Baseball Poem


Double Play

From the book

That Sweet Diamond

by Paul B. Janeczko, Carole Katchen (Illustrator)


The runner is
a non-swimmer in deep water,
inching from the bag
returning in alarm. 

The shortstop and second baseman
are schoolboys
passing secrets
behind the pitcher's back. 

Moving before the pitch,
the shortstop dashes to the bag
glove up in anticipation
as runner and
peg from his partner at second
He drags the toe of his right shoe
across the bag
as the ball slaps home
and he leaps
to avoid the spikes. 

Resting in air
safely above the slide
long enough to throw to first
before he tumbles to the dirt,
his eyes on the ball
the mitt
the umpire's confirmation of perfection.
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