Monday, July 19, 2021

Today's Leasing News Headlines
Nine Classes that Should be
Mandatory in High School
The US Ecommerce Forecast 2021
Retail ECommerce Sales in the US, 2019 -2025
Funders Taking "New" Broker Business List
Four Do Not Require that Brokers Be Licensed
License and Registration United States
By Kenneth C. Greene, Attorney
Segment 4
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine and Maryland
Leasing Industry Ads
Top Sales Positions Available
Top Selling Cars in the United States
Since 1978
Global Chip Shortage Impact Today
on American Automakers
Solar Financing Firms
Working with Third Party Originators
Top Ten Leasing News
July 12 to July 18
Mortgage Rates Continue to Slide
for the Third Consecutive Week
Mixed Breed
Arlington, Virginia Adopt-a-Dog
Legal Issues Conference
July 21-22, 2021
News Briefs---
OPEC Plus Agrees on Oil Production Increase,
Ending Dispute with U.A.E
Fauci says polio would probably still exist in the US if
the 'false information' currently being spread existed decades ago
‘6 p.m. is the new 8 p.m.’:
Why early-bird dining is here to stay
Collapse Raises New Fears About Florida’s
Shaky Insurance Market
You May have Missed---
US banks ramp up spending on pay and technology,
Costs at largest US lenders jumped 10% in most recent
quarter as industry fends off competition
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.


The US Ecommerce Forecast 2021
Retail ECommerce Sales in the US, 2019 -2025

* This chart and data were pulled from The US Ecommerce Forecast 2021 by Insider Intelligence. Purchase the report below for $1,995 for immediate access.
Funders Taking "New" Broker Business List
Four Do Not Require that Brokers Be Licensed
BSB Leasing, Inc.
Bankers Capital
C.H. Brown Company
Forum Financial Services
TimePayment Corp.
The following “funders” have informed Leasing News they will consider business from “new” third party originators. Many companies require a certain length of time in business and other requirements, such as a specific volume of business. These “funders” will consider submissions from those new in the leasing and finance business:
In Business Since
Leasing Association
16 |
National |
$10,000 Minimum
Application Only to
$250,000 Financial
Statement Transaction
Up to $1MM Business
Loans Up to $500K
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
6 |
50 states |
$25,000 + |
Y |
N |
N |
N |
20 |
Y |
N |
Y |
N |
N |
7 |
Nationwide |
$50,000 - $1.5 million (Our average size transaction is $250,000. Preferred range $100,000 - $500,000) |
N/R |
N |
N/R |
N/R |
N/R |
175 |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program
| D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen

License and Registration United States
By Kenneth C. Greene, Attorney
Segment 4
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine and Maryland
(A State-by-State Analysis of License Requirements for Lenders and Brokers)

Previous states covered Alabama through Iowa
Once again, I’d like to remind readers that I am endeavoring to analyze and interpret hundreds of statutes, rules, regulations, decisions, and opinions from 50+ different states. It is possible that I will relay some inaccurate information (hopefully, rarely), which might be a product of new developments, case law, or administrative rulings, some of which didn’t exist as of the publication of these articles, and some of which I may have simply overlooked. If you have authoritative information which contradicts anything I have written or will write, please let us know, so we can publish the errata. This, not just for my sake, but for that of the readers, who deserve accuracy.
16. KANSAS: No license is required for commercial lenders. A license is only required for mortgage lenders and “supervised loans”, defined in Kansas as a loan in which the APR exceeds 12%, as to which the debtor is a person other than an organization, the debt is primarily incurred for personal, family or household purposes, and the loan amount does not exceed $25,000. Kansas S.A. 16a-1-301(17) (2019). Banks and other regulated depository institutions are exempt from this licensing requirement. Kansas S.A. 16a-1-301(44).
As is the case with a few other states, loan brokers must register for a license unless the broker’s fee is wholly contingent on the successful procurement of a loan from a third party and to whom no fee, other than a bona fide third-party fee, is paid before the procurement.Kansas S.A. 50-1016(a) (5) (2019).
Here is the statutory definition of “bona fide third-party fee:”
- Credit reports, appraisals and investigations; and
- If the loan is to be secured by real property, title examinations, an abstract of title, title insurance, a property survey and similar purposes.
Kansas S.A. 50-1016(b)
Here is the loan broker exemption provision in its entirety:
17. KENTUCKY: A consumer loan company making loans of $15,000 or less, for personal, family, or household use, at an interest rate greater than the usury rate (8%) does need a license. KRS 286.4-420 (2021).
Interestingly, Kentucky is one of the few states which clearly delineates that there is no need for a foreign financial institution to register in the state in order to make loans from out of state, or even to maintain an action in Kentucky to prosecute or defend a lawsuit. KRS 286.2-670 (2009). Here’s the statute:
It is one of the few states that clearly and indisputably gives lenders and brokers the right to do business from out-of-state. Many other states have “similar” laws, but this, based on my research, is unequivocal. Blue grass bourbon, horses and no license required. What more can you ask for?
18. LOUISIANA: Another state that does not require a license to make commercial loans. Loan brokers, similarly, do not need a license unless they are making consumer loans. La. Revised Statute §§3572.2 and 3572.3 (2019). As one might expect of a unique, indigenous state like Louisiana, they are extremely protective of their consumers.
Louisina Consumer Credit Law
19. MAINE: Maine is strict in its licensing requirements, but, happily, it does not require licenses for commercial lenders. Many other financial companies, like consumer loan servicers, payday lenders, and supervised lenders (again, those who lend to consumers), do indeed need licenses. Maine Consumer Credit Code, Title 9, Article 2, Part 3.
Loan brokers need licenses as well, but only those who engage in the arrangement of consumer loans in Maine.
Maine Consumer Credit Code
https://legislature.maine.gov/statutes/9-A/title9-Asec10-102.html (2011)
20. MARYLAND: Nor does Maryland require a license for commercial lenders. However, consumer lenders do need licenses. Md. Code Ann., Fin. Inst. §11-301(b)(5) (2018). The usury rate is 6% or 8% if there is a written agreement. Md. Code. Ann. Comm. Law §12-103(a)(1), but this is inapplicable, and a lender may charge interest at any rate if the loan is:
(i) A loan made to a corporation;
(ii) A commercial loan in excess of $15,000 not secured by residential real property; or
(iii) A commercial loan in excess of $75,000 secured by residential real property.
Md. Code. Ann. Comm. Law §12-103(e)(1)
Next episode, we will explore the exciting terrains of Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi and Missouri.
Segment 1 - Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California 06/28/21
Segment 2 – 07/06/21
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida and Georgia
Segment 3 -07/12/21
Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa

Ken Greene
Law Office of Kenneth Charles Greene
5743 Corsa Avenue Suite 208
Westlake Village, California 91362
Tel: 818.575.9095
Fax: 805.435.7464
Alternate: kengreenelaw@outlook.com
This article is presented by the Law Office of Kenneth Charles Greene. All copyrightable text, the selection, arrangement, and presentation of all materials (including information in the public domain), and the overall design of this presentation are the property of the Law Office of Kenneth Charles Greene. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to download and reprint materials from this article for the purpose of viewing, reading, and retaining for reference. Any other copying, distribution, retransmission, or modification of information or materials from this article, whether in electronic or hard copy form, without the express prior written permission of Kenneth C. Greene, is strictly prohibited. The materials available from this article are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Use of and access to these materials does not create an attorney-client relationship between the Law Office of Kenneth Charles Greene and the user or viewer. The opinions expressed herein are the opinions of the individual author.
Help Wanted Ads

Top Selling Cars in the United States
Since 1978

From 1978 to 2020, over 348 million cars were sold in the U.S., or an average of 8.1 million cars per year. Car sales were especially strong during times of high oil prices, such as following the 1979 oil crisis, as consumers avoided less fuel-efficient trucks and SUVs.
Throughout most of the 20th century, car sales in the U.S. were led by American manufacturers.
From 1978 to 1988, two of the “Big Three” Detroit-based auto manufacturers had the best-selling cars in the country. GM had two models of the Oldsmobile Cutlass and two different Chevrolets in the top spot, while Ford was able to compete with the compact Ford Escort.
But since the late 1980s, Japanese manufacturers started to take over in affordability, reliability, and overall sales.
Full Story:

The Briefing:
- Delays in semiconductor (chip) manufacturing are hitting vehicle production with more than 1 million vehicles delayed in North America alone.
- American-based manufacturers Ford, Stellantis and GM are taking the hardest hit, combining for a delay of 855,000 vehicles.
- Modern cars are built with anywhere between 500-1,500 different chips.
As the global economy has started to bounce back and demand for digital devices has increased, the chip manufacturing supply chain has become strained on its still-low supply.
Unfortunately for automakers, cars are taking the brunt of the hit.

Though most of the world’s major automakers have factory production in North America, American-based manufacturers are estimated to take the hardest hit.
Of the more than 1.1 million vehicles estimated to face production delays, Ford, Stellantis, and GM combine for 855,000. Ford specifically has five of the top 10 models facing delays, including the largest hit: the F-series at 109,710 delayed units.

Other automakers with less production based in North America are facing far softer impacts. Japanese automakers Honda, Nissan, and Toyota are estimated to take a collective hit of 108,549 delayed models, while companies like Hyundai and Volvo have less than 3,000 vehicles impacted.
The biggest reason for the discrepancy is from where each automaker sources and installs its chips. For American manufacturers in particular, the over-dependence on chips coming through China, Korea, and Taiwan has caused the current U.S. government to look for solutions with the Senate recently approving $52 billion in subsidies for local chip manufacturing.
When the chip shortage will end is currently anybody’s guess as manufacturers and countries are scrambling to increase capacity. Whether the financial influx from the U.S. will be enough, and how long it will take to affect a very-slow manufacturing process, remains up in the air.
Source: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/global-chip-shortage-impact-on-american-automakers/

Solar Financing Firms
Working with Third Party Originators

Thomas Cadle, CLFP, LeaseSource Financial Services. Voice: 800-991-0099 Fax: 800 - 988 -3921
email: tcadle@leasource.com
Michael Kountze, Regents Capital., Voice: 512-222-5539 Fax: 512-222-5539
email: michaelk@regentscapital.com
John Meredith, CG Commercial Finance. Voice: 949.720.9511 fax: 949.720.9611
email: john.meredith@cgcommercial.com
Jim Recker, Crestmark Equipment Finance. Voice: 248.593.3919 Mobile: 248.705.5704 Toll Free: 888.800.3705
email: jrecker@crestmark.com
Scott Woodring, Managing Partner, Triex Capital Partners, Office: 402-441-4828 Cell: 402 -419-9095 www.triexcapital.com
Guidelines: http://leasingnews.org/PDF/triex_capital2021.pdf
Any additions or corrections, please contact: kitmenkin@leasingnews.org
Top Ten Leasing News
July 12 to July 18
(Most Read the Prior Week)
(1) Snider Leasing, Sacramento, Sold to
Financial Pacific Leasing
(2) Please email any changes or additions:
No Longer taking Broker/Discounting Business
plus Leasing Companies Out of Business
(3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(4) Dext Capital Continues its Growth
Interview with Kyin Lok, President and CEO
The Growth, Plans, and Direction for More Success
(5) License and Registration United States
By Kenneth C. Greene, Attorney
Segment 3
(Some surprises here (ed.): Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa)
(6) Chain Sandwich Shops
Ranked From Worst to Best
(7) Funders Looking for Broker Business
(8) Rent Prices Are Soaring as Americans Flock Back to Cities
“33 percent rent increases and bidding wars on rentals”
(9) Harley-Davidson unveils new Sportster S model
$14,999 price tag
(10) Remote work is now the hottest ‘city’
for high-paying jobs
Mortgage Rates Continue to Slide
for the Third Consecutive Week

Mortgage rates continue to dip below the 3% mark with the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) dropping this week to 2.88%, down from last week when it averaged 2.90%, according to Freddie Mac’s latest Primary Mortgage Market Survey (PMMS). A year ago at this time, the 30-year FRM averaged 2.98%.
Freddie Mac also reported the 15-year FRM averaging 2.22% this week, with an average 0.6 point, up from last week when it averaged 2.20%. A year ago at this time, the 15-year FRM averaged 2.48%.

Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s Chief Economist, said, “The summer swoon in mortgage rates continues as the 30-year fixed-rate mortgage fell for the third consecutive week.
“Since their peak at 3.18% in April, mortgage rates have declined by 30 basis points. While this decline is not large, it provides modest relief to borrowers who are purchasing in a market with strong home appreciation and scant inventory.”
Proof of the strength in the purchase market can be found in findings from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), as yesterday’s Weekly Mortgage Applications Survey saw mortgage applications rising 16.0% over the previous week (for the week ending July 9, 2021). Not only did purchase market see gains, but the MBA’s Refinance Index increased 20% over the previous week as well.
Buyer fatigue has been seen as a factor pushing down the competition rate, with some house hunters moving to the sidelines after repeatedly losing bidding war after bidding war, or are simply getting priced out of the market entirely.
Source: themreport.com
Mixed Breed
Arlington, Virginia Adopt-a-Dog
37 lbs.
Color: Butterscotch
In Foster Home
About Me
Tucker's foster family told us: “Tucker is a lovable, 37lb mixed breed who will steal your heart with his cuddles and goofy personality. Tucker is a good boy and knows to “sit” and “stay”. He is very treat motivated and loves to learn new things.
Tucker's favorite things are belly rubs and dinner time! Tucker especially loves ground beef and rice wet food.
But he's not so into long runs. Tucker likes to run around with other dogs and go on long walks.
His special talents are finding the comfiest spot on the couch. He also knows a few commands like “sit” and “stay”.
Tucker's perfect day would be waking up to a belly rub and a walk around the neighborhood to say hello to all his doggy friends. He would enjoy some wet food, chew on his dragon toy, and snuggle up for a nice long nap.
If Tucker were an ice cream flavor he would be Caramel Swirl because of his beautiful brindle coat and sweet personality.
Important facts about Tucker: Tucker is very friendly with other dogs and loves people but he is a bit timid when it comes to meeting hyper dogs. He also takes a little while to get settled in his crate for bed so he needs someone with the patience to help him calm down. Tucker is house-broken and very good on the leash.
If you are interested in adopting Tucker, please send an email to erika.novstrup@outlook.com to arrange an initial virtual meet & greet with the pet’s foster parent or a staff member. They will reply to you within 24-48 hours.
Learn more about our current adoption process:
(no application form found on website)
Animal Welfare League of Arlington
2650 S. Arlington Mill Drive
Arlington, VA 22206
(703) 931 - 9241
Send Message:
Sunday to Monday 12pm to 7pm
Closed Tuesday
Adoption Fee: $200
Adoption Fees Include:
A certificate for a free exam with a participating veterinarian.
Fees for other services performed will be paid by the adopter to the veterinary hospital.
Spay/neuter surgery
A heartworm test for dogs older than four months
Age-appropriate vaccinations
A personalized I.D. tag
A microchip
A free virtual workshop or $30 off any training service from Fur-Get-Me-Not
One week of free training with the GoodPup app and 20% off a lifetime subscription
An information packet
Legal Issues Conference
July 21-22, 2021
Recent years have seen a wave of innovative finance and credit options available to consumers in -commerce and other channels. These advances have brought regulatory and legal changes that will have a lasting impact on consumer finance companies, platforms, service providers, banks, and investors.
This session will explore recent legal and regulatory developments important to market participants, including potential pitfalls and opportunities, updates on the regulatory landscape, and the emerging compliance outlook.

Allen H. Denson
Partner |

Jonathan L. Pompan
Partner |
Legal Issues Conference
July 21-22, 2021
Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel (Arlington, VA)
OLA Member $495.00
[On Line More Info] about OLA Member, opens in a new window
Non-Member $695.00
[On Line More Info] about Non-Member, opens in a new window
Speaker $195.00
[On Line More Info] about Speaker, opens in a new window
Legal Solutions for Today's World

This Day in History
1692 - Five Massachusetts women were hanged for witchcraft. Fifteen young girls in the Salem community charged as many as 150 citizens in the area with witchcraft during the greater part of this year. The Salem witch hunt was unleashed in March of the year when some children, called upon to explain their odd behavior, claimed that three old women had bewitched them. The women were tried, convicted, and condemned on the testimony of the children. Although Governor William Phis halted the trails in October, 1692, by January, 1693, twenty persons condemned for witchcraft had been executed and two had died in prison. The first person executed for witchcraft in America was Margaret Jones of Charlestown, Mass. Gov. John Winthrop wrote “that she was found to have such a malignant touch, as many persons, (men, women and children), whom she stroked or touched with any affection or displeasure, etc., were taken with deafness...or other violent pains or sickness...Her behavior at the trial was very intemperate, lying notoriously, and railing upon the jury and witnesses, etc., and in the like distemper she died.”
1701 - Representatives of the Iroquois Confederacy signed the Nanfan Treaty at Albany, NY, ceding a large territory north of the Ohio River to England.
1814 - Samuel Colt (d. 1862) was born in Hartford, CT. An industrialist and inventor, he founded Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Company (today Colt’s Manufacturing Company) and made the mass production of the revolver commercially viable. His use of interchangeable parts helped him become one of the first to use the assembly line efficiently. Moreover, his innovative use of art, celebrity endorsements, and corporate gifts to promote his wares made him a pioneer in the fields of advertising, product placement, and mass marketing.
1817 - Birthday of Mary Ann Ball Bickerdyke (d. 1901), Knox County, OH. Known as Mother Bickerdyke for her nursing and sanitary commission work during the Civil War, she turned to the work after witnessing the appalling conditions that male nurses and doctors considered normal for hospitals. She would serve at the site of 19 battles. She petitioned in vain for pensions for veterans and nurses after the hostilities.
1825 - The American Unitarian Association was founded by members of the liberal wing of the Congregational churches in New England.
1845 - The last great fire to affect Manhattan began early in the morning and was subdued that afternoon. The fire killed 4 firefighters, 26 civilians, and destroyed 345 buildings.
1848 - A convention concerning the rights of women, called by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, was held at Seneca Falls, NY. The issues discussed included voting, property rights and divorce. The convention drafted a “Declaration of Sentiments” that paraphrased the Declaration of Independence, addressing man instead of King George, and called for women's “immediate admission to all the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of the United States.” This convention was the beginning of an organized women's rights movement in the US. The most controversial issue was Stanton's demand for women's rights to vote.
(lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/jul19.html )
1860 - Birthday of Lizzie Andrew Borden (d. 1927), Fall River, MA. She was suspected but acquitted of the double murders of her father and her stepmother. There was a great deal of circumstantial evidence, but lack of a murder weapon or blood on her clothes stymied prosecutors. The women of the city of Fall River, Massachusetts, supported her by crowding the courtroom and, after the acquittal, ostracized her. Their attitude plus other factors indicate that she was an abused child/woman. If she committed the murders, she had to have help from people outside the home to cover up the evidence. Contrary to some rumors, the murder hatchet was never found.
1863 - At Buffington Island in Ohio, CSA Gen John Hunt Morgan’s raid into the north was mostly thwarted when a large group of his men were captured while trying to escape across the Ohio River. Morgan's Confederates, during the 46-day raid, covered more than 1,000 miles, beginning in Tennessee and ending in northern Ohio. Morgan's raid coincided with the Vicksburg and Gettysburg campaigns, though it was not directly related to either. However, it was meant to draw away tens of thousands of US troops away from these major campaigns and to frighten Northern civilians into demanding their troops be recalled to defend them.
1865 – Charles H. Mayo (d. 1939) was born in Rochester, MN. With his brother, William J. Mayo and five others, he was one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic.
1881 - Surrender of Sitting Bull and 186 followers, crossing the Canadian border into US; Army breaks its amnesty promise and jails him at Fort Randall, Dakota Territory.
1883 - Max Fleischer (d. 1972) was born in Krakow, Austria-Hungary. Fleischer was a pioneer in the development of the animated cartoon and served as the head of Fleischer Studios. He brought such animated characters as Koko the Clown, Betty Bop, Popeye and Superman to the movie screen and was responsible for several technological innovations.
1886 - Third hurricane in one month crosses Florida causing great damage from Cedar Keys to Jacksonville
1902 – John McGraw made his debut as manager of the New York Giants, losing 5-3 to the Phillies. He would stay on until 1932, winning three World Series.
1902 - Birthday of clarinet player William “Buster” Bailey (d. 1967), Memphis, TN
1909 - With men on first and second, Cleveland shortstop Neal Ball catches Ambrose McConnell's line drive, gets Heinie Wagner at second, and then tags Jake Stahl completing the first modern Major League unassisted triple play in a 6-1 win over the Red Sox.
1910 – Pitching for the Cleveland Indians, Cy Young won his 500th game, the only pitcher in Major League history to do so. He finished his Hall of Fame career with 511, a record many believe is the most unbreakable in all of sport.
1911 - Former circus acrobat Walter Carlisle completes an unassisted triple-play for Vernon (LA) of the Pacific Coast League when he catches a ball in shallow centerfield flips and touches second base and beats the runner back to first base.
1912 – Birthday of Art Linkletter, born Gordon Arthur Kelly (d. 2010), Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. An early daytime TV star, he hosted “People Are Funny,” “House Party,” and “Kids Say the Darndest Things.”
1913 - Trombonist Charlie Teagarden (d. 1984) birthday, Vernon, TX.
1916 - Birthday of Eve Merriam (d. 1992), Philadelphia, PA. A poet, playwright and author of more than 50 books for both adults and children. Merriam's works, which often focused on feminism, include “It Doesn't Always Have to Rhyme,” “After Nora Slammed the Door,” “The Women's Unfinished Revolution,” “Mommies at Work,” and a book of poems attacked by authorities as glamorizing crime, “The Urban Mother Goose.” Her play “Out of Our Father's House,” portraying the lives of American women, was presented on public television, “Great Performances” series. She also wrote the first documentary of women's rights for network TV, “We the Women.”
1921 - Birthday of Medical physicist Rosalyn Yalow (d. 2011), New York City. Along with Andrew V. Schally and Roger Guillemin, in 1977, Yalow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Through her research on medical applications of radioactive isotopes, Yalow developed RIA, a sensitive and simple technique used to measure minute concentrations of hormones and other substances in blood or other body fluids. First applied to the study of insulin concentration in the blood of diabetics, RIA was soon used in hundreds of other applications.
1922 - Birthday of George McGovern (d. 2012), Mitchell, SD. Vietnam antiwar activist, Senator, presidential candidate in 1972.
1933 – For the first time in Major League history, brothers on opposing teams homered in the same game. Red Sox catcher Rick Ferrell hit his home run off brother Wes of the Cleveland Indians while Wes hit his off Hank Johnson in the 3rd inning. He will wind up his career with 38 homers in 548 games. Rick will hit only 28 in 1,884 games.
1936 - 17-year-old Iowa farm boy Bob Feller made his Major League debut, pitching one inning of relief against the Senators for the Cleveland Indians in Washington, D.C. The fireballer allowed no hits and no runs, striking out none, walking two.
1937 - Country singer George Hamilton IV (d. 2014), was born in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Hamilton became much more popular in Canada and Britain than in the US. In Canada, this popularity stemmed from his close association with the songs of Gordon Lightfoot. Hamilton became friendly with Lightfoot in 1965 and recorded such Lightfoot tunes as "Early Morning Rain" and "Canadian Railroad Trilogy." Hamilton began to work with other Canadian writers as well, and later signed with RCA's Canadian division. Hamilton also was the host of the Canadian TV show "North Country" for five years.
1939 - Jack Teagarden and his orchestra recorded "Aunt Hagar's Blues" for Columbia Records. Teagarden provided the vocal on the session recorded in Chicago, IL.
1939 - Bud Freeman and his Summa Cum Laude Orchestra record “The Eel.”
1940 - Charlie Barnet Band records “Pompton Turnpike” (Bluebird 10825)
1940 - Pop music record charts for single songs were published by the music trade newspaper Billboard. The first song to hit No. 1 in the pop charges was Tommy Dorsey's “I'll Never Smile Again,” sung by Frank Sinatra
1941 - Birthday of guitarist Phil Upchurch, Chicago, IL
1941 - Birthday of singer Vikki Carr was born Florencia Bisenta deCasilla-Martinez Cardona, El Paso, Texas.
1942 – German Adm. Donitz ordered the last U-boats to withdraw from their United States Atlantic coast positions in response to the effective American convoy system.
1944 - Top Hits
“I'll Be Seeing You” - Bing Crosby
“Long Ago and Far Away” - Helen Forrest & Dick Haymes
“Amor” - Bing Crosby
“Straighten Up and Fly Right” - King Cole Trio
1944 - Some 1,200 8th Air Force bombers bombed targets in SW Germany. Some 500 15th Air Force Liberators (Flying Fortresses) bombed the Munich vicinity.
1944 - CHRISTENSEN, DALE ELDON, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Troop E, 112th Cavalry Regiment. Place and date: Driniumor River, New Guinea, 16-19 July 1944. Entered service at: Gray, lowa. Birth: Cameron Township, lowa. G.O. No.: 36, 10 May 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty along the Driniumor River, New Guinea, from 16-19 July 1944. 2d Lt. Christensen repeatedly distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in the continuous heavy fighting which occurred in this area from 16-19 July. On 16 July, his platoon engaged in a savage fire fight in which much damage was caused by 1 enemy machinegun effectively placed. 2d Lt. Christensen ordered his men to remain under cover, crept forward under fire, and at a range of 15 yards put the gun out of action with hand grenades. Again, on 19 July, while attacking an enemy position strong in mortars and machineguns, his platoon was pinned to the ground by intense fire. Ordering his men to remain under cover, he crept forward alone to locate definitely the enemy automatic weapons and the best direction from which to attack. Although his rifle was struck by enemy fire and knocked from his hands he continued his reconnaissance, located 5 enemy machineguns, destroyed 1 with hand grenades, and rejoined his platoon. He then led his men to the point selected for launching the attack and, calling encouragement, led the charge. This assault was successful and the enemy was driven from the positions with a loss of 4 mortars and 10 machineguns and leaving many dead on the field. On 4 August 1944, near Afua, Dutch New Guinea, 2d Lt. Christensen was killed in action about 2 yards from his objective while leading his platoon in position. 2d Lt. Christensen's leadership, intrepidity, and repeatedly demonstrated gallantry in action at the risk of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, exemplify the highest traditions of the U.S. Armed Forces.
1945 - The USAAF struck the cities of Choshi, Hitachi, Fukui and Okazaki with 600 B-29 Superfortress bombers dropping some 4000 tons of bombs. It is largest deployment of the bomber type yet.
1946 - Marilyn Monroe was given her first screen test at Twentieth Century-Fox Studios. Even with no sound, this test was all they needed to sign her first contract. Beginning with “Scudda-Hoo! Scudda-Hay!” in 1948 and ending with “The Misfits” in 1961, Monroe made a total of 29 films during her short career. She was a top-billed actress for only a decade but her films grossed $200 million (equivalent to $2 billion in 2020) by the time of her death in 1962. Long after her death, she continues to be a major icon of pop culture. In 1999, the AFI ranked Monroe sixth on its list of the greatest female screen legends from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
1948 - "Our Miss Brooks," starring Eve Arden and Gale Gordon, debuted an attack on an enemy machinegun on CBS radio. Arden played the role of Connie Brooks. The program stayed on radio until 1957, running simultaneously on TV from 1952 to 1956. Miss Brooks taught English at Madison High School. Her pal, the bashful, biology teacher Philip Boynton, was played by Robert Rockwell. The crusty, blustery principal of Madison High, Osgood Conklin, was none other than Gale Gordon. Supporting Eve Arden was Jane Morgan as Miss Brooks' landlady, Mrs. Davis. The main problem child in the classroom, the somewhat dimwitted Walter Denton was Richard Crenna.
1949 - Singer Harry Belafonte began recording for Capitol Records. The first sessions included "They Didn't Believe Me" and "Close Your Eyes." A short time later, Capitol said Belafonte wasn't “commercial enough,” so he signed with RCA Victor (for a very productive and commercial career).
1950 – The Yankees obtained their first black players, OF Elston Howard and P Frank Barnes from the Kansas City Monarchs of the Negro Leagues. Howard was called up to the parent club in 1955 to become the first black player on the Yankees and was a mainstay on their pennant-winning teams through 1964. In 1963, he became the first black player in the American League to be named MVP.
1952 - Author Jayne Anne Phillips born Buckhannon, West Virginia. “Black Tickets,” “Fast Lanes,” “Shelter.”
1952 - Top Hits
“I'm Yours” - Eddie Fisher
“Kiss of Fire” - Georgia Gibbs
“Walkin' My Baby Back Home” - Johnnie Ray
“Are You Teasing Me” - Carl Smith
1954 - Elvis Presley's first record, "That's All Right (Mama)" backed with "Blue Moon of Kentucky," was released on the Sun label. Elvis had recorded the tunes two weeks earlier with guitarist Scotty Moore and bassist Bill Black at the Sun studio in Memphis. When the record was first aired on a Memphis radio station, Elvis was reported to have hid in a movie theatre because he thought people would laugh at his effort. He needn't have worried . . . "That's All Right (Mama)" became a local hit. Sun is supposed to have pressed only about seven-thousand copies of the record, and one in mint condition today is worth at least $200.
1958 - After a series of disputes over money (and a fistfight with the manager of Harlem's famous Apollo Theater), Drifters manager George Treadwell fires the entire group and installs the existing group, the Five Crowns, in their place, renaming them the Drifters. This lineup, featuring a lead tenor named Ben E. King, would prove to be the most popular critically and commercially, releasing hits like "There Goes My Baby," "This Magic Moment," and "Save the Last Dance for Me."
1960 - Juan Marichal of the San Francisco Giants became the first pitcher to throw a one-hitter in his Major League debut. Marichal allowed just one hit (a double in the eighth inning) as the Giants beat the Philadelphia Phillies.
1960 - Top Hits
“I'm Sorry” - Brenda Lee
“Only the Lonely” - Roy Orbison
“That's All You Gotta Do” - Brenda Lee
“Please Help Me, I'm Falling” - Hank Locklin
1960 - Boise sets highest ever reading with a scorching 111
1960 - Cow Creek, CA in Death Valley starts with a morning low of 102 and rises to 126
1963 – Capt. Joe Walker flew an X-15 to a record altitude of 347,800 feet, thereby qualifying as a human spaceflight under international convention.
1966 - 50-year-old Frank Sinatra marries 20-year-old actress Mia Farrow in New York amid a sea of fourteen movie cameras and 37 regular cameras. The marriage, one of Hollywood's rockiest, will last only two years, with Sinatra issuing an ultimatum to Farrow as she is filming Roman Polanski's movie “Rosemary's Baby” -- one she will ignore, leading Sinatra to serve divorce papers to her on the set.
1965 - Shooting begins on Star Trek 2nd pilot "Where No Man Has Gone Before." This one makes it.
1968 - Top Hits
“This Guy's in Love with You” - Herb Alpert
“The Horse” - Cliff Nobles & Co.
“Jumpin' Jack Flash” - The Rolling Stones
“D-I-V-O-R-C-E” - Tammy Wynette
1969 - The Who appeared at Fillmore West in San Francisco.
1969 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Grazing in the Grass," Hugh Masekela, a version of the song by The Friends of Distinction reaches No. 3.
1969 - GERTSCH, JOHN G., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S.. Army, Company E, 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry, 101st Airborne Division. Place and date: A Shau Valley, Republic of Vietnam, 15 to 19 July 1969. Entered service at: Buffalo, N.Y. Born: 29 September 1944, Jersey City, N.J.: Citation: S/Sgt. Gertsch distinguished himself while serving as a platoon sergeant and platoon leader during combat operations in the A Shau Valley. During the initial phase of an operation to seize a strongly defended enemy position, S/Sgt. Gertsch's platoon leader was seriously wounded and lay exposed to intense enemy fire. Forsaking his own safety, without hesitation S/Sgt. Gertsch rushed to aid his fallen leader and dragged him to a sheltered position. He then assumed command of the heavily engaged platoon and led his men in a fierce counterattack that forced the enemy to withdraw. Later, a small element of S/Sgt. Gertsch's unit was reconnoitering when attacked again by the enemy. S/Sgt. Gertsch moved forward to his besieged element and immediately charged, firing as he advanced. His determined assault forced the enemy troops to withdraw in confusion and made possible the recovery of 2 wounded men who had been exposed to heavy enemy fire. Sometime later his platoon came under attack by an enemy force employing automatic weapons, grenade, and rocket fire. S/Sgt. Gertsch was severely wounded during the onslaught but continued to command his platoon despite his painful wound. While moving under fire and encouraging his men he sighted an aid man treating a wounded officer from an adjacent unit. Realizing that both men were in imminent danger of being killed, he rushed forward and positioned himself between them and the enemy nearby. While the wounded officer was being moved to safety S/Sgt. Gertsch was mortally wounded by enemy fire. Without S/Sgt. Gertsch's courage, ability to inspire others, and profound concern for the welfare of his men, the loss of life among his fellow soldiers would have been significantly greater. His conspicuous gallantry, extraordinary heroism, and intrepidity at the cost of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army and reflect great credit on him and the Armed Forces of his country.
1969 - Apollo 11, with Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin and Michael Collins on board, went into orbit around the moon.
1974 - The House Judiciary Committee recommended that President Richard Nixon should stand trial in the Senate for any of the five impeachment charges against him.
1975 - "Listen To What The Man Said" by Wings hits #1 on the singles chart.
1975 - Orleans' "Dance With Me" is released.
1976 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Kiss and Say Goodbye," Manhattans.
1976 - Top Hits
“Afternoon Delight” - Starland Vocal Band
“Kiss and Say Goodbye” - Manhattans
“I'll Be Good to You” - The Brothers Johnson
“Teddy Bear” - Red Sovine
1977 - Slow moving thunderstorms drop 12 inches of rain in the Johnstown, PA area in only 7 hours. Severe flash flooding occurred with Johnstown under 10 feet of water. The death toll was 76 and total damage was $200 million.
1980 - Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock & Roll To Me" hits #1.
1980 - Elton John's "Little Jeannie" hits #3 on the singles chart.
1980 - The Grateful Dead's "Alabama Getaway" peaks at #68 on the singles chart.
1981 - In a private meeting with President Ronald Reagan, French Prime Minister Mitterand revealed the existence of the “Farewell Dossier,” a collection of documents showing the Soviet Union had been stealing American technological research and development.
1981 - "Roy Orbison Day" is celebrated in Odessa, Texas.
1984 - Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro was nominated to run with candidate Walter Mondale on the Democratic ticket, the first female vice-presidential candidate representing a major American political party. They were defeated by the Republican ticket headed by Ronald Reagan.
1984 - Top Hits
“When Doves Cry” - Prince
“Dancing in the Dark” - Bruce Springsteen
“Eyes Without a Face” - Billy Idol
“I Don't Want to Be a Memory” – Exile
1986 - All-time record heat in stubborn heat wave for Charleston, SC with 104, breaking record set earlier in month (9th) of 103.
1986 - Genesis' "Invisible Touch" hits #1 on the singles chart.
1986 - The "Ruthless People" soundtrack enters the album chart. It features the Billy Joel hit, "Modern Woman.”
1986 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Invisible Touch," Genesis.
1986 - Caroline Kennedy weds Edwin A Schlossberg in Centerville, Mass.
1989 - 181 out of 293 passengers and crew survived the crash of a United Airlines DC-10. The pilot of Flight 232, bound for Chicago, reported trouble to the Sioux City, Iowa airport half an hour before it slammed into the Sioux City runway. Prepared emergency personnel were credited with helping many to survive the fiery crash.
1990 - Singer Vicki Carr helps dedicate the Nixon Presidential Library, singing in front of all four living presidents (Nixon, Carter, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush), all of which she had performed for at the White House during their terms.
1990 - Baseball's all-time hits leader Pete Rose was sentenced in Cincinnati to five months in prison and fined $50,000 for filing false income tax returns. Rose, who spent 25 years in the Majors with 4256 hits, 1314 RBIs and a lifetime average of .303, was released from prison Jan 7, 1991
1994 - The Rolling Stones played a surprise date at the R-P-M club in Toronto as a preview of their "Voodoo Lounge" tour. One-thousand people paid just five-dollars each to see the nearly hour-and-a-half-long show. The Stones had been in Toronto rehearsing for weeks.
1995 - Elvis Presley's former doctor lost his license when the state of Tennessee decided he over-prescribed addictive drugs to patients, including Jerry Lee Lewis. George Nichopoulos called the decision "idiotic." He suggested it stemmed from resentment over Presley's death in 1977. Nichopoulos was found not guilty in 1981 of charges he indiscriminately and negligently prescribed drugs to Presley.
1996 - Montreal singer Celine Dion performed at the opening ceremonies of the Atlanta Olympics. She sang "The Power of the Dream," written by David Foster, Kenneth (Babyface) Edmonds and Linda Thompson. The song was commissioned for the occasion.
1997 - Daniel Komen of Kenya broke the 8-minute barrier for the 2-mile run while setting a new world record of 7:58.61 at the Hechtel Night of Athletics in Hechtel, Belgium. Komen actually ran two sub-4-minute-miles in this race, running his first mile in 3:59.2, then turned in a second mile of 3:59.4.
2004 - In Pacific Coast League action at Portland's PGE Park, Tagg Bozied hits a walk-off grand slam in the bottom of the ninth to beat the Tacoma Rainiers, 8-5. Upon his arrival at home plate, the Beavers' first baseman, jumping for joy, ruptures the patella tendon to his left knee and was taken to Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital by ambulance.
2005 - John G. Roberts, Jr. was nominated to the United States Supreme Court by President George W. Bush to fill a vacancy that would be created by the retirement of Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died on September 3, 2005, while Roberts's confirmation was still pending before the Senate. On September 5, Bush withdrew Roberts' nomination as O'Connor's successor and announced Roberts' new nomination to the position of Chief Justice. Roberts was confirmed by the full Senate on September 29 by a margin of 78–22.
2014 - R. J. Reynolds must pay over $23 billion in resolution of a lawsuit filed by the widow of a man who died from lung cancer at age 36. The suit accused the company of hiding the health risks and habit-forming nature of cigarettes.
2015 - Jeffrey Webb pleads not guilty to bribery charges in the FIFA soccer corruption case brought against 14 former officials. Webb was the first to be extradited to the U.S. to face the charges.
2019 - Heat wave begins across the east of America affecting 100 million people and killing 6, with New York city declaring a state of emergency.
2020 - Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler criticizes federal policing of protesters in his city, calling it unconstitutional.

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