Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Pictures from the Past---1979---Sam Eichenfeld
Classified Ads---Sales
Who Will be the New Head of Direct Capital?
Changes in the Works
Dave & Mike Murray,
the Original Founders of Direct Capital
What is Leasing?
Legal Definitions by Leasing News Legal Editor Tom McCurnin
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Letters?---We get eMail!
(News and Reactions to News)
CLP Foundation Adds 5 CLPs
After Successful Maryland ILP
Andrew Lea Starts New Company
Write On Target Marketing Inc.
Top multi-family lenders among banks and thrifts,
The Alta Group initiates the sale of
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association
Announces New Board of Directors
Robert Rinaldi Elected Chairman
ELFA Establishes Equipment Finance Hall of Fame,
Inducts 10 Inaugural Honorees
Border Collie & Labrador Retriever Mix
Reno, Nevada Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Ben Bradlee, Editor Who Directed Watergate Coverage, Dies at 93
IBM Exits Manufacturing
Element Financial Corp’s “Sector Outperform” Rating Reiterated at Scotiabank
Leasing: Get a share of the $85b your rivals are snubbing
Apple revenue soars to record $42.1 billion
Toyota recalls 1.75 million cars worldwide
We knew China was rich. But not this rich
Good news for Marissa Mayer, as Yahoo posts strong earnings
McDonald's profit plunges in third quarter
Lease Accounting Reform 2014: The Systems Impact
for Asset Finance Lessors (25 pages)
Apple Pay business won’t be built in a day
Walmart Starts Offering GoBank’s Checking Product
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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California Nuts Brief---
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.
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Pictures from the Past---1979---Sam Eichenfeld

Sam Eichenfeld, President of the American Association
of Equipment Lessors (now the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association)
(Article includes the announcement of the move to Washington and the appointment of the new Executive Secretary, Michael J. Fleming.)
Record turn-out at Reno Convention
“There was a record turn-out of some 1,500 people at the annual convention of the American Association of Equipment Lessors, this year held in Reno, Nevada, from September 16-19. The AAEL President, Sam Eichenfield, described 1979 as being the most significant in the history of the Association, because it was the year in which it became active rather than reactive.
“This year the AAEL moved its headquarters from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Washington DC. For the long standing and respected secretary, Sidney R. Rose, this is retirement year and his last Convention. In 1966, he joined the young association of 23 members, and it has since then grown massively in membership.
“With the move to Washington comes the appointment of the new Executive Secretary, Michael J. Fleming. Now in temporary offices in Washington, he will move to new offices at 1700 North Moores Street, Arlington, VA 22209, from November 1. A sign of the importance of the new location lies in the fact that a reception for US Congressmen is being planned for October 22 when the AAEL will be asserting itself as an effective voice the political lobby...
“The AAEL members at a private session at the start of the Convention announced the intention of dividing the association into five regional associations for the purpose of attracting a wider range of smaller leasing companies. These would feel more sympathy to a local regional association than a supranational AAEL in which they did not have a sense of place...
“Sam Eichenfeld said the membership should double in the course of the next 18 months because of this new move.
“The move springs out of the appreciation of the aggressive growth policies pursued by several similar leasing associations, in particular the Western Association of Equipment Lessors, out of which grew the Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors (29 members). WAEL contacts had claimed to fill a void left by the AAEL which "was not sensitive to their needs on a local basis" according to the Leasing Committee Chairman, Harvey Granat of the Sussex Leasing Corporation, Great Neck, New York. Granat's report to the- Convention indicated that the new membership categories should stress ‘take home value of AAEL membership with its new regional organization.'
“Next year's convention is to be held at the Doral Country Club, near Miami, Florida, where it was held last year. In 1981, the venue will be the new Hyatt Hotel of Maui in Western Hawaii.”
Leasing Digest, September, 1979

Classified Ads---Sales

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
Boston, Mass.
Accomplished Sales & Relationship Management Professional with business development experience in the financial services industry. Recognized by market leaders as industry expert in Professional Practice financing, as well as Residential Mortgage Lending. Keen insight and understanding of transaction process and financial requirements of customer. Proven record of exceeding sales goals. |
Work Remotely
Business Development - Are you looking to enter/increase your Healthcare lending? Let me identify and qualify healthcare (all verticals) vendors, distributors, and end users who utilize leasing/financing as a tool to sell equipment for you. Many years experience - contact Mitchell Utz at or
(215) 460-4483. |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Who Will be the New Head of Direct Capital?
Changes in the Works

“What! Me Worry?”
Leasing News originally requested denial or confirmation from CIT Group regarding received perhaps as many as two dozen Direct Capital email non-working email notices, and that the EquipmentEngine website is no longer up (inspection, repossession company operated by Direct Capital). Curt Ritter, Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, told Leasing News as reported in the September 12, 2014 News Edition, “No jobs were eliminated." He seems to be correct, but it doesn't tell the entire story.
The press release naming of three key employees from Direct Capital.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, in the opening of an Ascentium Capital office in nearby Dover, New Hampshire, confirms more of what current and ex-Direct Capital employees have been telling Leasing News “Off the Record.”
The first group of the new employees announced at the Ascentium Capital are David Lyder, CPA, CMA, former SVP of Finance and Operations, Direct Capital Corporation (originally joined company July, 2008); Brian Varney, Director of Sales, Direct Capital Corporation (joined company, 2000;) Stan Dumont, reportedly instrumental in the creation of their LendEdge credit scoring model, one of the reasons Leasing News was told why CIT Bank purchased the company. Reportedly, there are more to be announced, as well as those appearing in Leasing News New Hires-Promotions, such as ex-employees who joined Beacon Funding (Jeremy Tsarkis, Don Seely). Reportedly Beacon may also be opening an office in the Dover/Portsmouth area
“Chairman, Principal, Co-Founder and Director,” * Chris Broom, before the purchase by CIT Bank, always responded to "complaints," including waiving Evergreen Lease payments and "fair market value purchase options." What was not covered were non-compete agreements, with one party saying some were up to three years! Leasing News uncovered such suits. Here is one of them involving claims of working more than 40 hours a week as a requirement, according to James L. Noble, settled February 11, 2011 (1)
It appears these non-competes under the umbrella of CIT Bank are no longer enforceable (not confirmed or denied by CIT Group). There is also talk about better remuneration elsewhere, especially since the reported cutbacks in interest rates and other requirements brought about by CIT. Leasing News was told, "DCC was writing their own merchant cash advances. If customer did not qualify for entire request, they would acquire additional funds from outside sources (mostly OnDeck)."
It should also be mentioned that the Broom brothers, upon the sale of Direct Capital, reportedly issued "generous" bonuses to employees right before the takeover of CIT Bank. Despite this gesture, evidently a number of employees thought it was time to look elsewhere. Leasing News was told it was not because of CIT, but the elimination of enforcement of the non-compete clause and not being happy with the current management under the Brooms.
(1) Nobles Case
Noble Settlement
(“The parties agree and hereby stipulate that the amount set forth therein is sufficient to compensate Plaintiffs for al back wages and attorney’s fees that they claim they are owed by Defendant, plus an additional sum in liquidated dames.”)
Dave & Mike Murray,
the Original Founders of Direct Capital
by Christopher Menkin

“Having Fun in Tahoe”
Dave Murray
November 9, 2008: Direct Capital CEO Chris Broom announced that co-founder Mike Murray retired: "Mike took a month off, and during this time, decided it was time to retire," Broom told Leasing News. "I joined the company full-time in 1991, brought my brother Jim here in 1995, who is now CEO, and in March of this year ,when Allied Capital committed $75 million to acquire a majority interest in Direct Capital, we all felt we had a 'partner' with deep pockets, a lot of knowledge and experience, that has certainly made a difference."
Dave Murray, his brother Mike (now “retired," but still listed as an owner in the LinkedIn company page (1), founded a company called Direct Capital, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. It was a popular skiing and resort city that Dave Murray found very attractive. Here he had developed a new model for equipment financing. It was one of the first, following the concept of several Washington leasing companies, but the main difference was Murray's genius at developing a software contact program using Dun & Bradstreet information, hiring college students to read from scripts, and make 200 to 300 telephone calls a day (the good ones.)
Rarely did they hire anyone with leasing experience, as they wanted to train them their way, their commission structure, and under their corporate program. Mike was the popular one, Leasing News was told by several employees who were around at the time: "former DCC president Mike Murray was the significant contributor in the development of the reps that became the backbone of DCC." Another told Leasing News," Murray was a deal guy and the sales team loved him.” Another wrote, “DCC was never able to replace Mike Murray with anyone that possessed a comparable ability to develop reps the way Mike could..."
After some managerial and personality conflicts, perhaps spending habits, reportedly, Dave Murray left (reportedly not on his own violation, Leasing News was told) and started Preferred Capital Corporation in Nevada with Louis Schneider, an excellent leasing salesman with much experience, using the same concept.
A person who worked with Dave Murray way back when, told Leasing News: "Dave Murray and Louis Schneider were high school friends, growing up in Sudbury, MA. Throughout high school Louis dated a girl whose father Harold Gold, who pled guilty in Operation Lease Fleece, was in the leasing business. After college Louis went to work for Digital Equipment Corp and moved to Chicago.
“Harold was always an interesting character and at one point his sales team revolted, walked out, and formed their own company - if memory serves correctly it was Continental Leasing in Woburn, MA (the remnants of Continental are alive and well, I believe, in Bankers Capital, Northborough, MA). That left Harold with one sales person and a need to recruit a fresh sales team. Louis had moved back from Chicago and Harold convinced him there was far greater opportunity working for a small independent firm than a large giant.
"Graphics sold deals non-recourse and bought for its own portfolio. In the late 1980s Textron suggested that if Harold would accumulate deals and fund once a month in bulk they would offer a better rate.
“Harold began to pursue the same strategy with other sources and soon Graphics was funding in three channels; one-off, portfolio, and bulk sales. It was always a wonderment that a funder would buy ten to twelve deals during the month at one rate, but if one held those deals and sold the same deals in a pool the rate would drop by 50 to 75 basis points.”
Gold later got into other difficulties with his fundings and non-fundings, but that is another story.
"Murray never appeared to understand leasing or credit and never appeared to care - but he clearly understood marketing. Harold understood credit and tended to promote salesmanship and an understanding on how to run a portfolio. It was at Graphics, Murray began the design of the credit card pre-approval program that would launch Direct Capital and then Preferred Leasing. In retrospect he was brilliant - he was never a finance guy, he was a marketer. Had there been more appreciation for Murray at Graphics, there likely never would have been a Direct Capital or Preferred Leasing.
“Louis was that high school athlete everyone wanted to hang with and in business he was a top salesman who left every warm day by 3:00 PM to go water skiing. They located Preferred in Lake Tahoe to take advantage of the outdoor sports and with Louis at the helm, recruiting young aggressive talent was effortless. Building upon the bulk sales model pioneered at Graphics, Schneider and Murray improved and improved and developed a model many would emulate.'
"It was at Preferred Capital that David met Tom Allanson. David's company was generating lease contracts and selling them to a division of GE Capital - and Tom was the President of that division.
"After he sold Preferred Capital, David founded a company called Kord Marketing Group. This was a high tech consulting company with clients like Intuit, Ingram Micro and Insight. Later, Intuit hired him as the Head of Innovation for TurboTax."
"Dave and Tom Allanson sold Taxnet to H & R block and Dave netted $2 million. Dave bought a house in Tahoe. He worked for various leasing companies, such as Five Point, developing marketing software.
He then turned to books, and wrote two best sellers, available at Amazon:”

(1) Mike M.
Dave Murray Video
Website about Dave Murray (still loves skiing)
What is Leasing?
Legal Definitions by Leasing News Legal Editor Tom McCurnin

At one time, leasing was simple. It was a faster deduction than taking a depreciation write-off, also with the purpose of up-grading equipment or airplane or cargo ship or computer at the end of the term. Now with all the accounting and IRS changes, as well as the types of financial products, Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has concluded a four part series on the various lease terms used in marketing. His purpose was to "attach to your proposal a letter to explain the type of lease you are offering." He added, "These are my suggestions and you may want to talk to your lease attorney regarding any letter to assure it is does not conflict with the actual leasing contract."
Terms used in lease marketing vary, and the actual definitions are also confusing, due to all the legal implications versus the marketing vernacular. As explained, there is a difference between a “purchase option” and “purchase option obligation” (Purchase Upon Terms) as well as a Capital Lease that is really a "loan" documented on a lease contract.
Leasing News asked our Legal Editor Tom McCurnin for brief legal summations:

There are only three terms which matter legally, the others are descriptive but have little legal impact.
True Lease—A lease defined under UCC 1-203 as being a true lease. It’s impact is in bankruptcy, because a true lease is treated as an executory contract. It may also be exempt from usury and licensing laws. It should be a stand-alone definition and should not overlap with any other definition.
Lease Intended as Security—A lease defined under UCC 1-203 as not being a true lease. The Code doesn’t say what it is, but it is not a lease. I call it a loan, an EFA, or a Capital Lease. Some call this a Finance Lease too, but given the definition of a Finance Lease in Article 2A that can really be confusing. If the transaction is a Lease Intended as Security, then it is treated like any other loan in bankruptcy and is typically subject to usury and licensing laws. Some people call this type of lease an “Article 9 Lease,” but since the definition is Article 1, that makes no sense to me, and it can be an Article 2A lease, so the term “Article 9 Lease” is quite confusing to me. The distinction between a Lease Intended as Security and a True Lease should be a “bright line” test, but courts have not gotten on board with this concept and there remains some murky overlap.
Lease for Tax Purposes—A lease defined under FASB and tax rules to be a “true lease” for tax purposes. A Lease for Tax Purposes is a true lease for the Uniform Commercial Code purposes but all True Leases under the Code are not Leases for Tax Purposes. Some call this an Operating Lease. Other than its impact for tax rules of deduction of payments and depreciation, the definition carries no other legal consequences. Most brokers want to market all leases as a Lease for Tax Purposes. Because all Leases for Tax Purposes are True Leases but all True Leases are not Leases for Tax Purposes, there is some overlap.
Finance Lease—A leased defined under the UCC Article 2A as a finance lease. A Finance Lease is where the lessor doesn’t own the equipment and merely writes a check to the vendor. Its chief advantage is the use of the “hell or high water clause.” However, since some States allow Article 2A Finance Lease treatment of obligations which are clearly not Finance Leases, the classification has less impact in those States. A Finance Lease may be any type of obligation, whether a true lease, a lease intended as security.
Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Fax: (213) 625-1832
Visit our web site at
Mr. Terry Winders Internet Lease Proposals
Capital Lease and Introduction
Equipment Finance Agreement with Purchase Option
Purchase Upon Termination (PUT)
True Lease and TRAC Lease
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
STRADA Capital recently moved into its new facility and is hiring Top Sales Producers to work in our Equipment Financing and Working Capital Divisions.
High Level Performance, Collaborative Creativity, Integrity and Transparency define our Culture. The Company offers generous commission plans, industry leading support and benefits.
Email your resume to:
The Place where Professionals Prosper
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Letters?---We get eMail!
(News and Reactions to News)

(Mostly Chronological Order as Received)

"After losing my last office partner in April I finally decided (after following your posts) to adopt another dog. This little guy comes to us via Animal Humane of NM via the Grants NM women’s prison where they foster dogs for adoption. This guy and his two brothers were actually born in the prison and then transferred to the AH at 8 weeks.
"Don’t let this picture fool. So far he is a handful and doesn’t type for beans. Like my past office partner, Bear will be in charge of holding the floor down and barking whenever birds or people are outside. If you call and I don’t answer I’m probably outside coaxing him to go..."
Bob Underwood
Specialty Funding

Microfinancial Reports Net Income $2.9 Million 3rd Q, 2014
"Much appreciate your coverage of our recent TimePayment earnings announcement. One quick note - we’re working to get the word out about our interest in, and success with larger transactions – (see blog post link below) and have altered our public transaction size window to $500 - $100,000 to better reflect that capability. I have attached our web descriptive, and have additional language I can share if you are interested.
Thank you,
Ric Zaenglein
(Will update as well as add you to Leasing News lists, too. Editor)

What Lessors Now Need to Know About Hacking
By Marty Robins, Esq.
"Nice piece, Marty, and so important today. This is one of those issues we'd all rather pretend doesn't happen...and then it does."
Jim Leman
Leman Public Relations

No Longer taking Broker/Discounting Business
plus Leasing Companies Out of Business
“Dolsen Leasing Company is currently on the list I saw today but is no longer in business. We stopped doing leases and loans 4.5 years ago when Joanie retired. I was formerly the District Manager of the Yakima office and was with them for 30 years. After I managed out the portfolio in March of 2013, I went to work for Tad Rolfe of Northwest Leasing Company and opened a small office in Yakima specializing in commercial trucks, trailers and construction equipment. “
Steven J. Royce
Northwest Leasing
(Thank you for pointing out. We had a story of closing one office when she retired, but not informed until now about the other. Editor)

Archives--October 8, 2006
Jimmy Frank Joins Sterling Savings Bank
“I saw the posting in Leasing News this morning. I really appreciate that! Thank you so much Kit!”
Jimmy Frank
Commercial Loan Officer
Citizens Bank

September 2014 Broker Survey Results
Wheeler Business Consulting
Reaction to Wheeler 2014 Broker Survey
By Christopher Menkin
“Thanks for sharing the Wheeler Broker Survey and providing your feedback. I just want everyone to know that, despite the changes in the industry and our association with Umpqua Bank, we consider our Third Party Origination (broker/lessor) channel to be core to our growth strategy and will continue to grow and evolve as a valuable source for our sources. We know and understand this market. Our systems and experience allow us to appropriately manage the risk. I personally believe there will always be a valued place in our industry for the TPO model.”
Paul J. Menzel, CLP
President & CEO
Financial Pacific Leasing dba
Umpqua Bank Equipment Leasing & Finance,
a subsidiary of Umpqua Bank
FDIC Summary of Deposits Thursday, October 2
---Expected to Show Further Bank Branch Reductions
“You are correct in all you say. I noticed big time. Again great job. I am on a bank advisory board and pay attention to anything bank related. In fact just came from my monthly meeting:
“Topics were:
The future of credit cards
Mobile banking
“Take care and keep up the good work.”
Allan Levine
President and COO
Equipment and Vehicle Lease Financing Solutions

How to be a “Leasing Expert Witness”
and Make Extra Income
By Christopher Menkin
“Thanks for the mention in your piece today on expert witness services. Yes, Alta has provided expert testimony in scores of equipment leasing matters - federal, state, local, bankruptcy, private arbitration. We've been cited many times in appellate opinions.
“In case anyone asks, our information is at “
Best regards,
Paul Bent / The Alta Group
= via Android tablet =

CLP Foundation Adds 5 CLPs
After Successful Maryland ILP

The Board of Directors of the Certified Lease Professional (CLP) Foundation is pleased to announce that five individuals who sat for the exam after the FSG Capital, Laurel, Maryland Institute for Leasing Professionals attained the CLP designation. They are:

G. Paul Fogle, CLP
General Manager
Quality Leasing Co., Inc.

Stephanie Hall, CLP
Vice President, Third Party Originations
Bryn Mawr Funding

David Lempko, CLP
Senior Vice President
Equipment Leasing at
First Niagara Bank

Andrew Mallinger, CLP
Vice President of
Strategic Partnership
Fora Financial

Mark Schrews, CLP
Vice President of Wholesale Sales
IOU Central
Mr. Lempko, Senior Vice President is the first CLP at First Niagara Leasing and when asked why he pursued the CLP designation, he stated, “I’ve been in the equipment finance industry for quite a few years and have participated in a variety of training sessions. However, like most leasing professionals, the majority of my learning was done informally and on-the-job.
“I decided to invest in formal classroom training to make sure that the concepts that I have learned are sound and to gain a broader understanding of all of the components of running a successful leasing company. Studying for and passing the CLP exam have helped me do exactly that.”
The CLP designation identifies an individual as a knowledgeable professional to employers, clients, customers, and peers in the equipment finance industry. There are currently 223 Certified Lease Professionals throughout the world. For more information, call Reid Raykovich, CLP at (206) 535-6281 or visit
Companies with More than One CLP
1. Financial Pacific Leasing – 23
2. First American Equipment Finance – 21
3. Orion First Financial – 9
4. Allegiant Partners- 10 (includes Clearview and First Star)
5. ECS Financial Services – 7
6. Arvest Equipment Finance – 6
7. GreatAmerica Financial Services – 6
8. Ascentium Capital LLC – 5
9. Banc of California - 4
10. Innovative Lease Services, Inc. – 4
11. Maxim Commercial Capital – 4
12. Bank of the West – 4
13. Canon Financial Services-3
14. FSG Leasing - 3
15. LeaseTeam-3
16. Pacifica Capital - 3
17. GO Capital- 2
18. Alliance Funding Group -2
19. Finance Capital -2
20. Padco Financial Services- 2
21. Pinnacle Business Finance- 2
22. Portfolio Financial Servicing- 2
23. TEQ Lease – 2
Why I Became a CLP
((Please click on ad to learn more))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Andrew Lea Starts New Company
Write On Target Marketing Inc.
Andrew Lea
Write On Target Marketing Inc.
(415) 300-1144

Andrew is the proprietor of Write On Target Marketing Services, a content development and graphics design team that serves technology providers in equipment leasing, commercial lending, and IT managed services.
Andrew is an equipment leasing marketing pro, with a reputation in the industry for attention-grabbing ads and collateral, engaging website content and design, and innovative editorial content in industry publications. (Little-known factoid: Andrew authored the ELFA’s slogan, “Equipping Business for Success.”)
Andrew is the former head of marketing for CapitalStream, NetSol Technologies, and McCue Systems. While working as VP of Marketing for NetSol Technologies, Andrew spearheaded the market roll-out of the industry’s first lease originations and portfolio management software-as-a-service offering, LeasePak-SaaS. He joined the Leasing News Advisory Board on February 5, 2004, and has been very helpful in the growth of the web site and news editions.
Andrew and his wife Susan live in the San Francisco Bay Area. He holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of California at Berkeley and a Master's Degree from the New School University in New York City.
He may be reached at
Top multi-family lenders among banks and thrifts
By Zuhaib Gull
SNL Financial

A multi-family loan is typically reserved for purchasing a property that houses more than one family. In most cases, these types of loans are given to developers or investors to purchase apartment buildings or condominium complexes. The multi-family loan application can be more detailed than similar financing paperwork, and have stricter guidelines for approval.
A multi-family loan is not limited to the purchase of a new property. In cases where the equity of a property is higher than, or equal to, the total mortgage, this type of loan can be used to refinance the property. Refinancing loans will often differ from original loans, and can reduce the interest rate on a mortgage. With a lowered interest rate and renewed repayment terms, the total mortgage payment may also be reduced.
Multi-family loans at U.S. banks and thrifts grew by $38.0 billion during the 12-month period ended June 30, reaching $281.20 billion.

Several of the nation's largest banks have added multi-family loans to their books over the past year, according to regulatory financials disclosed for June 30. JPMorgan Chase & Co. continues to hold by far the highest balance of this loan type, with $47.05 billion.
With $23.33 billion, New York Community Bancorp Inc. had the second-largest balance of multifamily loans among banks and thrifts as of June 30; multi-family loans made up nearly 64% of the company's total loans. Wells Fargo & Co. had the third-highest balance of multifamily loans at the end of the second quarter, at nearly $12 billion. The bank's multi-family concentration remained low, however, at 1.38% of total loans.
Meanwhile, Capital One Financial Corp.'s acquisition of Bethesda, Md.-based Beech Street Capital on Aug. 16, 2013, helped boost the company to the position of fourth-largest multi-family lender among U.S. banks.
Umpqua Holdings Corp. also moved up the ranks through M&A, becoming the 18th-largest multi-family lender following its acquisition of Spokane, Wash.-based Sterling Financial Corp., which closed in April. Umpqua reported a multi-family loan balance of $2.56 billion at June 30 — up significantly from $424.2 million at the end of the first quarter. The bank's concentration of multifamily loans to total loans jumped to 16.54% at June 30, from 5.30% on June 30, 2013.

### Press Release ###############################
The Alta Group initiates the sale of
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation
RENO, NEVADA. – The Alta Group, a global consultancy specializing in the equipment leasing and financing industry, announced that its client, National Machine Tool Financial Corporation of Elk Grove Village, Illinois, has been acquired by First Midwest Bank, the principal operating subsidiary of First Midwest Bancorp, Inc., of Itasca, Illinois. Alta initiated the transaction and served as exclusive financial advisor to National Machine Tool Financial Corporation.
National Machine Tool Financial specializes in financing machine tools and other manufacturing equipment. The company obtains its business through the strong vendor financing relationships it has developed with manufacturers and distributors of such equipment as well as through its long-term relationships with equipment users. It was founded in 1986 by President Bob Lang, who owned the company along with Executive Vice President Chris Chiappetta.
Commenting on the transaction, Chiappetta said, “I now understand why The Alta Group and Bruce Kropschot have such a great reputation in the M &A industry. The Alta Group was extremely helpful in negotiating specific terms of our recent company sale. Bruce Kropschot's in-depth knowledge and experience was vital to a smooth closing. Bruce and The Alta Group have been great consultants and a pleasure to deal with.”
First Midwest Bancorp has assets of approximately $9 billion and is a major relationship-based financial institution in the Chicago area banking market. The addition of equipment leasing to First Midwest Bank's product offerings provides the bank the opportunity to leverage its sales platform to augment National Machine Tool Financial's historical lease production of $40 million per year, bank officials said in a statement released today.
Alta’s Merger & Acquisition Advisory Practice provides both buy and sell side advisory services, funding management and capital raising services, due diligence services and valuation services. Kropschot is senior managing director and Merger & Acquisition Advisory Practice leader. He and his colleagues have arranged the acquisition of over 200 equipment leasing and financing companies.
About The Alta Group
The Alta Group is the leading global consultancy dedicated exclusively to the business of equipment leasing and asset finance. Since 1992, Alta has represented equipment leasing and finance companies, financial institutions, manufacturers and service providers, offering management consulting and expertise in global market entry, vendor and captive finance, professional development, legal services, asset management, mergers and acquisitions, and application consulting. For information on the group’s services in the United States and Canada , Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Africa, China , and Asia-Pacific, visit
### Press Release ###############################
Equipment Leasing and Finance Association
Announces New Board of Directors
Robert Rinaldi, CEO of Commercial Industrial Finance,
Elected Chairman

San Diego, CA, --Tuesday, during the 53rd Annual Convention of the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA), the association announced its new Board of Directors and Officers who will serve during the next 12 months. Robert “Bob” Rinaldi, CEO of Commercial Industrial Finance, is the Chairman of the Board and William Stephenson, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of DLL, is now Chairman-Elect. The Chairman-Elect and new board members were recommended by ELFA’s Nominating Committee and approved by a vote of the general membership.

“We are very fortunate to have Bob Rinaldi as Chairman of the Board of Directors for 2015,” said ELFA President and CEO William G. Sutton, CAE. “Bob has been a valued member volunteer of ELFA for many years, and his knowledge of the industry and dedication to our association will be assets to our members and the industry at large in the coming year.”
“It is a distinct honor to serve as Chairman of the Board of ELFA,” said Rinaldi. “Participating in ELFA has always been my way of giving back to the industry that has been so good to me on so many levels. The equipment leasing and finance industry has been and continues to be a major catalyst in the growth of the U.S. economy, contributing to GDP growth, increases in productivity, jobs and, of course, capital.”
Before joining Commercial Industrial Finance as CEO in January 2014, Rinaldi served for four years as Senior Vice President at CSI Leasing. Previously, he served as Executive Vice President of the $8 billion bank-owned lessor National City Commercial Capital (now PNC Equipment Finance) and as President of National City Commercial Capital Canada. Prior to that, he and his partners founded Information Leasing Corporation in 1984, which they subsequently sold to Provident Bank of Cincinnati, later acquired by National City Bank.
Rinaldi has more than 27 years of experience in equipment finance and has been an active participant in ELFA for more than 15 years. He served as a member of the ELFA Board of Directors from 2002–2005 and 2007–present and became Vice Chairman in 2011. From 2007 through 2010, he served as Chairman of LeasePAC, ELFA’s nonpartisan federal political action committee. In addition to his ELFA involvement, he has contributed to ELFA’s research affiliate, the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation, including service on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and Development and Research Committees. In November 2013 Rinaldi was the recipient of the Foundation Research Committee’s Steven R. LeBarron Award for Principled Research. Most recently, in June 2014, he was the recipient of ELFA’s 2014 David H. Fenig Distinguished Service in Advocacy Award. He received a B.S. from Michigan State University.
2015 ELFA Board of Directors
The new members of the ELFA Board of Directors include:
· Andrew Bender, CEO, GSG Financial LLC
· Michael DiCecco, President, Huntington Equipment Finance
· John Evans, Executive VP, Equipment Finance Division, Bank of the West
· Sanjay Kumar, Senior Director, Worldwide Technology and Channel Financing, Cisco Systems Capital Corporation
· David Mirsky, CEO, Pacific Rim Capital, Inc.
· William Phelan, President, PayNet, Inc.
The following individuals were elected by the membership to serve as ELFA Vice Chairs: Thomas Jaschik, President, BB&T Equipment Finance; Anthony Cracchiolo, President & CEO, U.S. Bank Equipment Finance; and David Schaefer, CEO, Mintaka Financial, LLC. Jud Snyder, President, BMO Harris Equipment Finance Company, continues to serve as Treasurer and Paul Stilp, ELFA’s Vice President of Finance and Administration, continues to serve as Secretary. William G. Sutton, CAE, serves as President and CEO.
Adam D. Warner, President of Key Equipment Finance, is Immediate Past Chairman. Other members of the Board are:
Martha Ahlers, VP and COO, United Leasing, Inc.
Ron Arrington, Transitional Member
Bill Besgen, President and COO, Hitachi Capital America Corp.
Diane Croessmann, Executive Director - Worldwide, Lenovo Financial Services
Daniel Dyer, Co-Founder and CEO, Marlin Leasing Corp.
Christopher Enbom, CEO and Chairman, Allegiant Partners dba First Star Capital dba Clearview Financial
Brian Griffin, Senior VP – Leasing, MB Financial Bank
Miles Herman, President and COO, LEAF Commercial Capital, Inc.
Ed Hetherington, President, Doosan Infracore Financial Solutions
Gary Kempinski, Executive General Manager, GE Commercial Finance
John McQueen, President, Wells Fargo Equipment Finance, Inc.
Scott Thacker, CEO, Ivory Consulting Corporation
Steve Whelan, Partner, Blank Rome LLP
##### Press Release ############################
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##### Press Release ############################
ELFA Establishes Equipment Finance Hall of Fame
Inducts 10 Inaugural Honorees

SAN DIEGO, CA, – The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) has established the Equipment Finance Hall of Fame to annually recognize individuals who have made unique, significant or lasting contributions to the equipment finance industry throughout their careers. ELFA President and CEO William G. Sutton, CAE, announced the new program and the inaugural class of 10 inductees this morning at the General Session of the 53rd ELFA Annual Convention in San Diego, Calif.

“We are excited to announce the creation of the Equipment Finance Hall of Fame to honor remarkable individuals who have given so much to our industry and our association,” said Sutton. “We are grateful for the committee of former ELFA Board Chairmen who worked diligently under the direction of the ELFA Board to create this program. Congratulations to all the inaugural inductees, whose influence is enduring and inspirational.”
The official induction ceremony took place on Oct. 18 at the Chairman’s Dinner preceding the ELFA Annual Convention. 2014 ELFA Chairman Adam Warner, President of Key Equipment Finance, named the following 10 individuals to the Equipment Finance Hall of Fame:
- Abe Bernstein – Founder of Fidelity Leasing and industry mentor
- Spencer Wiscomb Clawson (1915-1994) – Founding father and first president of ELFA and founder of Security Loan & Finance Company
- Michael J. Fleming (1938-2014) – Industry icon, the face of leasing in Washington, D.C., and long-time leader of ELFA
- John H. Giddens – Leading force in transitioning ELFA into a modern professional industry trade association
- Adolf Sonny Monosson (1926-2003) – Pioneer of computer equipment leasing and founder of numerous leasing entities
- Peter K. Nevitt (1927-2002) – Father of leveraged and synthetic leases and prolific industry author
- Ken N. Pontikes (1940-1994) – Founder of Comdisco and a pioneer in independent IT leasing
- James H. Possehl – Founder of Republic Financial and an independent middle market leasing visionary
- Bob Stubbs – Founder of TriContinental Leasing and dedicated ELFA volunteer
- Thomas C. Wajnert – Leasing pioneer, multi-talented entrepreneur and founder of AT&T Credit Corporation
More information about each inductee is available on the Equipment Finance Hall of Fame website at
Eligibility Requirements and Nomination Process
To be considered for induction into the Equipment Finance Hall of Fame, a candidate must have made a significant impact on the equipment finance industry. This may be demonstrated through personal acts, the manifestation of an entrepreneurial spirit, support of ELFA and/or the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation, a substantial total body of work, positive contributions in industry advocacy, and/or a significant impact on the development of other industry participants.
Nominees will be accepted annually. The deadline to nominate an individual for the 2015 Class of the Equipment Finance Hall of Fame is April 1, 2015. The ELFA Board of Directors will make the final selection from the open nomination process. The program criteria, requirements, nomination form and deadlines are posted at
About ELFA
The Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) is the trade association that represents companies in the $827 billion equipment finance sector, which includes financial services companies and manufacturers engaged in financing capital goods. ELFA members are the driving force behind the growth in the commercial equipment finance market and contribute to capital formation in the U.S. and abroad. Its 580 members include independent and captive leasing and finance companies, banks, financial services corporations, broker/packagers and investment banks, as well as manufacturers and service providers. For more information, please visit
### Press Release ############################
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Ben Bradlee, Editor Who Directed Watergate Coverage, Dies at 93
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Leasing: Get a share of the $85b your rivals are snubbing
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Toyota recalls 1.75 million cars worldwide
We knew China was rich. But not this rich.
Good news for Marissa Mayer, as Yahoo posts strong earnings
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Lease Accounting Reform 2014: The Systems Impact for Asset Finance Lessors (25 pages)
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Walmart Starts Offering GoBank’s Checking Product
STRADA Capital recently moved into its new facility and is hiring Top Sales Producers to work in our Equipment Financing and Working Capital Divisions.
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What You Need to Know before You Hit the Trail
Baseball Poem

Three Strikes, Yer Out
..... written by Greg Salts, Chula Vista, Calif.
The first pitch was heat that looked more like meat.
You swung awful fast but it fouled off my mask.
You looked far too long at the base coach's face.
Your task here is simple, just get to first base.
You step in the box and shuffle your feet.
"O-2 on the batter," I said,
and was glad I glanced at him then and he really looked mad.
The catcher laid down number three as a sign
A change-up it was and it looked mighty fine.
I can't figure out why you stood there and looked.
But now there's a backward K in the book.

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This Day in American History
1721 - Unofficial Birthday of Peyton Randolph, first president of the Continental Congress, died October 22, 1775.
1734 – Daniel Boone was born in Berks County in the Pennsylvania Colony. Having moved to Kentucky, Boone was in the Revolutionary War, which in Kentucky, was fought primarily between the American settlers and the British-aided Indians. Boone was captured by Shawnee warriors in 1778, who after a while adopted him into their tribe. Later, he left the Indians and returned to Boonesborough to help defend the European settlements in Kentucky/Virginia. Boone was elected to the first of his three terms in the Virginia General Assembly during the Revolution, and fought in the Battle of Blue Licks in 1782. Blue Licks, a Loyalist victory over the Patriots, was one of the last battles of the Revolutionary War, coming after the main fighting ended in October 1781. Boone died in 1820 in Missouri.
1746 – Princeton University received its charter as The College of New Jersey.
1812 - American Mountain man Grizzly Adams born Medway, Massachusetts.
1819 – The first ship travels the Erie Canal from Rome to Utica in New York.
1836 - Sam Houston inaugurated as first elected president of Republic of Texas
1844 - The "Great Disappointment" began when this latest date, set for the return of Christ by religious leader William Miller, passed without event. Over 100,000 disillusioned followers returned to their former churches, or abandoned the Christian faith altogether.
1861 – The first telegraph linking the east and west coasts is completed.
1862 - Battle at Old Fort Wayne, Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Brig. Gen. James G. Blunt and his troops attacked Col. Douglas H. Cooper and his Confederate command on Beatties Prairie near Old Fort Wayne at 7:00 am. The Confederates put up stiff resistance for a half hour, but overwhelming numbers forced them to retire from the field in haste, leaving artillery and equipment behind. This was a setback in the 1862 Confederate offensive that extended from the tidewater in the east to the plains of the Indian Territory of the west.
1875 - Sons of the American Revolution organized.
1879 – Thomas Edison, using a filament of carbonized thread, tests the first practical electric incandescent light bulb. It lasted 13½ hours before burning out.
1881 – The Boston Symphony Orchestra performed its first concert.
1883 - The Metropolitan Opera House opened in New York City with Charles Francois Gounod's “Faust,” sung in Italian, by Ludovico Contini; “Siebel” by Sofia Scalchi; “Marthe” by Louise Lablache; and “Marguerite” by Christine Nilsson. Admission was priced at $6 for the orchestra stalls, $3 for the balcony, and 42 for the family circle.
1883 – The first horse show was held, at New York’s Madison Square Garden.
1884 – Sporting Life announces that both pennant winners will meet in a 3 game series Oct 23-25 at Polo Grounds New York City to determine baseball champion in what would become the World Series.
1885 – John Montgomery Ward and several teammates secretly form the Brotherhood of Professional Baseball Players, becoming the first union representing the players.
1897 – The world’s first car dealer opens in London.
1898 - Birthday of composer-pianist Ralph Yaw, Enosburg Valls, VT. He arranged 40 originals for Stan Kenton.
1903 - Birthday of George Beadle, on a farm near Wahoo, NE. Beadle began his professional career as a professor of genetics at Harvard, eventually becoming President of the University of Chicago. Dr. Beadle won many international prizes, including the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1958 for his work in genetic research, as well as the National Award of the American Cancer Society in 1959 and the Kimber Genetica Award of the National Academy of Science in 1960. Beadle demonstrated how the genes control the basic chemistry of the living cell. Because of his work, he has been termed “the man who did most to put modern genetics on its chemical basis.” Beadle died June 9, 1989, at Pomona, CA.
1903 – Curly Howard, one of The Three Stooges, was born Jerome Lester Horwitz in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn.
1906 - Race riot for four days in Atlanta, Georgia, ten blacks and two whites were killed. Historians’ state racism prevailed until Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the late 1950's (that is another story). Lynchings of Americans were common in the 20th century from seventy-five to one hundred per year, and it appears until the late 1920's, when it became less than 25 known lynchings per year. In 1922, an anti-lynching bill was filibustered in the US Senate.
1906 - 3,000 blacks demonstrate and riot in Philadelphia to protest a theatrical presentation of Thomas Dixon's "The Clansman". D.W. Griffith’s “The Birth of the Nation” is an adaptation of this novel turned into a play and film.
1907 – Ringling Bros acquires Barnum and Bailey Circus.
1907 – “Double X”, Jimmy Foxx was born in Sudlersville, MD. He played 20 seasons in the Majors with four teams. His most productive years were with the Philadelphia A’s and the Boston Red Sox, where he hit 30 or more HRs in 12 consecutive seasons and drove in more than 100 runs in 13 consecutive years. In 1932, Foxx hit .364, with 58 home runs with 169 RBIs, missing the Triple Crown by just three points in batting average. Foxx had actually hit 60 home runs that year which would have tied Babe Ruth’s record, but two of the home runs were hit in games that ended up being rained out, so the home runs didn't count. Foxx became the second player in Major League Baseball history to hit 500 career home runs, after Ruth. Attaining that plateau at age 32 years and 336 days, he held the record for youngest to reach 500 for sixty-eight years, until superseded by Alex Rodriguez in 2007. His three career MVPs awards are tied for second all-time. Foxx was inducted to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1951. Foxx passed in FL in 1967.
1913 - Action/war photographer Robert Capa (real name Andre Friedmann) was born in Budapest, Austro-Hungary. Instrumental in forming photographer-owned outfit (Magnum) to aid photographers and distribute their work cooperatively. Capa took some of the most famous war photos ever, including anarchists and Republicans during the Spanish Revolution of 1936. Shortly after taking this photograph, Capa, who had taken numerous famous photos of D-Day in World War II, stepped on a land mine and was killed in Vietnam, May 24, 1954.
1918 - Flu epidemic strikes one fourth of all Americans, 200,000 die in the month of October; overall 675,000 die from the flu in the United States alone, with over 1 million suffering, but recovering.
1920 – Birthday of Timothy Leary in Springfield, MA. A psychologist and writer, known for advocating psychedelic drugs, Leary conducted experiments under the Harvard Psilocybin Project, resulting in the Experiments at Concord prison and Marsh Chapel. Though obtaining useful data, Leary and his associate Richard Alpert were fired by Harvard amid controversy surrounding such drugs. Leary believed LSD showed therapeutic potential for use in psychiatry. He popularized catchphrases that promoted his philosophy such as "turn on, tune in, drop out"; "set and setting"; and "think for yourself and question authority". During the 1960s and 1970s, he was arrested often enough to see the inside of 29 different prisons worldwide. President Richard Nixon once described Leary as "the most dangerous man in America". Leary died in 1996 in LA.
1922 - The passage of the anti-protectionist Underwood-Simmons Act took a bite out of the nation's pocketbook. To compensate for the lost income, Congress passed the Revenue Act, mandating the first tax on incomes over $3,000.
1924 – Toastmasters International is founded by Ralph C. Smedley at the YMCA in Santa Ana, CA.
1928 - President Herbert Hoover speaks of "American system of rugged individualism". "We in American today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land. The poorhouse is vanishing from among us. We have yet reached the goal, but, given a chance to go forward with the policies of the last eight years, we shall soon with the help of God be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation." In November, he would be elected in a Republican landslide with 444 electoral votes to Alfred E. Smith’s 87: 21,392,190 popular votes to 15,016,433 for Smith. In congressional elections, the Republicans increased their majorities in both houses, leading in the Senate 56-39 with one seat going to a minor party, and controlling the House 267-167, with one seat held by a minor party.
1928 - Birthday of composer/pianist Clare Fisher.
1934 - Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd is shot by FBI agents in a cornfield in East Liverpool, Ohio. Famed agent Melvin Purvis asked the dying man, "Are you Pretty Boy Floyd?" to which he replied, "I am Charles Arthur Floyd. You got me this time." Floyd, who had been a hotly pursued fugitive for four years, used his last breath to deny his involvement in the infamous Kansas City Massacre, in which four officers were shot to death at a train station. He died shortly thereafter. A folk hero to the people of Oklahoma who saw him as a "Sagebrush Robin Hood", stealing from rich banks to help the poor eat by buying them groceries and tearing up their mortgages during the robberies. He was written into legend through song, in Woody Guthrie's "Pretty Boy" Floyd. He was never part of a gang, working with a few trusted accomplices who boldly entered banks in broad daylight, never wearing a mask. A gentleman even in his crimes, always well groomed, immaculately dressed and courteous to his victims.
“Come gather 'round me children, a story I will tell
Of Pretty Boy Floyd, an outlaw, Oklahoma knew him well
Was in the town of Shawnee on a Saturday afternoon
His wife beside him in the wagon as into town they rode
A deputy sheriff approached them in a manner rather rude
Using vulgar words of language and his wife she overheard
Well, Pretty Boy grabbed a long chain, and the deputy grabbed a gun
and in the fight that followed, he laid that deputy down
Then he took to the trees and rivers to lead a life of shame
Every crime in Oklahoma was added to his name
Yes he took to the trees and timbers on the Canadian river shore
and the outlaw found a welcome at many a farmer's door
Yes, there's many a starving farmer, the same story told
How the outlaw paid their mortgage and saved their little home
Others tell about a stranger who came to beg a meal
and underneath the napkin left a thousand dollar bill
It was in Oklahoma City, it was on a Christmas day
Came a whole carload of groceries and a letter that did say
Well, you say that I'm an outlaw, and you say that I'm a thief
Here's a Christmas dinner for the families on relief
Well, as through the world I've rambled, I've seen lots of funny men
Some rob you with a six gun, some with a fountain pen
As through this world you ramble, as through this world you roam
You'll never see an outlaw drive a family from its home
— Woody Guthrie
1936 - First commercial flight from the US mainland to Hawaii. United Air Lines had also won the mail contract. It was over a fifteen hour trip from the mainland. In 1941, Hawaiian Airlines, which became Aloha Airlines, started a regular service to the mainland from Oakland, California. In 1946, Aloha Airlines started regular travel. In the early 1950's, it was down to a twelve hour flight. Aloha went BK and Hawaiian Airlines was born again.
1936 – Co-founder of the Black Panther Party with Huey Newton, Bobby Seale was born in Dallas.
1937 - Benny Goodman records “Pop Corn Man,” (V). A real rarity. Only 10 original 78's remain after a mysterious “recall”
1937 – “Charlie Chan on Broadway” starring Warner Oland and Keye Luke, opened in theaters.
1938 – “Ignatowski”, actor, producer Christopher Lloyd was born in Stamford, CT. His first movie role was as a psychiatric patient in “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”. He is perhaps best known for his roles as “Rev.” Jim Ignatowksi on the TV sitcom “Taxi”, for which he won two Emmy Awards for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series, and the eccentric inventor Doc Brown in the “Back to the Future” trilogy, for which he was nominated for a Saturn Award. Other roles include the villain Judge Doom in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” and Uncle Fester in the movie adaptations of “The Addams Family”. Lloyd remains one of the more prolific producers in TV and film.
1938 - Chester Floyd Carlson, a research physicist from New York City, made the first electro photographic image on wax paper pressed against an electrostatically charged, sulfur-coated zinc plate dusted with fine dark powder. He went on to develop Xerography, the process of making dry paper copies based on the principles of photoconductivity and electrostatics. He patented it on October 6, 1942, calling it xerography. He failed to interest companies in producing copy machines until 1947, when the Haloid Company of Rochester, New York, licensed the process. The company, which later changed its name to Xerox, introduced its first copy machine in 1958.
1939 – The NFL televised a game for the first time. The Philadelphia Eagles played the Brooklyn Dodgers.
1942 – Birthday of Mouseketeer and singer Annette Funicello in Utica, NY. A long and storied career in TV, films, and song, Annette was the first Disney star that was not a cartoon. She suffered through the latter part of her life from MS, from which she died in 2013.
1944 - HAJIRO, BARNEY F., Medal of Honor
Private Barney F. Hajiro distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism in action on 19, 22, and 29 October 1944, in the vicinity of Bruyeres and Biffontaine, eastern France. Private Hajiro, while acting as a sentry on top of an embankment on 19 October 1944, in the vicinity of Bruyeres, France, rendered assistance to allied troops attacking a house 200 yards away by exposing himself to enemy fire and directing fire at an enemy strong point. He assisted the unit on his right by firing his automatic rifle and killing or wounding two enemy snipers. On 22 October 1944, he and one comrade took up an outpost security position about 50 yards to the right front of their platoon, concealed themselves, and ambushed an 18-man, heavily armed, enemy patrol, killing two, wounding one, and taking the remainder as prisoners. On 29 October 1944, in a wooded area in the vicinity of Biffontaine, France, Private Hajiro initiated an attack up the slope of a hill referred to as "Suicide Hill" by running forward approximately 100 yards under fire. He then advanced ahead of his comrades about 10 yards, drawing fire and spotting camouflaged machine gun nests. He fearlessly met fire with fire and single-handedly destroyed two machine gun nests and killed two enemy snipers. As a result of Private Hajiro’s heroic actions, the attack was successful. Private Hajiro’s extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon him, his unit, and the United States Army.
1946 - Top Hits
“Five Minutes More” - Tex Beneke
“To Each His Own” - Eddy Howard
“South America, Take It Away” - Bing Crosby and The Andrews Sisters
“Divorce Me C.O.D.” - Merle Travis
1950 - Charles Cooper becomes one of the first Blacks to play in an NBA game (for the Boston Celtics).
1952 - The complete Jewish Torah was published in English for the first time. A collection of oral and written commentary (dating 200 BC to AD 500) on the first five books of the Old Testament, the Torah comprises the basic religious code of Judaism
1952 - USAF ace Major Robinson "Robbie" Risner, flying an F-86 Sabre out of the 4th Fighter-Interceptor Wing, claimed his sixth MiG-15 of the Korean War.
1954 - Top Hits
“Hey There” - Rosemary Clooney
“I Need You Now” - Eddie Fisher
“If I Give My Heart to You” - Doris Day
“I Don't Hurt Anymore” - Hank Snow
1954 - As a result of the Geneva accords granting Communist control over North Vietnam, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower authorized a crash program to train the South Vietnamese Army.
1955 - The first post office manned by Blacks opens in Atlanta, GA.
1957 – The first casualties of the Viet Nam war are incurred by the US. Beginning in 1950, the US provided military advisors to what was then French Indochina, escalating through the 1950s after the French withdrew and into the 1960s with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution.
1959 - Under intense public pressure and the Massachusetts Committee Against Discrimination investigation, the Red Sox become the last club to integrate. Fourteen years after the club passes on Jackie Robinson despite a successful tryout in 1945, and later on Willie Mays, Elijah 'Pumpsie' Green pinch runs and plays shortstop to become the first black player for the Red Sox.
1960 - The New Yorker magazine publishes “Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu”, an article by 28-year old John Updike which chronicles Ted William's last game in the Major Leagues. The future Pulitzer Prize-winning author, among the 10,000 fans to watch the fabled game in Boston, ends the much celebrated baseball essay with, "Gods do not answer letters,” as an explanation of why the 41-year old superstar did not acknowledge the Fenway Faithful after homering in his final major league at-bat. In the years before his death when questioned about this, Williams offered, “I thought about it briefly but decided against it.”
1960 – Cassius Clay, now known as Muhammad Ali, won his first professional fight.
1961 - In response to the ever-expanding "twist" craze, Chubby Checker performs his original hit from a year ago, "The Twist," along with the follow-up smash "Let's Twist Again," in a medley on CBS-TV's “The Ed Sullivan Show”. The resultant attention boosted both singles back into the Hot 100, and shot "The Twist" back to #1 in early 1962, marking the only time the same single has hit the top spot in two separate years.
1961 - The Supremes become the first all-female group to score a No. 1 album, with “Supremes a Go-Go”. Members Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard met as teenagers in the housing projects of Detroit. When several male friends, including future Temptations members Eddie Kendricks and Paul Williams, formed a singing group called the Primes, the girls dubbed their own group the Primettes. The Primettes signed with Motown records in 1961. The label immediately changed the group's name to the Supremes. After several years of releasing flops, the Supremes scored their first hit in 1964 with "Where Did Our Love Go," which sold two million copies. They followed up with numerous other hits, including "Stop! In the Name of Love!", "Back in My Arms Again", and “Baby Love”. Their growing popularity corresponded with the rise of the civil rights movement, and the group came to symbolize strong, independent black women. They appeared regularly on major national TV shows such as “The Ed Sullivan Show” and “The Tonight Show”.
1961 - Defensive back Erich Barnes of the New York Giants tied an NFL record by returning an intercepted pass 102 yards for a touchdown in the Giants' 17-16 loss to the Dallas Cowboys. As he scored the TD, Barnes spiked the ball behind him, believed to be the first ‘spike’ in an NFL game.
1962 - Pacific Science Center opens at Seattle Center
1962 - President John F. Kennedy, in a nationwide television address, demanded the removal from Cuba of Soviet missiles, launch equipment and bombers, and imposed a naval “quarantine” to prevent further weaponry from reaching Cuba. Kennedy charged the Soviet Union with subterfuge and outright deception in what he referred to as a "clandestine, reckless, and provocative threat to world peace." He dismissed Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko's claim that the weapons in Cuba were of a purely defensive nature as "false." Harking back to efforts to contain German, Italian, and Japanese aggression in the 1930s, Kennedy argued that war-like behavior, "if allowed to grow unchecked and unchallenged, ultimately leads to war." The president outlined a plan of action that called for a naval blockade to enforce a "strict quarantine on all offensive military equipment under shipment to Cuba." He also issued a warning to the Soviets that the United States would retaliate against them if there was a nuclear attack from Cuba, and placed the U.S. military in the Western Hemisphere on a heightened state of alert. On Oct 28, the USSR announced it would remove the weapons in question. In return, the US removed missiles from Turkey that were aimed at the USSR.
1962 - Top Hits
“Monster Mash” - Bobby “Boris” Picket
“Do You Love Me” - The Contours
“He's a Rebel” - The Crystals
“Mama Sang a Song” - Bill Anderson
1963 - 225,000 boycott Chicago schools to protest segregation
1964 - Mod rockers The High Numbers fail their audition with the EMI label, but within a year will find success on Brunswick Records as The Who.
1964 – The US performed an underground nuclear test in Hattiesburg, MS.
1965 - The Kingston Trio guest star as themselves on tonight's "The Duel" episode of NBC-TV's WWII drama “Combat”.
1965 - The temperature soared to 104 degrees at San Diego, CA. Southern California was in the midst of a late October heat wave that year. Los Angeles had ten consecutive days with afternoon highs reaching 100 degrees.
1965 – Rolling Stones released "Get Off My Cloud" in the U.K.
1966 - The Beach Boys' "Good Vibrations" made its debut on the US singles chart. It was a song that Brian Wilson and Mike Love wrote and Brian spent six months working on. The tracks were recorded in seventeen different sessions in four Los Angeles studios, at a cost of over sixteen thousand dollars. The recording engineer would later say that the last take sounded exactly like the first, six months earlier. The record would reach number one on December 10, 1966, and be nominated for Song of the Year at The Grammy Awards, but lost to "Winchester Cathedral" by The New Vaudeville Band.
1967 – Hall of Famer Joe DiMaggio is hired by Oakland A’s owner Charlie Finley as EVP. The sight of Joe D in wedding gown white, gold, and green is still a vision that haunts.
1969 - Led Zeppelin II is released.
1970 - Top Hits
“I'll Be There” - The Jackson 5
“Green-Eyed Lady” - Sugarloaf
“All Right Now” - Free
“Sunday Morning Coming Down” - Johnny Cash
1971 - Folk singer Joan Baez received a gold record for her hit, "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down". It turned out to be her biggest hit, peaking at #3 on the charts (October 2, 1971).
1972 - The A's win their first championship in 42 years as they defeat the Reds 3-2 in Game 7 of the Fall Classic. World Series MVP Gene Tenace, who had only hit five home runs in the regular season, connects for four round trippers in the seven games against Cincinnati.
1973 – The UN Security Council Resolution 338 imposes a cease fire on the Yom Kippur War between Israel and the Arab countries.
1973 – Ichiro was born in Kasugai, Japan. Before playing in the Majors, Ichiro played nine years in Japan's Pacific League. After the 2000 season, Ichiro became Seattle Mariners' right fielder. The first Japanese-born position player to be signed to the Majors, Ichiro led the American league in batting average and stolen bases en route to being named AL Rookie of the Year and AL MVP. He is a ten-time All-Star and won the 2007 All-Star MVP for a three-hit performance that included the event's first-ever inside-the-park HR. Ichiro won a Gold Glove in each of his first ten years in the major leagues, and has had seven hitting streaks of 20 or more games. In 2010, he became the first player in Major League history to reach the 200 hit mark for 10 consecutive seasons. This feat also tied him with Pete Rose for the most career seasons of 200+ hits, and he surpassed Ty Cobb for most career seasons of 200+ hits in the AL. Over his entire baseball career in Japan and the US, Ichiro has amassed over 4,000 hits, over 2,800 of which are in MLB. Currently a free agent after several years with the New York Yankees, Ichiro’s future in MLB is uncertain.
1974 - Two very well-known outfielders are traded for one another as the Giants send Bobby Bonds to the Yankees for Bobby Murcer. Considered to be the biggest one-for one trade in baseball history, the swap of the next 'Willie Mays' (Bonds) for the next 'Mickey Mantle (Murcer) marks the first time two $600,000 players have been exchanged.
1975 - The World Football League, a 10-team enterprise struggling through its second season, suspended operations and disbanded prior to the 12th week of a 20-week schedule.
1975 - Cincinnati Reds manager Sparky Anderson said, “We were the best team in baseball, but not by much.” The World Series featured five one-run victories, two in extra innings and three on game-ending hits. In six of the seven victories, the winner trailed; four times the winning run came in the final inning. And 13 times, the score was either tied or the lead reversed. The memorable Game 6 is considered by many to be the greatest World Series game ever and saw the Red Sox’ Carlton Fisk win it in the 12th inning with a walk-off HR off the Reds’ Pat Darcy. And in game 7, played this day, a ninth-inning RBI single by Joe Morgan gave the Reds a 4-3 victory over the Boston Red Sox and the title. It was the first title for the Reds in 35 years.
1976 – Golden State Warriors’ Rick Barry begins his record of 60 consecutive free throws.
1976 – Keith Moon’s last performance with The Who.
1978 - Top Hits
“Kiss You All Over” - Exile
“Hot Child in the City” - Nick Gilder
“Reminiscing” - Little River Band
“Tear Time” - Dave and Sugar
1979 – The 100-millionth guest visits Walt Disney World.
1981 – US national debt passes $ 1 trillion.
1981 – After going out on strike in defiance of President Reagan’s warning not to do so and seeing its members fired as a result, the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization decertified by the United States Federal Labor Relations Authority.
1985 - A guest on the top floor of a hotel in Seattle, WA, was seriously injured while talking on the phone when lightning struck. Several persons are killed each year when the electrical charge from a lightning bolt travels via telephone wiring.
1985 – The Kansas City Royals gain their first World Series victory on the strength of pitcher Bret Saberhagen’s brilliant 6-1 win over the St. Louis Cardinals who had swept the first two games of the Series. Saberhagen flashed messages on the television screen to his pregnant wife who was due to give birth any day.
1986 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986, but wrote his last name first. The signing, however, remains legal.
1986 - Jane Dornnacker, WNBC-AM NYC helicopter traffic reporter, dies doing a live traffic report as her copter crashes.
1986 - Top Hits
“When I Think of You” - Janet Jackson
“Typical Male” - Tina Turner
“True Colors” - Cyndi Lauper
“Just Another Love” - Tanya Tucker
1987 - Yakutat, AK, surpassed their previous all-time yearly precipitation total of 190 inches. Monthly records were set in June with 17 inches, in September with 70 inches, and in October with more than 40 inches. Twenty-two cities in the eastern U.S., most of them in the southeast states, reported record low temperatures for the date. Morning lows of 30 degrees at Athens, GA, 28 degrees at Birmingham, AL, and 23 degrees at Pinson, AL, were the coldest of record for so early in the season. (The National Weather Summary) Showers produced heavy rain in southern California, with amounts ranging up to five inches at Blue Jay. Flash flooding resulted in two deaths, ten injuries, and more than a million dollars damage.
1988 - Phil Collins' remake of The Mindbenders' "Groovy Kind of Love" was the number one U.S. single. It was parked at the peak of the pops for two weeks.
1988 - Elton John sells out his upcoming show at Madison Square Garden, setting a venue record with 26 straight Elton sellouts.
1988 - A "nor'easter" swept across the coast of New England. Winds gusted to 75 mph, and large waves and high tides caused extensive shoreline flooding. A heavy wet snow blanketed much of eastern New York State, with a foot of snow reported in Lewis County
1991 - General Motors announces nine month loss of $2.2 billion. This was big news then, but nothing compared to the staggering losses of Enron, Worldcom, and others since including GM just before it declared bankruptcy in 2009.
1992 - Members of Boyz II Men receive awards for having the longest running #1 song of the rock era. "End of the Road" broke Elvis' record of 11 weeks, previously held by "Don't Be Cruel/Hound Dog".
1993 - Top Hits
“Dreamlover” - Mariah Carey
“Just Kickin It” - Xscape
“I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” - Meat Loaf
“All That She Wants” - Ace Of Base
1996 - Microsoft launched Expedia, an online travel service, on this day in 1996. The service allowed travelers to find the lowest listed airfares and make plane and hotel reservations. The company hoped to take advantage of the estimated $3 billion in online ticket sales expected to be spent yearly by 1999.
1996 - Apple announces that The Beatles have sold an unprecedented 19 million albums this year as a result of the “Anthology” juggernaut, with 41% of those sales, according to polls, going to fans who weren't even born when the group broke up.
1997 - Compaq testifies that Microsoft threatened to break its Windows 95 agreement if they showcased a Netscape icon.
1998 - Bob Dylan played in his hometown of Duluth, Minnesota for the first time since the '60s. The show sold out in just five hours.
2000 - In Game 2, the Yankees extend their World Series winning streak to 14 consecutive games defeating the Mets, 6-5 in a game which is overshadowed by Roger Clemens throwing the barrel of a shattered bat at Mike Piazza as the Met catcher runs to first. The eagerly awaited at bat, due to the Rocket's beaning of the Mets' superstar in July, results in the two players confronting one another and the emptying of both benches.
2002 - Giant P.A. announcer Rene Brooks-Moon became the first woman to announce a World Series. Her scorecard from Game 4 was sent the Hall of Fame.
2000 - George Michael pays almost three million dollars for John Lennon's famous upright Steinway piano, on which the ex-Beatle wrote the international anthem "Imagine." Michael issued a statement saying, in part, "I know that when my fingers touch the keys of that Steinway, I will feel truly blessed."
2002 - Top Hits
“Dilemma” - Nelly Featuring Kelly Rowland
“Gangsta Lovin'” - Eve Featuring Alicia Keys
“Ruff Ryders” | ALBUM CUT | Interscope
“A Moment Like This” - Kelly Clarkson
“Hey Ma - Cam'ron” Featuring Juelz Santana, Freekey Zekey and Toya
2005 - ABBA's 1974 hit "Waterloo" is voted the best song in the history of the Eurovision Song Contest, decided by voters from 81 countries during a ceremony to mark the famous European event's 50th anniversary.
2006 - The Spiezios become the first father-and-son combination in baseball history to have appeared in a World Series game as players for the same franchise. Scott, the Cardinals' current second baseman, and his father, Ed, a third baseman for the club in the 1967 and '68, both played (and won) in the Fall Classic with St. Louis.
2011 - In the Cardinals' 16-7 rout of the Rangers in Game 3 of the Fall Classic, Albert Pujols hits three home runs homers, drives in six runs and collects five hits, all equaling World Series records. 'Prince Albert', who also set a Series mark with 14 total bases, connects on fastballs from three different Texas pitchers, joining Babe Ruth and Reggie Jackson for the most round-tippers in a World Series game.
2011 - The U.S. is granted permission by North Korea to search for remains of American soldiers killed during the Korean War
2012 - Lance Armstrong is banned for life from participating in International Cycling Union-sanctioned events and stripped of his seven Tour de France titles based on the findings of a systematic doping investigation.
2013 - The iPad Air and Mavericks, the latest version of the OS X, is introduced by Apple.
2013 - Tim Lincecum agrees to a two-year $35 million deal to stay with the Giants. The 29 year-old fan favorite, a two-time Cy Young winner who pitched a no-hitter this year, has a 4.76 ERA over his last two seasons with San Francisco.
World Series Champions This Date
1972 - Oakland Athletics
1975 - Cincinnati Reds

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