Wednesday, February 10, 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Bulletin Board Complaint
Leasing Innovations, Solano Beach, California
Policy on Bulletin Board Complaints
By Christopher Menkin, Editor
Leasing News Policy
Classified Ads---Credit
Third Parties Taking Up Bank's Small Business Loan Slack
February 10 Alexa On Line Leasing Report
Leasing News Remains #1
Story Credit Lessors
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Nearly half of all retailers plan to adopt Apple Pay
by next year
Leasing News Advisor
Bruce Lurie
Sales Make It Happen – By Steve Chriest
Dealing With Hidden Issues
March 18th Luncheon Women in Leasing LinkedIn Group
ZRG Partners completes capital raise
to fuel continued growth
SBA Partners with NCUA to Expand Small Business
Lending Through Credit Unions
Australian Shepherd Mix
Carlsbad, California Adopt-a-Dog
Classified ads—Syndicator
News Briefs---
Bernie Madoff payout reaches $7.2B
Restaurant: All Signs Say "Go"
Brian Williams suspended by NBC for six months
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
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and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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Bulletin Board Complaint
Leasing Innovations, Solano Beach, California

The "third party originator" is well known to Leasing News, and said he did not want to "send a negative message that may be taken the wrong way by FUNDING SOURCES that are our lifeblood." The case was confirmed by Leasing News Legal Editor Tom McCurnin, and the party requested the complaint be printed without his name, suggesting the following statement:
“Leasing broker (20 years in business) sends a transaction to Leasing Innovations (Heather Fritz) in Solano Beach, California. Leasing Innovation funds the deal and does not pay the broker the agreed to $7,000 commission. Broker sues in small claims for $5,000 (max) and wins plus filing fees and interest. Leasing Innovation files appeal, and loses. Leasing Innovation pays judgment to court.”
It should be noted this is the second complaint regarding Leasing Innovations:
Leasing Innovations also has an “investment program” to invest
in leases:
The company does not appear under its name as a licensed Finance
Lender in the State of California, subject to audits as well as other
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Policy on Bulletin Board Complaints
by Christopher Menkin, Editor

At present time, Leasing News receives four or five complaints a week (in the past there were a higher number of complaints); some take a month or more to resolve, and the process is time consuming as the party must present all the documents, correspondence, and email to verify their claim. Some start and give up. Others go to small claims court and then the appeal, and a third appeal (yes, it happens).
Leasing News role was to determine if the complaint was "legitimate," meaning valid, and if not resolved, which might means "negotiated," "compromised," or "settled," it would appear in Leasing News as well as the Complaint Bulletin Board. It was never the role to say who is right or who is wrong, although some are quite obvious, such as an Evergreen Clauses on $1.00 purchase options, or the lessee has a copy he signed of an original purchase option, but does not have a signed copy from the leasing company.
There are also other claims where there is no agreement regarding being paid for time spent and wanting to keep the advance rental because they spent a lot of time, or other issues, such as an approval with an ACH, but the customer won't accept an ACH. Most are an approval at one price, but the lease at another price.
There are also issues over security deposits not being returned and therefore the purchase option not paid or the security deposits applied to the purchase option. A lease starts with one broker, goes to another broker, who discounts to a leasing company that fails, and their portfolio is sold to one company, who later discounts it to another leasing company.
And this has happened a lot in the last few years, such as the current one with the Bankruptcy Estate of IFC Credit whose lease was assigned to M&T Bank with a $1.00 out, but now the Bankruptcy Estate is billing extra lease payments. Another with Co-Activ, who actually returned over paid payments and a security deposit and the trustee on a $1.00 purchase option waited a year before going after non-notification.
And there are complaints from lessees about a "fair market value," and although the salesman said it was a $1.00, they claim, there is no documentation on it, the salesman is no longer around (in the times a salesman is found, none have remembered the lease) and more importantly, on the face of the contract it says "Fair Market Value" or there is no purchase option document.
Now before you say, the lessee should have read the contract, there are many leasing companies who have a side letter that states "fair market value" is $1.00, and they say this is done for "tax reasons" as the purchase option can't appear on the contract, they say. Or sometimes the original proposal says "fair market value" as does the contract, but a side letter is issued (or to be issued or is not signed, as was the case with one involving Balboa Capital who claimed the lessee created the document, not Balboa).
Recently there are complaints from brokers not being paid their commission. We have been getting two to three a month now. Often when Leasing News gets involved, they get paid or a compromise is made. I keep telling the broker to get it all in writing instead of any verbal “he said, she said” situation.
Since starting this over 15 years ago, Leasing News has seen over 3,700 complaints, and proud to report most have been resolved. When they are not, they are posted on line at:
Leasing News Policy

Fairness and unbiased reporting always.
We will question any information we think is suspicious. We will try to substantiate it by at least two reliable and unbiased people.
It is the editor's sole discretion as to what is printed. If an opinion or viewpoint is expressed, the writer or writers will be named in the by-line of the article, unless anonymity is requested.
Major corrections will be posted in the next earliest edition at the beginning of the news edition, highlighted in bold, and in the current “on line” news edition as early as possible. Typos such as wrong dates and name corrections are also corrected on line when noticed by the editor or reader(s), and if necessary, as determined by the editor, may be noted in the next edition as a “Clarification” or “Correction.”
All press releases will be marked preceding and after with #### Press Release #### to note the article did not originate at Leasing News.
All advertising traded for writing or for support will be so noted below the advertising.
Leasing News follows “The Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law” by Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, Massachusetts, and “The Elements of Style” by William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White, MacMillan Publishing, Co., Inc.
To be added to the mailing list, you must request it. We do not share our mailing list with anyone.
We follow Internet Netiquette at all times. Our sole purpose is to provide communication to improve our profession.
Christopher Menkin, editor

Classified Ads---Credit
(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment or looking
to improve their position)
Will relocate for the right opportunity and can work remotely. I have (25+) years in making credit decisions, as well as helping sales team and third party originators close more transactions via understanding their applicant's financial abilities. I can create alternative or additional opportunities (and income) by knowing which type of loan is best for the borrower
Orlando, Florida
As a Commercial Credit Analyst/Underwriter, I have evaluated transactions from sole proprietorships to listed companies, across a broad spectrum of industries, embracing a multitude of asset types. Sound understanding of balance sheet, income statement and cash flow dynamics which impact credit decisions. Strong appreciation for credit/asset risk.
407 430-3917 |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:

Third Parties Taking Up Bank's Small Business Loan Slack

PayPay, Square, and others are moving into the loan originations by banks to those with $1 million or less in revenue, as this chart from indicates. They are generally going after merchants with credit card accounts, while others have a program based on the cash flow of the business and keeping the loans under 12 months’ payouts.
Business Insider report "...companies like Square and PayPal have created an opportunity. They are now offering loans and advances to their small-business clients and charging a fixed fee for the capital advance. It's a way to develop a new revenue stream and help their merchants grow (which in turn, means more money from credit card transaction fees). In a new BI Intelligence report, we explain how these digital-lending programs work, how they stack up to alternatives, and why banks should be worried about these programs taking off."
The report is available to new subscribers with a two week
trial period:
February 10 Alexa On Line Leasing Report
Leasing News Remains #1

Daily Time |
U.S. |
World Wide |
Sites |
on Website |
Linking |
13:09 |
74,647 |
329,158 |
252 |
Leasing News |
4:02 |
222,221 |
878,896 |
147 |
Monitordaily |
3:18 |
231,509 |
1,146,254 |
117 |
Commercial Finance Association |
2:25 |
256,256 |
992,492 |
287 |
Equip. Leasing & Finance Assoc. |
3:29 |
422,670 |
2,280,249 |
90 |
Nat. Assoc. Equipment Brokers |
2:05 |
435,491 |
1,501,742 |
54 |
Equipment Advisor |
2:19 |
676,716 |
2,641,273 |
88 |
Natonal Equip. Finance Assoc. |
4:26 |
1,158,402 |
5,978,234 |
24 |
CLP Foundation |
1:24 |
1,272,855 |
3,529,503 |
44 |
Lessors |
2:33 |
* |
6,815,098 |
90 |
Equip. Leasing Finance Foundation |
* |
* |
11,851,285 |
61 |
Canadian Finance & Leasing Assoc. |
* |
* |
18,385,420 |
12 |
Assoc. Govt Leasing & Finance |
* |
* |
20,088,268 |
3 |
CLFP Foundation (name change) |
February 10, 2015
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Story Credit Lessors

To qualify for this list, the company must be a funder (as qualified by Leasing News and on the “Funder List” and not a "Broker/Lessor" or "Super Broker/Lessor"), along with an acceptable Better Business Bureau Rating and no history of complaints at Leasing News, as well as notifying lessees in advance when the lease will end and what the residual will be, specifically not automating extra lease payments, or insisting their discounter follow the same policy. We reserve the right to not list a company who does not meet these qualifications.
These companies specialize in "C" and "D" credits, often new businesses, or businesses where the principal(s) have Beacon score around 600 or previous difficulties; meaning to become comfortable with the credit and financial situation you need to learn the "story" to make a positive decision, often requiring further security, shorter term, or additional guarantors. Many of these companies may also have programs for “A” and “B” rated companies, but their specialty is not being a “cookie cutter” and often require full financial statements and tax returns as well as a “story about the company, its history, goals, circumstances” to fully understand the full financial picture'
Full List:

Nearly half of all retailers plan to adopt Apple Pay
by next year
Dave Smith
Business Insider

(Note: Within 12 months)
Apple Pay looks to upend the payments industry with its secure, easy-to-use system that lets you pay for goods with a simple fingerprint scan. And though it's not available at most retail stores, a new survey from Boston Retail Partners says nearly 40% of all large US retailers plan to support Apple Pay by the end of next year.
Based on that survey data charted for us by BI Intelligence, just 8% of large US retailers currently accept Apple Pay — the same amount of retailers said they currently accept Bitcoin and CurrentC, the payments system that's still in beta from MCX, the merchant consortium that owns CVS, Rite Aid, Sam's Club, and Kmart, among others.
PayPal is leading the way right now, but within the next 12 months, it looks like more US retailers say they plan on supporting Apple Pay. When you expand that time horizon to three years, however, PayPal looks like the dominant platform once again: 62% of retailers say they will accept PayPal by 2018, compared to 56% of retailers saying they'll accept Apple Pay by that time. That could change, however, if Apple expands Apple Pay to include other financial services like mobile banking, which would let people manage all of their accounts through Apple's app instead of apps made by the banks.
Leasing News Advisor
Bruce Lurie

Bruce Lurie joined the Leasing News Advisory board September 12, 2007 and has been an active participant.

Bruce Lurie, President, Douglas-Guardian Services Corporation, Houston, Texas, an equipment inspection and collateral management firm established in 1932.
Douglas-Guardian Services Corporation
14800 St. Mary's Lane, Suite 200
Houston, Texas 77079
Telephone: 800-255-0552
Fax 800-529-7530
Since July 1995, Bruce Lurie has been president of Douglas-Guardian Services Corporation, the original equipment inspection and collateral management firm established in 1932.
When not chasing down collateral to inspect throughout the US or Canada, Bruce enjoys spending time with his wife Martha and learning new and exciting things from his 13 year old daughter Danielle. Bruce is an avid jogger and former triathlon fanatic.
Prior to Douglas Guardian, his experience includes fifteen years with Brown and Root, Inc., a multi-billion dollar engineering and construction company. Primary areas of responsibility have included project development, project finance, sales, marketing, strategic planning and executive management. Extensive training in quality deployment and team building techniques. BS, Civil Engineering, BS Engineering Management, and MBA from Tulane University, New Orleans, LA.
Sales Make It Happen – By Steve Chriest

Dealing With Hidden Issues
If you read last week's article you know that Hidden Issues may be the most difficult challenges faced by salespeople. Hidden Issues are negative feelings or perceptions about you, your company, your industry, your proposal and maybe salespeople in general. They also could be something wholly unrelated to business.
Nothing you've been taught about overcoming objections will help you if you encounter a Hidden Issue that stalls your sale. Instead, you are better served to learn to recognize the signals of Hidden Issues - argumentative questioning, hesitation, passive resistance, and failure to commit when commitment is the next, best logical step in the sales process.
When someone telegraphs behavior that indicates a possible underlying Hidden Issue, the salesperson must understand the cause or driver of the issue. Unless the issue is based on some irrational driver - like you remind her of her ex-husband - the cause is likely a feeling that she will somehow lose if she does business with you. She may, for example, fear that her superiors will criticize her decision to align with a sole service provider; or she may not want to spend an extra two hours a day away from her family as she works to implement your new internet strategy, though it will clearly benefit her company in the long run.
So, what can a salesperson do when confronted with a Hidden Issue? First, it is imperative to realize that your sale is permanently stalled unless the Hidden Issue is resolved. Wishing and hoping for Hidden Issues to disappear won't move your sale forward, and ignoring Hidden Issues will almost always result in a lost sale. Once you understand that your sale is stalled, it's time to deal with the Hidden Issue.
When you become aware that a Hidden Issue may exist, you must surface the issue if you want your sale to move forward. You can surface the issue by asking a question, or by making a statement. Using our example of the customer who resists your proposal because she doesn't want to spend an extra two hours a day away from her family while implementing your new internet strategy, you could ask her if the time required to complete the project is bothering her. The problem with this direct question approach is the danger that you might put your customer on the defensive. An alternative approach would be simply to make a statement, like "you seem to be uncomfortable with some aspect of the proposal." This type of statement declares the obvious and invites an expansive response from your customer.
However you choose to surface Hidden Issues, it's critical to learn to recognize them and to deal directly them as soon as you suspect they are playing a part in your sale. Once an issue is surfaced, you are in a position to suggest workarounds and alternatives that may help your prospect or customer overcome their resistance.
Hidden Issues

Steve Chriest is the CEO of Open Advance and author of Selling to the E-Suite, The Proven System for Reaching and Selling Senior Executives and Business Acumen 101. He recently re-named his company from Selling-Up. He produces video and radio blogs, as well as continues as a columnist for Leasing News.
Sales Makes It Happen Articles:

March 18th Luncheon Women in Leasing LinkedIn Group

The Women in Leasing LinkedIn Group would like to cordially invite you to our March luncheon at Parker’s Lighthouse in Long Beach, California, on Wednesday March 18th from 1:00pm – 3:00pm. The lunch is being co-sponsored by ECS Financial Services and Financial Pacific Leasing.
If you would like to attend please RSVP by March 9th to Shari Lipski at 847.897.1711 or via email
If you plan on attending the 2015 NEFA Finance Summit, the restaurant is within walking distance of the hotel.
Thank you and we hope you can make it!
Shari L. Lipski, CLP
ECS Financial Services, Inc.
##### Press Release ############################
ZRG Partners completes capital raise
to fuel continued growth

West Orange, NJ -- ZRG Partners, a fast growing global leader in executive search and talent management, has announced completing a significant capital raise with Northcreek Mezzanine to fuel continued growth. The investment includes preferred stock, common stock and subordinated debt. The new capital raised will allow the firm to continue the growth strategy to pursue additional strategic acquisitions that fit the long term plans for ZRG as well as attracting top billers from the retained search industry.
ZRG Partners has posted a five year 26.5% CAGR and for 2014, added another successful year with 30% year over year revenue growth. The company also completed a successful acquisition and integration of New Directions Search, a 30 year old retained search business in Wheaton, IL.

Larry Hartmann, CEO of ZRG Partners, commented, “The time is right to accelerate our pace of growth. We believe the best solution for clients is a mid-sized global firm that has the resources to support clients around the world, yet does not have the client conflict issues that make working with the legacy retained firms less than ideal. The market’s reaction to our data and analytics value proposition confirms we are right and will continue to invest in and hire the best and brightest to join our team and service our market niches”.

Rodger Davis, Managing Partner, of Northcreek Mezzanine related, “We focus on growth companies with great management teams and platforms that can scale and grow with a capital infusion. We felt ZRG’s data and analytics approach to hiring is disruptive and will drive continued growth in the business. We are excited to add them to our portfolio of investments”.
About ZRG Partners
ZRG Partners is a global executive search and human capital management firm founded on the principle that good information and process excellence are the cornerstones of any human capital decision. Last year, ZRG Partners completed searches in 33 Countries. ZRG operates globally with offices in the U.S., Europe and Asia Pacific.
About Northcreek Mezzanine
Northcreek Mezzanine makes creatively structured equity, mezzanine and senior debt investments in lower middle-market companies. They target companies with revenues between $15 million and $150 million with typical investments ranging from $2 million to $10 million. They are committed to working with management teams and business owners to create a capital structure that enables the business to execute its business plan and realize its goals.

### Press Release ############################
SBA Partners with NCUA to Expand Small Business
Lending Through Credit Unions
Joint Announcement with Head of SBA and NCUA Board Chairman
to Invest in America’s Entrepreneurial Potential

WASHINGTON– U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet and National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board Chairman Debbie Matz signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to invest in America’s entrepreneurial potential by expanding the accessibility of small dollar SBA loans from credit unions. By partnering together, the two groups will be able to increase awareness about SBA’s loan programs for credit unions and the NCUA.

Maria Contreras-Sweet
SBA Administrator
“A unique aspect of the SBA and NCUA partnership is that SBA small dollar loans do not count against credit unions’ business loan cap, so they are well suited to expanding access to these loans,” said SBA Administrator Contreras-Sweet. “This provides flexibility to credit unions to distribute small dollar loans, increasing access to capital to local economies and enriching the entrepreneurial communities which credit unions serve. Since 2011, the outstanding balance of SBA loans by credit unions has seen nearly a 50 percent increase - from $810 million to $1.2 billion. This signals a growing demand for SBA loan programs. Millions of Americans have used their credit union to finance their car, home or children’s education. We want to empower credit unions to finance small business start-ups, too.”
This partnership between the SBA and NCUA establishes a commitment to credit unions by helping them unlock their capacity to deliver SBA-guaranteed loans. The SBA is making small dollar loans a top priority in efforts to increase business lending and reach to underserved borrowers. Once a loan is approved, the SBA has a vast network of resource partners such as SCORE, Women’s Business Centers (WBCs), and Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs) to offer free counseling and technical assistance to help small business owners deploy their working capital and grow their businesses and revenues.

Debbie Matz
NCUA Board Chairman
“This is a tremendous opportunity for credit unions and small business owners,” NCUA Board Chairman Debbie Matz said. “SBA-guaranteed loans made by credit unions provide needed capital for existing small businesses and start-ups that might have difficulty obtaining loans from other institutions. With a significant portion of principal guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United States government, SBA loans rank among credit unions’ safest loans. There is a vast untapped capacity for credit unions to make more SBA loans. This initiative will help us unlock that capacity and put it to work for credit unions, their members and their communities.”
An additional benefit of this partnership is that it expands access to capital to encore entrepreneurs, individuals planning to start a business after earlier career endeavors. The average age of credit union members is 47 and the fastest-growing group of entrepreneurs consists of men and women age 50 and above, spurred by the low cost of starting a successful small business in the Internet age.
This MOU boosts access to capital to America’s 28 million small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. Access to capital is a fundamental pillar in starting and growing a business, therefore this announcement is one of the many ways SBA is bolstering its commitment to America’s small businesses and entrepreneurial potential.
As a champion for small businesses, Contreras-Sweet has made it a priority to engage smart, bold, and accessible partnerships to support and elevate our nation’s entrepreneurs.
About SBA
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation. We recognize that small business is critical to our economic recovery and strength, to building America's future, and to helping the United States compete in today's global marketplace. Although SBA has grown and evolved in the years since it was established in 1953, the bottom line mission remains the same. The SBA helps Americans start, build and grow businesses. Through an extensive network of field offices and partnerships with public and private organizations, SBA delivers its services to people throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands and Guam.
About NCUA
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the independent federal agency that regulates charters and supervises federal credit unions. With the backing of the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, NCUA operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), insuring the deposits of more than 95 million account holders in all federal credit unions and the overwhelming majority of state-chartered credit unions. For more information, check out
#### Press Release #############################
Australian Shepherd Mix
Carlsbad, California Adopt-a-Dog

3 Years old
Weight: 48.4 Pounds
Northern Region Shelter
My ID number is A1450247,
my neck tag number is N181, and
my kennel number is N013.
County of San Diego
Northern Region
2481 Palomar Airport Road
Carlsbad, CA 92011-1531
Hours at all County shelters are:
Tuesday through Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Closed Sundays, Mondays and Holidays
Adopt a Pet
Classified ads—Syndicator
Leasing Industry Outsourcing
(Providing Services and Products)
Outsource Lease Syndications
Add a capital markets independent contractor and offer world-class syndications (buy and/or sell) capability for commission-based compensation. 30+ Years’ experience with major lessors (BofA, Chase, Fleet, Verizon). Sales, underwriting, capital markets and executive background. Ivy League undergrad and MBA. Well known in industry. Impeccable references. or
(203) 652-1387
All "Outsourcing" Classified ads (advertisers are both requested
and responsible to keep their free ads up to date:
How to Post a free "Outsourcing" classified ad:

News Briefs----
Bernie Madoff payout reaches $7.2B
Restaurant: All Signs Say "Go"

--You May Have Missed It
Jon Stewart to leave ‘The Daily Show’ at the end of the year
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

13 Ways to Maintain Your Brain
Feed Your Mind to Prevent Disease
Winter Poem
Shortcut Through the Storm
by Robert Savino
There were too few roads.
There were too many motorists.
My choice was longer in distance,
but far less travelled.
I took a shortcut through the storm,
crawling over the black-iced asphalt,
too close behind Boyd’s black flower car,
in the dreary pitch of Ocean Parkway.
Storm clouds shifting and changing,
pass over, so low, engulf my presence.
I exit in an angel’s breath,
a winged spirit of the Great South Bay,
greeted by Moses at the foot of the bridge,
moments from home and the neon lights
of strip mall shops, that brighten the bus
stop at the corner of Oak Neck Road.
Minutes pass slowly within these hours.
Sounds of snow plows wake me from sleep.

Sports Briefs----
Seahawks general manager John Schneider says RB Marshawn Lynch mulling retirement
The Top 50 Greatest 49ers of All Time
A-Rod offers apology to Yankees

California Nuts Briefs---
Apple building big solar energy project in California

“Gimme that Wine”
Wine Consumers Thirsty for Other Beverages
Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot on the Rise in U.S.
North Coast vineyards yield record $1.45 billion crop
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1751- the first hospital to open in the United States was the Pennsylvania Hospital, opened in Philadelphia, PA, through the efforts of Benjamin Franklin and Dr. Thomas Bond. A temporary hospital was erected in 1751 in a private house on High ( now Market ) Street before the permanent building opened on February 11,1752. This was the first hospital to give free treatment to the poor and to offer humane treatment to the insane.
1790 -- Pennsylvania Society of Friends petition Congress to emancipate slaves.
1801- President elected by the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives started debating who would be president.. After the election of 1800, the electoral vote stood as follows: Thomas Jefferson 72, Aaron Burr 73, John Adams 65, Charles Cotesworht Pinckney 64, and John Jay 1. It was quite a debate, with Alexander Hamilton working behind the scenes to elected Thomas Jefferson. Hamilton detested Burr and his principals, who's dislike for each other led Aaron Burr to challenge him to a pistol duel on July 11, 1804. There were 35 ballots, all deadlocked as each state had one vote. On the 36th ballot, February 17, barely two weeks before a new president was to be inaugurated, Jefferson was elected President. Delaware and South Carolina cast blank ballots, with the result that the vote was 10 states for Jefferson and 4 for Burr. Aaron Burr was elected vice-president.
1805 --Sacajawea gives birth to Jean-Baptist Charbonneau while leading Lewis & Clark Expedition . Mother and son both were invaluable to the expedition. As hoped, Sacagawea's services as a translator played a pivotal role in securing horses from the Shoshone. Jean Baptiste's presence also proved unexpectedly useful by helping to convince the Indians the party encountered that their intentions were peaceful-no war party, the Indians reasoned, would bring along a mother and infant. When the Corps of Discovery returned east in 1805, Charbonneau, Sacagawea, and Jean Baptiste resumed the fur-trading life. Little is known of Sacagawea's subsequent fate, though a fur trader claimed she died of a "putrid fever" in 1812 at a Missouri River trading post. True to a promise he had made to Sacagawea during the expedition, Clark paid for Jean Baptiste's education at a St. Louis Catholic academy and became something of an adoptive father to the boy. A bright and charismatic young man, Jean Baptiste learned French, German, and Spanish, hunted with noblemen in the Black Forest of Germany, traveled in Africa, and returned to further explore the American West. He died in 1866 en route to the newly discovered gold fields of Montana.
1808 - Judge Jesse Fell experimentally burned anthracite coal to keep his Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania home warm on this winter day. He showed how cleanly and cheaply the coal burned as heating fuel. As a result, that area of northeast Pennsylvania would become an important coal mining area for generations. Those who came to the area to work the coal mines were called ‘coal crackers'.
1811- President Madison prohibits trade with Britain for 3rd time in 4 years. On June 1, 1812, he asked Congress to declare war. The young Nation was not prepared to fight; its forces took a severe trouncing. The British entered Washington and set fire to the White House and the Capitol. But a few notable naval and military victories, climaxed by Gen. Andrew Jackson's triumph at New Orleans, convinced Americans that the War of 1812 had been gloriously successful. An upsurge of nationalism resulted. The New England Federalists who had opposed the war--and who had even talked secession--were so thoroughly repudiated that Federalism disappeared as a national party.
1812 - Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry signed a law changing the state's electoral boundaries to ensure a Republican majority. One grotesquely shaped new district, described as looking like a salamander, results in the coining of the word gerrymander. The move gave rise to the term "gerrymandering."
1836--- Mount Holyoke Seminary, the first woman's college in the U.S. is chartered at South Hadley, Massachusetts.
1847-Birthday of Thomas Edison, American inventive genius and holder of more than 1,200 patents ( including the incandescent electric lamp, phonograph, electric dynamo and key parts of many now-familiar devices such as the movie camera, telephone transmitter, etc. ) Edison said, “ Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” His birthday is now widely observed as Inventor's Day. Born at Milan, Oh, and died at Menlo Park, NJ. Oct. 18, 1931.
1854-San Francisco Gas Company turned on first coal gas lamps tonight. The occasion was celebrated at a grand banquet at the Oriental Hotel. The gas illuminated 86 lamps and also the Metropolitan Theatre.
1856 - President Franklin Pierce warns "border ruffians' and the Free State men in Kansas to stop fighting. In May 1854 the Missouri Compromise, which ad stated that slavery would not extend above the 36'30" line was repealed in favor of Stephen Douglas' Kansas-Nebraska. Compromise which held that popular sovereignty in each territory would decide the slavery issue. Pro-slavery Missourians flooded into Kansas nd eventually there were two governments in Kansas Territory, each outlawing the other.
1861 - The US House unanimously passed a resolution guaranteeing noninterference with slavery in any state.
1882-Birthday of Joe Jordan, piano player, songwriter, Cincinnati, OH
1889-First Woman Episcopal Bishop. The presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, Bishop Edmond L. Browning, consecrated the reverend Barbara Clementine Harris a bishop of the Episcopal Church.
1899 - Perhaps the greatest of all arctic outbreaks commenced on this date. The temperature plunged to 61 degrees below zero in Montana. At the same time a "Great Eastern Blizzard" left a blanket of snow from Georgia to New Hampshire. The state of Virginia took the brunt of the storm, with snowfall totals averaging 30 to 40 inches.
1890 - President Benjamin Harrison orders 11 million acres of Sioux Reservation territory open for settlement. This will eventually lead to a revitalization movement known as the "Ghost Dance" that sprang up among the Sioux Indians of the western plains. These rituals held that an Indian Spirit soon would destroy the whites and return stolen lands. Federal troops will confront a band of Sioux-a non-violent group who had left the reservation fearful of being caught up in the Indian awakening-at Wounded Knee in the Dakota badlands. In this last battle waged on December 29, 1890, the U.S. Army massacred 150 Sioux men, women, and children; only 25 soldiers were killed. With the battle of Wounded Knee and the final distribution of Indian lands, the frontier era of American history had finally passed.
1899 -15ºF (-26ºC), Washington DC (district record)
1899 -61ºF (-52ºC), Montana (record low temperature in this century, lowest to date, January 20, 1954: -70 degrees, Rogers Pass) Perhaps the greatest of all arctic outbreaks commenced on this date. The temperature plunged to 61 degrees below zero in Montana. At the same time a "Great Eastern Blizzard" left a blanket of snow from Georgia to New Hampshire. The state of Virginia took the brunt of the storm, with snowfall totals averaging 30 to 40 inches.
1908-Birthday of Philip Dunne, American screenwriter and director Phillip Dunne, born at New York, NY. In 1947, he joined directors John Huston and William Wyler to found the Committee for the First Amendment which campaigned against the committee for the First Amendment, which campaigned against the “blacklisting” in Hollywood of anyone suspected of being a communist by the House Un-American Activities Committee. He was also a founder of the Screen Writers Guild. Dunne died June 2, 1992 at Malibu, CA.
1910-Birthday of singer, guitarist, arranger John Mills, Jr. (Mills Brothers ) Piqua, OH
1911—Emma Goldman is arrested in New York for distributing information on family planning (birth control.)
1913 -- IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) leads rubber strike in Akron, Ohio. The Akron Rubber Workers will do it again in 1936-37, at the General Tire Company of Akron, scene of the first sit-down strike in rubber. The first major strike, in 1913, represented an end of innocence. The action, which included workers from all of Akron's rubber shops, began after the introduction of machinery that made tires easier to build and resulted in lower piece rates for the workers. The strike was loosely directed by the Industrial Workers of the World, a radical group nicknamed the "Wobblies." It lasted more than five weeks. The workers made no gains -- they didn't even manage to shut down the rubber shops. The strike served chiefly to disillusion company executives.
1914-Birthday of guitarist Josh White, Greenville, SC
(he was one of my late father's favorite folksingers along with “Leadbelly” that I can remember his playing when I was very small, maybe five years old.)
1914-Birthday of song writer Matt Dennis. Wrote “Angel Eyes,” “Everything Happens to Me,” “Will You Still Be Mine?”
1916 -- Black feminist & civil-rights activist Flo Kennedy is born in Kansas City, Missouri. As a lawyer, Kennedy represented Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker and H. Rap Brown. In 1966, she founded the Media Workshop to confront racism in media & advertising. In 1972 she forms the Feminist Party and files an Internal Revenue Service complaint alleging that the Catholic Church violates tax-exempt requirements by spending money to influence political decisions. Kennedy describes herself (quote)"I'm just a loud-mouthed middle-aged colored lady . . .and a lot of people think I'm crazy. Maybe you do too, but I never stop to wonder why I'm not like other people. The mystery to me is why more people aren't like me." Died December 22,2000
1916- Emma Goldman, noted anarchist, is arrested for publically speaking about birth control. A New York state code forbade discussions of health matters in public... and doctors refused to do it in private.
1918-Birthday of country music publisher Wesley Rose. Wesley and his father Fred are credited with demolishing the barriers between pop and country music by successfully selling the songs of Hank Williams in the pop market. When Williams wrote "Cold, Cold Heart," Wesley Rose traveled from Nashville to New York to try to sell the song. The only person who would listen to him was Mitch Miller, director of pop music at Columbia Records. Miller gave the song to an aspiring young singer named Tony Bennett. Bennett's 1951 recording of "Cold, Cold Heart" sold a million copies. Wesley Rose died on April 26th, 1990.
1919 -- Seattle General Strike ends. Harvey O'Connor's sympathetic Revolution in Seattle remains the best book on this event.
Another perspective: Howard Zinn's People's History of the U.S. Seattle General Strike
1935-Birthday of singer Gene Vincent, whose full name was Vincent Eugene Craddock, born in Norfolk, Virginia. He was signed by Capitol Records as an answer to Elvis Presley, and his career was launched in 1957 with "Be Bop a Lula." Vincent is supposed to have written the song after reading a Little Lulu comic book. He had only two major hits, then began drinking heavily. A comeback attempt in the late '60s failed, and Gene Vincent died of a bleeding ulcer in October 1971. He was only 36.
1937 --United Auto Workers sit-down victory in Flint, Michigan, forcing General Motors to recognize them. The 40-day action at Fisher Body Plant Number One is the longest sit-down strike in history. Employees inside are protected by 5,000 armed workers circling the plant. After police tear-gas attacks, workers fight back with fire hoses. Gunfire wounds 13 workers, but the police are driven back. By the time the National Guard arrives, the strike spreads to GM plants across the nation.
1938-Larry Clinton Band with Bea Wain records “Martha.”
1939-Birthday of pop songwriter Gerry Goffin was born in New York City. Goffin has been the lyricist for dozens of pop, rock and soul hits, many of them written with Carole King, his former wife. Among the hits the duo wrote were "The Locomotion" for Little Eva, "Up on the Roof" for the Drifters and "One Fine Day" for the Chiffons. A note for trivia buffs - Little Eva was Goffin and King's babysitter at the time of her hit, 1963.
1940-Birthday of singer Bobby (Boris) Pickett, whose novelty "Monster Mash" was a number-one hit in 1962.*Ho5ewWHj7
1941-Birthday of Brazilian musician and singer Sergio Mendes.
1943 - General Eisenhower was selected to command the allied armies in Europe.
1944-Birthday of drummer Martin Drew, Northampton, England
1945-Yalta Agreement singed: President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin signed an agreement at Yalta, a Soviet city of the Black Sea in the Crimea. The agreement contained plans for new blows at the heart of Germany and for occupying Germany at the end of the war. It also called for a meeting in San Francisco to draft a charter for the United Nations.
1945--DAHLGREN, EDWARD C. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant (then Sergeant), U.S. Army, Company E, 142d Infantry, 36th Infantry Division. Place and date: Oberhoffen, France, 11 February 1945. Entered service at: Portland, Maine. Birth: Perham, Maine. G.O. No.: 77, 10 September 1945. Citation: He led the 3d Platoon to the rescue of a similar unit which had been surrounded in an enemy counterattack at Oberhoffen, France. As he advanced along a street, he observed several Germans crossing a field about 100 yards away. Running into a barn, he took up a position in a window and swept the hostile troops with submachine gun fire, killing 6, wounding others, and completely disorganizing the group. His platoon then moved forward through intermittent sniper fire and made contact with the besieged Americans. When the 2 platoons had been reorganized, Sgt. Dahlgren continued to advance along the street until he drew fire from an enemy-held house. In the face of machine pistol and rifle fire, he ran toward the building, hurled a grenade through the door, and blasted his way inside with his gun. This aggressive attack so rattled the Germans that all 8 men who held the strongpoint immediately surrendered. As Sgt. Dahlgren started toward the next house, hostile machinegun fire drove him to cover. He secured rifle grenades, stepped to an exposed position, and calmly launched his missiles from a difficult angle until he had destroyed the machinegun and killed its 2 operators. He moved to the rear of the house and suddenly came under the fire of a machinegun emplaced in a barn. Throwing a grenade into the structure, he rushed the position, firing his weapon as he ran; within, he overwhelmed 5 Germans. After reorganizing his unit he advanced to clear hostile riflemen from the building where he had destroyed the machinegun. He entered the house by a window and trapped the Germans in the cellar, where he tossed grenades into their midst, wounding several and forcing 10 more to surrender. While reconnoitering another street with a comrade, he heard German voices in a house. An attack with rifle grenades drove the hostile troops to the cellar. Sgt. Dahlgren entered the building, kicked open the cellar door, and, firing several bursts down the stairway, called for the trapped enemy to surrender. Sixteen soldiers filed out with their hands in the air. The bold leadership and magnificent courage displayed by Sgt. Dahlgren in his heroic attacks were in a large measure responsible for repulsing an enemy counterattack and saving an American platoon from great danger.
1946—Top Hits
Symphony - The Freddy Martin Orchestra (vocal: Clyde Rogers)
I Can't Begin to Tell You - Bing Crosby with the Carmen Cavallaro Orchestra
Let It Snow - Vaughn Monroe
Guitar Polka - Al Dexter
1948- U.S. Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall prayed: 'We ask Thee not for tasks more suited to our strength, but for strength more suited to our tasks.'
1950-- "Rag Mop" by The Ames Brothers hit #1©'DK7f
1953-Chris Connor, with the Stan Kenton Band, cuts “And the Bull Walked Around, Ole.”
1954—Top Hits
Oh! My Pa-Pa - Eddie Fisher
Make Love to Me - Jo Stafford
Young-at-Heart - Frank Sinatra
Bimbo - Jim Reeves
1956-- For his third appearance on CBS' Dorsey Brothers Stage Show, Elvis Presley is finally permitted to perform "Heartbreak Hotel."
1956-Birthday of jazz violinist Didier Lockwood, Calais, France
1958-The first African-American Woman hired as a flight attendant was Ruth Carol Taylor, a graduate nurse from Ithaca, NY, who made her first flight from Ithaca, New York City on Mohawk Airlines.
1960-Water Closet Incident: Jack Paar, then host of “The Tonight Show,” walked out of his late-night TV show on this date. The incident was prompted by NBC's censoring of a slightly off-color “water closet” joke the previous night. After a meeting with the network officials, Paar agreed to return to the show on March 7.
1961- Robert C Weaver sworn in as Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency with then highest federal post by a black
1962-Birthday of singer Sheryl Crow.
1962—Top Hits
Peppermint Twist - Joey Dee & The Starliters
Duke of Earl - Gene Chandler
Norman - Sue Thompson
Walk on By - Leroy Van Dyke
1963-The Beatles record "I Saw Her Standing There," "Boys," "Do You Want to Know a Secret," "There's a Place," "Twist and Shout" and other songs for their first British album, "Please Please Me" at EMI's Abbey Road studios in London. The session lasts 14 hours despite John Lennon's cold.
1964-- Fresh from their first appearance on CBS' Ed Sullivan Show, the Beatles leave for Washington, DC in a snow storm in order to give their first US live performance at the Washington Coliseum, with opening acts Tommy Roe, the Caravelles, and the Chiffons. Yet another press conference is given before the show. The performance -- "Roll Over Beethoven," "From Me to You," "I Saw Her Standing There," "This Boy," "All My Loving," "I Wanna Be Your Man," "Please Please Me," "Till There Was You," "She Loves You," "I Want to Hold Your Hand," "Twist and Shout," and "Long Tall Sally" -- is also filmed by CBS for closed-circuit broadcast; because of the stage setup, the band is forced to move its equipment three separate times in order to give everyone in the audience a chance to see them. Afterwards, the group head to a masked ball at the city's British Embassy and then back to their rooms at the Shoreham Hotel. During the party, an unidentified woman cuts off a lock of Ringo's hair without asking him. (Meanwhile, British PM Sir Alec Douglas-Home decides to cancel his trip to the ball for fear of being upstaged by the group.)
1966 - Willie Mays became the highest-paid baseball player in both leagues when he signed a two-year contract with the San Francisco Giants for an estimated salary of $130,000 a year.
1967--The Monkees saw their second album, "More of The Monkees" leap from position 122 to number 1. The Fabricated Four only provided the vocals and were backed by some of the finest studio musicians around, like Glen Campbell and Neil Sedaka. The L.P. contained the hits, "I'm a Believer" and "(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone" and was produced by Carole King, Carole Bayer Sager, Tommy Boyce and others. After being pressured by the press, The Monkees announced they'll play their own instruments on all future recordings.
1967--The Turtles release their biggest hit, "Happy Together", which will reach #1 in the US in March.
1968-The Bubble Gum music craze gets its start when "Simon Says" by The 1910 Fruitgum Company enters the US record charts, where it will reach number 4. Over the next year and a half, the group will have four more Top 40 hits.
1968 -Peggy Fleming wins Olympics figure skating gold medal, Grenoble, France.
1968 - In New York, the new 20,000 seat Madison Square Garden officially opened, making it the fourth arena to be named Madison Square Garden. The arena for sports and entertainment opened with a gala hosted by Bob Hope and Bing Crosby.
1969---BENNETT, THOMAS W. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, 2d Platoon, Company B, 1st Battalion, 14th Infantry. Place and date: Chu Pa Region, Pleiku Province, Republic of Vietnam, 9-11 February 1969. Entered service at: Fairmont, W. Va. Born: 7 April 1947, Morgantown, W. Va. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. Cpl. Bennett distinguished himself while serving as a platoon medical aidman with the 2d Platoon, Company B, during a reconnaissance-in-force mission. On 9 February the platoon was moving to assist the 1st Platoon of Company D which had run into a North Vietnamese ambush when it became heavily engaged by the intense small arms, automatic weapons, mortar and rocket fire from a well fortified and numerically superior enemy unit. In the initial barrage of fire, 3 of the point members of the platoon fell wounded. Cpl. Bennett, with complete disregard for his safety, ran through the heavy fire to his fallen comrades, administered life-saving first aid under fire and then made repeated trips carrying the wounded men to positions of relative safety from which they would be medically evacuated from the battle position. Cpl. Bennett repeatedly braved the intense enemy fire moving across open areas to give aid and comfort to his wounded comrades. He valiantly exposed himself to the heavy fire in order to retrieve the bodies of several fallen personnel. Throughout the night and following day, Cpl. Bennett moved from position to position treating and comforting the several personnel who had suffered shrapnel and gunshot wounds. On 11 February, Company B again moved in an assault on the well fortified enemy positions and became heavily engaged with the numerically superior enemy force. Five members of the company fell wounded in the initial assault. Cpl. Bennett ran to their aid without regard to the heavy fire. He treated 1 wounded comrade and began running toward another seriously wounded man. Although the wounded man was located forward of the company position covered by heavy enemy grazing fire and Cpl. Bennett was warned that it was impossible to reach the position, he leaped forward with complete disregard for his safety to save his comrade's life. In attempting to save his fellow soldier, he was mortally wounded. Cpl. Bennett's undaunted concern for his comrades at the cost of his life above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1970- 26.37 cm (10.38") of rainfall, Mt Washington, NH (state 24-hour record)
1970—Top Hits
Venus - The Shocking Blue
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Again)/Everybody is a Star - Sly & The Family Stone
I'll Never Fall in Love Again - Dionne Warwick
A Week in a Country Jail - Tom T. Hall
1970 - "Variety" reported this day that Walt Disney had secretly taken its movie, "Song of the South", out of circulation back in 1958. Originally released in 1946, the live-action/animated flick featuring Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit, Brer Bear, Uncle Remus and kids, Johnny and Ginny, won an Academy Award in 1947 for the song, "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah". James Baskett won an Oscar for his Uncle Remus role. "Variety" said "Song of the South" was pulled because of ...racist attitudes reflected in the Negro roles in the film.
1975 - The movie, "Shampoo", opened. Warren Beatty, Julie Christie, Goldie Hawn, Jack Warden, Lee Grant (who won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress), Tony Bill, William Castle and Howard Hesseman starred. And, making her film debut a year before "Star Wars" made her famous: Carrie Fisher.
1977--Clifford Alexander Jr. becomes the first Black Secretary of the Army.
1977- 20.2-kg lobster caught off Nova Scotia (heaviest known crustacean in this century. Settlers in the United States report catching 25lb lobsters off the coast of Maine and Massachusetts as “common.”) The first thanksgiving with the Indians was mainly fish and shellfish. Lobster was so common it was considered poor man's food and served indentures servants until they rebelled that they did not want it more than three times a week. 1978—Top Hits
Stayin' Alive - Bee Gees
(Love Is) Thicker Than Water - Andy Gibb
Just the Way You Are - Billy Joel
I Just Wish You Were Someone I Love - Larry Gatlin with Brothers & Friends
1978 -- "Longest Walk" begins, 300 Native Americans start march from Alcatraz, in San Francisco, California, to Washington D.C. Organized by American Indian Movement (Aim).
1978-Native Americans began The Longest Walk, a march from Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay to Washington, D.C. The Walk was intended to be a reminder of the forced removal of American Indians from their homelands across the continent, and drew attention to the continuing problems plaguing the Indian community, particularly joblessness, lack of health care, education and adequate housing.
1979- "Elvis," a biography of the late singer, was shown on ABC television. The program won the largest share of the audience in competition with the blockbuster films "Gone with the Wind" and "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" shown on the other networks.
1979 -Birthday of Brandy Norwood (Grammy Award-winning singer: The Boy Is Mine [w/Monica: 1999]; I Wanna Be Down, Baby, Best Friend, Brokenhearted, Sittin' Up in My Room, Never S-A-Y Never, Top of the World, Have You Ever?, Almost Doesn't Count, U Don't Know Me (Like U Used To), What About Us?)
1982 - ABC-TV's presentation of "The Winds of War", the miniseries, came to an end. The 18-hour miniseries totaled $40 million in production costs, and, to that time, was the most-watched television program in history; topping another ABC presentation, Alex Haley's "Roots". An estimated 140 million people watched one or more nights of the program.
1983- the Rolling Stones documentary, "Let's Spend the Night Together," directed by Hal Ashby, opens in New York during the city's heaviest snow storm this century. The Middle Atlantic Coast States and southern New England were in the midst of a major snowstorm. In Pennsylvania, the storm produced 21 inches at Philadelphia, 24 inches at Harrisburg, and 25 inches at Allentown, establishing record 24 hour totals and single storm totals for those locations. New York City received 22 inches of snow, and 35 inches was reported at Glen Gary, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia. Windsor Locks CT received a record 19 inches of snow in 12 hours. The storm resulted in forty-six deaths, thirty-three of which occurred when a freighter capsized and sank off the Maryland/Virginia coast. Heavy snow was reported from northeastern Georgia to eastern Maine.
1983--The Recording Industry Association of America awards Bob Seger his seventh consecutive US platinum award for the album, "The Distance"
1983 - The Middle Atlantic Coast States and southern New England were in the midst of a major snowstorm. In Pennsylvania, the storm produced 21 inches at Philadelphia, 24 inches at Harrisburg, and 25 inches at Allentown, establishing record 24 hour totals and single storm totals for those locations. New York City received 22 inches of snow, and 35 inches was reported at Glen Gary, located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of West Virginia. Windsor Locks CT received a record 19 inches of snow in 12 hours. The storm resulted in forty-six deaths, thirty-three of which occurred when a freighter capsized and sank off the Maryland/Virginia coast. Heavy snow was reported from northeastern Georgia to eastern Maine.
1985 - Kent Hrbek became the first Minnesota Twins player ever to sign a $1 million contract. As the Twins celebrated their 24th year as a franchise of the American League, the first baseman signed a five-year, $6-million pact.
1986-The Chicago Bears' "Super Bowl Shuffle" is certified gold.
1986—Top Hits
That's What Friends are For - Dionne & Friends
Burning Heart - Survivor
I'm Your Man - Wham!
Hurt - Juice Newton
1987 - Denver, CO, reported only their third occurrence of record of a thunderstorm in February. Ten cities in the north central U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date. Huron SD reported February temperatures averaging 19 degrees above normal. Williston ND reported readings averaging 24 degrees above normal for the month
1988 - Bitter cold air gripped the north central U.S. Morning lows of 35 degrees below zero at Aberdeen SD, Bismarck ND and International Falls MN were records for the date. Bemidji MN was, officially, the cold spot in the nation with a low of 39 degrees below zero, however, a reading of 42 degrees below zero was reported at Gettysburg SD. In the Northern High Plains Region, Baker MT warmed from 27 degrees below zero to 40 above.
1988 - Bitter cold air gripped the north central U.S. Morning lows of 35 degrees below zero at Aberdeen SD, Bismarck ND and International Falls MN were records for the date. Bemidji MN was, officially, the cold spot in the nation with a low of 39 degrees below zero; however, a reading of 42 degrees below zero was reported at Gettysburg SD. In the Northern High Plains Region, Baker MT warmed from 27 degrees below zero to 40 above.
1989-Future American Idol judge Paula Abdul enjoys the first of her six US number one hits with "Straight Up."
1989- The Rev. Barbara C. Harris, 55, of Boston, was confirmed as the first female bishop in the 450-year history of the Anglican Church. Harris has long advocated social change in the church and society. She's also a long-time member of the Union of Black Episcopalians, a group formed to promote the participation of blacks in the church and eradicate racism in society.
1989 - While much of the continental U.S. enjoyed sunshine and seasonable temperatures, a strong weather system over the Hawaiian Islands deluged Honolulu with 2.5 inches of rain. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
1990 - A winter storm produced up to ten inches of snow in Vermont, and up to nine inches of snow in Aroostook County of northeastern Maine. A three day snowstorm began to overspread Oregon, and the winter storm produced 29 inches of snow at Bennett Pass. Mild weather continued in the central U.S. La Crosse WI reported a record forty-seven consecutive days with temperatures above normal.
1990-Nelson Mandela, leader of movement for democracy in South Africa, released from prison after 27 years, a major sign of the changing times in the world toward segregation.
1990-- US male Figure Skating championship won by Todd Eldredge
1995-- US male Figure Skating championship won by Todd Eldredge
2000-Space Milestone: Endeavor Mapping Mission. This manned flight spent 11 days in space creating a 3_d map of more than 70 percent of the Earth's surface. It will be the most accurate and complete topographic map of the Earth ever produced.
2004 - North Dakota Governor John Hoeven declares a snow emergency as winds gusting over 70 mph along with heavy snow produces low visibilities and drifts up to 20 feet in northwestern North Dakota. Amtrak train service is interrupted in the region.
2006 - Snowfall records fell in Philadelphia and Allentown, Pennsylvania, Bridgeport and Hartford, Connecticut, Newark, New Jersey, and Worchester and Boston, Massachusetts. The highest total reported was 30.2 inches at Fairfield, CT. New York City set a record one-day snowfall record of 26.9 inches in Central Park.
2007-Artists who won awards at the 49th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles included Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, Peter Frampton, Tony Bennett, Stevie Wonder, George Benson and Ike Turner.

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