Telecom Agents Assoc. Looking for “Leasing Legal Experts”  

If you are interested in becoming a “Leasing Legal Expert” or would like further information on the Telecom Agents Association position, you will need to register. 

Anyone can register for free to get a user ID & password at

About a quarter of the time people have problems which can be overcome as follows:

New TAA UserID & Password Not Working? 

Problem 1: The first confirmation email you receive from TAA regarding your registration contains a link that you have to click on. The link you click on may not work properly if it was "broken in two" by the email. If this seems to be the case then just "cut & paste" both halves of the link into the address bar of your browser & then hit enter.

Problem 2: The userID you choose for yourself should be ONE WORD with NO SPACES. If you choose a userID with capital letters or spaces, just reregister choosing a one work , all lower case password.

If the information above doesn't help, please send an email with your COMPLETE CONTACT INFORMATION to and TAA will manually re-register you within 24 hours.

Virus Info Center
Leasing News, Inc.
346 Mathew Street,
Santa Clara,
California 95050
Voice: 408-727-7477 Fax: 800-727-3851