Motivation Posters---Reaction http://two.leasingnews.org/loose_files/Orix_Motivational_Posters.ppt The ORIX motivational
posters was a classless gesture on the part of Leasing News. Eric Gross Director of Sales
and Marketing Portfolio Financial
Servicing Company 2121 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97201 Direct (503) 721-3226 Fax (503) 274-0439 (You are entitled
to your opinion. Sometimes humor
is to close to fact and the receiver doesn’t
appreciate it. By the way, who
ever said we had “class?” We’re “street fighters”
and proud of it. editor ) --- What a riot....!!! I have been laughing
all morning..... Next time maybe they
will talk to you!!!!! Please get me signed
up for a paid subscription.... (name with held on request, a present Orix employee) ____ I am confused by
the critical comment of Eric Gross about your publishing the "Orix Motivational
Posters." Parody has been
a mainstay of American journalism since
our pre-revolutionary days. Certainly
Orix's refusing to respond to your queries
makes them fair game. Given their capacity
to mistreat terminated management employees, your jibe was particularly
fitting. Thanks for the laugh
-- and the message. Barry Reitman Keysone Equipment
Leasing, Inc. badguy@keystoneleasing.com Winner of the 2002
Jimmy Award for Cub Reporting (Many of your readers
are probably unaware that there even was any reporting about cubs in 2002. After all, they weren't Pennant contenders
until this year. ) --- I have to admit that
I laughed out loud at the power point, without really thinking about Orix
until Mr. Gross made the comment. I can certainly understand
a lack of a sense of humor in situations where the "joke"
is at someone's expense, but really the power point would have been funny WITHOUT
associating it to Orix and current events there. My impression is
that Mr. Gross was addressing the fact that Leasing News took a shot at Orix
by publishing the PPT and "dedicating it" to Orix. Class would have
been: Leasing News not taking the shot. Class would have
been: Orix returning your calls. Two wrongs don't
ever make a right, but two things are true, three that I stand by. 1) The Power Point
was funny.(and I needed the laugh) 2) Orix did not return
your calls. 3) Mr. Gross is upset
that Leasing News published the PPT This is a news publication,
that has entertained it's readers for some time. It is regrettable
that news and humor can offend but it is the nature of publishing: You can't please
everyone. Regards, Fred St Laurent Managing Director TheBlassGroup 1303 Hightower Trail,
Suite 150 Atlanta, GA 30350 office: 770.668.0000 x14 fax: 202-318-4279 fred@theblassgroup.com
<mailto:fred@theblassgroup.com> http://www.theblassgroup.com
<http://www.theblassgroup.com/> "Performance
Recruiting Delivers Exceptional Talent" ---- I just wanted you
to know that you are on the right track... You should do some
digging into why Jay was cut loose this way... he didn't get the usual
treatment... The only people that
I know, who know what is really going on are managers. You won't have much
luck there because of the threats being made. This leads me to
believe that there is a real story here... more than just the changes
in leadership... Name With Held (an “insider” and
therefore can’t reveal his name.) ___ I saw the Monitor
story and can sum it up in ONE WORD: Propaganda! This was written
by a recruiting firm, NOT a newsworthy source. The Monitor is just a
“bully pulpit” for their clients. I do not consider them a News Source.
They repeat information published elsewhere OR they will make announcements
for their clients, spin doctors if you will, for hire. (I prefer the Wall Street Journal or better yet www.dowjonesnews.com
for real financial news&. and of course Leasing News for leasing
information&) Let's talk about
the article. When discussing Jay Holmes departure; if as Mr. Corr stated: These objectives
were achieved, and both the organization and our customers will now
benefit from a redesigned structure. We thank Jay for his contribution
to ORIX, for the culture he built here, and for the many fine people
he brought into the organization."
'Why didn’t they
ask the tough question? Why was Jay let go in the first place? Am I
to believe that Jay left BECAUSE he did a good job and he achieved his
objectives? AND THE WAY he was let go! Why was it not done as others
have been transitioned out? This was abrupt, cold, calculated and in
the night&. NOT what we normally see & ORIX does not let managers
go in this way, as a normal practice. They are not talking
about WHY Jay is gone. No comment. No Kit, this was
NOT a news story in the Monitor and they certainly didn’t scoop you This was just marketing.
They did NOT ask the tough questions, so there were NO answers&
ORIX will not call you back, because YOU ask the tough questions. Confidentially yours, Anonymous ---- I
have watched all of the comments about Orix over the past couple of
weeks with quite a bit of interest.
We did a fair amount of business with Orix when Steve Geller
was running the broker division in Orangeburg.
Steve was always a great guy to work with and always worked
hard to put a deal together. As I recall he always looked out for the company
and negotiated hard to get Orix the best rates, terms and risk profile
while still giving us what we needed to close the deal. After
Steve left, like most funding sources that decide third party business
is no longer viable, we lost all contact with Orix. Not because we
wanted to but because they simply did not respond to us after everything
moved to Atlanta. This was
despite the fact that we were still owed tens of thousands of dollars
in hold backs and commissions that remain unpaid until this day.
We were considering legal action against Orix but, given the
recent turn of events, that would probably be an exercise in futility. In our particular instance their collection
procedures were woefully inadequate, they had valuable equipment that
was never repossessed and disposed of properly and their own documentation
demonstrates that they made modifications to a customer's lease even
when it appeared that none were warranted. Someone there acted either
out of stupidity or sheer greed. We never had any such experience when we worked
with Steve Geller and his group. Given
Orix's long history of success I chalked it up to a bad break for
Steve Geller and LeaseNOW. From
the comments in Leasingnews it appears that many were victimized by
the management team and the changes they made at Orix.
do have one question that maybe leasingnews readers can answer. If
I remember correctly Mr. Holmes has a "hand picked" team
that travels with him wherever he goes.
What has become of them? This
is not the first time that Mr. Holmes has gone to a company, "accomplished
his objectives" and then left.
As I recall, this is somewhat of a specialty with Mr. Holmes
and his team. Did he not get his start many years ago here in Pittsburgh with
Westinghouse Credit? Is this
the same guy or could there be more than one Mr. Holmes that fit that
description? Bob
Rodi, CLP President LeaseNOW,
Inc. drlease@leasenow.com www.leasenow.com 1-800-321-LEASE
(5327) x101 Cartoon