Monday, August 8, 2016

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Remembering George Davis
Long Time Friend of Leasing Passes Away
Position Wanted – Operations
Work Remotely or Relocate for Right Opportunity
Top Stories: August 1 -August 5
(Opened Most by Readers)
"Complaints" Bulletin Board
Leasing News
Leasing Industry Ads - Help Wanted
Ascentium Capital/Bank of Ozarks Leasing
Court Refuses Summary Judgment on Copier Lease
Without Corporate Resolution to Borrow
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
"What Good is Lease Education for the Back Office?"
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLFP
Difference in Resume Formats
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Fleet Financing Resources Reports First Half 2016
Origination Volume Up 52%
Managing the Changes to Lease Accounting
Amembal & Halladay London, November 7 and 8, 2016
Dutch Shepherd & Whippet Mix
New York City, NY Adopt-a-Dog
IRS Verification
Leasing News Classified
News Briefs---
Hacked Bitcoin Exchange Says
Users May Share $68 Million Loss
QSR Top Fast Food Restaurant Franchises
Burger, Snack, Sandwich, Ethnic, Chicken, Pizza, Seafood
Mortgage Rates Hit 2nd lowest level of 2016
15 yr fixed 2.83% 30 yr fixed 3.56% 5yr ARM 3.01%
Airbnb is now worth $30 billion
First is Uber at $68 Billion
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Winter Poem
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.
Remembering George Davis
Longtime Friend of Leasing Passes Away

George J. Davis, II
May 3, 1950 - July 29, 2016
(Photo: 1999 “Newsline”)
As received in chronological order:
"My wife and I met George Davis and his sidekick Bob Rodi in the early ‘90’s at Western Association of Equipment Lessors/ United Association of Equipment Leasing (WAEL/UAEL) conventions.
"We learned quickly that the George and Bob always went to Trader Joe’s or equivalent immediately after arriving in town to stock up on gourmet snacks, wine and beverages which they shared with hangers on like ourselves.
"George would always sign up for the golf tournament resplendent in classic 'plus four' (think Payne Stewart) golf pants and socks. He seemed to have new duds each year.
"George was a quintessential gentleman, a huge supporter of the CLFP program and a credit to our trade.
"He will be sorely missed."
Kevin F. Clune, CLFP
President, Clune & Company LC
"It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of a great man and truly my friend, George Davis. We became very close during the many years of serving on the United Association of Equipment Leasing Board and he and his fabulous wife Karen, aka Lovey, were always convention buddies of mine. Bob Rodi did a great job memorializing his life of service, joy and humor in everything he did. God Bless you George, you will be missed."
James R. Lahti, CLFP
Community Partners Funding, Inc. dba
BancLease Acceptance Corporation
"I saw this when I woke-up this morning.
"Bob Rodi was keeping me updated on George’s condition. I know that he and Bob Fisher travelled to Bend, Oregon to visit George two weeks ago.
"George was one of the finest and most unique people I’ve ever met. We’ll miss him."
Jim Coston
Coston & Coston, LLC
Chairman, Corridor Capital
"Jeez. This kind of news is becoming way to frequent. I guess it is a reflection of our age and stage in life. George was an interesting guy and everything Bob Rodi describes. I have not spoken with George in at least 10 years. He went from intense industry leadership activity to off the radar. He was always an ethical and inquisitive guy and we need more like him in this business."
Paul J. Menzel, CLFP
President & CEO
Financial Pacific Leasing
a subsidiary of Umpqua Bank
"I was sorry to read about George Davis’ passing. I have been out of the leasing industry for almost 20 years, but still recall the many fine people I worked with and associated during my active days with WAEL. George was definitely among them. Whether asked to serve in a regional capacity or on a committee, or just sit on a panel at one of our conferences, George was always agreeable, pleasant to work with and his contributions were significant. I believe, had he known that he might have an impact in helping find a cure for CJD by having his brain donated toward its research, he would have been as equally agreeable about it."
Hal T. Horowitz
Financial Pro Solutions
"Thank you for letting me know about George's passing in Leasing News today. It makes me sad as 66 is far too young. However it makes me happy to know that George did not wait for retirement to enjoy every moment of life. He was definitely a “seize the day” kind of guy. Over the years I worked with George and served on his board of directors when he was president of United Association of Equipment Leasing. I remember a membership campaign that we worked on together which he called “everyone get one”. George was passionate about the subjects and projects he embraced. He was the perfect model of a volunteer.
"As the years went by our work together in the industry waned but we still stayed in touch as he volunteered for the Bend Rotary Club and I supported his summer fundraisers.
"Bob’s eulogy made me smile as he could not have said it better when described George at the guy from the Dos Equis commercial. George was truly a renaissance man.
"He will be missed.
Theresa Kabot, CLFP
K2 Funding
Kabot Commercial Leasing, LLC
"Very sad. Thanks Kit. We have lost two NW leasing guys recently. Dan Lee died recently as you know."
Jim Merrilees, CLFP
Channel Partners
"I was very sorry to read about George Davis. I have known him since late 90’s, mostly from our work in the CLP Foundation and United Association of Equipment Leasing. I always enjoyed hearing his stories and he was a generous person and helped others in the industry to succeed. I had not seen George for a while but heard his name mentioned often. A really good person and a solid contributor to the industry. My condolences to his family."
John G. Rosenlund, CLFP
Director-Risk Management
Portfolio Financial Servicing Company
"I am still so shocked over George. I loved him like a brother. I sent him all my Ag deals since he was the "King of Ag" here in the Northwest. Such a gentle creature and so caring. He was a giver to the industry for a long time and even a past President of United Association of Equipment Leasing when I used to be a member. He was by far one of the finest men I have known.
"I just ache over the thought he is not with us anymore. Another one too young to leave us."
Rosanne Wilson, CLFP, BPB
1st Independent Leasing, Inc.
Longtime Friend of Leasing Passes Away
Past President United Association of Equipment Leasing
Position Wanted – Operations
Work Remotely or Relocate for Right Opportunity

Each Week Leasing News is pleased, as a service to its readership, to offer completely free ads placed by candidates for jobs in the industry. These ads also can be accessed directly on the website at:
Each ad is limited to (100) words and ads repeat for up to 6 months unless the candidate tells us to stop. Your submissions should be received here by the end of each week.
Dallas/Fort Worth or Will Work Remotely
Leasing Superstar! Unmatched work ethic and positive energy - strong attention to detail - have taken transactions from application through funding. Have worked as both a broker and a funder. Problem solver - strong sales and customer service personality. I keep the deals moving and alive! Will relocate for the right opportunity. Let's Talk!
Resume: Laura Noblin Resume Operations

Top Stories: August 1 -August 5
(Opened Most by Readers)

(1) Longtime Friend of Leasing Passes Away
Past President United Association of Equipment Leasing
(2) Top Five Leasing Company Websites—
in North America
(3) Introducing Jeff Hilzinger, President and CEO/His Plans
Marlin Business Services Earnings Conference Call
(4) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(Tie) (5) Element Adds New Truck and Equipment Team Members,
Promotes Long-Time Employees
(Tie) (5) National Funding Deploys $1.5 Billion,
Beefs up Automated Underwriting
(7) Equipment Lessor Gets to Levy on Bank Accounts
Anywhere it Chooses
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(8) Third Circuit Upholds Class Action Against Bank which
Processed Fraudulent ACH Payments
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(9) Wells Fargo & Co Pushes to Boost Lending;
Completes GE Capital Business Purchase
(10) Inspection/Inquiries
Leasing #102 Mr. Terry Winders, CLFP
(11) Why You Should Care About Your “Trust Factor”
FinTech #102 by Brittney Holcomb

(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for appraisals
and equipment valuations provided by Ed Castagna)
"Complaints" Bulletin Board
Leasing News

The most common complaints are issues over security deposits not being returned as well as automatic payments made as the lessee never gave the 180 day notice. Authorities are normally reluctant to get involved, considering them civil issues, or in many cases, the dollar amount is too small for their resources, as well as many are between states, meaning who has jurisdiction and does a police department in Massachusetts have time to investigate an incident that took place in St. Paul?
It is also an error to think leasing is not regulated, as it is, covered by
many laws in various states from usury to being licensed:
Our first role is to determine with documents presented if the complaint is "legitimate." Leasing News acts as an ombudsman to resolve the issue. If not resolved, which might mean “settled," "negotiated," or "compromised," the complaint will appear in the Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board with all sides to the issue.
Should a new complaint be posted, previous complaints that have not been posted, or removed as the matter has been satisfied, may be re-instated as per policy regarding the postings.
Customer Complaints
(These are postings for informational purposes.
Any response, correction, addition, will be posted.
We reserve the right to edit or delete any opinion that is not in good taste)
To Post a Complaint, Please contact:
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Full "Complaints" Bulletin Board
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
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to help support the growth of Lease Police)

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Medical, Commercial and Industrial
Transportation, FF&E, Technology
Superior pricing - Superior Buying window
- Superior back office - Superior stability
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Court Refuses Summary Judgment on Copier Lease
Without Corporate Resolution to Borrow
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor
Get That Corporation Resolution and Do Old School Underwriting
Canon Financial Services. v. DSL Homes, LLC, No. A-2957-14T3, 2016 WL 1706081 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Div. Apr. 29, 2016)
Besides a signature on the lease, nothing is more fundamental than a corporate resolution to borrow in any lease transaction. Today’s case demonstrates why lease underwriting is so important—the captive lessor forgot to obtain a corporate resolution, or for that matter, do any underwriting. The facts follow.
Canon Financial Services, as Lessor leased 31 copiers to DSL Homes, a three-member limited liability company in 2015. One of the principals, Lee Lum, signed most of the leases in his capacity as “President” of DSL. Two others were signed with the other principals’ name, but were apparently forged. Canon did little underwriting other than to believe what Lum stated. Canon worked through dealers and had no direct contact with the lessee—only Lum.
All the copiers were delivered to Lum’s personal residence or to locations designated by Lum, which were not the company address. Lum ultimately sold the copiers and pocketed the money.
Canon sued DSL for breach of lease. The LLC defended, claiming that the signatures on the lease were not authorized. The trial court granted summary judgment for the Lessor on all but two of the leases, accepting the fact that two were actually forged. The court concluded that Lum had “apparent authority.” The trial court focused on the fact that the leases used Lum’s home as the address, used Lum’s phone as a business phone, and that Lum was holding himself out as a President. In short, the trial court concluded that Canon could not have done anymore to vet the authority of Lum, and granted Canon summary judgment in the sum of $267,000.
The lessee appealed. The lessee argued that the issue of apparent authority must rest upon the actions of the principal, not the alleged agent. The lessee argued that the lessee principal did nothing to suggest that Lum had any authority, and the lessor’s subjective beliefs were irrelevant. The lessee argued that it had to do something to cause Canon to believe Lum was authorized. Since Canon had no contact with the lessee whatsoever, there was no apparent authority, and the case had to be reversed and ultimately thrown out of court.
The court agreed with the lessee. In order to establish apparent authority of an agent, the lessor had to establish three things: (1) the appearance of authority was created by the lessee’s conduct; (2) the lessor relied on the agent’s apparent authority to act for lessee; and (3) that reliance was reasonable under the circumstances.
The court noted that Canon did not obtain articles of incorporation, a membership agreement, and credit reports showing that the lessee’s address was actually Lum’s residence, nor did Canon obtain a corporate resolution. Canon never checked with the lessee as to the status of Lum in the LLC. In fact, all Canon did was consider the company’s tax identification number and the corporate name, both of which were public information.
Therefore, the appellate court reversed the trial court, and remanded the matter back to the trial court for trial. Lessee won, Lessor lost.
What are the lessons here?
• First, Do Actual Old School Underwriting. I get it that “on line leases” are the new big deal, but does that stop the creditor from requesting old school documents, like articles of incorporation, corporate resolutions, bylaws or membership agreements, credit reports, and tax returns, all of which would clearly reveal who at the lessee had authority to bind the lessee? When I was at American Express, we had an old school piece of paper with check boxes on it with the above criteria, and if they were not checked, to explain why.
• Second, Where is Fraud Detection? The lessee was a small three member real estate management company with a handful of employees. That company really needs sixteen copiers? Again, I get that sales are important, but so is a brain. Just because the lessor is a captive doesn’t mean the lessor should throw out fraud detection.
• Third, I hope this case settles. This would be a terrible case for the lessor to take to the jury.
Cannon Financial Services (5 pages)
Another article on missing corporate resolutions: http://leasingnews.org/archives/Apr2016/04_20.htm#get
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Email: tmccurnin@bkolaw.com
Visit our web site at www.bkolaw.com
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:

"What Good is Lease Education for the Back Office?"

While it takes less personnel to have an efficient back office today, it remains a large expense due to the cost of equipment, software, training, and retaining these highly valuable employees, as well as a back office continues to make the company profitable. How many times have I heard that comment!!! Efficiently comes from people that are not only trained in their job, but trained in what they are doing so they can detect errors and omissions. Robots can perform many tasks, but you do not expect them to think. I believe that too many lessor's think the same about their staff.
Financial Technology is not going to make humans obsolete, but more important.
On many occasions I have had to thank my lucky stars that a member of my staff questioned what was occurring and therefore saved my bacon. This would not have occurred if I had not understood how valuable education on all aspects of leasing was to my staff. They need not be lawyers, but they need to understand documentation and the purpose of doing it correctly. They do not need to be accountants but they can find a problem with structuring and pricing faster than you can. A completely trained staff is the best backup in the world. If you train and respect them, they become part of the team and not part of the furniture.
Regardless how many years someone has been in leasing, changes occur every day. The advent of eDoc, eSignatures, and the many sophisticated programs require top thinking operators on what is working and what is not; and noticing mistakes being made in the automated processing. New ways to offer and handle the business need constant attention and management is not always on top of every change. Sending staff to training to refine their tasks and review current changes can support your need to control costs and be on top of your market. Just staying abreast of changes in documentation can save you time and money and protect the viability of your company.
Several associations have programs, and there are companies who offer more training on the software programs they offer. They seem to always be updating. Like painting the Golden Gate Bridge, once they finish, they then start all over again.
I also strongly support the Certified Leasing Professional Foundation.
If everyone is trained to understand leasing and financing, then they can be your ambassadors away from the office. A happy employee encourages customers to do business each day because the customers get answers instead of being past off to others. The more professional your staff looks, the better it is for your company reputation. The happier your sales staff is, the happier the owner or stock holders become.
Another suggestion I have is to prepare a test for your staff on the rules and regulations plus questions on your company policy and simple questions on types of leases you offer and the markets you prefer and then prepare yourself for the results. If you are not surprised at some of the answers you will be in the minority.
One thing is for certain "all the rules and all the competitors change every day" and staying on top of the changes is a full time job. While
Financial Technology may be making the back office and company run
more efficiently and at a lower cost, continue to education and help your staff grow in their career with continued schooling and training.
Previous #102 Columns:

Difference in Resume Formats
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Your resume needs to make the best impression, and your formatting can be as important as the words that showcase your career; yes, margins, spacing, font size and style, and other elements of formatting are necessary. In selecting the most suitable format, first choose a resume type: (1) chronological (most common and preferred), (2) functional, (3) a combination or targeted.
- Chronological
Employers typically prefer chronological resumes; it is easy to see the positions you have held, the companies you worked for and for how long (reverse chronological order). This type of resume performs best when you have a work history that is similar to the position for which you are applying. It does not function well if you are starting or switching careers. Additionally, avoid this format if you have gaps in your history, or have frequently changed jobs.
- Functional
This type of resume emphasizes your skills, expertise and is used by job seekers switching careers or for those with gaps in their employment. In this format, specific qualifications are highlighted and the focus shifts to skills. Functional resumes are good for those applying for a position with certain requirements.
Sample Outline:
1. Name & Contact Info
2. Objective
3. Summary
4. Professional Accomplishments
Facilitated projects …
Reduced employee turnover …
Continue to list your expertise (verb) and brief explanation
5. Education
- Combination
This type of resume is for candidates who want to emphasize their skills AND include their history. This format provides answers to any questions about career changes, gaps, and other red flags.
A combination resume lists your skills and experience first then your history in chronological order. Here you can highlight skills you have that are relevant to the job and provide the chronological history that employers prefer.
Sample Outline:
1. Name & Contact Info
2. Objective
3. Summary of Qualifications
4. Professional Accomplishments
Facilitated projects …
Reduced employee turnover …
Continue to list your expertise (verb) and brief explanation
5. Experience
Title, Employer, years of employment
Continue to list
6. Education (and certifications)
This format is developed carefully and specifically for each position you apply for and takes time and effort. You can showcase your qualifications and accomplishments to match with the requirements of the position you are targeting. To “target” your resume without having to rewrite your resume, include a summary and a highlights section geared toward the position at hand.
For more information, please view our website www.riicareer.com where you will find additional tips and suggestion.
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
##### Press Release ############################
Fleet Financing Resources Reports First Half 2016
Origination Volume Up 52%

Riverside, California, – Fleet Financing Resources (FFR) announced total funded volume of $35 million for the first six months ending June 30, 2016, up 52% over same period prior year. Sales volume up 35% and net income up 32% compared to prior year first half results.
Dave Reynolds, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, “We began the year with very strong performances in repeat and replacement business from our fleet customer base. Low delinquency and successful remarketing of recovered inventory, on top of strong new business growth, has also served as key drivers of an increase in both our funding volume and revenue. All has been accomplished through offering/marketing the broadest and most flexible funding platform combining value added services with consultative expertise.”
About Fleet Financing Resources - FFR offers financing and leasing for all new and used titled transportation equipment - specializing in buses of all sizes. Founded in 2002, Fleet Financing Resources has been successful in providing finance solutions to over 3,700 businesses nationwide. FFR offers a broad funding menu of products and services tailored to each client’s specific needs.

### Press Release ############################
Managing the Changes to Lease Accounting
Amembal & Halladay London, November 7 and 8, 2016

Shawn Halladay
Managing Director
Amembal & Halladay
Amembal & Halladay is pleased to announce that Mr. Shawn Halladay, Managing Director of Amembal & Halladay, the recognized global expert on lease accounting, will be teaching our newest seminar, “IFRS 16 – Managing the Changes to Lease Accounting”, being held in London, November 7 and 8, 2016.
IFRS 16, Leases, the new set of lease accounting rules, affects every company that leases equipment, whether as a lessee or a lessor. After years of discussions, recommendations, reviews and revisions, the IASB is now requiring the asset and liability for almost all leases to be recognized on lessees’ balance sheets.
An important element of the seminar, of course, is to recap and explain the complex new lease accounting rules. The key objective, however, is to create participant value by going well beyond the basics and adding a strong, practical emphasis on implementing and applying the rules. Lessor sales teams, for example, will learn how to address customer concerns about the changes and how to add value by creating the most appropriate structures to offer their customers.
The seminar will provide a transition roadmap as, even though IFRS is effective January 1, 2019, the transition period between now and then is critical to fully understand the complex rules so as, particularly given the retrospective application of the standard. Lessor and lessee best practices also will be highlighted.
This seminar is geared for all leasing professionals, as everyone is impacted by the new standard. This includes front office personnel – who need to creatively engage with the customer, as well as back office administrators and those charged with complying with and reporting leasing activities. Sales teams, CFOs, Finance Directors, Controllers, Accounting Policy personnel, lease administrators, financial analysts, corporate accountants, and regulators will all benefit from this program.
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Farnham, General Manager
Amembal & Halladay
Amembal & Halladay, formed in 1978, was the first entity to serve the global equipment leasing industry and is the world's premier service provider to its many leasing industries and companies. Amembal & Halladay has trained over 75,000 leasing professionals in 80 plus countries and has authored 16 industry bestsellers. It also has provided consultancy services to over 20 governments as well as numerous well-known, blue chip leasing companies around the globe.
#### Press Release #############################
Dutch Shepherd & Whippet Mix
New York City, NY Adopt-a-Dog

4 months old
23 lbs.
WHAT A HANDSOME DOG!!!! That's the first thing you hear when you walk down the street with this boy. Jagger is about 4 months old, 23 lbs., and a true show stopper. And this boy has a personality to match! He's incredibly sweet, loving, friendly, and well behaved. He adores nothing more than playing with other dogs, but he's also a super snuggler. He sleeps through the night, is crate trained (he even likes going in there for naps), and is generally a very well-mannered and well behaved boy. He is very smart and learns VERY quickly. This boy will make a very wonderful, charming, loyal pet and would do best in an active home.
"If you have questions, you can email adoptions@socialteesnyc.org.
"IF YOU WANT TO APPLY TO ADOPT THIS DOG, please complete an adoption application here: http://socialteesnyc.org/dogapplication
"PLEASE NOTE: Because we receive hundreds of applications each week, WE ARE UNABLE TO RESPOND TO EVERY APPLICANT. If your application is approved, you will hear from us. If you have questions, you can email adoptions@socialteesnyc.org. Thank you for your understanding!! Thanks!
"Full medical included. (All dogs come with spay/neuter*, vaccines, and microchip and are dewormed, demitted, and deflead.) Adoption fees apply."
Social Tees Animal Rescue Foundation
please email: adoptions@socialteesnyc.org
NYC, NY 10003
Adopt a Pet
IRS Verification
Retrieve/verify a corporation and personal tax information (1040, 1120, 1065) electronically directly from the source. Results delivered in 24-48 hours. 678-393-1988 Scott orsscher@recruitscreen.com |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigative
reporting provided by John Kenny)

News Briefs---
Hacked Bitcoin Exchange Says
Users May Share $68 Million Loss
QSR Top Fast Food Restaurant Franchises
Burger, Snack, Sandwich, Ethnic, Chicken, Pizza, Seafood
Mortgage Rates Hit 2nd lowest level of 2016
15 yr fixed 2.83% 30 yr fixed 3.56% 5yr ARM 3.01%
Airbnb is now worth $30 billion
First is Uber at $68 Billion
Nationwide Sales Positions Available
Medical, Commercial and Industrial
Transportation, FF&E, Technology
Superior pricing - Superior Buying window
- Superior back office - Superior stability
For more info click here

--You May Have Missed It
Free Cats and Dogs Art Prints and Wall Art
18,415 Cats and Dogs (246 pages)
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

How to Eat a Mediterranean Diet for Heart Health
Baseball Poem
by Tim Peeler
Before video parlors, PCs and
Nintendo, on our ragged bicycles
We scrambled to one house or the other—
Hefners, Peelers, then the Swansons who moved
In the neighborhood, sometimes the Coffeys
From church, or the Swansons' friends from their church -
For the really big affairs with full teams,
Baseball games with football scores. Out in the heat
Most of the day, just breaking for lunchtime—
Easy pitches and little guys taking
Big cuts, ghost runners and no catcher, weird
Rules like ground rule doubles for balls driven
Into the short cow pasture fence in left
Or how to play a pop fly that rolled off
The eight-sided parsonage roof or smacked
The huge oak trees in center field or the
Maple in right-center.
Barefoot sometimes, always in shorts only,
Crew cuts and popsicle stains on our mouths—
Before Play Station and VCRs there
Was a baseball game somewhere in dust and
Sweltering heat, a game to be played by
Our rules only.
--- with the permission of the author, from his
book of baseball poetry:
“Waiting for Godot's First Pitch”
More Poems from Baseball
available from Amazon or direct from the publisher at: www.mcfarlandpub.com

Sports Briefs----
Top 5 moments of Day 2 in Rio
Alex Rodriguez to play last game Friday, become adviser for Yankees
Olympic kayaker capsizes after hitting a sofa
Draymond Green has proven doubters wrong
The late Ken Stabler's bust was surrounded
by Raiders Hall of Famers
Eddie DeBartolo Jr. Stresses Importance of Family
in Hall of Fame Induction Speech
Andrew Luck stays true to his flip phone,
sees no reason for an update

California Nuts Briefs---
River Rock Casino seeks to restructure debt
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigative
reporting provided by John Kenny)

“Gimme that Wine”
Kosta Browne Buys Cerise Vineyards
Santa Lucia Highlands Anticipates Low Yields,
High Quality for 2016 Harvest
A Carmel Valley vineyard manager defends his grapes
against the Big Sur fire
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1588 – This event is mentioned as history may have been quite different for the founding of the United States. The Spanish Armada, a fleet of 130 huge ships, met defeat at the hands of English sailors and their smaller, more maneuverable vessels. Then a series of wicked Atlantic storms off the coast of Southern England took their toll. Only half of the 130 Spanish ships managed to limp ... at best ... home. The 60 or so English ships, plus the weather, saved England from the Spanish invaders. This day Queen Elizabeth herself went to Tilbury to encourage her forces, and the next day gave to them what is probably her most famous speech:
1776 - John Paul Jones was commissioned as a captain and appointed to command the Alfred. His orders were to harass enemy merchant ships and defend the American coast.
1786 - The US Congress adopted the silver dollar and decimal system of money.
1794 – Joseph Whidbey and George Vancouver lead an expedition to search for the Northwest Passage near Juneau, AK.
1814 - Esther Hobart McQuigg Morris (d. 1902) was born at Tioga County, NY. She moved to Wyoming Territory, where she worked in the women’s rights movement and had a key role in getting a women’s suffrage bill passed. Morris became justice of the peace of South Pass City, WY in 1870, one of the first times a woman held public office in the US. She represented Wyoming at the national suffrage convention in 1879.
1844 - The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, headed by Brigham Young, is reaffirmed as the leading body of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church).
1854 - Smith and Wesson patented metal bullet cartridges.
1863 - Following his defeat in the Battle of Gettysburg, General Robert E. Lee sends a letter of resignation to Confederate President Jefferson Davis (which is refused upon receipt).
1863 - Tennessee's "military" Governor Andrew Johnson frees his personal slaves. During the early 20th century, the day was celebrated by blacks in Tennessee as a holiday.
1866 - Birthday of Mathew Henson (d. 1955), famous African-American explorer, born at Charles County, MD. He met Robert E. Peary while working in a Washington, DC, store in 1888 and was hired to be Peary’s valet. He accompanied Peary on his seven subsequent Arctic expeditions. During the successful 1908—09 expedition to the North Pole, Henson and two of the four Eskimo guides reached their destination on Apr 6, 1909. Peary arrived minutes later and verified the location. Henson’s account of the expedition, “A Negro Explorer at the North Pole,” was published in 1912. In addition to the Congressional medal awarded all members of the North Pole expedition, Henson received the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of Chicago and, at 81, was made an honorary member of the Explorers Club at New York, NY.
1866 - The first queen to visit the United Sates was Queen Emma, widow of King Kamehameha IV of the Sandwich Islands (later to be re-named Hawaii), who arrived in New York City from England on the Cunard liner ‘Java.’ She was received on August 14, 1866 by President Andrew Johnson and she was introduced to his family. American business had already started to invest in the islands, bringing coffee, potatoes, hybrid sugarcane, horses and cattle.
1870 - Magic (US) defeats Cambria (England) in 2nd running of America's Cup
1876 - Thomas Alva Edison of Menlo Park, NJ, obtained a patent for a “method of preparing autographic stencils for printing”. He went on to improve the “mimeograph,” that until the advent of the photocopier, was the most widespread method of paper communication and duplication.
1878 - The temperature at Denver, CO, soars to an all-time record high of 105 degrees.
1879 – Birthday of Robert Holbrook ‘Dr. Bob’ Smith (d. 1950), founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, in St. Johnsbury, VT. He began drinking in college and continued to become progressively worse after graduation from medical school and during his practice. Upon meeting AA co-founder Bill Wilson, who saved him from another relapse, Smith finally stopped for good on June 10, 1935, the day recognized as the founding of AA.
1885 - More than 1.5 million people attend the funeral of Ulysses S. Grant in New York City.
1896 - Birthday of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings (d. 1953), American short story writer and novelist, “The Yearling”, born at Washington, DC.
1899 - Birthday of Russell Markert (d. 1990), American choreographer, at Jersey City, NJ. He founded and directed the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes from 1932 to 1971.
1899 - A.T. Marshall of Brockton, MA patented the refrigerator. It was not practical in cost for many households and “ice” refrigerators were common
until perhaps World War II.
1900 – First Davis Cup, named after Dwight Filley Davis, began at Longwood Cricket Club in MA, was won by US 2 days later.
1900 - Birthday of bandleader Lucky Millinder, born Lucius Venable Millinder (d. 1966), Anniston, AL.
1901 – Birthday of Ernest Lawrence (d. 1958), US physicist, Nobel laureate, in Canton, SD. His Nobel work was for the invention of the cyclotron. He is also known for his work on uranium-isotope separation for the Manhattan Project, and for founding the Lawrence Berkeley and Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, renamed by the Regents of the University of California after his death. Chemical element number 103 was named lawrencium in his honor after its discovery at Berkeley in 1961.
1903 - In the 11th inning, an old black ball is put into play against Cleveland. Tigers' Nap Lajoie protests are ignored, he hurls ball out of park and forfeits the game. 1908 – Birthday of Arthur Goldberg (d. 1990) in Chicago. 6th US Ambassador to the UN (President Johnson), he also served as the Secretary of Labor (President Kennedy) and Supreme Court Justice (President Kennedy).
1910 – Birthday of actress Sylvia Sydney, born Sophia Kosow (d. 1999) in The Bronx. During the Depression, Sidney appeared in a string of films, often playing the girlfriend or the sister of a gangster opposite many of Hollywood’s leading men.
1911 - Membership in the U.S. House of Representatives was established at 435. Every 211,877 residents of the U.S. were to be represented by one member of Congress.
1918 – Birthday of alto Sax player Benny Carter (d. 2003), born Bennett Lester Carter, in Harlem, NYC.
1918 - Two days after the Battle of Marne ended, the British Fourth Army mounted an offensive at Amiens with the objective of freeing the Amliens-Paris railways from bombardment by the German Second and Eighteenth Armies. More than 16,000 German prisoners were taken in two hours of fighting the first day. The German forces were forced back to the Hindenburg’s line by September 3. This battle is considered a turning point by many historians because of its impact on the psyche of Germany. August 8 was described by General Erich Ludendorff as a “Black Day” for Germany.
1918 - 6 US soldiers are surrounded by Germans in France. Sgt. Alvin York is given command, shoots 20 Germans and captures 132 more.
1920 – Detroit Tigers beat New York Yankees, 1-0, in shortest AL game, 73 minutes…no TV timeouts!
1921 - Birthday of American composer Roger Nixon (d. 2009), Tulare, CA.
1921 – Birthday of actress and champion swimmer Esther Williams (d. 2013) in Inglewood, CA. Williams set multiple national and regional swimming records in her late teens. Unable to compete in the 1940 Summer Olympics because of the outbreak of World War II, she joined Billy Rose’s Aquacade. She spent five months swimming alongside Olympic gold medal winner and Tarzan star, Johnny Weissmuller and caught the attention of MGM scouts at the Aquacade. After appearing in several small roles, Williams made a series of films in the 1940s and early 1950s known as "aquamusicals," which featured elaborate performances with synchronized swimming and diving.
1922 - Louis Armstrong, 22 years old, leaves for the Windy City. His autobiography is fascinating to read about his version of the beginnings of jazz. He perhaps is not only the best known jazz musician, but considered even today to have been quite ahead of his time. On old records, it is easy to pick him out playing the trumpet. He had tone, melody and rhythm that still wants you to sing, dance, or tap your foot.
1922 – Birthday of actor Rory Calhoun (d. 1999), born Francis Timothy McCown in Los Angeles.
1922 – Birthday of designer Rudy Gernreich (d. 1985), of Monokini fame.
1923 - Birthday of singer Jimmy Witherspoon (d. 1997), Gurdon, AR.
1923 - Benny Goodman was 14 years old as he began his professional career as a clarinet player. He took a job in a band on a Chicago-based excursion boat on Lake Michigan.
1926 - Birthday of trombonist Urbie Green, Mobile, AL.
1929 - The airship Graf Zeppelin began its world tour today from Lakehurst, NJ. The total trip flying time took 12 days and 11 minutes and covered 19,500 miles. The overall elapsed time due to stops and refueling was 19 days. In a tragic coincidence, it was at Lakehurst in 1937 where the Hindenburg burst into flames, effectively ending airship travel completely.
1932 - Birthday of singer/songwriter Mel Tillis, Pahokee, FL. Tillis was the Country Music Association Entertainer of the Year. Equally talented as a singer and as a songwriter, Tillis began his hit-making career in 1958 with "The Violet and the Rose." His top-ten singles have included "Who's Julie," "The Arms of a Fool" and "Memory Maker." Tillis has a speech impediment, but has made his stuttering a part of his act.
1933 - Louisiana Governor O.K. Allen pardons Huddie William Ledbetter, better known as the folksinger “Leadbelly.” He got the name while in prison in Texas for being very strong. He was a very big man with an explosive temper, and was in for murder. He was pardoned by Texas Governor Pat Neff from a thirty-year sentence, something that was unheard of in Texas and from the very conservative Neff, but it is said, he sang a song of why he should be released that so affected the warden, and then Neff, that they released him. Leadbelly was one of my father’s favorite folksingers, that he played all the time, and my first memories of my father are listening to this music in the forties. I remember sitting on his knee, perhaps the earliest recollection of my father, whom I miss more and more as each year goes by.
1933 - The first savings and loan association established by the federal government was the First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Miami, Florida. The creation of savings and loan institutions had been authorized by the Home Owners Loan Act of June 13, 1933 to provide a convenient place for the investment of small and large sums and to lend money to local applicants for first mortgages.
1935 – Television show creator Donald Bellisario’s birthday in Cokesburg, PA. Among his successes: “JAG,” “Magnum, P.I.,” “NCIS.”
1936 – Former Major Leaguer Frank “Hondo” Howard’s birthday, Columbus, OH. Played most of his career for the LA Dodgers, Washington Senators and Texas Rangers and was National League Rookie of the Year in 1960. At 6’8”, 275 Howard is among the biggest baseball players in history. At his retirement, he held many records of the Senators/Rangers and his is among several statues outside Nationals Park in DC.
1937 – Actor Dustin Hoffman was born in Los Angeles. His breakthrough was in a 1967 film role as Benjamin Braddock, the title character in “The Graduate”. His most notable films include “Midnight Cowboy,” “Little Big Man,” “Straw Dog,” “Papillon,” “Lenny,” “Marathon Man,” “All the President’s Men,” “Kramer vs. Krame,” “Tootsie,” “Rain Man,” “Hook” and “Wag the Dog.” Hoffman has been nominated for seven Oscars, winning two (for “Kramer vs. Kramer” and “Rain Man”), thirteen Golden Globes, winning six (including an honorary one) and has won an Emmy Award. Hoffman received the AFI Life Achievement Award in 1999, and the Kennedy Center Honors in 2012.
1938 – Actress-singer Connie Stevens’ birthday, born Concetta Rosalie Ann Ingoglia in Brooklyn. She played Cricket Blake in the popular television detective series “Hawaiian Eye” (1959-63), a role that made her famous and led to roles in several minor films. She also appeared on the series, “77 Sunset Strip” which led to the hit novelty song "Kookie, Kookie, Lend Me Your Comb" (1959), a duet with one of the stars of the program, Edd “Kookie” Byrnes, that reached #4 on the Billboard Hot 100. Her biggest hit as a solo artist was “Sixteen Reasons” (1960) that reached #3 on the Billboard Hot 100.
1941 - Les Brown and His Band of Renown paid tribute to baseball’s ‘Yankee Clipper’, Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees, with the recording of "Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio" on Okeh Records. From that time on, DiMaggio adopted the nickname, Joltin’ Joe.
1942 - The invasion of Guadalcanal continues as the remainder of the first wave of American troops come ashore. Advancing rapidly inland, they capture the Japanese airstrip intact, renaming it Henderson Field. The missions on Tulagi and Gavutu are completed and the islands captured. Due to Japanese air and submarine attacks, Admiral Fletcher decides to withdraw his carriers, leaving the cruisers and transports near the island. This action is probably a mistake.
1942 - US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill approve the appointment of American General Eisenhower to command Operation Torch, the proposed Allied invasion of North Africa.
1942 - During World War II, six German saboteurs who secretly entered the United States on a mission to attack its civil infrastructure are executed by the United States for spying. Two other saboteurs disclosed the plot to the FBI and aided U.S. authorities in their manhunt for their collaborators, were imprisoned. The Nazis hoped that sabotage teams would be able to slip into America at the rate of one or two every six weeks. The quick capture ended their plans.
1943 - Following the American break out from Normandy in July, 1944, the Germans decided that the only way to stop the Allied advance and push them back to the sea was to launch a massive attack in the Avranches region, about 150 miles west of Paris. To do this, they moved tanks and men of the XLVII Panzer Corps into place and opened their operation on August 7th. Their main thrust, led by the 2nd SS Panzer Division, was to cut the American line between Normandy and Brittany, forcing the two groups to fall back on different beach areas, possibly compelling at least one group to withdraw. But almost immediately, the Germans were blocked by determined resistance. On Hill 317, near the village of Mortain, their advance was stopped by 700 men of North Carolina’s 2nd Battalion, 120th Infantry, 30th Infantry Division (which also included Guard units from SC and TN). Firing at almost point-blank range, their one anti-tank gun and numerous anti-tank rockets (fired from ‘bazooka’s’), the Guardsmen destroyed 40 vehicles including several heavy battle tanks. The Germans bypassed the hill leaving it surrounded. They launched repeated assaults to capture it but these were beaten back with artillery support from the Guard’s 35th Infantry Division (KS, MO, NE) and RAF air strikes on the German positions. After five days of being cut off and with the loss of nearly 300 men, the 2nd Battalion was rescued by elements of the 35th Division. For its determined and stubborn resistance in blocking the enemy advance, the 2d Battalion and 120th Infantry were awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.
1944 – Smokey Bear was created, named after New York City fireman Smokey Joe Martin, who suffered burns and blindness during a bold 1922 rescue. An advertising campaign featuring Smokey was created in 1944. The campaign was expanded with a new slogan, "Remember... Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires", created in 1947 by The Ad Council. According to the Ad Council, Smokey Bear and his message are recognized by 95% of adults and 77% of children.
1945 – President Harry Truman signs the UN charter.
1946 - First flight of the Convair B-36, the world's first mass-produced nuclear weapon delivery vehicle.
1951 - Birthday of Randy Shilts (d. 1994), at Davenport, IA. Journalist known for his reporting on the AIDS epidemic. One of the first openly homosexual journalists to work for a mainstream newspaper and the author of “And the Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic.”
1951 - Top Hits
“Too Young” - Nat King Cole
“Mister and Mississippi” - Patti Page
“Because of You” - Tony Bennett
“I Wanna Play House with You” - Eddy Arnold
1952 – Howard Stern’s sidekick, Robin Quivers’ birthday, Pikesville, MD.
1953 – “Happy Days” co-star Donnie Most, who played Richie’s friend Ralph Malph was born in Brooklyn.
1953 - Les Paul and Mary Ford's "Vaya Con Dios (May God Be with You)" hits #1
1958 – Television journalist Deborah Norville’s birthday, Dalton, GA. News anchor, “Today Show” successor to Jane Pauley, “Inside Edition”.
1959 - Top Hits
“Lonely Boy” - Paul Anka
“A Big Hunk o’ Love” - Elvis Presley
“My Heart is an Open Book” - Carl Dobkins, Jr.
“Waterloo” - Stonewall Jackson
1960 - 16-year-old Bryan Hyland's novelty tune, "Itsy Bitsy, Teenie Weenie, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" topped the Billboard Hot 100 and the Cash Box Best Sellers list. Songwriter Paul Vance said he got the inspiration for the song when he saw his two-year-old daughter at the beach in a tiny little swimsuit.
1960 - British Decca destroyed 25,000 copies of Ray Peterson's death-rock song, "Tell Laura I Love Her." The company refused to release a song which it said was "too tasteless and vulgar for the English sensibility." A rival firm, however, had no such compunction, recording a cover version by a singer named Ricky Valance, which went to number one on the British chart. In the US, Ray Peterson's recording of "Tell Laura I Love Her" reached number seven on the Billboard pop chart.
1961 - Hamilton Tigercats of the Canadian Football League beat Buffalo Bills of the NFL 38-21 in Hamilton, Ontario.
1961 - Britain's Lonnie Donegan has his biggest hit in the US when the novelty tune "Does You're Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour on the Bedpost Overnight" reaches number 5.
1962 - A polio scare brought a decree from health authorities to do a mass immunization of all residents. According to a spokesperson from the Medical Society, “The Sabin vaccine gives immunity to polio, whereas the Salk vaccine prevents paralytic polio.” They decided that the Sabin vaccine was the best, since it is given orally, not like the Salk vaccine which has to be injected.
1964 - "House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals is released in America. Although the band would put 14 songs in the Top 40, this will be their only US number one.
1967 - Top Hits
“Light My Fire” - The Doors
“All You Need is Love” - The Beatles
“A Whiter Shade of Pale” - Procol Harum
“I’ll Never Find Another You” - Sonny James
1968 - Race riot in Miami Florida.
1969 - Photographer Iain MacMillan shoots the cover for what would be the Beatles' last recorded album, Abbey Road, just outside the studios of the same name where the band recorded most of its classic songs. The photo, which merely shows the band crossing the street while walking away from the studio, has become iconic in its own right, and provides "Paul Is Dead" enthusiasts with several erroneous "clues" to his "death," including the fact that Paul is barefoot. (Supposedly this represents a corpse, but McCartney has stated that it was simply a hot day.) The shoot, which lasts ten minutes, produces six shots, from which Paul picks the cover.
1970 - New York Yankees honor Casey Stengel, retiring his number 37, a mere ten years after they fired him for losing the 1960 World Series to the Pittsburgh Pirates.
1970 – Credence Clearwater Revival's "Looking Out My Back Door" is released.
1970 - Janis Joplin bought a tombstone for blues singer Bessie Smith's unmarked grave in a Philadelphia cemetery. Less than two months later, Joplin herself was dead of a drug overdose. Smith had died following an auto accident in 1942 at the age of 37.
1970 - Blood, Sweat & Tears' Blood Sweat & Tears 3 LP hits #1
1970 - Canadian immigration officials turn back thousands of American fans on their way to the Strawberry Fields Rock Festival in Mosport, Ontario, on the grounds that they "failed to produce adequate monies to support themselves." 8,000 Americans made it there.
1973 - Vice-President Spiro T Agnew brands them "damned lies" regarding reports he took kickbacks from government contracts in Maryland. He vowed not to resign; that he was innocent. On October 10, 1973, Agnew was allowed to plead no contest to a single charge that he had failed to report $29,500 of income received in 1967, with the condition that he resign the office of Vice President.
1974 - President Richard Nixon announced in a televised address that he would resign at noon the next day. Three days earlier he had released tape transcripts revealing he had impeded the Watergate investigation. Nixon told an audience he had made some wrong decisions, but that he was resigning because he no longer had enough support in Congress.
1974 - Eric Clapton receives a gold record for "461 Ocean Boulevard." It's his comeback album and contains his Number One version of "I Shot the Sheriff." The album reaches the top of the charts.
1974 - Roberta Flack received a gold record for the single, "Feel Like Makin’ Love." Flack, born in Asheville, NC and raised in Arlington, VA, was awarded a music scholarship to Howard University in Washington, DC -- at the age of 15. One of her classmates became a singing partner on several hit songs. Donny Hathaway joined Flack on "You’ve Got a Friend," "Where is the Love" and "The Closer I Get to You." She had 10 hits on the pop charts in the 1970s and 1980s.
1975 - Top Hits
“One of These Nights” - Eagles
“Jive Talkin’” - Bee Gees
“Please Mr. Please” - Olivia Newton-John
“Just Get Up and Close the Door” - Johnny Rodriguez
1975 –Hank Williams, Jr. falls 500 feet down Ajax Mountain near Missoula, MT, exposing part of his brain and keeping him in and out of hospitals for the next two years. The resultant facial scars would inspire his trademark "hat, beard, and shades" look. When he returned to performing months later, he had switched to a country-rock sound from the pure country style made famous by his father.
1976 - In Philadelphia, ten thousand legionnaires who attended a convention at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel downtown were in a panic after the outbreak of a mystery disease among their ranks. Twenty-four persons died and 87 are ill. Doctors are completely baffled as to what virus or fungus could have caused this illness. Meanwhile, street names for the mystery diagnosis have arisen. It is dubbed Legionnaire’s disease, Philadelphia fever, or Veteran’s Virus.
1976 - The Chicago White Sox made baseball sartorial history by donning shorts for a game against the Kansas City Royals. The Sox won, 5-2, but the shorts, a novelty thought up by owner Bill Veeck, lasted only a while.
1981 – Tennis star Roger Federer born in Wollerau, Switzerland. Ranked number one in the World in March 2010, many consider him the greatest tennis player of all time.
1981 - Shiaway St. Pat, driven by Ray Remmen, won the Hambletonian, the most important race for three-year-old trotters, contested for the first time at the Meadowlands in New Jersey.
1983 - Top Hits
“Every Breath You Take” - The Police
“Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)” - Eurythmics
“She Works Hard for the Money” - Donna Summer
“Your Love’s on the Line” - Earl Thomas Conley
1984 - Carl Lewis won his third gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics. He won the 200-meter sprint. At the same time, Greg Louganis received his first gold medal in diving in the springboard competition.
1986 - Singer David Crosby, sentenced to a five-year term for drug and weapons charges, was paroled from a prison in Huntsville, Texas after serving only five months. The convictions were overturned by a Texas appeals court in November 1987. Crosby said when he was released that he had kicked a ten-year drug habit and wanted to resume his musical career. He gained fame with the Byrds in the late 1960's, then teamed with Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, and Neil Young.
1987 - Less than three months after they go to No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 for the first time with "With or Without You," U2 return to the top of the chart with "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," the second single from "The Joshua Tree." (A birthday present for the Edge.)
1988 - The first night game of Chicago’s Wrigley Field was postponed by rain with the Cubs leading the Philadelphia Phillies 3-1, in the bottom of the fourth inning. The Phillies’ Phil Bradley led off the game with a home run, but in a postponed game, all statistics are washed out.
1990 - Iraq annexes Kuwait. The US has been sending troops to Saudi Arabia and moving the US Navy into the Mediterranean Sea.
1990 – Baseball’s all-time hits leader, Pete Rose, began his five-month prison term for income tax evasion.
1991 - Top Hits
“(Everything I Do) I Do It for You” - Bryan Adams
“P.A.S.S.I.O.N.” - Rhythm Syndicate
“Summertime” - D.J. Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
“She’s in Love with the Boy” - Trisha Yearwood
1992 - The Dream Team, a specially-assembled team of NBA all-stars, defeated Croatia, 117-85, to win the gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. The Dream Team, coached by Chuck Daly, included Charles Barkley, Larry Bird, Clyde Drexler, Patrick Ewing, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Christian Laettner, Karl Malone, Chris Mullin, Scottie Pippen, David Robinson and John Stockton.
1994 - Janet Jackson tied Aretha Franklin for the most gold singles by a female artist - 14 - when "Any Time, Any Place" was certified as having sold more than 500,000 copies.
1995 - The Canadian stage production of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" opened at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto. At $17 million, it was the most expensive stage production in Canadian history.
1997 – Mariners’ Randy Johnson strikes out 19 White Sox.
1998 - The largest free jazz festival in the world, San Jose, California, draws 200,000 to hear Sandoval, Broadbent, Schuur, among many others.
2000 - Confederate submarine “H.L. Hunley” is raised to the surface after 136 years on the ocean floor and 30 years after its discovery by undersea explorer E. Lee Spence.
2000 - In the bottom of the ninth, A's closer Jason Isringhausen throws just two pitches, and the Yankees go from losing 3-2 to winning 4-3. Bernie Williams and David Justice both hit home runs on the first pitch they see from the Oakland reliever.
2007 - An EF2 tornado touches down in Kings County (Brooklyn) and Richmond County (Staten Island), the most powerful tornado in New York City to date and the first in Brooklyn since 1889.
2011 - Standard & Poor's rating agency downgrades U.S. sovereign debt; the downgrade is the first in the history of the United States.
2013 - The Pentagon will furlough 650,000 civilian employees without pay for six days this year after receiving warnings that mandatory budget cuts might idle defense workers for a longer period of time.
2013 - President Barack Obama announces plans to pull out of a one-on-one meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin next month; the meeting was set to occur before the September G-20 meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia.
2014 - Race car driver Tony Stewart hit fellow driver Kevin Ward, Jr. with a vehicle on a sprint car track; Ward was walking on the track and was killed instantly.

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