Republic Leasing of South Carolina


It is our belief that most wholesale funding sources don’t/won’t market to their clients’ customers and in the few instances where they do, prove to be poor marketers and wholly ineffective competitors.  Unfortunately, they can only accept their size, type of credit, and preferred collateral deals, they simply do not have the broad range of sources available to a broker.


As an example, Republic is a typical small ticket “wholesale” funding source with more than 98% of our business originated by broker-lessors.  Like many pure third-party funding sources, we have no direct marketing and our credit and funding operation is not set up to process direct applications.  Working on any kind of direct business, regardless of the source, is not only painful but very costly and inefficient.  If our new parent, NetBank, had any commercial clients (it does not), we would have to re-engineer and re-train to handle retail leasing requests. 


Most true wholesale funders are more than happy to honor a broker’s request to include a non-compete or non-circumvention clause to their broker agreement: why wouldn’t they?  Like most wholesale funders, we made the decision that third party business is best for us given our resources and capabilities.  Do funding sources’ circumstances change? Absolutely.  Will some decide to begin direct marketing? Certainly.  What can a broker-lessor do to protect against predatory actions?  Make certain that the lessee is YOURS through value added service and continual contact. 


Having funded leases for more than 1600 broker-lessors since 1988, we receive a couple unsolicited calls a day from prior or present lessees inquiring about additional financing. 


In the past, we have referred those calls back to the Active or recently Inactive broker (unless the disgruntled lessee refused the referral, not uncommon).  In the rare instances we booked the deal, we sent a check to the broker for 2% of the deal.  For the 23 “Terminated” brokers still operating (cutoff for “cause” and we never want to see a deal from again, ever) we would not refer the calls.  We have approved one such deal this calendar year.


Processing inquiry calls from existing or former lessees has proven so inefficient that we have stopped accepting direct applications altogether.  We merely refer the call to the originating broker, Active or Inactive (we are temporarily not accepting applications) by giving the caller the broker’s most recent phone number and we follow with a heads-up call to the broker.  If the broker has been Terminated, we plan to refer the couple such calls we get in a year to an Active or Inactive broker in the lessee’s locale.


Finally, it is our belief that a broker’s competition for a vendor or lessee is not the wholesale funding sources but rather the local banks, numerous direct dial-for-dollars lessors, and national advertising financial giants, all of which contact businesses frequently asking for opportunities to finance equipment.   Age old solutions: 1) know your funder, its capabilities and practices; 2) once you have a great client, constantly prove you are their best leasing source.


Dwight Galloway


Leasing News reported on the change in de-activating

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