's corps to block the move. Lee attacked at Ezra Church, but the battle did not go as planned for the Confederates. Instead of striking the Union flank, Lee's corps hit the Union center, where the Yankee troops were positioned behind barricades made from logs and pews taken from the church. Throughout the afternoon, Lee made several attacks on the Union lines. Each was turned back, and Lee was not able to get around the Union flank. The battle was costly for an army that was already outnumbered. Lee lost 3,000 men to the Union's 630. More important, Hood lost his offensive capability. For the next month, he could do no more than sit in trenches around Atlanta and wait for Sherman to deal him the knockout blow.
1868-14th amendment ratified, former slaves become United States citizens.
Having been ratified by the required two-thirds of the states, the 14th Amendment is added to the US Constitution. The amendment extends citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States’ including former slaves recently emancipated by the 13th Amendment. It also ensures that not state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
1868 - Pres. Johnson signed the Burlingame Treaty. It was negotiated by Anson Burlingame, who represented the interests of China, and committed the US to a policy of noninterference in Chinese affairs. It also established commercial ties and provided unrestricted immigration of Chinese to the US.
1896 - The city of Miami, Fla., was incorporated.
1900 -- Louis Lassen of Louis' Lunch in New Haven, Conn., reportedly created the hamburger sandwich when he tossed a grilled beef patty between two slices of white bread for a customer in a hurry.
1901-Birthday of Rudy Valle. American singer, saxophone player and radio idol of millions during the 1930s. Born Hubert Prior Vallee, at Island Pond, VT, the crooner used a megaphone to amplify his voice and introduced his performances with the salutation, "Heigh-ho-everybody!" Vallee appeared in a number of movies, including How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying. Among his best-remembered songs are "I'm Just a Vagabond Lover," "Cheerful Little Earful," "Say It Isn't So" and his signature song, "My Time Is Your Time." Vallee died at age 84 at North Hollywood, CA, July 3, 1986. 1891-Birthday of blues singer Mary McBride, Algiers, LA
1903-The Saint Luke Penny Savings Bank, Richmond, VA, was founded by the first bank president who was a woman, Maggie Lena Walker, the daughter of an African-American salve. It had a paid-in capital of $25,000. The first day’s deposits exceeded $8,000. the bank later became the Consolidated Bank and Trust Company. She died December 15, 1934.
1904-brithday of Ikey Banjo” Robinson, Dublin VA. Died Oct 25, 1990
1914-World War I beings. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian nationalist June 28, 1914, touching off the conflict that became WWI. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia July 28, the formal beginning of the war. Within weeks, Germany entered the war on the side of Austria-Hungary and Russia, France and Great Britain on the side of Serbia.
1915 - US forces invaded Haiti and stayed until 1924.
1907- Birthday of Leon Prima trumpet New Orleans LA, died 1985.
older brother of Louis Prima was also a trumpeter & band leader; Leon ran several Bourbon Street night spots, including the Shim Sham Club (229 Bourbon) and the 500 Club (whose house band was led by Sam Butera - before Sam headed to Las Vegas to join Louis Prima's band in 1954)
1918-MANNING, SIDNEY E. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army Company G, 167th Infantry, 42d Division. Place and date: Near Breuvannes, France, 28 July 1918. Entering service at: Flomaton, Ala. Born: 17 July 1892, Butler County, Ala. G.O. No.: 44, W.D., 1919. Citation: When his platoon commander and platoon sergeant had both become casualties soon after the beginning of an assault on strongly fortified heights overlooking the Ourcq River, Cpl. Manning took command of his platoon, which was near the center of the attacking line. Though himself severely wounded he led forward the 35 men remaining in the platoon and finally succeeded in gaining a foothold on the enemy's position, during which time he had received more wounds and all but 7 of his men had fallen. Directing the consolidation of the position, he held off a large body of the enemy only 50 yards away by fire from his automatic rifle. He declined to take cover until his line had been entirely consolidated with the line of the platoon on the front when he dragged himself to shelter, suffering from 9 wounds in all parts of the body.
1924-Birthday of tenor sax player Corky Corcoran, Tacoma, WA Died October 3, 1979.
1929-birthday of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis. She studied at Vassar, the Sorbonne, and George Washington University before marrying John Kennedy.
She was basically a shy and retiring person who was hounded by the paparazzi. She was particularly admired for her dignified elegance and cool composure after the assassination (Nov. 22, 1963) of her husband President John F. Kennedy.
She is buried next to JFK and her first son at Arlington cemetery. She became a working editor for a major publishing company and raised her two Kennedy children away from the public eye and away from scandal.
(lower half of: )
1930 -114ø F (46ø C), Greensburg, Kentucky (state record)
1931-Congress makes "The Star-Spangled Banner" our 2nd national anthem
1932- Some 15,000 unemployed veterans of World War I marched on Washington, DC, in the summer of 1932, demanding payment of a war bonus. After two months' encampment in Washington's Anacostia Flats, eviction of the bonus marchers by the US Army was ordered by President Herbert Hoover. Under the leadership of General Douglas MacArthur, Major Dwight D. Eisenhower and Major George S. Patton, Jr (among others), cavalry, tanks and infantry attacked. Fixed bayonets, tear gas and the burning of the veterans' tents hastened the end of the confrontation. One death was reported.
1933- The first singing telegram, said to have been delivered to singer Rudy Vallee on his 32nd birthday. Early singing telegrams often were delivered in person by uniformed messengers on bicycle. Later they were usually sung over the telephone.
1934- 118ø F (48ø C), Orofino, Idaho (state record)
1936-Birthday of bassist Jim Hughart Minneapolis MN,,446232,00.html
1938 -For the second consecutive day, Hank Greenberg hits two homers in one day. The Tiger first baseman will hit two home runs in the same game a record setting eleven times during the season.
1939 - Accompanied by the Victor Young Orchestra, Judy Garland sang one of the most famous songs of the 20th century. The song "Over the Rainbow," recorded for Decca Records, became Garland's signature tune and will forever be linked with the singing actress. For those who don't know, "Rainbow" was featured as the musical highlight of the hit movie, "The Wizard of Oz".
1941 - Judy Garland, 19, married composer David Rose, 31, in Las Vegas on this date. It was Garland's first marriage.
1943-Birthday of William Warren “Bill” Bradley, former US senator , presidential candidate, and Basketball Hall of Fame forward, born Crystal City, MO.
1943---MORGAN, JOHN C. (Air Mission) Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Corps, 326th Bomber Squadron, 92d Bomber Group. Place and date: Over Europe, 28 July 1943. Entered service at: London, England. Born: 24 August 1914, Vernon, Tex. G.O. No.: 85, 17 December 1943. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty, while participating on a bombing mission over enemy-occupied continental Europe, 28 July 1943. Prior to reaching the German coast on the way to the target, the B17 airplane in which 2d Lt. Morgan was serving as copilot was attacked by a large force of enemy fighters, during which the oxygen system to the tail, waist, and radio gun positions was knocked out. A frontal attack placed a cannon shell through the windshield, totally shattering it, and the pilot's skull was split open by a .303 caliber shell, leaving him in a crazed condition. The pilot fell over the steering wheel, tightly clamping his arms around it. 2d Lt. Morgan at once grasped the controls from his side and, by sheer strength, pulled the airplane back into formation despite the frantic struggles of the semiconscious pilot. The interphone had been destroyed, rendering it impossible to call for help. At this time the top turret gunner fell to the floor and down through the hatch with his arm shot off at the shoulder and a gaping wound in his side. The waist, tail, and radio gunners had lost consciousness from lack of oxygen and, hearing no fire from their guns, the copilot believed they had bailed out. The wounded pilot still offered desperate resistance in his crazed attempts to fly the airplane. There remained the prospect of flying to and over the target and back to a friendly base wholly unassisted. In the face of this desperate situation, 2d Lt. Officer Morgan made his decision to continue the flight and protect any members of the crew who might still be in the ship and for 2 hours he flew in formation with one hand at the controls and the other holding off the struggling pilot before the navigator entered the steering compartment and relieved the situation. The miraculous and heroic performance of 2d Lt. Morgan on this occasion resulted in the successful completion of a vital bombing mission and the safe return of his airplane and crew.
1945---Top Hits
The More I See You - Dick Haymes
Dream - The Pied Pipers
Sentimental Journey - The Les Brown Orchestra (vocal: Doris Day)
Oklahoma Hills - Jack Guthrie
1949-Birthday of Vida Rochell Blue, former baseball player, born Mansfield, LA.
1951-“Sammy Kaye” television show premiers. CBS's musical program hosted by bandleader Sammy Kaye swayed audiences to swinging tunes on Saturday nights.
1953---Top Hits
Song from Moulin Rouge - The Percy Faith Orchestra
April in Portugal - The Les Baxter Orchestra
I’m Walking Behind You - Eddie Fisher
It’s Been So Long - Webb Pierce
1954 - "Billboard's" top spot on the pop singles chart went to The Crew Cuts with "Sh-Boom." The song was a cover of a rhythm and blues recording by The Chords, it would stay at the #1 spot for seven weeks. Many people consider this song to be the first rock ’n’ roll record. It wasn’t the first ... rock and roll had made it to the music scene long before this. In fact, The Boswell Sisters recorded a song titled, "Rock and Roll" in 1934. However, "Sh-Boom" was the first rock ’n’ roll record to make it to the top of the pop charts. (The Chords’ version became the first rock-related hit in Great Britain.) Purists consider "Rock Around the Clock" to be the first, true #1 rock ’n’ roll hit. However, it didn’t hit the top of the charts until one year after "Sh-Boom".
1954 - Walt Disney's Alice in Wonderland was released in theaters. The animated film took five years to complete at an estimated cost of $3 million (1951). Elia Kazan's powerful film, On the Waterfront, starring Marlon Brando, premiered in New York. It later won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.
1957- Jerry Lee Lewis makes his television debut on "The Steve Allen Show." Lewis is booked for two more appearances.
1958 - Three years after "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White" reached #1, Cuban- born bandleader Perez Prado was again at #1 with "Patricia". Because of his Latin inspired instrumentals, Prado was known as the Mambo King.
1961---Top Hits
Tossin’ and Turnin’ - Bobby Lewis
The Boll Weevil Song - Brook Benton
Yellow Bird - Arthur Lyman Group
Heartbreak U.S.A. - Kitty Wells
1962- Tommy Roe's "Sheila" enters the Hot 100 at #93. It will top the charts by September 1.
1964-Spacestone Ranger photo’s from the moon. Unmanned moon probe transmitted back to Earth 4,308 close-up photographs of moon.
1965 - President Lyndon B. Johnson announces that he has ordered an increase in U.S. military forces in Vietnam, from the present 75,000 to 125,000. Johnson also said that he would order additional increases if necessary. He pointed out that to fill the increase in military manpower needs, the monthly draft calls would be raised from 17,000 to 35,000.
1996-The Tokens record "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", which will reach the US pop chart in November and climb to number one by Christmas. The song was originally a hit in South Africa in 1939 for its writer, Solomon Linda, under its original title "Mbube" (pronounced EEM-boo-beh) which means "Lion".
1968--*CARON, WAYNE MAURICE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Hospital Corpsman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Headquarters and Service Company, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, 28 July 1968. Entered service at: Boston, Mass. Born: 2 November 1946, Middleboro, Mass. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as platoon corpsman with Company K, during combat operations against enemy forces. While on a sweep through an open rice field HC3c. Caron's unit started receiving enemy small arms fire. Upon seeing 2 marine casualties fall, he immediately ran forward to render first aid, but found that they were dead. At this time, the platoon was taken under intense small-arms and automatic weapons fire, sustaining additional casualties. As he moved to the aid of his wounded comrades, HC3c. Caron was hit in the arm by enemy fire. Although knocked to the ground, he regained his feet and continued to the injured marines. He rendered medical assistance to the first marine he reached, who was grievously wounded, and undoubtedly was instrumental in saving the man's life. HC3c. Caron then ran toward the second wounded marine, but was again hit by enemy fire, this time in the leg. Nonetheless, he crawled the remaining distance and provided medical aid for this severely wounded man. HC3c. Caron started to make his way to yet another injured comrade, when he was again struck by enemy small-arms fire. Courageously and with unbelievable determination, HC3c. Caron continued his attempt to reach the third marine until he was killed by an enemy rocket round. His inspiring valor, steadfast determination and selfless dedication in the face of extreme danger, sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.
1969---Top Hits
In the Year 2525 - Zager & Evans
Crystal Blue Persuasion - Tommy James & The Shondells
My Cherie Amour - Stevie Wonder
Johnny B. Goode - Buck Owens
1972-Spacelab 3. Alan L. Bean, Owen K. Garriott and Jack R. Lousma started 59-day mission in the space station to test man's space flight endurance. Pacific splashdown Sept 25.
1973 - Exactly one year after their first date, television’s "Six Million Dollar Man", Lee Majors, married "Charlie’s Angels", Farrah Fawcett. On the campus of the University of Texas, newly Farrah Fawcett-Majors was deemed one of the 10 most beautiful. Farrah and Majors are no longer married.
1973-One of the largest rock festivals of all time is held at the Watkins Glen raceway. More than 600,000 show up for one day of music with the Grateful Dead, the Band and the Allman Brothers.
1976- Steve Miller Band's "Fly Like an Eagle" goes gold, on its way to platinum. The album features huge hits as the title track (which makes it to number two), "Rock'n Me" (goes number one later in the year), "Jet Airliner" (#8 in 1977) and "Take the Money and Run" (#11 this month).
1977---Top Hits
Looks like We Made It - Barry Manilow
I Just Want to Be Your Everything - Andy Gibb
I’m in You - Peter Frampton
It was Almost like a Song - Ronnie Milsap
1979- Cubs' slugger Dave Kingman becomes the sixth player in major league history to hit three home runs in one game twice in one season. The Mets win the game, 6-4.
1984 - In Southern California, the 23rd Summer Olympic Games opened at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The head of the United States Olympic Committee, Peter V. Uberroth, welcomed 7,800 athletes from 140 nations in 3-1/2 hour long opening ceremonies.
1984- Pete Rose passes Ty Cobb as the all-time single leader as he collects his 3,053rd off Steve Carlton in a 6-1 Expo victory over the Phillies.
1985---Top Hits
Everytime You Go Away - Paul Young
Shout - Tears For Fears
You Give Good Love - Whitney Houston
Love Don’t Care (Whose Heart It Breaks) - Earl Thomas Conley
1988 - Thunderstorms drenched Wilmington, NC, with 3.33 inches of rain, bringing their monthly total 14.46 inches. Seven cities in Michigan and Minnesota reported record high temperatures for the date. Marquette, MI, hit 99 degrees, and the record high of 94 degrees at Flint MI was their tenth of the month
1991-Dennis Martinez of the Montreal Expos pitched a perfect game, defeating the Los Angeles Dodgers,2-0, in Dodgers Stadium.
1994 - Coincidences abounded in major league baseball. Kenny Rogers tossed major league's 14th perfect game in history on what was three years to the day since the previous time this same event happened. This time it was in an American League game where Texas beat California, 4-0. Ten years before on September 30, 1984, the same two teams played when the 11th perfect game was pitched. Mike Witt was the pitcher and the winning team was reversed.
1996 - A pipe bomb hidden in a backpack exploded during evening festivities at the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, killing 2 people and injuring more than 100. The explosion occurred around 1:00 a.m., which doubtlessly prevented more Olympic visitors from being killed or injured. The F.B.I. was investigating leads.
1998- Sammy Sosa hits his first career grand slam establishing the mark for most career homers before hitting a grand slam (246).
1998 - Monument Records released the Dixie Chicks' country single "Wide Open Spaces".
1999- Pete Townshend plays at the Supper Club in New York to showcase his upcoming album, Pete Townshend Live: A Benefit For Maryville Academy. Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder joins Townshend on stage to perform a number of songs including "Magic Bus," "Heart To Hang Onto" and the Pearl Jam classic, "Better Man."
2000- Toronto skipper Jim Fregosi wins his 1,000th game as a big league manager as the Blue Jays beat the
Mariners, 7-2.
2002-- During his induction speech at the Hall of Fame ceremonies in Cooperstown, with the song Somewhere Over the Rainbow playing in the background and a copy of 'The Wizard of Oz' in his hands, Ozzie Smith compares his baseball career to Dorothy's away trip from Kansas. Citing the recipe for his success during his 19-year career with Cardinals and Padres, the 47-year-old tells the crowd he had the mind to dream, which the Scarecrow cherished, a heart to believe, which the Tin Man wanted, and courage, which the Lion lacked, in order to persevere.
Baseball Poem
Stop Action
Slowly as in an underwater dance
the shortstop dips to take the ball
on a low hop, swings back his arm, balancing
without thought, all muscles intending
the diagonal to the first baseman's glove.
As the ball leaves his hand, the action stops —
and, watching, we feel a curious poignancy,
a catch in the throat. It is not this play only.
Whenever the sweet drive is stopped
and held, our breath wells up like the rush
of sadness or longing we sometimes feel
without remembering the cause of it.
The absolute moment gathers the surge
and muscle of the past, complete,
yet hurling itself forward — arrested
here between its birth and perishing.
Written by Conrad Hilberry, published in
“Line Drives,” 100 Contemporary Baseball
Poems edited by Brooke Horvath and Tim Wales,
published by Southern Illinois University Press
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