Leasing Institute of America Enters Fray



With the faculty of Sudhir Amembal,  Loni L. Lowder,  Charles E. Brazier, CLP, Jason Smith, General Manger,  and  Joe Bonanno, Esq., with $30,000 you can take part in the “Five Day Leasing School” to participate in “Stage One...The Executive Lease Broker Program...the most in-depth curriculum and training program available on the market for business professionals interest in entering the commercial equipment lease brokerage business.”


Stage 2: “Six Month Coaching Program-as participant in the Executive Leasing Broker Training Poirgram they will complete a bi-weekly prescheduled 30-minutes sales training session to discuss the prior weeks activities and progress...”


Stage 3: “A lifetime of Support—Upon completion of the six month coaching Hotline at no additional charge for the life of their business.

The Coaching Hotline will provide the trainee to have access to the necessary information to grow their business for years to come.


---including “Access to the underwriter's database that will help the lease brokers pair their deals to a funding source.”


In an introductory letter from Sudhir P. Amembal, Senior Faculty:

“In order to encourage you to refer candidates to our program, we are offering a $10,000 referral fee to you for each student that

completes our course through December 2004.”



“Why an Equipment Lease Brokerage Is a Great Business


“ No major equipment needs!


“ No inventory!


“ Few or no employees!


“ Virtually every business is a prospective client!


“ Suppliers competing for your business!


“ Perfect economic conditions! US Businesses have been putting off equipment purchases for the past three years during the economic downturn. Companies are desperately in need of equipment upgrades, additions and replacements. Most economic indicators show the economy is beginning its rebound; be ready because we are about to enter what will be historically known as "the good old days of equipment leasing"!


“ Residual income! As you are learning the business you are building a business. Lessees, borrowers, vendors, and bankers are all in need of a good finance professional they can trust! And with on going support, you will learn to structure transactions with renewable income.”





There also is a money back guarantee, according to Loni Lowder.

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