Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Top Ten Stories May 18 - May 22
(Most Often Opened by Readers)
Warren Capital Ponzi Scheme Started 1987
Attorney/Receivership Fees Now Over $1.15 million
True Story, I’m in Murphys, California
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“Mid-year Marketing Shift”
Leasing Industry Ad---Help Wanted
A Top-Rated Company
Goal Should Be to Secure a Second Interview”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
ELFA Reports New Business Up over First Quarter
But Slips 8% in April from March’s $8.9 Billion Record Month
The List---March, 2015 -Mergers, Acquisitions & Changes
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"--
Activities People Say They Do While Driving
Chart by Business Insider
Walking Bode Memorial Day, Saratoga, CA
Roses in Bloom on El Camino Grande/Monte Vista
Santa Rosa, California Adopt-a-Dog
Getting the Most Out of MBA Internships for Your Company
LinkedIn Insights by Andrew Kritzer
News Briefs---
28% of all New Car Transactions in April were Leases
Lease Applicants Are Being Turned Away in Huge Numbers
Is the Ex-Im Bank Doomed?
Looking Pretty Grim for the US Export-Import Bank
Ex-Im Bank Helps Secure Utah’s Exporting Future
Helps 42 Utah-based Companies of All Sizes
The Leading Countries for Alternative Finance
Markets Turning Away from Banks
10 Digital Payment Services Vie for Attention
from Both Businesses and Consumers Making Payments
Is GE Capital’s Fleet Leasing Business
Element Financial’s Next Target?
GE Capital and Element Financial Establish
Strategic Cross Border Fleet Services Alliance
Gold Steady Near $1,200
as Interest Rate Outlook Boosts Dollar
Apple's Jony Ive gets promoted to chief design officer
Most notable products including the iMac, MacBook Air
and Pro, iPod, iPhone, and Apple Watch
Greece can't make €1.6B IMF payment,
Refuses to Budge on Rescue Aid Terms
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
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Top Ten Stories May 18 - May 22
(Most Often Opened by Readers)

(1) Lease One Tagged for Fraud in Lease Commitment
by Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(2) Three New Bulletin Board Complaints
US Business Funding, Newport Beach, California
(3) Terry Waggoner, J.D. Passes Away
TriCon/Bell Atlantic/Santa Barbara Bank/Trader Joe's
(4) New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Industry
(5) Second Circuit Sinks JP Morgan Chase $1.5 Billion Over Mistaken Termination of UCC
by Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(6) NAELB Elects New Board of Directors
Pete Sawyer, CLFP, is President
(7) Bill to Allow Anyone to Obtain CA Referral Fee
Passes the Senate, Now at the Assembly
(8) Verhelle Founds Harvard Partners, LLC
(9) Element Financial to Raise $2.5 Billion
“New Capital to Fund Future”
(Tie) (10) Business Loans/Cash Advance Increase by Christopher Menkin
(Tie) (10) SOLVE Capital Group Acquires Metrix

Warren Capital Ponzi Scheme Started 1987
Attorney/Receivership Fees Now Over $1.15 million

The Warren Capital saga continues with legal and accounting fees now above $1.15 million. Receiver Michael Kasolas billed almost $275,000 through March. His attorney, Arent Fox, billed about $541,000 through March. Hemming Morse, hired by Kasolas to do forensic accounting on the case, billed nearly $184,000 by the end of March. Another accounting firm, Kokjer, Pierotti, billed almost $32,000.
Most accounting and legal work on the case is finished, Kasolas said. He proposed withholding $450,000 from cash on hand for future legal and accounting fees.
The alleged fraud came to light when founder Clay Stephens died of a heart attack. Discovery has found he allegedly had been issuing fraudulent promissory notes to investors for almost 14 years in a Ponzi scheme.
Receiver Kasolas reported that Warren Capital had total deposits of $16.6 million from 2010 until his death in Nov. 2014.
“WCC has relied on borrowing to fund its operations since at least 1987,” he said. "Significant loans were made to the company by Stephens and his brother Paul Stephens, and loans or advances totaling some $12.1 million from Warren Equipment Finance.
“Total investment in Warren Equipment Finance was $50 million, with payments to note holders totaling $38.8 million, leaving net losses of about $11.2 million.”
Kasolas has petitioned to distribute $1 million to approximately 70 investors who have lost $11.2 on the promissory notes. The distribution requested will be heard in court on June 22, 2014.
In the meantime, the receiver as well as other claimants, approximately 55 individual investors, have filed claims for a total of $16 million against the Warren Estate. There are several other claims filed by investors by various other law firms, close to $5 million.
The value of the estate is quite questionable, as Stephens house was "over mortgaged," and his wife Anne has expressed "bewilderment, betrayal and anxiety about her future...At the same time, she is sad and worried for many of her friends who lost money.”
True Story, I’m in Murphys, California
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

I’m in Murphys, Calaveras County, Northern California (pop. 2,213), prosecuting a Royal Links case.
As I leave the courtroom (a three room courthouse), I stupidly left my briefcase in the courtroom. And they lock the whole courthouse down during lunch. I’m speaking to opposing counsel, an 80 year old wily trial lawyer, and realize my mistake. I look at the courthouse deputy who sadly refuses me entry back into the courthouse to retrieve my briefcase.
The lawyer, says, “Oh, wait a minute, I can open it up” and pulls out a ring of keys and opens up the outside door and the inner courtroom door for me.
As I’m leaving, I look at the courthouse deputy and remark that my opposing counsel has keys to the courthouse? “Yep,” he says, “Welcome to Hooterville.”
Moral of the Story: Never take a case to trial involving controversial issues against a local citizen in a small town. I don’t care what the UCC says or the contract says—the judge will administer small town justice.
I learned a lot.
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Email: tmccurnin@bkolaw.com
Visit our web site at www.bkolaw.com
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:

Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“Mid-year Marketing Shift”

(Terry retired January 1, 2015. To honor him and his many years of writing for readers of Leasing News, is repeating several of his columns that are still meaningful today. Here is May 30, 2012.)
Mid-year Marketing Shift
Well, how is your marketing plan for 2012 working out? Are you meeting your guidelines? Did you hit your first quarter goals? Now that we are half way through the second quarter, how are you fairing?
Some I talk to are actually ahead of their marketing or business plan this year--- and some are not. To those that are ahead, I recommend a review of the booked business to determine where you success is coming from and then revise your next six month plan to consolidate and get your arms around those markets. That may mean that you will have to turn away from some markets that are providing you business. When times are good, many vendors will send business to a larger group of lessors to make sure the turnaround time on decisions does not hurt, and they also have the chance to resubmit to other lessors to fund poorer credits. So look at your credit approval-to-book ratio, not just how many applications you received. Then backwards, look at the applications received that were turned down, and its ratio per vendor.
If you have an overflow of business, you should determine your best sources and make sure they have priority in your back office. One of the difficulties coming out of a poor marketing season into a good one is your unpreparedness to handle the back office with any great sense of urgency.
Therefore if your best sources do not get priority, you may lose them over time to a more aggressive competitor. Management is as necessary in good times as in bad, perhaps even more necessary in poorer times.
I like consistency, but have you ever noticed going into a restaurant early and not many customers and the waiters stand around talking, making the service poor? When they are busy, the waiters are really with it, and service is much better. Look at your operation and yourself in the same manner.
You should review the new markets you have booked and make a determination if there is one you want to expand into or one that you may wish to downplay. I have always suggested increased commissions in markets you want to hold on to and reduced commissions in markets not in your plan.
The time to review and consolidate is when a fair amount of business is coming in. Some lessors will just hire more help and expand expenses to handle the increased business only to find when business falls off, things will get very tight very fast. If you focus on your chosen markets and improve your service you have a better chance to remain strong in both good times and bad.
If business is slow then you need to revisit your marketing or business plan and refocus on different markets. Try and find business that leads a recovery instead one that follows. As an example, recreation follows and transportation.
Take out your book on manufacturers and distributors in your area and look for those who would appear to be those who can be leaders with products that are needed to support a recovery.
I would also look for sales personnel that come with markets that you would like to penetrate instead of just looking for good sales people. They may cost more but they become productive much faster. They understand the equipment and the customers, and you will be surprised how quickly they pick up on using leasing to help their vendors and clients improve their business with excellent lease performance.
Don’t wait for July or August to look back at what you are doing, or should have done. Do it now!
Previous #102 Columns:

(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for appraisals and equipment valuations provided by Ed Castagna)
Leasing Industry Ad---Help Wanted
A Top Rated Company
“Goal Should Be to Secure a Second Interview”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Q: Any tips on securing a second interview?
A: Your goal during your first interview is to secure that second interview … some candidates are screened out after initial interviews because they did not seem highly motivated to pursue the job. To avoid this, make sure you express your interest in the company.
A good way to handle this is to close your first interview with a strong statement that reflects and reiterates your interest and qualifications; e.g., “I believe this position would be an excellent fit, and I am very interested in exploring this opportunity further (add some specifics)."
Don’t forget to include some knowledge that you know about the
company and why you would make a good fit.
Do not forget to
- Send follow-up communication as soon as possible after your first interview
- Follow up with everyone you met with … reach out / send an email to each person rather than a group email (contact info@riireruit.com for samples)
Second Interview Tips
- Get the agenda … ask for an itinerary, so you know what to expect.
- Review interview questions and answers … you may be asked the same questions you were asked during the first interview … review the questions and brush up your responses (no canned answers) and also develop new questions to ask the employer.
- Second interviews may require a full-day of meetings; lunch and/or dinner may be included on the agenda … dine and drink (non-alcoholic) carefully.
- Review the notes you took during the first interview and reflect on what can be clarified or expanded upon.
- Again, take the time to send a thank-you letter (email is fine) to everyone you met with to recap your qualifications and interest in the company and position.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
ELFA Reports New Business Up over First Quarter
But Slips 8% in April from March’s $8.9 Billion Record Month

(Chart: Leasing News)
The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association Monthly Leasing and Finance Index was $8.2 billion, but up over the First Quarter. Most
leasing companies report robust business despite the terrible weather
experienced by many states in 2015.
ELFA Charts
MLFI-25 New Business Volume (Year Over Year Comparison)
click to make larger
Aging of Receivables:

click to make larger
Average Losses (Charge-offs) as a % of net receivables
(Year Over Year Comparison)

click image to make larger
Credit Approval Ratios As % of all Decisions Submitted
(Year Over Year Comparison)

click image to make larger
Total Number of Employees
(Year Over Year Comparison)

click image to make larger

(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
The List---March, 2015
-- Mergers, Acquisitions & Changes
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"--

Integrity Financial Groups, Murray, Utah (03/15)
Dallin Hawkins Served with $53,000 Default Judgement
LEAF Financial (Philadelphia, PA) (03/15) Financial
Investment/Says He and Sister were Misled
More on LEAF: Financial Investment/ Says He and Sister were Misled
Chesswood, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (03/15) Record
earnings before taxes $20.4 million, compared to $19.7
million previous year.
Marlin Leasing, Mount Laurel, NJ (03/15) Year-end
2014, What You Missed in Press Release
Marlin Leasing Shutout from Suing Vendor
in New Jersey Over Fraudulent Leases
US Business Funding, Newport Beach, California (03/15)
Bulletin Board Complaint $5,915 Deposit Made in 2013

Walking Bode Memorial Day, Saratoga, CA
Roses in Bloom on El Camino Grande/Monte Vista

Santa Rosa, California Adopt-a-Dog

3 years old
Weight: 16.5lbs

"Borrega is a sweet and curious little dog that is looking for a family with whom she can explore the world! This girl tends to be cautious in new situations but with your support and patience she is eager to discover new things. She would do well with a family with kids 10 and older. She has been co-housed with an easy going canine friend.
"Borrega is smart and eager to please, talk to our adoptions staff about taking a training class with Borrega today!"
Sonoma Humane Society
5345 Highway 12 West
Santa Rosa, Ca. 95407
Tel: 707-542-0882
Fax: 707-542-1317
Adopt a Pet
Getting the Most Out of MBA Internships for Your Company
LinkedIn Insights by Andrew Kritzer

It’s May and thousands of MBA students are eagerly waiting for their summer internships to kick off. The time between first and second year is the only internship opportunity for most full time MBA students. It’s a critical chance to test out a new company and demonstrate newly developed competencies. It’s a two-way interview for companies to impress students and students to impress prospective employers.
For those who complete their summer internships with a full-time offer in hand, the second year is an opportunity to explore and drive passions. For others, the recruiting game starts anew – interviews and networking continue, and the stakes are even higher as full-time job seekers.
As MBA students prepare for their summer internship, we examined the internship outcomes from thousands of MBA students who interned in 2013, graduated in 2014, and attended one of the top 50 business schools. Here’s our advice to all you MBA students, based on what we learned:
Set Your Expectations
Many companies hire only a portion of their MBA internship class.
- Only 13% of venture capital and private equity interns convert to full-time. While these opportunities are valuable experiences to build a career in this competitive space, an internship in VC is far from a slam dunk to becoming the next Peter Thiel.
- On the other hand, management consulting is the top retainer of intern talent, with 61% of interns returning to the same company full-time. While it’s more likely you’ll succeed here, you should use the internship to figure out if your coworkers pass your own airport test, in short would you enjoy spending hours with your colleagues while delayed in an airport?
Establish Your Network
Relationships matter. Interns who connected with 20+ colleagues in the same year as their internships were more than twice as likely to return full-time in 2014. These connections are often the byproduct of informal lunches or coffee meetings to learn about a coworker’s backgrounds and hobbies. Networking makes you memorable to senior leaders as well as a go-to resource for your peers. Seek out a network of peers and informal mentors over the summer. Follow up with a personalized LinkedIn invite to keep in touch.
If You’re Not Happy, Don’t Settle

While it’s tempting to accept any internship offer, reflect on your career goals and make sure the opportunity is right for you. Interns who did not build strong networks, evidenced by having fewer than 10 company connections, were twice as likely to leave in the full-time roles as interns who built more relationships (10+ connections). If you receive a full-time offer, ask yourself: Did I enjoy working with the people that I met this summer? If you are not certain, carefully evaluate your options before making a decision.

This data shows the importance of setting objectives for your internship experience, creating a strong support network to understand your fit within the organization, and ultimately putting yourself in a better position at the end of the summer. We hope these insights from the Economic Graph help you prepare for your internship this summer.

News Briefs----
28% of all New Car Transactions in April were Leases
Lease Applicants Are Being Turned Away in Huge Numbers
Is the Ex-Im Bank Doomed?
Looking Pretty Grim for the US Export-Import Bank
Ex-Im Bank Helps Secure Utah’s Exporting Future
Helps 42 Utah-based Companies of All Sizes
The Leading Countries for Alternative Finance
Markets Turning Away from Banks
10 Digital Payment Services Vie for Attention
from Both Businesses and Consumers Making Payments
Is GE Capital’s Fleet Leasing Business
Element Financial’s Next Target?
GE Capital and Element Financial Establish
Strategic Cross Border Fleet Services Alliance
Gold Steady Near $1,200
as Interest Rate Outlook Boosts Dollar
Apple's Jony Ive gets promoted to chief design officer
Greece can't make €1.6B IMF payment,
Refuses to Budge on Rescue Aid Terms
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigative
reporting provided by John Kenny)

--You May Have Missed It
9 Big Ideas from the Financial Brand Forum 2015
(Applies to All Business, including leasing)
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

Add the Spring Back into Your Salad
Baseball Poem

Baseball Poem
Baseball Archeologists
by Tim Peeler
Hatley had
a catcher's big hands
and had he played
he certainly would have caught,
braced in the squat position
examining the game
from its lowest perspective
with small dark eyes
darting like flashy pencil points —
Hatley never
watched the games live,
vcr'd them,
invited the guys over
to study
inning by inning
in reverse,
the coffee table smothered
with stuffed ashtrays
and emptied crushed beer cans,
at first the speculation
heavy as late game drunkenness,
what caused the score,
the change of pitchers,
rewinding the full swings,
the perfect throws,
in three out layers,
our eyes clearing,
cig butts disappearing,
finally ending
with the first taken pitch
and the sober presentation
of the lineups —
when the national anthem sang itself we stood
the words jumping
back into our mouths.
Touching All Bases
Poems from Baseball
Tim Peeler

Sports Briefs----
There's Plenty of Blame to Go Around for
Ray McDonald's Short Stint in Chicago
Adrian Peterson still wants to be traded
Not Attending Organized Team Activities
There's Plenty of Blame to Go Around for
Ray McDonald's Short Stint in Chicago
Adrian Peterson still wants to be traded
Not Attending Organized Team Activities
Tom Brady’s appeal likely won’t be heard by Wednesday
Guess is Both Sides Will Agree to a Postponement
The Most Overrated and Underrated Player
on Every NFL Roster
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)

California Nuts Briefs---
California farm economy surprisingly resilient amid drought
State Adds 6,000 More Farmworkers in 2014 than 2013
Ag woes have big impact on San Joaquin Valley economy
Top Ten Ag Counties in California
California looks Down Under for drought advice
Australia, the World's Driest Inhabited Continent
Companies that employ West Coast dockworkers OK contract
Five Year Contract Approved
Low-income Homeowners Get Free Solar Panels
Thanks to California Cap & Trade
Rock star Bono’s ties with Silicon Valley run deep,
underscored by his view that technology was key to delivering music

“Gimme that Wine”
Once scoffed at, boxed wines win new fans with bump in quality, variety
Top 10 wines in the US press
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1637 – A combined Protestant and Mohegan force under the English Captain John Mason attacked a Pequot village in Connecticut, massacring approximately 500 Native Americans.
1649 - A ban on Jesuits was enacted by the Puritan Massachusetts Bay colony. Contrary to what is taught in elementary and middle schools, the Puritans were quite prejudiced to other religions and did not escape England for persecution, but wanted for the opposite reason, to ensure their own religion above any others. The ban provided that “No Jesuit or ecclesiastical person obayned by the authoritie of the pope shall henceforth come within our jurisdiction” excepting survivors of shipwrecks and trades who “behave themselves inoffensively during their abode here.” A second offense was punishable by death.
1647 - Alse Young became the first person executed as a witch in the American colonies, when she was hanged in Hartford, Connecticut.
1771 - A famous Virginia flood occurred as heavy rains in the mountains brought all rivers in the state to record high levels.
1781 – The Bank of North America incorporated in Philadelphia
1805 - Lewis & Clark saw the Rocky Mountains for the first time.
1830 – The Indian Removal Act was passed by Congress and was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson two days later.
1836 - The power of the Southern pro-slavery Congress voted the first gag rule when they voted 117 to 68 to ban any consideration of the contentious subject of slavery. The resolution read: “Whereas it is extremely important and desirable that the agitation of this subject should be finally arrest, for the purpose of restoring tranquility to the public mind, your committee respectfully recommend the adoption of the following additional resolution: Resolved that all petitions, memorials, resolutions, propositions, or papers relating in any way, or to any extent whatever, to the subject of slavery, or the abolition of slavery, shall without being either printed or referred, be laid upon the table and that no further action whatever shall be had thereon.”
1857 – Dred Scott and his family were freed by owner Henry Taylor Blow three months after the Supreme Court ruled against them.
1864 - The Territory of Montana was formed by Congress from the Territory of Idaho.
1865 – Confederate General Edmund K. Smith was the last full general of the Confederate Army to surrender, at Galveston, TX.
1868 - President Andrew Johnson avoids impeachment by 1 vote. When Johnson removed his Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton over plans for Reconstruction, the opposing party, Republicans, voted to impeach him on February 24 at the House of Representatives. A trial then was brought against him by the US Senate. Both times the vote was 35 for conviction and 19 for acquittal. Because a two-thirds vote was needed to convict, Johnson was judged not guilty. As a side note, on May 21, the Republican National Convention nominated Gen. Ulysses S. Grant for the presidency, and at the same meeting, the convention adopted the name National Republican Party.
1869 – Boston University was chartered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
1883 - Jazz singer Mamie Smith (1883-1946) was born in Cincinnati, OH. http://www.redhotjazz.com/mamie.html
1886 - Al Jolson’s (1886–1950) birthday, born Asa Yoelson at St. Petersburg, Russia. Actor, singer who was the first performer to sing in a sound movie “The Jazz Singer”.
1887 – New York legalized racetrack betting
1895 – Famous “America” photographer Dorothea Lange born Hoboken, New Jersey.
1896 - An F5 tornado hit Oakwood, Ortonville, and Thomas, Michigan. 47 people were killed and 100 were injured. Trees were debarked "even to the twigs, as though done by the careful hand of an experienced artisan". Parts of houses were found up to 12 miles away.
1896 – Charles Dow published the first edition of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
1898 – The charter for the City of San Francisco was approved, allowing municipal ownership of utilities.
1907 - Birthday of John Wayne (1907-1979), born Marion Robert Morrison at Winterset, IA. An Academy Award-winner (“True Grit”), Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades. Between 1926 and 1976, Wayne appeared in over 170 motion pictures. An enduring American icon, he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height. “Talk low, talk slow and don't say too much,” was his advice on acting. Growing up in Glendale, CA, a local fireman at the station on his route to school started calling him "Little Duke" because he never went anywhere without his huge Airedale Terrier, “Duke”. He was recognized by the Congress on May 26, 1979, when he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal. On June 9, 1980, Wayne was posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Carter. John Wayne Airport in Orange County, where he lived, is named after him. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000078/
1908 - At Masjed Soleyman in southwest Persia, the first major commercial oil strike in the Middle East was made. The rights to the resource were quickly acquired by the United Kingdom.
1911 – Joe Friday’s first partner, Nicholas Benton "Ben" Alexander (1911–1969) was born in Goldfield, NV. Alexander played Officer Frank Smith in “Dragnet”, first in the radio series and then on television.
1912 - Jay Silverheels (1912–1980) was born Harold J. Smith on the Six Nations of the Grand River First Nation, near Brantford, Ontario, Canada. He achieved enduring fame for his role as Tonto, the faithful Indian companion of the character, “The Lone Ranger” (1949-57) in the long-running TV series.
1913 - Actors' Equity Association was formed in NYC.
1914 - Trumpet player Ziggy Elman (1914-1980) born. http://www.decadesign.com/scptest/ziggyelman.jpg
1916 - Composer/author Louis Thomas Hardin, better known as “Moondog,” born Marysville, KS
1917 - A tornado touched down near Louisiana, MO about noon and remained on the ground for a distance of 293 miles, finally lifting seven hours and twenty minutes later in eastern Jennings County, IN. The twister cut a swath of destruction two and a half miles wide through Mattoon, IL. There were 101 persons killed in the tornado, including 53 at Mattoon, and 38 at Charleston IL. Damage from the storm totaled 2.5 million dollars.
1920 - Peggy Lee (1920-2002) was born Norma Deloris Egstrom at Jamestown, ND. Singer, songwriter and actress, she got her start singing on a Fargo, ND, radio station, and was soon hired by Benny Goodman to sing with his band. Known for her simple, jazzy style as well as her sex appeal, her biggest hits were 1958”s “Fever” and 1969's “Is That All There Is?”, both of which are now considered standards. She is perhaps best remembered for the songs that she co-wrote and performed in Disney's “Lady and the Tramp.” She continued to perform until the 1990's, when poor health forced her to retire.
1923 - James Arness (1923-2011) was born in Minneapolis, MN. He was our neighbor and was starring in the long-running TV western "Gunsmoke" as Marshal Matt Dillon. “Gunsmoke” ran 1955-75 and 635 episodes. My father wrote a few of the episodes. Mr. Arness also took my brother Michael and I to University High School for almost two years (until I learned to drive). He would pick us up at the bus stop on Sunset Blvd. in his Oldsmobile station wagon. Perhaps at times he would get up to 80 to 100 miles an hour down Sunset Blvd. He would zoom in and out of traffic, laughing, and give us advice on life. My brother told my mother the speed and she told us not to ride with him anymore (we did, as we always beat the bus to school). If he was late, he would drop off us a few blocks from the high school, but if he was really making time, he would drop us off right in front. He was a very nice man. Right across from where we lived was James Whitmore. He was offered the Gunsmoke role first, but turned it down, recommending Arness, who was at least twice as tall (6’ 7”) as Whitmore was short. Whitmore thought Arness was better for the role.
1924 – President Coolidge signed a restrictive Immigration law
1925 – After ulcer surgery and a five week convalescence, Babe Ruth left the hospital. Ty Cobb became the first Major Leaguer to 1000 extra-base hits and would finish his career with 1,138.
1926 – Miles Davis (1926-91) was born in Alton, IL. Widely considered one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, he was, together with his musical groups, at the forefront of several major developments in jazz music. In 2006, Davis was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame which recognized him as "one of the key figures in the history of jazz".
1927 - Ford Motor Company produced the last and 15th million Model T Ford, known as Tin Lizzie.
1928 – ‘Dr. Death’, Jack Kevorkian (1928-2011) was born in Pontiac, MI.
1930 – The Supreme Court ruled that buying liquor does not violate the Constitution
1932 - The kindly bequest of Lillie Hitchcock Coit, who desired to leave a memorial to her beloved city, has precipitated a bitter war among the art elements of that same city. With the memorial, a $100,000 tower atop Telegraph Hill, ready for erection, the air is filled with criticism and friction. The San Francisco Federation of Art, an organization composed of representatives of 22 groups interested in the arts, declared that the memorial tower was not suitable, that its erection would ruin Telegraph Hill and that it would spoil the city's silhouette. The 210 foot tower was built in 1931 after five years of construction.
1937 – The Golden Gate Bridge, spanning the San Francisco Bay, opened.
1937 - Lionel Hampton and his band recorded the classic, "Flying Home", for Decca Records.
1938 - William Bolcom, American pianist, composer and writer, born Seattle, Washington.
1938 – House Un-American Activities Committee began its first session. Think they’d be busy today?
1940 - The evacuation of 200,000 British and 40,000 French and Belgian soldiers began. The British Force had become trapped by advancing German armies at Dunkirk, the port on the northern coast of France. Sailing on every kind of transport available, including fishing boats and recreational craft, these men were safely across the English Channel by June 2.
1941 – Betsy Ross’ home was given to the City of Philadelphia.
1942 - Lionel Hampton's big band, with Illinois Jacquet, records “Flyin' Home,” (Decca 18394)
1945 – Garry Peterson, drummer for The Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive, was born in Winnipeg.
1946 - Top Hits
The Gypsy - The Ink Spots
All Through the Day - Perry Como
Laughing on the Outside - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Billy Williams)
New Spanish Two Step - Bob Wills
1948 – Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac was born Stephanie Lynn Nicks in Phoenix.
1949 - Singer Hank Williams, Jr. ("All for the Love of Sunshine," "I Fought the Law"), was born in Shreveport, LA.
1949 – Ward Cunningham, who developed the first wiki, was born in Michigan City, IN.
1951 - Birthday of Sally Kristen Ride (1951-2012) in Encino, CA. Dr. Ride was one of the first women in the US astronaut corps and the first American woman in space. Her flight aboard the space shuttle Challenger was launched from Cape Canaveral, FL, June 18, and landed at Edwards Air Force Base, CA, June 24, 1983. The six-day flight was termed “nearly a perfect mission.”
1954 - Top Hits
“Wanted” - Perry Como
“Little Things Mean a Lot” - Kitty Kallen
“Man Upstairs” - Kay Starr
“I Really Don't Want to Know” - Eddy Arnold
1956 - Althea Gibson (1927-2003) won the French Open, becoming the first Black tennis player to win a major tennis title, 1956. http://espn.go.com/sportscentury/features/00014035.html
1959 - In another of Bill Veeck's stunts, 3-feet, 7-inch Eddie Gaedel returns to a major league field along with three other midgets. Arriving by helicopter and dressed as Martians, the quartet shake hands with Nellie Fox and Luis Aparicio near second base on Comiskey Park's infield and give them toy ray guns as the PA announcer informs fans the crowd the ETs have arrived to help the somewhat short keystone combo in their struggle with giant earthlings. In 1951, in the second game of a St. Louis Browns doubleheader, Gaedel became the shortest player in the history of the Major Leagues. He made a single plate appearance and was walked with four consecutive balls before being replaced by a pinch-runner at first base.
1959 – Harvey Haddix of the Pittsburgh Pirates threw a 12-inning perfect game against the Milwaukee Braves, only to lose 1-0 in the 13th inning. An error by third baseman Don Hoak ended the perfect game in the bottom of the 13th, allowing Felix Mantilla to reach first base. Mantilla was advanced to second on a sacrifice by Eddie Mathews, which was followed by an intentional walk to Hank Aaron. Joe Adcock then hit a home run, ending the no-hitter and the game. However, in the confusion, Aaron left the base paths and was passed by Adcock for the second out and the Braves won 2-0. Eventually the hit was changed from a home run to a double by a ruling from NL President Warren Giles; only Mantilla's run counted, for a score of 1-0, but the Pirates and Haddix still lost. Haddix's 12 2/3-inning, one-hit complete game, against the team that had just represented the NL in the previous two World Series, is considered by many to be the best pitching performance in Major League history.
1961 – Dave Garroway told the NBC-TV brass that he was ready to retire. “I want to give up the Today show,” he said, “to stop talking awhile and start looking, thinking and listening to people.” Garroway voiced his trademark, “Peace,” with palm facing the camera, for the last time, after 10 years of early morning informing and entertaining.
1962 – Top Hits
“Stranger on the Shore” – Mr. Acker Bilk
“I Can’t Stop Loving You” – Ray Charles
“Old Rivers” – Walter Brennan
“She Thinks I Still Care” – George Jones
1963 – Wes Stock of the Baltimore Orioles won both games of a doubleheader, the only Oriole pitcher to do so.
1964 – Lenny Kravitz birthday, Actor, singer, born New York.
1965 - The Rolling Stones appear on "Shindig!" along with Jackie De Shannon, Sonny and Cher and Jimmy Rodgers.
1967 - A slow moving nor'easter battered New England with high winds, heavy rain, and record late season snow. Winds 70 to 90 mph in gusts occurred along the coast. Over 7 inches of rain fell at Nantucket, Massachusetts with 6.57 inches falling in 24 hours to set a new 24 hour rainfall record. Severe damage occurred along the coast from very high tides. 24.9 inches of snow fell at Mount Washington, New Hampshire to set a new may snowfall record. 10 inches of snow fell near Keene, New Hampshire and 6 inches was recorded at Dublin, New Hampshire.
1967 - "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", by The Beatles, was released. It took the Fab Four only 12 hours to record their first album, "Please, Please Me". It took them 700 hours to complete "Sgt. Pepper's".
1967 - The Charlatans, The Salvation Army Banned, and Blue Cheer at the Avalon Ballroom in San Francisco.
1970 - Top Hits
“American Woman/No Sugar Tonight” - The Guess Who
“Turn Back the Hands of Time” - Tyrone Davis
“Everything is Beautiful” - Ray Stevens
“My Love” - Sonny James
1978 - The first legal casino in the eastern United States opened in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The owners of the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall Hotel opened as the Resorts International.
1978 - Top Hits
With a Little Luck - Wings
Too Much, Too Little, Too Late - Johnny Mathis/Deniece Williams
You're the One that I Want - John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John
She Can Put Her Shoes Under My Bed (Anytime) - Johnny Duncan
1980 – The Phillies’ Steve Carlton became the only NL hurler with six one-hitters.
1984 - Thunderstorms during the late evening and early morning hours produced 6 to 13 inches of rain at Tulsa, OK in six hours (8.63 inches at the airport). Flooding claimed fourteen lives and caused 90 million dollars property damage. 4600 cars, 743 houses, and 387 apartments were destroyed or severely damage in the flood.
1984 – President Reagan ruled out US involvement in the Iran-Iraq war.
1986 - Top Hits
“Greatest Love of All” - Whitney Houston
“Live to Tell” - Madonna
“On My Own” - Patti LaBelle & Michael McDonald
“Tomb of the Unknown Love” - Kenny Rogers
1987 - Severe thunderstorms spawned 15 tornadoes in west Texas. In Louisiana, a man in a boat on Lake Bistineau was struck and killed by lightning, while the other 3 people aboard were unharmed. The man reportedly stood up in the boat and asked to be struck by lightning.
1988 - There was "frost on the roses" in the Upper Ohio Valley and the Central Appalachian Mountain Region. Thirteen cities reported record low temperatures for the date, including Youngstown, OH with a reading of 30 degrees. Evening thunderstorms in North Dakota produced wind gusts to 75 mph at Jamestown.
1990 – The #20 worn by Michael Jack Schmidt was retired by the Philadelphia Phillies.
1993 – You’ve seen this on TV numerous times…A long fly ball hit by the Indians' Carlos Martinez bounced off Jose Canseco's head and over the fence for a home run.
1994 - Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie marries the self-proclaimed "King of Pop", Michael Jackson in the Dominican Republic. Presley files for divorce in January of 1996.
1997 – In the same game, Sammy Sosa of the Cubs and Tony Womack of the Pirates hit inside the park HRs.
1998 – The Supreme Court ruled that Ellis Island, the historic gateway for millions of immigrants, is mainly in New Jersey, settling dispute with New York that dated to 1664.
2004 - The New York Times published an admission of journalistic failings, claiming that its flawed reporting and lack of skepticism towards sources during the buildup to the 2003 war in Iraq helped promote the belief that Iraq possessed large stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction.
2004 - Army veteran Terry Nichols was found guilty of 161 state murder charges for helping carry out the Oklahoma City bombing.
Stanley Cup Champions
1988 - Edmonton Oilers

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