Ernie Reinhardt Reportedly Guilty 13 Counts

Readers may remember one of the original “alerts” being Tech Com in 2001, where allegedly Ernie Reinhardt had a leasing

company in Southern California with investors, where he reportedly he set up a phony computer vendor called "Tech-Com" (aka Universal Equipment – circa 1999) with multiple lessee's (conspirators) in California and Maryland. Once paid, would kick back a portion of the equipment cost back to the lessees. No equipment would ever be delivered. The losses are in the millions, per the government's lawyer.

Inspector Reardon from the United States Postal was the lead federal investigator, working with the United States Attorney and the FBI who originally brought down a 13 charge Federal indictment against 19 individuals. The trial was originally set for Jan. 5th, 2004 in Baltimore, Maryland, but postponed several times.

Reinhardt and others reportedly were convicted on all 13 counts; sentencing will be in March, 2005.

----April 26,2001 Leasing News

“The principal of this company was Ernest Robert Reinhardt ("Ernie")

and he is the ring leader of Tech Com, the current vendor being investigated for fraud. Research reveals that Universal Equipment approached at least three funding sources, all which had direct vendor programs (Advanta, Orix,ABL), in the summer of 1999 to get approved as a vendor on the respective vendor finance programs. Well, Ernie and Universal blundered when they submitted financials to one source to get approved, problem was they used the exact same financials as those that they submitted on behalf of one of their clients. So you may want to again search your database for a vendor named Universal Equipment with principal being Ernest Robert Reinhardt It was learned that one of the above 3 sources looked at a minimum of 6 deals before pulling the plug on Universal as a potential vendor. Once again, any additional information regarding this individual contact myself Det. Sheila Cannan - Costa Mesa Police Fraud Unit .

(714-754-5294). Thanks.”


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