Memorial Day Monday

It is the tradition on Memorial Day to raise the flag to half-mast, to honor those who have died serving their country, and then to raise to full mast at noon to honor those who are serving their country today.
It is the soldier, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the soldier, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the soldier, not the campus organizer,
who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.
It is the soldier, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the soldier,
who salutes the flag,
who serves under the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Charles M. Province
Friday, May 24, 2013

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Archives---May 24, 2006
Bruce Horton still president of Popular Leasing
---Van Etten to help turn things around---
Classified Ads---Legal
Cobra Capital Back in Business
Second Quarter on the Rise for Leasing Business
ELFA MFLI Reports April Business Up
June 27 Web Seminar on Changes in Lease Accounting
New Hires---Promotions
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
DVI Fallout Continues Where Suit Against
Accountants is thrown Out
By Tom McCurnin
CSI EPC Expands in Canada
Classified ads—Lease Portfolio / Legal
----Special Memorial Day Edition----
The Best Years of Our Lives/Hail the Conquering Hero
Saving Private Ryan/Flags of Our Father/The Hurt Locker
DVD Reviews for Leasing News by Fernando
Pointer/Labrador Retriever Mix
Westmont, Illinois Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Mortgage rates rise for 3rd week in a row
Talk GE to Spin Off GE Capital Float to Top
Global accountants stick to plan for leases on balance sheets
Push on corporate tax rules goes global
Trump prevails over Evanston woman, 87, in condo case
Millions will take to the roads for Memorial Day weekend
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
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Archives---May 24, 2006
Bruce Horton still president of Popular Leasing
---Van Etten to help turn things around---
(Edited due to length)
Van Etten left Silvermark Capital, a division of Sterling Bank in Houston, Texas, now reportedly out of the equipment leasing field, to turn things around at Popular Leasing.

Van Etten was the top man at First Sierra/Sierra Cities:” co-founder, executive vice president and chief marketing officer for First Sierra Financial,” his on line biography states. He was fired by Tom Depping (who fired many directors, perhaps all, except for his personal accountant, so that is no big onus.) In fact, Van Etten got a pretty generous settlement from American Express, who purchased the company in 2001, and the lawsuit closed all files to the public ( reportedly there were several such lawsuits, as previous board of directors signed covenants not to talk about.)
“Freddy,” as he is affectionately called, is considered one of the best marketing men in the business, in fact, when he was told to fire Mark McQuitty (for cause) as sales manager of First Sierra, McQuitty wrote a letter back saying that Tom Depping should step down and Van Etten become president.
Horton is the man who agreed to the $30 million figure in a "master plan" for NorVergence Leasing. He did it with the real brains behind the group, chief operation manager Alexander Wolf, and of course, Bob Fine, the bank PR man, former president of the Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors. Horton most likely paid for the dinner, in many ways, too.
Bruce Horton
Retired in 2009 from Mediq Capital
Robert Fine
SVP & Group Director
Signature Bank, NYC

McQuitty is in Jail

Tom Depping
Chief Executive Officer
Ascentium Capital

Fred Van Etten
Division President
Scottrade Bank Equipment Finance

Bookmark us
Classified Ads---Legal

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
San Diego , CA
Experienced in-house corporate, equipment leasing and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate.
Cell Phone: 760-533-4058; | Resume |
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• Contract Negotiations • Fraud Investigations
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John Kenny
Receivables Management
For flat fee or commissions basis | ph 315-866-1167| |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Cobra Capital Back in Business

April 4, 2013, Popular Equipment Finance was going back in business for the third time, but now under Dale Kluga, who was to bring his expertise from Cobra Capital to Popular Community Bank, the U.S. banking subsidiary of Popular, Inc.
Founded in 1893, Popular, Inc. is the leading banking institution by both assets and deposits in Puerto Rico and the 36th largest in the U.S. by assets with over 8,000 employees, according to BusinessWeek. The bank is the largest owing , borrowed $935 million from the US Government TARP (Troubled Asset Relieve Program) in November, 2008.

Dale Kluga
In the Leasing News story, he said: "We will be scaling Cobra's proven business model with the resources of the 36th largest bank in the U.S. which has proven its dedication to Cobra's target small biz market, the key to any jobs recovery and, therefore, any real U.S. economic recovery.
It seems Kluga had the rug pulled from beneath him with the news that Popular, Inc. Chairman and Chief Executive Chairman Richard Carrion who announced he would like to step down from the bank to become president of the International Olympic Committee. The story is more than that as the bank has announced it is considering exiting from the U.S. mainland entirely and focusing on the Caribbean and one of the early cuts is the new leasing venture with Dale Cobra.
Ironically it has been Dale Kluga on radio, TV, and other media (including Leasing News) who has been speaking out with the goal of helping small business, which he believes "...small business entrepreneurs are the key to any jobs recovery..."
Cobra is back in business, as well as accepting indirect business from banks and established independent leasing brokers.
Minimum Lease Size: $50,000
Lease Size Range: $50,000 to $500,000
Credit Profile: A Quality, B Quality, Start-ups
Term: 1 to 5 Years
Geography: Nationwide
Lease Types: Operating Lease, Direct/Finance Lease, Single Investor Lease
Prohibitions: No trains, planes, boats or restaurants
Dale Kluga, President
He kept his membership in the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association. His company is still listed on the notification of expiration of leases:

Second Quarter on the Rise for Leasing Business
ELFA MFLI Reports April Business Up

(Chart: Leasing News)
The equipment finance and leasing trend is up, reports the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) Monthly Leasing and Finance Index (MFLI0, rising ten percent from March.

(Chart: Leasing News)
Year-to-Date, cumulative news business was up eight percent compared to 2012
MLFI-25 New Business Volume (Year Over Year Comparison)
click to make larger
(Chart: ELFA)
Overall, the trend has changed, and reaffirms the Equipment Leasing and Finance Industry confidence report for May of 56.7, an increase from the April index of 54.0.

Paul Menzel, CLP
Financial Pacific Leasing
"“Over the last four years businesses of all sizes have pursued a defensive strategy of austerity by right sizing their balance sheets, maximizing operating efficiencies, and optimizing cash flow, all while top line revenue growth has remained weak," observed Paul Menzel, President/CEO, Financial Pacific Leasing. “This has kept many borrowers and lessees on the sidelines despite historically low rates. The anemic revenue story may be coming to an end as businesses seem to be going on the offensive and investing for growth, as this month’s MLFI data reflects.”

William G. Sutton, CAE, Ret. Adm.
President/CEO ELFA
Commenting on the reported, William G. Sutton, CAE, Ret. Adm. President/CEO ELFA, said, “Both performance indices—the MCI as an indicator of future optimism about the direction of the U.S. economy, and the MLFI-25’s growth trend in new business activity—provide solid evidence that the demand side of the capital investment equation continues to pick up as the broader economy strengthens. It is our hope that this trend pushes into the second half of the year.”
The April report also found, "Receivables over 30 days were unchanged in April from the previous two months at 2.0 percent. They were down from 2.7 percent in the same period in 2012. Charge-offs were unchanged from March at the all-time low of 0.3 percent.
"Credit approvals totaled 77.2 percent in April, down from 78.4 percent in March. Seventy-two percent of participating organizations reported submitting more transactions for approval during April, up 50 percent from the previous month."
Aging of Receivables:

click to make larger
Average Losses (Charge-offs) as a % of net receivables
(Year Over Year Comparison)

click image to make larger
Credit Approval Ratios As % of all Decisions Submitted
(Year Over Year Comparison)

click image to make larger
Total Number of Employees
(Year Over Year Comparison)

click image to make larger
ELFA MLFI-25 Participants
ADP Credit
BancorpSouth Equipment Finance
Bank of America
Bank of the West
BB&T Bank
BMO Harris Equipment Finance
Canon Financial Services
Caterpillar Financial Services
De Lage Landen Financial Services
Dell Financial Services
Direct Capital Corporation
EverBank Commercial Finance
Fifth Third Equipment Finance
First American Equipment Finance, a City National Bank Company
GreatAmerica Financial Services
Hitachi Credit America
HP Financial Services
Huntington Equipment Finance
John Deere Financial
Key Equipment Finance
M&T Bank
Marlin Leasing
Merchants Capital
PNC Equipment Finance
RBS Asset Finance
SG Equipment Finance
Siemens Financial Services
Stearns Bank
Susquehanna Commercial Finance
US Bancorp Equipment Finance
Verizon Capital
Volvo Financial Services
Wells Fargo Equipment Finance

The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) announces a $99 Web Seminar open to all to be held Thursday, June 27, 12:30pm-2pm Eastern Time.
Speakers will include Bill Bosco of the Lease Accounting Project Working Group; John Bober of GE Energy Financial Services; Betty Davis of Ernst & Young and Ralph Petta of ELFA.
During this live web seminar, Bosco, Bober, Davis and Petta will discuss:
An analysis of the details of the proposed guidance and its impact on businesses, equipment sectors and structures
Implications for lessee and lessor accounting
How the proposed rule changes may lead to unexpected financial results
Guidance on writing meaningful comment letters to the IASB and FASB
Insights in to how companies can prepare NOW for these coming change
In addition, the panelists will answer questions submitted in advance
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) proposal, which will require almost all leases to be brought on balance sheet, is the result of re-deliberations by the Boards following issuance of the first exposure draft in August 2010. The proposed guidance could significantly change the way some businesses account for their lease obligations and will affect all those in the leasing and finance business.
Registration is now open at
**** Announcement ***************************************

New Hires---Promotions

Meri Berger has joined Macrolease Corp. in Plainview, New York, as sales manager. "he Lake Success resident previously served as vice president at Capital One Equipment Leasing & Finance in Jericho, New York..." joining the company in February, 2002.

Kevin Doyle was promoted to regional director for Northern Region of TD Equipment Finance, a subsidiary of TD Bank, Braintree, Massachusetts. Previously he was vice-president, GE Commercial Finance (2000-2007), business development officer, Bank of America (1997-1999)."A resident of Milton, Mass., Doyle volunteers with the Milton National Little League and the Learn to Skate Program for Milton Youth Hockey (MYH). He is a 1997 graduate of Villanova University in Villanova, Pa. Doyle is a native of Yorktown Heights in Westchester County, N.Y., where he graduated from John F. Kennedy Catholic High School in 1993."
Rossi Felix hired as managing director at Wells Fargo Capital Finance
Healthcare Finance Group; based in Dallas, Texas. Previously he was owner, A-Team Auto Sales (January, 2011-April, 2013), SVP, Healthcare Finance Group (July, 2010-February, 2011), managing director, GMAC Health Capital (June, 2001-July, 2010), svp, GE Capital, sales manager for the Healthcare Financial Services division (May, 200-2001), svp, sales manager, Heller Financial (1998-2000), vice president, FINOVA Capital Corporation (1997-1998), vice president, Healthcare Financial Partners (1995-1998). Austin College BA, business (1981 – 1985).

Robert Kingdom has joined Strategic Development EMEA Vehicle Finance team at EMEA LLP, Petersfield, Hampshire, England. He is a director, Claviger (July, 2012-Present). Previously head of strategic development, Leasedrive (January, 2011-June, 2012), head of marketing & business development, Masterlease (July, 2005-May, 2011), managing director, Vauxhall Leasing (2001-2005), commercial director, Saab Finance (August 1998-November, 2001), contract hire manager, Lloyds Bowmaker (1995-1998), account executive, Lloyds Bowmaker (1990-1992). John Ruskin, Maths, Physics, electronics (1984 – 1986), Trinity School (1978 – 1984).
Joe Mazzoni named West Coast Sales Manager for Key Equipment Finance, Superior, Colorado. "(He)...will be responsible for generating small-to mid-ticket IT business equipment leasing and finance sales volume in the west coast region through national channel programs and regional business development efforts." Located in Sacramento, California, previously he was western regional manager for Hewlett Packard Financial Services. Prior he was owner of North American Funding (1992-2010). " Previously, he served as vice president of sales and marketing for ManDahl in San Francisco, and as western regional vice president of sales for Datronic." University of Oregon, BS, Finance (1981 – 1984)

Robert Selway hired as assistant Vice President, Relationship Manager, at Citizens Business Bank, Ontario, California. Previously he was relationship manager, 1st Enterprise Bank (March, 2012-april, 2013), consultant, Historic Site Management (May, 2003-March, 2012), Sales Manager, Balboa Capital (August, 2007-June, 2011), project manager, Waltmar Foundation (April, 2006-October, 2006), camp coordinator, Rose Drive Friends Summer Basketball Camp (May, 2003-September, 2006). Contributor, THE 1861 Club (July, 2012). California Notary Public. Chapman University, The George L. Argyros School of Business and Economics, Masters of Business Administration, Finance (2007 – 2009) Completed degree while working full-time. Chapman University B.S., Business Administration, Marketing and Management Emphasis (2003 – 2007).

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees
DVI Fallout Continues Where Suit Against
Accountants is thrown Out
By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal News Editor

Lawsuit By DVI Against Its Accountants For What Could Have Been is Thrown Out When Expert Opinion of Accountant Was Offered to Predict the Future.
Buckley v. Deloitte & Touche USA LLP, 2012 WL 3538733 (S.D.N.Y. 2012).
Yogi Berra once said, “The future ain’t what it used to be.” That’s indeed true, and no one knows that more than the DVI Bankruptcy Trustee, who lost a case, based on an accountant’s prediction of what a company might have looked like if something had not happened. The Court rejected this fortune telling expert witness report.
DVI’s Business Model
The readers might remember DVI, a specialty leasing company that primarily served healthcare providers. DVI's core business was extending loans and originating leases to healthcare providers to finance their purchases of such medical equipment as MRI and CT machines. DVI's equipment contracts were typically structured as notes secured by equipment or direct financing leases with a dollar out purchase option. DVI operated its business of equipment leasing primarily through a subsidiary, DVI Financial Services, Inc. DVI also provided lines of credit for working capital financing secured by receivables through a second operating subsidiary, DVI Business Credit Corporation.
DVI’s Warehouse Lines
DVI obtained initial funding for most of its leases through interim warehouse lines of credit provided by a syndicate led by Fleet National Bank and Merrill Lynch. The source of funds for DVI's repayment of its warehouse borrowings was primarily the proceeds of securitizations and the sales of its leases. DVI's revolving credit limit with Fleet (and Merrill) was tied to a borrowing base amount. The borrowing base constituted a certain percentage of DVI's assets, such as contract receivables and equipment that could be pledged as collateral.
To substantiate its borrowing authority, DVI had to provide Fleet with monthly borrowing base reports. These reports documented DVI's collateral. DVI expected Fleet to terminate its line of credit with DVI if Fleet discovered that DVI no longer had a sufficient amount of eligible loans to support its credit authority.
The risk to DVI's stream of income from borrowers’ repayment of interest and principal of loans was that the borrowers would not repay their loans. To account for this risk on its books and records, DVI reported a loan loss reserve which represented probable losses to DVI that could be reasonably estimated. DVI's stated method of calculating its loan loss reserve was to identify certain delinquent loans (usually those more than 90 days overdue), estimate the loss to DVI, and then report the total.
DVI’s Double Pledge and Bankruptcy
In the fall of 2002, DVI was out of compliance under the Fleet facility and elected to deal with this problem by pledging up to $25 million in the same loan receivables to both Merrill Lynch and Fleet. Indeed, DVI falsified a borrowing base report submitted to DVI's lenders in July 2003 and signed a false certification to the March 31, 2003 financial statements” after its last audit.
DVI and its affiliates filed for bankruptcy in late 2003 and filed a Complaint against Deloitte Touche which asserted professional malpractice alleging that Deloitte’s allegedly negligent auditing—particularly with respect to DVI's loan loss reserve—caused the financial death spiral that forced DVI into bankruptcy.
The Expert Witness Report
DVI offered the expert report of Michael J. Epstein, a veteran restructuring professional, to opine what DVI would have looked like if Deloitte had not botched the loss reserves. Specifically, the expert opined that (1) the appropriate course of action that the company and its Board of Directors ... should have taken and (2) what the financial condition of the company could have been had Deloitte not breached its duties. Epstein determined with reasonable certainty that, if Deloitte had disclosed to the Board and others DVI's true financial condition, DVI's Board would have restructured the company to focus on its core and most profitable businesses.
The Court’s Ruling
The Court threw out the expert witness report as being speculative since, there was no evidence that the Board would have agreed to restructure or liquidate DVI, as well as there was no evidence that Board would have adopted Epstein’s restructuring proposal, if it had adopted any at all, and no evidence that that DVI's lenders would have agreed to restructure the company. In short, as talented as the expert was, he simply was not qualified to predict the future. The Court threw out the expert report, and DVI’s case with it.
Lessons for the Lessor
Warehouse lines and securitizations are complicated creatures. DVI did itself no favors by lying to Fleet and double pledging collateral. While I certainly understand the trustee’s desire to sue someone to possibly get some money for the creditors of DVI, basing the entire suit on an expert witness report as to what DVI might have looked like if the CPAs and Board did things different made no sense to me. There are just too many moving parts in large leasing company for that kind of simplistic approach.
Indeed, the experts attempt at re-writing the future reminds me of computer scientist Alan Kay’s famous quote, “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Regrettably for DVI, the expert witness was not allowed to invent the future.
DVI Case:
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
### Press Release ############################
CSI EPC Expands in Canada

ST. LOUIS — Toronto-based CSI Electronics Processing Centre (CSI EPC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of CSI Leasing Canada, has expanded its operations by purchasing TopFlight Asset Services in Calgary, Alberta. The acquisition complements CSI EPC’s existing operations in Canada and will allow for expansion of its end of lease services. All employees from TopFlight will join CSI EPC.
“We look forward to continue servicing TopFlight’s clients and also expanding our operations to Western Canada,” says Dan Roberts, president and managing director of CSI Leasing Canada. “This also represents CSI EPC’s commitment to Canada and our belief in the need for our services.”
CSI Leasing Canada is a wholly-owned subsidiary of St. Louis-based CSI Leasing. With more than 40 years of experience and 70 offices worldwide, leasing in 36 countries, CSI Leasing is one of the largest privately-held independent equipment leasing specialists in the world. Established in 1972, CSI has operations throughout North, Central and South America, Europe and Asia. More information is available at
Founded in 2005, TopFlight Asset Services provides life cycle solutions for secure asset management, data destruction and recycling of surplus electronic assets to organizations, small businesses, universities, schools, governments and leasing agencies as well as consumers. More information is available at
#### Press Release #############################

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Looking to buy or sell lease portfolio? 20+ year lease consultant specializing in portfolio placement. Free initial consultation. References available on request.
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Movie Reviews
By Fernando F. Croce
Special Memorial Day Edition
For this upcoming Memorial Day weekend, check out these patriotic classics from Netflix for a cinematic celebration of national courage and resolve.

The Best Years of Our Lives (William Wyler, 1946): With WWII over, Hollywood felt the need to turn its sights back home to reassure the civilians the as well as the returning veterans. This Oscar-winning drama looks with great skill and sensitivity at the re-adjustment of a trio of military men as they reenter society. Al (Fredric March) has a devoted wife (Myrna Loy) and a good business, but finds the economic climate at odds with recognition of his fellow war vets’ efforts. Fred (Dana Andrews) struggles to deal with a rocky marriage and battlefield memories, while Homer (real-life paratrooper Harold Russell) faces emotional and physical challenges. William Wyler directs a superb cast in this stirring portrait of a nation’s postwar pain and healing.

Hail the Conquering Hero (Preston Sturges, 1944): For some Memorial Day belly laughs, you can’t go wrong with a comedy from the legendary Preston Sturges. This classic tells the rib-tickling tale of Woodrow (Eddie Bracken), a soldier who, at the height of World War II, gets discharged due to a bout of hay fever. Ashamed to go back to his hometown, he runs into a group of Marines led by gruff Sgt. Heppelfinger (William Demarest), who come up with a war story so Woodrow can retain his dignity. When the entire town welcomes him as a hero and even the Mayor offers him a new position, however, the charade becomes increasingly hard to keep up. A wonderful reminder that humor is as much a staple of a great nation as courage.

Saving Private Ryan (Steven Spielberg, 1998): There are countless fine American movies dealing with courage during wartime, but to many modern viewers this modern classic from Steven Spielberg may stand at the very top of the list. Kicking off with an unforgettable vision of the bloodshed and sacrifice of the D-Day landing near the end of World War II, it depicts the odyssey of a group of soldiers, led by Capt. John Miller (Tom Hanks), as they venture into enemy territory in a dangerous mission: To rescue Private Ryan (Matt Damon), a paratrooper whose brothers were killed in action. With masterly camerawork and often overpowering emotions, Spielberg offers an indelible portrayal of bravery in the face of horror that’s both inspiring and haunting.

Flags of Our Fathers (Clint Eastwood, 2006): One of modern screen’s most enduring stars, Clint Eastwood has also become one of American cinema’s most fascinating and adventurous filmmakers. In this deeply moving WWII drama, he chronicles the fates of the young soldiers who in 1945 raised the flag at the battle of Iwo Jima. With their historic moment captured in a famous photograph, John Bradley (Ryan Phillippe), Rene Gagnon (Jesse Bradford), and Ira Hayes (Adam Beach) quickly become national heroes and media superstars. But at what price has their fame come? With a camera that never flinches from either battlefield brutality or the dark moments of a man’s soul, Eastwood creates a trenchant, profoundly humane portrait of troubled, brave men.

The Hurt Locker(Kathryn Bigelow, 2009): After a series of misfires, renowned action director Kathryn Bigelow is back in top form with this intense and beautifully crafted chronicle of a group of bomb-defusing specialists in war-torn Baghdad. Creating an intimate and suspenseful atmosphere, it follows cocky Staff Sergeant James (a breakout performance by Jeremy Renner), by-the-book Sergeant Sanborn (Anthony Mackie) and impressionable Specialist Eldridge (Brian Geraghty) as they make their way through a hostile terrain filled with bombs, snipers, and mercenaries. Stuck in a land where they're always one step away from an explosion, can they stay in one piece until they can go home? Focusing more on character and action than on political ideology, Bigelow offers a taut, Oscar-winning portrait of men at war and grace under pressure.
Pointer/Labrador Retriever Mix
Westmont, Illinois Adopt-a-Dog

Pet ID: 5555033
Up-to-date with routine shots
House trained
Primary colors: White or Cream, Black
Coat length: Medium
Weight: 50lbs
“A Caring Place introduces to you the very sweet, playful, and energetic, 1 year old, Labrador Retriever / Pointer mix named IKE. Ike weighs 50 pounds currently and has a striking medium length coat of white and black with spots and ticking. Ike is very good with adults, teens, and young children. He enjoys the pets of an 18 month old toddler who affection he reciprocates by lathering him with tons of kisses. Ike seems comfortable with most other dogs; he is in foster care with two medium sized, adult dogs, both of whom he likes to play and spend time with together. He actively seeks out his foster family and wants to be with them when they are home.
“Ike's foster mom says that he's pretty good walking on the leash, and when he does pull a bit out of excitement, he takes corrections easily. Ike will bark at other dogs along the walk so he will need a bit of training in this area. But, once back home, Ike LOVES to play with his foster dog mates in the back yard. He picks up the toys and bones around the house and tries to entice the other dogs to play by running around from room to room looking cute!
“Because Ike is still has some puppy behaviors including grabbing shoes or a couch pillow to play with instead of his dog toys, he is crated when his foster parents are not home. Ike lays on his bed in the bedroom at night, though, and is a good boy.
“Ike seems housebroken. Ike has some hunting instincts - loves to go after the squirrels in the yard, and has caught a skunk this past week when their skunk den was flooded. Ike sat like a perfect gentleman while his foster mom bathed him; he was very calm and didn't try to jump out of the tub, and afterward allowed his foster mom to easily trim his nails. He really enjoys the rub downs from the towel after coming in from the rain getting all that lovin' and attention!”
A Caring Place Humane Society
Westmont, IL
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet

News Briefs----

Mortgage rates rise for 3rd week in a row
Talk GE to Spin Off GE Capital Float to Top
Global accountants stick to plan for leases on balance sheets
Push on corporate tax rules goes global
Trump prevails over Evanston woman, 87, in condo case,0,6819312.story
Millions will take to the roads for Memorial Day weekend

---You May Have Missed
Food-video site launched by Bellevue consumer-research firm
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
The 10 Easiest Vegetables to Grow
The Night Game
by Robert Pinsky
Some of us believe
We would have conceived romantic
Love out of our own passions
With no precedents,
Without songs and poetry--
Or have invented poetry and music
As a comb of cells for the honey.
Shaped by ignorance,
A succession of new worlds,
Congruities improvised by
Immigrants or children.
I nce thought most people were Italian,
Jewish or Colored.
To be white and called
Something like Ed Ford
Seemed aristocratic,
A rare distinction.
Possibly I believed only gentiles
And blonds could be left-handed.
Already famous
After one year in the majors,
hitey Ford was drafted by the Army
To play ball in the flannels
Of the Signal Corps, stationed
In Long Branch, New Jersey.
A night game, the silver potion
Of the lights, his pink skin
Shining like a burn.
Never a player
I liked or hated: a Yankee,
A mere success.
But white the chalked-off lines
In the grass, white and green
The immaculate uniform,
And white the unpigmented
Halo of his hair
When he shifted his cap:
So ordinary and distinct,
So close up, that I felt
s if I could have made him up,
Imagined him as I imagined
The ball, a scintilla
High in the black backdrop
Of the sky. Tight red stitches.
Rawlings. The bleached
Horsehide white: the color
Of nothing. Color of the past
And of the future, of the movie screen
At rest and of blank paper.
"I could have." The mind. The black
Backdrop, the white
Fly picked out by the towering
Lights. A few years later
On a blanket in the grass
By the same river
A girl and I came into
Being together
To the faint muttering
Of unthinkable
Troubadours and radios.
The emerald
Theater, the night.
Another time,
I devised a left-hander
Even more gifted
Than Whitey Ford: A Dodger.
People were amazed by him.
Once, when he was young,
He refused to pitch on Yom Kippur.

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One in six recent California law school grads can't find jobs

“Gimme that Wine”
Refreshing New Sangrias to Chase Away Bad Memories
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This Day in History
1607 - Captain Christopher Newport and 105 followers founded the colony of Jamestown on the mouth of the James River in Virginia. They had left England with 144 members, 39 died on the way over. The colony was near the large Indian village of Werowocomoco, home of Pocahontas, the daughter Powhatan, an Algonquin chief. In 2003 archeologists believed that they had found the site of the village.
1624 - After years of unprofitable operation, Virginia's charter was revoked and it became a royal colony.
1764 - Bostonian lawyer James Otis denounced "taxation without representation" and called for the colonies to unite in demonstrating their opposition to Britain's new tax measures.
1816-birthday of Emanuel Leutze, obscure itinerant painter, born at Wurttemberg, Germany, came to the US when he was nine years old, began painting by age 15. Painted some of the most famous of American scenes, such as “Washington Crossing the Delaware, “ Washington Rallying the Troops at Monmouth” and Columbus Before the Queen.” Died July 18,1868, at Washington, DC. Painting all by his imagination. “Washington did indeed cross the Delaware, but not in the dramatic and elegant style depicted in Emanuel Leutze's famous painting, “as stated in Richard Shenkman's “Legends, Lies & Cherished Myths of American History.” “Washington probably wasn't standing, or course; that would have been, as one writer plainly put it, “stupid.” And Washington probably wasn't quite as impassive as Leutze portrays him(One is reminded of all those pictures which show Washington quietly atop his horse with bullets whirring speedily round him. As one critic commented, at times, his horse seems more active than the general himself.) Furthermore, the American flag probably wasn't flying; while the flay was in existence at this time, it hadn't been yet adopted by Congress ( and there were many versions ),. Finally, Washington's boat probably wasn't filled to capacity; there wouldn't have been any need for crowding. Boats there were aplenty; it was men who were in short supply.” Historian Ann Hawks Hutton contends that Leutze, a German, painted the picture primarily to stir up Germans. Leutze, she says, hoped that bye celebrating the American Revolution, he could help bring about revolution in Germany, where he painted the picture. He had returned to Germany where he painted many of these pictures where the conservative governments had recently crushed the Revolution of 1848.
1749--birthday of James Peale, American portrait and miniature painter
( painted portraits of George and Martha Washington and General Sir Thomas Shirley)
Died May 24,1831, Philadelphia, PA.
1844-The first US Telegraph line was formally opened between Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C. Samuel F.B. Morse sent the first officially telegraphed words "What hath God wrought?" from the Capitol Building to Baltimore. Earlier messages had been sent along the historic line during testing, and one sent May 1, contained the news that Henry Clay had been nominated as president by the Whig party, from a meeting in Baltimore. The message reached Washington one hour prior to a train carrying the same news.
1862-the Union Army made use of the new communication device call the telegraphy. The first use was in the Peninsula campaign, when a wire several miles long extended from the headquarters of General George Brinton McClellan near Williamsport, VA, to an advance guard at Mechancsville, VA, commanded by General George Stoneman, chief of cavalry in the Army of the Potomac. McClellan was an idiot and had no idea what he was doing and the telegraph seemed to confuse the cavalry even more, who were used to moving quickly, responding to events, but laying down wire and waiting for instructions due to the reliance on this telegraph invention, cost many Union lives. The cavalry once mobile, waited to hear orders from McClellan, who was out to lunch.
1869-the first exploration of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado by a white man was made by Major John Wesley Power, above the head of the Colorado River, emerging on August 29 with five of the nine men who had started with him. The Grand Canyon had been observed by Spanish explorers in 1540 and described by the Sitgreaves expedition in 1851.
1883- nearly 14 years in construction, the $16 million Brooklyn Bridge over the East River opened. Designed by John A. Roebling, the steel suspension bridge has a span of 1,595 feet.
1889—the Johnstown Flood, actually occurring on May 31 st , but this week the Johnstown Flood Museum, Johnston,PA recreates the catastrophe in which 2,209 people died, tens of thousands were left homeless and a prospering city was left a wasteland. The Johnstown Flood” documentary, winner of Best Documentary Short Subject in 1898, will be shown hourly.
1893-The anti-Saloon League was founded by Howard H. Russell at Oberlin, OH. Efforts in that state were so successful that the Anti-Saloon League of America was organized in 1895. The League's permanent home become Otterbein College at Westerville,OH, in 1909. The ban on alcohol products, called the Prohibition Era, actually worked. There were less deaths by alcohol recorded at hospitals, less drunk drivers, and statistic record a major decline in drinking.
The crime empires of Al Capone and others in this era were established before prohibition. Incidentally, there were many country clubs and night clubs who had a large legal supply, as the law was against production and did not apply to what was already purchased and stored.
1894 - Six inches of snow blanketed Kentucky. Just four days earlier as much as ten inches of snow had fallen across Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Six days earlier a violent storm had wrecked nine ships on Lake Michigan.
1918-The Croix de Guerre was award to African-American in the American Army, Private Henry Johnson, 369 th Infantry, 93 rd Division, with the following citation: “Being on double sentry duty at night, was attacked by twelve Germans. He shot one and seriously wounded two others with his bayonet. Even though he had been three times sounded at the beginning of the action by revolver bullets and grenades, he went to the assistance of his wounded comrade, who was about to be carried off by the enemy, and continued the combat until the put the Germans to flight. It was a splendid example of courage and energy.”
1928-In a game between the Philadelphia Athletics and the New York Yankees, 13 future members of the Baseball Hall of Fame took the field. Ty Cobb, Tris Speaker, Mickey Cochrane, Al Simmons, Eddie Collins Lefty Grove and Jimmie Foxx played for the Athletics. Earle Combs, Leo Durocher, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Tony Lazzeri and Waite Hoyt played for the Yankees. In addition, the two managers: Connie Mack and Miller Huggins, are also Hall of Famers.
1930-- Babe Ruth homers in both games of a doubleheader, giving him 9 in one week.
1933 -- Jimmie Rodgers, knowing he only has a few days left to live, records 12 of the 24 songs for his last album. "Tea for Texass, Tea for Thelma, Tea for Ice-Tea, gonna be the death of me..."— Jimmie Rodgers (1897 - 1933)
1933-- Michael White birthday (Jazz violinist, often plays with John Handy, my late father's favorite modern jazz group, who he met when they were both teaching at San Francisco State College).
1933 -- Jimmie Rodgers, knowing he only has a few days left to live, records 12 of the 24 songs for his last album.
"Tea for Texass, Tea for Thelma, Tea for Ice-Tea, gonna be the death of me..."
— Jimmie Rodgers (1897 - 1933)
1935- the Cincinnati Reds defeated the Philadelphia Phillies by a score of 2—1, as more than 20,000 fans enjoyed the first night baseball game in the major leagues. The game was played at Crosley Field, Cincinnati, OH. By the way, the game was to have been previously held the night before, but rain cancelled the event.
1938—birthday of singer Prince Buster, Kinston, Jamaica
1941 - The German battleship Bismarck sank the British dreadnought HMS Hood in the North Atlantic. 1416 died with only three survivors. CGC Modoc sighted the German battleship SMS Bismarck while the cutter searched for survivors of a convoy southeast of Cape Farewell, Greenland. British Swordfish torpedo planes from the Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Victorious circled Modoc as they flew towards the German battleship's position. The Modoc's crew then spotted the flashes caused by anti-aircraft fire from the Bismarck and then sighted British warships on the opposite horizon. The cutter then maneuvered to avoid contact with any of the warships and managed to steam out of the area unscathed.
1941 – birthday of Bob Dylan (Robert Allen Zimmerman) , born Duluth, MN. (Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter: Gotta Serve Somebody [1980]; Like a Rolling Stone, Lay Lady Lay, Positively 4th Street, Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, Hurricane [Part 1]; actor: Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid, Renaldo and Clara [w/Joan Baez]; inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame [1988]; received Grammy's Lifetime Achievement Award [1991]; 1991 Golden Globe and Academy Award for song "Things Have Changed" from 2000 film "Wonder Boys")
1944 - Patti LaBelle (Patricia Holt) is born in Philadelphia. She sings with Patti LaBelle & the Blue Belles (later shortened to LaBelle), which has the No. 1 hit "Lady Marmalade." The singer's solo career takes off in the 1980s and she has a No. 1 duet, "On My Own," in 1986 with Michael MacDonald.
1944---Top Hits
Long Ago and Far Away - Helen Forrest & Dick Haymes
San Fernando Valley - Bing Crosby
I'll Get By - The Harry James Orchestra (vocal: Dick Haymes)
Straighten Up and Fly Right - King Cole Trio
1944--ANTOLAK, SYLVESTER Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company B, 15th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, 24 May 1944. Entered service at: St. Clairsville, Ohio. Birth: St. Clairsville, Ohio. G.O. No.: 89, 19 October 1945. Citation: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, he charged 200 yards over flat, coverless terrain to destroy an enemy machinegun nest during the second day of the offensive which broke through the German cordon of steel around the Anzio beachhead. Fully 30 yards in advance of his squad, he ran into withering enemy machinegun, machine-pistol and rifle fire. Three times he was struck by bullets and knocked to the ground, but each time he struggled to his feet to continue his relentless advance. With one shoulder deeply gashed and his right arm shattered, he continued to rush directly into the enemy fire concentration with his submachine gun wedged under his uninjured arm until within 15 yards of the enemy strong point, where he opened fire at deadly close range, killing 2 Germans and forcing the remaining 10 to surrender. He reorganized his men and, refusing to seek medical attention so badly needed, chose to lead the way toward another strong point 100 yards distant. Utterly disregarding the hail of bullets concentrated upon him, he had stormed ahead nearly three-fourths of the space between strong points when he was instantly killed by hostile enemy fire. Inspired by his example, his squad went on to overwhelm the enemy troops. By his supreme sacrifice, superb fighting courage, and heroic devotion to the attack, Sgt. Antolak was directly responsible for eliminating 20 Germans, capturing an enemy machinegun, and clearing the path for his company to advance.
1944--MILLS, JAMES H. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, Company F, 15th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, 24 May 1944. Entered service at: Fort Meade, Fla. Birth: Fort Meade, Fla. G.O. No.: 87, 14 November 1944. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Pvt. Mills, undergoing his baptism of fire, preceded his platoon down a draw to reach a position from which an attack could be launched against a heavily fortified strongpoint. After advancing about 300 yards, Pvt. Mills was fired on by a machinegun only S yards distant. He killed the gunner with 1 shot and forced the surrender of the assistant gunner. Continuing his advance, he saw a German soldier in a camouflaged position behind a large bush pulling the pin of a potato-masher grenade. Covering the German with his rifle, Pvt. Mills forced him to drop the grenade and captured him. When another enemy soldier attempted to throw a hand grenade into the draw, Pvt. Mills killed him with 1 shot. Brought under fire by a machinegun, 2 machine pistols, and 3 rifles at a range of only 50 feet, he charged headlong into the furious chain of automatic fire shooting his M 1 from the hip. The enemy was completely demoralized by Pvt. Mills' daring charge, and when he reached a point within 10 feet of their position, all 6 surrendered. As he neared the end of the draw, Pvt. Mills was brought under fire by a machine gunner 20 yards distant. Despite the fact that he had absolutely no cover, Pvt. Mills killed the gunner with 1 shot. Two enemy soldiers near the machinegunner fired wildly at Pvt. Mills and then fled. Pvt. Mills fired twice, killing 1 of the enemy. Continuing on to the position, he captured a fourth soldier. When it became apparent that an assault on the strongpoint would in all probability cause heavy casualties on the platoon, Pvt. Mills volunteered to cover the advance down a shallow ditch to a point within 50 yards of the objective. Standing on the bank in full view of the enemy less than 100 yards away, he shouted and fired his rifle directly into the position. His ruse worked exactly as planned. The enemy centered his fire on Pvt. Mills. Tracers passed within inches of his body, rifle and machine pistol bullets ricocheted off the rocks at his feet. Yet he stood there firing until his rifle was empty. Intent on covering the movement of his platoon, Pvt. Mills jumped into the draw, reloaded his weapon, climbed out again, and continued to lay down a base of fire. Repeating this action 4 times, he enabled his platoon to reach the designated spot undiscovered, from which position it assaulted and overwhelmed the enemy, capturing 22 Germans and taking the objective without casualties.
1944--SCHAUER, HENRY Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private First Class, U.S. Army, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Cisterna di Littoria, Italy, 23-24 May 1944. Entered service at: Scobey, Mont. Born: 9 October 1918, Clinton, Okla. G.O. No.: 83, 27 October 1944. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. On 23 May 1944, at 12 noon, Pfc. (now T/Sgt.) Schauer left the cover of a ditch to engage 4 German snipers who opened fire on the patrol from its rear. Standing erect he walked deliberately 30 yards toward the enemy, stopped amid the fire from 4 rifles centered on him, and with 4 bursts from his BAR, each at a different range, killed all of the snipers. Catching sight of a fifth sniper waiting for the patrol behind a house chimney, Pfc. Schauer brought him down with another burst. Shortly after, when a heavy enemy artillery concentration and 2 machineguns temporarily halted the patrol, Pfc. Schauer again left cover to engage the enemy weapons single-handed. While shells exploded within 15 yards, showering dirt over him, and strings of grazing German tracer bullets whipped past him at chest level, Pfc. Schauer knelt, killed the 2 gunners of the machinegun only 60 yards from him with a single burst from his BAR, and crumpled 2 other enemy soldiers who ran to man the gun. Inserting a fresh magazine in his BAR, Pfc. Schauer shifted his body to fire at the other weapon 500 yards distant and emptied his weapon into the enemy crew, killing all 4 Germans. Next morning, when shells from a German Mark VI tank and a machinegun only 100 yards distant again forced the patrol to seek cover, Pfc. Schauer crawled toward the enemy machinegun. stood upright only 80 yards from the weapon as its bullets cut the surrounding ground, and 4 tank shells fired directly at him burst within 20 yards. Raising his BAR to his shoulder, Pfc. Schauer killed the 4 members of the German machinegun crew with 1 burst of fire.
1945- Food-O-Mat was installed in the Grand Union Company store in Carlstadt, NF. It was invented by Lansing Peter Shield. The patented merchandise display fixture operated on a gravity-fee, rear-load principle. Stockmen working behind the unit placed cans, jars, and packages on inclined runways with the labels upright The items reached the shopper with the brand name uppermost. As the customer picked out an item, another slid in place by gravity.
1950 - ‘Sweetwater' (Nat) Clifton's contract was purchased by the New York Knicks. Sweetwater played for the Harlem Globetrotters. He was the first African-American player in the NBA.
1952---Top Hits
Kiss of Fire - Georgia Gibbs
Blue Tango - The Leroy Anderson Orchestra
Be Anything - Eddy Howard
The Wild Side of Life - Hank Thompson
1953 - A previously unknown actor, Rod Steiger, starred in "Marty" on the "Goodyear Playhouse". Paddy Chayefsky wrote the original TV play and then adapted it for the Oscar-winning film,+Rod
1955 - Rosanne Cash is born, the daughter of Johnny Cash and Vivian Liberto. Among her numerous No. 1 country singles are "My Baby Thinks He's a Train" and "Blue Moon with Heartache."
1960---Top Hits
Cathy's Clown - The Everly Brothers
Good Timin' - Jimmy Jones
Cradle of Love - Johnny Preston
Please Help Me, I'm Falling - Hank Locklin
1962- Aurora 7 Mercury Space Capsule. With this launch Scott Carpenter became the second American to orbit Earth, circling it three times.
1964-The Beatles' 3rd appearance on Ed Sullivan
1964 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Love Me Do," The Beatles.
1966- Leontyne Price, world renowned opera singer, opens Metropolitan
Opera Season
1968---Top Hits
Tighten Up - Archie Bell & The Drells
Mrs. Robinson - Simon & Garfunkel
A Beautiful Morning - The Rascals
I Wanna Live - Glen Campbell
1968 -- Charlie Musselwhite & Dan Hicks & his Hot Licks appear at the Straight Theatre in San Francisco.
1969-Still riding high on the success of "American Woman", The Guess Who made their US Television debut on American Bandstand.
1969-Oliver entered the US charts with "Good Morning Starshine", which would reach #3 by July and go on to sell over a million copies. His real name was William Oliver Swofford.
1969 - The Beatles hit number one with "Get Back". The song was at the top for over five weeks. The song featured an organ solo by Billy Preston, who became the only non-group member ever credited on a Beatles single.
1969 -- Haight-Ashbury Festival in the Golden Gate Park Panhandle, San Francisco.
1969-BONDSTEEL, JAMES LEROY Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company A, 2d Battalion, 2d Infantry, 1st Infantry Division. Place and date: An Loc Province, Republic of Vietnam, 24 May 1969. Entered service at: Detroit, Mich. Born: 18 July 1947, Jackson, Mich. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. S/Sgt. Bondsteel distinguished himself while serving as a platoon sergeant with Company A, near the village of Lang Sau. Company A was directed to assist a friendly unit which was endangered by intense fire from a North Vietnamese Battalion located in a heavily fortified base camp. S/Sgt. Bondsteel quickly organized the men of his platoon into effective combat teams and spearheaded the attack by destroying 4 enemy occupied bunkers. He then raced some 200 meters under heavy enemy fire to reach an adjoining platoon which had begun to falter. After rallying this unit and assisting their wounded, S/Sgt. Bondsteel returned to his own sector with critically needed munitions. Without pausing he moved to the forefront and destroyed 4 enemy occupied bunkers and a machine gun which had threatened his advancing platoon. Although painfully wounded by an enemy grenade, S/Sgt. Bondsteel refused medical attention and continued his assault by neutralizing 2 more enemy bunkers nearby. While searching one of these emplacements S/Sgt. Bondsteel narrowly escaped death when an enemy soldier detonated a grenade at close range. Shortly thereafter, he ran to the aid of a severely wounded officer and struck down an enemy soldier who was threatening the officer's life. S/Sgt. Bondsteel then continued to rally his men and led them through the entrenched enemy until his company was relieved. His exemplary leadership and great personal courage throughout the 4-hour battle ensured the success of his own and nearby units, and resulted in the saving of numerous lives of his fellow soldiers. By individual acts of bravery he destroyed 10 enemy bunkers and accounted for a large toll of the enemy, including 2 key enemy commanders. His extraordinary heroism at the risk of his life was in the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
Rank and organization: Warrant Officer (then Sergeant First Class), U.S. Army, Advisory Team 162, U.S. Military Assistance Command. Place and date: Northeast of Katum, Republic of Vietnam, 24 May 1970. Entered service at: Los Angeles, Calif. Born: 19 November 1938, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Citation: WO Rocco distinguished himself when he volunteered to accompany a medical evacuation team on an urgent mission to evacuate 8 critically wounded Army of the Republic of Vietnam personnel. As the helicopter approached the landing zone, it became the target for intense enemy automatic weapons fire. Disregarding his own safety, WO Rocco identified and placed accurate suppressive fire on the enemy positions as the aircraft descended toward the landing zone. Sustaining major damage from the enemy fire, the aircraft was forced to crash land, causing WO Rocco to sustain a fractured wrist and hip and a severely bruised back. Ignoring his injuries, he extracted the survivors from the burning wreckage, sustaining burns to his own body. Despite intense enemy fire, WO Rocco carried each unconscious man across approximately 20 meters of exposed terrain to the Army of the Republic of Vietnam perimeter. On each trip, his severely burned hands and broken wrist caused excruciating pain, but the lives of the unconscious crash survivors were more important than his personal discomfort, and he continued his rescue efforts. Once inside the friendly position, WO Rocco helped administer first aid to his wounded comrades until his wounds and burns caused him to collapse and lose consciousness. His bravery under fire and intense devotion to duty were directly responsible for saving 3 of his fellow soldiers from certain death. His unparalleled bravery in the face of enemy fire, his complete disregard for his own pain and injuries, and his performance were far above and beyond the call of duty and were in keeping with the highest traditions of self-sacrifice and courage of the military service.
1970-New Musical Express reports the Beatles' "Let it Be" has set a new record for intial U.S. sales, with 3.7 million advance orders. The album goes gold within days of its release.
1972-the method of determining won-lost percentage changed in the NFL. Tie games, previously not counted in the standings, were made equal to a half-game won and a half-game lost.
1974 – The last “Dean Martin “ TV show as broadcast. It lasted nine years with little or no rehearsal time with its star, who ironically said he was looking forward to not working so hard and going back to Las Vegas, the town that he loved. He returned to television, hosting Celebrity Roasts.
1975-For the second show in a row, the Beach Boys, on tour with Chicago, literally have the place jumping. The second level at the Oakland Coliseum is noticeable shaking in footage taken by a local news crew; the concert the day before at Anaheim Stadium caused the mezzanine to vibrate as much as eighteen inches.
1975 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Shining Star," Earth, Wind & Fire.
1976---Top Hits
Silly Love Songs - Wings
Love Hangover - Diana Ross
Fooled Around and Fell in Love - Elvin Bishop
After All the Good is Gone - Conway Twitty
1981-Bobby Unser finished first in the Indianapolis 500, but after the race was over, the stewards penalized him one lap for passing cars illegally under the yellow caution flag. The penalty vaulted Mario Andretti into first place, but Unser, and Roger Penske, owner of Unser's car, appealed the stewards' decision to the United States auto Club. Four months later, USAC ruled that Unser was guilty but that the punishment was too severe. The lap penalty was replaced by a $40,000 fine, and Unser recovered the championship.
1982-A benefit concert for the Vietnam Veterans Project is held in San Francisco's Moscone Center, where the Jefferson Starship, Grateful Dead, Boz Scaggs and Country Joe McDonald appear. They raise about $175,000.
1984---Top Hits
Hello - Lionel Richie
Let's Hear It for the Boy - Deniece Williams
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
To All the Girls I've Loved Before - Julio Iglesias & Willie Nelson
1984 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "Let's Hear It for the Boy," Deniece Williams. The song is featured in the film "Footloose." Williams is a member of Stevie Wonder's backup group, Wonderlove, from 1972-75.
1986 – The Montreal Canadiens defeated the Calgary Flames, 4-3, to win the Stanley Cup, four games to one. For the Canadiens, it was their 23 rd title, putting them one major-league championship ahead of the New York Yankees and their 22 world Series titles. Montreal won another Stanley Cup in 1993.
1986 - Whitney Houston's "Greatest Love of All” climbed to the top and stayed there for three weeks.
1988 - Thunderstorms produced severe weather in the southeastern U.S. Thunderstorm winds gusted to 88 mph at Columbia, NC. Baseball size hail was reported near Tifton GA.
1989 - Thunderstorms developing ahead of a cold front produced severe weather across the Upper Midwest through the day and night. Thunderstorms spawned 30 tornadoes, and there were 158 reports of large hail and damaging winds. A strong (F-3) tornado caused five million dollars damage at Corning, IA, and a powerful (F-4) tornado caused five million dollars damage at Traer, IA. Thunderstorm winds gusting to 88 mph killed one person and injured five others at Stephensville, WI.
1990 - Severe thunderstorms spawned two dozen tornadoes from Montana to Oklahoma. Four tornadoes carved a 109-mile path across central Kansas. The third of the four tornadoes blew 88 cars of an 125-car train off the track, stacking them three to four cars high in some cases, and the fourth tornado caused 3.9 million dollars damage. The third tornado injured six persons who were trying to escape in vehicles. A woman was "sucked out" of a truck and said that at one time she was "airborne, trying to run but my feet wouldn't touch the ground". She also saw a live deer "flying through the air"
1994---Top Hits
I Swear- All-4-One
I'll Remember (From "With Honors")- Madonna
The Sign- Ace Of Base
The Most Beautiful Girl In The World-The Artist
1994- In a game against Milwaukee, Cal Ripken hits his 300th career home run.
1998 - The first Native American Music Awards take place at the Fox Theater at the Foxwoods Resort Casino in Mashantucket, Conn. The show is hosted by Wayne Newton, and presenters include Joe Walsh, Bruce Cockburn, Richie Havens and John Trudell. Lifetime achievement awards go to Robbie Robertson and Frederick Whiteface.
1998 - In an official ceremony backstage prior to Van Halen's show at the CoreStates Spectrum, Philadelphia mayor Ed Rendell proclaims May 24th Van Halen Day in Philadelphia. Each member of the band is given a personalized replica of the Liberty Bell.
1999---Top Hits
Livin La Vida Loca- Ricky Martin
No Scrubs- TLC
Kiss Me- Sixpence None The Richer
Fortunate- Maxwell
2000- Shawn Estes pitches a seven-hitter and becomes the first Giants pitcher in 51 years (Monte Kennedy-1949) to hit a grand slam en route to handing the Expos their worst defeat in franchise history, 18-0. The San Bernardino native just misses joining Tony Cloninger as the only major league pitcher to hit two slams in a game.
2000- Mark McGwire becomes the fastest player to hit 20 home runs in one season reaching the mark in 35 games, six less than Mickey Mantle (1956) and his own record (1998).
2000- Sixteen Dodgers' players and three coaches are suspended by the commissioner's office for going into the stands during the Wrigley Field scuffle with fans on May 16. The suspensions totaling 60 games for players and 24 games for coaches is the harshest penalty ever handed down by major league baseball.
2001 -Cincinnati is shut out as Cubs' starter Jon Lieber one-hits the Reds, 3-0. The span of 208 of games without being blanked establishes a new National League record with the 1931-33 Yankees (308) and the 1978-79 Milwaukee Brewers (212) being the only teams with longer streaks.
2007-Art Garfunkel joined Paul Simon in a rare reunion in Washington, D.C. which commemorated Simon's receipt of the Library of Congress' first Gershwin Award, recognizing contributions to the popular song as an art form. Simon introduced his former partner by saying "My dear friend and partner in arguments, Art Garfunkel," before they launched into "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and "Cecilia". Also appearing on the show were Stevie Wonder and James Taylor.
2009-Billy Joel was sued by his former drummer for hundreds of thousands of dollars in unpaid royalties. Liberty Devitto claimed that Joel hadn't paid him proper royalties for 10 years of his work. Devitto was Joel's drummer from 1975 until 2005, when he said he was abruptly kicked out of the band without so much as a phone call.
2010-John Fogerty's 1985 hit "Centerfield" was selected to be honored at the National Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies. The event would mark the first time a musician or song has been honored in such a way.
Stanley Cup Champions This Date
1980 New York Islanders
1986 Montreal Canadiens
1990 Edmonton Oilers

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