“not available”

Preferred Capital

6860 W Snowville Rd,Ste 110
Brecksville, OH 44141

Not to be confused with any other company with a similar name. As Leasing News reported last week: According to a highly reliable source, the company is actively working with creditors to avoid filing bankruptcy. They are “...still in business, this week,” we were told.

Others tell us they are in the process of closing, as it appears they cannot work out the cash flow with their banks and other creditors.

In moving the story to the archives, we had not converted their logo to our URL to save, so when we moved the story, the logo disappeared. We went on line, the logo was not there, in fact only the words “ website not available” appeared. At press time, we checked it again, not there. While this may be a technical problem, it more than likely is a forecast of news to come.


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