Winter Poem

President George Washington

14 September 1789
Boston Gazette

An Acrostic--

G REAT Hero! whose illustrious actions claim
E ternal blessings and an endless fame--
O f every virtue and each gift possess
R eligion reigns triumphant in his breast.
G rant him, almighty God! thy aid and health
E ver to rule these states and guard their wealth.

W hat power of Language can enough extoll
A Son of Liberty and friend to all--
S aviour and patron of Columbia!
H er sons revere thee and exult this day--
I n thee, their Favourite and firm support--
N ations applaud thee and thy friendship court.
G enerous deliverer of thy Country's right!
T hou hast prov'd victor over lawless might.
O f all the Conquerors in the historic page,
N one have surpass'd this Phœnix of the age.
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