Monday, July 25, 2022

Today's Leasing News Headlines
The Top Six Leasing/Finance Funder Websites
In North America
Funders Looking for Broker Business
For Updates, contact kitmenkin@leasingnews.org
Leasing and Finance Industry Help Wanted
We Are a Growing Our Senior Sales Team Now!
Transaction Profile by Doug Houlahan
Sales Makes it Happen
Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
July 18 - July 22
Inflation Several Countries Chart
Inflation Year-over-Year as of June 2022
Quality Leasing Continues Record-Breaking Volume
through Q2 2022; Volume Up 95% Year-over-Year
Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler
Novato, California Adopt-a-Dog
Leasing News Financial Services - Free Posting
Providing Services and Product
News Briefs---
FBI investigation determined Chinese-made Huawei
equipment could disrupt US nuclear arsenal communications
Ford increases its battery supply
to meet its electric-vehicle goals
Congestion shifts to US East Coast ports
peak of 150 at the start of the year to 125
3 trucking veterans reveal why they closed
their businesses amid the ‘Great Purge’
Opinion: I’ve been building homes for 40 years, and here’s
what has to change if the U.S. wants more starter homes
You May have Missed---
Why Big Tech Is Making a Big Play
for Live Sports?
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

The Top Six Leasing/Finance Funder Websites
In North America
Alexa Rank is a rank (number) used to measure the popularity of a website among millions of other websites on Internet. For example, a website with a rank of 1 means it is the most popular website on Internet (i.e. google.com) and is on the first position of the Alexa global rank. It is similar to golf, the lower the number, the better the score.
The following are funder ratings below 1,000 from siteworth traffic on three month rating average:

(Please see today’s Editor’s Note “Sales Makes it Happen.”)

National Funding

Crestmark Capital

Balboa Capital

Marlin Capital Solutions

If your company is a recognized Funder and has less than a 1,000 rating, please email kitmenkin@leasingnews.org to be included in the next Company listing.
It should be noted bank owned and subsidiaries often are in the bank internet listing, as well as both brokers and super brokers are not included.

Funders Looking for Broker Business
For Updates, contact kitmenkin@leasingnews.org

There is no advertising fee or charge for a listing. They are “free.” Leasing News makes no endorsement of any of the companies listed, except they have to qualify to be on this specific list.
We encourage companies who are listed to contact us for any change or addition they would like to make. We encourage adding further information as an "attachment" or clarification of what they have to offer would be helpful to readers.
Please send company name, contact/email or telephone number as well as a URL to attach or description to kitmenkin@leasingnews.org
Alphabetical list - click on company name to view more details
1st Enterprise Bank Leasing
360 Equipment Finance
Allegheny Valley Bank Leasing
Balboa Capital Corp.
Bankers Capital
Barrett Capital Corporation
Baystone Government Finance/
KS StateBank
Black Rock Capital
Blue Bridge Financial
Boston Financial & Equity Corp.
BSB Leasing, Inc.
Calfund, LLC
Celtic Bank
C.H. Brown Company
Chesapeake Industrial Leasing Co., Inc.
Clicklease |
Dakota Financial
Dedicated Funding
Dext Capital
Exchange Bank Leasing (formerly Dumac Leasing)
FirstLease, Inc.
First Federal Leasing
First Foundation Bank
First Midwest Equipment
Finance Co.
Financial Pacific Leasing
Forum Financial Services, Inc.
Gonor Funding
Global Financial & Leasing Services, LLC
International Financial Services
Madison Capital
Maxim Commercial Capital, LLC |
Mesa Leasing
National Equipment Finance
Navitas Lease Corp.
NewLane Finance
NexTier Leasing
NFS Leasing, Inc
North Mill Equipment Finance
Northwest Leasing Company, Inc
Padco Financial Services
Pacific Mercantile Bank
Pawnee Leasing Corporation
Providence Equipment Finance
Quality Leasing Co, Inc
RLC Funding
SLIM Capital, LLC
Standard Professional Services, LLCTargeted Funding Co., LLC
TEAM Funding Solutions
TimeP |
Leasing Associations: All non-profit leasing associations are abbreviated. To see the full name and learn more about the association, please click here.
BBB - Better Business Report | CBB - Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
| CNI - Current News Information A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program | D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen
Full List:

Help Wanted Ads 

Transaction Profile by Doug Houlahan
Sales Make it Happen
(Note: Doug Houlahan wrote this in 2006,
please see note at end by editor).
Recently a broker asked, "How do I more effectively close Allegiant transactions?" We, in turn, deferred to one of our more successful brokers, Barbara Griffith from Southern California Leasing, for some insight into a transaction we closed last month.
This is the second transaction we've closed with this broker for a successful, restaurateur opening his fourth location. After receiving his documents, the lessee decided he was not going to pay these rates so we worked together to lower his payment and close the transaction.
Below are the points Barbara shared with Allegiant that allow her to effectively close deals with Allegiant:
1. Allegiant's rates are in line with those of competitors in the structured transaction market. In other words, the broker feels that this is a fair proposition and is not afraid to make the point to the customer.
2. Allegiant will work with a broker to get a transaction done when pricing is an issue. Allegiant cut the rate and the broker cut the commission to sell this deal.
3. It is important to close, if at all possible. The broker ends up with a customer, a satisfied vendor and a funding source relationship. All these parties can be sources in developing more business.
4. Don't let your commission get in the way of developing a customer. This broker earned only 1.5% on the first transaction with another lessee. That customer has come back and done well in excess of $1M in business over an 8 year period. The client stopped being concerned about how much she was making after the first deal.
Look to your source not only for approving a transaction, getting the best rate or commission, but helping you keep the deal, making your customer happy, and obtaining repeat business.

Doug Houlahan wrote this in 2006, when he was Managing Director at Allegiant Partners, today AP Equipment. He then became Chief Financial Officer at Maxim Commercial Capital and has been CEO at Clicklease since January, 2018. He has written a number of articles for Leasing News. You may have noted that Clicklease has become the top visited funder website as noted in today’s top article.
The company in June joined the Funder List ‘A’ and thus qualified. The fooling footnote from the list displays the reason for the company's success:
“Clicklease works with brokers that have Micro-ticket vendor relationships with an established flow of business. Clicklease does not finance one-off end user transactions. A Vendor Agreement is required for all vendors a Broker wishes to sign up with Clicklease. We write true leases so exempt from licensing requirements."

Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
July 18 - July 22
(1) Update on Disclosure Laws from Coast to Coast (July 2022)
By Ken Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor
(2) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(4) North Mill Equipment Finance Announces
New Rate Card Program
(5) deBanked Broker Fair - Limited Attendance
October 24, 2022, Marriott Marquis
(6) What is a Finance Lease?
By Terry Winders
(7) AACFB Commercial Financing Expo Las Vegas
Additional Hotel Rooms added due to Demand
(8) Remote Salesman Takes Two Days Visit Operations Staff
Sales Makes it Happen by Scott Wheeler, CLFP
(9) Texas is the second-worst state to live in,
but it's the fifth-best for business, new report finds
(10) From $25 billion to $167 million: How a major crypto lender
collapsed and dragged many investors down with it

Source: Alberto Calva | acalva@acusconsulting.com
acalva@acus.ca | Cell & WhatsApp +1-416-824-1924 | 
##### Press Release ############################
Quality Leasing Continues Record-Breaking Volume
through Q2 2022; Volume Up 95% Year-over-Year

CARMEL, Ind. – Quality Leasing Co., Inc. (QL) posted a 95% increase in funding volume year over year for the first half of 2022. Additionally, the number of funded transactions grew by 50% in the same period; and average contract size rose by 30% to just over $100,000.00.

Quality Leasing Managing Director, G. Paul Fogle, CLFP, said, “The Quality team is pleased to be able to serve so many SMBs across the U.S.—that includes our borrowers and our third-party
originators. We are constantly fine-tuning our newest tech platforms to make deal submissions easier, credit decisions faster, and funding processes smoother for everyone involved.”
In May of 2022, Quality Leasing released EZ-Q—a new Application Only program for transactions up to $150,000. EZ-Q utilizes the aggregate scoring models of PayNet, RiskView, and Credco CoreLogic along with internal data analysis to generate quick approvals for transactions based off a simple submission containing an application and equipment spec sheet. Fogle elaborated on the program’s success,
Foggle declared, “We are thrilled with the roll-out of EZ-Q. The program stays true to our foundational approach of truly understanding a borrower and their business while allowing for speedy approvals that keep our referral partners happy.”

Quality Chief Operating Officer C.J. Zaruba noted, “Despite this quarter’s Federal Reserve rate hikes, the stock bear market, and national inflation numbers, we remain confident in Quality’s long-standing, common-sense underwriting model.”
May of 2022 also heralded Quality Leasing’s 65th anniversary where attendees of the American Association of Commercial Finance Broker’s spring conference in Charlotte, North Carolina shared in the celebration.
Zaruba, Fogle, and the Quality leadership team remain optimistic about the firm’s sustained growth trend through the end of 2022.
About Quality Leasing Co.
For more than 65 years, Quality Leasing Co., Inc. has offered business owners across the U.S. commercial equipment financing with flexible terms, convenient structures, and personalized service. Funding equipment from aesthetic lasers to titled vehicles—and everything in between—Quality focuses on A- to C credit transactions from $30,000 up to $3,000,000. The Quality team strives to
make the financing process fast and easy for every customer, every time. How do we do it? By adhering to Quality's core values of being passionately driven, staying humbly confident, showing uncompromising integrity, and maintaining a sincere desire to help others. For more information, please visit us at www.qualityleasingco.com.
### Press Release ############################

Border Collie/Australian Cattle Dog/Blue Heeler
Novato, California Adopt-a-Dog

19.7 lbs.
Five Months
Vaccinations up-to-date
Meet Mayo
I'm Mayo! The most sweetest and coolest boy! I'm looking for a super active home! Someone that can take me on walks, hikes, and let me play play play! I love other dogs, love to give kisses and did I say I love walking? I'm looking for a super fun and active home! I'm crate trained, just about potty trained and learning new things daily! I'm currently in foster with some awesome dogs and a super awesome foster mom! Ask more about me and adopt me! I'm really a special dude!!
Marin Humane Society
171 Bel Marin Keys blvd.
Novato, CA 94949
415 506-6225
Financial Services - Free Posting
Providing Services and Product

Outsourcing: Maximum 100 words.
This is not for funding sources, lessors, brokers, but for service providers to the leasing industry. This is not to promote a product or software but is "outsourcing work" related as indicated by the people whose service is available. If you would like to add your services or update your listing, please send an email to: kitmenkin@leasingnews.org
We will include a photograph of yourself and/or the URL address to your "blog" or website for free.
(Providing Services and Products)

"Gimme that wine"

Napa County Approves Jericho Canyon Vineyard
Winery Expansion Under Amnesty Program
Napa wine tasting fees are more than twice
as expensive as 6 years ago. Here’s why
Penfolds launches two inaugural French wines
“Gimme that Wine”
Free Wine App
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events

This Day in History
1609 – The English ship, Sea Venture, en route to Virginia, is deliberately driven ashore during a storm at Bermuda to prevent its sinking; the survivors go on to found a new colony there.
1651 - African slaves in America arrived for the first time at the Spanish colony of St. Augustine. They belonged to King Phillip II of Spain. The first slaves in the English colonies in America were introduced in Jamestown, VA, in August, 1619 by a Dutch man-of-war that sold 20 kidnapped Africans to the planter colonists. They were treated as indentured servants since slavery was not legalized in Virginia for several decades. Forms of slavery were also practiced among Native American peoples from ancient times.
1722 – Drummer’s War began on the Maine-Massachusetts border. This was a series (1722–1725) of battles between New England colonists and the Wabanaki Confederacy of natives (specifically the Mi’kmag, Maliseet, and Abenaki), who were allied with New France. The eastern theatre of the war was fought primarily along the border between New England and Acadia in present-day Maine and Nova Scotia. The western theatre was fought in northern Massachusetts and Vermont at the border between Canada and New England. (During this time, Massachusetts included present-day Vermont and Maine).
1729 - North Carolina becomes royal colony. As Jews were being banished in Europe from many cities for practicing their religion, they began migrating to the New World along with many other Christian faiths who no longer wanted to follow either the Church of England or the Vatican. Although few in number, Jewish immigrants were strong contributors to the religious life of America, according to historians. The first permanent Hebrew congregation to the colonies was formed in 1729 in New York City; the next year the members constructed a synagogue on Mill Street that was described as a “solid, neat, stone Temple.” The congregation later added the first school for Jewish children. Around this time, Jewish communities were also developing Charleston, S.C., Newport, R.I., and Philadelphia, PA. By the time of the American Revolution, there were between 2000 and 3000 Jews in the colonies, mostly merchants and traders. An act of Parliament in 1740 allowed Jews to be naturalized, and in the colonies they found more political and religious freedom than anywhere else in the world.
1750 – Henry Knox (d. 1806), America’s first Secretary of War was born in Boston. When the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, he befriended General George Washington and quickly rose to become the chief artillery officer of the Continental Army. He accompanied Washington on most of his campaigns, and had some involvement in many major actions of the war. He established training centers for artillerymen and manufacturing facilities for weaponry that were valuable assets to the fledgling nation. Following the adoption of the Constitution, he became President Washington's Secretary of War.
1755 - British governor Charles Lawrence and the Nova Scotia Council ordered the deportation of the Acadians. Thousands of Acadians are sent to the British Colonies in America, France and England. Some later move to Louisiana. The word Cajun is a prostitution of the word Acadians.
1783 – According to Wikipedia, the final conflict of the American Revolutionary War occurred, the Siege of Cuddalore, in present-day India. Although a cease-fire was declared by Congress on Apr 11, 1783, British troops attempted an attack on a combined French and Mysorean garrison at Cuddalore. The siege was ended by the preliminary peace between France and Britain.
1805 - Aaron Burr reportedly visited New Orleans with plans to establish a new country, with New Orleans as the capital city.
1814 - Battle of Niagara Falls (Lundy's Lane). Reinforcements arrive near for General Riall's British and Canadian forces and a bloody, all-night battle with Jacob Brown’s American forces commences at 18.00; the Americans retreated to Fort Erie.
1814 - George Stephenson (1781-1841) introduced the first steam locomotive, for the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Renowned as the "Father of Railways,” he is considered a great example of diligent application and thirst for improvement. His rail gauge of 4 feet 8 1⁄2 inches, sometimes called "Stephenson gauge", is the standard by name and by convention for most of the world's railways.
1832 – The first railroad accident in U.S., on the Granite Railway in Quincy, Mass., resulted in one fatality.
1848 - Arthur James Balfour (d. 1930), the British statesman best remembered, on Nov. 2, 1917, for issuing the British declaration of support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine, was born in East Lothian, Scotland.
1850 - Gold is discovered in the Rogue River in Oregon, extending the quest for gold up the Pacific coast.
1851 – A new Mission Plank toll road opened in San Francisco. First toll station at Third and Stevenson. The planked roadway ran from Clay and Kearny, out Third to Mission, and then along Mission to Corbett Road. It bridged the marsh between Sixth and Eighth St. Tolls were 25 cents for riders on horseback, 75 cents for two-horse wagons and one dollar for a four-horse team.
1853 – Joaquin Murrieta, the famous California bandit known as "Robin Hood of El Dorado", was killed. Murrieta reportedly went to California in 1849 to seek his fortune in the Gold Rush. He encountered racism in the extreme competition of the rough mining camps. While mining for gold, he and his wife supposedly were attacked by American miners jealous of his success. They allegedly beat him and raped his wife. The historian Frank Latta, in his twentieth-century book, “Joaquín Murrieta and His Horse Gangs” (1980), wrote that Murrieta was from the northern Mexican state of Sonora and that he had a paramilitary band made up of relatives and friends. Latta documented that they regularly engaged in illegal horse trade with Mexico, and had helped Murrieta kill at least six of the Americans who had attacked him and his wife. He and his band attacked settlers and wagon trains in California. The gang is believed to have killed up to 28 Chinese and 13 Anglo-Americans. By 1853, the California state legislature considered Murrieta enough of a criminal to list him on a bill passed in May 1853. The legislature authorized hiring for three months a company of 20 California Rangers, all veterans of the Mexican-American War, to hunt down "Joaquin Botellier, Joaquin Carrillo, Joaquin Muriata [sic], Joaquin Ocomorenia, and Joaquin Valenzuela," and their banded associates. On July 25, 1853, a group of Rangers encountered a band of armed Mexican men near Arroyo de Cantua near the Coast Range Mountains of Coalinga. In the confrontation, three of the Mexicans were killed. They claimed one was Murrieta, and another Manuel Garcia, also known as Three-Fingered Jack, one of his most notorious associates.
1861 – Congress passes the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, stating that the war is being fought to preserve the Union and not to end slavery. Could this have been the first attempt by Congress to spin a story?
1863 - The first monument to commemorate the Civil War, a plain brownstone shaft designed by Nelson Augustus Moore, was dedicated two years before the end of the war, at a cost of $4350. It was “erected to commemorate the death of those who perished in suppressing the Southern Rebellion” and eventually carried the names of 16 men. It is still standing in Berlin, CT.
1866 - Congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of General of the Army. Lt. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant becomes the first to be promoted to this rank.
1866 - David G Farragut became the first Rear Admiral in US Navy
1868 - Territory of Wyoming was created. The territory was named after the Wyoming Valley in Pennsylvania, made famous by the 1809 poem “Gertrude of Wyoming” by Thomas Campbell, based on the Revolutionary War battle at that site. The name ultimately derives from the Munsee word meaning "at the big river flat.” After the Union Pacific Railroad had reached the town of Cheyenne in 1867, the region's population began to grow steadily, motivating the federal government to establish the Wyoming Territory.
1874 - "The Maple Leaf Forever," one of Canada’s most famous patriotic songs, was said to have been performed for the first time during the laying of the foundation stone for the Christian Baptist Church in Newmarket, Ontario. The song's composer, Alexander Muir, conducted a choir of schoolchildren. But "The Maple Leaf Forever" likely had its first public performance years earlier. An early sheet music edition of the song in 1871 said it had been "sung with great applause by J.F. Hardy, Esquire, in his popular entertainments." (sounds very much like “My Country ‘Tis of Thee“).
1890 - In his last minor league appearance, 23-year old Cy Young strikes out 18 batters en route to a tossing no-hitter in a Tri-State contest against McKeesport (PA). The right-hander went on to amass a record 511 victories during his 22-year Hall of Fame Major League career.
1891 - Heat wave at Los Angeles with 103 on the 24th and 100 on the 25th. Peak during heat wave was 109
1894 – Birthday of actor Walter Brennan (d. 1974), in Lynn, MA. He served as a private with the 101st Field Artillery Regiment in France during World War I. During the 1920s, he made a fortune in the real estate market, but he lost most of his money during the Great Depression. Finding himself broke, he began taking extra parts in 1929 and then bit parts in as many films as he could, then proceeded to record one of the industry’s most versatile careers in both movies and television. Film historians and critics have long regarded Brennan as one of the finest character actors in motion picture history. He was the first actor to win three Academy Awards: “Come and Get It” (1936), “Kentucky” (1938), and “The Westerner” (1940) and remains the only person to have won three Best Supporting Actor awards.
1896 or 1897 - Birthday of blues guitarist Sylvester Weaver (d. 1960), Louisville, KY, considered to be the pioneer of country blues music.
1898 - Puerto Rico was invaded by U.S. Forces led by Major General Nelson A. Miles. The landing was made at Guanica, on the southern coast. Resistance was minimal. http://www.arlingtoncemetery.com/namiles.htm
1899 - Birthday of coronet player Johnny Wiggs (d. 1977), born John Wigginton Hyman, New Orleans, LA. He helped found the New Orleans Jazz Club and was a force behind the jazz revival in the 1940s.
1903 - Castle on top of Telegraph Hill, San Francisco burns down. Frederick O. Layman imagined an “observatory” where people could survey the surroundings for as far as the eye could see in any direction. He designed the building to look like a German baronial castle which he opened on the Fourth of July in 1882. Within two years, a new cable care line was created on Greenwich Street to make it easier for people to get up the steep hill. After an accidental death on the Greenwich Street cable car line on its way up to the Observatory, business at the tourist attraction plummeted. It never fully recovered, and in 1903, a fire engulfed the wooden structure; Layman’s Folly was no more. Among those watching the devastating fire that destroyed the castle on the hill were Julius and Louis Mastropasqua. The two Italian immigrants had just arrived in San Francisco the year before. The memory of the castle on the hill stayed with these men, and twenty years later, those nostalgic memories became the basis for the Roz the restaurateur and Mastropasqua the architect to create a new restaurant on Telegraph Hill – Julius’ Castle that remained open until 2008.
1906 - Johnny “Rabbit” Hodges (d. 1970) birthday, Cambridge, MA; alto saxophonist, best known for solo work with Duke Ellington's big band.
1907 - Birthday of blues guitarist Guitar Slim Green, born Norman G. Green (d. 1975) Bryan, TX, who made a handful of 45s for West Coast-based labels between the late 40s and 1970.
1908 - Birthday of pianist Henry Brown (d. 1981), Troy, TN. He recorded sides (often in tandem with Ike Rogers) with Mary Johnson, among others, in between playing in clubs around St. Louis, where he lived most of his life and worked regularly right up through the mid-'70s.
1914 – Birthday of Woody Strode (d. 1994), born Woodrow Wilson Woolwine Strode in Los Angeles. Strode, Kenny Washington and Jackie Robinson starred on the 1939 UCLA football team. With Ray Bartlett, there were four African-Americans playing for the Bruins, when only a few dozen at all played on other college football teams. They played eventual conference and national champion USC to a 0–0 tie with the 1940 Rose Bowl on the line. It was the first UCLA-USC rivalry game with national implications. Strode and Washington were two of the first African-Americans to play in major college programs and, later, in the modern NFL, playing for the Los Angeles Rams in 1946. No black men had played in the NFL from 1933 to 1946. His post-football career included several dozen film roles.
1915 – Birthday of Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., (d. 1944), Hull, MA. First-born of the Kennedy clan and brother of President Kennedy. After graduating from Harvard in 1938, he left before his final year of law school to begin officer and flight training in the US Navy. Kennedy had completed 25 combat missions and was eligible to return home. He instead volunteered for an Operation Aphrodite mission. Operation Aphrodite (US Army Air Forces) and Operation Anvil (US Navy) made use of unmanned, explosive-laden bombers that were deliberately crashed into their targets under radio control. These aircraft could not take off safely on their own, so a crew of two would take off and fly to 2,000 feet before activating the remote control system, arming the detonators and parachuting from the aircraft. On the fatal mission, on August 12, 1944, the explosive detonated prematurely and destroyed the plane, killing Kennedy and his co-pilot instantly.
1916 - African-American Garrett T. Morgan, inventor of the gas mask, rescues six from gas-filled tunnel in Cleveland, Ohio.
http://www.kytales.com/gmorgan/gmorgan.html http://www.enchantedlearning.com/inventors/page/m/morgan.shtml
1918 - Annette Abbot Adams became the first woman District Attorney, serving as U.S. district attorney in the Northern California District from July 25, 1918 to June 26, 1920. http://www.stanford.edu/group/WLHP/papers/aaahtml.html
1918 - Race riot in Chester Pennsylvania (3 blacks and 2 whites killed)
1925 - Station 2XAG in Schenectady, NY became the first radio station in the U.S. to broadcast with a 50,000-watt transmitter. The station, soon known as WGY Radio, was owned by the General Electric Company. Today, WGY still broadcasts with its original call letters and is still using 50,000 watts of power. http://www.wgy.com/main.html
1930 - Birthday of Maureen Forrester (d. 2010), Montreal. One of the world's leading contraltos, she appeared with top orchestras and choirs in Europe and North America under such renowned conductors as Sir Thomas Beecham, Leonard Bernstein and Herbert von Karajan. In 1971, Forrester was awarded the Molson Prize by the Canada Council for outstanding cultural achievement.
1930 - Birthday of singer Annie Ross, born Annabelle Allan Short, Mitcham, UK. Best known as a member of the jazz vocal trio Lambert, Hendricks & Ross. http://www.ddg.com/LIS/InfoDesignF96/Ismael/jazz/1960/Ross.html
1934 - Birthday of trumpeter Don Ellis (d. 1978), Los Angeles, CA. He is best known for his extensive musical experimentation, particularly in the area of unusual time signatures. Later in his life he worked as a film composer, among other works contributing a score to 1971's “The French Connection” and 1973's “The Seven-Ups.” http://www.handofgord.com/donellis/
1934 - The first president to visit Hawaii while in office was Franklin Delano Roosevelt at Hilo. He was officially welcomed by Governor Joseph Poindexter on board the cruiser U.S.S. Houston. Hawaii was then a territory of the United States.
1936 - 115-acre Orchard Beach opens in The Bronx, part of Pelham Bay Park.
1941 – Birthday of Emmitt Till (d. 1955), Chicago. Till was an African-American boy who was murdered in Mississippi at the age of 14 after reportedly flirting with a white woman. Several nights later, on August 28, 1955, the woman’s husband and his half-brother went to Till's great-uncle's house. They took the boy away to a barn, where they beat him and gouged out one of his eyes, before shooting him through the head and disposing of his body in the Tallahatchie River, weighting it with a 70-pound cotton gin fan tied around his neck with barbed wire. Three days later, Till's body was discovered and retrieved from the river. "When an all-white, all-male jury acquitted Bryant and Milam of kidnapping and murder in September, the verdict shocked observers across the country and around the world. And when, mere months later, the men openly admitted to Look magazine that they had, in fact, mutilated and murdered Till, the outcry was so intense — and the reaction of Till’s devastated family so dignified — that it lit a spark that helped ignite the modern civil rights movement." In a report to Congress in March 2018, the U.S. Department of Justice stated that it was reopening the investigation into Till's death due to unspecified new information.
1941 - Forty-one-year-old Lefty Grove won his 300th game as the Red Sox defeated the Cleveland Indians, 10-6, at Fenway Park. This was Grove's last career win.
1942 - Capitol Records first number one hit made it to the top. It was one of their first six records released on July 1. The new company's hit was "Cow Cow Boogie," by Ella Mae Morse and Freddy Slack. http://www.redhotjazz.com/cowcow.html
1943 - The SS Leonard Roy Harmon was launched in Quincy, MA, the first warship named for an African-American. Harmon (1917-42) was a sailor who died in action during World War II and was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his valor.
1943 - King Victor Emmanuel III announced to Italy that he had accepted the “resignations” of Premier Benito Mussolini and his entire cabinet, leading to the end of Italy’s alliance with Nazi Germany in World War II. Victor Emmanuel surprised the world by having Mussolini arrested and installing Marshal Pietro Badoglio as premier. The move failed to extricate Italy from the war or the King from his difficult position, and finally, on June 5, 1944, the day after the Allied liberation of Rome, he named his son, Crown Prince Umberto, lieutenant general of the realm, relinquishing all power for himself but retaining his title of king. His reign brought the end of the Italian monarchy.
1944 – The first jet fighter used in combat was a German Messerschmitt 262. Near the end of the war, Germany was not only producing rockets to bomb England, but building them to bomb the US. They were also building larger and stronger tanks, working on an atomic bomb to be put on the rockets, and were now in production of jet air craft.
http://www.users.bigpond.com/markltuc/me262a-1a.htm http://www.stormbirds.com/warbirds/sims/sims_swotl.html
1945 - The Allies were able to break out of the Normandy beachhead. Having made a spectacularly successful landing on D-Day (June 6), Allied forces then secured and extended their position by landing more than a million men and 60,000 tons of supplies. Despite early success with Operation Overlord, the Allies were pinned down, and a breakout was necessary if France was to be retaken. Sustained air bombardment (carpet bombing) created gaps in the German lines, and, on this date, Allied forces penetrated the lines and outflanked and bypassed German units. The German forces were incredulous at the speed with which the Allies shook loose from them and advanced over the French countryside. Leading the advance was General George S. Patton, who not only shocked the Allied command at his divisions’ abilities, but overwhelmed the German high command and all the strategy and might that they could throw at Patton's tanks and infantry.
1946 - The first bikini is shown at a Paris fashion show.
1946 – Operation Crossroads: An atomic bomb is detonated underwater in the lagoon of Bikini Atoll.
1947 - The National Security Act of 1947 was passed by Congress. The act unified the armed forces, including the newly formed US Air Force, the Navy and War Department to form the Department of Defense, and creating the cabinet position of Secretary of Defense to replace the Secretary of War. It also established the National Security Council and the Central Intelligence Agency. The act was signed on July 26 by President Truman, who nominated Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. Forrestal was confirmed by Congress on July 27.
1948 - Birthday of guitarist/songwriter Steve Goodman (d. 1984), Chicago, IL.
1952 - Puerto Rico became a Commonwealth of the United States. Residents of Puerto Rico possess all the rights of U.S. citizens except that of voting in federal elections.
1953 - GUILLEN, AMBROSIO, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Marine Corps, Company F, 2d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein.). Place and date: Near Songuch-on, Korea, 25 July 1953. Entered service at: El Paso, Tex. Born: 7 December 1929, La Junta, Colo. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a platoon sergeant of Company F in action against enemy aggressor forces. Participating in the defense of an outpost forward of the main line of resistance, S/Sgt. Guillen maneuvered his platoon over unfamiliar terrain in the face of hostile fire and placed his men in fighting positions. With his unit pinned down when the outpost was attacked under cover of darkness by an estimated force of 2 enemy battalions supported by mortar and artillery fire, he deliberately exposed himself to the heavy barrage and attacks to direct his men in defending their positions and personally supervise the treatment and evacuation of the wounded. Inspired by his leadership, the platoon quickly rallied and engaged the enemy in fierce hand-to-hand combat. Although critically wounded during the course of the battle, S/Sgt. Guillen refused medical aid and continued to direct his men throughout the remainder of the engagement until the enemy was defeated and thrown into disorderly retreat. Succumbing to his wounds within a few hours, S/Sgt. Guillen, by his outstanding courage and indomitable fighting spirit, was directly responsible for the success of his platoon in repelling a numerically superior enemy force. His personal valor reflects the highest credit upon himself and enhances the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1954 – Birthday of Chicago Bears RB and Pro Football Hall of Famer Walter Payton (d. 1999), in Columbia, MS. Payton holds numerous NFL records including rushing yards gained in one game [275] and career [16,726]; at his death he also had the most touchdowns scored [110]. “Sweetness” was one of the most beloved athletes to have played in Chicago. He died Nov 1, 1999 of liver cancer.
1956 - Forty-five miles south of Nantucket, the Italian ocean liner, SS Andrea Doria, collided with the MS Stockholm in heavy fog and sinks the next day, killing 51.
1958 - Top Hits
“Hard Headed Woman” - Elvis Presley
“Poor Little Fool” - Ricky Nelson
“Little Star” - The Elegants
“Alone with You” - Faron Young
1959 – Fidel Castro supporters, enjoying a raucous July 26th Celebration in La Gran Stadium in Havana, brought to a halt to the International League game between the Rochester Red Wings and Havana Sugar Kings with random gunshots from the stands. Red Wings 3B coach Frank Verdi and Havana SS Leo Cardenas both suffered minor flesh wounds, which caused manager Cot Deal to pull his players from the field and retreat to their hotel. League officials canceled the remainder of the Havana team's homestand, and, with pressure on Commissioner Ford Frick from U.S. Secretary of State Christian Herter, eventually relocated the franchise to Newark, NJ for the 1960 season.
1960 - The Ventures "Walk Don't Run" enters the US Pop chart and introduces the instrumental Surf sound to Rock 'n' Roll. The song will peak at #2 a month later.
1960 - Elvis Presley's "It's Now or Never" debuted on Billboard's Pop music chart. The song was adapted from the Italian tune "O Sole Mio," written in 1899.
1961 – New York Yankees’ right fielderRoger Maris, on his way to 61 HRs, hits home runs 37, 38, 39 and 40 in a double header. Maris moved 25 games ahead of Babe Ruth’s 1927 pace. The slugger finished the season with a record 61 round trippers. Teammate Mickey Mantle also homered in the first game, ending with 38. Mantle finished the season with 54, still the best HR season by two teammates in Major League history.
1961 – President Kennedy declares that any attack on Berlin is an attack on NATO.
1962 - The Elvis Presley film “Kid Galahad'' premieres.
1964 - Beatles' "A Hard Day's Night" album goes #1 and stays #1 for 14 weeks
1964 - Race riot in Rochester NY
1965 - Bob Dylan, backed by the Paul Butterfield Blues Band, horrified the audience at the Newport Folk Festival with his new electric sound. He was booed off stage after three tunes but returned with his acoustic guitar to play two songs -- "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue” and "Mr. Tambourine Man"-- signaling a major change in folk and rock music.
1966 - In San Francisco, the Rolling Stones perform their last U.S. concert with Brian Jones.
1966 - Top Hits
“Hanky Panky” - Tommy James & The Shondells
“Wild Thing” - The Troggs
“Lil’ Red Riding Hood” - Sam the Sham & The Pharoahs
“Think of Me” - Buck Owens
1966 - Trivia for followers of Al Davis: Named commissioner of the American Football League just three and a half months earlier, he resigned this day and returned to his previous position, president of the general partner of the Oakland Raiders. Davis resigned two weeks after NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle announced a merger between the AFL and NFL.
1966 – Supremes with Diana Ross release "You Can't Hurry Love"
1966 - New York Yankee manager Casey Stengel elected to Baseball Hall of Fame. Prior to taking the helm of the Yankees in 1949, Stengel was widely regarded as a clown. He did, however, hit the first World Series homer in Yankee Stadium. He had largely unsuccessful stints managing the Boston Braves and Brooklyn Dodgers. After leading the PCL Oakland Oaks to successive league championships, the Yankees hired him after failing to reach the World Series under Bucky Harris in 1948. Stengel went on to manage the Yankees through 1960, winning either the World Series or American League pennant every year but 1954 and 1959. The Yankees under Stengel won the World Series in five successive years (1949-53), a feat unequalled in Major League history, and a total of seven. Fired after the Yanks lost the 1960 Series to the Pirates on Bill Mazeroski’s walk-off HR in game 7…they didn’t call them walk-offs then…Stengel was heard to say, “I’ll never make the mistake of being 70 again.” He was the first manager of the newly-formed New York Mets, leading them through mostly mediocre seasons before retiring late in the 1965 season. Casey died of cancer in Glendale, CA on September 29, 1975.
1966 – Red Sox great Ted Williams was also inducted into the Hall of Fame. Considered by many to be the greatest hitter who ever played the game, in his induction speech, the "Splendid Splinter" made a strong appeal for the inclusion of Negro League stars at Cooperstown. The Special Committee on the Negro Leagues was founded in 1971, chaired by Monte Irvin. The first of the former Negro Leaguers to be inducted was Satchel Paige in 1971, followed by Josh Gibson and Buck Leonard a year later. There are now more than 40 in the Hall.
1967 - Construction begins on San Francisco Muni Metro (Market Street subway).
1969 – President Nixon declares the Nixon Doctrine, stating that the United States now expects its Asian allies to take care of their own military defense. This is the start of the "Vietnamization" of the war.
1969 - Toronto native Neil Young joined Crosby, Stills and Nash for the first time at a concert at the Fillmore East in New York. Young and Stephen Stills had worked together previously in Buffalo Springfield. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's second appearance was at the Woodstock Festival a month later. The quartet broke up in 1971.
1970 - Chicago's "25 or 6 to 4" is released. The song is about trying to write a song in the middle of the night. The song's title is the time at which the song is set: 25 or 26 minutes before 4 AM. Because of the unique phrasing of the song's title, "25 or 6 to 4" has been incorrectly speculated to be a veiled reference to drug quantities, or a mystical allusion.
1970 - The Carpenters "Close To You" topped the Billboard Pop chart and became the first of many US hits for the brother and sister team. The song itself had been written in 1963 by Hal David and Burt Bacharach and was first offered to Herb Alpert, who said he didn't feel comfortable singing 'so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair.'
1971 - The Beach Boys make a return with the release of their album "Surf's Up." It hits #29 which is their highest charting at this time.
1972 - The US admits that Blacks were used for 40 years as “guinea pigs” in the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.
1974 - Top Hits
“Rock Your Baby” - George McCrae
“Annie’s Song” - John Denver
“Rock and Roll Heaven” - The Righteous Brothers
“Maria Laveau” - Bobby Bare
1975 - The musical "A Chorus Line" opened at the Shubert Theatre in New York after a two-month run at a small theatre in the New York Shakespeare Festival complex in the East Village. "A Chorus Line" became Broadway's longest-running show, finally closing on April 28th, 1990, after 6,137 performances. More than six-and-a-half million people paid $150 million to see the show during its Broadway run. Productions of "A Chorus Line” were also mounted in more than 20 countries.
1978 – Louise Brown, the first test tube baby was born at Oldham General Hospital, Oldham, England, by planned Caesarean section, delivered by registrar John Webster. She weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces. In 2004, Brown married nightclub bouncer Wesley Mullinder. Their son Cameron, conceived naturally, was born on 20 December 2006. Brown's second son, Aiden, was born in August, 2013.
1979 - Tropical Storm Claudette produced phenomenal rainfall totals in southeast Texas. 30-40 inches fell in 24 hours around Alvin. Freeport reported a total of 30 inches. Total damage from flooding was over $400 million
1980 - AC\DC releases "Back In Black," their first album with Brian Johnson as lead singer.
1980 - Kiss introduces their new drummer, Eric Carr, at a concert at the Palladium in New York City. Carr, who wears fox make-up, replaces Peter Criss, who was made up as a cat.
1981 - Air Supply becomes the first Australian band to top the Billboard Pop chart when "The One That You Love" reaches number one. They would go on to place seven consecutive singles in the top five.
1981 - Walter Payton signed a contract to play with the Chicago Bears of the NFL on this, his 27th birthday. The famed running back earned almost $2 million over three years. “Sweetness,” as he was nicknamed because of his disposition, became the highest-paid player in the National Football League.
1982 - Top Hits
“Eye of the Tiger” - Survivor
“Rosanna” - Toto
“Hurts So Good” - John Cougar
“Take Me Down” - Alabama
1985 - Spokeswoman for movie star Rock Hudson confirmed he had AIDS
1987 - Sixteen cities in the eastern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. Beckley, WV, equaled their all-time record high of 91 degrees, established just the previous day. It marked their fourth day in a row of 90-degree heat, after hitting 90 degrees just twice in the previous 25 years of records. The water temperature of Lake Erie at Buffalo, NY, reached 79 degrees, the warmest reading in 52 years of records.
1990 - Roseanne Barr sings the National Anthem at San Diego Padres game. Sports fans go nuts as she screeched more than sang and grabbed her crotch at the end.
1990 - Top Hits
“She ain’t Worth It” - Glenn Medeiros featuring Bobby Brown
“Hold On” - En Vogue
“Cradle of Love” - Billy Idol
“The Dance” - Garth Brooks
1990 - US Ambassador tells Iraq, “US won't take sides in Iraq-Kuwait dispute.” Six months later, the US sent missiles into Iraq in a war that lasted all of six weeks.
1997 - "Air Force One," with Harrison Ford. Rebel Russian hijackers capture the plane. It earned $37.13 million the first weekend.
1997 - Dr. John D. Gearhart and a team of researchers at the John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, announced they had cultured human stem cells in a laboratory, using tissue taken from aborted human embryos. Stem cells are the basic, unspecialized cells from which all other cells in the body develop during the growth of a baby in the womb.
1999 - Lance Armstrong rode to victory in the Tour de France, capping an amazing comeback from cancer. He was only the second American to win cycling's showcase race. http://www.laf.org
1999 - Nolan Ryan, Robin Yount, George Brett, Nestor Chylak, Orlando Cepeda, Frank Selee and 'Smokey' Joe Williams are enshrined in the Hall of Fame.
2000 - Top Hits
“It’s Gonna Be Me” - N Sync
“Bent” - matchbox twenty
“Everything You Want” - Vertical Horizon
“Try Again” - Aaliyah
2001 - E. Stanley O'Neil to become Merrill Lynch & Co chief executive, first African American to lead a major Wall Street securities firm.
2004 - Paul Molitor, a member 3000 hit club, and Dennis Eckersley, who appeared in the most games of any Hall of Fame pitcher (1,071 games), are inducted into the Hall of Fame. Long time Bay Area (A's and Giants ) broadcaster Lon Simmons wins the Ford C. Frick Award and the J.G. Taylor Spink Award is won by New York Times' Murray Chass, enabling both to become members of the Hall for their outstanding reporting of the national pastime.
2005 - Top Hits
“We Belong Together” - Mariah Carey
“Pon de Replay” - Rihanna
“SRP/Def Jam” - 004809* | IDJMG
“Hollaback Girl” - Gwen Stefani
“Don't Cha” - The Pussycat Dolls Featuring Busta Rhymes
2010 - The National Baseball Hall of Fame honors John Fogerty, for his classic song “Centerfield.” It is reported to be the second-most played song about baseball, after “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” At the induction ceremonies, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer performs his 1985 hit, and then donates his baseball bat shaped-guitar to the Cooperstown museum. Fogerty became the only musician to be so celebrated.
2010 - Wikileaks publishes classified documents about the war in Afghanistan, one of the largest leaks in U.S. military history. WikiLeaks released “Afghan War Diary,” a compilation of more than 76,900 documents about the War not previously available to the public. At the end of July, a 1.4 GB "insurance file" was added to the Afghan War Diary page, whose decryption details would be released if WikiLeaks or Assange were harmed. About 15,000 of the documents have not yet been released by WikiLeaks, as the group is currently reviewing the documents to remove some of the sources of the information.
2010 - Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner declares his interest in allowing the set of tax cuts in the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 to expire at the end of 2010.
2014 - Bose filed a lawsuit against Beats Electronics for violating various patents related to noise-cancellation technology. Apple officially purchased Beats for $3 billion in late May. The litigation was settled between the parties without further comment and Apple cleared all of its stores of Bose equipment immediately.

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