Monday, June 1, 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
182 Bank Officers Plus Investigated by SIGTARP
101 Convicted plus Sentenced to Prison
Position Wanted---Senior Management
Willing to Relocate for Right Position
Top Ten Stories May 26 - May 28
(Most Often Opened by Readers)
Element Financial Tearing Up the US Market-
Yes, Hudson is Here! And he has More Cash!
by Christopher Menkin
Hooray! U.S. "Problem Bank List" Down to 253
High was 2011: 888
Big Bank Domination Due to
the Amazing Decline in the Number of Banks
Leasing/Finance Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Top Rated Expanding Company
“Properly Bidding Farewell to Your Colleagues”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Interim Rent
Capital One Credit Card Agreement Allows it
to Personally Visit Borrower’s Home or Employment!
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
NACM Credit Managers' Index Modest Growth In May
Combined index Moved from 53.9 last month to 54.1
German Shepherd
Mission Viejo Animal Shelter, California Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Canada Economy has worst decline in almost 6 years
Oh, No!
GE Capital Former Heller-Antares Next Week
Expected Announcement of Sale
BofA Fined for Violations of Military Relief Law
$30 Million--Accounts of 73,000 military service members
Brian Williams May Lose Anchor Job But Remain at NBC News
Like Ann Curry?
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
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182 Bank Officers Plus Investigated by SIGTARP
101 Convicted plus Sentenced to Prison
Average Prison Sentence Nearly Double
National Average Sentence for White Collar Crime
Additionally, More Than $1.58 Billion Has Been
Recovered as a Result of SIGTARP Investigations

WASHINGTON, DC - The Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP) reports that courts have sentenced to prison 100 bankers, plus senior corporate executives, mortgage modification scammers, real estate developers, brokers, and other defendants for crimes related to TARP and investigated by SIGTARP.

Christy L. Romero
Special Inspector General
“182 times, SIGTARP held defendants committing TARP-related crime accountable,” said Christy Romero, Special Inspector General for TARP (SIGTARP. 182 times, SIGTARP protected taxpayers and other victims. 182 times, justice was served. 182 times, SIGTARP left TARP and the financial system safer than we found it. The story does not end here. As other convicted defendants we investigated await sentencing, we expect the number of prison sentences to rise. There is much more we can do and will do. And while investigations take time, trials take time, and sentencings take time, holding criminals accountable and deterring future crime is worth it and necessary for long-lasting recovery from the financial crisis.”
As of May 26, 2015, SIGTARP has produced the following results:
- Criminal convictions of 182 individuals, 101 already sentenced to prison while others await sentencing
- Criminal charges filed against 256 individuals, including 167 senior officers
- Civil charges filed against 66 individuals, including 52 corporate or senior officers, and 67 companies
- Orders temporarily or permanently banning 93 individuals from working in the banking or financial industry, working as a contractor with the federal government, or working as a licensed attorney
Prison sentences in SIGTARP cases average 63 months, nearly double the 37-month average sentence for white-collar crime, reflecting the complexity, damage, reach, and sophistication of the criminal schemes uncovered by SIGTARP together with law enforcement partners. Seventeen defendants (17 percent) investigated by SIGTARP were sentenced by courts to prison terms of 10 years or more.
Additionally, more than $1.58 billion has already been recovered as a result of SIGTARP investigations of crime and civil violations of the law related to TARP, as of May 26, 2015. $1.36 billion has been returned to the government, and $224 million has been returned to other victims. SIGTARP is actively working to secure additional recoveries from $7.4 billion in court orders and government agreements resulting from SIGTARP investigations. SIGTARP also saved $553 million in TARP funds from being lost to fraud investigated by SIGTARP at Colonial Bank.
Position Wanted---Senior Management
Willing to Relocate for Right Position

Each Week Leasing News is pleased, as a service to its readership, to offer completely free ads placed by candidates for jobs in the industry. These ads also can be accessed directly on the website at:
Each ad is limited to (100) words and ads repeat for up to 6 months unless the candidate tells us to stop. Your submissions should be received here by the end of each week.
Please encourage friends and colleagues to take advantage of this service, including recent graduates and others interested in leasing and related careers.
Senior-level leasing executive accomplished in sales, finance, operations and marketing. Seeking new opportunity to capitalize on my strategic, ideation, communication and analytical strengths to identify opportunities, formulate solutions and articulate strategies that inspire cross-functional teams to enhance corporate performance and shareholder value. Adept negotiator of multi-million dollar lease program agreements and contracts. Driver of increased sales productivity, incremental revenue, operating expense reductions and customer acquisition/retention. |
Top Ten Stories May 26 - May 28
(Most Often Opened by Readers)

(1) New Hires---Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(2) Warren Capital Ponzi Scheme Started 1987
Attorney/Receivership Fees Now Over $1.15 million
(3) Correction----Top Ten Stories May 18 - May 22
(Most Often Opened by Readers)
(4) The List---March, 2015
-- Mergers, Acquisitions & Changes
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"--
(5) True Story, I’m in Murphys, California
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(6) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
“Mid-year Marketing Shift”
(7) The List---April, 2015
-- Mergers, Acquisitions & Changes
"The Good, the Bad and the Ugly"-
(8) Letters?---We get eMail!
(Readers Reactions to News)
(9) Which States Finance the Most Equipment
California, Texas, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania
(10) Winner of the Ralph Mango Baseball Nickname Challenge
$25 Starbuck's Gift Certificate to...
Dale Atteberry, Vice-President, Systems Financial Credit
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigative
reporting provided by John Kenny)
Element Financial Tearing Up the US Market
Yes, Hudson is Here! And he has More Cash!
by Christopher Menkin
72% New Business Volume/71% Revenue US Market

In less than ten days after announcing they were going to raise $2.5 billion, Element Financial, Toronto, Canada announces their offering "raised gross proceeds of $2.78 billion and the Company intends to use the net proceeds of $2.72 billion from the Offering to fund future acquisitions." (1) Talk that the money would go toward a GE purchase of its railroad fleet was rampant, after all Element bought the Canadian operation.

Steve Hudson, CEO, Element Financial stated in the May 20, 2015 press release, "As we discussed on our recent first quarter conference call, the process of consolidation continues to accelerate in Element’s Fleet Management and Railcar verticals.“
“The proceeds from this offering, together with the available leverage capacity in our capital structure, will enable us to act on acquisition opportunities that meet our criteria for accretion and value creation for our shareholders.” (2)
In the May 13, 2015, announcement of the First Quarter Income of $133.7 million:
“During the first quarter, more than 72 percent of our new business volume and 71 percent of our financial revenue were derived from the US market,” said Mr. Hudson. “With 69 percent of our earning assets now domiciled in the US and the demand for capital equipment in this market expected to continue to show strength through the current fiscal year, we expect to exit 2015 with a portfolio of earning assets that is 75 percent weighted in favor of the US economy.” (3)
In an April 10, 2013 interview reported in Bloomberg Business:
“In many respects, what we’re doing now is what we did 15 years ago,” Hudson, 54, said in an interview at Bloomberg’s Toronto office. “There’s no new credit markets, we’re not creating anything.”
Bloomberg Business reports, "Hudson, who in 1984 parlayed a mortgage on his C$190,000 ($187,000) Toronto home into a firm that became North America’s second-biggest business lender, said he has 'zero' interest in tapping public markets again to sell repackaged leases.
“ 'That’s financial market heroin, I was there,' said Hudson, whose misstep with commercial paper clipped C$2 billion off Newcourt Credit Group Inc.’s market value before it was sold to CIT Group Inc. in 1999. 'That’s commercial paper and mid-term notes, it’s very seductive.
"Hudson’s strategy at Element Financial, whose management team includes former colleagues from Newcourt, is winning over investors. The stock has almost doubled since the company listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange in December 2011."

EFN: CN Three Year Chart 04/29/2015 Close $18.61
- Equity Closing Announcement May 29, 2-15
- Equity Announcement May 20, 2015
- 1st Quarter, 2015 Announcement
- Bloomberg Business April 10, 2013

(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for appraisals and equipment
valuations provided by Ed Castagna)
Hooray! U.S. "Problem Bank List" Down to 253
High was 2011: 888

The number of banks on the FDIC's Problem List fell from 291 to 253 during the first quarter. This is the smallest number of banks on the Problem List in six years. The number of problem banks was down 72 percent from the peak of 888 in the first quarter of 2011. Total assets of problem banks fell from $86.7 billion to $60.3 billion during the first quarter.
During the first quarter of 2015, a total of four banks failed which resulted in them being removed from the Problem Bank List. Since the number of problem banks declined by 38 during the first quarter, the remaining 34 institutions taken off the Problem Bank List were either acquired or experienced a financial recovery which allowed the FDIC to no longer classify them as problem banks.
A slowly improving economy combined with increased revenue, earnings, and loan growth has resulted in steady financial improvement in the banking industry.
"The banking industry continued to show gradual but steady improvement during the quarter," FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg said. "Revenue, earnings, and loan balances were up; asset quality continued to improve; and the number of banks on the 'Problem List' declined to the lowest level in more than six years. Nearly two-thirds of banks reported higher earnings than a year ago."
Of the 6,419 insured institutions in the first quarter of 2015, nearly two-thirds (62.7 percent) reported year-over-year growth in quarterly earnings. The proportion of banks that were unprofitable during the first quarter fell to 5.6 percent from 7.4 percent a year earlier.

Quarterly Earnings at Community Banks Rise 16 Percent: The 5,946 insured institutions identified as community banks reported $4.9 billion in net income in the first quarter, an increase of 16 percent from the first quarter of 2014. Net operating revenue of $21.5 billion at community banks was $1.7 billion (8.7 percent) higher than a year earlier.
Asset Quality Indicators Show Further Improvement: Net loan losses declined year-over-year for the 19th consecutive quarter, while noncurrent loan balances declined for a 20th consecutive quarter. Quarterly net charge-offs were $1.4 billion (13.2 percent) lower than a year earlier. The annualized net charge-off rate fell to 0.43 percent from 0.52 percent a year ago and was the lowest quarterly rate since the third quarter of 2006. The amount of loans and leases that were noncurrent (90 days or more past due or in nonaccrual status) declined $9.7 billion (6 percent) in the first quarter of 2015.
Big Bank Domination Due to
the Amazing Decline in the Number of Banks

"Mergers have now become the biggest factor contributing to the declining number of banks,” reports.
"Thousands of banks have also disappeared over the years after being swallowed up by big banks. With tougher financial regulations in the wake of the financial crisis and the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, many smaller banks simply cannot compete or afford to implement costly new financial regulations.
"Another factor contributing to the decline in the number of banks is a total collapse in the formation of new banks. Prior to the banking and housing crisis, hundreds of new banks were started each year. By comparison, there were exactly two new banks that opened for business since 2012.
"In 1990, there were 15,158 banking institutions in the United States compared to only 6,419 today – a startling decline of over 57 percent. If you think that there are fewer banking options today, you would be right. The 8,739 banks that simply disappeared since 1990 are gone forever leaving most of the industry controlled by 'too big to fail' banks which now dominate the industry.

In addition, more banks are acquiring leasing companies to enable them with a lower cost of money, which allows the entities to bring in profitable leases, loans, along with new consumer and commercial banking customers.

Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
An Outstanding Company
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
“Properly Bidding Farewell to Your Colleagues”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Q:I just accepted a new position … how do I properly bid farewell to my colleagues?
A: When accepting a new position, the first step is to give your two-week notice / resignation then to bid farewell to colleagues. If you are fired or laid off, though uncomfortable, it is still important to make coworkers aware of your situation (if appropriate, you can even request assistance). Make a note to reach out to your clients as well.
Those that you can’t speak directly with, especially clients, send personalized individual messages / letters / emails that are brief and to the point. Do not go into detail (positive or negative) about why you are leaving. To personalize your letter, mention projects you have worked on together or events you have enjoyed with each other. Include your contact information (e.g. your LinkedIn URL), so your co-workers can stay in touch.
Sample Farewell Letter
Dear Name,
Use the first paragraph to let your co-worker know that you are leaving the company. It’s fine to tell them what you will be doing (hold off on naming company until you are settled) and only include positive statements regarding your current employer.
In the second paragraph, thank your co-worker for all the support they have provided you.
The third paragraph should let your contact know where they can reach you. Include your personal email address and phone number.
In the last paragraph, reiterate your appreciation.
Yours truly,
Sample Employee Email Message
Subject Line: Name Career Update
Make sure you include
Contact for Samples and Templates
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns

(Terry retired January 1, 2015. To honor him and his many years of writing for readers of Leasing News, is repeating several of his columns that are still meaningful today. Here is June 6, 2011.)
Interim Rent
It was common for leasing and finance companies to request all payments be made on the first of each month. It was also common to issue payment coupon books all with payments due on the first of the month. It was originally was developed to support delinquency because it gave the firm thirty days to collect the payment. If the payment was not in by the twenty fifth, it became a thirty day delinquent account in five days. This procedure was driven by the bookkeeping systems of the day. Then it developed that either you gave away the income from moving the due date from the commencement date to the first of the next month, you had to charge the lessee for a whole month regardless. Most Lessees regarded this as not acceptable, and in addition, moved the due date not 30 days, but ten days after the payment was due. Often the late charge became an “extra profit.” Coupon books were abandoned and interim rent was born.
With modern bookkeeping, we are able to collect interim payments based on the number of days between commencement and the preferred due date.
This trend not only recouped the daily interest cost, but also earned a profit between principal and interest in this time period. In addition, to the actual date of the funding---check to vendor--- the interim rent could be full profit, depending on the start date and actual date the booking of the lease was complete, as the interim rate did not change the actual number of payments or reduce the days at the end. It is important to note that interim rent is not interest only like in a loan but extra rent and that is why it increases the yield so much.
Therefore additional rent on top of the total rent stream is collected, usually on the second invoice because the first invoice covers the first advanced payment and it usually comes with the signed acceptance prior to the computing of the interim amount.
I have seen abuses of the interim rent just like all parts of the lease contract. Now there seems to be leasing companies that start the rent payments as much as 90 days in the future to create a large interim payment that is usually not explained to the lessee until after signing the lease. (Companies, such as Balboa Capital, have charge Quarterly interim rent payments on Quarterly rent transaction, where their funding is actually in arrears so they yield an extra three months in addition to the interim rent. Editor)
Interim payments are part of the cost of a lease but rarely presented up front to the lessee. In some cases it is used to reduce the appearance of the rate when a long interim is required. It therefore becomes one of those hidden advantages used to be more competitive.
I believe we need competitive advantages but for some reason we rely on tricks and hidden charges. Therefore it is important to completely understand lease documentation and the timing of rent payments to determine your competitive position when proposing a lease arrangement. If a rate looks too low something in the transaction is not clearly understood.
Unless the transaction is a large lease, most lessees accept the interim rent payment as it is very common today to be included in the lease or finance contract.
First Federal is one of the few companies that
does not charge Interim Rent
Capital One Credit Card Agreement Allows it
to Personally Visit Borrower’s Home or Employment!
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor

Capital One Account Agreement Authorizes Personal Visits at Your Home, Your Office and to Phone You With a Disabled Caller ID.
There’s a knock at your door, and no it’s not the Fuller Brush man, it’s a Capital One collector. Not only can they visit your home, you may have authorized them to show up at your place of employment to see what’s in your wallet. I don’t advise bankers or lessors to include the following in their contracts as does Capital One in their agreement.
• Capital One or its agents may conduct personal, in-home visits. No time limit was placed in the agreement, but presumably, late night visits and telephone calls will still be barred under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
• Capital One may show up unannounced at your place of employment. Under the FDCPA, disclosure of a debt is a violation, so I question how often this provision will be used.
• Capital One may conceal or modify its caller identification signature on its phones to conceal the true identity of the caller. Many people screen calls, and I know when I see “Identity Blocked,” I will often let the call go to voice mail. This provision allows Capital One to designate a caller ID different than it really has (called spoofing) to trick the customer into picking up the phone.
• Capital One, or its agents, may email you. As you know, and as reported in Leasing News, there is a Federal law which prohibits mass emails and texts to consumers. This provision provides the customer’s consent for such activity.
A spokesperson for Capital One said the terms have been in contracts for years and that the bank does not visit cardholders' homes unless it is repossessing a vehicle. If that’s the case, why are those onerous provisions in the agreement?
How does this practice impact banking and leasing?
First, I have no quarrel with a lender or lessor being able to email the customer, and to provide advance consent to its agents downstream.
Second, the advance consent to visit the customer at his or her home or office seems a bit over-reaching to me, and seems to invite abuses of the provision, in violation of the FDCPA.
Third, spoofing is not per se illegal presently, but I suspect it was used in the past and Capital One may have added this as a response to a FDCPA lawsuit.
The bottom line is that some of these provisions may be right for certain high risk creditors, but probably not wise for the middle of the road banker or lessor.
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
### Press Release ############################
NACM Credit Managers' Index Modest Growth In May
Combined index Moved from 53.9 last month to 54.1

The May report of the Credit Managers’ Index (CMI) from the National Association of Credit Management (NACM) reflected a small increase this month. May’s combined index is back to 54.1, the same reading as recorded in February. While the reading is certainly respectable, most of last year saw a higher combined score—in the 56 range.

Chris Kuehl, Ph.D.
NACM Economist
“The word of the day seems to be ‘incremental,’” said NACM Economist Chris Kuehl, Ph.D. “There are still signs of growth and some stability. The problem is that there was an expectation of more by this time.”
The CMI index of favorable factors declined from 59.8 in April to 58.8 this month, and the index of unfavorable factors are at 50.9— just above the contraction zone. The good news, however, is the overall index is not as low as the 53.4 reading posted in March. The biggest drop this month in the combined sectors came in the sales category, slipping from 59.1 to 57.1—the lowest it has been in the last two years. “This suggests that there remains a lot of caution among consumers and business buyers alike—something that has been reinforced by the durable goods data of late,” said Kuehl.
In the index of unfavorable factors, accounts placed for collection and dollar amount beyond terms both exited the 40s and got back into the expansion zone.
“The year-over-year trend is slightly off and is closer to the contraction zone than it has been,” said Kuehl. “There is no imminent danger of sliding under 50 anytime soon, but by the same token there will be little flirting with the 60s either.”
For a full breakdown of the manufacturing and service sector data and graphics, view the complete May 2015 report at
CMI archives may also be viewed on NACM’s website at
NACM, headquartered in Columbia, Maryland, supports more than 15,000 business credit and financial professionals worldwide with premier industry services, tools and information. NACM and its network of affiliated associations are the leading resource for credit and financial management information, education, products and services designed to improve the management of business credit and accounts receivable. NACM’s collective voice has influenced federal legislative policy results concerning commercial business and trade credit to our nation’s policy makers for more than 100 years, and continues to play an active part in legislative issues pertaining to business credit and corporate bankruptcy. NACM's annual Credit Congress & Exposition conference is the largest gathering of credit professionals in the world.
#### Press Release #############################
German Shepherd
Mission Viejo Animal Shelter, California Adopt-a-Dog

Apollo Creed
Neutered Male
Black and Tan
1 year old
Has been at shelter since May 11, 2015
For more information about this animal, call:
Mission Viejo Animal Shelter at (949) 470-3045
Ask for information about animal ID number A161559
Mission Viejo Animal Shelter
28095 Hillcrest
Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Phone Number: (949) 470-3045
Fax Number: (949)470-9140
Adopt a Pet

News Briefs----
Canada Economy has worst decline in almost 6 years
Oh, No!
GE Capital Former Heller-Antares Next Week Expected Announcement of Sale
BofA Fined for Violations of Military Relief Law
$30 Million--Accounts of 73,000 military service members\
Brian Williams May Lose Anchor Job But Remain at NBC News
Like Ann Curry?
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)

--You May Have Missed It
Intel Reportedly Will Offer $17 B for Chip Designer Altera
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

Garlic: The Big Flavor with Benefits
Behind Garlic's Bold Taste is a Healthy Nutritional Profile
Baseball Poem
Written by Don Angel © in 08-1997 |
Published: Baseball Almanac (08-2003) |
The sun is shining bright
No clouds are in sight
Pitching would be the key
Innings one, two and three
Inning four
Visitors strike a 1-0 score
Inning five
Bats come alive
Eight batters would come to the plate
Three runs being the fate
Being down by four
The home team needs to score
A single to left
Eyeing a base running threat
The pitcher's attention is slow
So off to second the runner goes
On the catcher's attempted throw
Sailing into the shortstop to low
Line drive up the middle
Another run is whittled
As a result of a homerun
Now entering the sixth, down one
Visitors still winning
Sixth, seventh and eighth inning
At the start of inning nine
It is up to the relief to shine
A strikeout of the side
Brings the bottom of the ninth in stride
As the closer comes into put out the fire
Team members are asked to show their desire
The batter takes his stance
Giving the third base coach a glance
Three balls, two strikes
Hoping for one he likes
An umpire's call
"A ball"
First base on a walk
Second base on a balk
With runner intact, the crowd reacts
When a feared slugger comes to bat
Wishing for a seventh game remembrance
Broadcasters giving those not in attendance
"It's a long fly,
and Aloha, means good-bye"! |

Sports Briefs----
Europe should consider World Cup boycott, U.K. minister says
Johnny Manziel harassed at golf tournament; no charges filed
Atlanta Falcons player accused of killing ex-girlfriend’s dog
49ers will re-sod Levi's Stadium more than usual next season

California Nuts Briefs---
Lost San Francisco landmarks that still exist
in the movies

“Gimme that Wine”
California Senate committee passes bill making well data public
Napa Valley Grand jury wants more winery audits
Biggest Storm On Earth Hits New Zealand
Château Latour Plays the Long Game for Bordeaux
Free Mobile Wine Program
Wine Prices by vintage
US/International Wine Events
Leasing News Wine & Spirits Page

This Day in American History
1540 - The first settlement in America in continuous habitation is the mountain village of Acoma, NM; first settled in the 11th century by Indians from nearby Enchanted Mesa. Francisco Vaques de Coronado's army visited Acoma in the year 1540 and became the first white man to enter Sky City. He described Acoma as: "One of the strongest ever seen because the city was built on a high rock. The ascent was so difficult that we repented climbing to the top. The houses are three and four stories high. The people are of the same type as those in the province of Cibola (Zuni) and they have abundant supplies of maize, beans and turkeys like those of New Spain"
1586 - After a surprise raid on the village the night before, Ralph Lane and English garrison murder the Indian chief Pemisapan, behead and mutilate his corpse, announcing "Christ our Victory" as they lay siege to Dasemunkepeac. This was in retaliation to Pemisapan trying to organize the Indians against the European way of life. When Sir Walter Raleigh returns to the area, he finds the white settlement has “vanished.” They state in their journals they don't know why. Other patriot chiefs such as King Phillip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, Sitting bull, et al, will suffer similar fates, as the pattern is set. The citing of journals that follow is fascinating. The Indian population of what was to become the U.S. was about 1,000,000 when European exploration began. Pioneer groups of European colonists were small. They entered regions with sparser populations and more fluid cultures, bringing with them diseases unknown to the area, perhaps the main killer of the Indian population. In retrospect, the first decade of the seventh century was the twilight of aboriginal Indian life.
1638 - The first earthquake in the US to have been recorded and described in writing occurred at Plymouth, MA, at 2 PM. Governor William Bradford described the event in his History: “... it was very terrible for ye time; and as ye men were set talking in ye house, some women and others were without ye doors, and ye earth shooke with ye violence as they could not stand without catching hold of ye posts . . . but ye violence lasted not long. And about halfe an hower, or less, came an other noyse & shaking, but neither so loud nor strong as ye former, but quickly passed over, and so it ceased.”
1657 – The first Quakers arrived in New Amsterdam.
1660 - Mary Dyer, American colonial-British Quaker convert whose conscience forced her back to Boston in spite of official warnings, was arrested and hanged for teaching a religious belief other than those approved by the Puritan church leaders. While the history books state religious groups came to American to escape persecution, quite the opposite is true. They came here as missionaries to reform the American Indians and did not accept religious practices except their own. Mary Dyer was executed under the strict anti-Quaker laws enacted by the very same people who came to the "New World" for religious freedom. Dyer's hanging was not part of the witchcraft panic that gripped Salem, Massachusetts later.
1774 – The British government ordered the closure of the Port of Boston.
1779 - The court-martial of Benedict Arnold convenes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The West Point surrender was also foiled when an American Colonel ignored Arnold's order not to fire on an approaching British ship. Arnold's defection was revealed to the Americans when British officer John André, acting as a messenger, was robbed by AWOL Americans working as pirates in the woods north of New York City. The notes revealing Arnold's traitorous agreement were stashed in his boots. Arnold and his wife Peggy, who fooled American officers into believing she had no involvement in the betrayal, escaped to New York City. At the British surrender at Yorktown, Benedict Arnold was burned in effigy and his name has since become synonymous with traitor. The British didn't treat him very well after the war either. After prevailing in a libel action, he was awarded only a nominal amount because his reputation was already so tarnished. He died in 1801 and was buried in England without military honor.
1789 – The first congressional act, on administering oaths, became law.
1792 - Kentucky became the 15th State of the Union. Since its name is an American Indian word for "great meadow", it is fitting that Kentucky's nickname is the Bluegrass State, and its flower is the goldenrod. The official state bird is the cardinal. The capital of Kentucky is the city of Frankfort.
1794 - Protected by a French fleet, a large convoy of US ships carrying provisions to famine-stricken France is encountered by a British fleet under Admiral Sir Richard Howe. Although Howe defeats the French, the US convoy is able to escape safely during the heat of the battle.
1796 - Tennessee officially became the 16th state. Tennessee had already begun to earn its nickname, the Volunteer State, as it sent large numbers of volunteers to fight in the American Revolution. The tradition continued for the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the Civil War. The country-music capital of the world, Nashville, is also the governmental capital of Tennessee. The state's official flower is the iris, its bird, the mockingbird.
1796 – The last of Britain's troops left the US.
1801 - Brigham Young (1801-77), Mormon Church leader, was born at Whittingham, VT. Known as “the American Moses,” he led thousands of religious followers across 1,000 miles of wilderness to settle more than 300 towns in the West. He was survived by 17 wives and 47 children. Utah observes, as a state holiday, the anniversary of his entrance into the Salt Lake Valley, July 24, 1847.
1808 – The first land grant university was founded, Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.
1812 – President James Madison asks the Congress to declare war on the Great Britain.
1813 - The U.S. Navy gained its motto as the mortally wounded commander of the U.S. frigate "Chesapeake", Captain James Lawrence (b. 1871) was heard to say, "Don't give up the ship!", during a losing battle with a British frigate "Shannon"; his ship was captured by the British frigate. Oliver Hazard Perry honored his dead friend Lawrence when he had the motto sewn onto the private battle flag flown during the Battle of Lake Erie, 10 September 1813.
1831 – Confederate Gen. John Bell Hood (1831-79) was born in Owingsville, KY.
1833 – John Marshall Harlan, (1833-1911) was born in Harrodsburg, KY. He was an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and he is best known for his role as the lone dissenter in the Civil Rights cases in 1883 and Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), which, respectively, struck down as unconstitutional federal anti-discrimination legislation and upheld southern segregation statutes. These dissents, among others, led to his nickname of "The Great Dissenter".
1843 - Sojourner Truth (c. 1797–1883) begins her travels as an abolitionist speaker. Truth was born Isabella Baumfree into slavery in Swartekill, New York, but escaped with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. Her best-known speech on racial inequalities, "Ain't I a Woman?" was delivered extemporaneously in 1851 at the Ohio Women's Rights Convention.
1850 - "San Francisco Daily Herald" began publication. Available for viewing on microfilm at the University of California in Berkeley.
1851 - In San Francisco, a horse-drawn omnibus, which means bus for all the people, began running between California Exchange and Mission Dolores.
1852 - Publication of a manual of the corporation of the city of San Francisco containing a map of the city, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, the constitution of the state of California, the charters of the city, the revised ordinances still in force, and certain laws relating particularly to the city of San Francisco.
1861 - John Quincy Marr of Warrenton, VA, commander of the Warrenton Rifle Guards, designated Company K of the 17th Virginia Infantry Regiment, was the first Confederate officer killed in the Civil War, in a skirmish at Fairfax Court House, VA. Marr was actually a lieutenant colonel, having been commissioned on May 2, 1861, but his letter of commission from Governor John Letcher had not been delivered to him. This was the first land battle of the war.
1861 – Mail exchange between the US and the Confederacy ceased.
1862 - General Robert E. Lee was appointed commander of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, after Gen. Joe Johnston was injured in Seven Pines. Slavery was abolished in all US possessions.
1868 - The Treaty of Basque Redondo was signed, allowing the Navajos to return to their lands in Arizona and New Mexico. A presidential commission of Samuel F. Tappan, Generals William Tecumseh Sherman, William S. Harney, Alfred H. Terry, and C. C. Augur and several prominent civilians was formed by President Andrew Johnson in 1867. The Commission negotiated with several tribes in the Plains during 1867-1868, as well as other native tribes in the Southwest. Tappan and Gen. Sherman were the two commission members who finalized the Navajo Treaty of Basque Redondo that ended the Basque Redondo reservation fiasco and gave the Navajos their native lands once again.
1868 – The Texas Constitutional Convention formed in Austin.
1869 – Thomas Edison patented the voting machine.
1880 – The first pay telephone was installed.
1890 – “The Wizard of Oz”, Frank Morgan (1890-1949), was born Francis Phillip Wuppermann in New York City.
1890 - The first census compiled by machines, using Herman Hollerith's tabulating machine, was the 1890 census, which recorded a population of 62,979,766, announced only six weeks after processing. The United States census of 1890 showed a total of 248,253 Native Americans living in America, down from 400,764 Native Americans identified in the census of 1850.The 1890 census announced that the frontier region of the United States no longer existed, and that the Census Bureau would no longer track the westward migration of the U.S. population. Up to and including the 1880 census, the country had a frontier of settlement. By 1890, isolated bodies of settlement had broken into the unsettled area to the extent that there was hardly a frontier line.
1898 - Molly Picon’s (1898-1992) birthday, born Małka Opiekun in NYC. She was an actor and singer, the star of New York Yiddish Theater. Known as the Sweetheart of Second Avenue, she projected a light, charming character with a great sense of humor.
1899 - The annual parade of "New York's Finest" was filmed in Union Square.
1901 - The first motorcycle powered by a gasoline engine was demonstrated in a hill-climbing exhibition. It was manufactured in Springfield, MA, by George M. Hendee, who formed the Hendee Manufacturing Company, which began to market the Indian motorcycle. Previously, motorcycles had been ordinary bicycles to which motors were attached. Three motorcycles were built in 1901. The following year, production was increased to 143. The motors were made by the Aurora Machine Company, Aurora, IL, and were mounted to the motorcycle frames in Springfield.
1903 - A strong tornado just 50 to 75 yards in width killed many persons around the Gainesville, GA Cotton Mill. The tornado strengthened and widened near the end of its four mile path, killing 40 persons at New Holland, GA. A total of 104 persons were killed in the tornado.
1906 - Women appeared at the Polo Grounds ticket windows for a Major League game for the first time. Coincidentally, new ticket-selling machines were also introduced.
1908 - John Krohn decided to take a walk around the United States - with his wheelbarrow! He completed the walk around the perimeter of the U.S. in 357 days. He walked 9,024 miles, went through 11 pair of shoes, 112 pair of socks, five wheels for his trusty wheelbarrow and never walked on Sunday.
1910 - The St. Louis Cardinals’ leadoff hitter, Miller Huggins, had no official at bats in six plate appearances, the first time this ever happened in Major League history. Huggins walked in his first three at-bats, hit a sacrifice fly and a sacrifice bunt in the next two, and walked with the bases loaded in the eighth inning to drive in the lead run. At the end of the season, Huggins will lead the National League with 116 walks.
1911 - The first group life insurance policy was written for 121 employees of the Pantasote Leather Company of Passaic, NJ, by agent William J. Graham of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Each employee was given insurance protection amounting to a year's salary and a funeral benefit of $100.
1915 - Country singer Johnny Bond (1915-78) was born in Enville, Oklahoma. He is best known as the composer of "Hot Rod Lincoln," a hit for both Bond and Charlie Ryan in 1960, and for Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen in 1970. Bond also appeared in more than 50 movies. And in the less-enlightened days of the 1950's and '60s, he wrote a series of comic songs about drunkenness, the most famous of which is "10 Little Bottles."
1916 - Pacific Coast longshoremen strike.
1916 – Louis Brandeis became the first Jew appointed to the US Supreme Court when the Senate confirmed his appointment.
1917 – Hank Gowdy of the Boston Braves became the first baseball player to enlist for World War I. He also fought in World War II.
1919 - Birthday of singer/pianist Lafayette Leake (1919–1990), Winona, MO.,,457357,00.html
1920 - WEB DuBois, civil right activist and educator, awarded Spingarn Medal. The Spingarn Medal is awarded annually by the NAACP for outstanding achievement by an African-American.
No. 27 here:
1921 - More than 300 killed in race riot in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The black community of Greenwood is destroyed by a white mob, which murdered many and burned down nearly the entire area, destroying over 1,000 homes and businesses in a 35 block area. No one was ever charged with any wrongdoing, no reparations were ever made and accounts of the riot were literally cut out of the newspaper archives as Tulsa (read "white" Tulsa) tried to erase accounts and memories of the events...
1921 - Composer and arranger Nelson Riddle (1921-85) was born in Oradell, New Jersey. Well-known as an orchestrator for such singers as Frank Sinatra and Linda Ronstadt, Riddle also had several hits under his own name, including the 1956 million seller "Lisbon Antigua" as well as his musical theme for the TV show “Route 66.”
1922 - Birthday of Ray Knighton, who in 1954 founded the Medical Assistance Program (MAP International) in Chicago.
1923 – For the first time this century a team scored in every inning. The New York Giants beat the Philadelphia Phillies in the Baker Bowl, 22 - 8.
1924 - Alto-Clarinet player Hal McKusick born Medford, Mass.
1924 - Birthday of drummer Herbie Lovelle, New York City, NY
1925 – Lou Gehrig of the Yankees took over for Wally Pipp in the first game of what would become 2,130 consecutive games played. This streak was the game’s longest until the Orioles’ Cal Ripken voluntarily ended his 17-year streak at 2,632 games in 1998. Pipp had been the Yanks’ 1B since 1915 and he led the American League in HRs in 1916 and 1917. According to the most popular version of the story, Pipp showed up that day with a severe headache, and asked the team's trainer for two aspirin. Manager Miller Huggins noticed this, and said "Wally, take the day off. We'll try that kid Gehrig at first today and get you back in there tomorrow."
1926 - Marilyn Monroe's (1926-62) birthday, born Norma Jean Mortensen or Baker at Los Angeles. American actress and sex symbol of the '50s. She had an unstable childhood in a series of orphanages and foster homes. Her film career came to epitomize Hollywood glamour. In 1954, she wed Yankee legend "Jolting Joe" DiMaggio, but the marriage didn't last the year. Monroe remained fragile and insecure, tormented by the pressures of Hollywood life and the alleged affairs with the Kennedys – Jack and Robert. Her death from an overdose at Los Angeles shocked the world and remains a topic among conspiracy theorists. Among her films: “The Seven Year Itch”, “Bus Stop”, “Some Like It Hot”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “The Misfits”. In 1999, Monroe was ranked as the sixth-greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute. In the decades following her death, she has often been cited as both a pop and cultural icon as well as the quintessential American sex symbol. In 2009, TV Guide Network named her No. 1 in Film's Sexiest Women of All Time.
1926 – Andy Griffith (1926-2012) was born in Mt. Airy, NC. He was a Tony Award nominee for two roles, and gained prominence in the starring role in Elia Kazan’s film “A Face in the Crowd” (1957) before he became better known for his television roles, playing he lead character in the 1960–1968 “The Andy Griffith Show” and in the 1986–1995 “Matlock”.
1927 – The Peace Bridge between the US and Canada opened. At the east end of Lake Erie at the source of the Niagara River, about 12 miles upriver of Niagara Falls, it connects the Buffalo, NY and Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada.
1934 - Singer Pat Boone’s birthday in Jacksonville, FL. During the 1950s he was considered the second most popular singer after Elvis Presley. Also an actor (“State Fair” and “Journey to the Center of the Earth”) and author. At his peak in the late 1950's, Boone was considered a rock 'n' roller, a sort of sanitized, parent approved alternative to Elvis Presley. The first of his more than 50 chart records came in 1955, a cover version of Fats Domino's "Ain't That a Shame." Boone's record went to number one while Domino's version made it only to number 16. Among his hits: “April Love”, “Speedy Gonzalez”, “Love Letters in the Sand”. Pat Boone became one of the all-time biggest selling pop singers, and from 1957 to 1960 had his own network television series. His daughter, Debby Boone, had a number one record in 1977 with "You Light Up My Life."
1934 - Heavy rain which began on December 30th led to flooding in the Los Angeles Basin area of California. Flooding claimed the lives of at least 45 persons. Walls of water and debris up to ten feet high were noted in some canyon areas. Rainfall totals ranged up to 16.29 inches at Azusa, with 8.26 inches reported in Downtown Los Angeles.
1936 - Birthday of Sandra Scoppetone in Morristown, NJ. Writer of mysteries featuring Lauren Laureno, Lesbian private eye who has a wonderful view of New York City. Her conversations with the natives are priceless.
1938 - The first issue of the comic book "Superman" appeared in newsstands throughout the country in Action Comics #1, published by National Allied publications, a corporate predecessor of DC Comics, on April 18, 1938 (cover-dated June 1938). "Superman" was created by two Cleveland teenagers: Jerome Siegel and Joseph Shuster. Originally a newspaper comic strip, Superman was changed to a booklet format to immediate acclaim. It became a movie and one of the first television series hits. The story idea came from Jerry Siegel in a dream he had about the baby, Moses, who was abandoned by his parents in order that his life be saved. This dream prompted Siegel's creation of the ‘Man of Steel'. Artist Joe Shuster made the comic book hero come alive. The first story, in this first issue, took place on the planet, Krypton, where baby Kal-El was born. The infant was shot to Earth in a rocket just before Krypton exploded.
1938 - Batters wore protective baseball helmets for the first time. Helmets were brought into use in a game between the Springfield Greys and the House of David in New York City.
1938 – Morgan Freeman was born in Memphis. Freeman has received Academy Award nominations for his performances in “Street Smart”, “Driving Miss Daisy”, “The Shawshank redemption”, and “Invictus”. He won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar in 2005 for “Million Dollar Baby”.
1938 – The first televised boxing match saw Lou Nova defeat Max Baer.
1941 – 12.59” of rain fell on Burlington, KS, the state record.
1944 - Top Hits
Long Ago and Far Away - Helen Forrest & Dick Haymes
I'll Get By - The Harry James Orchestra (vocal: Dick Haymes)
I'll Be Seeing You - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Frank Sinatra)
Straighten Up and Fly Right - King Cole Trio
1945 – Birthday of Linda Scott, born Linda Joy Sampson in Queens. Her biggest hit was the 1961 million-selling single, "I’ve Told Every Little Star" which reached #3.
1947 - Guitarist Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones was born in London. A veteran of the Jeff Beck Group and Faces, Wood was chosen by the Stones to replace Mick Taylor in 1974. Wood was also a member of Keith Richards's New Barbarians, the group that shared billing with the Rolling Stones at a free concert for the blind in Oshawa, Ontario in April 1979. The concert was in lieu of a jail sentence for Richards, who had been convicted of possession of heroin.
1949 - Subscribers to "Newsweek" magazine were offered microfilm copies of the magazine for the first time. The weekly publication cost $15 a year.
1949 - A six day blizzard began over the Northern Rockies and the Great Plains. The storm produced the most adverse weather conditions in the history of the west.
1950 - Birthday of singer Charlene (Charlene D’Angelo) in Hollywood, Ca.;_ylt=
1952 - Top Hits
“Kiss of Fire” - Georgia Gibbs
“Blue Tango” - The Leroy Anderson Orchestra
“Be Anything” - Eddy Howard
“The Wild Side of Life” - Hank Thompson
1954 – Pittsburgh Pirates scout, Clyde Sukeforth, who was Jackie Robinson’s first manager, discovered Montreal Royals outfielder Roberto Clemente. Sukeforth was the Pirates' pitching coach on special assignment in Richmond to scout newly-demoted Dodger hurler Joe Black. Unfortunately for the Dodgers, the first thing Sukeforth saw was Clemente. As Sukeforth will later tell The Sporting News, "I saw Clemente and forgot all about Black. I arrived at the Richmond ball park just in time to see the pre-game workout. I saw Clemente throwing from the outfield and I couldn't take my eyes off him. Later in the game he was used as a pinch-hitter and I liked his swing. I started asking questions and learned he was a bonus player and would be eligible for the draft. Since the Pirates had first choice, I knew this would be our man."
1956 - Doris Day signed a five-year recording contract with Columbia Records worth $1 million. By late June, "Whatever Will Be, Will Be (Que Sera, Sera)” entered the charts and eventually climbed to number 2 for a three week stay.
1957 - At the Pacific Amateur Athletic Union Meet at Stockton, CA, Don Bowden of the University of California became the first American to break the four minute mile in the time of 3 minutes 57.7 seconds.
1957 - Sam Cooke records "You Send Me" at Radio Recorders Studio in Los Angeles. The song will rise to the top of the US chart next December and become the first of Cook's 29 Billboard Top 40 hits.
1959 - Johnny Horton's "The Battle of New Orleans" hits #1
1959 - Columbia Records' "Johnny's Greatest Hits" celebrated a full year at the top of the album charts. The LP continued to stay at or near the top of the charts for several more years. The album became the album leader of all-time after 490 weeks. Johnny Mathis went on to have an LP on the charts nearly every year for over three decades.
1960 - The popular and enigmatic British mini-series, "The Prisoner," aired for the first time in US television. Starring Patrick McGoohan as a secret agent held against his will in a remote, controlled environment known as the Village, "The Prisoner" was one of TV's most imaginative series. In both the US and England, “The Prisoner” became an instant cult series. "The Prisoner" was one of the most imaginative shows on TV, regarded by some as the finest dramatic series in TV history. Patrick McGoohan, who produced and starred in the series, also wrote and directed some episodes. In the series, McGoohan found himself in a self-contained community known as "the village" where he was referred to, not by name, but as Number 6. Number 6 realized he was a prisoner, and spent most of the series trying to escape or to learn the identity of the leader, Number 1. In the last episode, he learned that he was Number 1.
1960 - The first parking meter enforcement division of a police department was appointed by Mayor Robert F. Wagner of New York Ci9ty. The “meter maids” underwent about two weeks of training and received salaries ranging from $3,150 to $4,830 a year. The first summons was issued on June 6, 1960.
1960 - Top Hits
“Cathy's Clown” - The Everly Brothers
“He'll Have to Stay” - Jeanne Black
“Paper Roses” - Anita Bryant
“Please Help Me, I'm Falling” - Hank Locklin
1961 - Experimental FM stereo is heard for the first time in the New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Schenectady, NY markets.
1963 - Four weeks after it entered the Billboard chart, 17 year old Lesley Gore's "It's My Party" hit the number one spot and stayed there for 2 weeks. It was a song that was chosen for her by Quincy Jones, then a staff producer for Mercury Records, who had seen her sing for the first time just a few weeks earlier. She became one of the youngest solo female artists in music history to top the charts.
1963 - 531, including NAACP Executive Secretary Roy Wilkins, arrested at a peaceful civil rights march in Jackson, Mississippi.
1964 - The Rolling Stones arrived at JFK International Airport in New York to begin their first American tour. Their first date was at a high school stadium in Lynn, Massachusetts. The Stones also stopped in Chicago to record an EP at the Chess studios, and when they tried to hold a news conference, a riot broke out.
1964 - The Equal Pay Act became law. Two years before, July, 1962, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a measure requiring equal pay for equal work for women dealing in interstate commerce work, but that fall the U.S. Senate refused to take action.
1966 - June 1-2, White House Conference on Civil Rights with Roy Wilkins of NAACP; Whitney Young Jr. of National Urban League; Floyd McKissick & James Farmer of CORE; Martin Luther King Jr. of SCLC; Stokely Carmichael of SNCC ("We feel that integration is irrelevant. We have got to go after political power.").
1967 – The Mayor-council form of government was instituted for Washington, DC
1967 - "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" was released by The Beatles in England. The North American release came two days later. "Sgt. Pepper's" became one of the first rock albums to be critically-acclaimed, and went on to become the number one album in the world. It spent 15 weeks at the top of the album list in the United States. It took 700 hours over three months to record under the direction of George Martin, Britain's top pop producer. A then state-of-the-art four track recorder was used to build each song layer by layer. The cost of recording - $75,000. "Sgt Pepper's" wide range of styles and sounds and its use of electronic noises ushered in the psychedelic era. Some of its songs, such as "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" and "A Day in the Life" were carefully examined for hidden meanings. The album is estimated to have sold more than 15 million copies, and stayed on the Billboard chart for 113 weeks. On June 1st, 1987, 20 years to the day after it originally came out, the compact disc version of "Sergeant Pepper's" was released. The CD contained what some might consider a bonus - a two-second burst of laughter and gibberish which had only been available previously on European versions of the album, and a high frequency note at the end of the LP audible only to dogs.
1968 - Simon and Garfunkel reached the top of the US charts with "Mrs. Robinson," a song featured in the soundtrack of the film "The Graduate." The song won a Grammy Award for the Best Contemporary Pop Performance by a Vocal Duo or Group.
1968 - Top Hits
“Mrs. Robinson” - Simon & Garfunkel
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” - Hugo Montenegro
“Yummy Yummy Yummy” - Ohio Express
“Honey” - Bobby Goldsboro
1970 – MLB Commissioner Bowie Kuhn reprimanded Houston Astro Jim Bouton for writing "Ball Four". Bouton could not contain his laughter on the way to the bank.
1971 - CBS-TV airs what would be the last “The Ed Sullivan Show”, featuring guest performer Gladys Knight. The show would be canceled the next day, having run an astonishing 23 years. It wasn’t Sunday night without The Ed Sullivan Show”.
1973 - The James Bond thriller, "Live and Let Die" opens. The movie features the title track by Paul McCartney and Wings.
1974 - Heimlich Maneuver introduced: the June issue of the journal Emergency Medicine published an article by Dr. Henry Heimlich, outlining a better method of aiding choking victims. Instead of prevailing method of backslaps (which merely pushed foreign objects further into the airways), Dr. Heimlich advocated “subdiaphragmatic pressure” to force objects out. Three months later the method was dubbed, the “Heimlich Maneuver” by the Journal of the American Medical Association.
1974 - Birthday of Alanis Morissette, Ottawa, Ontario
1974 - Arab oil ministers decided to end most restrictions on exports of oil to the United States but continued the embargo against the Netherlands, Portugal, South Africa, and Rhodesia
1975 - Nolan Ryan of the California Angels threw his fourth career no-hitter game with a 1-0 win over the Baltimore Orioles. As a result, Ryan tied the major league baseball no-hit record. For his career, Ryan threw seven, still the Major League record.
1976 - Top Hits
“Love Hangover” - Diana Ross
“Get Up and Boogie (That's Right)” - Silver Convention
“Misty Blue” - Dorthy Moore
“One Piece at a Time” - Johnny Cash
1977 - 28 year old Long Island native, Billy Joel, wraps up a four month tour of the US by appearing at Carnegie Hall in New York.
1979 - The temperature at Maybell, CO plunged to 60 degrees below zero to tie the state record set back in 1951 at Taylor Park
1979 – The Seattle Supersonics defeated the Washington Bullets for the NBA title.
1980 - CNN debuted, the Cable News Network, TV's first all-news services went on air.
1980 – The 7,000th HR in Dodgers history was hit by Steve Garvey.
1980 - A man from Falmouth, ME was struck by lightning, restoring his eyesight. The man had been blind and partially deaf since a truck accident in 1971
1984 - Top Hits
“Let's Hear It for the Boy” - Deniece Williams
“Time After Time” - Cyndi Lauper
“Oh Sherrie” - Steve Perry
“As Long as I'm Rockin' with You” - John Conlee
1987 – Phil Niekro pitched the Cleveland Indians to a 9-6 victory over the Detroit Tigers to put himself and his brother Joe into the lead as the winningest brothers in Major League history. Their 530 combined victories surpassed Gaylord and Jim Perry. The Niekros ended their careers with 539 wins, 318 by Phil and 221 by Joe, and Phil was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1997.
1987 - A winter storm brought rain and snow and high winds to the Southern and Middle Atlantic Coast Region. The storm, which occurred in a period of unusually high astronomical tides, produced a tide of 9.4 feet at Myrtle Beach, SC (their highest since Hurricane Hazel in 1954) which caused a total of 25 million dollars damage in South Carolina.
1989 - Thunderstorms developing during the afternoon over the Southern Plains Region produced severe weather through the evening and the night, spawning nine tornadoes. Thunderstorms produced wind gusts to 80 mph at Alpine TX, and baseball size hail at Balmorhea, TX, Fluvanna, TX, and in Borden County, TX
1990 - U.S. President George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev signed a bilateral agreement to stop producing chemical arms and to begin destroying stocks by the end of 1992.
1995 - Joe Garagiola Jr. is named as the Arizona Diamondbacks first general manager.
1997 - Canadian sprinter Donovan Bailey won a special 150-meter match race against American Michael Johnson to reassert his claim to the title of the “World's Faster Human.” After Bailey had won the 100 meters at the 1996 Summer Olympics and Johnson had won the 200 meters and the 400 meters, the two engaged in a nasty bragging-rights battle. This special race was supposed to put an end to their flap. But the race in Toronto proved inconclusive as Johnson, well behind at the halfway point, pulled up short, claiming that he had injured his left quadriceps.
1997 - The San Francisco domestic partners ordnance became law.
1997 - Heavy precipitation fell from December 26, 1996 to January 3, 1997 in much of the west. In the California Sierra Nevada, the Truckee River reached its highest level on record. Lake Tahoe reached its highest level since 1917. Sacramento was spared the worst of the flooding by a system of levees, although many nearby towns were not so fortunate. Numerous levee breaches and breaks occurred across the state. Approximately 16,000 residences were damaged or destroyed. State officials estimated at least $1.6 billion in damages to private and public property.
1999 - A major blizzard struck portions of the Midwest on January 1-3, 1999. The storm produced 22 inches of snow in Chicago and was rated by the NWS as the second worst blizzard of the 20th century, ranking behind the blizzard in January 1967. Estimates of losses and recovery costs are between $0.3 and $0.4 billion with 73 dead as a result of the blizzard.
2005 - The longest oil/natural gas explosion in the Houston, Texas area occurred in Crosby, Texas. The drill was owned by the Louisiana Oil and Gas Company.
2007 - Jack Kevorkian was released from prison after serving eight years of his 10-25 year prison term for second-degree murder in the 1998 death of Thomas Youk, 52, of Oakland County, Michigan.
2008 - A fire at the backlot of Universal Studios Hollywood destroyed several icons from movies, such as Courthouse Square, the clock tower from Back to the Future, and the King Kong exhibit on the studio tour.
2009 - General Motors filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. It is the fourth largest United States bankruptcy in history. It emerged with two new major shareholders, the US government and the United Autoworkers.
2011 - A rare tornado occurred in New England as a strong F3 tornado struck Springfield, MA, killing four people.
2012 – Johan Santana threw the first no-hitter in the 50-year history of the New York Mets when he defeats the Cardinals, 8 - 0.
NBA Champions
1979 – Seattle Supersonics
Stanley Cup Champions
1992 - Pittsburgh Penguins

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