Georgia Alert----Southeastern Casket/Carpet


We have been working on a deal in Georgia that we determined to be fraud.

Further investigation uncovered a fraud ring in Georgia.


This group has taken on 20+ identities and are real good.  There were

multiple ways to identify this as fraud.  First, when we call the Secretary

of State to verify a corporation we try to ask if there are any name

changes.  I recommend this always.  The company, Southeastern Casket

Company, used to be Southeastern Carpet Cleaning only 6 months prior.  This

was a huge red flag.  The second way was to look real close at the D&B.  If

you understand how a D&B is put together, one can understand which parts can

be manipulated by the customer and which parts can not.  This D&B did not

look "iron clad" so we dug further.  Internal statements provided by the

customer listed expenses that ended in 0 or 50.  The odds of this are 0.

Phone bills, utilities etc do not end in 00.00.  It was obvious someone was

lazy.  The internal statements did match the tax returns.  Most of the

trades were voice mails and so was the bank.  We also called info to

determine through the banks main number that the number we had was not

related to them.  Calling info to verify banks is a excellent was to sift

our fraud.  While it takes time and money, it pays off.  Through the use of

reverse directory and quick trac we also determined that the vendors, CPA's

and lessee were somehow intertwined.


This group was good.  I am grateful to our excellent staff.   A major

underwriter took 2 hits on this deal and they have also determined it to be

fraud.  Extra due diligence ALWAYS pays off.  If you have any concerns or

questions, please call.  My understanding is the FBI is on this and if I can

help your firm I will.


-Paul von Bruck

Capital Funding Group

888-468-5822 x 208


Virus Info Center
Leasing News, Inc.
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Santa Clara,
California 95050
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