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"Girlie Men"

When California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called the state legislators “Girlie Men,” he was criticized for this expression. He was referring not just to Democrats, but to all legislators who were stalemating the California state budget; some were women.

On the Jay Leno “Tonight Show” he explained what he meant was men who had their nails done and hair cut by a stylist, which he jokingly said he had done. On the serious side, he said he was not referring to homosexuals or transvestites. In fact, in his “bodybuilding” jargon, many of his generation knew what he was referring to---not acting like a man and stepping up to the plate, having courage, being a “warrior.”

Here he is married to a very strong woman, Maria Shriver, also very attractive, with daughters, and I am sure he got static when he went home for dinner.

This generation gap is quite common across the country where regions have their own favorite words or expressions that have different meanings, words such as “cool,” “hot,” and “bad.”
People in public office seem to be always getting in trouble for not only what they say, but how they say it.

Even gender relationships such as you can't say “postman” or even “chairman” in several circles. A politician is supposed to please all people to get re-elected, or as many as they can.

Personally I thought Governor Schwarzenegger's description was quite appropriate, and funny. I got the gist of what he meant. I think it was descriptive and funny. Many took umbrage.

Of course, the Democratic leader of the California Senate, Senator John Burton of San Francisco was the first to take issue. With his long white hair, glasses, and demeanor, he said he wasn't a “girlie man.” One look at him and you knew he was not. And if anyone looked like he was from San Francisco, it was Burton.

Now I can say this as I met he and his late brother as a newsman, and in the state legislature when he first was elected, and can tell you more as one time we called each other by our first name. John Burton considered the word a “faux pas;” a socially awkward or tactless act. This was extremely funny to me as it surely described Senator Burton himself.

This was not meant to be a political “Sunday Sermon,” but just a reminder to watch what you say, what words you use, as in many circles calling a person a “girlie man” is worse than calling them a “homo.”

I certainly wouldn't want to risk a “faux pas” in a Sunday Sermon.

Kit Menkin


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