Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Position Wanted – Operations
Work Remotely or Relocate for Right Opportunity
Top Stories: May 8 - May 12
(Opened Most by Readers)
Is This a Forecast of Things to Come?
by Christopher Menkin
Protect Your Computer/Laptop
by Kit Menkin
Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Showing Up
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
National Account Managers/Funding Coordinator Needed
Commercial Equipment Marketplace Council Announces
3 Day Retreat, Laguna Beach, California, June 12-14
CFPB Wants Small Business Loan Data
What Do you Think?
by Bob Coleman, Coleman reports
The Big 'What If': Amazon Went Public 20 Years Ago
What You Would Have Earned
Crestmark Acquires Florida-based Allstate Capital
Equipment Leasing Division Grows w/Small Ticket Leasing Leader
Golden Retriever/German Shepherd
Milpitas, California
“Indeed” joins
Classified Ads ---Employment Web Sites
News Briefs---
New York Department of Financial Services Sues
OCC Regarding National Fintech Charter
States gang up to kill US FinTech charter a
and offer alternative 'Vision 2020'
The 22-year-old who saved the world from a malware virus
has been named
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
Silicon Valley's ultimate status symbol is the sneaker
Baseball Poem
Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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Position Wanted – Operations
Work Remotely or Relocate for Right Opportunity

Each Week Leasing News is pleased, as a service to its readership, to offer completely free ads placed by candidates for jobs in the industry. These ads also can be accessed directly on the website at:
Each ad is limited to (100) words and ads repeat for up to 6 months unless the candidate tells us to stop. Your submissions should be received here by the end of each week.

5 time Presidents Club Franchise Player with 20+ years in Logistics, Collections, Technology Pricing/Appraisal ( NAPA) Certified, Portfolio Appraisal Inventory receivable proficient, Management Control System Developer & Specialist. Proactive communications & Equipment Dealer Specialist for Healthcare/Printing/Office Equipment & Industrial portfolios. Specialist in ALL Inventory receivable channels.
Top Stories: May 8 - May 12
(Opened Most by Readers)
(1) New Developments in Ascentium Action:
Texas Judge Expresses Doubt on Class Action Allegations;
State court Complaints are Filed and
Balboa Capital Joined as Defendant
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(2) RLC Funding Updated & Navitas’ One Hour Response
Funders List "A"
(3) “On Deck Goes from Hot Tech Startup
to Dull Lender,” reports Wall Street Journal
(4) New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(5) Leasing News The List - March, 2017
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
(6) 9 Useful Phone Apps for Sales Reps
Sales Makes it Happen by Jim Acee
(7) Lending Club May Have Hit a Dead End
By Maria Terekhove, Business Insider
(8) FDIC Announces $3 Million Settlement for Three
for Unfair and Deceptive Practices
(9) TEAM Funding Solutions Joins
Mintaka Financial Roster of Partners
(10) Milwaukee, Wisconsin 119 Branch Bank Failure
Only 12 Branches Will Re-Open
Is This a Forecast of Things to Come?
by Christopher Menkin

Leasing Gypsies
It may be a coincidence, but it feels strange all of a sudden getting a number of complaints from applicants who either signed a lease or a proposal, sent in a deposit, and the transaction did not happen, and/or never got their deposit back.
Most of the complaints in the last year have been residuals on a lease that was supposed to be a $1.00 option, or Evergreen Clause complaints, as well as Interim Rents.
This is reminiscent of a time when brokers were getting desperate and keeping deposits when transactions did not go through.
Most of the complaints started in March, all size applications, all established companies, and all the broker/lessors so far in Southern California. Reminds of the 1970s when many companies would not do business in the Southland, such as Dumac Leasing, Finance Pacific, to name a few. They even noted this in their requirements sent to brokers.
Some of the complaints are strange, too. One is from a company that had a proposal, accepted, and contracts were sent. It was a small company and the wife of the president (not an officer) signed it and sent in the check. Later when her husband, the president, was going over the paperwork, he said it wasn't the same as it had a fair market value and Evergreen clause; she should not have signed the contract or sent them a check. The secretary said she would get the money back, and at first, the customer service rep said he would do that. A few days later, he emailed that it wasn't company policy to return the money on a signed contract.
Leasing News got involved. Number one, a corporate officer didn't sign the paperwork, therefore it was questionable. Also, the terms and conditions were changed. The leasing company, which also has complaints in the Leasing News Bulletin, was contacted and the check was sent back.
Another was similar with a proposal signed with an ACH for the deposit. The company has several complaints posted in Leasing News. When the contract was received, the payment was different and it was not a $1.00 out. In all these complaints, copies of documents, proposals, and emails are received by Leasing News before getting involved. Originally the person thought it was a business loan, as per the proposal. The broker/lessor and applicant went back and forth for two months, then Leasing News got involved and the broker/lessor said not to talk to "Kit Menkin." They sent a commitment letter that he would be paid in 30 days (never saw the commitment letter), but the applicant said “What can I do? This has been going on for almost three months!" Make that four, if he does get his deposit back.
In this instance, the contract was sent that did not meet the proposal. First, it was supposed to be an Equipment Finance Agreement, but it was a lease. The monthly payment was changed which the applicant accepted, but told the sale person he would not accept the fair market value residual. The sales person told him to cross it out and sign the cross out, which the applicant did and also included a note to it. After he sent the contract back, the salesman said the company could not accept the change. The applicant said then to return the deposit.
The broker/lessor was contacted, and the check was sizeable, so he said he would negotiate it. Leasing News position was a court of law might rule that although he signed the contract, he changed it, and then the contract was not accepted. Therefore it was not a valid contract. The deposit then should be returned unless the lessee want to test it with the Business Department of Justice or go for the lower amount of $10,000 for an individual or sole proprietor, or $5,000 if a corporation or other entity in a California Small Claims Court.
Here is another one that might make the Complaint Bulletin Board:
"I have been involved in a business dealing with this company for the past month and a half. The contact persons called *****"
"This company is practicing fraudulent, unlawful and unethical business practices.
"They have taken my deposit money for the first and last payment, and have been playing all kinds of tricks and games to keep this money and or take more money from our company that was not part of the original agreement.
"I have provided to them anything they asked for and they kept changing the terms of the contract with me every single time that they called me or we had a conversation.
"I asked for a straight loan with no FMV and this changed. Based on the original agreement, they said I was approved for the loan and they asked for the first and last payment and I gave them the check for it $6000 roughly.
"Then they came back to me and said the payment was wrong and the new payment was going to be at $3800 per month instead of $2900 per month when we originally agreed. I told them I could not afford that and I needed my deposit back. They said it will be tough to get the deposit back and they will see what they could do.
"Then, they dropped the payment back to $3300 per month and I said no problem because I needed to resurrect my money that I had already paid to them.
"When they sent me the contract for signature, I saw that they had changed things again and added a no cap fair market value on the contract!
"I went to their office to talk to them in person and get my check back, they did not open the door to me and kept me outside for hours then he came back outside and said he was sorry and there was nothing that he could do for me!!
"Please help me out! These people are bunch of rats and snakes and criminals. Someone should stop them from practicing these unlawful and fraudulent business dealings.
"I am reaching out to you for help.
"Please tell me what I should do next? Can you please put pressure on this company and have them return my deposit back to me?"
Unfortunately Leasing News has more similar complaints about broker/lessors not returning deposits. Don’t know why we are receiving a flurry of them at this time.
Protect Your Computer/Laptop
by Kit Menkin

These "malwares" are sent out as spam. First, take care of "spam" by using a program that identifies it. Use a program like "spamarrest," as it requires the sending party to verify themselves. You see a list of all the spam and decide if it really is spam or a person who does not know how to use the program.
You can go month to month or pay for a year in advance at $69.95 a year or $109.95 for two years, or monthly at $7.95.
Second, run “Malwarebytes Endpoint Security” for business or “Malwarebytes” for home computers. I also have on my laptop as I do spamarrest.
In you are using Windows Defender, make sure it updates and you check your system. Larger companies often do not utilize Windows Defender as well as you may have products not up-dated by Microsoft, so it is best to first use "SpamArrest" as your first line of defense, then a product like Malwarebytes, for second line. If something is strange, your third line of defense, take the time to reply back what it is about before downloading (if you get no answer, delete the email).
--- What Is Ransomware? A Guide to the Global Cyberattack’s Scary Method
Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Showing Up
"80% of success is showing up." - Woody Allen
I just don't buy it. Showing up is a given; it is a necessity. But, showing up doesn't create success.
In 2017, an originator in the commercial equipment leasing and finance industry needs to be prepared to make a difference. Successful originators use their expertise to finalize transactions. Successful originators are not mindless order-takers who just "show up." They are listeners, they are advisors, and they are problem solvers. They are creative financial professionals who seek out the "right" transactions which align with their capabilities.
If you are just looking to show up and punch the clock five days a week, this is not the career for you. However, if you are committed to adding value for your clients (vendors and end-users) and willing to go the extra mile, this is the perfect career. Originating leasing and finance transactions is one of the most exciting, lucrative opportunities in the financial arena. Successful originators make a difference every day - they use their time wisely.
Don't Limit Yourself

Available Here:
Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161
Email: scott@wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Web: www.wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Sales Makes it Happen articles:

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Commercial Equipment Marketplace Council Announces
3 Day Retreat, Laguna Beach, California, June 12-14

Invited are capital providers, online asset sellers, equipment industry leaders, technology disruptors, data leaders, and practitioners who are transforming the asset purchase and finance space.

Charles Anderson, Commercial Equipment Marketplace Council Founder, said, "The working sessions are designed to address the opportunities and challengers in the FinTech marketplace and how the technology can be utilized to develop more business with successful results.”
Sponsors include Current Capital, PayNet, The Alta Group, Columbia University, Stanford University, Genpack, Katten, and HCVT.
A brochure on participating attendees with other information:
To learn more about the CEMC and the upcoming 2017 Innovation Summit, please email Corey Waller at cwaller@cemcouncil.com
CFPB Wants Small Business Loan Data
What Do you Think?
by Bob Coleman, Coleman reports

Seven years after the passage of Dodd-Frank, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has asked for feedback how best to collect data about small business lending " to help identify needs and opportunities in the market and to facilitate enforcement of fair lending laws."
"Small businesses fuel America's economic engine, create jobs, and nurture communities. Yet little is known about how well the lending market serves their financing needs," says CFPB Director Richard Cordray. "This inquiry will help us learn how we can best fulfill our duty to collect and report information on small business lending."
"Section 1071 of the Dodd-Frank Act requires financial institutions to compile, maintain, and report information about their applications for loans from small businesses, including those owned by women and minorities, in accordance with regulations to be issued by the Bureau. Today's action is a first step toward crafting a rule for the collection and reporting of this lending data."
Not so fast says The Independent Community Bankers of America.
"Community banks continue to implement and comply with an unprecedented number of new and amended regulatory requirements put into effect over the past several years," ICBA President and CEO Camden R. Fine says. "The CFPB's data-collection and reporting mandates will compound existing regulatory and paperwork burdens, to the detriment of economic and job growth. ICBA continues its call for Congress and the CFPB to address the mounting regulatory burdens harming local communities."
Through its Plan for Prosperity regulatory relief platform, ICBA is calling on Congress to pass legislation that would repeal the statutory authority for new data-collection requirements on small-business loans.
Access the CFPB notice here. Comments are due in 60 days.
What do you think?
How do you feel about CFPB's collection of data for all Small Business Loans
Strongly Support
Mildly Support
Mildly Oppose
Strongly Oppose
No Opinion
How do you feel about CFPB's collection of data for SBA Loans
Strongly Support
Mildly Support
Mildly Oppose
Strongly Oppose
No Opinion
Any other comments?
Take the short survey here!
Coleman Report, 28081 Marguerite Pkwy., #4525, Mission Viejo, CA 92690
The Big 'What If': Amazon Went Public 20 Years Ago
What You Would Have Earned
by Felix Richter, Statista

This chart shows how Amazon's share price has developed
since the company's IPO on May 15, 1997
Twenty years ago, on May 15, 1997, a Seattle-based online bookstore held its initial public offering. The company, one of many online businesses to go public during the first dot-com boom, generated $148 million in sales that year and posted a net loss of $30 million. It was valued at $438 million.
Fast forward 20 years and that same company, named Amazon.com by the way, is the fourth largest public company in the United States. Its annual revenue will likely exceed $150 billion this year and whoever saw this coming is now a rich man or woman.
Anyone smart enough to invest $1,000 in Amazon’s IPO back in 1997 and hold on to the shares through the dot-com crash and the subprime mortgage crisis is now sitting on $640,000. After three stock splits in the late 1990s, one share bought in the IPO for $18 has turned into 12 shares worth around $960 each.
##### Press Release ############################
Crestmark Acquires Florida-based Allstate Capital
Equipment Leasing Division Grows with Small Ticket Leasing Leader

TROY, Mich., -- Crestmark is pleased to announce the acquisition of Allstate Capital, a leading provider of equipment leasing. They will be a part of Crestmark's leasing division, Crestmark Equipment Finance, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Crestmark Bank; and will report to Crestmark First Vice President Scot Lund, head of small ticket leasing. Allstate Capital is located in Pompano Beach, Fla.; the division will continue to work out of its current location to ensure the current strong quality of service.
This move will continue to broaden Crestmark's equipment leasing market share. Allstate Capital provides equipment leasing and vendor programs nationwide for business equipment, fitness and gym equipment, computer equipment, medical/dental equipment, communications equipment, office equipment/ furniture, construction equipment, heavy equipment, beauty and tanning equipment.

Mick Goik
Crestmark President/COO
"Bringing this respected small ticket leasing provider to the Crestmark family helps us round out our strategic plans for our leasing division's continued growth — they were the right company at the right time," said Mick Goik, Crestmark president and COO. "We're looking forward to providing expanded help and growth for our clients together."

Scot Lund
First Vice President
"Allstate Capital is impressive in what they have built," said Lund. "This will be a great addition to our leasing division, and I look forward to being a part of the strategic growth of Crestmark's small ticket leasing programs."
Alex Echevarria, Managing Member and Co-Founder of Allstate Capital, said, “By becoming a part of Crestmark, we will benefit with industry-leading direct lending, allowing us to provide expanded product offerings and services to our client base.
"The Crestmark team has a great reputation, and we're excited about this next step. The expanded diversification of revenue streams along with a depth of commercial financial product offerings will greatly expand our opportunities."

Mike Ramazio, Managing Member and Co-Founder of Allstate Capital, said, "We bring incredible proprietary CRM technology designed to manage and market complex customer relational data for our sales team as well as the managers that oversee them. The acquisition is an excellent cultural fit, and a well-executed deal with meaningful financial growth opportunities. Crestmark's vast product suite and commitment to service customers will enable the combined company to better compete in this growing marketplace. Our team is excited to join the Crestmark team!"
About Crestmark
Crestmark is a nationally known and respected FDIC-insured bank that provides innovative financial solutions for small- to medium-sized businesses. Financing solutions include asset-based lending, accounts receivable financing, lines of credit, factoring and machinery/equipment financing. Headquartered in Michigan, Crestmark has locations in California, Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, New York, Illinois; and representatives nationwide. www.crestmark.com
About Allstate Capital
Allstate Capital is a leading commercial equipment leasing and equipment financing company that provides creative and flexible financing options. Programs include national accounts, major accounts, and new business programs for most equipment types to industries nationwide. www.allstatecapital.com
### Press Release ############################

Golden Retriever/German Shepherd
Milpitas, California

2Yrs 1Mths 2Wks
Size: Large
Sex: Spayed Female
Location: Foster Home
“Hi, I'm Honey! I'm a sweet, snuggly girl looking for a home. I love to meet new dogs and I even met a cat recently; the cat was kinda scary but I just let him have his space and we got along just fine! I have excellent manners in the home and love a nice soft place to lay. I sleep quietly in my crate at night or if my people have to go out for a bit, just give me a bully stick and I'm a happy camper in my crate. My foster mom says I am the most quiet foster dog she has ever had, so don't count on me as a guard dog, instead I like to lick and wiggle when anyone comes over. I like to take things slow when I go to new places but I'm learning quickly that new places are fun! I would really love to be in a home with another confident dog cause when I have another dog with me, I'm pretty sure I can take on the world.”
If you would like to meet Honey, please contact Casaundra at 408-262-2133 ext. 183
Human Society Silicon Valley
901 Ames Avenue
Milpitas, Ca. 95035
Adoptions: Animal Community Center
Mon - Fri: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat - Sun: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone: 408-262-2133 x150
Email: adoptions@hssv.org
Adopt a Pet
“Indeed” joins
Classified Ads ---Employment Web Sites

Upload your resume - Let employers find you.
Employers: Post a job - Over 3 Million businesses hire with Indeed. (Free or pay to sponsor, various plans -get 5x more clicks, they claim, as well as more relevant talent, plus a program of pay on when people click on your job)
Full List of Employment Web sites---Many Free

News Briefs---
New York Department of Financial Services Sues
OCC Regarding National Fintech Charter
States gang up to kill US FinTech charter
and offer alternative 'Vision 2020'
The 22-year-old who saved the world from a malware virus
has been named

You May Have Missed---
Silicon Valley's ultimate status symbol is the sneaker
— here are the rare, expensive, and goofy sneakers worn by the top tech CEOs--Slides
Baseball Poem ---
Here are three “choice” short poems from Tim Peeler, from his book “Touching All the Bases.” He has given us permission to reproduce them.
Budweiser! he calls
between innings, between pitches,
between breaths
An Asterisk as Big as a Ball
the ball talked to
three hundred thirty feet of air,
rising into the teeth
of the bat's echo,
crashing into right field bleachers
like any other Yankee missile —
an exiled hero
circled the Ruthian diamond
to footnote glory —
just down the first base line
the magic bat lay,
like a gun that had killed
its owner.
whiskey moon
frank says the full moon
is for whiskey,
spits tobacco to punctuate
his short sentences,
hours sipping, replaying
his career in slow motion,
oiling the first baseman's mitt,
then spreading it carefully
to catch the milky light,
frank says it softens the leather,
I say it embalms the memory.
These come from a soft cover 128 pages
with index published by www.mcfarlandpub.com
( they take two weeks to send, but you are helping
this company stay alive, or you can buy from
Amazon, for the same price, but perhaps faster
delivery. While they are all mostly baseball,
some are not. He is a unique American poet.
He lives in Hickory, North Carolina.

Sports Briefs----
Raiderettes Issued $1.25 Million Settlement
from Raiders over Failed Payments
Blaine Gabbert gets a shot with Arizona
Kawakami: Who’s putting out disinformation
about Colin Kaepernick and why?
Latest Injury Updates on Key NFL Players

California Nuts Briefs---
San Francisco is so expensive, the city is spending $44 million
so its teachers won't be homeless
Stanford pays $130 million for Los Altos apartments
California races to issue driver’s licenses
that will work at airport security

“Gimme that Wine”
Rosé Shines Through Red Wines' Dominance
Paso Robles has 11 distinct wine regions.
Here’s what makes each one different
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1771 - The Battle of Alamance, a pre-Revolutionary War battle between local militia and a group of rebels called The "Regulators," occurred in then-Orange County, now Alamance County, NC. Historians have considered the battle to be the opening salvo of the American Revolution and locals agreed with this assessment. Trouble had been brewing in the western counties for several years, but which had included only minor, scattered acts of violence, followed by refusals to pay taxes and fees, disruptions of court proceedings, and continued harassment of government officials.
1775 - The first constitution in the Colonies adopted was that of Massachusetts by the Provincial Congress of Massachusetts. The motto of the colony was “Ense Petit placidam sub libertate quietem” (“with the sword she seeks peace under liberty”). The constitution was temporary. A new one was framed in Boston on September 1, 1779, was completed on March 2, 1780, and ratified by a two thirds vote. John Hancock served as the first governor under the permanent constitution.
1735 - Birthday of Button Gwinnett, signer of the Declaration of Independence, born at Down Hatherly, Gloucestershire, England, about 1735 ( exact date unknown). Died following a duel at St. Catherine’s island, off of Savannah, GA, May 19, 1779.
1801 – William H. Seward (d. 1872) was born in Florida, NY. He was Secretary of State from 1861 to 1869, and earlier served as Governor of New York and as US Senator. A determined opponent of the spread of slavery in the years leading up to the Civil War, he was a dominant figure in the Republican Party in its formative years. Although regarded as the leading contender for the party's presidential nomination in 1860, he was defeated by Abraham Lincoln. He was one of the targets of the 1865 assassination plot that killed Lincoln, and was seriously wounded therein. Seward remained loyally at his post through the presidency of Andrew Johnson, during which he achieved the purchase of Alaska from Russia. His contemporary Carl Schulz described Seward as "one of those spirits who sometimes will go ahead of public opinion instead of tamely following its footprints."
1804 - Birthday of Elizabeth Palmer Peabody (d. 1894), at Billerica, MA. Peabody opened a bookstore that quickly became the intellectuals’ hangout. With her own printing press, Peabody became the first woman publisher of Boston and possibly the US. She published three of her brother-in-law Nathaniel Hawthorne’s books. For two years, she published and wrote for “The Dial,” the literary magazine and voice of the Transcendental movement. Peabody’s enduring accomplishment was the establishment of the first kindergarten in the US, in 1860, at Boston. She created a magazine, “Kindergarten Messenger,” in 1873.
1836 - Edgar Allan Poe marries Virginia Clemm, his 13-year-old tubercular cousin. (Possibly secretly married previously, on September 22, 1835.) In January, 1842, she contracted tuberculosis, growing worse for five years until she died of the disease at the age of 24.
1843 - The first major wagon train heading for the Pacific Northwest set out on the Oregon Trail with one thousand pioneers from Elm Grove, MO. From the early to mid-1830s (and particularly through the epoch years, 1846–69) the Oregon Trail and its many offshoots were used by about 400,000 settlers, farmers, miners, ranchers, and businessmen and their families. Use of the trail declined as the first transcontinental railroad was completed in 1869, making the trip west substantially faster, cheaper, and safer. Today, modern highways, such as I-80 and I-84, follow parts of the same course westward and pass through towns originally established to serve those using the Oregon Trail. This trip was to be the first whose intent was to complete the entire trip using the Trail.
1862 - General Benjamin Butler, military governor of New Orleans, issued what became known as the “Woman Order.” The text of General Order Number 28 read, in part, “As the officers and soldiers of the United States have been subjected to repeated insults from women (calling themselves ladies) of New Orleans…when any female shall… show contempt for the United States, she shall be regarded as a woman of the town plying her avocation.” This order typified Butler’s attitude toward the captured city and its populace and, along with other controversial acts, set the stage for his dismissal as military governor in December of 1862. It was not uncommon for a stupid, rude person to be called a Benjamin Butler in New Orleans. He was also known as “Spoons,” for reportedly stealing silver from estates in the area. He was also known as “Beast.” Jefferson Davis branded him an “outlaw” and put a bounty on his head. He then botched up his next assignment, resigned to run for Congress and was elected five times, serving once as Governor of Massachusetts.
1863 - After a standoff of nearly a year around the strategic Mississippi River city of Vicksburg, MS, Union forces under Ulysses S. Grant defeated Southern forces under General John Pemberton at Champion’s Hill, MS. Pemberton’s forces withdrew into Vicksburg, and the siege of Vicksburg began. Gettysburg was only a few months away.
1866 - Issuance of the nickel, a new five-cent coin, was authorized by Congress. It was minted of copper and nickel with not more than 25% nickel.
1868 - The U.S. Senate failed by just one vote to convict President Andrew Johnson of "high crimes and misdemeanors," as he was charged under the articles of impeachment. A second vote, taken on May 26, also fell short, by just one vote, of the two-thirds majority required to convict the president.
(Lower half of http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/may16.html)
1874 - The Mill Creek Disaster occurred west of Northampton, Massachusetts when dam slippage after rain caused a flash flood with the loss of 143 lives. Total damage was about $1 million
1888 - Emile Berliner of Washington, DC publicly demonstrated before the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, PA the first modern disk he called a “phonograph.” Berliner’s “Gramophone” record was a flat disk in which the grooves were cut in a lateral spiral, making it much easier to duplicate for the mass market than Edison’s recording cylinder.
1888 – Nikola Tesla delivered a lecture describing the equipment which will allow efficient generation and use of alternating currents to transmit electric power over long distances. Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before immigrating to the US in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles.
1891 - George A Hormel & Company introduces Spam.
1892 - A Supreme Court decision permitting the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to give reduced rates to groups of 10 or more is a boon to Major League baseball teams, who can expect to save 25 percent on transportation costs.
1893 - Herman L. Wagner of Brooklyn, NY obtained a patent on a typewriter, which produced a line of writing visible as it was being type. This machine went through an experimental period with the Wagner Typewriter Company and then was sold to John T. Underwood, who had been associated with Wagner’s father in the ribbon and carbon business of John Underwood and Company. The Underwood Typewriter Company, incorporated in March 1895, undertook the manufacture of Wagner’s machine in New York City.
1902 - Two deaf-mutes faced each other for the first time in Major League history when Dummy Hoy led off for the Cincinnati Reds against Dummy Taylor of the NY Giants. The Reds won, 5-3, with a five-run rally in the 9th. Hoy went 2 for 4.
1905 – Actor Henry Fonda (d. 1982) was born in Grand Island, NE. He made his debut in 1935, and his career gained momentum after his Academy-Award nominated performance as Tom Joad in “The Grapes of Wrath” (1940). Throughout six decades in Hollywood, Fonda cultivated a strong, appealing screen image in such classics as “The Ox-Bow Incident,” “Mister Roberts,” and “12 Angry Men,” winning the Academy Award for Best Actor for “On Golden Pond” in which he starred with daughter Jane, his final film role. Fonda was the patriarch of a family of famous actors, including daughter Jane, son Peter, granddaughter Bridget, and grandson Troy Garity. In 1999, he was named the sixth-Greatest Male Star of All-Time by the AFI.
1912 - Due to his assault on Claude Luecker, a handicapped fan and a regular heckler, Ty Cobb was suspended indefinitely. Although today's game was rained out, the Tigers met in Philadelphia, voting to boycott future games if the "Georgia Peach" was not allowed to play.
1913 - Birthday of Woody Herman (d. 1987), Milwaukee, WI.
He had joined Isham Jones' band in 1934 and took over that orchestra two years later when Jones retired because of ill health. The band became the first Woody Herman Herd, and was known as "The Band That Plays the Blues." The band's fortunes began to grow following the release of their recording of "Woodchopper's Ball" in 1939. By the following year, the Woody Herman band was beginning to score in the popularity polls. Herman changed the direction of his band in the mid-1940's - its music became louder and more and more dependent on a screaming brass section. The change found favor with the public - the Herman Herd was number one in polls conducted by national music magazines. Woody Herman continued to lead a big band long after the swing era ended. In the 1960's, the band moved in a jazz-rock direction, but in the following decade moved to a purer jazz style.
1914 - The Grand League of the American Horseshoe Pitchers Association was formed. The league set its first championship for October 23, 1915, at Kellerton, IA.
1918 - The Sedition Act of 1918 was passed by Congress, making criticism of the government during wartime an imprisonable offense. It was repealed less than two years later.
1919 - Pianist Liberace was born Wladziu Valentino Liberace (d. 1987) in West Milwaukee, Wisconsin. His overly sentimental pop tunes and frilly, condensed versions of the classics built him into one of the hottest show business personalities in the 1950's. Liberace's trademarks included candelabra on the piano and outlandish costumes that weren't matched until some of the rock groups of the '70s came along. His audience consisted mainly of middle-aged women, some of whom behaved much as rock groupies did a decade later. Liberace died from conditions related to AIDS.
1924 - The temperature at Blitzen, Oregon soared to 108 degrees to establish a state record for the month of May. The record was later tied at Pelton Dam on May 31, 1986.
1928 - Birthday of Billy Martin (d. 1989), baseball player and manager, born Alfred Manuel Martin at Berkeley, CA. He was a member four (1950-53) of the Yankees’ five consecutive World Series championships. He was MVP in the 1953 Series, batted .500 with a .958 slugging percentage and delivered with an RBI in Game 6 to clinch the series. Martin’s career included managerial stints with five Major League teams, the Minnesota Twins, New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers, Texas Rangers and the Oakland Athletics. After a successful playing career, he compiled a record of 1,258 victories to 1,018 losses in his 16 seasons as manager. His combative style both on and off the field kept him in the headlines, and he will long be remembered for his on-again/off-again relationship with Yankees’ owner George Steinbrenner, for whom he managed the Yankees five different times.
1929 - About 270 people attended a dinner at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles at which the first Academy Awards were given in 12 categories. It was hosted by Douglas Fairbanks, Sr. and Cecil B. De Mille. The silent film “Wings” won Best Picture. (The statuette we know so well as Oscar was not included in this first presentation for films made in 1927-1928. Oscar didn’t make an appearance until 1931.) Janet Gaynor was named Best Actress for her performance in "Seventh Heaven" which also won the Best Director/Dramatic Picture for Frank Borzage, and the Best Writing/Adaptation for Benjamin Glazer. Lewis Milestone was named Best Director/Comedy Picture for "Two Arabian Knights." Emil Jannings received two Best Actor awards, one for the 1927, "The Way of All Flesh", the other for "The Last Command" (1928). A second Best Film award was presented to "Sunrise" for Unique and Artistic Production. It also won for Best Cinematography (Charles Rosher and Karl Struss). A committee of only 20 members selected the winners that year. The first included 1927-28 awards plus some 1928 again and 1929, which also was splint into 1930. By the third year, the entire membership of the Academy voted. The Academy Awards were first televised in 1953.
1929 - Singer Betty Carter (d. 1998) birthday, Flint, MI. http://home.att.net/~timcramm/biograph.htm
1932 - The Yankees recorded their fourth straight shutout to equal the record set by Cleveland and Boston in 1903 and 1906, respectively. Johnny Allen, George Pipgras, Red Ruffing and Lefty Gomez were the hurlers. It was New York's fifth shutout in seven games.
1937 - Dizzy Gillespie records first solo with Teddy Hill’s band on King Porter Stomp, NYC (Bluebird B-69888)
1943 - A major turning point of World War II occurred when the Royal Air Force Lancasters began bombing three dams in the Germany Ruhr Valley. This lasted two days and was the start of the strategic bombing effort to end the war. They dropped 4.5 ton bombs designed specifically for this mission. The Mohne and the Eder, the largest dams in Europe at the time, were both damaged. These two dams provided drinking water for four million people and supplied 75 percent of the electrical power for industry. Widespread flooding and many deaths resulted. The planned raid also greatly affected military production. It began the assault on Germany, whose population until this time was not as affected as France, England, Russia and other countries were experiencing from the Nazi's
1945 - MULLER, JOSEPH E., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company B, 305th Infantry, 77th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Ishimmi, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 15-16 May 1945. Entered service at: New York, N.Y. Birth: Holyoke, Mass. G.O. No.: 71, 17 July 1946. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty. When his platoon was stopped by deadly fire from a strongly defended ridge, he directed men to points where they could cover his attack. Then through the vicious machinegun and automatic fire, crawling forward alone, he suddenly jumped up, hurled his grenades, charged the enemy, and drove them into the open where his squad shot them down. Seeing enemy survivors about to man a machinegun, He fired his rifle at point-blank range, hurled himself upon them, and killed the remaining 4. Before dawn the next day, the enemy counterattacked fiercely to retake the position. Sgt. Muller crawled forward through the flying bullets and explosives, then leaping to his feet, hurling grenades and firing his rifle, he charged the Japs and routed them. As he moved into his foxhole shared with 2 other men, a lone enemy, who had been feigning death, threw a grenade. Quickly seeing the danger to his companions, Sgt. Muller threw himself over it and smothered the blast with his body. Heroically sacrificing his life to save his comrades, he upheld the highest traditions of the military service.
1946 - The Irving Berlin musical, "Annie Get Your Gun," opened at New York’s Imperial Theatre. One of the most successful shows presented on a Broadway stage, the show ran for 1,147 performances.
1947 - Barbara Lee (d. 1992) of the Chiffons was born in The Bronx. The group had several hits in the early 1960's, including "He's So Fine," which went to number one in 1963.
1951 – El Al Airlines began the first regularly-scheduled transatlantic flights between Idlewild Airport (now Kennedy International Airport) in New York City and Heathrow Airport in London.
1952 - Top Hits
“Blue Tango” - The Leroy Anderson Orchestra
“Kiss of Fire” - Georgia Gibbs
“Blacksmith Blues” - Ella Mae Morse
“The Wild Side of Life” - Hank Thompson
1953 - Bill Haley and His Comets made it to the "Billboard" music charts for the first time with "Crazy Man Crazy." The tune went to number six and became the first rock ’n’ roll record to make the pop music chart.
1957 - A group of Yankees celebrated Billy Martin’s 29th birthday in raucous fashion. A fight at Manhattan’s Copacabana Club led to $5,500 in fines and the eventual trade of Billy to Kansas City. Hank Bauer allegedly started the fight by hitting a patron, although Bauer denies it. The patron had been heckling singer Sammy Davis, Jr. with racial epithets, and continued after several of the Yanks told him to stop. The Yanks fined Whitey Ford, Bauer, Yogi Berra, Mickey Mantle and Martin $1,000 each and Johnny Kucks $500. Martin’s career was never the same after the trade.
1959 - Sam Snead shot an 11-under-par round of 59 at The Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, WV. He became the first golfer to break 60 for 18 holes in a major tournament (31 out, 28 coming home), 11 strokes under par, in the third round of the Sam Snead Festival Golf Tournament. He had a score of 196 for 54 holes and won $4,500. The tournament was originally named the Greenbrier Open.
1959 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Kansas City," Wilbert Harrison. The song debuts at No. 100 on the Hot 100.
1960 - Top Hits
“Stuck on You” - Elvis Presley
“Cathy’s Clown” - The Everly Brothers
“Night” - Jackie Wilson
“Please Help Me, I’m Falling” - Hank Lockin
1960 - Billboard reports Berry Gordy Jr, a songwriter and publisher in Detroit, is working on his own record label after successfully producing a bunch of hit records. That label would become known as Motown.
1963 - At this year's Grammy Awards ceremonies in Los Angeles, Tony Bennett's "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" wins Record of the Year and Best Male Vocal, while Ray Charles' "I Can't Stop Loving You" is awarded Best R&B Recording. For some reason, Best Rock and Roll Record go to the Bent Fabric instrumental "Alley Cat."
1964 - 21 year old Mary Wells led the Billboard Pop chart with the Smokey Robinson written "My Guy." The record was Wells' 9th Top 40 entry and would prove to be her highest charting US single.
1965 - "The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd," a Broadway musical starring Anthony Newley, made its premiere at the Shubert Theatre in New York City. Cyril Ritchard appeared in the production which entertained audiences for 231 performances.
1965 - The Rolling Stones appear with Chuck Berry on the television show "Hollywood A-GO-GO." The Stones, trying to drive off in a Limo after the show, are attacked by a mob of fans.
1965 - The Beach Boys appear on the "The Ed Sullivan Show" performing their latest hit, "Help Me Rhonda."
1966 - Frank Sinatra records "Summer Winds."
1966 - The Beach Boys album "Pet Sounds" was released. Although it only barely made the top 10, the album has since become regarded as a classic and the Beach Boys' best. "Pet Sounds" gained new fans through its 1990 release on CD.
1966 - Janet Jackson is born in Gary, Ind., the youngest of the Jackson family. She was married briefly in 1984 to James DeBarge of DeBarge. She signed a $32 million contract with Virgin Records in 1991.
1968 - Top Hits
“Honey” - Bobby Goldsboro
“Tighten Up” - Archie Bell & The Drells
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” - Hugo Montenegro
“Have a Little Faith” - David Houston
1968 - ROARK, ANUND C., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company C, 1st Battalion, 12th Infantry, 4th Infantry Division. Place and date: Kontum Province, Republic of Vietnam, 16 May 1968. Entered service at: Los Angeles, Calif. Born: 17 February 1948, Vallejo, Calif. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Roark distinguished himself by extraordinary gallantry while serving with Company C. Sgt. Roark was the point squad leader of a small force which had the mission of rescuing 11 men in a hilltop observation post under heavy attack by a company-size force, approximately 1,000 meters from the battalion perimeter. As lead elements of the relief force reached the besieged observation post, intense automatic weapons fire from enemy occupied bunkers halted their movement. Without hesitation, Sgt. Roark maneuvered his squad, repeatedly exposing himself to withering enemy fire to hurl grenades and direct the fire of his squad to gain fire superiority and cover the withdrawal of the outpost and evacuation of its casualties. Frustrated in their effort to overrun the position, the enemy swept the hilltop with small arms and volleys of grenades. Seeing a grenade land in the midst of his men, Sgt. Roark, with complete disregard for his safety, hurled himself upon the grenade, absorbing its blast with his body. Sgt. Roark's magnificent leadership and dauntless courage saved the lives of many of his comrades and were the inspiration for the successful relief of the outpost. His actions which culminated in the supreme sacrifice of his life were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect great credit on himself and the U.S. Army.
1968 - BALLARD, DONALD E., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Hospital Corpsman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Company M, 3d Battalion, 4th Marines, 3d Marine Division. Place and date: Quang Tri Province, Republic of Vietnam, 16 May 1968. Entered service at: Kansas City, Mo. Born: 5 December 1945, Kansas City, Mo. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life and beyond the call of duty while serving as a HC2c. with Company M, in connection with operations against enemy aggressor forces. During the afternoon hours, Company M was moving to join the remainder of the 3d Battalion in Quang Tri Province. After treating and evacuating 2 heat casualties, HC2c. Ballard was returning to his platoon from the evacuation landing zone when the company was ambushed by a North Vietnamese Army unit employing automatic weapons and mortars, and sustained numerous casualties. Observing a wounded marine, HC2c. Ballard unhesitatingly moved across the fire swept terrain to the injured man and swiftly rendered medical assistance to his comrade. HC2c. Ballard then directed 4 marines to carry the casualty to a position of relative safety. As the 4 men prepared to move the wounded marine, an enemy soldier suddenly left his concealed position and, after hurling a hand grenade which landed near the casualty, commenced firing upon the small group of men. Instantly shouting a warning to the marines, HC2c. Ballard fearlessly threw himself upon the lethal explosive device to protect his comrades from the deadly blast. When the grenade failed to detonate, he calmly arose from his dangerous position and resolutely continued his determined efforts in treating other marine casualties. HC2c. Ballard's heroic actions and selfless concern for the welfare of his companions served to inspire all who observed him and prevented possible injury or death to his fellow marines. His courage, daring initiative, and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of extreme personal danger, sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.
1970 - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's LP “Déjà Vu” hits #1
1971 - An ounce of first-class mail rocketed to eight cents for delivery -- two cents more than the previous stamp
1972 - Goal posts offset from the goal line to the end line, painted bright yellow, and with uprights 20 feet above the crossbar were made standard in the NFL.
1976 - Top Hits
“Boogie Fever” - Sylvers
“Silly Love Songs” - Wings
“Fooled Around and Fell in Love” - Elvin Bishop
“What Goes on When the Sun Goes Down” - Ronnie Milsap
1980 - Dr. George C. Nichopoulous, known to his patients as Dr. Nick, was indicted in Memphis on 14 counts of illegally prescribing drugs to Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and others.
1981 - "Bette Davis Eyes" by Kim Carnes, which climbed to the top spot of the pop music chart and stayed there for five straight weeks, took a week off (replaced by "Stars on 45 Medley" by Stars on 45) and came back to number one for four more weeks! It was, obviously, a gold record winner and was played over and over and over for 20 weeks before becoming an instant oldie but goodie. "Bette Davis Eyes", incidentally, was written in part by Jackie DeShannon, who had two top ten hits in the 1960s: "What the World Needs Now is Love" in 1965 and the million-seller, "Put a Little Love in Your Heart," in 1969.
1984 - Top Hits
“Hello” - Lionel Richie
“Hold Me Now” - The Thompson Twins
“Let’s Hear It for the Boy” - Deniece Williams
“To All the Girls I’ve Loved Before “- Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
1985 - Michael ‘Air’ Jordan was named Rookie of the Year in the National Basketball Association. Jordan of the Chicago Bulls was the number three draft choice. At the time, he was third in league scoring with a 28.2 average and fourth in steals with 2.39 per game.
1986 - The move "Top Gun" premieres, starring Tom Cruise, Kelly McGillis and Val Kilmer.
1988 – Surgeon General C. Everett Koop issued a report that stated that the addictive properties of nicotine are similar to those of heroin and cocaine.
1990 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather from eastern Oklahoma and northeastern Texas to the Upper Ohio Valley. Thunderstorms spawned seventeen tornadoes, including a twister which killed one person and injured another north of Corning, AR. There were 128 reports of large hail or damaging winds. Strong thunderstorm winds killed one person and injured six others at Folsomville, IN, and injured another five persons in southeastern Hardin County, KY. In Arkansas, baseball size hail was reported near Fouke and near El Dorado.
1993 - Top Hits
“That’s The Way Love Goes” - Janet Jackson
“Freak Me” - Silk
“Love Is” (From "Beverly Hills, 90210") - Vanessa Williams/Brian McKnight
“Informer” - Snow
1999 - Mia Hamm, the most recognized female soccer player in the world, broke the all-time international scoring record, for men and women, against Brazil in Orlando, Fla. with her 108th career goal.
2000 - After a fan stole Dodgers C Chad Kreuter’s hat and hits him in the back of the head, many Dodgers, including coaches John Shelby and Rick Dempsey went into the stands and start fighting with the Wrigley faithful. When the melee ends, several fans are arrested as the game is delayed nearly ten minutes, and there is litter all over the field.
2002 - Top Hits
“Foolish” - Ashanti
“What's Luv?” - Fat Joe Featuring Ashanti
“I Need a Girl” (Part One) - P. Diddy Featuring Usher & Loon
“U Don't Have To Call” - Usher
2006 - After drawing a warning from home plate umpire Joe West for throwing a ball behind Barry Bonds, Astros hurler Russ Springer strikes the Giants slugger on the shoulder with the fifth pitch of the at-bat. This incident will cost the 37-year old right-handed reliever 4 games as he will be suspended by MLB for his action against the San Francisco superstar, who needs just one home run to equal Babe Ruth's career home run mark.
2011 - The 25th and final flight for Space Shuttle Endeavour launched from the Kennedy Space Center.
NBA Finals Champions:
1980 - Los Angeles Lakers
Stanley Cup Champions:
1976 - Montreal Canadiens
1982 - New York Islanders

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