Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Randy Jackson/Kara DioGuardi/Paula Abdul/Simon Cowell
Singer, bassist, record producer, television personality Randall Darius "Randy" Jackson born June 23, 1956 Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He is best known as a judge on American Idol and Executive Producer for MTV's America's Best Dance Crew. Jackson has won a Grammy Award as a producer. In the early 1980's he played with Carlos Santana and Jerry Garcia as well as Journey.
With Journey, playing bass: |
Shawn Giffin remembered
ELFA-MFI Report May Business Down 6%
Monthly Confidence Index -Down (oh, no!)
Classified Ads---Sales Manager
Sales makes it Happen---by Steve Chriest
Great Selling Can Become a Habit
Letters---We get eMail
New Hires---Promotions
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Classified ads—Lease Portfolio/Legal
Successful Wrap Up ConnectionPoint 2010 Conference
WLN Offers Free Listings for Lessors/Funding Sources
Albuquerque, New Mexico---Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Banks Have Repaid 75% of Bailout, Geithner Says
Mortgage Delays Blamed for Decline in Home Sales
Dallas: Fastest growing U.S. city
You may have missed---
Sports Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
Today's Top Event in History
This Day in American History
Baseball Poem
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Shawn Giffin remembered
Western Association of Equipment Leasing Honors New CLP’s at Conference.
The WAEL Certified Lease Professional (CLP) is the only professional certification available in the equipment leasing industry. WAEL President Gordon Roberts (shown above at the podium) and Certification Chair Ken Goodman, CLP (far right) present WAEL’s new CLPs with special plaque at the conference: seated (from left to right): Tom Cadle, vice-president, First Source Financial Services, Rancho Cordova, CA; Patrick Byrne, president, Balboa Capital Corporation, Los Angeles, CA; Shawn Giffin, executive vice-president, Finance, Balboa Capital Corporation, Irvine, CA; and Bill Whener, president, First Concord Acceptance Corp., Denver, Co., Certification Chair Ken Goodman, CLP
“Thanks for putting this sad announcement up. Shawn must have been in a dark and lonely place. This should give everyone a moment to reflect and be thankful for what we have.
“Very sad day for all of us who started at Balboa Funding Group in 1991 and worked with Shawn in the early days. He was definitely one of the smartest, funniest and inspirational guys I have ever known. His leadership and drive is the reason that Balboa Capital became the company that it is today, both good and bad. He also is responsible for giving many men the opportunity to start their own companies."

“This photo was from the Balboa holiday party in 1992 when I just got promoted to be the General Manager of the Los Angeles office, the beginning of the expansion and growth of the company. He will be missed.”
Greg Miller
7975 North Hayden Road, Suite D-365
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

1991 -- Top row Left to Right – David Lean, Greg Miller, Shawn Giffin,
Richard McNiven, Jim Raeder, Dan Bassett
Bottom – Mark McQuitty, Steve Blokdyk
"Balboa was my first job in the leasing industry after moving out to Southern CA from the East Coast after college in 1990. What impressed me more than anything about that operation was how dynamic and intelligent Shawn was. It didn't take me long to decide that he was a young entrepreneur that I wanted to learn from and emulate!
“We worked hard and had a lot of fun in those early Balboa days and used to call Shawn Doogie Howser because he could stare down the finest of CEO's, do it with a smile and he looked like he was 15 years old.
“We had our differences after I left Balboa to run my own company but I never lost an ounce of respect for him.
“Far too many of us would not be doing this today if it weren't for Shawn Giffin"
Bob Skibinski
Taycor Financial
-An Inc 500 Company-
6100 Center Dr. , Suite 710
Los Angeles, CA 90045

Left to Right, salesmen: Pat Byrne, Andy Saik, Eric Evans, Scott Hamburg, Darren Gardner (Alliance Capital), Greg Miller, Dan Bassett and Bob Skibinski.
“I was so saddened by the Shawn Giffin news on today’s newsletter. I am sure you are bombarded with emails regarding this. If you receive any information on services to send arrangements to or any kind of donation facility that is set up for his boys or another charity his family has please pass it along. This is such a tragedy and I among many others would love to be able to send condolences to his family in one way or another.”
Best regards
Candace Reinhart
Jules and Associates, Inc.
(formerly with Strada Capital)
(Shawn was separated from his wife at the time. He has two boys. He sold his interest in Balboa Capital May, 2004 to Patrick Byrne, his partner, as it was reported they were not in agreement about the direction of the company. No service has been planned to date, and should there be one, Leasing News will inform readers. Editor)
Announcement of change in ownership of Balboa Capital:
Shawn Giffin falls from building
### Press Release ########################
ELFA-MFI Report May Business Down 6%

click image for larger view
Washington, DC, The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity for the $518 billion equipment finance sector, showed overall new business volume for May increased five percent when compared to the same period in 2009. When compared to the prior month, the MLFI-25 reported new business volume decreased by six percent, from $4.7 billion to $4.4 billion. Only 28 percent of the MLFI participants reported a year-over-year decline in new business volume in May 2010.
Delinquencies increased slightly from the previous month, but showed significant improvement compared to the year-earlier period.

click image for larger view
Charge-offs also improved, from 1.7 percent in May 2009 to 1.6 percent in May 2010.

click image for larger view
Credit approvals remained flat at 68 percent when compared to the prior month, but were up slightly compared to the same period the prior year.

click image for larger view
Total headcount for equipment finance companies remained flat in the April-May period, but showed a significant drop from May 2009.

click image for larger view
According to a CFO Survey conducted by Duke University, respondents forecasted stronger capital spending in the next 12 months. According to the survey, hiring and borrowing conditions continue to remain tight in the near future.
"While new business volume was somewhat sluggish early in the year, we are seeing a significant increase in pipeline activity during the second quarter,” said Larry Smilie, Managing Director, Banc of America Leasing.

Larry Smillie, Mgr. Dir., Banc of America Leasing
“Overall, we continue to see 2010 as a challenging year which for us will require disciplined origination and increased market coverage to overcome weaker than expected demand."

Rear Admiral (ret.) William G. Sutton
“Despite a modest growth spurt in new business volume in May, the data reflect what most economists recognize: a slowly recovering economy and somewhat soft demand by business for capital equipment,” said William G. Sutton, ELFA President. “But the trend appears to be heading in the right direction.”

click image for larger view

click image for larger view

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click image for larger view
About the ELFA’s MLFI-25
The MLFI-25 is the only index that reflects capex, or the volume of commercial equipment financed in the U.S. The MLFI-25 is released globally at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time from Washington, D.C. each month, on the day before the U.S. Department of Commerce releases the durable goods report. The MLFI-25 is a financial indicator that complements the durable goods report and other economic indexes, including the Institute for Supply Management Index, which reports economic activity in the manufacturing sector. Together with the MLFI-25 these reports provide a complete view of the status of productive assets in the U.S. economy: equipment produced, acquired and financed.
The latest Monthly Leasing and Finance Index, including methodology and participants is available below and also at
MLFI-25 Methodology
The ELFA produces the MLFI-25 survey to help member organizations achieve competitive advantage by providing them with leading-edge research and benchmarking information to support strategic business decision making.
The MLFI-25 is a barometer of the trends in U.S. capital equipment investment. Five components are included in the survey: new business volume (originations), aging of receivables, charge-offs, credit approval ratios, (approved vs. submitted) and headcount for the equipment finance business.
The MLFI-25 measures monthly commercial equipment lease and loan activity as reported by participating ELFA member equipment finance companies representing a cross section of the equipment finance sector, including small ticket, middle-market, large ticket, bank, captive and independent leasing and finance companies. Based on hard survey data, the responses mirror the economic activity of the broader equipment finance sector and current business conditions nationally.
ELFA MLFI-25 Participants
ADP Credit Corporation
Bank of America
Bank of the West
Canon Financial Services
Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation
De Lage Landen Financial Services
Dell Financial Services
Fifth Third Bank
First American Equipment Finance
Hitachi Credit America
HP Financial Services
John Deere Credit Corporation
Key Equipment Finance
Marlin Leasing Corporation
National City Commercial Corp.
RBS Asset Finance
Regions Equipment Finance
Siemens Financial Services
Susquehanna Commercial Finance, Inc.
US Bancorp
Tygris Vendor Finance
Verizon Capital Corp
Volvo Financial Services
Wells Fargo Equipment Finance
About the ELFA
The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) is the trade association that represents companies in the $518 billion equipment finance sector, which includes financial services companies and manufacturers engaged in financing capital goods. ELFA members are the driving force behind the growth in the commercial equipment finance market and contribute to capital formation in the U.S. and abroad. Its over 600 members include independent and captive leasing and finance companies, banks, financial services corporations, broker/packagers and investment banks, as well as manufacturers and service providers. For more information, please visit
ELFA is the premier source for statistics and analyses concerning the equipment finance sector. Please visit for additional information
The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation is the non-profit affiliate to the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association, providing future-focused research to the equipment finance industry. For more information please visit the website at
#### Press Release #############################
Monthly Confidence Index - Down ( oh, no!)

For the first time the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation (ELFA) finds a downturn in confidence.
Trying to remain optimistic, the ELFA printed these comments in their monthly press release:
Captive Middle Market:
"The industry seems to have stabilized yet most lessors have fewer origination opportunities."
Robert Stowers
Altec Capital Services
Independent Middle Market:
"Funding still very tight - available money very expensive - bar keeps getting raised on credit quality."
George Booth,
Black Rock Capital, LLC
Full Press Release here:

Sales makes it Happen---by Steve Chriest

Great Selling Can Become a Habit
Summary: Understanding when and why people change is key to helping sales professionals shed unproductive behaviors and adopt behaviors that lead to great selling.
Many sales professionals can get into the habit of selling better; but it isn’t as simple as pointing to the work ethic of top performers or publishing so-called best practices for everyone to emulate.
For sales performance to improve, behaviors must change. Habits that lead to sub-standard performance, or hinder exceptional performance, must be replaced by habits that support improvement. This calls for basic and substantial change.
Much has been written about change management, and many articles coach senior leaders on how to manage organizational change. The trick, I think, is to recognize why and when individuals change, and then to determine how best to help them with the change process.
In my experience, there are at least four important questions that must be answered by individuals who profess a desire to change:
● Why is it important for me to change?
● How badly do I want to change?
● What is my motivation for changing?
● Why is it urgent that I change now?
Once, a very long time ago, I smoked cigarettes. I knew then that inhaling smoke wasn’t a healthy activity, and that people were dying from diseases directly linked to the smoking habit.
One day, along with two close friends, I decided to quit smoking. It was important for me to change to improve my health. I wanted to change badly to eliminate the cost of an unnecessary habit. I was also motivated to stop the embarrassment I felt as people stared at me while I blew smoke rings in public places. My sense of urgency resulted from hearing my physician tell me that smoking two plus packs of cigarettes a day was fast ruining my health.
Sales professionals won’t change unless they discover why it is important for them to change, how badly they want to change, what is motivating them to change and why they want to change now. Each team member must own his or her reasons for wanting to change.
Once a sales leader or executive determines that a sales professional is receptive to change, the real work of supporting the change process begins. Managers will surely be disappointed, however, if they expect a perfect response going forward from the sales professional who wants to change.
When a sales professional voices the desire to change, managers should recognize that the nature of change is that most people will fall off the wagon. They are prone to lapse into old, familiar behaviors and habits.
Here is where managers must be trained to have great patience. If the desire to change is sincere, patience is needed to support the sales professional who falters. I recommend that managers ask the individual who has lapsed into old habits to “recommit” to the change they want.
Recommitting is a powerful tool. A request from the manager to the sales professional to recommit to change will help the salesperson regain the awareness of how important change is to her and how badly she wants to change.
Changing behaviors is a process, and while the commitment to change is itself immediate change, lasting change requires time, commitment, recommitment and support.
The good news is that when managers understand the components of individual change, and learn to facilitate and support change at the individual level, old, inefficient and undesirable selling habits can be replaced by habits that embrace continual improvement.
Great selling can become a habit for sales professionals who are willing to change their behaviors. Those who change successfully become part of a team where change becomes a welcome norm.
About the author: Steve Chriest is the founder of Selling UpTM (, a sales consulting firm specializing in sales improvement for organizations of all types and sizes in a variety of industries. He is also the author of Selling The E-Suite, The Proven System For Reaching and Selling Senior Executives and Five Minute Financial Analyst, Basic CREDIT & Analysis Tools for Non-Accountants. He was the CEO of a very successful leasing company and executive at a major company. You can reach Steve at
Sales Makes it Happen articles:

Letters---We get eMail

(Mostly in chronological order)
“Former President of NorVergence back in business:”
Nancy Pistorio

NorVergence stories:

Rudy Trebels (not a CLP, but still claims such) & Friends
“Why does he claim he is still a CLP on LinkedIn, if he is not? Or are the CLP’s a bunch of phony’s? ”
Richard Kelly
(Well, Trebels has changed some of it, now states is past member and not a present member of leasing associations. But yes, he still states being a Certified Lease Professional although does not list him as a “member in good standing.”
(I can’t say all the CLP’s are phony, but perhaps those still on the Trebels LinkedIn have the answers to your question: (identification by Leasing News in italics and CLP in bold and any who would like to respond, will definitely quote you, please don’t bring up “alleged,” as please see all the Leasing News Bulletin Board Complaints and creditors of IF Credit in BK and other law suits :)
(“Alexander Cronfield, VP/.COO Apple Credit Capital Group ( --not related to Apple Computer)
Joseph Wold, Pres./COO, Gulf Point Capital
Bill Griffith / credit. Op. Mgr. ,Padco Financial
Tom Herlihy., VP Sales & Marketing at TimePayment
Tammy Negelein, Capital Equipment Leasing
Dave Sendlak, Territory Manager at Latitude Equipment Leasing
Omar Diaz, Financial Services Professional, former VP EAB
Ted Brownrigg, Independent Financial Services Professional
Ross Stites, Exp. Commercial Credit Analyst/Manager/Syndications
Paul Knowlton, CLP, past president, NEFA refused R .Brook to speak
Mohammed Ahsan, Partner, Quail Capital (former NEFA Board Dir.)
Ronald Lear, formerly PFF, OFC (former NEFA Board Dir.)
Tony Sherwin, co-founder Magellan Capital Partners (former Top Gun)
Marci L. Slagle, CLP, Varilease (former NEFA Board Dir.)
Kevin Kepp, Managing Member at Optimus Capital Group
Randy Haug, Lease Team,( president, NEFA, also his company did IFC accounting software and now
IFC BK software)
Patrick Sponsel, VP at Sharpe Financial Network, Board-NAELB
John Sexton, Equipment and Software Lease Financing
Jim Brady, former VP GM at ABCO Leasing, now looking
Curt Lysne, CLP, PFSC (former NEFA Board of Directors)
Kennedy J. Gilbertson, past Senior Vice President at Alliance Capital
Irwin Wittlin, Attorney at Hemar, Rousso & Heald, LLP (get a retainer!)
Linda Kester, Leasing trainer ( trained IFC salesmen?)
'Larry LaChance', CLP, Director (on CLP Board)
Doug Houlahan, CLP, Maxim Commercial Credit, )
CLP Standard of Conduct:
Previous story (with history):

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
You May have Missed---
"I don’t know who was having more fun – these two or the guy who wrote the captions."
Shawn Halladay

Sales makes it Happen---by Kit Menkin
"Songs with a sales message"
“Great selection Kit, I really enjoyed it.
Brian Carey
Innovative Capital Resources NC, Inc.
San Jose, CA.
(408)927-7159 - Office
(408)927-7163 - Fax
(408)832-8595 - Cell

“My brother just sent this to me…
“It’s a golden retriever…”
J Tree
Theresa M. Kabot, CLP
K2 Funding
Kabot Commercial Leasing
Lion to guard the Garage in New Mexico
Today's Top Event in History
“Your historical news of the Sony Betamax rekindled a memory from years past. A good friend of mine had just purchased a new Betamax with borrowed funds from a bank in St. Joseph, Missouri. A few days later he received a thank you letter from the bank for using its services. The letter also informed him that he needed to provide the bank with collision and liability insurance for his 1975 Betamax.”
Stephen Whitney

“Once in a while something so totally cool comes out that even a guy who doesn't normally even know what he'd like for Father's Day or Christmas would immediately ask for it.”
“It can drive a 16-D nail through a 2 X4 at 200 yards. This makes construction a breeze, you can sit in your lawn chair and build a fence. Just get your wife or son-in-law to hold the fence boards in place while you sit back, relax with a cold (Adult Beverage) drink and when he or she has the board in the right place, just fire away.
With the hundred round magazine you can build the fence with a minimum of reloading. After a day of fence building with the new DeWalt Rapid fire nail gun they will not ask you to build or fix anything else, probably, ever again.
“(I added the son-in-law part.)”
Terry Waggoner

“After being retired for a while, I feel I miss work and working. I enjoy consulting and had some good assignments, but they were too infrequent and not very satisfying.
If you hear about an opportunity in Banking, Leasing or Credit, I'd love to hear about it."
Ira Romoff
Help Want ad
“It is definitely worthwhile. I do know that others get a huge response because of their location.
“The best thing about the ads is that they are perfectly targeted to our industry, and that is quite hard to find.
“Thanks again, and if I haven’t said this before, please keep up the good reporting!”
Michael Lockwood
TEQlease, Inc.
23801 Calabasas Rd., Suite 1000
Calabasas, CA 91302
(818) 222-1006
(818) 222-1516 (fax)
Learn more about TEQlease at
New Hires---Promotions

Abrar Chaudhry joins CHP Consulting, Boston Massachusetts, as a consultant to its global equipment and finance industries.
He was a principal at Codex Development, Associate Engineer at Outcome, and previous was a Facility Manager for Sunoco. He has an MS in Information Systems from Northeastern University and a BS in Computer Science from University of Massachusetts, Boston.

Beverlie Frazier has joined Specialty Funding - Equipment Finance, Albuquerque, New Mexico as sales and marketing director.
She brings over 19 years experience in sales, management, and advertising. Frazier previously worked as vice president of marketing for Big 8 Advertising and as national sales manager for Comcast Spotlight. She has a bachelor's degree in communications from the University of New Mexico and a master’s degree in business from the University of Phoenix. She is past president of the New Mexico Chapter of the Executive Women's Golf Association Inc
Terese Kramer was named vice president, equipment division manager, M&I Equipment Finance, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Prior to joining M&I, Kramer previously served as vice president, asset management for CoActiv Capital Partners. In addition, she has held various management positions in equipment valuation, portfolio management, and remarketing. She has more than 30 years of industry experience; principal, TK Consultants, Asset Management, Banc of American Leasing, Asset Management Head, Heller Global Finance, Head of Remarketing & Portfolio Management, Lombard North Central, Equipment Manager, GARM, Equipment Manager, GATX Capital.
A dual British and American citizen, she holds a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree from Michigan State University and has completed all course work in the American Society of Appraisers, Plant and Machinery Discipline.

Plamena Petrova joins CHP Consulting, Boston Massachusetts, as a consultant to its global equipment and finance industries.
She has an extensive background in software development, most recently as a computer scientist for the US military. Plamena graduated with a BS in computer science from Cornell University.

Richard J. Remiker was appointed president of Huntington's Equipment Finance Group, Columbus Ohio. His most recent role as chief administrative officer for RBS Asset Finance (Chicago, Illinois). He previously spent five years with Merrill Lynch Capital and nine years with Key Equipment Finance, the last four as president and COO of their mid-sized company market and large-ticket leasing business. He also held positions with U.S. Leasing and CIT Group.
Peter Schmidt joins CHP Consulting, Boston Massachusetts, as a consultant to its global equipment and finance industries.
He was a research associate in information and knowledge management. Peter graduated BA Cum Laude in Computer Science from Williams College.
((click on ad to learn more))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Tax Manager
Portland, Oregon

Multi-state property/sales tax experience.
Vertex & PTMS tax management software exp. preferred.
Click here for more information
Please Contact: B. Gail Proper or Johnathan Wease
One of the nation’s largest and most trusted independent lease and loan servicing organizations.
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Classified ads—Lease Portfolio/Legal
Lease Portfolio: Stilwell, KS
Looking to buy or sell lease portfolio? 20+ year lease consultant specializing in portfolio placement. Free initial consultation. References available on request.
Contact today
"I enjoy brainstorming about all aspects of leasing. I'll be back to you within 24 hours of your call or e-mail!" Barry S. Marks, Esq.
Legal: Los Angeles, CA
Challenge me with your legal question about leasing. No charge for a "free" consultation. Richard Wagner, Esq. .
E-mail: |
Legal: Westport, CT
We represent finance companies, banks, lessors, etc., in replevins/seizures, collections and bankruptcy matters in Connecticut and New York. Flat fee, contingency and hourly rates.
Email: |
Leasing Industry Outsourcing (Providing Services and Products)
All "Outsourcing" Classified ads (advertisers are both requested and responsible to keep their free ads up to date:
How to Post a free "Outsourcing" classified ad:
### Press Release ############################
Successful Wrap Up ConnectionPoint 2010 Conference

International Decision Systems customers and partners attend one of the largest private conferences in the asset finance industry
Minneapolis, MN – Over 100 industry leaders attended last week’s ConnectionPoint 2010, making the IDS user conference one of the largest private events in the asset finance industry. Participating companies included many of the largest banks, equipment manufacturers and financing organizations from across the globe.
Attendees came to learn best practices in leasing technology, processes and systems as well as the latest in product updates from IDS including InfoLease, Rapport and ProFinia. Over 50 sessions were offered on topics such as multicurrency, asset usage, workflow automation and managing multiple back office systems.
“It is great to have everyone in one location – clients and partners,” said Cody Sanguinetti, Equipment Finance Solutions Account Manager from Great American Insurance Group. “The industry is picking up. People are still cautious, but more optimistic than last year.”
Interactive Sessions on Best Practices
Following a session on ProFinia workflow automation, Larry Duer, a Partner at IlluciData commented on his perspective. "Workflow automation is a game-changer,” said Mr. Duer. “Anyone implementing a new system without incorporating some level of automation to their business process workflow is missing the boat.”
“The upgrades and new options from IDS are really exciting,” commented Mr. Sanguinetti. “My clients have told me that they are really looking forward to learning more about the latest enhancements, especially in Rapport.”
ELFA COO Leads the List of Speakers
Speakers at the conference included experts from around the asset finance industry including product specialists, consultants, and developers from IDS and partner companies. In addition, Ralph Petta, Chief Operating Officer of the ELFA, was the guest speaker on June 8.
"Speaking at ConnectionPoint this year has been a great experience,” said Mr. Petta. “To have the opportunity to discuss current issues, trends and opportunities with industry leading organizations including International Decision Systems has been excellent. I look forward to continuing these conversations as the year continues."
“We are very pleased with the interactive nature of the conference and the hands-on aspect we provide to all attendees each year,” commented Terry Welty, Chief Marketing Officer at IDS. “By engaging Fortune 1000 asset finance organizations with consultants, partners and IDS employees - who are especially interested in customer feedback - we are much better prepared to develop new and improved approaches to product implementation and customer support, and to develop new product ideas that meet the specific needs of our customers.”
About International Decision Systems®
IDS is the leading provider of software and solutions for the equipment finance market. For over 30 years, the company has offered integrated solutions from origination through disposition and asset management, supported by an ongoing research and development effort unrivaled in the market space. Customers include approximately 50% of the largest leasing companies in the United States, and an increasing number of the largest global players. In addition to offering powerful, flexible software, IDS provides the industry experience and expertise to assure successful, complete solutions. Headquartered in Minneapolis, MN, the company also has offices in the United Kingdom, India, Singapore and Australia. For additional information, visit
International Decision Systems®, InfoLease®, Rapport®, and ProFinia® are registered trademarks of International Decision Systems, Inc.
#### Press Release #############################
WLN Offers Free Listings for Lessors/Funding Sources

World Leasing News (WLN), after being launched in the summer of 2008, is already the leading online leasing publication in the world with over 25,000 daily readers and 60,000 monthly visitors.
WLN proudly announces the launch of a new service that will truly revolutionize the global leasing industry – the online Global Leasing Resource (GLR).
The GLR will contain:
• Expanded listings of lessors throughout the world – Listings will be input online by the lessors themselves. Each listing will provide the users the needed insight into meaningful aspects of each lessor’s business. An exhaustive search function will accommodate various business to business objectives. Those who list will be able to subscribe to GLR’s unparalleled content at a substantial discount.
• Country reports for each and every reporting lease economy in the world – This information will be presented in a meaningful standard format and will include pertinent industry, tax, legal and regulatory items as well as critical market and financial information. The cumulative information will provide an incredibly valuable global snapshot and facilitate benchmarking. This too, will be continually updated.
• Macro articles from industry leaders containing their views on the state of the industry.
Essentially, the GLR will be current, accurate and robust!
The listings will be available at no cost to those directly engaged in the leasing industry, at least through August 31, 2010.
To list, please click:
#### Press Release ##############################
Albuquerque, New Mexico--Adopt-a-Dog

“Butterscotch is a lovely 2 year old, female, purebred Red & White - almost Lemon - Basset Hound. She was found in the park in Clovis, NM a few days ago. You can see that she gets on well with children.
“While Basset Rescue and other animal welfare groups try hard to reunite dogs with their families, no one has responded to posters, etc. to claim her. Butterscotch will be taken to the veterinarian next week for an exam.
“Please call or email Elizabeth Moorhead (phone: 505- 242-2239) for more information and adoption fees.”
Basset Rescue does not have runs or kennels. Foster Families welcome these needy hounds into their own homes, giving them love and attention until adoption. We work closely with the Peoples' Anti-Cruelty Association/Albuquerque Animal Rescue (PACA), Albuquerque Animal Services, and the Santa Fe Animal Shelter. During the adoption process, we educate the prospective owner about the breed, proper care, and the benefits of spaying and neutering their new Basset.
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Today in History
1995 - Los Angeles Raiders media release: “The Raiders organization has chosen to relocate to Oakland.” In a déjà-vu-all-over-again kind of situation, Raiders owner Al Davis made the decision to take his team back to where it had come from. And the Raiders sued the NFL, claiming it forced the team to move by insisting that a second team be allowed to play at a new stadium Davis wanted to build at Hollywood Park in suburban Inglewood. Davis said the other team would have crippled his team financially when it came to selling luxury suites and building fan loyalty. He demanded more than $1 billion for the ‘right’ to the LA market and for compensation to his team for revenue to be lost because of the failed deal. Davis and the Raiders lost the suit on May 21, 2001. Kimberly Hamilton, forewoman of the 7-man, 5-woman jury said, “I think the key for me was that the Raiders did not have enough evidence to meet the burden of proof.” An NFL spokesman said, “The notion that the Raiders ‘own’ the Los Angeles market also was entirely unsupported by the evidence in this case. The Raiders abandoned Los Angeles when they returned to Oakland in 1995, just as they deserted Oakland in 1982 when they moved to the Los Angeles Coliseum.”

This Day in American History
1611 - English navigator Henry Hudson, famous for attempting to find a route from Europe to Asia via the Arctic Ocean, was set adrift in Hudson Bay by mutineers on his ship Discovery; he was never seen again.
1683 - Chief Tamanend of the Leni-Lenape tribe and William Penn signed a friendship treaty at Shackamaxon, near what is now the Kensington district of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The French philosopher Voltaire, an admirer of Penn, hailed this as "the only treaty between Indians and Christians that was never broken." The Leni-Lenape lived along the shores of the Delaware River and its tributaries.
1810 --John Jacob Astor organizes Pacific Fur Co (Astoria, Oregon)
1845-- A special session of the legislature of Texas voted in favor of annexation by the United States. For almost ten years, Texas had been an independent republic. The leaders of the republic first voted for Texas to be annexed in 1836, soon after it gained independence from Mexico, but the U.S. Congress was unwilling to admit another state which permitted slavery. Sam Houston, military commander during the Texas War for Independence from Mexico and the first President of the Republic of Texas, had been a strong advocate of annexation. This site has a rare photograph of Houston.
(lower half of )
1860-The Secret Service was established by the federal government under the Treasury department to suppress the counterfeiting of U.S. coins, and by later legislation, of paper money and securities. After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, the Secret Service was given the duty of guarding the president. Special agents are charged with protecting the president, and his immediate family, the vice president, the president-elect, the vice president-elect, former presidents and their wives, the widows of former presidents unless they remarry, minor children of former presidents until they reach 16, major presidential and vice-presidential candidates, visiting heads of foreign governments, and official government representatives performing special missions aboard. The Federal Bureau of Investigation was created in 1908 under the Department of Justice to supplement the work of the Secret Service.
1860 - Congress established the Government Printing Office.
1865- The last formal surrender of Confederate troops took place in the Oklahoma Territory. Confederate Brigadier General Waite, also a leader of the Cherokee nation, surrendered his command of a battalion of American Indians.
1868 - Publisher and politician Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for a prototype of the type writer. The device became know as a "blind-writer" as its design prevented easy viewing of the typed characters. Sholes's invention eventually led to the manufacturing of the first type writer.
1889-The first Medal of Honor awarded to an African-American soldier in the Spanish-American War was issued to Private George Henry Wanton, Troop M., 10th U.S. Cavalry, who voluntarily went ashore at Tayabacoa, Cuba on June 30, 1898, “in the face of the enemy and aided in the rescue of his wounded comrades, this after several previous attempts at rescue had been frustrated.
1894 -- Alfred Kinsey entomologist/sexologist author was born in Hoboken,New Jersey.
1902- Volcano Springs, California hit a high temperature of 129 degrees. This is the highest temperature ever recorded in the United States during the month of June.
1911-Tenor Sax player Eddie Miller, born New Orleans, LA.
1913-Birthday of singer Helen Humes, best known for singing with the Count Base band, more Louisville, Ky.
1923-Jazz arranger/composer George Russell born Cincinnati, OH
1925-Alto/Baritone Sax player Sahib Shihab, born Savannah,GA
1927-Birthday of Robert Louis “Bob: Fosse, born at Chicago, IL. The son of a vaudeville singer, he began his show business career at the age of 13. He was the only director in history to win an Oscar, an Emmy and a Tony for his work. As a choreographer he was known for his unique dance style that focused on explosive angularity off the human body in its movements. His body of work included the plays Pippin, Sweet Charity, Pajama Game, Chicago and Damn Yankees. His films include Cabaret, Lenny and the autobiographical All that Jazz. Fosse died September 23,1987, at Washington, DC
1929-Birthday of June Carter Cash, Grammy Award-winning country singer with husband, Johnny Cash, and songwriter.
1931---Spaniard Lili De Alvarez broke with tennis tradition by showing up for her match at the Wimbledon championships wearing not the customary skirt and stockings, but shorts! Actually, her outfit was more like trousers, quite baggy and falling to her calves. She didn’t win the match, but her fashion statement opened the door for women athletes to dress more practically during competition.
1933-- The longest running and most popular radio show “The Breakfast Club" began with Don McNeil, eventually carried by 400 affiliates and tickets to attend were months in waiting. The hour-long radio show included celebrities who would visit. The shows popularity, however, stemmed mainly from regular features such as "Memory Time, when McNeil read poems and letters from listeners. During World War II, "Prayer Time" was started. McNeil's "Call to Breakfast, " which was announced every 15 minutes invited listeners to get up and march around the breakfast table.
1938-- Marineland opens in Florida-1st aquarium
1940- Norma Rudolph birthday, former polio victim who became the world famous track star, winning three gold medals in the Olympic Games.
1940-Birthday of country singer Diana Trask, born in Melbourne, Australia. Originally a pop vocalist, she was a regular on Mitch Miller's "Sing Along With Mitch" TV show after moving to the US in 1959. After returning to Australia and raising a family, Trask returned to the US in the late '60s and turned to country music. She had hits with "I Fall to Pieces" in 1969 and "Beneath Still Waters" in 1970. Trask went back to Australia in 1975.
1941 - At 23 years old, Lena Horne recorded "St. Louis Blues" for Victor Records, launching her illustrious singing career in the process. She continued performing well into her 60s.
1944 -A killer tornado outbreak occurred in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Maryland with 3 F4 tornadoes responsible for most of the death and destruction. Shinnston, West Virginia was leveled with 100 people killed. A total of 154 people were killed and 966 were injured in this outbreak. Up to this time, damaging tornadoes were not believed to travel across mountainous terrain.
1944--*BUTTS, JOHN E. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Co. E, 60th Infantry, 9th Infantry Division. Place and date: Normandy, France, 14, 16, and 23 June 1944. Entered service at: Buffalo, N.Y. Birth: Medina, N.Y. G.O. No.: 58, 19 July 1945. Citation: Heroically led his platoon against the enemy in Normandy, France, on 14, 16, and 23 June 1944. Although painfully wounded on the 14th near Orglandes and again on the 16th while spearheading an attack to establish a bridgehead across the Douve River, he refused medical aid and remained with his platoon. A week later, near Flottemanville Hague, he led an assault on a tactically important and stubbornly defended hill studded with tanks, antitank guns, pillboxes, and machinegun emplacements, and protected by concentrated artillery and mortar fire. As the attack was launched, 2d Lt. Butts, at the head of his platoon, was critically wounded by German machinegun fire. Although weakened by his injuries, he rallied his men and directed 1 squad to make a flanking movement while he alone made a frontal assault to draw the hostile fire upon himself. Once more he was struck, but by grim determination and sheer courage continued to crawl ahead. When within 10 yards of his objective, he was killed by direct fire. By his superb courage, unflinching valor and inspiring actions, 2d Lt. Butts enabled his platoon to take a formidable strong point and contributed greatly to the success of his battalion's mission.
1944--*KINGSLEY, DAVID R. (Air Mission) Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Corps, 97th Bombardment Group, 15th Air Force. Place and date: Ploesti Raid, Rumania, 23 June 1944. Entered service at. Portland, Oreg. Birth: Oregon. G.O. No.: 26, 9 April 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty, 23 June 1944 near Ploesti, Rumania, while flying as bombardier of a B17 type aircraft. On the bomb run 2d Lt. Kingsley's aircraft was severely damaged by intense flak and forced to drop out of formation but the pilot proceeded over the target and 2d Lt. Kingsley successfully dropped his bombs, causing severe damage to vital installations. The damaged aircraft, forced to lose altitude and to lag behind the formation, was aggressively attacked by 3 ME-109 aircraft, causing more damage to the aircraft and severely wounding the tail gunner in the upper arm. The radio operator and engineer notified 2d Lt. Kingsley that the tail gunner had been wounded and that assistance was needed to check the bleeding. 2d Lt. Kingsley made his way back to the radio room, skillfully applied first aid to the wound, and succeeded in checking the bleeding. The tail gunner's parachute harness and heavy clothes were removed and he was covered with blankets, making him as comfortable as possible. Eight ME-109 aircraft again aggressively attacked 2d Lt. Kingsley's aircraft and the ball turret gunner was wounded by 20mm. shell fragments. He went forward to the radio room to have 2d Lt. Kingsley administer first aid. A few minutes later when the pilot gave the order to prepare to bail out, 2d Lt. Kingsley immediately began to assist the wounded gunners in putting on their parachute harness. In the confusion the tail gunner's harness, believed to have been damaged, could not be located in the bundle of blankets and flying clothes which had been removed from the wounded men. With utter disregard for his own means of escape, 2d Lt. Kingsley unhesitatingly removed his parachute harness and adjusted it to the wounded tail gunner. Due to the extensive damage caused by the accurate and concentrated 20mm. fire by the enemy aircraft the pilot gave the order to bail out, as it appeared that the aircraft would disintegrate at any moment. 2d Lt. Kingsley aided the wounded men in bailing out and when last seen by the crewmembers he was standing on the bomb bay catwalk. The aircraft continued to fly on automatic pilot for a short distance, then crashed and burned. His body was later found in the wreckage. 2d Lt. Kingsley by his gallant heroic action was directly responsible for saving the life of the wounded gunner.
1945 - Japanese commander Lt. Gen. Ushijima committed suicide at Okinawa, site of the bloodiest battle of the Pacific theater of World War II; 234,183 people were officially recorded as killed in the battles.
1947 - U.S. Congress passed the Taft-Hartley Act, regulating union administration and prohibiting closed shops.
1950--Top Hits
My Foolish Heart - The Gordon Jenkins Orchestra
(vocal: Eileen Wilson)
Bewitched - The Bill Snyder Orchestra
The Old Piano Roll Blues - Hoagy Carmichael & Cass Daley
I’ll Sail My Ship Alone - Moon Mullican
1951 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Too Young," Nat King Cole.
1954--- 122ø F (50ø C), Overton, Nevada (state record)
1955 - After the debut of "Three for Tonight" on CBS, Harry Belafonte became a popular television star. Before bringing his show to television, Belafonte had been touring with it.
1955 - Walt Disney's "Lady and the Tramp," the first animated feature filmed in CinemaScope, opened in theaters.
1956- "Stranded in the Jungle" by the Cadets was released. It reached number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100 and remains a favorite oldie.
1958--Top Hits
All I Have to Do is Dream - The Everly Brothers
The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley
Hard Headed Woman - Elvis Presley
Guess Things Happen that Way - Johnny Cash
1963—Outfielder Jimmy Piersall of the New York Mets hit the 100th home run of his career and celebrated by running the bases facing backwards. Philadelphia Phillies pitcher Dallas Green was not amused.
1965-"Tracks Of My Tears" by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles. The same song will be a hit for Linda Ronstadt in 1976.
1966---Michael Johnson set a world record of 19.66 seconds in the 200 meters at the US Olympic Trials in Atlanta, GA. Johnson erased the previous record of 19.72 seconds, set by Pietro Mennea of Italy on September 12, 1979.
1966 - The film version of Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, opened in New York. Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor were cast in the lead roles, and Taylor later received the Best Actress Academy Award for her performance. The film was also nominated for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress.
1966--Top Hits
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind? - The Lovin’ Spoonful
Barefootin’ - Robert Parker
Take Good Care of Her - Sonny James
1967-Arthur Conley receives a gold record for his first hit, "Sweet Soul Music".
1968 -- Vietnam becomes the longest war in nation's history.
1970 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "The Love You Save," The Jackson 5.
1971 - The gripping and controversial film, Klute, starring Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland, opened in New York City. Fonda later won the Academy Award for Best Actress for her powerful portrayal of a call girl.
1972—President Richard Nixon signed the Higher Education Act of 1972, including Title IX which barred gender discrimination in athletics and all other activities at colleges and university receiving federal assistance.
1972-Smokey Robinson appears in concert for the last time with the Miracles, in Washington, DC.
1972 -- Life magazine publishes photos of South Vietnamese children running from napalm.
1973-23-year-old B.W. Stevenson records "My Maria", which will reach #9 in the US later in the year. Although his real first name was Louis, he used the initials B.W., which stood for Buck Wheat.
1974--Top Hits
Billy, Don’t Be a Hero - Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods
You Make Me Feel Brand New - The Stylistics
Sundown - Gordon Lightfoot
This Time - Waylon Jennings
1975-Jefferson Starship release their album, Red Octopus.
1978-In response to the passage of an anti-gay ordinance in Miami, 240,000 people march in San Francisco in the first large-scale version of that city's annual Gay Freedom Day Parade.
1979 ---The Charlie Daniels Band releases "Devil Went Down to Georgia."
1979-Supertramp's album, "Breakfast in America" rose to the top of the US album chart.
1979- disco singer Donna Summer captured the number one and number three positions on the Billboard Hot 100 chart with "Hot Stuff" and "Bad Girls." She was the first solo entertainer to hold two of the top three positions simultaneously.
1982 -- -117ø F; All time low at the South Pole.
1982 - --Top Hits
Ebony and Ivory - Paul McCartney with Stevie Wonder
Don’t You Want Me - The Human League
Rosanna - Toto
Slow Hand - Conway Twitty
1984-Van Halen release their single, "Panama."
1985 - Golfer Arnold Palmer set a senior record when he won his first victory. His victory occurred when he won the Senior Tournament Players Championship by 11 strokes.
1987 - A massive hailstorm hit eastern Colorado causing an estimated 60 to 70 million dollars damage. At La Junta, CO, hail as large as softballs caused 37 million dollars damage.
1988 - Thirty-four cities reported record high temperatures for the date. The reading of 90 degrees at Bluefield, WV, equalled their record for the month of June. The record high of 104 degrees at Billings, MT, was their thirteenth of the month.
1989 ---The movie "Batman" premiers
1990 --Top Hits
It Must Have Been Love - Roxette
Step By Step - New Kids on the Block
Do You Remember? - Phil Collins
Love Without End, Amen - George Strait
1990 -TV Guide selects Arsenio Hall as TV personality of the year
1990-The decline of the music industry was never more evident than when MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This" topped the Billboard R&B chart. By simply talking over Rick James' 1981 hit, "Super Freak", Hammer (real name: Stanley Kirk Burrell) would go on to win Grammy Awards for Best Rhythm & Blues Song as well as Best Rap Solo Performance.
1995 - Los Angeles Raiders media release: “The Raiders organization has chosen to relocate to Oakland.” In a deju-vu-all-over-again kind of situation, Raiders owner Al Davis made the decision to take his team back to where it had come from. And the Raiders sued the NFL, claiming it forced the team to move by insisting that a second team be allowed to play at a new stadium Davis wanted to build at Hollywood Park in suburban Inglewood. Davis said the other team would have crippled his team financially when it came to selling luxury suites and building fan loyalty. He demanded more than $1 billion for the ‘right’ to the LA market and for compensation to his team for revenue to be lost because of the failed deal. Davis and the Raiders lost the suit on May 21, 2001. Kimberly Hamilton, forewoman of the 7-man, 5-woman jury said, “I think the key for me was that the Raiders did not have enough evidence to meet the burden of proof.” An NFL spokesman said, “The notion that the Raiders ‘own’ the Los Angeles market also was entirely unsupported by the evidence in this case. The Raiders abandoned Los Angeles when they returned to Oakland in 1995, just as they deserted Oakland in 1982 when they moved to the Los Angeles Coliseum.”
1996-More than 15,000 people had died of AIDS in San Francisco by this time.
1999 - Just two months into his retirement, Wayne Gretzky, "The Great One," was officially elected into the Hockey Hall of Fame. The Canadian owned nearly every significant NHL record and was the league's all-time leader with 2,857 points, 894 goals, and 1,963 assists with four teams. He also held playoff highs with 122 goals, 260 assists, and 382 points among his 61 National Hockey League records.
2000 - John Williams was the first inductee into the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame
2003--- Stealing second base at Pacific Bell Park in the 11th inning, Barry Bonds becomes the first player to hit 500 homers and steal 500 bases in his career. The Giants' left fielder may not only be the charter member of the 500-500 club, many believe, including him, he will most likely only member, as no one else may ever reach this plateau.
2005-Making his professional debut, Yakima Bears hurler Ryan Doherty pitches a perfect sixth and seventh, striking out three of the six batters he faces, during a 3-2 loss to the Vancouver Canadians. At 7’1”, the right-hander from Toms River, New Jersey, who signed a free-agent contract with Diamondbacks after pitching for Notre Dame, becomes the tallest pitcher in professional baseball history surpassing Jon Rauch who stands a mere 6 feet-11 inches.
Baseball Poem
Alone At The Plate
(Inside the front cover of the book “You Can Teach Hitting,” by Dusty Baker, there appears this poem about a Little Leaguer...)
He pulls on a helmet, picks up the bat,
and walks to the plate, "gotta hit and that's that."
The crowd starts to yell, the game's on the line,
last inning, two outs, the score's nine to nine.
Dad yells, "Go get it," Mom wrings her hands,
coach hollers, "hit it," but alone there he stands.
Heros are made in seconds such as this,
but he's just a little boy, what if he should miss?
Years after this game's ended and he's little no more,
will he remember the outcome or even the score?
No he'll have forgotten if he was out, hit, or a run,
he'll only look back on his friends and the fun.
So cheer this boy on, alone with his fate;
help him remember with fondness this stand at the plate.
Spend your time wisely and help in his quest
to be a hitter with confidence and always his best.
And when the game's over, this boy can stand tall,
for you've helped him prepare to give it his all!
The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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