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Friday, April 12, 2024

Today's Leasing News Headlines

Don’t Promote Sales Superstars
    By Steve Chriest
Few Responses in Request re:
   California Commercial Disclosure Law
    By Marshall Goldberg, Leasing News Legal Editor
Leasing and Finance Industry Help Wanted
    If You Are Ready for Success? Apply Here
Academy for CLFP
  8 Classes Scheduled  - May - October 2024
    CLFP Reaches 1,500 Members
USA Inflation as of March 2024
    Highest Level since September 2023
Diverse set of Criterion releases
    Movie Reviews by Fernando Croce
    Des Moines, Iowa Adopt-a-Dog
Upping Your Game to Get Ahead:
  Practical Strategies for Success
    By Ken Lubin, ZRG Partners
Matthew Daus Recognized for His
    Work in Ground Transportation Industry

News Briefs ---
Rite Aid to close an additional 53 more stores
    amid bankruptcy proceedings, closed 154 earlier
Mortgage Rates Near 7% Again -Uptick threatens
    the housing revival that many had hoped
CarMax Gets Slammed by High Rates,
    Tight Used-Car Supply
Customers Flock to Costco to Buy Gold Bars
    Selling $200 Million Each Month
Baltimore bridge collapse could wipe out
     emergency federal highway fund
What Happened When a German Car Factory
    Went All Electric

You May Have Missed
Soft Landing or No Landing? Fed’s Economic

     Picture Gets Complicated

Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
Sales Make It Happen

Sports Briefs
   California News
    "Gimme that Wine"
 This Day in History
   Daily Puzzle
     Weather, USA or specific area
      Traffic Live----

######## surrounding the article denotes it is a press release, it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a byline. It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.


Don’t Promote Sales Superstars
By Steve Chriest

Too many sales organizations continue to do what they’ve done for decades – promote sales superstars to sales management positions. This unfortunate practice perpetuates the crisis in sales management and leads to at least three undesirable outcomes:

1) The organization loses a sales superstar
2) The organization gets a mediocre – or worse – manager
3) Customers suffer in the transition

Why does this keep happening? My experience tells me that many senior managers, especially in a difficult economy, are focused on short-term, tactical solutions to the problem of slowing sales. In a drive to post good numbers and enhance shareholder value, strategy for developing sustainable sales skills and competent sales leaders gives way to quick-fix training interventions that promise immediate results. But traditional training delvers such poor results that senior managers jump from one training vendor to another in search of a quick fix that works.

Even when they work, quick fixes aren’t sustainable. Want proof? Why, if traditional sales training really works, has it been around, in essentially the same form, for over 80 years? Worse, organizations constantly complain about the lack of competence of their sales teams and sales training organizations continuously point out what’s wrong with selling organizations!

Most neglected in efforts to upgrade selling competence and skills are the sales managers. If, over many decades, sales manager training has been absent or inadequate, who is training the managers? Worse, who in an organization is available and capable of monitoring and supporting the sales manager role?

To make things potentially worse, senior executives may just be learning that many of their GenZ employees don’t seem to have much interest in working in management positions.

The crisis in sales management for many organizations is likely to continue unless senior executives take a strategic approach to developing their selling organizations. It’s critically important to identify people with an aptitude for sales management, to develop their skills, to value and support their efforts and to perform quality assurance that helps sustain the strategy.

Just like a smooth-running finance department is subject to audit, a sales organization should be audited regularly to ensure sales professionals and sales leader receive skill development and competence training needed to compete in all economic environments.

Steve Chriest


Few Responses in Request re:
California Commercial Disclosure Law
By Marshall Goldberg, Esq. Leasing News Legal Editor

So far responses have been negative, such as this one who wanted to remain anonymous:

“We are so angry at all of the requirement California is placing on us that we completely pulled out of the state and will do no more business there.”

It worries me that most companies have their templates in order and are so far complying with the requirements to the best of their ability. I am unaware of any existing legislation at this point or decisions on the disclosure laws. It is still early. It would be unwise to leave California solely to avoid compliance because very similar disclosure laws are being passed in many other states.

On May 6, 2024, I will be speaking at the ELFA Legal Forum on current and upcoming revisions to California Law as it applies to the Equipment Leasing Industry. I have been requesting feedback, name or anonymous.

  • Have you experienced or are you aware of any litigation, problems with the DFPI, issues with your brokers, or funding sources or the DFPI?
  • Has anyone contested your  alleged failure to adequately provide disclosures?
  • Has your company successfully navigated the requirements or are their internal issues within the company regarding compliance? Thank You.

Your input is important. Unless you request, I will keep your information confidential. Please email me at



Leasing and Finance Industry Help Wanted


Academy for Certified Lease & Finance Professionals
  8 Classes Scheduled  - May - October 2024
CLFP Reaches 1,500 Members

The Academy for Lease and Finance Professionals (ALFP) is a three-day event designed to fully prepare an individual to sit for the CLFP exam assuming the attendee has already self-studied. A trend has begun in having virtual online sessions.

During the first two days, all of the required sections of the CLFP exam are covered in-depth. On the third day, the exam is offered but is not mandatory and may be taken on another day.

Students are strongly advised to have read and studied The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals' Handbook prior to attending the class in order to ensure success


Dext Private, In-Person ALFP
May 9 – 10

Huntington Private, In-Person ALFP
May 16 – 17

U.S. Bank Equipment Finance Online Public ALFP
May 20 – 22

Financial Partners Group Private, Virtual ALFP
June 6 – 7,

Online, Private, AP EF ALFP
June 12 – 14

Stearns Bank Public, In-Person (MN)
July 31 - August 2

Great American Insurance Group Public,
  in Person,ALFP
August 8 - 9
DLL Online Private, ALFP
October 15 - 16

The Certified Lease & Finance Professional Handbook

About Academy

Mel Vinson, CLFP, Director of Academies, VP of Marketing and Development


USA Inflation as of March 2024
highest level since September 2023

Alberto Calva/Acus Consulting



Watch at Home
by Fernando Croce, Leasing News Movie Reviewer

A strikingly diverse set of Criterion releases ranges from Hollywood classics (“All That Money Can Buy,” “The Roaring Twenties”) to indie sleepers (“Nothing but a Man”), along with a graceful quartet (“Eric Rohmer’s Tales of the Four Seasons”) and a kinetic double bill (“The Heroic Trio / Executioners”).

All That Money Can Buy (1941): The Faust legend gets a uniquely American twist in this folksyfantasy from underrated classic filmmaker William Dieterle (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”). Jabez Stone (James Craig) is a struggling farmer who, on the verge of losing his land, runs into a certain Mr. Scratch (Walter Huston). Nothing less than Satan himself, the stranger offers Jabez seven years of good fortune in exchange for his soul. With his miraculous prosperity, he helps fellow farmers and supports Daniel Webster (Edward Arnold), an honest politician. When his time is up, however, he faces a trial to keep hellfire at bay. Buoyed by Huston’s delightfully malevolent performance and featuring an early score from legendary composer Bernard Herrmann (“Psycho”), this is afascinatingfable of morality and corruption.

Eric Rohmer’s Tales of the Four Seasons: A masterful observer of delicate human nuances, French director Eric Rohmer chases the vagaries of the heart in this marvelous quartet of comedy-dramas. Gorgeous chamber pieces founded on naturalistic conversations and subtle interactions, the series kicks off with “A Tale of Springtime” (1990) as it chronicles the friendship between two young women. “A Tale of Winter” (1992) grows more emotional and philosophical in its study of its heroine’s romantic indecision. “A Summer’s Tale” (1996) shifts the focus to men, namely a pianist ping-ponging among a trio of potential girlfriends, in Rohmer’s reportedly most autobiographical work. Finally, “A Tale of Autumn” (1998) closes the series with a lovely mature view of camaraderie and romance set against the vineyards of Southern France. A must-own for cinephiles. With subtitles.

The Heroic Trio / Executioners: Long before the so-called Marvel Universe, Hong Kong director Johnnie To put together far more imaginative superhero epics with this breathless double bill from 1993. In “The Heroic Trio,” three of the country’s top female superstars are brought together for a deliriously entertaining origin tale. Wonder Woman (Anita Mui) teams up with her childhood friend, Thief Catcher (Maggie Cheung), to stop a wave of baby kidnappings led by the Invisible Woman (Michelle Yeoh). Once reformed, the villainess joins the heroines in fighting the evil mastermind. Made the same year, “Executioners” follows the trio in a darker sequel with a post-apocalyptic backdrop. Awash in giddy stunts and wacky tonal shifts, the films provide a blast of comic-book energy in the best Hong Kong tradition. With subtitles.

Nothing but a Man (1964): Shot during the Civil Rights movement, director Michael Roemer’s stirring drama remains vital both as a portrait of Black experience and an early staple of American indie cinema. Set in Alabama, it follows Duff (Ivan Dixon), an itinerant railroad worker who often gets in trouble for his outspoken views in a landscape of prejudice. He meets local school teacher Josie (played by noted jazz singer and activist Abbey Lincoln), and the two begin a romance despite the objections of her religious parents. Their attempt to build a life together is threatened by their bigoted surroundings, as Duff’s growing awareness of racial injustice makes it difficult for him to hold a job. Filmed in a documentary-like fashion, Roemer’s film is a powerful, poignant, ultimately hopeful experience.

The Roaring Twenties (1939): Before literally exploding the gangster movie in “White Heat,” James Cagney teamed up with director Raoul Walsh for this exceptional, virile underworld drama, which sprawls from World War One to the Depression. Cagney stars as Eddie Bartlett, who returns from the battlefield with his friends, George (Humphrey Bogart) and Lloyd (Jeffrey Lynn), hoping to start a new life. Instead, he becomes involved in the bootlegging business with George, who turns out to be an unreliable partner, while Lloyd becomes an attorney. Eddie falls for Lloyd’s girlfriend, Jean (Priscilla Lane), but soon finds himself fighting for his life in the treacherous realm of big-time criminals. Full of period flavor and anchoredby Cagney’s characteristically dynamic turn, this is a consistently engrossing and unexpectedly movingslice of classic Hollywood.

Fernando Croce is a nationally recognized film reviewer and has been contributing to Leasing News since 2008. His reviews appear each Friday.


Des Moines, Iowa - Adopt-a-Dog


ID: 230027
3 Years old
75 lbs.
In Foster Home

Additional Details

HOW TO ADOPT: This dog is available for adoption by appointment. To schedule a time to meet this dog, please email

  • Amazing dog! A big lover who just wants to be with his people
  • Knows sit, shake, and down, and is working on stay
  • Does very well in the car - sits perfectly in the passenger seat with his pet seat belt on
  • Takes treats very gently
  • Enjoys playing with toys
  • Loves going on walks and is working on learning not to pull; does best with a harness right now
  • Sleeps well in a dog bed overnight in his foster home
  • May do best in a more mature home, as little kids can be too much for him
  • Must meet any dogs in your home before adoption to make sure everyone is a good match
  • May have allergies (more info at ARL)

The ARL's shelter software requires that we choose a primary breed for our dogs. Visual breed identification in dogs is unreliable, so for most dogs we are only guessing at primary breed. We get to know each dog as an individual and do our best to describe each of our dogs based on personality, not breed label

Chico Video  (short)


Locations & Hours:


Upping Your Game to Get Ahead:
Practical Strategies for Success
By Ken Lubin, ZRG Partners, Managing Director


Getting ahead isn't just about what you know, it's about how you apply what you know and pushing beyond your current boundaries. Whether it's your professional life, personal projects, or learning new skills, there are actionable strategies you can adopt to elevate your performance. Here's how to up your game and get ahead:

1. Set Clear, Achievable Goals
Success starts with knowing what you want to achieve. Setting clear, achievable goals provides a roadmap to follow and milestones to measure progress. Break down your larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks to prevent feeling overwhelmed and to celebrate small victories along the way.

Key Takeaway: Use the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to define your goals effectively.

2. Embrace Continuous Learning
The only constant in life is change and those who dedicate themselves to continuous learning are the ones who stay ahead. This doesn't just apply to formal education but to learning from experiences, failures, and informal sources. Every day offers a new opportunity to learn something that can move you closer to your goals.

Key Takeaway: Allocate time each week to learn something new related to your goals, whether through online courses, books, podcasts, or by practicing a new skill.

3. Enhance Your Productivity Techniques
Productivity isn't about doing more things in less time but doing the right things more effectively. Explore different productivity techniques, such as the Pomodoro Technique, Eisenhower Box, or Getting Things Done (GTD). Find what works best for you and make it a part of your routine.

Key Takeaway: Experiment with different productivity methods to find your perfect match. Remember, consistency is key.

4. Build a Supportive Network
No one achieves great things alone. Building a network of supportive peers, mentors, and professionals can provide you with the resources, advice, and encouragement you need. Networking isn't just about professional connections; it's about creating a community of like-minded individuals who can inspire and motivate you.

Key Takeaway: Attend industry meetups, join online communities, or find a mentor to broaden your network and open up new opportunities for growth.

5. Prioritize Your Well-being
Your physical and mental well-being directly impacts your ability to perform and get ahead. Ensure you're getting enough rest, eating well, exercising regularly, and taking time to de-stress. A healthy body and mind are your best assets in your journey towards success.

Key Takeaway: Make self-care a priority, not an afterthought. Your health is the foundation of your success.

6- Stay Flexible and Adapt
The path to success is rarely a straight line. Be prepared to adapt your strategies as circumstances change. Flexibility allows you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities that may arise unexpectedly.\

Key Takeaway: Stay open to change and be willing to adjust your plans as needed. Resilience and adaptability are your strengths.

Upping your game to get ahead requires a combination of goal-setting, continuous learning, effective productivity techniques, networking, prioritizing your well-being, and staying adaptable. By focusing on these areas, you'll not only improve your performance but also achieve greater success in all areas of your life. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process, celebrate your progress, and keep pushing your boundaries.

Ken Lubin, Managing Director
ZRG Partners, LLC
Americas I EMEA I Asia Pacific
C: 508-733-4789


Matthew Daus Recognized by National Limousine Association
for His Work in the Ground Transportation Industry

NLA Secretary Doug Schwartz of Executive Ground Transportation with Matt Daus

On Tuesday, March 19, Matt Daus, Founder and Chair of the Transportation Practice Group at Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP, spoke at the Limousine Association of New Jersey’s (LANJ) Spring Luncheon, where he was presented with a plaque on behalf of the National Limousine Association in recognition for his service to the ground transportation industry.

Matt said, “I am truly honored to receive this thoughtful award from the National Limousine Association, and greatly appreciate the recognition for my efforts as well as for the entire transportation legal team at Windels Marx. In addition to the many hours of pro bono work I personally logged as lawyer for the NLA, my team and I have been providing volunteer legal services for many years to so many state and local limousine associations. There have been, and continue to be, so many issues we have worked on, from drafting legislation, corporate governance, airport issues, and congestion pricing just to name a few.

“This work includes not just LANJ and LILA, but also several bus and limo trade groups over the last 14 years, including LANY and the BCAC in NYC, Illinois, Florida, New England, California, and so many others. This honor means so much to all of us and was such a nice surprise. I would like to thank not only NLA Secretary Doug Schwartz for his presentation of the award, but also NLA President Brett Barenholtz, former NLA President Robert Alexander (who led the industry through the pandemic), and of course the entire NLA Board. I care deeply about this wonderful industry and this recognition means more to me than you know.”

Source: Chauffeur Driven


News Briefs

Rite Aid to close an additional 53 more stores
    amid bankruptcy proceedings, closed 154 earlier

Mortgage Rates Near 7% Again -Uptick threatens
    the housing revival that many had hoped

CarMax Gets Slammed by High Rates,
    Tight Used-Car Supply

Customers Flock to Costco to Buy Gold Bars
    Selling $200 Million Each Month

Baltimore bridge collapse could wipe out
    emergency federal highway fund

What Happened When a German Car Factory
    Went All Electric


Soft Landing or No Landing? Fed’s Economic
    Picture Gets Complicated.


Sports Briefs---

49ers’ aggressive offseason rearms a
     defense that needed a shakeup


California News Briefs---

Is California still the world’s 5th largest economy?
    Statewide economy expanded by 2.1% in 2023

During proud owner’s photo shoot, classic
    rolls down ramp into California lake

With new food hall, Ikea launches its full
    vision for downtown San Francisco


Gimme that Wine    

Making the Connection: Women
In Wine Symposium
at U.C. Davis Showcases Role Models and Networking

Clos du Val Creates Purest Expression of Stags Leap
District Estate with Global Release of Flagship Yettalil

How a small rural California road became the
latest wine battleground in Napa Valley


This Day in History



The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?



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Traffic Live---

Real Time Traffic Information

You can save up to 20 different routes and check them out with one click,
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