Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
U.S. Business Funding Attorneys to Sue Leasing News
by Christopher Menkin, Editor/Publisher
Classified Ads---Credit
New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Industry
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
True Leases and Agricultural Livestock Leasing
“What is the Economic Life of a Cow?”
by Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
Winter Spring CLFP Circular
Three Academy for Lease & Finance Professions
Sales Make it Happen by Christopher Menkin
The Zen of Selling
Leasing Conferences – Update
Latest on NEFA, ELFA Funders List and NVLA
Top 50 US banks and thrifts in Q4'14
Special SNL Financial Report
Leasing News Advisory Board 2015
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Fernando Croce Film/DVD Reviews
German Pinscher Cross
Novato, California Adopt-a-Dog
Attorneys Who Specialize in
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Willis Lease Finance Reports $7.2MM Profit
2015’s Best Banks for Record Keeping
Texas Lender Details His Reluctant Move to Shadow Banking
U.S. Banks Pass Stress Tests, Some With an Asterisk
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U.S. Business Funding Attorneys to Sue Leasing News
by Christopher Menkin, Editor/Publisher

(click image for larger view)
Mr. Asnen, Leasing News welcomes any comments or statements regarding the complaint from William Willis of Global Stone DBA Umpqua Stone, Roseburg, Oregon. Leasing News will print them in their entirety, without editing. As I wrote to US Business Funding Peter Ribeiro on February 20, 2015, “My role is to determine if the complaint is legitimate to be posted on the Leasing News Bulletin Board, as well as give the parties involved the opportunity to resolve the matter..."
William Willis has been pursuing getting his deposit back since June 26, 2013. He emailed:
"First let me say... My credit is excellent... not one late payment in 30
years...Umpqua Stone also has stellar credit... Pd off half a million off
in last 5 years.
"On June 25th 2013 Jerry Blanks, (Jerry was a loan officer for US Business Funding, but left the company) sent an e-mail to me that "Umpqua Stone was approved for a $150,000.00 + or - at 5.1% for 60 months... just get the invoice." I told Jerry Blanks we could just pay anything over 150k if necessary.
"60 payments at 5.1% on $157,000.00 = $2,969.98 per month. When Peter Ribeiro asked me to fax a copy of our check for the first and last payment the math worked... $2,969.98 x 2 = $5,939.96. (It changed to $159,029). He asked for $5,915.00. He never said he was going to cash the copy of our faxed check. (I still have the original check in my possession)”
What brought this Bulletin Board Complaint to my full attention was the Private Label Contract to be assigned to a funder was a Equipment Leasing Agreement (EFA) with a separate "purchase option" for "0" dollars. First, EFA's are a finance agreement, where the debtor is the owner of the equipment, and at the conclusion, owes nothing. (1) There is no need for a "Purchase Option." In addition, in reading the contract, it is full of "Lease" and "Lessee", see paragraph 10, 11, and others. In an EFA contract the debtor is not referred to as a "Lessee" nor the document as a “Lease.” Bottom Line: Didn't look like a legal Private Label Contract. Looked homemade. (2)
Also, and even more suspicious: the less than 1% EFA rate. With two advance payments of $2710 on $159,029, according to TValue, it was less than 1%: .093847%
Both Private Label Contract documents sent from US Business Funding and Umpqua Stone did not have a corporate resolution, unusual for this size of a transaction. The company also appears to be closely held, and perhaps a personal guarantee would have been called for. I don't know if US Bank was requiring that, but the main point was no corporate resolution. In summary, the absence of the resolution, the "purchase option" for an EFA, the rate, and apparent homemade contract were revealing. Any long time reader of Leasing News who looked at the Private Label Contract would have picked up the mistakes of having "lessee" and "lessor" in it. (3)
I also did not see any alterations in what US Business Funding sent to William Willis (copy sent to Leasing News by US Business Funding) and the signed copy sent to Leasing News by William Willis (see footnotes).
After acting as an Ombudsman for 15 years, perhaps 3700 complaints, something was not right. In my first telephone conversation with US Business Funding Managing Director Chris Wilcox, I had open, so I looked him up while talking. He said he never heard of Leasing News, nor did he care. I asked him if he had heard of Kit Menkin, and he said, no, and didn't care. This really made me sit up, as LinkedIn showed he was on my "1st" list and was connected; therefore he knew about Leasing News, no matter how he denied it on the telephone.(4)
In addition, both Peter Ribeiro and Chris Wilcox were both adamant the Oregon Attorney General had declared that Mr. Willis provided fraudulent invoices, repeating it several times. US Business Funding’s Chris Wilcox even sent this February 20th email:
"...the state of Oregon has not only seen the complaint file against us but cleared us of any wrong doing based on the customer providing a fraudulent invoice to us. Unless you seem to think your opinion Is larger than the state of Oregon’s Justice Department I suggest you kindly back off of US Business Funding and focus your attention to companies who actually are acting on fraudulent practices."
The job of a journalist is to verify what is told to you. In contacting the
Oregon Attorney General's office, Kristina Edmunson, the media contact for Oregon Attorney General Ellen F. Rosenblum, sent the following email:
"We determined this was a business-to-business matter, and the Oregon Department of Justice is not the appropriate jurisdiction. Our file on this matter is closed."
Then the excuse about invoices being over the $159,029 figure. I know from my personal experience as a broker, discounter, and funder, when I was active in leasing, most, if not all, funders have a 10% edge that can go up from the approval. In addition, it would not be uncommon if the funder did not want to increase the approval, to allow the debtor to pay the difference in an EFA. Why would Mr. Willis not be willing to do this instead of going through the hardship he has encountered and been put through? And how were they making any commission if the interest rate was less than 1%?
In many of the complaints, the documents themselves, or the party involved, are aware of the funding source, and it common for me to contact the funding source to verify the approval and circumstances, as well to determine if the funder would give the 10% difference, or a higher dollar approval, or allow the debtor to pay the difference from the original dollar approval, to make the transaction work. The funding source was not revealed.
U.S. Business Funding was not licensed as a California Finance Lender: "In addition to the lending authority provided by the law, the California Finance Lenders Law provides limited brokering authority. A ‘broker’ is defined in the law as "any person engaged in the business of negotiating or performing any act as broker in connection with loans* made by a finance lender." Brokers licensed under this law may only broker loans to lenders that hold a California Finance Lenders license."
*EFA is a loan.
Exceptions may be an operating lease, and the use of a bank document, not a private label contract, as I understand it.
An email dated February 20, 2015 by Leasing News asked Mr. Ribeiro to return the deposit because US Business Funding was not licensed as a California Finance Lender in California. In addition, the US Business contract stated the issue will be legally in California (Paragraph 10, section 12 "You expressly and unconditionally consent to the jurisdiction and venue of any court in the State of California and waive the right to that by jury for any claim or action arising out of or relating to the Agreement of the Equipment.")
Again, if there is any statement or comment that you or US Business funding would care to make, Leasing News would like to publish it in entirety without editing.
- EFA Definitions by Barry Marks, Esq.
- EFA Contract from Umpqua Stone
- EFA Contract provided by US Business Funding
(Matches signed one from Umpqua Stone)
- Wilcox bio on LinkedIn Feb. 20, 2015.
US Business Funding, Newport Beach, California
Bulletin Board Complaint $4,915 Deposit Made in 2013
Classified Ads---Credit
(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment or looking
to improve their position)
Will relocate for the right opportunity and can work remotely. I have (25+) years in making credit decisions, as well as helping sales team and third party originators close more transactions via understanding their applicant's financial abilities. I can create alternative or additional opportunities (and income) by knowing which type of loan is best for the borrower
Orlando, Florida
As a Commercial Credit Analyst/Underwriter, I have evaluated transactions from sole proprietorships to listed companies, across a broad spectrum of industries, embracing a multitude of asset types. Sound understanding of balance sheet, income statement and cash flow dynamics which impact credit decisions. Strong appreciation for credit/asset risk.
407 430-3917 |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:

New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Industry

Mainak Divan was hired as Chief Financial Officer at Blue Bridge Financial, LLC, Buffalo, New York. Previously, he was Director, Finance, Ingram Micro (2000 – 2014); Assistant Vice President, Treasury, M&T Bank (1993 – 2000); Consultant, USAID (1992 – 1993); Senior Accountant, PwC (1988 – 1991). Certifications: Certified Public Accountant, New York State. Education: University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, B.S., Finance, Accounting (1984 – 1988). SUNY at Buffalo, Master of Business Administration (MBA), Financial Markets (1991 – 1993).

Shannon McCaffery was hired as Vice President of Credit, Blue Bridge Financial, Buffalo, New York. Prior she was at Vice Start Bank, starting out May, 2006, as Commercial Performance Analyst; promoted May, 2007, to Vice President, Business Banking Credit Officer; May,2014, Business Banking Unit Credit Manager. Previously, she was Commercial Performance Analyst, Five Star Bank (May, 2006 – May, 2007); Tax Research, First American Real Estate Tax Service (2005 – 2006); Mortgage Originator, America's Moneyline (2002 – 2004). Education: Genesee Community College, Associate of Science (A.S.), Business Administration (1996 – 1998).

Heather O'Callaghan joins Blue Bridge Financial, Buffalo, New York
as VP of HR & Talent Acquisition; based in Washington, D.C. area.
Previously, she was Director of Talent Acquisition, FrontPoint Security
(July, 2013 – February, 2015); Recruiting Director, Primatics Financial
(March, 2010 – June, 2013); Owner, Sr. Recruiter & Researcher, Inclusion Consulting Services (December, 2004 – March, 2010); Business Manager, National Staffing Operations, E*TRADE Financial (March, 2000 – April, 2004); Organizations: YouFolio, Strategic Advisor (June, 2014 – December, 2014). Languages: Spanish, Limited working proficiency. Education: Radford University, BS, Communications, Public Relations (1990 – 1994).

Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Irvine, California
Resolve Customer Billing Issues
Reduce Receivable Delinquency
Click here for full description.
Please send resume and cover letter to:
Senior Credit Analyst
Irvine, California
Underwrites larger, more complex transactions up to $250k in high volume faced paced environment.
Works within credit and across departments to resolve issues and improve the credit submission process
Click here for full description.
Please send resume and cover letter to:
Quick Bridge Funding has the financial
products a business needs to grow!
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
True Leases and Agricultural Livestock Leasing
“What is the Economic Life of a Cow?”
by Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

As Leasing Moves to Farming, Equipment Lessors Lease Cows,
What Is The Test for a True Lease?
In re Purdy 2014 WL 3953729 (6th Cir. 2014)
Here’s a short case which tries to apply the Uniform Commercial Code test for a true lease to a cow herd. It’s a bit of a square peg in a round hole, and I’m not altogether sure that leasing is a good fit for agricultural livestock leasing. The bankruptcy court, district court, and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals struggled with the definition of a true lease and trying to make if fit to a cow herd. The facts follow.
Sunshine Heifers is a lessor of dairy herds. Lee Purdy is a farmer who leased the dairy herd, milked the cows and paid rent. Purdy received a total of 435 cattle for fifty months in exchange for a monthly rent. The lease was non-cancellable and there was no purchase option. Purdy promised to replace any cows that were culled from the herd with newer, younger cows. For you city folks, “culling” a herd means to replace those cows which have died or been slaughtered for meat. The lease required Purdy to apply Sunshine's brand and a yellow ear tag to the original cows and their replacements.
While the lease was ongoing, Citizens First Bank loaned Purdy money secured by Purdy's equipment, farm products, and livestock. Their collateral was supposed to be tagged with white ear tags.
Purdy filed bankruptcy. Most of the cows did not have yellow tags, and instead had white tags evidencing collateral of Citizens First Bank. The Bank first argued that the “leases” between Lessor Sunshine and Purdy were disguised security agreements, that Purdy actually owned the cattle, and that the subsequently acquired livestock were covered by the bank's security interest. The bankruptcy court ruled in favor of Citizens First, finding that the leases were per se security agreements. Lessor Sunshine appealed.
On appeal the Sixth Circuit looked at two tests to determine whether the lease of cattle was a “true lease.” UCC § 1-203 which provides that a lease of equipment which is longer in time than the useful life of the goods is a disguised security agreement. The bankruptcy court fixated upon the fact that the 30% of the herd would be culled every year, meaning the entire herd would turn over in forty months. As a result, the bankruptcy court held that the lease term exceeded the economic life of the cattle and, therefore, that the lease was a per se security agreement.
On appeal, the Sixth Circuit focused not upon the economic life of the individual cows, but instead focused on the life of the entire herd which would be supplemented with newer, younger cows. Given the practice of replacing cattle, it was clear to the 6th Circuit that the relevant “good” is the herd of cattle, which has an economic life far greater than the lease term, in other words, a perpetual self-renewing asset. Thus, the lease was a true lease. Also contributing to the holding was the fact that there was no purchase option.
One of the Justices issued a rare dissent, arguing that a South Dakota case held that a cow herd is not a perpetual self-renewing asset.
What are the lessons here for equipment lessors?
First, I’m not sure I follow the perpetual renewing asset analysis of the Sixth Circuit. If new cars are added to the inventory of a car dealership, they are subject to the bank’s blanket lien. If one wanted to scoop up new inventory into a lease, they would have to be separately identified and placed on schedule.
Second, agricultural livestock leasing is a new business model, and full of uncertainty, as evidenced by the conflict between the bankruptcy court and the court of appeals, and the dissenting opinion within the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. If readers desire to enter the foray of agricultural livestock leasing, do so at your own risk. I’m not sure the Uniform Commercial Code’s definition and analysis of a useful life of “good” fairly encompasses cows in an economic analysis. Agricultural livestock leasing is a bit of a square peg in a round hole.
Purdy Case
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:

Winter Spring CLFP Circular
Three Academy for Lease & Finance Professions

Sales Make it Happen
by Christopher Menkin

The Zen of Selling
"Don't laugh, but I think my customers can read my mind! When I meet with them, I try to have a positive thought. In my mind, I purposely think: 'This is the best I can do for you.' 'I like you.' 'I am proud to be helping you.' 'I am doing the best I can.'
"'---Never negative, never not doing the best I can, and when I leave, I always make it a positive thought to say, 'What a great guy.' 'What a great company.' 'I did the best I could for him.' Being positive in my thought as I really think my customers can read what I am thinking."
Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie, and the sales master’s talk about "positive thinking,"--- "look at the traffic light as being green, not red."
Perhaps what makes one salesperson better than another is their ability to "transmit" their thinking, their sincerity, their message.
Have you ever had the experience of talking with someone and you say to yourself, and perhaps out loud, "Did you read my mind?"
Books have been written about body language, and listening, which is trying to hear, feel, understand what the other party is communicating. Perhaps more important is what you are "transmitting."
While it is often thought the choice of words, or how you are dressed, the expression of your face, maybe it is much more. Maybe it is Zen, referred to as a special transmission outside of words.
The customer picks up you don't believe what you are saying. The customer may even pick up thoughts that you don't like them, or are trying to "trick" them, or can't wait to leave. Or you are only thinking about your commission, about yourself.
You are not being positive in what you are selling.
Expressions like "getting your head on straight," or "getting in the mood," thinking "positive" rather than "negative," believing you can do it rather than doubting, believing in yourself, your company, or what you are proposing is being transmitted.
How many top sales people have you heard who say? : "If I believe in it, I can sell it"--- and they do.
Why? It's Zen---They are transmitting positive emotions, positive thinking, no doubts, not negativity, wanting to be a friend, wanting to be helpful, believing this is the best deal I can offer, take it, almost as if they were speaking it---but better than words, the customer heard your thoughts!!! They were all positive.
Leasing Conferences – Update
Latest on NEFA, ELFA Funders List and NVLA

2015 National Equipment Finance Assoc. Summit
3/18/2015 to 3/20/2015
Wednesday through Friday
Renaissance Long Beach Hotel
111 East Ocean Boulevard
Long Beach, California 90802
United States
Kim King
Phone: 847-380-5053
Event Schedule:
Exhibitors to Date:
The Women in Leasing LinkedIn Group would like to cordially invite you to our March luncheon at Parker’s Lighthouse in Long Beach, California, on Wednesday March 18th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm. The lunch is being co-sponsored by ECS Financial Services and Financial Pacific Leasing.
If you would like to attend please RSVP by March 9th to Shari Lipski at 847.897.1711 or via

27th Annual National Funding Conference
4/21/2015 - 4/23/2015
Fairmont Hotel Chicago
Chicago, IL
Registration Form:
Funding Source Exhibitors as of March 3, 2015
Acrecent Financial
Ascentium Capital LLC
ATEL Capital Corp
Banc of California
Bank of the West
Baytree Financial Group
BMO Harris Equipment Finance Company
Boston Financial & Equity Corporation
CapitalSource, Inc.
Chase Equipment Finance
CBT Equipment Finance
Citizens Asset Finance, Inc.
EverBank Commercial Finance
Fifth Third Equipment Finance Company
Financial Pacific Leasing, Inc., an Umpqua Bank Company
First American Equipment Finance, a City National Bank Company
First Bank of Highland Park
Fuyo General Lease (USA) Inc.
GE Capital Markets
Huntington Equipment Finance
Key Equipment Finance
Lease Corporation of America
MB Financial Bank
Nations Equipment Finance LLC
NXT Capital
People's Capital and Leasing Corp
SCG Capital Corporation
Securcor Financial Group
Signature Financial
Societe Generale Equipment Finance
Sterling National Bank Equipment Finance
Stearns Bank NA-Equipment Finance Division
SunTrust Robinson Humphrey Equipment Finance Group
TCF Equipment Finance
VFI Corporate Finance
Wells Fargo Equipment Finance
For more information about this event, you may contact Lesley Sterling at (202)238-3435

Talking Stick Resort
This year’s NVLA Conference will take place at Talking Stick Resort, a luxurious Four-Diamond resort set in the Sonoran Desert.
Scottsdale’s newest resort destination offers something for everyone, including Vegas-style gaming and entertainment, a relaxing spa treatment, world-class cuisine, and that famous Arizona sun.
Reserve your room today by calling 866.877.9897 by March 31, 2015. Please reference the booking ID #7773 to receive a discounted rate.
Golf Outing
The 2015 NVLA Golf Outing will take place on Wednesday, April 22 at 11:30 a.m. This year’s event will be conveniently held at Talking Stick Golf Club, which is located on the grounds of Talking Stick Resort. Designed by Bill Coore and Ben Crenshaw, Talking Stick Golf Club has been recognized as a top public golf course in Arizona by Golfweek magazine.
Cost of the event is $95.00 per player, which includes green fee and cart. Rental clubs are available at the club for an additional fee.
If you’re interested in participating in this year’s outing, please contact Rick Damush (Miller Ford) at 609-261-6842 or via email at
Exhibiting Opportunities
The NVLA Conference presents vehicle leasing industry partners with a unique opportunity to make and solidify relationships with independent lessors.
NVLA is pleased to offer exhibit tables for member and non-member companies at affordable rates. Each exhibit table package includes a 3’ x 6’ skirted table, complimentary conference registration, and listing on the NVLA website and conference program.
Mike Mathy
Executive Director,
National Vehicle Leasing Association
ph 414.533.3300 ext. 1108
Confirmed Speakers/Registration


The Public Sector Finance Forum is a joint venture of the Association for Governmental Leasing and Financing and the Equipment Leasing Finance Association. The 2015 Forum will be held at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel in Denver, CO on May 6 through May 8, 2015.

8th China Leasing Summit 2015
June 10-12, 2015
Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town.
The event is strongly supported by leading companies
and international leasing association.
The China Leasing Summit is based on over 10 years’ of research into the Chinese leasing industry and will provide an effective platform on which attendees can familiarize themselves with the current status of the market and the latest policies and regulations in order to gain a better understanding of China’s leasing market, thereby optimizing their development strategies. Furthermore, speakers from the government, as well as from the leading leasing companies, will share their invaluable experiences and opinions on the state of China’s leasing industry.
For more information, please go here:

2015 Eastern Regional Meeting
September 11-12, 2015
Atlanta Marriott Marquis
Atlanta, GA

2015 Western Regional Meeting
November 13-14, 2015
Doubletree by Hilton Anaheim - Orange County
Anaheim, CA

2015 54th Annual Convention
10/25/2015 - 10/27/2015
JW Marriott Hill Country
San Antonio, TX

71st Annual Convention
November 11 - 13, 2015
JW Marriott Austin
Austin, TX

Top 50 US banks and thrifts in Q4'14
Special SNL Financial Report
By Zuhaib Gull

Asset growth; Citigroup Inc.'s ongoing restructuring; and the return of an old competitor, Royal Bank of Canada, from the north made a splash in SNL's fourth-quarter 2014 pro forma top 50 U.S. bank and thrift rankings.
The "Big Four" — JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Citigroup and Wells Fargo & Co. — maintained their positions quarter over quarter, but Wells Fargo closed some of its gap with Citigroup. Wells Fargo's total assets grew by 3.07%, or $50.30 billion, while Citigroup's assets fell 2.66%, or $50.04 billion.

Further down the list, SVB Financial Group moved up two spots to No. 38, buoyed by 9.17% quarter-over-quarter growth in assets. Gross loans, inclusive of held for sale loans, at the company jumped 16.46% to $14.38 billion in the fourth quarter, thanks in large part to higher-than-usual utilization of existing capital call facilities by private equity clients.
Signature Bank also enjoyed significant asset growth, 5.27% quarter over quarter, which helped it leapfrog Synovus Financial Corp. and take the No. 48 spot. The bank boosted its gross loans, inclusive of held for sale loans, by 9.24% to $18.41 billion as of Dec. 31, 2014, helped by an upswing in commercial real estate, multifamily loans and specialty finance.
Pro forma adjustments
In compiling rankings, SNL calculated pro forma assets for companies with pending M&A deals or deals that have closed since Dec. 31, 2014. To be used in calculating adjusted assets, the deal must be worth at least $200 million or involve assets in excess of $5 billion. Multiple companies in the top 50 ranking have pending deals that qualified for adjustments.
Citigroup continued its divestment drive in the fourth quarter of 2014 and in early 2015. Over the last six years, the company has reduced the size of Citi Holdings, home to the bank's "non-core assets," by more than $500 billion. According to a transcript of the company's March 2 presentation at the Raymond James Institutional Investors Conference, CFO John Gerspach said a further $30 billion in non-core assets was moved from Citicorp to Citi Holdings and would be mostly exited by the end of 2015.
On March 3, Citi announced that it was selling OneMain Financial Holdings to Springleaf Holdings Inc. for $4.25 billion in cash. This sale will remove almost $10 billion in assets from Citigroup's balance sheet.
Furthermore, Citi's deposits were adjusted down by slightly less than $3 billion due to the pending sale of its retail banking and credit card business in Spain to Banco Popular Español SA, which was announced June 2014.
On Jan. 22, Royal Bank of Canada announced that it would acquire No. 43 City National Corp. in a deal that is considered the most expensive U.S. bank transaction by price-to-tangible book ratio since the financial crisis. The deal puts Royal Bank of Canada back among the top 50 for the first time since 2011, before the company sold RBC Bank (USA) to PNC Financial Services Group Inc.
Huntington Bancshares Inc.'s pending acquisition of Macquarie Equipment Finance Inc., a unit of Macquarie Group Ltd., announced Feb. 24, boosted the buyer's assets to $67.20 billion, from $66.30 billion reported for Dec. 31, 2014. Huntington maintained the No. 32 spot in the fourth quarter.
BB&T Corp.'s $367.4 million deal for Crestview Hills, Ky.-based Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp. and $2.50 billion deal for Susquehanna Bancshares Inc. could push its assets up by $20.59 billion to $207.41 billion, based on pro forma adjustments by SNL. Bank of Kentucky Financial's 32 branches, mainly in the Greater Cincinnati area, would introduce BB&T Corp. to a new market. Meanwhile, the acquisition of Susquehanna Bancshares would add 252 branches split between Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey and West Virginia. The company maintained its No. 12 spot from the third quarter.
SNL adjusted the assets of M&T Bank Corp. to depict the long-delayed acquisition of Hudson City Bancorp Inc., which was originally announced in August 2012 and is still pending. The deal would see M&T add Hudson City's $36.57 billion in assets as of Dec. 31, 2014, pushing the company's pro forma assets to $133.25 billion. M&T Bank Corp. fell to the No. 18 spot from No. 17 in the third quarter.
Meanwhile, CIT Group Inc.'s pending acquisition of IMB HoldCo LLC, announced July 22, pushed the buyer's pro forma assets up to $69.74 billion from the $47.88 billion reported for Dec. 31, 2014. The company moved up to the No. 30 spot from No. 31 in the prior quarter.
Notable exceptions
Some noteworthy deals were not considered in this analysis as they either did not meet the aforementioned criteria or did not disclose sufficient financial information to make pro forma adjustments. Citigroup announced in late December that it would sell the retail banking operations of Tokyo-based Citibank Japan Ltd. to Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp. in a transaction that involves the transfer of more than $20 billion in deposits. Also, in early September, Citi announced that it would sell 41 Texas branches to BB&T. Both deals did not meet our criteria for pro forma adjustments.
Late in the afternoon Feb. 27, the FDIC announced that it had entered into a purchase and assumption agreement with Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, a subsidiary of Popular Inc., to acquire the banking operations and all deposits of the failed Doral Bank. Banco Popular de Puerto Rico will operate eight of the failed bank's 26 branches and assumed $1.0 billion in deposits and $848 billion in Puerto Rico-based performing residential and commercial loans. The company entered into three separate agreements with two other banks and its fellow Popular subsidiary, Banco Popular North America, who served as alliance co-bidders in the failed-bank transaction.
FirstBank Puerto Rico, a unit of First BanCorp., will operate Doral's other 10 branches in Puerto Rico and assumed $600 million in deposits and a $300 million mortgage portfolio. Home BancShares Inc.'s unit, Centennial Bank, will operate Doral's five branches in the Florida Panhandle and assumed $466 million in deposits, $42.2 million in loans before discounts and a "significant cash settlement to balance the transaction," according to a press release from the parent company. Lastly, Banco Popular North America will operate all three of Doral's New York City locations and assumed $1.3 billion in deposits and acquired $931 million in performing commercial loans primarily in the New York City metro area.
Popular Inc.'s assets and deposits were not adjusted since the deal did not meet the minimum criteria for adjustment. Doral, First BanCorp. and Home BancShares Inc. were not large enough to be ranked in the top 50 list.
SNL ranks the largest banks and thrifts operating in the U.S. with a deposits-to-assets ratio of at least 25% for each relevant quarter. Some financial institutions that are regulated as bank holding companies, such as Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley, did not meet this criteria and thus were excluded from the analysis.
In addition, industrial banks, such as UBS Bank USA, were not considered in this analysis.

Leasing News Advisory Board 2015
Chairman, Advisory Board |
Bob Teichman, CLFP |
Teichman Financial Training, Sausalito, CA. |
Advisory Board |
Ben Carlile |
Marin County, CA |
Ed Castagna |
InPlace Auction, Melville, NY |
Steve Crane, CFLP |
BSB Leasing, Englewood, CO |
Endeavor Financial Services, Costa Mesa , CA
Phil Dushey |
Global Financial Services, Manhattan, NY |
Ken Greene, Esq. |
Kenneth Charles Greene Law Offices, Westlake Village,Ca. |
Shawn D. Halladay |
Amembal & Halladay, Salt Lake City, UT |
Robert S. Kieve |
Empire Broadcasting, San Jose, CA |
Bruce Kropschot |
Kropschot Financial Services, Naples, FL |
Allan Levine |
Madison Capital, LLC., Owings Mills, MD |
Bruce Lurie |
Douglas-Guardian Services Corporation, Houston, TX |
Ralph Mango |
ComScore, Reston, Virginia |
Tom McCurnin |
Barton, Klugman & Oetting, Los Angeles, CA |
Armon L. Mills, CPA |
San Diego Business Journal, CA |
Don Myerson |
BSB Leasing, Colorado, Hawaii |
Hugh Swandel |
The Alta Group, Canada |
Paul Weiss |
Panthera Leasing, San Francisco, CA |
Rosanne Wilson, CLFP, B.P.B. |
1st Independent Leasing, Beaverton, OR |
Ginny Young |
former Brava Capital, Orange, CA |
Fernando's View
By Fernando F. Croce
A smooth con-artist comedy-drama ("Focus") and a Russian sci-fi epic ("Hard to Be a God") come to theaters, while DVDs provide nominees and winners from this year's Oscars ("Foxcatcher, Big Hero 6") along with an underrated French New Wave classic ("The Soft Skin").
In Theaters:

Focus (Warner Bros.): Recovering from the box-office flop of "After Earth," Will Smith is in suave fine form in this enjoyable comedy-drama, which follows in the same con-artist vein as "The Sting" and "House of Cards." Smith stars as Nicky Spurgeon, a veteran grifter who takes a young cheater named Jess (Margot Robbie) under his wing. Despite their romantic feelings for each other, they realize that true emotion can become a liability in their world of professional lying, so they go separate ways. Three years later, however, they meet again when Nicky is in the middle of his biggest job yet and Jess has blossomed into an experienced vamp. Will their renewed connection interfere with their current schemes? Directors Glenn Ficarra and John Requa ("Crazy, Stupid, Love") keep the numerous plot twists tart and elegant, enormously helped by the sexy, witty chemistry between Smith and Robbie.

Hard to Be a God (Kino Lorber): Based on the 1964 novel by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, this one-of-a-kind Russian sci-fi epic is the final film completed by the late director Aleksei German. Taking place in a faraway planet that resembles a dank medieval land, the story follows a batch of scientists from Earth conducting a study. Among them is Don Rumata (Leonid Yarmolnik), whose outrage at the cruelties all around him clash with the group's decision to remain detached observers. When he goes on a rescue mission against the local tyrant, however, Don finds himself sinking deeper and deeper into this bizarre world. Creating its own unforgettably visceral universe, German's film mixes past and future in a vision worthy of Russian sci-fi classics like "Solaris" or "Stalker." With subtitles.

Netflix Tip: From rock concerts to isolated rural eccentrics, documentarian Albert Maysles (1926-2015) tackled a varied, fascinating array of subjects over the course of his career. So check out some of his most renowned work, which includes "Showman" (1963), "Gimme Shelter" (1970), and "Grey Gardens" (1975). |
Foxcatcher (Sony): Having previously studied real-life crime ("Capote") and sports ("Moneyball"), acclaimed director Bennett Miller combines the two elements in this absorbing account of the true-story Schultz-Du Pont case. Taking place in the 1980s, the film focuses on the relationship between troubled, gold medal-winning wrestler Mark Schultz (Channing Tatum) and his new sponsor, reclusive millionaire John du Pont (Steve Carrell). Obsessed with restoring Olympic glory to the country, du Pont takes the younger man and his brother David (Mark Ruffalo) under his wing, with tragedy just beyond the horizon. Meticulously crafted and featuring impeccable performances, the film is a low-key document that builds to a shattering conclusion.

Big Hero 6 (Disney): Disney serves up another animated treat with this imaginative blend of futuristic adventure and humor. Set some time ahead in the American-Japanese metropolis of San Fransokyo, the story focuses on the growing friendship between young Hiro (voiced by Ryan Potter) and a doughy, inflatable robot named Baymax (Scott Adsit), an example of the latest, cutting-edge technology. When a mysterious villain disrupts this world's peaceful veneer, however, Hiro, Baymax and their friends find themselves unexpectedly in the role of action heroes. Made by directors Don Hall and Chris Williams with a combination of creative visuals and big-hearted charm, the movie follows in the steps of "Wreck-It Ralph" with its kinetic, animated charm. This year's Oscar winner for Best Animated Feature.

The Soft Skin (Criterion): One of the guiding lights of the French New Wave in the 1960s, François Truffaut could combine technical wizardry with humanistic curiosity, as seen in such films as "The 400 Blows" and "Jules and Jim." This 1964 drama, although not as famous as his other hits, shows an even keener eye for the complicated affairs of people. The plot follows Pierre Lachenay (Jean Desailly), a respected publisher who, while traveling for one of his lectures, falls in love with a young flight attendant named Nicole (Françoise Dorléac). They embark on a romantic affair kept secret from Pierre's wife (Nelly Benedetti), though it's not long before thorny situations and misunderstood emotions point to a tragic conclusion. With a sense of tension that would have impressed his idol Alfred Hitchcock, Truffaut charts these characters' braided paths with empathy and irony. With subtitles.
German Pinscher Cross
Novato, California Adopt-a-Dog

ID: 199364
Color Black / Tan Points
Weight 20.4 lbs.
Neutered Yes
Age Adult
Size Medium
“My health has been checked.
My vaccinations are up to date.
My worming is up to date.
I have been microchipped.
“Our very handsome friend here is Bullet. This rock star wants to please, loves bouncing toys and stuffed, fuzzy, squeaky play things. Bullet takes his time getting to know people, especially men, but once he's decided you're A-OK, he shows you his sweet side with snuggles and cuddles.
“Bullet will benefit greatly from crate training. Dogs who find even the mundane worthy of scrutiny often take refuge in a crate - it's their happy, go-to place (sort of like this writer in a cruise ship state room). Another benefit of crate training is the reinforcement of good house training. Bullet hasn't always been the best at this and we feel strongly that a solid routine that includes a crate will help him be his best indoor self.
“Bullet's new family members should be thirteen years old or older, mature enough to handle his concerns with sensitivity. He is too interested in cats - not in a good way - to live with one right now, and he would also do best as the only resident dog. Training classes are one of the best ways to insure you and your new dog are on the same page about rules and manners. The bonus is the bond that forms when you are working with your dog and it's all clicking (pun intended for those into clicker training). Training is fun for dogs and that fun translates into a great relationship. We think Bullet has so much to offer an active, loving family. Get to know this playful, gorgeous, sweet dog and you'll know what all the fuss is about.
Marin County Humane Society
Phone (415) 506-6225
Fax (415) 382-1349
Address 171 Bel Marin Keys Blvd. Novato
Adopt a Pet
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News Briefs----
Willis Lease Finance Reports $7.2MM Profit
2015’s Best Banks for Record Keeping
Texas Lender Details His Reluctant Move to Shadow Banking
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Winter Poem
Beware the ides of March.
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
But, for my own part, it was Greek to me.
Think you I am no stronger than my sex,
Being so father'd and so husbanded?
These things are beyond all use,
And I do fear them.
Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once.
Of all the wonders that I yet have heard,
It seems to me most strange that men should fear;
Seeing that death, a necessary end,
Will come when it will come.
— Cæs. The ides of March are come.
Sooth. Ay, Cæsar; but not gone. Act iii. Sc. 1.
The Ides of March: In the Roman calendar the days of the month were not numbered sequentially. Instead, each month had three division days: kalends, nones and ides. Days were numbered from these divisions: e.g., IV Nones or III Ides. The ides occurred on the 15th of the month (or on the 13th in months that had less than 31 days). Julius Caesar was assassinated on this day in 44 BC. This system was used in Europe well into the Renaissance. When Shakespeare wrote "Beware the ides of March" in Julius Caesar his audience knew what he meant. Beware of what was to happen on March 15th

Sports Briefs----
How much every NFL team can spend in free agency
Chip Kelly explains why he's not trading up to draft Marcus Mariota
The rest of the NFL is baffled by what Chip Kelly is doing to the Eagles
Wide receiver Torrey Smith signs five-year deal with 49ers
Frank Gore, Andre Johnson sign with Colts
NFL Experts Weigh in on Fox Sports’ Pam Oliver About-Face:
There Was a ‘Drumbeat of Bad Press’
New Charger Statium in Mission Valley
Bears Commit to Cutleras Starting Quarterback

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California Nuts Briefs---
California drought: Big water rate hikes considered
by Bay Area agencies
Buyer Nixes Purchases of South Bay Hospitals;
Daughters of Charity Mulling Next Step

“Gimme that Wine”
Napa County examines ways to regulate winery expansion
Monterey Wants Conjunctive Wine Labels
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This Day in American History
1609 - Quite by accident, Bermuda was colonized as part of the British Empire. The ship of Admiral Sir George Somers, taking settlers to Virginia, was wrecked on the reefs of Bermuda. The islands had been discovered in the early 1500s, but were uninhabited until 1609. It actually saved the crew,
who did eventually make it to Jamestown. The island then became a favorite
of the British, as well as the original rendezvous for those who cross the ocean to the New World.
1613 - The first colonial warfare between England and France in America occurred at Mount Desert, ME, where Father Pierre Biard, superior of Saint Sauveur, had established a settlement of French Jesuits. The settlement was attacked by an English expedition under the command of Captain Samuel Argall. His aim was to suppress piracy and defend England’s claim to the country, which was based on explorations made by John and Sebastian Cabot in the 15th and 16th centuries. The seas around this area were also ripe with fish and European countries would set sail for the area just
for the fishing.
1664 - The Duke of York obtains a grant that gives him authority over all lands between the Connecticut and Delaware Rivers. This land grant includes all Dutch holdings in North America. New Jersey became a British colony.
1676 - Indians attack Plymouth, Massachusetts.
1755 – The first steam engine in America was installed, to pump water from a mine.
1773 - French-African Jeanne Baptiste Pointe de Sable founded the settlement now known as Chicago, Ill.
1831- Clement Studebaker was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Clement and his brother, Henry Studebaker, founded H. & C. Studebaker, a blacksmith and wagon building business in South Bend, Indiana. The Studebaker brothers made their fortune manufacturing carriages for the Union Army during the Civil War. By the end of the war, the Studebaker Brothers Manufacturing Company had become the world's largest manufacturer of horse-drawn carriages. With the advent of the automobile, Studebaker converted its business to car manufacturing, becoming one of the larger independent automobile manufacturers. Another major war would affect the company's fortune almost a century after its founders had benefited from the demand caused by the Civil War. During World War II, Studebaker manufactured airplane engines, trucks, and weasels (small military vehicles) for the war effort. Like many of the independents, Studebaker fared well during the war by producing affordable family cars. As their advertisement claimed, "Studebaker is building an unlimited quantity of airplane engines, military trucks, and other materiel for national defense... and a limited number of passenger cars, which are the finest Studebaker has ever produced." However, after the war, the Big Three--GM, Ford, and Chrysler--bolstered by their new government-subsidized production facilities, were too much for many of the independents, and Studebaker was no exception. Post-WWII competition drove Studebaker to its limits, and the company was absorbed by the Packard Corporation in 1954.
1850 - The US issued the first $20 gold piece.
1858 – Birthday of Adolph Ochs in Cincinnati. He was a newspaper publisher and former owner of “The New York Times” and “Chattanooga Times”.
1860 - Congress accepted the Pre-emption Bill that granted free land in the West for colonists
1864 – The Red River Campaign began as a US Navy fleet of 13 Ironclads and 7 Gunboats and other support ships enter the Red River in Louisiana.
1868 - Congress abolished the manufacturers' tax
1877 - David McKendree Key served as Postmaster General in the cabinet of President Rutherford B. Hayes until August 24, 1880. McKendree Key was a lieutenant colonel in the 43rd regiment of Tennessee and had been wounded and captured at Vicksburg. He also was a U.S. Senator. The appointment was quite controversial at the time. His appointment was part of the Compromise of 1877, implemented to ensure there was Democratic power in the Republican cabinet. Key's work as Postmaster General is harshly criticized by Mark Twain in “The Autobiography of Mark Twain”.
1884 - The State of Mississippi authorized the first state-supported college for women. It was called the Mississippi Industrial Institute and College.
1888 - One of the most devastating blizzards to hit the northeastern US began in the early hours of Monday. A snowfall of 40-50 inches, accompanied by gale-force winds, left drifts as high as 30-40 feet. More than 400 persons died in the storm (200 at New York City alone). Some survivors of the storm, known as "The Blizzard Men of 1888”, held annual meetings at New York City as late as 1941 to recount personal recollections of the event.
1894 – Coca-Cola was bottled and sold for the first time in Vicksburg, MI by local soda fountain operator Joseph Biedenharn.
1894 - Pittsburgh issued free season tickets for ladies on Tuesdays and Fridays
1896 - Jesse "Lone Cat" Fuller born, Jonesboro, Georgia. A country blues singer and one-man-band, he wrote the classic "San Francisco Bay Blues," among many other songs, and influenced numerous early-60s white folk-blues artists.
1901 - Andrew Carnegie donates $5.2 million to build 65 branch libraries in New York. Between 1900 and his death in 1919, Carnegie used his vast his riches to establish over 2500 libraries. He believed reading to be very important. In 1775, less than 60% could read, not including slaves who were less literate, and women, reportedly 75% of whom could not read or write. The free education system through reading brought equality and a better quality of life for the entire country.
1901 – Groundbreaking began for the Boston Americans’ first ballpark, the Huntington Avenue grounds.
1903 - One of the American League's eight charter franchises, the Baltimore Orioles, moved to New York City and became the New York Highlanders, before taking the "Yankees" as their official name in 1913.
1904 - Raphael Hawaweeny was ordained Eastern Orthodox bishop of Brooklyn, NY, at St. Nicholas Church. As a vicar under the Holy Synod of the Church of Russia, Hawaweeny thus became the first Russian Orthodox bishop ordained in America.
1910 – Boxer “Two Ton” Tony Galento was born Domenico Antonio Galento in Orange, NJ. Galento was one of the most colorful fighters in the history of the sport. He wrestled an octopus, boxed a kangaroo and a 550 lb. bear as publicity stunts for his fights. On June 28, 1939, he fought champ Joe Louis at Yankee Stadium. The short, balding Galento stunned the crowd, and his opponent, by staggering and hurting Louis with a powerful left hook in the first round. In the third round, Louis was hitting Galento with combinations when Galento caught him with a wild left hook and Louis went down. The fourth round was brutal for Galento. Louis hit him with murderous combinations which forced the referee to finally stop the bout. Galento died in his hometown in 1979.
1912 - Juliet Low founded the Girl Scouts of the USA at Savannah, Georgia. As is the tradition, Girl Scout cookies are on sale during this week. At first, the girls weren’t called Girl Scouts at all. They were called Girl Guides until the name was officially changed a short time after the group’s founding.
1917 - Earl Heywood, known as "Canada's Number-One Cowboy Singer," was born in London, Ontario. He began his career in 1941 on CFCO in Chatham, Ontario. The following year he moved to CKNX in Wingham, where he remained as a singer and announcer for more than 35 years. Heywood appeared for almost 20 years on the weekly "CKNX Barn Dance" and was host for "Serenade Ranch" from 1946 to 1953. Heywood and his Serenade Ranch Boys recorded 18 songs for RCA Victor, the most popular of which was "Alberta Waltz."
1917 - Chess record producer Leonard S. Chess was born in Motol, Poland. Without the two Chess brothers, most of the blues songs would not have been recorded, or influenced the Rock ’n’ Roll musicians that followed. Leonard bought a stake in a record company called Aristocrat Records in 1947. In 1950, Leonard brought his brother, Phil, into the operation and they became sole owners of the company, renaming it as Chess Records. In 1951, the Chess brothers began an association with Sam Phillips’ Memphis recording studio. One of the most important recordings that Phillips gave to Chess was "Rocket 88" by Jackie Brentson and His Delta Cats which topped Billboard’s R&B chart and was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 1998 because of its influence as a rock ‘n’ roll single. One of the most important artists that came out of Memphis was Howlin’ Wolf, who stayed with the label until his death in 1976. Many songs created by Chess artists were later reproduced by many famous Rock ‘n' Roll bands and artists such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Beach Boys and Eric Clapton. Some of the core riffs created by Bo Diddley, Willie Dixon, Chuck Berry, Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters and others were the basis of a wide amount of Rock n' Roll.,,414291,00.htm
1917 - A German submarine sunk an unarmed US merchant ship, the 'Algonquin', on the same day that President Woodrow Wilson gave an executive order to arm US merchant ships
1918 - Organ player Sir Charles Thompson born Springfield OH
1921 – Actor, singer Gordon McRae was born in East Orange, NJ. Best known for his appearances in the film versions of musicals “Oklahoma!” (1955) and “Carousel” (1956), and playing Bill Sherman in “On Moonlight Bay” (1951) and “By the Light of The Silvery Moon” (1953). He died in 1986.
1922 - American poet and novelist Jack (Jean-Louis) Kerouac, leader and spokesman for the Beat movement, was born at Lowell, MA. Kerouac is best known for his novel “On the Road”, published in 1957. It celebrates the Beat ideal of nonconformity. Kerouac published “The Dharma Bums” in 1958, followed by “The Subterraneans” the same year, “Doctor Sax” and its sequel “Maggie Cassidy” in 1959; “Lonesome Traveler” in 1960, “Big Sur” in 1962 and “Desolation Angels” in 1965. Kerouac died at St. Petersburg, FL, at age 47, on Oct 21, 1969. A previously unpublished part of “On the Road” called “Visions of Cody” was published posthumously in 1972.
1923 - The first movie with sound was shown before the New York Electrical Society in New York City by Dr. Lee De Forest. Called “The Gavote”, it showed a man and woman dancing to old-time music performed by four musicians playing on wind, percussion and string instruments. An Egyptian dance “trailer” was also shown. No voices were heard, only music. As a pioneer of ‘modern’ radio in the early 1900’s, DeForest called his invention phonofilm. Today it's called soundtrack.
1923 – Astronaut Wally Schirra was born in Hackensack, NJ. Schirra was one of the original seven astronauts chosen for Project Mercury, America's first effort to put humans in space. He flew the six-orbit, nine-hour Mercury-Atlas 8 mission on October 3, 1962, becoming the fifth American, and the ninth human, to ride a rocket into space. Schirra died at the age of 84 on May 3, 2007 of a heart attack.
1926 - “The Home of the Happy Feet,” Harlem’s famous Savoy Ballroom opens. “Stompin’ at the Savoy,” was one of Count Basie’s and Benny Goodman’s hits. The entrance fee was very small and often the crowd was 15% to 25% white. Supposedly the room was very well lit so you could view other dancers and it was very well-ventilated. (In the days before air conditioning this was very important.)
1928 - Sax player Willie Maiden born Detroit MI,,462246,00.html?
1928 - The St. Francis Dam 40 miles north of Los Angeles burst and flooded the San Francisquito Canyon. Over 500 people were drowned.
1931 – The co-founder of Southwest Airlines, Herb Kelleher, was born in Camden, NJ.
1932 - Andrew Young, civil rights leader, former mayor of Atlanta, GA, born New Orleans, LA.
1933 - Eight days after he was inaugurated, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his first presidential address to the nation, the first of his famous "Fireside Chats". The name was coined by newsman, Robert Trout, who thought the President sounded as if he was sitting in living rooms all over the nation, next to a roaring fire. Speaking by radio from the White House, he reported rather informally on the economic problems of the nation and on his actions to deal with them. His subject was the reopening of the banks during the following week.
1935 - Pari-mutuel betting came into being as horse race bets were legalized in Nebraska. Today, there are still states where horse racing, betting, or other forms gambling still bother legislatures, despite the fact that other states have been participating in these activities for years.
1935 - Pianist Hugh Lawson was born Detroit MI
1939 - Artie Shaw and his band recorded "Deep Purple" for the Bluebird label. After the first minute, you can hear Helen Forrest sing the vocal refrain. Larry Clinton had a number one song with a similar arrangement of the same song this same year. In 1963, it was a hit for saxophonist, Nino Tempo and his sister, April Stevens. Hundreds of versions of this song have been recorded.
1940 - Singer Al Jarreau born Milwaukee WI
1942 - Paul Kantner, guitar player with Jefferson Airplane, was born. His biggest hit is the million-selling No. 1 song "You've Got a Friend" in 1971.
1945 - Anne Frank died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp from Typhus during an epidemic that spread through the camp.
1945 – New York became the first state to prohibit employment discrimination by race or creed.
1946 - The filming of the controversial “Forever Amber” began in Hollywood, with a record-breaking $3 million budget. The film, based on the steamy best-selling novel by Kathleen Winsor which was banned in Australia, starred Linda Darnell, Cornel Wilde, George Sanders, Richard Haydn, Leo G. Carroll, and Jessica Tandy. The film went way over budget, ultimately costing $6.5 million, or $2.5 million more than “Gone with the Wind” less than a decade earlier. The film's budget skyrocketed partly because Darnell replaced actress Peggy Cummins in the lead role after she was fired, which forced a temporary production shut-down. Despite its stellar cast, superb musical score, expensive costumes, and ambitious plans, the 140-minute epic was a big flop at the box office.
1946 - Vocalist Liza Minnelli was born in Los Angeles, CA, the daughter of legendary singer Judy Garland and film director Vincent Minnelli. She made her professional debut at the age of three in a quick role in the film "In the Good Old Summertime," directed by her father and starring her mother. But Liza Minnelli soon dispelled notions that she was coasting on her parents' reputations. When she was 19, she became the youngest performer to win a Tony Award for her role in the Broadway musical "Flora, the Red Menace." Six years later, she was a star of the first magnitude, capturing an Oscar for her singing, dancing, and acting in "Cabaret."
1947 – President Harry S. Truman asks Congress for "anticommunist" aid to Greece and Turkey. The speech is dubbed as the Truman Doctrine and officially ushers in the Cold War era. President Truman declares the U.S. must help "free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures." President Truman declares the world "must choose between alternative ways of life." One based on "the will of the majority . . . distinguished by free institutions"; the other on "the will of a minority . . . terror and oppression . . . the suppression of personal freedoms."
1947 – Mitt Romney was born Willard Mitt Romney in Detroit. Son of former presidential candidate and American Motors CEO, George Romney, Mitt was formerly CEO of Bain Capital before entering politics in 1994. He was elected Governor of Massachusetts in 2002 after chairing the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics. After failing to gain the Republican Presidential nomination 2008, he was successful in 2012 but lost to incumbent president Barack Obama.
1948 - Singer/composer James Taylor was born in Boston, MA. His first professional experience was with a rock band called the Flying Machine. Then came his first solo album for the Beatles' Apple Records. It didn't do very well, but after a switch to Warner Brothers, he hit it big. Taylor's second album, "Sweet Baby James," sold three-million copies. "Fire and Rain" from that LP hit the top of the singles chart in 1970 and helped make James Taylor a household name. He won a Grammy Award in 1978 for his recording of "Handy Man," a slowed-down version of the old Jimmy Jones rock 'n' roll song. Taylor married singer Carly Simon in 1972, but she sued for divorce ten years later.
1951 - WOMACK, BRYANT E., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, Medical Company, 14th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Sokso-ri, Korea, 12 March 1952. Entered service at: Mill Springs, N.C. Birth: Mill Springs, N.C. G.O. No.: 5, 12 January 1953. Citation: Pfc. Womack distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. Pfc. Womack was the only medical aid man attached to a night combat patrol when sudden contact with a numerically superior enemy produced numerous casualties. Pfc. Womack went immediately to their aid, although this necessitated exposing himself to a devastating hail of enemy fire, during which he was seriously wounded. Refusing medical aid for himself, he continued moving among his comrades to administer aid. While he was aiding 1 man, he was again struck by enemy mortar fire, this time suffering the loss of his right arm. Although he knew the consequences should immediate aid not be administered, he still refused aid and insisted that all efforts be made for the benefit of others that were wounded. Although unable to perform the task himself, he remained on the scene and directed others in first aid techniques. The last man to withdraw, he walked until he collapsed from loss of blood, and died a few minutes later while being carried by his comrades. The extraordinary heroism, outstanding courage, and unswerving devotion to his duties displayed by Pfc. Womack reflect the utmost distinction upon himself and uphold the esteemed traditions of the U.S. Army.
1951 - Top Hits
“If” - Perry Como
“My Heart Cries for You” - Guy Mitchell
“Be My Love” - Mario Lanza
“There’s Been a Change in Me” - Eddy Arnold
1951 – The owners of Major League Baseball voted 9-7 against the renewal of Commissioner A.B. ‘Happy’ Chandler’s contract.
1954 - A bridge hand in which each player was dealt a perfect hand of 13 cards of the same suit occurred at Cranston, RI. Irene Motta bid seven hearts and won the bid.
1954 - A blizzard raged from eastern Wyoming into the Black Hills of western South Dakota while a severe ice storm was in progress from northeastern Nebraska to central Iowa. The ice storm isolated 153 towns in Iowa. Dust from the Great Plains caused brown snow, while hail and muddy rain fell over parts of Wisconsin and Michigan.
1955 - “Bird Lives”. Jazz alto saxophonist Charlie "Bird" Parker dies in New York City of heart failure. He more-or-less invented the be-bop form of music and just the week before played at the New York City jazz club Birdland, which was named after him. Charlie Parker was 34 years old. Among several streets in New York, written in chalk on the sidewalk, “The Bird Lives." The tradition continues on this day, at least here in Saratoga, California. (national register of historic places)
1955 - One of the great groups of jazz appeared for the first time at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The Dave Brubeck Quartet presented a magnificent concert for jazz fans. Joining with Brubeck, in what would become one of the most popular concert draws on college campuses, were names that would become legends in their own right, including Paul Desmond on alto sax, Joe Morello on drums and Eugene Wright on bass.
1956 - Dick Farley of the Syracuse Nationals fouled out on an NBA game against the St. Louis Hawks after playing just five minutes, the fastest disqualification in league history.
1956 – Former Atlanta Braves slugger Dale Murphy was born in Portland, OR. During an 18-year baseball career, 1976–1993, he played for three different teams, but is noted for his time with the Braves. Murphy won consecutive National League MVP Awards (1982–1983), the National League's Silver Slugger Award four straight years (1982–1985), and the National League's Gold Glove award five straight years (1982–1986).
1959 - Top Hits
“Venus” - Frankie Avalon
“Charlie Brown” - The Coasters
“Alvin’s Harmonica” - David Seville & The Chipmunks
“Don’t Take Your Guns to Town” - Johnny Cash
1959 - Congress approved the admission of Hawaii as the 50th state in the U.S.
1962 – Darryl Strawberry was born in LA. He was a four-time World Series champ (Mets, 1986, Yankees, 1998-2000) whose career is discussed in terms of what might have been had he not succumbed to cocaine.
1964 - Malcolm X confirms his resignation from Nation of Islam
1964 - Teamsters union President James Hoffa was found guilty and sentenced to eight years on bribery charges. He had been on trial 4 times earlier but had not been found guilty. He appealed against the convictions and in 1966, while still going through the appeal process, he was re-elected in July 1966 despite two prison sentences totaling 13 years hanging over him. He vanished in mysterious circumstances in 1975 and has never been seen since. His body has still not been found and no one has been charged.
1966 - Chicago Blackhawks left wing Bobby Hull became the first NHL player to score more than 50 goals in a season when he tallied his 51st goal of the year against the New York Rangers.
1966 - In San Francisco, The Alligator Clip, the Charlatans, Sopwith Camel, and Duncan Blue Boy and his Cosmic Yo-Yo, at the Firehouse on Sacramento Street.
1966 – Jockey Johnny Longden retired from racing with 6,032 wins after 40 years.
1967 - Top Hits
“Love is Here and Now You’re Gone” - The Supremes
“Baby I Need Your Lovin’” - Johnny Rivers
“Penny Lane” - The Beatles
“The Fugitive” - Merle Haggard
1967 - A tremendous 4 day storm was in progress across California. Winds to 90 mph closed mountain passes, heavy rains flooded the lowlands, and in 60 hours Squaw Valley was buried under 96 inches of snow.
1968 - McCarthy does well in the Democratic primary. Senator Eugene McCarthy (D-Minnesota), an outspoken critic of the Johnson administration's policies in Vietnam, polls 42 percent of the vote in New Hampshire's Democratic presidential primary. President Lyndon B. Johnson got 48 percent. A Harris poll later showed that anti-Johnson, rather than antiwar, sentiment provided the basis for McCarthy's surprisingly strong performance.
McCarthy had been a contender to be President Lyndon B. Johnson's running mate in the 1964 election, but since then he had become increasingly disenchanted with Johnson's policies in Vietnam and the escalation of the war. In 1967, he published “The Limits of Power”, an assessment of U.S. foreign policy that was very critical of the Johnson administration. McCarthy announced his candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination in January, 1968, saying that he hoped to harness the growing antiwar sentiment in the country, particularly among the young. His showing in the New Hampshire primary astonished most of the political pundits. Johnson, frustrated with his inability to reach a solution in Vietnam and stunned by his narrow victory in New Hampshire, announced on March 31, 1968, that he “would neither seek nor accept the nomination of his party for re-election”. The rest of McCarthy's campaign was almost an anticlimax. Senator Robert Kennedy of New York entered the race and won most of the Democratic primaries until his assassination in June. When the Democratic National Convention opened in Chicago, a conflict immediately erupted over the party's Vietnam platform. While demonstrations against the war took place in the streets outside the convention hall, Vice President Hubert Humphrey won the party nomination. Humphrey was defeated in the general election by Republican Richard Nixon. McCarthy retired from the Senate in 1971, but his surprising showing in the primary was evidence of the strong antiwar sentiment in the country.
1969 - Paul McCartney marries photographer Linda Eastman. Contrary to the popular rumor of the day, she is not related to the Eastmans of Eastman-Kodak fame. Paul's brother, Mike McGear is the best man. None of the other Beatles is in attendance.
1972 – Gordie Howe retired from the NHL after 26 seasons.
1974 - "Wonder Woman" debuted on ABC-TV, although it eventually moved to CBS. It starred Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, whose real name was Diana Prince. Wonder Girl, Diana's sister, was Donna Troy.
1975 - Top Hits
“Have You Never Been Mellow” - Olivia Newton-John
“Black Water” - The Doobie Brothers
“My Eyes Adored You” - Frankie Valli
“Linda on My Mind” - Conway Twitty
1980 - A jury convicted John Wayne Gacy Jr. of the murders of 33 boys and young men. He had admitted the murders but he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. He had started his murders in 1972 and continued into 1978 when he was caught. 27 victims were found in a crawl space under the floor of his house and others were found in nearby rivers. The sentence was 21 consecutive life sentences and 12 death sentences. On May 10, 1994, Gacy was executed at Stateville Correctional Center in Crest Hill, Illinois, by lethal injection.
1983 - U2's "War" enters the British LP chart at #1.
1983 - Top Hits
“Billy Jean” - Michael Jackson
“Shame on the Moon” - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band
“Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” - Culture Club
“The Rose” - Conway Twitty
1984 – At the World Figure Slaking Championships, Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean of Great Britain became the first ice dancing team to earn nine perfect marks of 6.0
1985 - Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics scored a club-record 60 points in a 126-116 victory over the Atlanta Hawks. Bird broke the record previously held by teammate Kevin McHale, who scored 56 points just nine days earlier.
1985 - Auto dealer Tom Bensen and several investors plunked down about $64 million to buy the New Orleans Saints NFL team. .
1986 - Susan Butcher wins 1,158 mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.
1987 - After breaking all records for advance ticket sales, the British musical “Les Miserables” opened on Broadway.
1987 - A&M Records presented Special Olympics International with a check for $5 million. It was the first proceeds from sales of "A Very Special Christmas," a collection of yuletide songs by such superstars as Bruce Springsteen, U2, Bon Jovi, and Run-DMC.
1989 - An early season heat wave continued in the southwestern and central U.S. Nineteen cities reported record high temperatures for the date. Wichita Falls, TX, which six days earlier reported a record low of 8 above, reported a record high of 95 degrees. Childress, TX was the first spot in the country in 1989 to hit the century mark
1990 - Unseasonably warm temperatures occurred from the Mississippi Valley to the Atlantic coast. Over 90 high temperature records for this date were broken or tied. Many of the records were topped by 15 degrees or more and some of the records broken had been set 100 years ago or more. The high temperature for the nation was recorded in Baltimore, Maryland where the temperature reached 95 degrees. Washington, DC and Richmond, Virginia both recorded 89 degrees.
1990 – The NFL Los Angeles Raiders, formerly the Oakland Raiders, announced that they are returning to Oakland.
1991 - Top Hits
“Someday” - Mariah Carey
“One More Try”- Timmy -T-
“Show Me the Way” - Styx
“I’d Love You All Over Again” - Alan Jackson
1992 - Eric Clapton appeared on MTV's "Unplugged." His acoustic performance was released as an album, becoming one of his biggest sellers. It included a remake of his 1970 Top-10 hit "Layla," which almost matched the original in popularity. The format produced many other “relaxed, simple, and intimate” performances and records.
1993 - What was to become the "Great Blizzard of '93" began to develop as a huge mesoscale convective complex formed in the western Gulf of Mexico. As the low pressure area moved eastward and intensified, howling north winds exceeding hurricane force behind the storm were reported by platforms in the Gulf. One platform near 28.5n/ 92.5w recorded sustained winds of 85 mph with gusts to 99 mph. As the low crossed the coast around midnight near Panama City, Florida, the central pressure was already down to 980 millibars (28.94 inches). During the late evening into the early morning hours of the 13th, a vicious squall line swept through Florida and spawned 11 tornadoes resulting in 5 fatalities. Thunderstorm winds gusted to 110 mph at Alligator Point and 109 mph at Dry Tortugas. Extremely high tides occurred along the western Florida coast. A 13 foot storm surge occurred in Taylor County, Florida, resulting in 10 deaths with 57 residences destroyed. Over 500 homes were destroyed with major damage to another 700 structures.
1993 – Janet Reno was sworn in as the nation’s first female Attorney General.
1994 - The Church of England broke with 460 years of male dominance when it ordained its first women priests in Bristol Cathedral.
1996 - Nancy Sinatra gives her famous white go-go boots, the ones that “were made for walkin'”, to the Beverly Hills Hard Rock Cafe.
1996 - Directly contradicting an agreement signed with Netscape the previous day, AOL agrees to use and promote Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser exclusively. In exchange, Microsoft agrees to bundle AOL software with its Windows 95 operating system. The abrupt about-face became an important issue in the Department of Justice's 1998 antitrust suit against Microsoft. A senior vice president at AOL testified that his company had initially avoided selecting the Microsoft browser because Microsoft seemed to be in direct competition with AOL.
2001 - Richard Hidalgo signs the third-richest contract in Houston Astro history with a four-year, $32 million deal with the club. The outfielder's pact is less than teammate Jeff Bagwell's $85 million (5-years), and Craig Biggio's $33 million (4-years).
2001 - In a poll conducted by the Recording Industry Association of America, music fans voted Judy Garland's "Over the Rainbow" as the Song of the Century. The Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction" came in at #16 and The Beatles' "I Want To Hold Your Hand" was #26.
2002 - Andrea Yates, a 37-year-old housewife who drowned her five children in the bathtub of her Texas home in June, 2001, was convicted.
2003 - The second exhibition season bench-clearing brawl this week occurs as a raging Mike Piazza, after being hit by a pitch, charges the mound in pursuit of Guillermo Mota, who makes to the dugout without being caught. The incident may be a follow-up to an incident the previous spring which resulted in a shoving match after a similar event at which the Met All-Star catcher waited for the Dodger reliever, who was coming off the field in the eighth inning and grabbed him by the jersey.
2003 - 15-year-old Elizabeth Smart was found in Utah nine months after being kidnapped from her home. Her abductors, an employee who worked at the Smart’s home, and his wife, were captured and were charged of kidnapping, burglary, and sexual assault.
2006 - Phoenix's record run for dry days finally ends at 143 days. The last measured rain fell on October 18, 2005. Not only did the rain break the dry spell, the 1.40 inches that fell was a record amount for the date.
2006 - The Chicago Tribune compiled a list of 2,653 C.I.A. employees by searching the Internet. The newspaper stated that Washington was uncertain of whether the Bush Administration had revealed the names of covert C.I.A. operatives to the press, and asserts that getting this sort of information is not difficult. The Tribune reported that it had found the names by searching commercial databases on the Internet. The Tribune's deputy managing editor for news has edited the story, and says that the paper was surprised by how much it could learn from its online sources (including supposedly undercover operatives' names). He said, “We were able to get identities, internal agency telephone numbers and the locations of some two dozen secret C.I.A. facilities around the United States.” It has not published the names at the C.I.A's request. A C.I.A. spokeswoman has admitted that this will force the Agency to change its methods of protecting information.
2008 - An all-Beatles-song episode of FOX-TV's “American Idol”, seven years in the making, draws an estimated 31 million viewers.
2010 - President Bush's top political adviser said he approved of the controversial techniques such as waterboarding. Known as the former president's 'brain,' Rove said he did not believe that this form of interrogation amounted to torture. In an interview with BBC TV, he has claimed that waterboarding has helped prevent further terrorist attacks. 'I'm proud that we used techniques that broke the will of these terrorists and gave us valuable information that allowed us to foil plots.'
2013 – The College of Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church entered the Sistine Chapel to begin voting on a new Pope after Pope Benedict XVI stepped down from the position. A day later, the Cardinals chose Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergolio as the new Pope who took the name Pope Francis. Pope Francis is the first Pope from Latin America and the first Jesuit pope.

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