Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Today's Leasing News Headlines
New York Commercial Disclosure Regulations Approved
By Ken Greene, Leasing News Editor
Larry's Legacy
By Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Topmark Funding Closes Another Record-Setting Year In 2022
Delivering Significant Revenue Growth Year Over Year
Leasing and Finance Industry
Help Wanted
How Inflation is Affecting Asset Values and Appraisals
By Chris Nugent, Blue Chip Asset Management
January Year-over-year Bankruptcy
New Filings Increase
2022 Year in Review Brings Positive and
Continued Growth for SLIM Capital
New Foundation Study Evaluates Specialized Apps, Software,
and Information Services for Equipment Finance Companies
Beagle Mix
East Hanover, New Jersey Adopt-a-Dog
Introducing Leasing News Advisor
Terri McNally
News Briefs ----
Housing Market Shows Signs of Thawing
A decline in rates has more people interested in buying
Dell to Cut About 6,650 Jobs
Battered by Plunging PC Sales
You May Have Missed
Do You Know How to Behave? Are You Sure?
How to text, tip, ghost, host, and generally exist society today
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
Sales Make It Happen
Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

New York Commercial Disclosure Regulations Approved
By Ken Greene, Leasing News Editor

On February 1, 2023, the New York State Department of Financial Services (“DFS”) adopted final regulations related to its new Commercial Finance Disclosure Law (“CFDL”) found in Article 8, Sections 801-811 of the New York Financial Services Law.
As a reminder, here are the major provisions of the CFDL:
- The law only applies to transactions less than $2.5 million;
- Banks and similar financial institutions are exempt;
- True (operating) leases are exempt;
- Commercial transactions secured by real property are exempt;
- Anyone who makes no more than 5 transactions in New York in a 12-month period is exempt;
- Certain vehicle dealers (for transactions which exceed $50k) are exempt;
- Disclosures must be made at the time of extending a specific offer; and
- Generally, the disclosures must include the amount of financing, APR, repayment amounts, term, finance charge, and description of collateral, if any.
Pursuant to the 53 pages of regulation, the CFDL:
- Applies only to transactions where the recipient is in New York;
- Exemptions extend to all majority owned subsidiaries of banks (because they are subject to consolidated oversight);
- Does not require disclosure of broker compensation in the disclosure forms, but still requires disclosure of broker fees in writing;
- Requires that APR be calculated in accordance with either the United States Rule or Appendix J of Reg Z;
- Allows for a digital signature by the recipient on the disclosure forms;
- Has font, rows and column requirements virtually identical to California law;
- Limits the duties of brokers to transmittal of disclosures and providing financer with evidence of transmission. There does not appear to a document retention requirement like the one in California.
The New York regulations are quite similar to the California rules.
One important difference between the two is the $2.5 million threshold for New York versus the $500k threshold in California. Another major distinction between the two is the express inclusion of bank subsidiaries in the New York law, whereas the California regulations are unclear on this issue.
The compliance date for these regulations is six months after publication of the Notice of Adoption in the State Register. That appears to have happened already, so prepare for compliance on or before August 1, 2023.
Ken Greene Leasing & Finance Observations

Ken Greene
Tel: 818.575.9095
Fax: 805.435.7464
Alternate: kengreenelaw@outlook.com
Larry's Legacy
By Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting

The commercial equipment finance and leasing industry lost an icon last week. Larry LaChance was a professional friend for more than 30 years. A conversation with Larry at industry events always generated a smile. A conversation with Larry was always a learning experience. Larry loved the industry, he loved the people, and most of all he loved his family. (Larry was a proud dad and grandfather.)
Below are a few of the lessons learned from my many conversations with Larry.
- Always Smile - keep a positive attitude.
- "Risk/Reward" means that you get paid for the risk that you assume. Successful industry participants know how to assess the risk of any deal.
- Be willing to ask tough questions in order to understand a transaction.
- If you don't understand a transaction, then walk away.
- Structure mitigates risk.
- Educate everyone - you need to be willing to educate your vendors, end-users, funders, brokers, banks and competitors. Share your knowledge with anyone willing to listen.
- Know where you fit in the industry and flaunt your market position unapologetically.
- Protect your funding sources and banks - they are your lifeline.
- Be honest - don't sugarcoat the terms or conditions. Your agreement provides all of the necessary tools. If a client doesn't pay their obligation - you will use those tools and you will win.
- When there is a problem - face it - take responsibility - and resolve it to the best of your ability.
- Learn from your experiences.
- Have fun - enjoy the process - be proud of your personal accomplishments.
- Always Smile and laugh with your friends.
Larry will be greatly missed!!!!
Click here for Larry's obituary
Wheeler Business Consulting is working closely with management teams to reaffirm their strategic statements; and to train their sales and operational teams for success in 2023 and beyond. Developing an internal team aligned with a client's strategy increases short-term outcomes and profitability while improving a client's long-term market value.
Wheeler Business Consulting works with banks, independents, captives, origination companies, and investors in the equipment leasing and finance arena. We provide training, strategic planning, and acquisition services. Scott Wheeler is available to discuss your long-term strategy, to assist your staff to maximize outcomes, and to better position your organization in the market.

Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161
Email: scott@wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Web: www.wheelerbusinessconsulting.com

Topmark Funding Closes Another Record-Setting Year In 2022
Delivering Significant Revenue Growth Year Over Year

TopMark Continues Growth Momentum Through Increased Number of Transactions
and Has No Plans for Slowing Down in 2023
ROSEVILLE, Calif., February 6, 2023 - TopMark Funding, a premier funding destination for commercial vehicle dealerships and small to midsized fleets, closed 2022 with 92% year-over-year revenue growth while holding margins. Despite the economic headwinds and challenges in the transportation market related to both increased fuel pricing and suppressed spot rates, TopMark garnered impressive numbers in Q4 2022 exceeding its Q4 2021 revenue by 25%.
TopMark ended the year with an increased volume (Total Amount Financed) of 1.75 times year-over-year performance and the number of funded transactions was up 44% from the previous year.
?One of our goals in 2022 was to fund more volume overall while handling the transactions more efficiently for our clients. That?s exactly what we did as the team delivered 10 projection-breaking months last year,? said Managing Director and Co-Founder Evan Lang. ?The TopMark team is leading the commercial vehicle funding industry and we?ve got even more in store for this upcoming year, all in service of delivering the very best funding solutions for our clients.
In 2022, the company increased its funded volume from the previous year by over 65%. It finished ahead of its 2022 revenue goal by 22% while enhancing profit margins between years.
One of TopMark?s primary strategies for its rapid growth has continued to be grounded in focused talent expansion. The company?s best-in-class team of senior equipment finance sales professionals specializing in commercial vehicle transactions is paying off for the organization. The TopMark sales representative team has grown by 42% in experienced transaction specialists from 2021. This, along with pursuing added efficiencies through technology, will continue to be areas that the company is focused on advancing in 2023, all with the goal of helping better serve TopMark?s growing customer base and partner dealerships.
About TopMark Funding
TopMark Funding, LLC, is a premier funding partner for dealerships, specializes in financing commercial vehicles, and can effectively and efficiently handle dealer transactions. Founded in 2015, the company has a proven track record of helping transportation companies expand by offering strategic funding solutions for growing small and mid-sized fleets. With a laser focus on speed, accuracy, and unmatched customer service, TopMark Funding and its dedicated team actively assist dealers in financing more than $12 million of commercial vehicles each month. 
Leasing and Finance Industry Help Wanted

How Inflation is Affecting Asset Values and Appraisals
By Chris Nugent, Blue Chip Asset Management

Inflation is a hot topic in the financial world, as it can have a significant impact on the value of assets and appraisals. As the economy continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, inflationary pressures are building up, and businesses at all levels, big and small, are feeling the effects.
In the financial markets, inflationary effects are less obvious. Does an attorney raise his hourly rate for a bankruptcy engagement when inflation is high? There is inflationary pressure all around us, and certainly, some do.
But what about asset values? Does a CPI (consumer price index) rate of 7.9% for the last year make used Caterpillar construction equipment more expensive? Many used prices, as for semi-trailers, are very high at the moment, but mostly for other reasons than the CPI.
Used Asset Prices in an Inflationary Market:
Up and down the supply chain, used equipment prices, for Caterpillar excavators and Kenworth T880 trucks, are extremely high at the moment, but mostly for supply chain, semiconductor, and production issues and not due to the current inflation.
Since most capital purchases are financed or leased, inflation and higher interest rates reduce equipment value since the buyer has to pay higher financing costs.
In the current inflationary environment, it is now much more expensive to repair or refurbish older used equipment, which further reduces the value of any used equipment. Materials for repair are more expensive and sometimes not available. The logistics crisis is exacerbated by the chronic shortage of drivers in the trucking industry; the American Trucking Association estimates a current shortage of up to 100,000 semi-truck drivers in the US.
On balance, used equipment values, as verified by competent appraisals, are very high due to recent market trends. But inflationary pressures have kept used asset prices from being much higher.
As a business owner, it’s important to be aware of these factors when assessing the value of your assets. A competent appraiser can help you understand how inflation is affecting your assets and provide a realistic estimate of their value. With this knowledge, you can make more informed decisions about your business’s equipment and investments.
Chris Nugent is an Accredited Senior Appraiser of the American Society of Appraisers. He holds a BA in Statistics from the University of California, Berkeley, and an MBA from Santa Clara University.
BlueChip Asset Management is an appraisal and asset management services company that serves the ABL, banking, equipment finance, legal, and turnaround industries. Members of TMA, ELFA, and CFA. Contact us for asset valuation assistance at 415-515-1110, www.bcamasset.com, or schedule a free 15-minute consultation. 
January Year-over-year Bankruptcy New Filings Increase
Across All Main Chapters

NEW YORK — February 3, 2023 — Bankruptcy new filings were up year-over-year across Chapter 7, 11, 13, and 15 in January 2023, according to data provided by Epiq Bankruptcy, the leading provider of U.S. bankruptcy filing data. Epiq Bankruptcy is a division of Epiq, a global technology-enabled services leader to the legal services industry and corporations.
Total commercial filings increased twelve percent to 1,694 in January 2023 over the 1,508 total filings reported in January 2022. Commercial Chapter 11 filings increased 70 percent to 257 filings up from 151 filings recorded one year ago. All subchapter V small business filings increased 49 percent to 137 in January 2023 from the 92 filings registered the previous year.

Total U.S. bankruptcy filings in January 2023 were 31,087, up 19 percent from the 26,215 total filings registered in January 2022. The 29,545 overall individual filings were 20 percent higher in January 2023 than the 24,703 individual filings recorded last year. While still below pre-pandemic levels, individual Chapter 13 filings continued to increase in January, as the 13,702 reported filings were a 32 percent increase over the January 2022 total of 10,346.
“While month-over-month and year-over-year new filings were up for most chapters, we continue to see a delta between more cases closing in a month than are being opened, making it inconclusive whether we've reached a turning point from historic lows in bankruptcy filings,” said Gregg Morin, vice president business development and revenue for Epiq Bankruptcy. “In January 2023, 8,786 more total cases closed than opened. The two biggest deltas were Chapter 7s where 4,419 more cases closed than opened and Chapter 13s where 4,315 more cases closed than opened.”
Compared to December 2022, every Chapter new filing except Chapter 12 increased. January’s total filings represented a five percent increase when compared to the 29,640 total filings recorded in December. Total individual filings for January represented a 6 percent increase from the December 27.911 total, however total commercial filings did decrease 2 percent from 1,729 in December. Individual Chapter 7 increased 2 percent from 15,471 and individual Chapter 13 increased 10 percent over December’s 12,393.
Total Chapter 11 filings registered a 16 percent increase from the 365 filings reported the previous month, and total Chapter 11 subchapter 5 by themselves increased 9 percent from the 126 filed in December 2022.
“While still below pre-pandemic totals, bankruptcy filings continue to increase amid growing debt loads due to inflationary pressures and reduced availability of low-cost financing,” said ABI Executive Director Amy Quackenboss. “Struggling households and businesses on shaky economic footing can look to bankruptcy to provide a solid path toward a financial fresh start.”
ABI partners with Epiq Bankruptcy to provide the most current bankruptcy filing data for analysts, researchers, and members of the news media. Epiq Bankruptcy is the leading provider of data, technology, and services for companies operating in the business of bankruptcy. Its new Bankruptcy Analytics subscription service provides on-demand access to the industry’s most dynamic bankruptcy data, updated daily. Learn more at https://bankruptcy.epiqglobal.com/analytics.
About Epiq Bankruptcy
Epiq Bankruptcy is a division of Epiq, a global technology-enabled services leader to the legal services industry and corporations that takes on large-scale, increasingly complex tasks for corporate counsel, law firms, and business professionals with efficiency, clarity, and confidence. Clients rely on Epiq to streamline the administration of business operations, class action and mass tort, court reporting, eDiscovery, regulatory, compliance, restructuring, and bankruptcy matters. Epiq subject-matter experts and technologies create efficiency through expertise and deliver confidence to high-performing clients around the world. Learn more at https://www.epiqglobal.com.
About ABI
ABI is the largest multi-disciplinary, nonpartisan organization dedicated to research and education on matters related to insolvency. ABI was founded in 1982 to provide Congress and the public with unbiased analysis of bankruptcy issues. The ABI membership includes nearly 10,000 attorneys, accountants, bankers, judges, professors, lenders, turnaround specialists and other bankruptcy professionals, providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information. For additional information on ABI, visit www.abi.org. For additional conference information, visit
Press Contact
Carrie Trent
Epiq, Director of Communications
2022 Year in Review Brings Positive and
Continued Growth for SLIM Capital

Amid the threat of inflation and rising rates, the equipment finance industry pushed ahead and began shifting toward sustainable, inclusive growth. SLIM Capital, located in Beverly Hills, California, reported 2022 as a solid and successful year with the average amount funded volume increasing by 39.60%, over last year. Also including an overall funding volume increase of 5.91%. Shervin Rashti, CEO is pleased with how 2022 ended and feels extremely optimistic that there will be continued growth and exciting opportunities in 2023 despite the rapidly rising rate environment and higher costs.
“We made a concerted effort to encourage better deals that are more closely aligned with our credit parameters. This resulted in a lower dollar amount of processed deals, but a much greater efficiency in our closing ratios. With better precision in our scoring tools and better quality deals, we increased the our average funding per deal by about 40%. We also saw a higher funding volume. We anticipate the market to shift considerably in the coming year, as capital markets recoil away from the lending environment. Because we are an independent lender, we are able to broaden our credit parameters and pick up a lot of well structured deals for those who will continue to see a need for capital and growth in their businesses. We are eager to see what 2023 and beyond has in store.” said Shervin Rashti.
Here is a quick snapshot of Business Lending in 2022 for SLIM Capital:
- Average Amount Funded: $188,776
- Funding Volume Increase: 5.91%
- Average Amount Funded Volume Increase: 39.60%
- Total Dollar Amount of Applications Processed: $380,977,947
- Quickest Look to Book Time: 1 Day
Some of the top industries that SLIM Capital was able to help and saw promising growth in:
- TRANSPORTATION: Another stellar record year for Transportation throughout the United States, especially as the supply chain began to resurge. SLIM Capital continued to fund deals for businesses in this industry consistently each quarter, making it our most popular financing for 2022. SLIM believes that this area of business will not be slowing down anytime soon!
- CONSTRUCTION: SLIM continued to see a steady increase of business from contractors around the country. Many of whom have added equipment to their businesses to support additional contracts. While we may see this industry slow down in the coming year we are hopeful that SLIM Capital will be a part of contractors needs and wants when it’s time for equipment.
- MANUFACTURING: This is an industry that has seen continuous activity and interest throughout the country! A healthy manufacturing sector, which after adjusting for inflation, is outperforming other major economic sectors.
About SLIM Capital
SLIM Capital, LLC is a nationwide direct finance company located in Southern California that specializes in financing equipment acquisitions for our clients. We have credit-based programs to fit your business needs. With over 40 years of experience between the two lead partners, we have a wealth of knowledge and skill in recognizing deals and formulating structures efficiently and effectively. For more information, please contact us at: deals@slimcapital.com or visit Slim Capital website at www.slimcapital.com

New Foundation Study Evaluates Specialized Apps, Software,
and Information Services for Equipment Finance Companies

Washington, DC, February 7, 2023 – Today the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation (Foundation) releases a new study, “Specialized Apps, Software, and Information Services for the Equipment Leasing & Finance Industry,” to help equipment finance companies navigate the growing number of options for automating and improving their business processes. It presents a list of specialized services currently available to equipment finance companies looking to take a step forward on their path toward digital automation and optimization.
The study was commissioned by the Foundation and prepared by the information technology company Northteq, Inc. Key themes identified in the study revolve aroun
- fraud and identification
- credit automation
- documentation
- personalization for digital experiences.
The study also entails implementation strategies for the technologies covered, with application programming interfaces (APIs) the primary method connecting to broader cloud-based platforms.
“Piecing together the right combination of applications and services into a cohesive unit can lead to a result that is both powerful and rewarding,” said Tom Ware, Foundation Research Committee Chair. “There is a growing variety of useful technologies that were never specifically meant for our industry, but that can be very useful, and to some extent this catalogue of building blocks is a ‘how-to guide’ for creating FinTech automation in a leasing company.”
Download the full report at https://bit.ly/ELFFAppsSoftwareStudy.
All Foundation studies are available for free download from the Foundation’s online library at http://store.leasefoundation.org/.
The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization that propels the equipment finance sector—and its people—forward through industry-specific knowledge, intelligence, and programs that contribute to industry innovation, individual careers, and the overall betterment of the equipment leasing and finance industry. The Foundation is funded through charitable individual and corporate donations. Learn more at www.leasefoundation.org.

Beagle Mix
East Hanover, New Jersey Adopt-a-Dog

10 Months old
Brown, Black & white
Short Coat
Vaccinations Up-to-date
Good in a Home with
Other Dogs
Prefers Home without
Friendly, Affectionate, Playful
Curious, Athletics, Loves Kisses
Meet Delilah
Hound lovers; get ready to line up for this doll. At 10 months, Delilah the Beagle mix will have you at "hello." A social butterfly, this delightful gal will be the life of the party and will not allow anyone to pass by her without giving her attention. To make sure she continues to be this people-oriented, her new owners should keep up with socialization, with people and dogs. However, she will need to be taught the proper way to introduce herself. You mean jumping and using her mouth isn't ok? Nope, she'll need to learn that she'll need to be on all fours in order to get the love she craves. Because she is adamant on getting attention, ignoring her until she "sits" or is calm, will be a cinch.
Due to her over exuberance, we're recommending kids over the age of 12+ because she may be TOO EXCITED. But there's nothing wrong with a dog who simply wants to love and be loved. If you would like to meet Delilah, please contact us at 973 386 0590 and set up an appointment to meet her.
Mt. Pleasant Animal Shelter
194 Route 10 West East Hanover
East Hanover, New Jersey 07936
New Jersey 07936
Please call for an appointment before visiting the shelter.
Introducing Leasing News Advisor
Terri McNally

President/Founder Global Capital Limited
205 W Wacker Dr. Ste. 730
Chicago, IL, 60606-1468
312-846-6918 x 202
Terri McNally, is President and Founder of Global Capital, Ltd. Global Capital has now been in business 22 years. Terri started GCL after leaving the corporate world of equipment financing. She is active in many associations, has won several awards and recognitions, and has served as a speaker at conferences all over the world for over 35 years. She is a member of The Chicago Network, other female business organizations and is a former member of the Board of Directors for the Women’s Business Enterprise Council (WBENC). Terri is one of only 26 women to be named “Women of Distinction” by WBENC. She’s engaged in efforts to train and mentor female business owners in the U.S.
On her own, Terri is a frequent speaker around the world on the topics of mentoring female entrepreneurs, developing diverse business communities, entrepreneurship, and finance. Some previous speaking engagements include summits in Mexico City, Dubai, Berlin, and the United Kingdom. In 2010, Terri co-founded Women for Wounded Warriors to help spouses and caregivers of military personnel to receive training, mentorship, and ultimately, economic empowerment. Terri serves on the Board of Directors for the American Cancer Society, North Central Region.

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Housing Market Shows Signs of Thawing
A decline in rates has more people interested in buying
Dell to Cut About 6,650 Jobs, Battered by Plunging PC Sales


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and support businesses deliver a total economic
contribution of $1.4 billion in annual economic activity
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Free Wine App
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US/International Wine Events

This Day in American History
1795 – The 11th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified, affirming the powers of the States and their sovereign immunity. Although the Eleventh Amendment grants immunity to states from suit for money damages or equitable relief without their consent, in ‘Ex parte Young, 209 US 123’ (1908), the Supreme Court ruled that federal courts may enjoin state officials from violating federal law.
1804 – John Deere (d. 1886) was born in Rutland, VT. He founded the Deere & Company in 1837 after developing and manufacturing the first commercially successful cast-steel plow.
1812 – An 8.2 earthquake rattled New Madrid, MO. The 1811–12 New Madrid earthquakes were an intense series beginning with an initial earthquake of magnitude 7.5–7.9 on December 16, 1811, followed by a 7.4 aftershock on the same day. They remain the most powerful earthquakes to hit the contiguous United States east of the Rocky Mountains in recorded history. At the time, New Madrid was in Louisiana Territory, on the Mississippi River.
1812 – Charles Dickens (d. 1870) was born in England. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters and is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. His works enjoyed unprecedented popularity during his lifetime, and by the 20th century critics and scholars had recognized him as a literary genius. His novels and short stories enjoy lasting popularity. Dickens's literary success began with the 1836 serial publication of “The Pickwick Papers.” Then a succession of famous works: “David Copperfield,” “A Christmas Carol,” “Oliver Twist,” and “Great Expectations” are also frequently adapted, and, like many of his novels, evoke images of early Victorian London. His 1859 novel, “A Tale of Two Cities” set in London and Paris, is his best-known work of historical fiction.
1817 - Frederick Douglass, the American abolitionist leader, was born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey (d. 1895) in Talbott County, MD. An African-American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman after escaping from slavery in Maryland, he became a national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York. He gained note for his dazzling oratory and incisive antislavery writings. In his time, he was described by abolitionists as a living counter-example to slaveholders' arguments that slaves lacked the intellectual capacity to function as independent American citizens. Northerners at the time found it hard to believe that such a great orator had once been a slave. Douglass was a firm believer in the equality of all peoples, whether black, female, Native American or recent immigrant. He was also a believer in dialogue and in making alliances across racial and ideological divides, and in the liberal values of the U.S. Constitution. When radical abolitionists, under the motto "No Union with Slaveholders," criticized Douglass' willingness to dialogue with slave owners, he famously replied: "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong."
1820 - The first American to set foot on Antarctica was John Davis, a seal hunter, who went ashore at Hughes Bay. Antarctica had already been seen from a distance by the English explorer James Cook and the crew of his ship, the Endeavor, which circumnavigated the continent between 1773 and 1775.
1827 - Ballet was introduced to the United States by renowned French danseuse Mme. Francisquy Hutin with a performance of “The Deserter,” staged at the Bowery Theater, New York, NY. A minor scandal erupted when the ladies in the lower boxes left the theater upon viewing the light and scanty attire of Mme. Hutin and her troupe.
1839 – Henry Clay declared in the Senate, “I had rather be right than president.”
1861 - A dramatic drop in temperature took place. The temperature at Gouverneur, New York plunged 70 degrees in one day, from 30 degrees above zero to 40 degrees below zero. Hanover, New Hampshire plummeted 69 degrees in 18 hours, from 37 degrees at 1 PM on the 7th to 32 degrees below zero at 7 am on the 8th. West Cummingham, Massachusetts dropped 80 degrees, from 48 degrees to 32 degrees below zero, and Boston, Massachusetts plunged 60 degrees, from 46 degrees to 14 degrees below zero.
1867 - Birthday of author Laura Elizabeth Ingalls (d. 1957), Dakota Territory, now Lake Pepin, Wisconsin. Known for the “Little House on the Prairie” series of children's books released from 1932 to 1943 which were based on her childhood in a settler and pioneer family. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/feb07.html
1882 - John L. Sullivan won the bare-knuckle heavyweight championship of the world by defeating Paddy Ryan in a nine-round fight in Mississippi City, MS. Sullivan was the last bare-knuckles champion. He held the title until 1892 when he lost to James J. Corbett in a fight conducted under the Marquees of Queensbury Rules.
1883 - Songwriter/composer/pianist/organist Eubie Blake birthday, born James Hubert Blake (d. 1983), Baltimore.
1885 - Birthday of Sinclair Lewis, born Harry Sinclair Lewis (d. 1951) at Sauk Center, MN. American novelist and social critic. Recipient of Nobel Prize for Literature (1930). Among his novels: “Main Street,” “Babbitt” and “It Can't Happen Here.”
1893 - Elisha Gray, of Highland Park, Illinois, patented the telautograph which automatically signed autographs on documents, freeing up the autographer to do other things.
1904 - The biggest fire in the United States since the great Chicago blaze of 1871 broke out in Baltimore, destroying more than 2,600 buildings.
1908 - Clarence Linden Crabbe II (d. 1983), commonly known by his stage name Buster Crabbe, was born in Oakland, CA. An American two-time Olympic swimmer and movie actor, he won the 1932 Olympic gold medal for 400-meter freestyle swimming event before breaking into acting. He starred in a number of popular films in the 1930s and 1940s and played the title role in the serials, “Tarzan the Fearless,” “Flash Gordon” and “Buck Rogers.” Crabbe is the only actor to play Tarzan, Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers – the top three syndicated comic strip heroes of the 1930s.
1914 - Charlie Chaplin, vaudeville star-turned comedic actor, debuted a new character in “Kid Auto Races” at Venice,” a Keystone Studios short released on this date. The mischievous but romantic “Tramp” sporting a tiny mustache, twirling a cane and wearing a little derby, a tight-fitting jacket, baggy trousers and floppy shows, was an immediate success with audiences and soon mass-produced Tramp dolls were selling all over the US and the world.
1916 – The upstart Federal League’s year-old suit charging antitrust violations by organized baseball was dismissed by mutual consent in U.S. District Court in Chicago by Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis. No appellate decision was written and it was not until 1922 when the courts ruled on antitrust in another suit stemming from the Federal League. The league played its first season in 1913 and operated as a "third major league,” in competition with the established National and American Leagues, from 1914 to 1915. Playing in what detractors called the "outlaw" league allowed players to avoid the restrictions of the organized leagues' reserve clause. The competition of another, better paying league caused players' salaries to skyrocket, demonstrating the bargaining potential of free agency for the first time. In 1922, the Supreme Court ruled that Major League Baseball and its constituent leagues were primarily entertainment, not conventional interstate commerce, and thus were exempt from the Sherman Antitrust Act. Though significantly weakened in the 1970s, this exemption remains intact 98 years later; however it has been eroded by subsequent court rulings and legislation regarding issues specific to Major League Baseball.
1920 - A great 4-day snow and sleet storm came to an end over New England and southeastern New York. Accumulations of 15 to 20 inches of ice, sleet, and snow were common, stalling traffic for weeks.
1922 - For the first time, DeWitt and Lila Acheson Wallace offered 5,000 copies of their magazine for sale. Today, "Reader’s Digest" continues to be widely read all over the world. According to Mediamark Research (2006), "Reader’s Digest" reaches more readers with household incomes of $100,000+ than ‘Fortune,’ ‘The Wall Street Journal,’ ‘Business Week’ and ‘Inc.’ combined. Global editions of "Reader’s Digest" reach an additional 40 million people in more than 70 countries, via 49 editions in 21 languages. The periodical has a global circulation of 10.5 million, making it the largest paid circulation magazine in the world.
1926 - Negro History Week, originated by Carter G. Woodson, is observed for the first time.
1931 - In New York City, the American opera, "Peter Ibbetson," by Deems Taylor premiered at the Metropolitan Opera House.
1932 – Author Gay Talese was born in Ocean City, NJ.
1934 - A deep freeze made it possible to drive from Bay Shore to Fire Island, NY.
1936 - An executive order established the United States Vice President’s flag.
1940 - Walt Disney's animation, "Pinocchio," premiered at the Center Theatre in Manhattan, New York. The showing was the second feature-length film for Disney, following "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." One critic called the show, "The happiest event since the war."
1941 - UCLA forward, Jackie Robinson, scored 20 points in a losing cause, as the USC Trojans beat the Bruins 43-41, marking the 34th straight loss UCLA had suffered to USC since 1932. In the 1970s, the Bruins made up for those losses when coach John Wooden arrived.
1941 - On Victor Records, the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra and Frank Sinatra teamed up to record "Everything Happens to Me." The session was held in the New York City studios of Victor.
1943 – The Japanese Navy completed the evacuation of the Japanese Army from Guadalcanal, ending Japanese attempts to retake the island from Allied forces.
1944 - The Nazis launch a second attack against the Allied beachhead at Anzio, Italy. They hoped to push the Allies back into the sea.
1944 – Bing Crosby recorded “Swinging on a Star" for Decca Records.
1949 - The New York Yankees rewarded Joe DiMaggio by making him the first baseball player to earn $100,000 a year. In 1948, DiMaggio batted .320, while leading the AL in home runs and RBI.
1949 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: “A Little Bird Told Me,'' Evelyn Knight & the Stardusters.
1950 - The United States recognizes Vietnam under the leadership of Emperor Bao Dai, not Ho Chi Minh who is recognized by the Soviets.
1950 - Top Hits
“Dear Hearts and Gentle People” - Dinah Shore
“A Dreamer’s Holiday” - Perry Como
“The Old Master Painter” - Snooky Lanson
“Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy” - Red Foley
1951 - MILLETT, LEWIS L., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, Company E, 27th Infantry Regiment. Place and date: Vicinity of Soam-Ni, Korea, 7 February 1951. Entered service at: Mechanic Falls, Maine. Born: 15 December 1920, Mechanic Falls, Maine. G.O. No.: 69, 2 August 1951. Citation: Capt. Millett, Company E, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action. While personally leading his company in an attack against a strongly held position he noted that the 1st Platoon was pinned down by small-arms, automatic, and antitank fire. Capt. Millett ordered the 3d Platoon forward, placed himself at the head of the 2 platoons, and, with fixed bayonet, led the assault up the fire-swept hill. In the fierce charge Capt. Millett bayoneted 2 enemy soldiers and boldly continued on, throwing grenades, clubbing and bayoneting the enemy, while urging his men forward by shouting encouragement. Despite vicious opposing fire, the whirlwind hand-to-hand assault carried to the crest of the hill. His dauntless leadership and personal courage so inspired his men that they stormed into the hostile position and used their bayonets with such lethal effect that the enemy fled in wild disorder. During this fierce onslaught Capt. Millett was wounded by grenade fragments but refused evacuation until the objective was taken and firmly secured. The superb leadership, conspicuous courage, and consummate devotion to duty demonstrated by Capt. Millett were directly responsible for the successful accomplishment of a hazardous mission and reflect the highest credit on himself and the heroic traditions of the military service.
1956 - Ella Fitzgerald cuts first session of “Cole Porter Songbook.”
1956 - McGAHA, CHARLES L., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Master Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company G, 35th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Lupao, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 7 February 1945. Entered service at: Crosby, Tenn. Birth: Crosby, Tenn. G.O. No.: 30, 2 April 1946. Citation: He displayed conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity. His platoon and 1 other from Company G were pinned down in a roadside ditch by heavy fire from 5 Japanese tanks supported by 10 machineguns and a platoon of riflemen. When 1 of his men fell wounded 40 yards away, he unhesitatingly crossed the road under a hail of bullets and moved the man 75 yards to safety. Although he had suffered a deep arm wound, he returned to his post. Finding the platoon leader seriously wounded, he assumed command and rallied his men. Once more he braved the enemy fire to go to the aid of a litter party removing another wounded soldier. A shell exploded in their midst, wounding him in the shoulder and killing 2 of the party. He picked up the remaining man, carried him to cover, and then moved out in front deliberately to draw the enemy fire while the American forces, thus protected, withdrew to safety. When the last man had gained the new position, he rejoined his command and there collapsed from loss of blood and exhaustion. M/Sgt. McGaha set an example of courage and leadership in keeping with the highest traditions of the service.
1958 - Top Hits
“Don’t/I Beg of You” - Elvis Presley
“Get a Job” - The Silhouettes
“Sail Along Silvery Moon” - Billy Vaughn
“Ballad of a Teenage Queen” - Johnny Cash
1959 - Buddy Holly's funeral is held at the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Lubbock, TX, drawing over a thousand mourners. Holly's widow did not attend. On the same day, Ritchie Valens is buried in San Fernando Mission Cemetery, Mission Hills, CA.
1960 - Barrett Strong's "Money" enters the pop chart where it tops out at #23. On the R&B chart it climbs to #2. The song will be covered by the likes of the Beatles, Kingsmen, Flying Lizards and Jr. Walker and the All Stars.
1962 – The first U.S. Army support companies arrive in Saigon. Weapons were still M-1's and BAR's; no preparation for jungle warfare. The
military has not changed in all these years, still: SNAFU. Ask
any vet who was there.
1962 - Birthday of singer Garth Brooks, Yukon, Oklahoma. The biggest star to emerge from the "new country" movement of the 1990s, he blended rock and country influences and his highly theatrical stage shows stemmed from his admiration for such groups as Queen and Kiss. Since his self-titled debut in 1989, sales of Brooks’ albums have surpassed 50 million. His 1991 release "Ropin' the Wind" was the first album ever to debut at number one on both Billboard's pop and country album charts, a feat repeated by his 1993 album "In Pieces."
1962 – Notable San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli obtained a writ laying claim to Willie Mays, among other assets, unless the San Francisco Giants pay him the judgment awarded by a jury in January. Belli claimed the club failed to file a motion for a new trial before the deadline.
1962 – President Kennedy imposed a full trade embargo on Cuba.
1964 - Cassius Clay becomes a Black Muslim.
1964 - The Beatles arrive at New York's Kennedy Airport for their first appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show." They are greeted by thousands of screaming fans in what is the first demonstration of Beatlemania in America. It was also the day that Baskin-Robbins introduced "Beatle-Nut" ice-cream.
1965 - US Air force begins systematic saturation bombing and strafing of North Vietnam — as opposed to their special "festive" bombing and strafing — coinciding with Soviet Premier Kosygin’s visit to Hanoi.
1966 - The Beatles' "Nowhere Man" is released.
1966 - Birthday of Chris Rock, actor, comedian, born Brooklyn, New York.
1966 - Top Hits
“My Love” - Petula Clark
“Barbara Ann” - The Beach Boys
“No Matter What Shape (Your Stomach’s In)” - The T-Bones
“Giddyup Go” - Red Sovine
1966 - The Beach Boys album, "Summer Days" goes gold, their sixth album to do so.
1967 - SISLER, GEORGE K., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces. Place and date: Republic of Vietnam. 7 February 1967. Entered service at: Dexter, Mo. Born: 19 September 1937, Dexter, Mo. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life and above and beyond the call of duty. 1st Lt. Sisler was the platoon leader/adviser to a Special United States/Vietnam exploitation force. While on patrol deep within enemy dominated territory, 1st Lt. Sisler's platoon was attacked from 3 sides by a company sized enemy force. 1st Lt. Sisler quickly rallied his men, deployed them to a better defensive position, called for air strikes, and moved among his men to encourage and direct their efforts. Learning that 2 men had been wounded and were unable to pull back to the perimeter, 1st Lt. Sisler charged from the position through intense enemy fire to assist them. He reached the men and began carrying 1 of them back to the perimeter, when he was taken under more intensive weapons fire by the enemy. Laying down his wounded comrade, he killed 3 onrushing enemy soldiers by firing his rifle and silenced the enemy machinegun with a grenade. As he returned the wounded man to the perimeter, the left flank of the position came under extremely heavy attack by the superior enemy force and several additional men of his platoon were quickly wounded. Realizing the need for instant action to prevent his position from being overrun, 1st Lt. Sisler picked up some grenades and charged single-handedly into the enemy onslaught, firing his weapon and throwing grenades. This singularly heroic action broke up the vicious assault and forced the enemy to begin withdrawing. Despite the continuing enemy fire, 1st Lt. Sisler was moving about the battlefield directing force and several additional men of his platoon were quickly wounded. His extraordinary leadership, infinite courage, and selfless concern for his men saved the lives of a number of his comrades. His actions reflect great credit upon himself and uphold the highest traditions of the military service.
1968 - After American and South Vietnamese air and artillery strikes level the city of Bentre, South Vietnam (pop. 50,000), a US Army major explains that "it became necessary to destroy the town to save it."
1969 - Diane Crump became the first woman jockey to ride in a pari-mutuel race at a US Track. Crump finished tenth in a field of 12 at Hialeah.
1969 - The weekly TV music variety show, “This Is Tom Jones'' premieres on ABC-TV.
1970 - Johnny Cash's album, "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash" goes gold. His label, Columbia, report his LPs "At Folsom Prison" and "At San Quentin" have sold over 2 million copies each and his "Greatest Hits" album has sold over a million copies.
1970 - Joe Cocker's version of the Beatles classic "She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" peaks at #30 on the pop chart.
1971 - Tracks from The Beatles “The White Album” (including 'Helter Skelter’), were played in the courtroom at the Sharon Tate murder trial to find out if any songs could have influenced Charles Manson and his followers to commit murder. Actress Sharon Tate who was married to film director Roman Polanski, was eight and a half months pregnant when she was murdered in her home, along with four others, by followers of Charles Manson.
1974 - Soul artist Barry White receives four gold records on this date: for the singles "Never, Never Gonna Give Ya Up" (#7), "Love's Theme" (Number One by the Love Unlimited Orchestra, conducted by White), and the album's "Under the Influence of Love Unlimited" (#3) and "Sonte Gon'" (#20).
1974 - Top Hits
“The Way We Were” - Barbra Streisand
“Love’s Theme” - Love Unlimited Orchestra
“Americans” - Byron MacGregor
“Jolene” - Dolly Parton
1974 - Mel Brooks' "Blazing Saddles" opens in movie theaters.
1976 - Paul Simon's "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" peaks at #1 on the chart.
1978 - The worst winter storm of record struck coastal New England. The storm produced 27.5 inches of snow at Boston, and nearly 50 inches in northeastern Rhode Island. The fourteen-foot tide at Portland, ME was probably the highest of the century. Winds gusted to 79 mph at Boston, and reached 92 mph at Chatham, MA. A hurricane size surf caused 75 deaths and $500 million damage.
1979 - The Toronto Maple Leafs’ Darryl Sittler set an NHL record for most points in a game when he scored six goals and earned four assists in an 11-4 victory over the Boston Bruins.
1979 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: “Da Ya Think I'm Sexy?'' Rod Stewart. The song is an international success, reaching No. 1 in 11 countries.
1980 - Pink Floyd begins one of the more unusual coast-to-coast tours in rock history, playing the first of only 14 shows in Los Angeles. The only other city they played was New York. The stage, to promote the band's latest album "The Wall," features a 120 by 60-foot wall made of Styrofoam blocks, which gradually envelops the group as the show goes on.
1982 - Outfielder George Foster became baseball’s highest-paid player and the first $2 million man when he signed a five-year contract worth $10 million with the New York Mets. Free agent Foster left the Cincinnati Reds’ fabled “Big Red Machine,” but his offensive production with the Mets never reached expectations. New York released him before the last year of his contract expired.
1982 - Top Hits
“Centerfold” - The J. Geils Band
“Harden My Heart” - Quarterflash
“Turn Your Love Around” - George Benson
“Lonely Nights” - Mickey Gilley
1984 - Navy Captain Bruce McCandless was the first and Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert Stewart were the second astronaut to fly free in space. While in orbit over the earth, McCandless exited Space Shuttle Challenger and maneuvered freely, without a tether, using a rocket pack on his own design. Stewart also sued the rocket pack to fly untethered later that day.
1985 - "Sports Illustrated" released its annual swimsuit edition. This issue was the biggest regular edition in the magazine’s history, with 218 pages. On the cover, Paulina Porizkova joined Cheryl Tiegs and Christie Brinkley as the only models to that time to make the cover more than once.
1985 - "New York, New York" became the Big Apple's official anthem. Mayor Ed Koch made the announcement. The song, sung by Sinatra, is also played after every New York Yankees home game
1986 - Haiti: After huge popular protests, dictator "Baby Doc" Duvalier (President-for-Life) flees the country, ending 35 years of this U.S.-sponsored terrorist dictatorship
1987 - Madonna’s "Open Your Heart" hit #1 in the U.S. It was the third straight number-one single from her "True Blue" album.
1988 - Twenty-two cities in the eastern U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date, including Binghamton, NY with a reading of 5 degrees below zero. Snow blanketed southern Louisiana, with three inches reported at Cameron.
1988 - One of the longest running shows in television history, “America’s Most Wanted” premiers, asking viewers for help finding fugitives from the law by airing dramatic reenactments of crimes and interviewing law enforcement officials for insight. It also highlighted cases of missing children. The show hassled to more than 1,100 arrests. Popular host John Walsh closes by addressing viewers “And remember, you can make a difference.” The 1,000th episode aired March 6, 2010. In summer 2011, FOX canceled the show and moved to a quarterly specials format.
1989 - Twenty-five cities in the western U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date. Lows of 16 at Las Vegas, NV, 26 at Bakersfield, CA, -29 degrees at Milford, UT, and -16 degrees at Reno, NV were February records. The low of 43 degrees below zero at Boca, CA was a state record for the month of February. In Utah, lows of -32 degrees at Bryce Canyon, -27 degrees at Delta, -29 degrees at Dugway, and -38 degrees at Vernal were all-time records for those locations.
1989 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: “Straight Up,'' Paula Abdul.
1990 - The Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party agrees to give up its monopoly on power, effectively dissolving the Soviet Union.
1990 - Lisa Leslie of Morningside HS, Inglewood, CA, scored 101 points in the first half of a game against South Torrance HS. the game ended at the half with the score at 102-24 as the South Torrance coach refused to let his team finish the game.
1990 – Top Hits
“How Am I Supposed to Live Without You” - Michael Bolton
“Opposites Attract” - Paula Abdul with The Wild Pair
“Downtown Train” - Rod Stewart
“Nobody’s Home” - Clint Black
1994 - Whitney Houston dominated the 21st annual American Music Awards, winning seven honors on the strength of "The Bodyguard" soundtrack and her version of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You." During the taping of the show in Los Angeles, Blind Melon lead singer Richard Shannon Hoon began mouthing off, then struck a security guard in the face. He was arrested and put in a police car, where he tried to kick out the partition between the front and back seats. After a further altercation at the police station, Hoon was charged with assault and battery. Blind Melon was a nominee for best new artist but lost to Stone Temple Pilots.
1994 - Paul Anka was honored at the French music industry's annual awards in Paris for his song "My Way." It was in 1968 that Anka wrote new lyrics to the melody of a French pop hit "Comme d'habitude," which means "As Usual." Anka called his version "My Way," and it became Frank Sinatra's signature song.
1994 – Recently-retired NBA star Michael Jordan signed a minor league contract with the Chicago White Sox. Jordan reported to spring training before being assigned to the Class-AA Birmingham Barons where his manager was Terry Francona. After one middling season in the minors, Jordan returned to the NBA and another three-peat with the Bulls.
1998 - The XVIIIth Winter Olympic games opened at Nagano, Japan. Wind, rain, fog and lightning, with a mild earthquake thrown in, played havoc with Alpine skiing during the first five days. Then, good weather moved in and, when the games ended, the Japanese were hailed for their excellent show.
1998 - NHL's Dallas Stars retire Neal Broten's #7
1999 - Jordan's King Hussein died at age 63.
2010 – Iranian President Ahmadinejad commanded Iran’s atomic energy to start enriching uranium at a higher level.
2010 – Super Bowl XLIV, Dolphin Stadium (currently Hard Rock Stadium), FL. The New Orleans Saints defeated the Indianapolis Colts, 31–17, earning their first Super Bowl win. The game was played on the latest calendar date for a Super Bowl yet. This was the Saints' first Super Bowl appearance and the fourth for the Colts franchise, their second appearance in four seasons. Trailing 17-13 with 6:31 remaining in the third quarter, the Saints then scored 18 unanswered points to clinch the victory. New Orleans quarterback Drew Brees, who completed 32 of 39 passes for 288 yards and two touchdowns, was named the MVP. His 32 completions tied a Super Bowl record set by Tom Brady. The live broadcast of the game on CBS was watched by an average U.S. audience of 106.5 million viewers, making it then the most-watched Super Bowl.
2011 - AOL Inc. announced the $315 million purchase of The Huffington Post website.
2012 - A federal appeals court ruled California's ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional.
2013 – Mississippi officially certified the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, becoming the last state to approve the abolition of slavery. The Thirteenth Amendment was formally ratified by Mississippi in 1995. It was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by the House on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the required number of States on December 6, 1865.
2014 – Jay Leno, host of “The Tonight Show,” said goodbye after 22 years. He was replaced with Jimmy Fallon who remains.
2016 - Super Bowl L, Levi's Stadium, Santa Clara, CA: Denver Broncos beat Carolina Panthers, 24–10; MVP: Von Miller, Denver, LB
2021 – Super Bowl LV, Raymond James Stadium, Tampa: Tampa Bay Buccaneers dominated defending champs Kansas City Chief, 31-9; MVP Tom Brady, Bucs QB won his record 7th Super Bowl and record 5th Super Bowl MVP.
Super Bowl Champions:
2010 - New Orleans Saints - 31, Indianapolis Colts – 17
2016 – Denver Broncos – 24, Carolina Panthers – 10
2021 – Tampa Bay Buccaneers – 31, Kansas City Chiefs - 9

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