American Football Poem

Special Poem written by first-grade students in Room 3 at Lowell Elementary:

Peyton Manning

Long ago you were just a little boy,
A football came to be your favorite toy.

Your days seemed to fly by,
With daddy Archie and brothers Cooper and Eli.

High School in New Orleans and college in Tennessee,
You were the best quarterback anyone had ever seen.

Now you're with us,
Here in Indianapolis.

Our Colts leader so smart,
Doing good with your kind heart,
That's why the foundation had to start.

The PeyBack Foundation was a terrific decision,
Leadership and growth are part of its mission.

You said you grew up with a blessed life,
Others aren't lucky and have had strife.

But you're here with an excellent recommendation,
It's good to raise money for the PeyBack Foundation.
The PeyBack Classic, Holiday Happenings, Play it Smart, CASA,
Peyton's Pals, Handoff for Hunger and Peyton's Rally at Gasoline Alley, Varroom!

You're come a long way Peyton Manning,
As a person we find you absolutely outstanding


Students who participated in writing this poem:

Alleh Clark Ashleigh Pflum
Sophia Yowler Ms. Mercer
Natalie Garner Morgan Underwood
Erica Hernandez Jacob Grimes
Blake Reese Cammaria Nixon
Kaylee Sanders Chase Brown
Brian Wyatt Katrisha Steele
Paris Garnier Keenan Turner
Mrs. White Paula Fancher
Kadin Harris Savannah Hizer

more about PeyBack:
Leasing News, Inc.
346 Mathew Street,
Santa Clara,
California 95050

Mission Statment