Monday, September 15, 2014

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Archives---September 15, 2010
Schwartz To Get Out of Jail: $2 Million Bail
Classified Ads---Legal
King Commercial Now Commercial Industrial Finance
Top Stories September 8--September 12
Opened Most by Readers of Leasing News
Leasing Industry Web Site Visits
Court Gives First Data Merchant Services a Pass
in Class Action Suit
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Community Banks
Mobile Is Pulling Customers Away
From Branches and Online Banking
Top 50 US banks and thrifts in Q2'14
SNL Financial Exclusive report
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
“Actions to Take with Your Newly Written Resume”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Leasing and Finance Associations
Boxer/Rat Terrier Mix
Englewood, Colorado Adopt-a-Dog
Open Positions at Leasing Funders/Various Locations
News Briefs---
Survey Shows Toll of Target Breach on Banks
Boeing succeeds in early wooing of China airline startups
Officials accuse California nudist camp of stealing water from upstream
Miss New York Chosen as Miss America 2015
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.
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Archives---September 15, 2010
Schwartz To Get Out of Jail: $2 Million Bail

Charles K. Schwartz, President of Allied Health Care Services, Orange, New Jersey Schwartz, was granted $2 million bail after his arrest last week by the Newark FBI in an alleged $87 million equipment- leasing fraud (It was as high as $135 million to banks and leasing companies
on health care collateral that did not exist.)
He has been in custody since last Thursday. Bail has been set at $2 million with the collateral to be real estate. As soon as he satisfies this condition, he will go on home detention with electronic monitoring. U.S. Magistrate Judge Madeline Cox Arleo in Newark federal court also ordered him to undergo mental-health treatment.
Meanwhile the Allied Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy proceedings in Newark, New Jersey appear to moving along in quite a fast speed. The 24 separate complaints were notified of the bankruptcy, with scheduled hearings mostly moved back to October, as objections to Charles K. Schwartz trustee appointment were heard and Schwartz's rebuttal. It appears appraiser, auctioneer, accountants, and attorney firm for the new trustee
(Abridged, full story:

Until 2027, age 74:
Fort Dix Federal Correction Institution, New Jersey
One of his inmates is the convicted head of LeNature, Gregory Podlucky:
"He is awakened at 6 a.m. every day. He must stand for inmate counts five times a day, starting at midnight and ending at 9:30 p.m. At that time, its lights out for Podlucky and 402 fellow prisoners in the low-security camp outside the main prison at Fort Dix, which houses more than 4,300 inmates, according to the federal Bureau of Prisons
There has been no criminal action charged against Bruce or Kathi Donner. It is apparent from the court records Donner provided all the information the FBI needed to indict Charles Schwartz and apparently made an arrangement that he would not be indicted for providing this evidence and testimony, although without his involvement, the scam would never have moved forward.
((Please click on ad to learn more))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Classified Ads---Legal

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
San Diego , CA
Experienced in-house corporate, equipment leasing and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate.
Cell Phone: 760-533-4058; | Resume |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
#### Press Release #############################
King Commercial Now Commercial Industrial Finance
King Commercial Finance Rebrands, Launches New CI Finance
Website Tailored for C&I Sectors Nationwide
ST LOUIS, MO, —King Commercial Finance announced that its name change to Commercial Industrial Finance, now on the Web at, reflects the company’s 30-plus-year history and dedication to evolving C&I sectors in the U.S.
The new brand also represents a fresh new identity for the company in keeping with the innovative thinking and approach of CEO Bob Rinaldi and the President Scott Hawkins.

Scott Hawkins, President
“Our combined strengths, international experience, and relationships are generating fresh new service approaches while our homegrown practice of partnering closely with our domestic manufacturers and vendors keeps us well-grounded and positions our customers for growth,” said Hawkins.
Commercial Industrial Finance develops sales-aid finance programs for manufacturers, vendors and distributors of capital equipment and energy-efficiency programs tailored for light to heavy industrial segments.

Bob Rinaldi
“We help our clients improve the performance of their sales organizations and their accounts receivable metrics, for measureable top-and bottom-line results,” said Rinaldi.
Rinaldi, who joined the company in January, previously served for four years as vice president of CSI Leasing and for more than two decades as co-founder and executive vice president of ILC/NC4. He is chairman elect of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association board of directors.
“We have an established, solid corporate foundation, and we have enjoyed steady growth with a dedicated team of valued employees,” said Hawkins. “Now we are again poised to advance our financing services.”
The privately-owned company, based in St. Louis, Mo., was founded in 1982 by John King.
Top Stories September 8--September 12
Opened Most by Readers of Leasing News
(1) Dean Rubin Found, Ultimate Financing
a Division of Navitas Lease Corp.
(2) Steve Crane, CLP, Retires from Bank of the West Leasing
To Remain on Leasing News Advisory Board
(3) 1993 - Pictures from the Past
Shawn Giffin, CLP - Patrick E. Byrne, CLP
(4) Complaints Bulletin Board BBB Ratings
(5) Sometimes Lawyers Give Themselves a Bad Name
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(6) Archives---September 12, 2003
Joe Bonanno on the California Finance Lender’s Law
(7) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“Back Office”
(8) No Jobs Eliminated at Direct Capital, a CIT Company
Since August 1, 2014
(9) New Hires--Promotions in the Leasing Industry
(10) Business Spending Plans Haven't Been
This High Since December, 2007
By Myles Udland,

Leasing Industry Web Site Visits

Rankings of most visited leasing websites by Alexa: United States and World Wide. Average Time on web site by visitors; sites that link in. Newsletter link to the website. Note the increase in Equipment Leasing & Finance Association, primarily due to their Wednesday newsletter to members and non-member subscribers.
In addition to the most visited, the average time of the site is important as it demonstrate how long visitors stay and view/read what is on the site.

September 14, 2014
What the chart says is Leasing News is not only the most visited, but
the most actually read, not just visited.
August 1, 2014 Alexa Ranks Leasing Web Media

Court Gives First Data Merchant Services a Pass
in Class Action Suit
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

New Jersey Federal Court Denies Motion for Class Certification in Suit Against Much Maligned First Data Merchant Services as Being Unmanageable as a Class Action
Eastman v. First Data Corp. 292 F.R.D. 181 (D. N.J. 2013)
As reported last year, many of the businesses using the payment processing lessor of Merchant Services banded together to file a class action, alleging a National Class Action for fraud and concealed fees.
The Court denied class certification, and I’m not surprised, given the fact that fraud is fairly subjective. Class actions are generally reserved for cases in which the proof of a contractual violation or fraud can be done on a class-wide basis, and do not require mini-trials as to individual evidence in individual leases. The facts follow:
Lessor First Data provides merchants with POS hardware and software to process credit card transactions. First Data manufactures its own line of POS terminals, and also offers its customers a variety of terminals manufactured by third parties. The lease begins when merchant lessee executes a document known as the Merchant Processing Application. There is no lease interest rate, finance charge or equipment price included in the papers.
The lease pricing is negotiated along with, and therefore directly tied to, processing fees and rates, as well as the cost of the equipment.
The class action allegations were that the Lessor charging of interest exceeding New Jersey's maximum legal interest rate of 50% violated the New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act.
The problem with proving usurious interest is figuring out what “principal” of the obligation was. Was it merely the cost of the equipment? If so, that would have been manageable, even though it varied. However, because the lease payment included services, the cost of which was not disclosed on the lease, it became a mathematical impossibility to determine principal. The Court held that the class action plaintiffs were asking the Court to engage in conjecture as to the hypothetical interest rate.
Since this could not be done on a class wide basis, the Court threw out the class action. The individual plaintiffs may nevertheless sue the Lessor individually, as this was only the class action allegations which were adjudicated.
The lessons here might be that if the lessor is provided goods and services for a fixed lease price, it is probably wise not to divulge too much information in the lease. Such disclosures will only allow a class action representative to calculate the profit in the lease transaction, and thus make the usury allegation.
In short, less is more.
First Date Case
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:

Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Community Banks
One of the best funding sources I have found are community banks with assets around $500 million. They usually are looking for good commercial loans, which mean they prefer non-tax leases with no residual requirements. If you have the capital to invest in some equity, perhaps you could sell them the payment stream and retain the right to collect a fixed purchase option.
Community banks do not have the ability to handle the lease accounting requirement, so they will prefer to have you borrow the equipment cost and pledge the lease as collateral on the loan. Then they can use their loan accounting system. Some may think they can use a loan accounting for non-tax leasing, but too many items are ignored. Loan accounting is customer based where-as lease accounting is asset based because location is key for sales tax, property tax and any other applied tax. It is simple if it is only one piece of equipment, but if it is multiple pieces of equipment, and they are in different counties or States it becomes very difficult very fast.
Community banks usually like to have transactions in their own foot print, so they can have an opportunity to sell other bank products. That is one of the conversations you should have with the bank when you are asking them to fund your deals. If they think you are bringing them new customers, they will be more acceptable to leases. In addition most community banks are State Chartered Banks and are not qualified to do business out of State.
On occasion, if you handle the relationship with the bank by servicing your deals with collection help and lease education, they may refer you to their customers that ask for lease financing. It can be a favorable partnership, if all the requirements of lease operations are handled correctly.
Community banks usually have to be sold on the benefits of leasing because they do not offer it, so their customers never ask for it, so they assume no one wants it. In addition, they usually like small deals to begin with, and then, as they get use to leases, the size can increase. They are very sensitive to their legal lending limit for specific industries and equipment, so you need to discover the size parameters, so you do not offer something they are not prepared to accept.
Bankers have very long memories, so if they lost money on a loan with specific equipment as collateral they will always shy away from any deal with that kind of equipment regardless of the good credit. It would be wise to ask what kind of equipment they do not like.
Some banks think their customers are not interested in leasing because they have never asked for it, so a good idea is to ask for the name of 5 or 6 of their best customers and run a UCC search looking for liens from leasing companies. It never fails to surprise them when they see that there customers are leasing but have never said so.
Community Banks are a good funding source however it takes some time to cultivate a good relationship, so do not expect a quick response. Don’t be surprised if they want not only a business plan, but financial statements on your company and you as the personal guarantor.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
Mr. Terry Winders available as a consultant regarding assisting attorneys in resolving disputes or explaining procedures or reviewing documents as utilized in the finance and leasing industry.
He is the author of several books, including DVD's, as well as weekly columnist to Leasing News. He also performs audits of leasing companies as an expert on documentation, and has acted as an expert witness on leasing for litigation in legal and tax disputes, including before the IRS. He also has taught the senior bank examiners, how to review a bank leasing department, for the Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. and has trained the examiners for the FDIC on how to prepare a lease portfolio for sale.
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Mobile Is Pulling Customers Away
From Branches and Online Banking
By John Heggestuen,

The relationship between consumers and their banks is in a period of dramatic upheaval brought on by the rapid pace of technological innovation. Bricks-and-mortar banks are losing relevance among consumers — particularly millennials.
Banks face looming competition from tech giants such as Square, PayPal, Apple and Google. Fifty percent of North Americans say they would be likely to bank with Square should the company offer a banking service, for example. To stay relevant, banks will have to rethink the channels through which they reach their customers and the services that they provide to them.
Full Report and free two week trial:

Top 50 US banks and thrifts in Q2'14
SNL Financial Exclusive report
By Zuhaib Gull
Raleigh, N.C.-based First Citizens BancShares Inc. was the only company that managed to break into the top 50 list of the largest U.S. banks and thrifts in the second quarter, following the company's June 10 announcement of its $676.4 million acquisition of Columbia, S.C.-based First Citizens Bancorp. Inc.
The Big Four U.S. banks maintained positions, led by JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Bank of America Corp. with more than $2 trillion in assets, followed by Citigroup Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. at $1.910 trillion and $1.599 trillion in assets, respectively.

Based on pro forma adjustments, SNL added $8.44 billion of assets and $7.20 billion of deposits to First Citizens BancShares, pushing the bank to the No. 44 spot on the list this quarter. The company would also gain 177 branches, 157 of which are in South Carolina, which would push the bank's pro forma deposit market share in South Carolina to 9.33% among banks and thrifts, according to the 2013 Summary of Deposits.
BB&T Corp.'s $367.8 million deal for Crestview Hills, Ky.-based Bank of Kentucky Financial Corp. could push its assets up by $1.86 billion to $189.87 billion, based on pro forma adjustments by SNL. The target's 32 branches, mainly located in the Greater Cincinnati area, would introduce BB&T to a new market. Bank of Kentucky reported $1.57 billion in deposits as of June 30 as well. The transaction is expected to conclude before the end of the year.
SNL has adjusted the assets of Buffalo, N.Y.-based M&T Bank Corp. to depict the pending acquisition of Paramus, N.J.-based Hudson City Bancorp Inc. The deal, which was announced in August 2012 and is still pending, would see M&T Bank Corp. add Hudson City's $37.70 billion assets as of June 30, to M&T Bank. Pro forma assets for M&T Bank would jump up to $128.54 billion from $90.84 billion. The bank remained at the 20th spot in the list quarter over quarter.
In a similar case, New York-based CIT Group Inc.'s pending acquisition of Pasadena, Calif.-based IMB HoldCo LLC, announced July 22, pushed the buyer's pro forma assets up to $66.72 billion from the $44.15 billion reported for June 30. IMB HoldCo LLC is the holding company of OneWest Bank NA, which currently operates 74 branches, all in California. By combining "CIT's national middle market lending platform with OneWest's wholesale lending and branch banking franchise," CIT CEO John Thain believes the $3.37 billion deal will transform the bank into a "unique provider of retail and institutional financial services."
Based on these adjustments, the bank moved up to the No. 31 spot from No. 34 in SNL's previous analysis.
Notable exceptions
Some deals were not considered in this analysis as they either did not meet SNL's criteria or did not disclose sufficient financial information for pro forma adjustments. The pending sales of 68 branches by Bank or America in seven separate deals and the Sept. 3 announcement that BB&T would acquire 41 Texas branches belonging to Citigroup, cannot be adjusted for because they do not meet the criteria.
Other exceptions include JPMorgan's March 19 announcement that it is selling its physical commodities business to Geneva-based Mercuria Energy Group Ltd.
SNL ranks the largest banks and thrifts operating in the U.S. with a deposits-to-assets ratio of at least 25% for each relevant quarter. Some of the financial institutions that are regulated as bank holding companies did not meet the criteria and thus were excluded from the analysis. Examples include Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Morgan Stanley.
In addition, industrial banks were also not considered for this analysis. One of the significant exclusions from the list is Salt Lake City-based UBS Bank USA, which reported $44.98 billion in assets as of June 30.
Pro forma adjustments
In compiling rankings, SNL calculated pro forma assets for companies with pending M&A deals or deals that have closed since June 30, 2014. To be used in calculating an adjusted asset size, the M&A deal must include a bank or thrift target with assets of at least $5 billion, or a deal value of more than $200 million. Three of the companies in the top-50 ranking have pending deals that qualify for adjustments.

John Kenny
Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations • Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing • Third-party Commercial Collections | ph 315-866-1167| |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Collector, Atlanta, GA
Experienced, calling 11-90 day delinquent customers, assisting Asset Re-marketer with delinquency reporting, weekly reporting to home office.
Sales, Chicago, Atlanta
Work out of main office and satellite. Heavy phone sales calling on both independent dealers and end users (cold/warm calling), marketing, weekly reporting to management. Outside territorial salespeople will also be considered.
Contact: Michael Testa 312-881-3133
Financing for Commercial Truck & Trailer, Exotic, High Line, Vintage &
Classic Automobiles, Taxi, Livery & Paratransit
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employment
Actions to Take with Your Newly Written Resume
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII

I have just invested in a professionally written resume for my career search. What are my next steps?
Congratulations, you have already positioned yourself ahead of other job seekers! After having your resume done, the most common action is to apply for positions advertised, which is where most job seekers fall short. Additional steps should be taken to maximize your resume.
You need to make a plan. One of the best, in my opinion, is working with a Recruiter.
You may find your next job through a recruiter who will have access, connections, and the “inside” scoop within the industries they specialize in.
There are different types of recruiters
Corporate Recruiters
These individuals work for the employer and are usually a part of the human resources staff. They only facilitate placements of candidates within their organization and do not place candidates for positions outside of their employer.
Contingency Recruiters
These recruiters are paid if the candidate they want to place is hired by the client organization (thus the use of the word “contingent” in the title). Contingency recruiters most often work for employment agencies and firms.
Retained Recruiters
The employer pays these individuals regardless whether or not a candidate is hired. These recruiters are most likely to help place candidates in six-figure jobs, and may handle extremely sensitive (confidential) placements, e.g. for large public companies, high profile Universities or sporting organization positions.
Contingency firms are typically used for positions with base salaries from approximately $35K to $200K and are paid only when their candidate is selected and hired! Remember IF you are trying to keep your job search quiet, working with a recruiter who guarantees confidentially is advantageous.
Note that the recruiter usually works from a list of requirements e.g. years of experience, certifications, special skills, competency in specific areas, degrees or particular training, etc. Make sure that if you do not meet at least 90% of the requirements listed – do not waste your time.
Other Actions to take with your new resume
1. Update Your LinkedIn Profile (careful, you don’t want to set off red flags if you are currently employed)
2. Forward to Your Networking Contacts
3. Forward to Your References
For assistance in developing a plan of action for your resume, please contact us at
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
Leasing and Finance Associations
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Boxer/Rat Terrier Mix
Englewood, Colorado Adopt-a-Dog

Breed: Boxer/Rat Terrier Mix
Color: Brindle - With White
Age: Young
Size: Med. 26-60 lbs. (12-27 kg)
Sex: Female
ID#: 6728779-CCR 489
Daisy's Info...
"I am already spayed, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, good with dogs, and good with cats."
Daisy's Story...
"Daisy is available for adoption through Colorado Canine Rescue, a nonprofit rescue in the Denver area. She came from a crowded shelter in New Mexico where she was turned in as a stray. Since we have little history on her, we are estimating her age to be around one year old and guessing her breeds to be Boxer/Hound mix.
"Daisy is a delightful girl who is so happy to be a part of a family! She loves following everyone around and being everyone's shadow. She LOVES snuggling and lying on laps. She gets along great with other dogs and loves to play!! She does okay with the cats in her foster, but tries to play with them. Daisy is good with kids, but would probably be best with older ones who can help teach her not to jump and bounce around. Daisy is crate-trained, although she doesn't love being in her crate and so would likely do best in a home where she won't need to be kenneled often. She appears to be house trained in her foster home with a doggy door, but like many dogs she may need an adjustment period in her new home. She has a submissive personality, so she'd be a great match for a doggie friend who was a little more dominant. Daisy loves to go for walks and is learning good leash manners. She has learned how to run alongside a bike and will make a great running/hiking partner. Daisy is a gentle, playful, cuddle-bug who is just waiting to make your life that much better!!
We would love Daisy to go to a home with another doggie play-buddy, but if she doesn't have this she will need frequent playdates with room to romp and run. She is medium energy dog, so will need daily walks or jogs. Daisy is very personable and would love to be in a home that she gets plenty of attention and love from her human. She does have some hair loss on her back which the veterinarians believe is probably due to scarring from a past injury.
"If you are interested in adopting Daisy, please fill out an adoption application on-line at We are asking a $150 adoption donation for Daisy. She is spayed, up-to-date on vaccines and microchipped."
Rescue Group: Colorado Canine Rescue
Pet ID #: 6728779-CCR 489
Phone: (888) 896-7251
PO Box 783
Englewood, CO 80113
Web Site eMail Form:
On Line Application:
Adopt a Pet
Open Positions at Leasing Funders/Various Locations
You will find many jobs open in various leasing companies. Most are at the main office or a branch. The larger companies change listings and readers should click to them, as they change weekly, if not daily.
Leasing News invites other employers to list their "open positions."
The listing is free.
Advantage Funding
Alter Moneta
Atlas Copco
Ascentium Capital
Axis Capital
Balboa Capital
Bank of America
Bank of Ozarks
Bank of the West
(type in state, and keyword leasing or category)
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CIT Job Openings
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Fifth-Third Bank
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GE Capital
GreatAmerica Leasing
Home Savings Bank
Huntington Bank
Key Bank
Click here
Marlin Business Services
Madi$on Capital
Meridian Bank
Northern California Farm Credit (office listings)
Pacific Capital Companies
People's United Bank
PL Capital
Prime Alliance Bank
Regions Bank
Republic Financial
Sterling Bank
Taycor Financial
TCF Bank
TD Bank
US Bank
(type position in blank space and/or state)
Wells Fargo
Zions Bank

News Briefs----
Survey Shows Toll of Target Breach on Banks
Boeing succeeds in early wooing of China airline startups
Officials accuse California nudist camp of stealing water from an upstream line
Miss New York Chosen as Miss America 2015
Collector, Atlanta, GA
Experienced, calling 11-90 day delinquent customers, assisting Asset Re-marketer with delinquency reporting, weekly reporting to home office.
Sales, Chicago, Atlanta
Work out of main office and satellite. Heavy phone sales calling on both independent dealers and end users (cold/warm calling), marketing, weekly reporting to management. Outside territorial salespeople will also be considered.
Contact: Michael Testa 312-881-3133
Financing for Commercial Truck & Trailer, Exotic, High Line, Vintage &
Classic Automobiles, Taxi, Livery & Paratransit

--You May Have Missed It
Toronto Film Festival: 'Imitation Game' wins people's choice award
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Beat Stress, Weigh Less
The Connection Between Stress and Weight Gain
Baseball Poem
Stop Action
Slowly as in an underwater dance
the shortstop dips to take the ball
on a low hop, swings back his arm, balancing
without thought, all muscles intending
the diagonal to the first baseman's glove.
As the ball leaves his hand, the action stops —
and, watching, we feel a curious poignancy,
a catch in the throat. It is not this play only.
Whenever the sweet drive is stopped
and held, our breath wells up like the rush
of sadness or longing we sometimes feel
without remembering the cause of it.
The absolute moment gathers the surge
and muscle of the past, complete,
yet hurling itself forward — arrested
here between its birth and perishing.
Written by Conrad Hilberry, published in
“Line Drives,” 100 Contemporary Baseball
Poems edited by Brooke Horvath and Tim Wales,
published by Southern Illinois University Press

Sports Briefs----
Curse: 49ers collapse in Levi's debut
Seahawks lose 30-21 to San Diego because of costly mistakes
Raiders pounded by Houston Texans in home opener 30-14
What the Numbers Show About N.F.L. Player Arrests
Giants’ Offense Makes Strides, but Late Miscues Erase Those Efforts
Browns beat Saints 26-24 on last-second kick
Robert Griffin III is injured, but Redskins rally behind Kirk Cousins to beat Jaguars
DeMarco Murray carries Dallas in recipe to contend for playoffs
Patriots’ defense impressive, but offense still work in progress
Roger Goodell, Ray Rice and the N.F.L.’s Culture
Commissioner Bud Selig visits AT&T Park, declines to discuss NFL issues
USA wins basketball worlds, 129-92 over Serbia

California Nuts Briefs---
Tesla Motors spawns an automotive ecosystem

“Gimme that Wine”
Southern California Wine Harvest Early
Staglins reflects on Williams' suicide, music festival
New York wine makers vie with France's top Merlot producers
New destination for wine lovers: China
Pledge for DrinkMate
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Winery Atlas\
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in History
1787 - Tornadoes were reported in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. Wethersfield, CT was hard hit by the tornado outbreak.
1812 - William Wells migrated with his family to Kentucky when he was nine years old. Five years later, he was captured by Miami Indians and adopted into the family of the Wea village chief Gaviahatte. The young boy quickly adapted to Indian ways. He became a distinguished warrior and married the daughter of a prominent Miami war chief. For several years, Wells fought with the Miami against American soldiers attempting to push them off their land. In 1792, however, the army captured his wife and adopted mother. In exchange for their freedom, Wells agreed to join the American army as an interpreter. A reunion with a long lost brother helped reinforce the allegiance of Wells to the Americans, though his loyalties remained conflicted for the rest of his life. For several years, Wells was an invaluable scout and interpreter for the U.S. Army, helping the Americans defeat the hostile factions of the Miami and other tribes. In 1797, he was appointed Indian agent for the Miami, Delaware, Potawatomi, and other tribes of the Old Northwest (the modern-day Midwest). Yet, increasing pressure for the Indians to give up their lands to white settlers led to renewed conflicts, and Wells was often caught between the two groups. The outbreak of the War of 1812 with Great Britain heightened an already tense situation as some Indians saw the war as chance to join forces with the British to push out the Americans. Concerned about the safety of the Americans at Fort Dearborn (now Chicago), where his niece was married to the fort commander, Wells quickly raised a rescue party of 30 Miami Indians who were loyal to him and the United States and headed north. When he arrived on August 13, he found the fort surrounded by hostile Indians. Wells argued for staying at the fort and making a stand until a larger force of American soldiers could arrive. But the commander insisted on evacuation. On this day in 1812, Wells led a small company of men, women, and children out of the fort. They had not gone far before hundreds of Potawatomi Indians ambushed the party, killing more than 50 and taking the remainder captive. Wells, who was dressed and painted as a Miami warrior, fought heroically but was eventually shot through the lungs. When he fell from his horse, witnesses claimed the Potawatomi swarmed over his body, cut out his heart, and divided it among them.
1824 - Freed American slaves formed the country of Liberia.
1824 - The Marquis de Lafayette, the last surviving French general of the Revolutionary War, arrives in New York and begins a tour of 24 states.
1843 – The Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu is dedicated. Now the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, it is the oldest such cathedral in continuous use in the United States.
1850 - Fifty firemen from the Protection Engine Co. went to Sacramento to put down squatter rioting on Capt. Sutter’s property, under the direction Mayor Geary and Capt. McCormick of the California Guards
1859 – Birthday of Black Sox owner Charles Comiskey in Chicago. After his playing and managing careers, he took ownership of the Chicago White Sox in 1900. He oversaw the building of Comiskey Park in 1910 and won five American League pennants (1900, 1901, 1906, 1917, and 1919) and two World Series (1906, 1917). Comiskey was notoriously stingy (his defenders called him "frugal"), even forcing his players to pay to launder their own uniforms. Combined with salaries below the other players in Major League baseball, it has been concluded that these contributed to the players’ interest with gamblers in throwing the 1919 World Series to an inferior Cincinnati Reds team.
1876 - US law removed Indians from Black Hills after gold find. Sioux leaders Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull led their warriors to protect their lands from invasion by prospectors following the discovery of gold. This led to the Great Sioux Campaign staged from Fort Laramie. Gold was discovered in Deadwood in the Dakota Territory by Quebec brothers Fred and Moses Manuel. The mine was incorporated in California on Nov 5, 1877, as the Homestake Mining Company.
1878 - The temperature at Denver, CO, soars to an all-time record high of 105 degrees.
1879 – Ethel Barrymore, American actress, was born in Philadelphia. She was the sister of actors John and Lionel Barrymore, the aunt of actor John Drew Barrymore, and the grand-aunt of actress Drew Barrymore. Her stellar career on stage preceded her as one of the film industry’s first mega stars that later followed into television. She married Russell Griswold Colt, grandnephew of the American arms maker. Barrymore died in 1959 just shy of her 80th birthday, in Hollywood.
1885 - Birthday of Edna Ferber, U.S. author and Pulitzer Prize winning novelist for “So Big” (1924). Her books “Show Boat”, “Cimarron”, “Saratoga Trunk”, “Giant”, and “Ice Palace” were all made into popular Hollywood movies.
1904 – Puppeteer Bill Baird was born at Grand Island, NE. Baird was the creator of the Baird Marionettes who played multiple venues…theater, film, and television. He died in 1987.
1909 - Hugo Winterhalter, American composer and bandleader (d. 1973)
1912 - Birthday of Julia Child - U.S. cooking expert, author, and television personality. She won a Peabody Award in 1965 and an Emmy in 1966 for cooking shows that centered on traditional French cuisine. But the shows became a general viewing audience favorite as she conducted them in her inimitable aplomb and down-to-earth methods. She went on to write other books demystifying cooking in general and French gourmet cooking in particular. Bon Appetite!
1914 - The American-built waterway, the Panama Canal, across the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is inaugurated with the passage of the U.S. vessel SS Ancon, a cargo and passenger ship. The rush of settlers to California and Oregon in the mid 19th century was the initial impetus of the U.S. desire to build an artificial waterway across Central America. In 1855, the United States completed a railroad across the Isthmus of Panama (then part of Colombia), prompting various parties to propose canal-building plans.
1914 - A male servant of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright sets fire to the living quarters of the latter's Wisconsin home, Taliesin, murders seven people and burns the living quarters to the ground.
1915 - A story in the New York World newspaper reveals that the Imperial German government had purchased excess phenol from Thomas Edison that could be used to make explosives for the war effort and diverted it to Bayer for Aspirin production.
1918 - Russia severed diplomatic ties with US.
1919 – Henry Richard ‘Huntz’ Hall, one of the original Bowery Boys born in NYC. (d. 1999)
1923 - Birthday of singer Jimmy Witherspoon, Gurdon, AR.
1923 – Actress, singer Rose Marie (Mazetta), child star (Baby Rose Marie) of the 1930’s and part of the cast of the long-running and Emmy winning “Dick Van Dyke Show” born in NYC.
1924 - American activist Phyllis Schlafly’s birthday in St. Louis. She is known for her staunch social and political conservatism, her opposition to modern feminism and for her campaign against the proposed Equal Rights Amendment. Her self-published book, “A Choice, Not an Echo”, was published in 1964 from her home
1925 – “Mannix”. Actor and producer Mike Connors’ (born Krekor Ohanian in Fresno) birthday. During World War II he served in the US Army Air Force. After the war, he attended UCLA on a basketball scholarship, where he played under Hall of Fame coach John Wooden before Wooden became THE John Wooden. After an early film career, Connors moved to television where he played in several episodes of “Wagon Train” and “Perry Mason”, among others. “Mannix” was a popular Saturday night show that ran from 1967-75.
1925 – Bill Pinkney, one of the Original Drifters, born in Dalzell, SC. Before his career with the Drifters, Pinkney pitched for the Negro Leagues’ New York Blue Sox. He also served in the US Army in World War II, earning a Presidential Citation with five Bronze Stars (for battles including Normandy and Bastogne under General Patton). After the war, Pinkney, brothers Andrew and Gerhart Thrasher, and bass singer Willie Ferbie were approached by Clyde McPhatter, who had just quit as the lead tenor of Billy Ward and The Dominoes to form the Drifters for Atlantic Records where they sang a string of rock ‘n’ roll’s early hits in the 1950s and early 1960s. Pinkney became active in a Drifters’ revival for the PBS series, “My Music” in the 1990s-2000s before passing in 2007.
1926 - Birthday of trombonist Urbie Green, Mobile, AL.
1932 – Jim Lange, “The Dating Game” host, born in St. Paul, MN. Wrapped around his stint as the game show’s host, Lange was a DJ in both LA and SF. He recently passed on February, 2014.
1933 – Bobby Helms born in Bloomington, IN. He rules the airwaves every year during the Christmas holiday season. His single ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ first became a hit in 1957, and it reappeared on the charts four of the following five years to become an all-time Christmas classic. Before he was pigeonholed, though, Helms had a successful country career with two number one hits to his credit… Helms' first single in 1957 titled ‘Fraulein’ went to No. 1 on the country music chart and made it into the Top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Later that same year, he released ‘My Special Angel,’ which also hit No. 1 on the country charts and entered the Top 10 on Billboard's pop music chart, peaking at No. 7. Helms died in 1997.
1934 - 19 years of occupation ended as the 1st Marine Brigade departed Haiti.
1935 – Will Rogers and Wiley Post are killed after their aircraft develops engine problems during takeoff in Barrow, AK.
1935 – Vernon Jordan, one of President Clinton’s close advisors, born in Atlanta.
1938 – Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer born in San Francisco.
1939-- After five directors, several script drafts, and endless casting changes, the movie musical “The Wizard of Oz” premieres at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood.
1942 - The Japanese submarine I-25 departed Japan with a floatplane in its hold. It was assembled upon arriving off the West Coast of the US, and used to bomb U.S. forests.
1944—After several postponements, Allied forces began Operation Dragoon, the landing on the south coast of France during WWII*. More than 2,000 transports and landing craft transported 94,000 men to an area between Toulon and Cannes, with only 183 allied losses. they encountered minimal opposition, and by the end of August, the French coast from the mouth of the Rhone to Nice was in Allied hands. Sgt. Connor received
a medal of honor for his role, and you can read more about this event below.
1944 - CONNOR, JAMES P., Medal of Honor.
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, 7th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Cape Cavalaire, southern France, 15 August 1944. Entered service at: Wilmington, Del. Birth: Wilmington, Del. G.O. No.: 18, 15 March 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. On 15 August 1944, Sgt. Connor, through sheer grit and determination, led his platoon in clearing an enemy vastly superior in numbers and firepower from strongly entrenched positions on Cape Cavalaire, removing a grave enemy threat to his division during the amphibious landing in southern France, and thereby insured safe and uninterrupted landings for the huge volume of men and materiel which followed. His battle patrol landed on "Red Beach" with the mission of destroying the strongly fortified enemy positions on Cape Cavalaire with utmost speed. From the peninsula the enemy had commanding observation and seriously menaced the vast landing operations taking place. Though knocked down and seriously wounded in the neck by a hanging mine which killed his platoon lieutenant, Sgt. Connor refused medical aid and with his driving spirit practically carried the platoon across several thousand yards of mine-saturated beach through intense fire from mortars, 20-mm. flak guns, machineguns, and snipers. En route to the Cape he personally shot and killed 2 snipers. The platoon sergeant was killed and Sgt. Connor became platoon leader. Receiving a second wound, which lacerated his shoulder and back, he again refused evacuation, expressing determination to carry on until physically unable to continue. He reassured and prodded the hesitating men of his decimated platoon forward through almost impregnable mortar concentrations. Again emphasizing the prevalent urgency of their mission, he impelled his men toward a group of buildings honeycombed with enemy snipers and machineguns. Here he received his third grave wound, this time in the leg, felling him in his tracks. Still resolved to carry on, he relinquished command only after his attempts proved that it was physically impossible to stand. Nevertheless, from his prone position, he gave the orders and directed his men in assaulting the enemy. Infused with Sgt. Connor's dogged determination, the platoon, though reduced to less than one-third of its original 36 men, outflanked and rushed the enemy with such furiousness that they killed 7, captured 40, seized 3 machineguns and considerable other materiel, and took all their assigned objectives, successfully completing their mission. By his repeated examples of tenaciousness and indomitable spirit Sgt Connor transmitted his heroism to his men until they became a fighting team which could not be stopped.
1944 – Former NBC News anchor Linda Ellerbee was born in Bryan, TX.
1945 – NFL Hall of Famer and Players Union head Gene Upshaw born in Robstown, TX. He was an original Oakland Raider from the AFL days. Upshaw died in 2008.
1945 – World War II gasoline rationing in America ended on this day. Rationing was just one of the special measures taken in the U.S. during wartime. Civilian auto production virtually ceased after the attack on Pearl Harbor, as the U.S. automotive industry turned to war production. Automotive firms made almost $29 billion worth of military materials between 1940 and 1945, including jeeps, trucks, machine guns, carbines, tanks, helmets, and aerial bombs. After the war, rationing ended and the auto industry boomed.
1945 – Celebrations mark the end of World War II — VJ Day. A two-day holiday is proclaimed for all federal employees. In New York, Mayor La Guardia pays tribute to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the deceased president, in a radio broadcast.
1945 – US Task Force 38 launches massive air strikes on the Tokyo area, encountering numerous Japanese fighters but the aircraft are recalled upon receipt of the surrender announcement. Meanwhile, Vice-Admiral Ugaki, commanding Kamikaze operations, leads a final mission but the 7 dive-bombers are shot down off Tokyo before they can reach Okinawa.
1945 – Following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire during which he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies.
1946 – One of 20th century America’s most prolific songwriters, Jimmy Webb was born in Elk City, OK. His songs have been performed by many popular contemporary singers, including Glen Campbell, the 5th Dimension, Thelma Houston, the Supremes, Richard Harris, Johnny Maestro, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Isaac Hayes, Art Garfunkel, Amy Grant, America, Linda Ronstadt, R.E.M., Michael Feinstein, Donna Summer and Carly Simon. Inducted in the 1986 Songwriters Hall of Fame. As a co-writer in 1968 with Glen Campbell of “Wichita Lineman”, he was inspired by the isolation of a telephone-pole worker he saw on the Kansas-Oklahoma border. Campbell then asked if Webb could come up with another, so he wrote “By the Time I Get to Phoenix.” According to BMI, “By the Time I Get to Phoenix’ was the third most performed song in the fifty years between 1940 and 1990. Webb is the only artist ever to have received Grammy Awards for music, lyrics, and orchestration.
1946 - Saint Louis, MO, was deluged with a record 8.78 inches of rain in 24 hours.
1951 - Top Hits
“Too Young” - Nat King Cole
“Mister and Mississippi” - Patti Page
“Because of You” - Tony Bennett
“I Wanna Play House with You” - Eddy Arnold
1953 - Perry Como's "No Other Love" hits #1
1955 - Elvis Presley attends a meeting in Memphis with his manager Bob Neal, Colonel Tom Parker and his father, Vernon Presley, at which a new contract is signed that names Colonel Parker as "special advisor" with control of virtually every aspect of Elvis' career. Parker was not really a Colonel at all, but a Dutch immigrant named Andreas Cornelius van Kujik, whose honorary title was given to him in 1948 by Governor Jimmie Davis of Louisiana. He was a flamboyant promoter whose pre-Elvis experience included shows called “The Great Parker Pony Circus” and “Tom Parker and His Dancing Turkeys” and was a veteran of carnivals, medicine shows and various other entertainment enterprises.
1955 - After a suggestion that RCA bid $20,000 to land Elvis Presley, company executive Mitch Miller replies "no singer is worth that much."
1958 – Buddy Holly and Maria Elena Santiago are married in a private ceremony at his parents’ home in Lubbock, TX.
1959 - Top Hits
“Lonely Boy” - Paul Anka
“A Big Hunk o’ Love” - Elvis Presley
“My Heart is an Open Book” - Carl Dobkins, Jr.
“Waterloo” - Stonewall Jackson
1960 - Elvis Presley's "It's Now or Never" sits on top of the Billboard singles chart, where it would stay for a month. The record would have international sales of over 20 million and become a personal favorite of The King.
1961 – Two days after sealing off free passage between East and West Berlin with barbed wire, East German authorities begin building a wall–the Berlin Wall–to permanently close off access to the West. For the next 28 years, the heavily fortified Berlin Wall stood as the most tangible symbol of the Cold War–a literal “iron curtain” dividing Europe. The end of World War II in 1945 saw Germany divided into four Allied occupation zones. Berlin, the German capital, was likewise divided into occupation sectors, even though it was located deep within the Soviet zone. The future of Germany and Berlin was a major sticking point in postwar treaty talks, and tensions grew when the United States, Britain, and France moved in 1948 to unite their occupation zones into a single autonomous entity–the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany). In response, the USSR launched a land blockade of West Berlin in an effort to force the West to abandon the city. However, a massive airlift by Britain and the United States kept West Berlin supplied with food and fuel, and in May 1949 the Soviets ended the defeated blockade. By 1961, Cold War tensions over Berlin were running high again. In 1989, East Germany’s communist regime was overwhelmed by the democratization sweeping across Eastern Europe. On the evening of November 9, 1989, East Germany announced an easing of travel restrictions to the West, and thousands demanded passage though the Berlin Wall. Faced with growing demonstrations, East German border guards opened the borders. Jubilant Berliners climbed on top of the Berlin Wall, painted graffiti on it, and removed fragments as souvenirs. The next day, East German troops began dismantling the wall. In 1990, East and West Germany were formally reunited.
1964 - Despite the fact that the US record charts are dominated by Rock ‘n’ Roll, crooner Dean Martin has the number one record with his biggest hit, "Everybody Loves Somebody". The song had been around since 1949 and had been previously recorded by several well-known artists without success.
1964 - A race riot took place in Dixmoor, a suburb of Chicago, Ill.
1965 - The Beatles' third North American tour kicks off at Shea Stadium in front of a record crowd of 55,000 fans and 2,000 security guards. It grossed $304,000, of which The Beatles' share was $160,000. At 8 pm EST, the Beatles take the stage at Shea Stadium in New York City, marking the very first time a rock band would headline a stadium concert and a major victory for promoter Sid Bernstein, who had arranged the gig after his gamble of booking the then-unknown group at Carnegie Hall had paid off. Tickets for the show, sold merely by word of mouth created by kids who asked Bernstein about the next Beatles show while he strolled in Central Park, sold out in just three weeks, beating the stadium's old seating record with 56,000 seats sold. Two thousand professionals were pressed into service for security. The concert, filmed for BBC and NBC both, also featured openers Brenda Holloway, The King Curtis Band, and Bernstein's new obsession, the Young Rascals.
1966 - The Mamas and Papas cut short their act at the Forest Hills Stadium as some 20 teen-agers spoiled the show. In the midst of “Monday, Monday,” several teen-agers charged across the grass and attempted to leap on stage. They were deterred by a heavy detail of New York police. On the last note of the song, the group ran off the stage and did not return, even though they were called back for an encore.
1966 – Bobby Darin stages a crossover, releasing “If I Were a Carpenter”.
1967 - Top Hits
“Light My Fire” - The Doors
“All You Need is Love” - The Beatles
“A Whiter Shade of Pale” - Procol Harum
“I’ll Never Find Another You” - Sonny James
1967 - At the San Francisco Fillmore Auditorium: Count Basie & His Orchestra, Chuck Berry, Charles Lloyd Quartet, The Young Rascals, Steve Miller Band, Hair.
1967 - The Sundance fire in northern Idaho was started by lightning. Winds of 50 mph carried firebrands as much as ten miles in advance to ignite new fires, and as a result, the forest fire spread twenty miles across the Selkirk Mountains in just twelve hours, burning 56,000 acres. The heat of the fire produced whirlwinds of flame with winds up to 300 mph which flung giant trees about like matchsticks.
1968 - The Beatles record "Rocky Raccoon"
1969 - The Woodstock Music and Art Festival began on Max Yasgur's 600 acre farm in Bethel, New York, promising "three days of peace, love, and music." Featuring two dozen of the country's hottest bands, the festival draws over 450,000 hippies to the tiny town, causing unimaginable traffic and logistics problems but nevertheless impressing the ordinary citizens. Three deaths, two births, four miscarriages, and a wedding are all reported before Jimi Hendrix ends the festivities with his legendary rendition of the US national anthem. Also appearing were (in part) Joe Cocker, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Santana, The Who, Credence Clearwater Revival, Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, The Band, Canned Heat, Joan Baez, Santana, Melanie, Ten Years After, Sly and the Family Stone, Johnny Winter, Jefferson Airplane, Ravi Shankar, Country Joe and the Fish, Blood Sweat and Tears, and Arlo Guthrie. Among those who elected not to attend were Tommy James and the Shondells, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, The Byrds, Jethro Tull, and The Moody Blues.
1969 - Three Dog Night are awarded a Gold record for their self-titled debut album. The LP featured two modest selling 45s, "Nobody" and "Try A Little Tenderness" and the group had moved on to record their second album, "Suitable for Framing" when ABC Dunhill released a third single, "One". It shot to #5 in the US and subsequent copies of the LP were labeled "Three Dog Night - One".
1970 - "Looking Out My Back Door" by Creedence Clearwater Revival enters the Billboard Hot 100 on its way to #2. Although some fans speculate that the song is about drugs because of its colorful, dream-like lyrics, writer John Fogerty said it was actually written for his then three-year old son, Josh.
1970 – Patricia Palinkas becomes the first woman to play professionally in an American football game. She was a holder for her husband Steven Palinkas for the Orlando Panthers in the Atlantic Coast Football League.
1971 – President Nixon completes the break from the gold standard by ending convertibility of the US dollar into gold by foreign investors.
1972 – Ben Affleck was born in Berkeley, CA. He won the Academy Award in 1997 for “Good Will Hunting,” co-written with Matt Damon.
1973 - Baltimore, MD, declares today "Cass Elliot Day" in honor of the native singer for The Mamas and the Papas, who was born there September 19, 1941.
1973 – US bombing of Cambodia during the Viet Nam War ends.
1975 - Top Hits
“One of These Nights” - Eagles
“Jive Talkin’” - Bee Gees
“Please Mr. Please” - Olivia Newton-John
“Just Get Up and Close the Door” - Johnny Rodriguez
1979 - After years of production and financial troubles, “Apocalypse Now” finally opens in American theaters, three months after its premiere at Cannes.
1981 - Lionel Richie and Diana Ross saw their duet "Endless Love" rise to the number one position in the US for the first of nine weeks. Because of scheduling difficulties, the song was completed at a Reno, Nevada recording studio at 5 A.M., after one of Diana's concerts. Richie was dividing his time between the next Commodores album and work with Kenny Rogers.
1983 - Top Hits
“Every Breath You Take” - The Police
“Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)” - Eurhythmics
“She Works Hard for the Money” - Donna Summer
“Your Love’s on the Line” - Earl Thomas Conley
1987 - Less than three months after they go to No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 for the first time with "With or Without You," U2 return to the top of the chart with "I Still Haven't Found what I'm Looking For," the second single from "The Joshua Tree." (A birthday present for the Edge.)
1987 - Thunderstorms developing ahead of a sharp cold front produced severe weather in the Upper Midwest during the afternoon and evening hours, with Minnesota and eastern South Dakota hardest hit. A thunderstorm in west central Minnesota spawned a tornado at Eagle Lake which killed one person and injured eight others. A thunderstorm in eastern South Dakota produced softball size hail at Warner.
1988 - Thirty five cities in twenty states in the north central and northeastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date, including Lamoni, IA and Baltimore, MD, where the mercury hit 105 degrees. Temperatures 100 degrees or above were reported in twenty-two states. Pierre, SD was the hot spot in the nation with a high of 114 degrees. Bluefield, WV reported eight straight days of record heat.
1989 - Evening thunderstorms in eastern New Mexico produced wind gusts to 66 mph at Clovis. Evening thunderstorms in West Texas produced baseball size hail around Hereford, Dimmitt, Ware and Dalhart.
1990 – Actress Jennifer Lawrence was born in Louisville. Her performance in “Silver Linings Playbook”, opposite Bradley Cooper, won her the Best Actress Oscar, making her the second-youngest Best Actress winner. She followed that with an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress in “American Hustle”.
1991 - Top Hits
“(Everything I Do) I Do It for You” - Bryan Adams
“P.A.S.S.I.O.N.” - Rhythm Syndicate
“Summertime” - D.J. Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
“She’s in Love with the Boy” - Trisha Yearwood
1991 - Paul Simon gave a free concert in Central Park, New York in front of 600,000 people. The performance was released later in the year as "Paul Simon's Concert in the Park".
1994 - Janet Jackson tied Aretha Franklin for the most gold singles by a female artist - 14 - when "Any Time, Any Place" was certified as having sold more than 500,000 copies.
1995 – Shannon Faulkner becomes the first female cadet matriculated at The Citadel (she drops out less than a week later).
1995 - The Canadian stage production of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" opened at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto. At $17 million, it was the most expensive stage production in Canadian history.
1995 At request of the Mantle family, Bob Costas delivers the eulogy at Mickey's funeral. The popular broadcaster, known for his love of the game and his admiration of the Yankee superstar, describes the Hall of Famer as "a fragile hero to whom we had an emotional attachment so strong and lasting that it defied logic."
1996 - A New York women's shelter refuses to take money raised by a recent benefit concert when they learn that one of the performers was James Brown, often accused of emotional and physical abuse of women.
2000 - Club owner Ted Turner and two-time National League MVP Dale Murphy are inducted into the Atlanta Braves Hall of Fame joining Hank Aaron, Eddie Mathews, Phil Niekro and Warren Spahn.
2002 - A memorial to John Lennon was unveiled in the remote Scottish village of Durness, where Lennon had spent his holidays from age seven to fifteen. The lyrics from "In My Life" were inscribed on three stones.
2006 - Deana Martin's album "Memories Are Made of This" was released. The album featured her versions of many of her father's hits and other hits by Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.
2007 - The Osmond Brothers, joined by siblings Donny, Marie and Jimmy, took the stage for the taping of a 50th anniversary reunion show to be aired on PBS. A meeting of no less than seven singing Osmonds onstage hadn't happened in more than 20 years, although no one could remember the exact date of the last full family concert.
2011 - Jim Thome becomes the eighth player to reach the 600 career home runs plateau when he hits a two-run homer in the sixth (599), followed by three-run blast an inning later off Detroit's Daniel Schlereth. Needing fewer at-bats to reach 600 than anyone except for Babe Ruth, the 40-year-old Twins slugger accomplishes the feat in his 8,167th at-bat, compared to the Babino's 6,921.
2013 - The Smithsonian announces the discovery of the olinguito, the first new carnivoran species found in the Americas in 35 years.

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