Baseball Poem

When I go to a Red Sox Baseball Game.(Arts and Lifestyle)

The Boston Herald; 10/13/2003; Tardiff, Nicole

Byline: Nicole Tardiff


I can't explain

the feeling I get

when I go to

a Red Sox

baseball game.

It's like this

BANG of energy that rushes through my veins.

I'm free.

The air is filled with

the spices of

hot dogs, pizza,

Fenway freshly cut grass.

I love it.


everyone is like me,

cheering on my fave

Red Sox players.

I'm not different.


I fit in.  

Nicole Tardiff, 17, is a senior at Lexington High School. This poem was originally published in "2:25 P.M.," a book of poetry and prose from Lexington High School's participation in the Student Publishing Program.

Lexington's Student Publishing Program has been selected as one of the top high school writing programs in the country by Web del Sol, the largest nonprofit publisher of periodical contemporary literature in the United States.

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