New Low at Orix Financial?


“Well they have stooped to new lows at OFS, Management has really taken to
low road in terminations and since Georgia has no protections for workers
like some of the Northern states the employees have no recourse.

”Employees know it is their turn to go when their supervisor steps into their
cube with a box in hand. That is there 10 minute signal to pack the desk and
leave. No stop at HR, no note explaining why they were laid off, no offer of
consulting, no outplacement help, nothing but a supervisor standing over you
waiting while you pack your personal items so you can be escorted to the

”This will be my last update on OFS as the last few employees I know and
trust there are now gone, victims of the box.

”It would be a great time to start up a leasing operation in the Atlanta
area, so many good leasing people have been let go not only by OFS but
thought the mergers and acquisitions in the last 4 years. A smart person
could get some top talent and be able to put together a very efficient
operation with the knowledge base that has been displaced.”


 (Name with held---from a highly reliable source )


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