" The only easy day was yesterday."

I had heard that both Wired Capital and CapitalStream had mutual VC companies, so the merger made sense - integrate two hurting companies into one to reduce operations / headcount.


My initial questions would revolve around their customer base and how and if they plan to service them. They now have three different front office solutions - how do they plan to service and support them? What's their migration strategy? I've spoken to some of their existing customers and their fed up - no service - no additions of functionality - and now they have to clean up IDS - who were also rumored to be in bad shape.


I'm also curious as to why they bought IDS? They've been up for sale for a long time - nobody else bought them and probably for good reasons - why did they buy them beyond the fact they're in a similar market - just because it's cheap doesn't make it a good deal.


They're great at raising money - they should be in the funding business.


They're perceived as a badly run business in a niche, close-knit industry, who have now raised money to buy a company also with problems in an economy that really isn't in the best shape. They're creating a bigger monster that will need to be fed on a regular basis, and at who's expense is the troubling part.


" The only easy day was yesterday."



( Leasing News has requested an interview with Kevin Riegelsberger. The

company press releases indicate the opportunity and are very positive.

As important, the company has raised a lot of cash, but what the “burn rate”

will be, that is what the credit managers at Comdisco or Pentech Financial

would ask. editor )


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