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Friday, May 24, 2024

Today's Leasing News Headlines

New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business  
    and Related Industries
Help Wanted in the Finance and Leasing Industry
    Balboa Capital, Top Mark
Why You Need to Get Outdoors:
  The Secret to Success
    By Ken Lubin, ZRG Partners, Managing Director
ELFA Reports Business Up to $11 Billion in April
    Compared to March $9.3 Billion
ELFA Monthly Leasing Finance Industry Reports
    From September, 2006 to March, 2024
Effort to Provide Restroom Access to
    Male and Female Truckers Continues
CLFP Foundation Surpasses 1,500 Members
    Sharon Pietras Becomes Number 1,500
Memorial Day Film Reviews
    By Leasing News’ Fernando Croce
Mixed Breed
    San Francisco, California Adopt-a-Dog
Registration is Live!
  2024 AACFB Commercial Financing Expo
    Hilton, New Orleans Riverside

News Briefs ---
Fast-food prices have skyrocketed. Here’s a look
    at how much they’ve climbed
La Niña is replacing El Niño. What does that
   mean for the Atlantic hurricane season?
Long before Key Bridge collapse, Baltimore
    mariners warned of ‘ship strikes’
Nvidia’s stock market value is up
   $1 trillion in 2024
TikTok says it removed an influence
    originating in China
News Corp. signs deal with Open AI to
   show news in ChatGPT
Macy’s Reports Another Drop in Sales
   but Sees ‘Traction’ in Turnaround

You May Have Missed ---
So, You Think You’re a Jet-Setter?
     Test Your Airport I.Q.

Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
Sales Make It Happen

Sports Briefs
   California News
    "Gimme that Wine"
 This Day in History
   Daily Puzzle
     Weather, USA or specific area
      Traffic Live----

######## surrounding the article denotes it is a press release, it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a byline. It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.


New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries

Robert (Bob) Fanelle was hired as Equipment Finance Director Lender, Balboa Capital, Mesa, California. He is located in Clementon, New Jersey. Previously, he was Sales Consultant, Quality Equipment Finance (February, 2023 - May, 2024); Broker Relationship Manager, North Mill Equipment Finance, LLC (August, 2020 - February, 2023); Business Development Manager, Marlin Capital Solutions (2015 - August, 2020). Full Bio:

Chris Lightfoot was hired as Account Manager, First National Capital Corporation, Irvine, California. He is located in Laguna Niguel, California. Previously, he was Sales Manager, Omega Accounting Solutions (April, 2022 - May, 2024). He joined American Capital Group, Inc. as Junior Account Manager, promoted June, 2012, Account Manager, appointed Senior Account Manager (June, 2013 - April, 2022). Full Bio:

Nate Montgomery was hired to lead global sales as Chief Revenue Officer, Odessa, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His role is "to introduce our innovative asset-finance technology to new companies and markets.”  He is located in Greater Boston. He previously was Global Head of Sales, Data & Analytics Solutions, BNY Mellon (September, 2020 - May, 2024). Prior, he was at Eagle Investment Systems, starting as Consultant in April, 2007, working up to Regional Sales
Director (January, 2016 - September, 2020) 13 years, 6 months. Full Bio:

Jennifer Pinnow was hired as Finance Manager, North Central International, Mankato, Minnesota. She is located in the greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area. Previously, she was Finance Specialist, Trinity Capital (January, 2024 - May, 2024). She joined Huntington National Bank June, 2017,
Account Manager, Equipment Finance, promoted Vice President, Equipment Finance Sales Executive (February, 2022 - January, 2024); Account Manager, TCF Equipment Finance (June, 2017 - October, 2021). Full Bio:

Sandra VanBuren was hired as Vice President, Head of Culinary Finance, Centra Culinary Finance, Plano, Texas. She is located in North Port, Sarasota. Previously, she was at Time Payment, starting October, 2020, Director of Strategic Business Development, F&B, promoted to Vice President of Sales, Restaurant & Franchise (August, 2021 - May, 2024). Full bio:


Why You Need to Get Outdoors:
The Secret to Success
By Ken Lubin, ZRG Partners, Managing Director

Finding the secret to success might seem like searching for a needle in a digital haystack. Amidst the noise of technological advancements and the constant barrage of notifications, one timeless strategy remains remarkably effective for enhancing our health, happiness, and productivity: getting outdoors.

The Power of Nature

Nature's restorative power has been recognized for centuries, but only recently have scientific studies begun to uncover just how profound this effect can be. Spending time outdoors can significantly reduce stress, enhance mood, and increase physical activity, leading to better overall health and longevity.

Mental Clarity and Creativity

Creativity and problem-solving skills receive a notable boost when we step outside. The calming effect of nature helps to clear the mind, allowing for greater insight and innovation. Studies have shown that walking in a natural environment can enhance creativity by up to 50% compared to walking in an urban setting.

Physical Health Benefits

The physical benefits of outdoor activity are well-documented. Regular exposure to sunlight increases Vitamin D levels, which is crucial for bone health and immune system function. Moreover, activities like hiking, cycling, and even gentle walks can improve cardiovascular health, muscle tone, and flexibility.

Emotional Well-being

Nature serves as a powerful antidote to the stress of modern life. The serenity and beauty of a natural environment can help reduce anxiety and depression. The simple act of listening to the sounds of nature or observing the vibrant colors of the natural world can elevate one's mood and foster a sense of peace.

How to Incorporate Nature into Your Success Strategy

  • Getting outdoors doesn't have to mean embarking on a week-long wilderness adventure (though those can be incredibly rejuvenating). Here are simple ways to integrate nature into your daily routine for success:
  • Take Walking Meetings: Transform static meetings by walking in a nearby park. This not only boosts creativity but also encourages open, honest communication.
  • Morning Rituals: Start your day with a short walk outside. This can help set a positive tone for the day ahead.
  • Weekend Adventures: Dedicate part of your weekend to outdoor activities. Hiking, cycling, or even a leisurely stroll in nature can help you recharge and prepare for the week ahead.
  • Embracing the outdoors offers a simple yet profoundly effective strategy for enhancing our overall well-being and success. In a world where digital distractions are incessant, making time to step outside and connect with nature can provide the clarity, inspiration, and energy we need to achieve our goals. So, the next time you're searching for the secret to success, remember that it might just be waiting for you outside.

Ken Lubin
Managing Director
ZRG Partners, LLC
Americas I EMEA I Asia Pacific
C: 508-733-4789



Leasing and Finance Industry Help Wanted


ELFA Reports Business Up to $11 Billion in April
Compared to March $9.3 Billion

(Chart: Leasing News)

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association’s (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MLFI-25), which reports economic activity from 25 companies representing a cross section of the $1 trillion equipment finance sector, showed their overall new business volume for April was $11 billion,
up from $9.3 in March.

Brian Holland, President and CEO, CLFP, Fleet Advantage, LLC, said, “We’re seeing a noticeable and continued uptick in business volume continuing in April, the third straight month of business growth. Even with this noteworthy trend, businesses remain focused on prudence with their operations and bottom-line discipline given the still-uncertain direction of the overall economy for the remainder of 2024.

"Given this environment, we’re focused on helping the transportation sector strengthen their financial bottom lines through holistic asset management strategies that allow them to optimize their equipment life cycles and take a proactive approach to their procurement initiatives in the coming years.”

Full Press Release:



ELFA Monthly Leasing Finance Industry Reports
From September 2006 to March 2024



Effort to Provide Restroom Access to
Male and Female Truckers Continues
By Mark Schremmer, Landline

For anyone outside of the trucking industry, the idea of being denied restroom access while working probably seems unimaginable.

But for truck drivers, it is often the reality. Especially since the start of the pandemic in 2020, many truckers have reported being declined access to a restroom while waiting to be loaded or unloaded at a shipping or receiving facility.

The Trucker Bathroom Access Act, HR3869, aims to make that practice a thing of the past.

Introduced by Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, the bill simply requires shipper and receiver facilities that have restrooms accessible to their employees and customers to make those same restrooms available for truck drivers who are delivering or receiving a load. The legislation would not require businesses to construct new restrooms.

Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas  said when the bill was introduced, “Truckers are this nation’s backbone and we owe them for the tireless contributions they continue to make to keep our country moving,” Nehls said when the bill was introduced.”

The Trucker Bathroom Access Act recently picked up its seventh co-sponsor. Rep. Derrick Van Orden, R-Wis. gave support to the bill on Friday, May 17.

Other co-sponsors for the bipartisan restroom access bill include:
Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa.
Jefferson Van Drew, R-N.J.
Brian Babin, R-Texas
Tracey Mann, R-Kan.
Hillary Scholten, D-Mich.
Chris Pappas, D-N.H.

Last year, OOIDA Executive Vice President Lewie Pugh testified about the issue at a House hearing, “I never thought we’d be sitting here in the House of the Congress of the greatest nation in the world talking about giving people the right to use the restroom when they’re trying to do their job.

 “But, unfortunately, I guess that’s the way we’ve gotten in society.”

OOIDA is encouraging its members to reach out to their lawmakers and ask them to support the Trucker Bathroom Access Act. That can be done by going to


##### Press Release #######################

CLFP Foundation Surpasses 1,500 Members
Sharon Pietras Becomes Number 1,500

The CLFP Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 1,500th CLFP is Sharon Pietras, Huntington National Bank, Associate General Counsel, Vice President.

Sharon Pietras attended an Academy for Lease & Finance Professionals (ALFP) with a cohort of teammates from Huntington National Bank in mid-May. When asked about her experience and preparation for the ALFP and CLFP Exam,
she explained, “Before the Academy, our Huntington cohort spent weeks together [preparing]. The Huntington CLFP leaders - Andrea Schmid, Paul Knowlton, and Mike Gregan - spearheaded weekly review sessions with guest Huntington CLFP alumni who each gave us their unique perspectives on the subject matter we were studying that week.

“It was the best part of the whole experience; we felt like we were in it together.

“The best encouragement I can give a new CLFP candidate is the same encouragement I received: Trust the process and trust yourself.

“There will certainly be some concepts or chapters in the Body of Knowledge that may be harder for you, or, perhaps,  all of it feels like completely new territory.  Each piece of knowledge or learned skill is a step in the right direction. So, enjoy the journey and reward yourself for taking the first steps.”

Mel Vinson, VP of Marketing and Development at the CLFP Foundation said, “To see the camaraderie, support, and teamwork across the many ALFPs has been inspiring. To reach the 1,500-member mark and see our CLFP Family continuing to grow daily is incredible. I am deeply grateful for the individuals, companies, and CLFPs prioritizing our mission of building a better commercial equipment leasing and finance industry.”

Sharon Pietras concludes, ”One consistent theme I saw in action during my CLFP Journey was the spirit of givinaron.  From my classmates, Huntington leadership, and CLFP leaders, it was evident that CLFP is all about giving of ourselves to help our colleagues, our industry, and the next generation of candidates.  I am happy to be a support for future CLFPs while continuing to learn and gain experience in the industry.  We’re all better tomorrow when each of us is better today.”

The CLFP designation identifies an individual as a knowledgeable professional to employers, clients, customers, and peers in the commercial equipment finance industry. There are Certified Lease & Finance Professionals and Associates located throughout the United States (including Puerto Rico), Canada, India, Pakistan, Africa, and Australia. For more information, visit

### Press Release #########################



Watch at Home
by Fernando Croce, Leasing News Movie Reviewer

For this upcoming Memorial Day weekend, check out these patriotic classics—ranging from harrowing to sensitive to suspenseful—for a cinematic celebration of the courage and resolve of the men and women protecting country and freedom.

They Were Expendable (1945): One of the Hollywood filmmakers who went abroad to document the war effort, the great John Ford serves up a masterful, haunting meditation on heroism. John Wayne stars as Lt. “Rusty” Ryan, a patrol boat captain who goes into action with his friend, Lt. Brick Brickley (Robert Montgomery), when the U.S. enters the war. Their assignment involves confronting Japanese forces in the Philippines, where they travel from island to island as part of General MacArthur’s Pacific Theater. Along the way, Ryan begins a romance with a headstrong nurse, Sandy (Donna Reed). Though it doesn’t lack for combat sequences, Ford’s film focuses beautifully on the melancholy humanism of his characters, with an understated touch that sidesteps superficial jingoism. The results are subtle, honest, and brimming with grace notes.

From Here to Eternity (1953): The Pearl Harbor attack provides the backdrop for director Fred Zinnemann’s famous screen adaptation of James Jones’ novel, which swept the Academy Awards that year. Set in a U.S. Army base in Hawaii in the months leading to December 7th, 1941, the story chronicles the interconnected paths of a group of characters, military as well as civilian. Robert Prewitt (Montgomery Clift) is a newly transferred soldier whose individualistic ways make him an outsider. He falls in love with nightclub hostess Lorene (Donna Reed), while Sergeant Warden (Burt Lancaster) has a risky affair with an officer’s wife, Karen (Deborah Kerr). Others in the compelling cast include Ernest Borgnine, Jack Warden and Frank Sinatra, who steals scenes (and a Best Supporting Actor Oscar) as the pugnacious, doomed Private Maggio.

The Guns of Navarone (1961): Renowned thriller novelist Alastair MacLean is well-served in this blockbuster screen adaptation of his WWII yarn, featuring an all-star cast and slam-bang suspense. Set in 1943, it chronicles the efforts of a small group of Allied fighters on a dangerous mission in the Greek island of Navarone. Bringing together different nationalities in the fight against German forces, the team includes American Captain Malloy (Gregory Peck), local resistance leader Andrea (Anthony Quinn), and British explosives expert Miller (David Niven). Facing everything from stormy seas to traitors, the men find themselves face to face with the enemy’s mighty guns at the top of a seaside abyss. Keeping tensions high even at a lengthy running time, J. Lee Thompson’s classic remains a favorite with adventure buffs.

Windtalkers (2002): A largely overlooked side of World War II is explored in this tough and affecting drama from Hong Kong action specialist John Woo (“The Killer”). The title refers to Navajo code-talkers who joined the military and employed indigenous language to protect sensitive information over the airwaves. One such coder is Ben Yahzee (Adam Beach), a young radioman assigned to the brutal Battle of Saipan under the protection of Sergeant Joe Enders (Nicolas Cage). As they witness the horror of the conflict, a fraternal bond grows between the two men—a bond that troubles Enders, who has orders to kill Yahzee if necessary in order to protect the mission. Showcasing Woo’s bravura technique as well as his mix of ferocity and tenderness, this is an underrated portrait of the battleground.

Zero Dark Thirty (2012): Director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal, who both won Oscars for “The Hurt Locker,” team up again for this engrossing chronicle of the real-life manhunt for al-Queda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. Unfolding over the course of a decade, the story follows Maya (Jessica Chastain), a young and tenacious CIA operative who's determined to track down the mastermind behind the September 11th attacks. It is through her obsessive eyes that we witness many sides of the investigation, from the grueling torture of prisoners to the mountains of often misleading data that pass through government and media. The search climaxes with a remarkably choreographed nocturnal raid that makes great use of Bigelow's cinematic skills. More interested in muscular suspense than in thorny politics, this is impeccably crafted filmmaking.

Fernando Croce is a nationally recognized film reviewer and has been contributing to Leasing News since 2008. His reviews appear each Friday.


Mixed Breed
San Francisco, California Adopt-a-Dog

Age unknown
Good with Dogs

Meet Gaia, one of the most resilient pups in the Bay. This little lady survived a hoarding situation in her recent past. Today, Gaia has a new lease on life and is ready to launch her best chapter yet!

This gentle gal is initially shy with new people and environments. Once she warms up, her playful personality shines through. Lovable and full of cuddle energy, Gaia makes an excellent lap warmer and loyal companion. She is known to get the zoomies and steal a pen or two.

Gaia adores being part of a pack. She will thrive in a home with experienced  “pawrents” and resident furry siblings to show her the ropes. Yummy snacks and words of affirmation will keep this girl on her best behavior.


Rescue the Underdog
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News Briefs

Fast-food prices have skyrocketed. Here’s a look
    at how much they’ve climbed

La Niña is replacing El Niño. What does that
    mean for the Atlantic hurricane season?

Long before Key Bridge collapse, Baltimore
    mariners warned of ‘ship strikes’

Nvidia’s stock market value is up
    $1 trillion in 2024

TikTok says it removed an influence
    originating in China

News Corp. signs deal with Open AI to
    show news in ChatGPT

Macy’s Reports Another Drop in Sales
    but Sees ‘Traction’ in Turnaround


So You Think You’re a Jet-Setter?
     Test Your Airport I.Q.


Sports Briefs---

Ex-49ers QB Alex Smith shares his hard-earned
    wisdom on pain and joy


California News Briefs---

Oakland reaches landmark deal to sell Coliseum site
  to developers, ending decades of ownership

S.F.’s massive plan to create a ‘Grand Central
Station of the West’ wins major funding grant


Gimme that Wine    

For once, Napa’s BottleRock music festival
   will serve good wines

"The Era of Yes": Refocusing on Hospitality
in the Tasting Room

An important wine magazine is going out of print.
   Here’s what we're losing

Lucky Supermarkets partnering with Amazon
on same day two-hour grocery delivery

Proposed St. Helena hotel will feature
additional workforce housing per revised agreement     


This Day in History



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