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Monday, October 18, 2021

Today's Leasing News Headlines

Leasing/Finance Icon Oren Hall
    Passed Away
Merchant Cash Advance Agreements
  New York and New Jersey
    By Ken Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor
Leasing Industry Ads
  Growing Senior Sales Team Now!
    Equipment Vendor Sales Mangers: Are You the One
Being Authentic
  - The Only Way to Succeed In an Interview
     By Ken Lubin, ZRG Partners
Capital Markets Review at the ELFA Conference
    Dynamic Panel Discussion
FTR Trucking Conditions Index Remains Strong
    By Jason Morgan, Fleet Equipment Editor
Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
    October 12 to October 14
Why I Became a CLFP
    By Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Academy for Certified Lease & Finance Professionals
    All Virtual: Two in November/One in December, January, April
Two Pick-Up Trucks Top Most Stolen Vehicles List
    Charts - National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)
Ranked: The Top 10 EV Battery Manufacturers
    Asia is the Powerhouse of Battery Production
German Shepherd
    Tacoma, Washington  Adopt-a-Dog
Nine Days Left for NACLB Conference
    and Expo, Not too Late to Sign up and Go
News Briefs---
Plug-in Cars Are the future
    But the Grid Isn’t Ready
Study: 50% of COVID Survivors Experience Lingering Symptoms
    Six Months after Recovery
Overhauling the Finance Department
    for the Future
Chewy has hundreds of dog & cat
    Halloween costumes on sale
Supply-Chain Bottlenecks, Elevated Inflation to Last
     Well Into Next Year, Survey Finds
Behind the Energy Crisis: Fossil Fuel Investment Drops
     and Renewables Aren’t Ready

You May have Missed---
The Future of Work: HR Leaders from Zillow, Expedia
    on the Pandemic-driven Changes to the Workplace

Broker/Funder/Industry Lists
| Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device

Sports Brief----
 California Nuts Brief---
  "Gimme that Wine"
    This Day in History
      Daily Puzzle
        Weather, USA or specific area
         Traffic Live----

######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.


Leasing/Finance Icon Oren Hall
Passed Away

Oren Hall
United Association of Equipment Leasing
(Lower Left is Art Schwartz, originally a management service provider, then the first executive secretary of the organization.

Former IFG, Heritage Financial, Sierra Cities, Agility Solutions Group Executive Oren Hall, who also had a School for Brokers, passed away in Roseville, California.  No obituary was written at the family's request.  He leaves a wife, daughter and son, Brent Hall, Vice President at Alliance Funding Group, Tacoma, Washington.

John Torbenson, Odyssey Equipment Financing, attended the funeral and noted in an email, “We had a nice celebration of life service, where about 90 showed up in Roseville, California.

“It was very nice and good to see all my old friends from WAEL. He had quite a few friends of his who made the trip there.

“Yes, I ran the broker division for IFG, Oren ran the retail offices, think there were 5 retail office locations. Besides being a hell of a great man, he loved golf and worldwide vacations with Margo. Very knowledgeable and well-known in the equipment financing business. Helped build IFG to a large financing company. Together, his retail division and my broker division worked well in growing the company. We both were on the board for IFG."

Oren Hall reportedly retired in 1988; however, as a "emeritus member," as well as past president and longtime a director on the board, he still attended United Association of Equipment leasing conferences, often as a guest speaker.

Editor: For readers interested, below is the UAEL Conference in San Francisco, May, 2000, with Ken Greene, as Conference Chairman, along with others you may know. I wrote the highlight was the panel with Oren Hall who had the most meaningful observations of what was happening in the industry

UAEL Conference in San Francisco, May, 2000


Merchant Cash Advance Agreements
New York and New Jersey

By Ken Greene
Leasing News Legal Editor


NEW YORK: On 12/23/2020, New York enacted Senate Bill 5470 into law, scheduled to take effect on 1/1/2022. S.B. 5470 is now formally embodied in New York Financial Services Law §§801-811. These laws require non-bank lenders to provide corporate borrowers with specific disclosures prior to the formal consummation of the transaction. The new law specifically includes MCA’s. As in California, the protocol and format for the disclosures will be prescribed by the oversight administrative bureau, denominated the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS).

As expected, the disclosure regulations echo those of California. Lenders and providers of commercial financing governed by S.B. 5470 will be required to disclose:

1. Total amount of commercial financing (or total amount of available credit) and, if different, the disbursement amount;
2. Finance charge;
3. APR (calculated using TILA and Regulation Z):[Note: See Section 600.6(c), and 600.07 through 600.09, below, for further detail on this.]
4. Total repayment amount;
5. Term of the financing;
6. Amounts and frequency of payments;
7. Description of all other potential fees and charges;
8. Description of any prepayment charges; and
9. Description of any collateral requirements or security interests    
In addition, MCA providers who require borrowers to pay off existing financing must disclose:
10. Amount of new financing applied to prepayment charges or interest under the financing being renewed; and
11. Dollar amount by which the new disbursement will be reduced to pay down any unpaid portion of the outstanding balance; and
12. Info re-true up mechanisms, if any; and
13. Collateral requirements, if any.          

Like California, there are specific formatting requirements for all commercial financing including MCA’s. See, Section 600.05 & 600.06 of Proposed Regulations (2021):

NEW JERSEY: New Jersey has been bandying about a disclosure law since 2019. It has been reintroduced potential enactment again and appears poised to pass. It specifically includes “asset-based transactions” (i.e. MCA’s). If this bill becomes law, it is expected that the commissioner will promulgate regulations akin to those in California and New York. For now, though, all we have is the bill. Here is what the bill requires for MCA’s:

  1. Advance rates, expressed as a percentage of the amount of the receivable or other asset supporting the transaction and all required fees and charges that are paid by the small business concern and that cannot be avoided by the small business concern. Section 2(a)(3)(b);
  2. For a factoring or asset-based transaction, as applicable, the factor rate, expressed as a decimal, and the factoring commission rate, expressed as a percentage of sales or claims, including any minimum or maximum payment amounts or the interest rate index and spread applicable to the transaction. Section 2(b)(3);
  3. Amount financed, which shall mean the advance amount less any prepaid finance charges. Section 2(d)(3);

    In addition, the bill has these general requirements:

  4. If the contract with the provider requires the small business concern to pay a fee directly to a broker, a description of that fee;
  5. Description of any prepayment policies, including any fees, expenses or charges due when the small business financing is paid in full;
  6. If not otherwise provided in writing, notice that the provider has acquired or will acquire a security interest in the collateral and a description of the collateral; and
  7. Description of any other fees or charges that can be avoided by the small business concern.

The bill requires providers extending financing to obtain a written statement of intended purposes signed by the small business concern for purposes of determining whether financing is made for a business purpose.

The bill also requires that brokers who arrange or offer to arrange small business financing or assist in obtaining financing must provide a written disclosure to the small business concern and to the provider stating the total amount of fees by the broker.  The broker must provide this disclosure in a document separate from the provider’s contract with the small business concern, prior to the consummation of the small business financing transaction.

Ken Greene Leasing & Finance Observations



Help Wanted Ads


Being Authentic
 - The Only Way to Succeed In an Interview


By Ken Lubin, ZRG Partners

When going on an interview, most people try to be the person they think the company wants to hire, similar to taking a personality assessment or going on a first date.  As humans, we inherently think we know what the other person wants us to say, be, or do; this is a bad strategy. In my time in the recruiting business, I can’t tell you how many times a candidate tried to act their way into a job but it never works out. It is like the man behind the curtain; once they are found out, the game is up and things don’t end well.

True professionals go into an interview being themselves, having “authentic confidence” and realizing that the only way that they are going to be successful in a culture is to be accepted as they are. They take the guess work out of the meeting, show their true selves and, if the company doesn’t hire them for being their true selves, then they know it was never going to be a fit. When going on an interview, don’t act and don’t be afraid to be you, because you are the only thing you have.

Ken Lubin
Managing Director
ZRG Partners, LLC
Americas I EMEA I Asia Pacific
C: 508-733-4789



Capital Markets Review at the ELFA Conference
Dynamic Panel Discussion

Organizers point out the importance of this session in the absence of the ELFA Funding Conference this year due to the pandemic.

The current funding environment in the equipment finance industry has been described as an ocean of liquidity with sellers surfing and buyers swimming against the tide. ELFA Annual Convention goers will dive into funding trends and strategies during the Capital Markets Review: Funding in the Digital Age breakout session 10:30 a.m. Mon. Oct. 25 supported by the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation.

Organizers say the session will include a lively discussion about the current and future state of capital markets. It will cover contemporary practices in equipment finance funding based on initial findings from an ongoing study commissioned by the Foundation that is being prepared by The Alta Group.

Panelists will include Bill Bullock of ATEL Capital (moderator), Dave Wiener of The Alta Group, Dan Michalek of Syndifi, Mike Hube of Fifth Third Bank, Tom Ficca of CIT, and Steven Spivey of Truist Equipment Finance Corp.

Dave Weiner of the Alta Group remarked, “This session will help equipment finance companies understand and maximize contemporary approaches to funding and raising capital. We’ll discuss trends in syndication and securitization, predictions for the coming year, pain points, and tools businesses are using to succeed in the capital markets.

“We’ll preview insights gained from Alta’s research for the Foundation on industry best practices in funding, securitization and syndication”

The Foundation’s RFP for the study noted that funding and syndication changed dramatically during the pandemic and will likely return mostly to normal post-COVID-19. Because of this, funding and syndication strategies need to evolve based on what is available and what is expected.

Note: Last Count 931 Registered, including 77 Virtual Attendees 

You Can Attend the convention remotely to hear from industry experts from the comfort of your home or office.

Watch livestreams of high-quality educational sessions and top-notch keynote speakers when and where it’s most convenient for you—for a discounted price. Registering multiple virtual attendees? Discounted bulking pricing is available for virtual attendees only. Register three or more virtual attendees at the rate of $695 each (original price $795). To register for virtual bulk pricing please contact Janet Fianko at 202-238-3420 or

Last Day to Register in person, Tuesday, October 19 

Program Guide (20 pages)


FTR Trucking Conditions Index Remains Strong
By Jason Morgan, Fleet Equipment Editor

Jason Morgan is the editor of Fleet Equipment. He has more than 15 years of B2B journalism experience covering the likes of trucking and construction equipment.

After easing modestly but steadily since April’s record level, FTR’s Trucking Conditions Index (TCI) in August rose slightly to a reading of 11.63. Freight volume and capacity utilization were not quite as favorable for carriers in August as they were in July but more robust freight rates resulted in stronger overall market conditions. FTR says its TCI forecast remains for strong positive readings well into 2022.

The TCI tracks the changes representing five major conditions in the U.S. truck market. These conditions are: freight volumes, freight rates, fleet capacity, fuel price, and financing. The individual metrics are combined into a single index indicating the industry’s overall health.

Avery Vise, FTR’s Vice President of Trucking, said, “Market conditions in trucking still strongly favor carriers, and we have no real sign of an inflection on the horizon.

“After healthy – though not especially robust – gains in payroll employment during the summer, trucking job growth was relatively weak in September. Meanwhile, the shift of capacity from larger carriers to startups continues, adding to the supply chain disruptions that are bolstering spot market volume and rates for much longer than we would expect in a ‘normal’ hot market like we saw in 2017 and 2018. Rising diesel prices increase the risks of a swing of capacity back toward larger carriers if spot metrics begin to soften, but we have no indication of that happening yet.”


Top Ten Leasing News Read by Readers
October 12 to October 14

(1) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
    and Related Industries

(2) California Was the First State to Go After MCA
  How it All Began/Current Pending Revisions
    By Ken Greene, Leasing News Legal Editor

(3) California Commercial Financing Disclosure
    Regulation (SB 1235) Third Modifications This Year

(4) What Not To Lease
    By Terry Winders

(5) Six Types of Bankruptcy - Updated
    By Ken Greene, Esq., Legal Editor

(6) Southwest airlines cancels hundreds more flights
    following weekend disruption

(7) Comparing Tesla’s Spending on R&D and Marketing
    Per Car to Other Automakers

(8) Americans quit their jobs
    at a record pace in August

(9)  Certified Leasing and Finance Professional Circular V.3
  New CLFP's & Associates/Why I Became a CLFP
    The Value of Portfolio Purchase and Sales

(10)  Housing Market Survey: Great Time to Sell
    (Not Buy!)  MReport


Why I Became a CLFP
By Scott Wheeler, CLFP

Becoming a Certified Lease and Finance Professional in 1999 was an additional step in my continuous career development. I have always viewed the process of becoming a Certified Leasing Professional as another means of committing to and advocating for the commercial equipment leasing and finance industry.

Preparing for and taking the CLFP exam is an excellent process for seasoned professionals to quantify their personal knowledge in multiple aspects of the leasing business. I am delighted to be part of a group of commercial equipment leasing and finance professionals (mostly in the small ticket arena) who have taken the extra step of studying their industry and completing a test which is written, proctored and graded by their peers.

As with any organization, the Foundation provides the most benefit to those professionals who fully participate in the Foundation. I have served on the board of the CLFP Foundation several times.

I have helped to grade tests in the past; have participated in one of several re-writes of the exam; assisted in training classes and participated in conferences sponsored by the CLFP.

I invite others in the industry to explore the process of becoming a CLP, to sit for the exam and to be more fully engaged with the industry.

How to Become a CLFP

Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161


Academy for Certified Lease & Finance Professionals
All Virtual: Two in November/One in December, January, April

The Academy for Lease and Finance Professionals (ALFP) is a three-day event designed to fully prepare an individual to sit for the CLFP exam assuming the attendee has already self-studied. A trend has begun in having virtual on line sessions.

During the first two days, all of the required sections of the CLFP exam are covered in-depth and on the third day, the exam is offered, but not mandatory and may be taken on another day.

Students are strongly advised to have read and studied The Certified Lease & Finance Professionals' Handbook prior to attending the class in order to ensure success.

Cisco Capital Corporation
Private ALFP
November 2 – 5, 2021

Commercial Equipment Finance, Inc.
November 17 - 19, 2021
This online ALFP will require attendees to have access to WebEx
(Note that times are Eastern)
Wednesday – 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Thursday – 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Friday – 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Exam may be taken at any time!

Hosted by Smarter Equipment Finance, LLC
Dec 9 – 10, 2021
Thursday – 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Pacific)
Friday – 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  (Pacific)
Exam is proctored online, therefore, it may be taken at any time
To Register:

Ascentium Capital
January 6-7, 2022
Private ALFP

Hosted by Arvest Equipment Finance
April 20 - 23, 2022
Private ALFP

About Academy

If you are interested in attending, please contact Reid Raykovich, Executive Director:


Two Pick-Up Trucks Top Most Stolen Vehicles List
Charts - National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB)

Photo: National Insurance Crime Bureau



Ranked: The Top 10 EV Battery Manufacturers
Asia is the Powerhouse of Battery Production

By Bruno Venditt,

          click image to view larger

With increasing interest in electric vehicles (EVs) from consumers, the market for lithium-ion EV batteries is now a $27 billion per year business.

According to industry experts, high demand has boosted battery manufacturers’ profits and brought heavy competition to the market. And by 2027, the market could further grow to $127 billion as consumers embrace more affordable EVs.

Asian Powerhouses of Battery Production

Besides being a manufacturing powerhouse of vehicle parts, Asia is fast becoming a hotbed for innovation in the battery sector.

No wonder, the top 10 EV battery manufacturers by market share are all headquartered in Asian countries, concentrated in China, Japan, and South Korea.

Chinese Dominance

Based in China’s coastal city of Ningde, best known for its tea plantations, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL) has risen in less than 10 years to become the biggest global battery group.

The Chinese company provides lithium iron phosphate (LFP) batteries to Tesla, Peugeot, Hyundai, Honda, BMW, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Volvo, and shares in the company gained 160% in 2020, lifting CATL’s market capitalization to almost $186 billion.

CATL counts nine people on the Forbes list of global billionaires. Its founder, Zeng Yuqun, born in a poor village in 1968 during the Chinese Cultural Revolution, is now worth almost as much as Alibaba founder Jack Ma.

China also hosts the fourth biggest battery manufacturer, Warren Buffett-backed BYD.

Competition for CATL Outside China

Outside China, CATL faces tough competition from established players LG and Panasonic, respectively second and third on our ranking.

With more than 100 years of history, Panasonic has Tesla and Toyota among its battery buyers. LG pouch cells are used in EVs from Jaguar, Audi, Porsche, Ford, and GM.

(The question remains as reported in Friday’s Leasing News, where is the grid to support of the needs for automobile and trucks, let alone cities and residential areas who have blackouts today? Editor).


German Shepherd
Tacoma, Washington  Adopt-a-Dog


3 years old
Color: Black and Brown
Location: In Foster

Personality: Casanova is a big boy with a lot of love to give once he is comfortable! He`s very aware of his surroundings and can get nervous of loud noises. He will need a very patient adopter who can help him be comfortable at his own pace! This smart guy is eager to learn a few more tricks! The way to Casanovas heart is playing fetch with his favorite people!

History: His history with other dogs, cats, and small animals is unknown, however GSDs can often have a higher prey-drive. We always recommend slow and careful introductions to any resident pets. While in the shelter we have noticed he has quite the reactivity towards other dogs!

Energy levels: Casanova is still a young guy and a member of a high energy breed - he would love to join his new family on walks, hikes and going jogging once he is comfortable! To help with his anxiety and his fear of new things, we recommend working with a QUALIFIED TRAINER to help him be the best boy we know he is!

Ideal home: He will be happiest in a home that has a FULLY FENCED yard where he can play fetch and be the active boy he is! He is looking for a dog savvy adopter who has had German Shepherd experience before! He would not make a good first time pet!

Family: This sweet boy is looking for an experienced adopter and a home with TEENS/ADULTS ONLY. Casanova has shown stranger danger towards people, we have noticed this is especially towards men. He may do better in a one person home where he can have all your attention and feel most comfortable! We require everyone in the home to be present when meeting him!

If you`re interested in meeting Casanova, please email: DOGFOSTER@THEHUMANESOCIETY.ORG

Humane Society for Tacoma & Pierce County
2608 Center Street
Tacoma, WA 98409
(253) 383-2733

Shelter Hours
11:00 am - 6:00 pm | Seven Days a Week


Nine Days Left for NACLB Conference
and Expo, Not too Late to Sign up and Go‌

NACLB 2021 Conference
October 23, 2021 - October 28, 2021
Caesars Palace
3570 Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV 89109, US

Highlighted as "the largest gathering of commercial lenders and brokers. The 7th Annual NACLB Conference & Expo will provide education and networking between brokers lenders and service providers.

"However, the primary benefit of the conference will be to provide enormous growth opportunities for both brokers and bankers to grow their loan portfolios and increase revenues and profits.

"This year’s National Alliance of Commercial Loan Brokers Conference and Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada is slated to be a record-breaking event, and you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity!"

2019 Conference Statistics

  • 89% of all brokers that attended came with transactions already to preview without sponsors.
  • 99% percent of lenders said they would sponsor this event again.
  • 91% of all sponsors said they walked away with actual deals to fund during the 3 days and gained quality valuable broker relationships. ·
  • 98% of all sponsors that attended last year said that the NACLB was truly a unique conference primarily focused on increasing lender's deal flow and quality partnerships.

Sugar Ray Leonard
Keynote Speaker

Legendary sports icon, Olympic champion and Hall of Famer, philanthropist, bestselling author, television personality, and ringside analyst, Sugar Ray Leonard has established a legacy that epitomizes boxing and invokes the reverence of a champion.

Learn about Leonard



News Briefs---

Plug-in Cars Are the future
    But the Grid Isn’t Ready

Study: 50% of COVID Survivors Experience Lingering Symptoms
    Six Months after Recovery

Overhauling the Finance Department
     for the Future

Chewy has hundreds of dog & cat
     Halloween costumes on sale

Supply-Chain Bottlenecks, Elevated Inflation to Last
     Well Into Next Year, Survey Finds

Behind the Energy Crisis: Fossil Fuel Investment Drops
     and Renewables Aren’t Ready


You May Have Missed---

Future Workplace



Sports Briefs---

Instead of a shootout between star QBs, Ravens
     run over Chargers, push win streak to five

Huge Second Half in Washington a Turning Point
      for Patrick Mahomes, Chiefs

Can the 49ers overcome history?

Dak Prescott and Dallas answer with a fourth-quarter scoring
    drive to tie the game at 29 with less than a minute in regulation


California Nuts Briefs---

California Scrambles to Find Electricity
    to Offset Plant Closures

Up to 1 million gallons of water ... a night?
    That’s par for some desert golf courses

Escaped controlled burn in Santa Cruz Mountains
    was on retired fire chief’s property

Oakland port avoids cargo bottleneck
      by adding dockworkers



“Gimme that Wine”

The #1 Wine to Buy This Fall at Trader Joe's,
    According to Employees

California Harvests Raise Optimism Levels

Dan Berger on Wine: Napa Redux:
    A Judgment of Paris burnout?

Among Chardonnays, Chablis Is Not Better,
    Just Different by Eric Asimov

Free Wine App

Wine Prices by vintage


This Day in History

     1767 - Boundary between Maryland and Pennsylvania, the Mason Dixon line, was agreed upon, a major step in establishing “state” territories.
    1775 - Falmouth, the original capital of Maine (later to be called Portsmouth) burned by British
    1776 - At the Battle of Pelham, Col. John Glover and the Marblehead regiment with 750 soldiers collided with British Forces in the Bronx. Sir William Howe, Commander-in-Chief of the British army, landed 4,000 English and Hessian troops near the stables on Pelham Parkway in an action which became the first permanent invasion of the American mainland in the American Revolution. Howe's objective was to outflank the American army by marching west across today's Bronx along the Boston Post Road. This would also cut off Washington's vital supply route from New England and enable the British to surround Washington and quickly end the rebellion. However, 600 seamen considered to be the first “Marines,” from the Boston area, led by Colonel John Glover, and fighting from behind Pelham Manor's stone walls put an end to Howe's plan and saved Washington's army. The main significance of the Battle of Pelham lay in the fact that it bought time for Washington to remove the American army from an extremely perilous position and to retreat to White Plains. It is for this reason that the Battle of Pelham has been called the battle that saved the American Revolution.

    1836 - Birthday of Ellen Browning Scripps (d. 1932), born London, England.  Assisted her brother in numerous ways on his way to acquiring the Detroit Evening News and was a Jane-of-all-trades from proof to writing to make it a success.  She then turned all of her energies and money to helping her brother Edward who was beginning a newspaper career in Cleveland. Through wise investments in newspapers as well as real estate, she became a multi-millionaire whose philanthropic works included the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla (both with Edward), then singly endowed the Scripps College for Women in Claremont, CA., and helped establish the San Diego Zoo.
    1842 - The first telegraph cable was laid by Samuel Morse in New York Harbor between Battery and Governors Island. The next day, the cable stopped working when a ship, in raising its anchor, had caught and wrecked 200 feet of it. Another cable was laid the following year for commercial use by Samuel Colt. It was insulated with cotton yarn, beeswax, and asphaltum encased in a lead pipe, and connected New York City with both fire Island and Coney Island.
    1859 - U.S. Marines reach Harper's Ferry, VA and assault the arsenal seized by John Brown and his followers. Colonel Robert E. Lee has Lieutenant JEB Stuart carry a note to Brown demanding his surrender. Brown refuses and closes and bars the doors of the Engine House. Stuart waves his hat up and down as a signal to begin the assault. The Marines attack the doors with sledgehammers, but to no effect. They find a heavy ladder and use that as a battering ram. In two blows, they create a small opening in the right hand door which is split, and they storm into the building. Lieutenant Israel Green, who leads the assault, attacks Brown with the dress sword he brought by mistake from Washington. The sword, which was never meant for combat, bends on Brown’s leather belt. Green grasps the sword by the ruined blade and hits Brown over the head with it, knocking him unconscious. The raid is over.
       1863 - Union General Daniel Sickles returns to visit his old command, the Third Corps of the Army of the Potomac. He was recovering from the loss of his leg at Gettysburg and the visit turned sour when the army's commander, General George Meade, informed Sickles that he would not be allowed to resume command until he completely recovered from his injury at Gettysburg.  Meade posted Sickles' troops at the left end of the Union line. The Army of the Potomac was arranged in a three-mile long, fishhook-shaped line on the top of Cemetery Ridge and Culp's Hill. On the morning of July 2, Sickles noticed that just in front of his position was a section of high ground. In his estimation, this rise could be used by the Confederates to shell the Union position. Sickles expressed confusion over his orders and three times Meade explained that Sickles was to hold the end of Cemetery Ridge. Sickles was unhappy with the explanation, failing to understand that Meade was fighting a defensive battle. He moved his corps forward anyway, and the move nearly cost the Union the battle. A furious Meade ordered Sickles to withdraw his troops, but the Confederates were already attacking. After heavy losses, the Third Corps moved back to Cemetery Ridge. Despite his wound, Sickles hurried back to Washington to conduct damage control. One of his first visitors was President Lincoln. Sickles was one of the few Democrats who welcomed Lincoln to Washington in 1861 and Lincoln remembered that gesture. Sickles gave his account of the battle and justified his move. He even claimed that his action prevented Meade from retreating and therefore prevented a Union defeat. This began a war of words between Meade and Sickles that lasted the rest of their lives. When the reports on the battle were filed that fall, Sickles did not fare well. Many, such as General Governor K. Warren and General-in-Chief Henry Halleck, blasted Sickles for his actions.
    1867 - The American flag flew for the first time in Alaska, marking the formal transfer of this massive northern territory from Russia to the United States. Separated from the far eastern edge of the Russian empire by only the narrow Bering Strait, the Russians had been the first Europeans to significantly explore and develop Alaska. During the early 19th century, the state-sponsored Russian-American Company established the settlement of Sitka and began a lucrative fur trade with the Native Americans. However, Russian settlement in Alaska remained small, never exceeding more than a few hundred people. Seeing the giant Alaska territory as a chance to cheaply expand the size of the nation, William H. Seward, President Andrew Johnson's secretary of state, moved to arrange the purchase. Agreeing to pay a mere $7 million for some 591,000 square miles of land, a territory twice the size of Texas and equal to nearly a fifth of the continental United States, Seward secured the purchase of Alaska at the ridiculously low rate of less than 2¢ an acre. He was seriously criticized for the purchase and it took Congress over a year to approve as people called the land “nothing but an ice box.”  The museum in Juneau, Alaska has a full collection of historic events.
    1870 - Chew Tilghman of Philadelphia, PA., received a patent for his invention of a sandblasting process for cleaning, engraving, cutting and boring glass, stone, metal and other hard substances.
    1873 - Football rules were formulated at a meeting held in New York City and attended by delegates from Columbia, Princeton, Rutgers, and Yale universities.
    1898 - The United States flag was raised in Puerto Rico.
    1890 – John R. Owen, Jr. is first man to run 100 yard dash in under 10 seconds.
    1900 - Birthday of Lotte Lenya, born Karoline Wilhelmine Blamauer (d. 1981), Vienna, Austria.  Actress-singer, a star of the musical stage in pre- Hitler Berlin before fleeing to the United States, she popularized much of the music of her first husband's music, composer Kurt Weill. She starred in the stage version (1928) and then film (1931) of “The Threepenny Opera.” Following Weill's death and the increase of Hitler's anti-Jewish campaign, she immigrated to the U.S. and led a revival of Weill's works including the Three Penny for which she won the 1956 Tony award. She appeared in Broadway production of “Cabaret” (1966), in such films as “The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone” (1961), but perhaps best known to American audiences as the Russian nurse Rosa Klebb with a knife in her shoes in "From Russia with Love" (1964).
    1904 - Birthday of A.J. Liebling (d. 1963), New York, NY.  American journalist and author who said, “Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one.”
    1906 - A hurricane struck South Florida drowning 124 persons stranded in the Florida Keys.
    1906 - Birthday of James David Brooks (d. 1992), at St. Louis, MO.  During the Depression, Brooks worked as a muralist in the Federal Art Project of the works Progress Administration. His best-known work of that period was “Flight,” a mural on the rotunda of the Marine Air Terminal at La Guardia National Airport in New York. It was painted over during the 1950s but restored in 1980. Brooks served with the US Army from 1942 to 1945. When he returned to New York, his interest shifted to abstract expressionism. His paintings were exhibited in the historical “Ninth Street Exhibition” as part of the Museum of Modern Arts exhibits “Twelve Americans” and “New American Painting,” among others.
    1908 - Birthday of author/writer Marshall Winslow Stearns (d. 1966), Cambridge , MA
    1918 – Birthday of pianist/songwriter Bobby Troup (d. 1999), Harrisburg, PA.  Actor, jazz pianist, singer, and songwriter, he wrote the song “Route 66" and acted in the role of Dr. Joe Early with his wife Julie London in the television program “Emergency in the 1970s.
    1919 - Singer Anita O'Day, born Anita Belle Colton (d. 2006), Chicago , IL .
    1922 – “Robin Hood,” starring Douglas Fairbanks, opened at Grauman's Egyptian Theater in Hollywood. Searchlights crossed the sky for the first time at a Hollywood premiere. As a publicity stunt two weeks before the premiere, Fairbanks had posed atop a New York hotel in costume, with bow and arrow, for photographers. He and several others shot arrows from the building and accidentally injured a man through an open window (the man agreed not to press charges).  Fairbanks was born in Denver, Colorado, in 1883 and began appearing onstage in 1901. He married in 1907 and had one son, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., but the marriage ended in divorce. By 1915, he had switched to the fledgling film industry, where he was regularly cast as a swashbuckling hero. By 1918, he had appeared in more than 24 films. In 1919, Fairbanks teamed up with fellow stars Charlie Chaplin and Mary Pickford and director D.W. Griffith to launch the United Artists Corporation.
The following year, Fairbanks and Pickford married. As a wedding present for Pickford, Fairbanks bought an estate with 22 rooms on 18 acres, and Beverly Hills' first swimming pool. The couple dubbed the property "Pickfair."
Meanwhile, Fairbanks continued to star in the United Artists' films, including “The Three Musketeers” (1921), “Robin Hood” (1922), and “The Thief of Baghdad” (1924). Unlike many other early stars, Fairbanks successfully made the transition to sound, but his career faded as he aged. In 1933, he and Pickford divorced and, in 1936, he married the former Lady Sylvia Ashley, a chorus girl who had married an English lord. He died in 1939.    
    1926 - Singer/guitarist/song writer Charles Edward Anderson “Chuck” Berry (d. 2017) born St. Louis, MO.  One of the pioneers of rock and roll music, with songs such as “Maybelline" (1955), “Roll Over Beethoven" (1956), “Rock and Roll Music" (1957) and Johnny B. Goode" (1958), Berry refined and developed rhythm and blues into the major elements that made rock and roll distinctive. Writing lyrics that focused on teen life and consumerism, and developing a music style that included guitar solos and showmanship, Berry was a major influence on subsequent rock music.
    1929 - The Judicial Committee of England's Privy Council ruled that women were to be considered as persons in Canada. Previously, under English common law, women were persons in matters of pains and penalties, but were not persons in matters of rights and privileges.
    1930 - A big, early season lake effect snowstorm on the lee shores of Lake Erie and Ontario dumped 48 inches of snow just south of Buffalo , NY and 47 inches at Gouverneur, NY.
    1935 - Tommy Dorsey cuts “ I'm Getting Sentimental Over You.”
    1941 - Humphrey Bogart movie "The Maltese Falcon" is released, from the novel of the same name by Dashiell Hammett.
    1942 - Vice. Adm. William F. Halsey replaces Vice Adm. Robert L. Ghormley as commander, South Pacific. The man nicknamed "Bull" by the press began his military career as a destroyer commander during World War I. Halsey was made a captain at the age of 53, earned his naval aviator's wings, and was promoted to vice admiral in 1940. But it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor that would mark out his future for him. Halsey's task force was one of the few functioning battle groups left after the destruction of so much of the American fleet, placing him in the position of making the unpredictable and aggressive strategic decisions for which he would become renowned.
    1945 - Paul Robeson, African-American actor, singer, athlete and activist, receives NACCP Spingarn Medal
    1945 - THOMPSON, MAX, Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company K, 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Haaren, Germany, 18 October 1944. Entered service at: Prescott, Ariz. Birth: Bethel, N.C. G.O. No.: 47, 18 June 1945. Citation: On 18 October 1944, Company K, 18th Infantry, occupying a position on a hill near Haaren, Germany, was attacked by an enemy infantry battalion supported by tanks. The assault was preceded by an artillery concentration, lasting an hour, which inflicted heavy casualties on the company. While engaged in moving wounded men to cover, Sgt. Thompson observed that the enemy had overrun the positions of the 3d Platoon. He immediately attempted to stem the enemy's advance single-handedly. He manned an abandoned machinegun and fired on the enemy until a direct hit from a hostile tank destroyed the gun. Shaken and dazed, Sgt. Thompson picked up an automatic rifle and although alone against the enemy force which was pouring into the gap in our lines. He fired burst after burst, halting the leading elements of the attack and dispersing those following. Throwing aside his automatic rifle, which had jammed, he took up a rocket gun, fired on a light tank, setting it on fire. By evening the enemy had been driven from the greater part of the captured position but still held 3 pillboxes. Sgt. Thompson's squad was assigned the task of dislodging the enemy from these emplacements. Darkness having fallen and finding that fire of his squad was ineffective from a distance, Sgt. Thompson crawled forward alone to within 20 yards of 1 of the pillboxes and fired grenades into it. The Germans holding the emplacement concentrated their fire upon him. Though wounded, he held his position fearlessly, continued his grenade fire, and finally forced the enemy to abandon the blockhouse. Sgt. Thompson's courageous leadership inspired his men and materially contributed to the clearing of the enemy from his last remaining hold on this important hill position.
    1950 - Top Hits
“Goodnight Irene” - The Weavers
“All My Love” - Patti Page
“Harbor Lights” - The Sammy Kaye Orchestra (vocal: Tony Alamo)
“I'm Moving On” - Hank Snow
    1953 - Willie Thrower becomes the first black NFL quarterback in modern times. (Blacks played football with whites during the reconstruction period, following the Civil War).,3858,4395488,00.html
    1954 - "The Week in Religion" aired for the last time over Dumont television. First broadcast in March 1952, this ecumenical Sunday evening panel show divided the hour into 20-minute segments each for Protestant, Catholic and Jewish news.
    1956 - Football commissioner Bert Bell turned thumbs down on the use of radio-equipped helmets by NFL quarterbacks.
    1956 - Martina Navratilova was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia.  In 2005, Tennis magazine selected her as the greatest female tennis player for the years 1975 through 2005 and she is considered one of the best female tennis players of all time.
    1956 - Top Hits
“Rock-in Robin” - Bobby Day
“Tears on My Pillow” - Little Anthony and The Imperials
“Bird Dog” - The Everly Brothers
    1956 - A 21-year-old Elvis Presley pulls into a Memphis gas station where he starts to attract a crowd of autograph seekers. After repeatedly asking Elvis to move on so he can resume normal business, station manager Ed Hopper slaps Presley on the head and finds himself on the receiving end of a punch in the eye from Elvis. Station employee Aubrey Brown tries to help his boss but is no match for Presley. After police are called, Hopper and Brown are charged with assault and are eventually fined $25 and $15 respectively.
    1957 - “Colt 45,” Wade Preston starred in this ABC western as Christopher Colt, son of the inventor of the Colt revolver, and a government agent. Character actor Donald May replaced Preston and played the role of Sam Colt, Jr., Christo­pher's cousin, until early 1960 when Preston returned to the show. My father, Lawrence Menkin, wrote several of these episodes. He basically said the actor Wade Preston never caught on and theme was pretty lame and needed to be “wild,” but the producer would hear none of it.
    1958 - Top Hits
It's All in the Game - Tommy Edwards
Rock-in Robin - Bobby Day
Tears on My Pillow - Little Anthony and The Imperials
Bird Dog - The Everly Brothers
    1961 - The movie version of the Broadway musical West Side Story” opens at New York 's Rivoli Theater. The musical, featuring music and lyrics by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim, retold the story of Romeo and Juliet but set the action in contemporary New York. In the story, star-crossed lovers Maria and Tony are torn between their feuding cultures: Maria's brother leads a Puerto Rican gang that is at odds with Tony's Anglo gang. The movie won 10 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Director, and Supporting Actor and Actress.
    1961 - Trumpeter Wynton Marsalis born New Orleans, LA.
    1961 - "Le Bateau," by French painter Henri Matisse, went on display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. The painting attracted large numbers (over 100,000) of viewers. For 47 days, nobody realized that "Le Bateau" was hanging upside down.
    1966 - Top Hits
“Reach Out I'll Be There” - Four Tops
“Last Train to Clarksville” - The Monkees
“Psychotic Reaction” - Count Five
“Blue Side of Lonesome” - Jim Reeves
    1967 – American League votes to allow Athletics to move from Kansas City to Oakland and expand the league to 12 teams in 1971 with the addition of the Kansas City Royals and Seattle Pilots.  The Pilots relocated to Milwaukee to become the Brewers.
    1967 - Tamla-Motown releases Smokey Robinson & the Miracles "I Second That Emotion." The record climbs to #4 on the pop chart and Number One of the R&B, making it their biggest hit since "Shop Around" in 1960.
    1968 - Circus Circus Casino opened in Las Vegas “to attract all members of the family.” The football-field-sized casino and big top was a giant pink and white oval shaped circus tent across from the Riviera Hotel. To separate the gamblers from their kids, as required by law, a second level contained midway games and attractions for the tykes, but still in view of the circus acts. Circus Circus in Reno, Nevada is very popular with families, also due to the low prices of the rooms.
    1969 - The Temptations' "I Can't Get Next To You" hits #1
    1969 - At a Rock 'n' Roll revival concert at New York's Madison Square Garden, Bill Haley is given an eight minute standing ovation.
    1969 - The Jackson 5 make their US network TV debut on “Hollywood Palace.” The group includes Jackie (18), Tito (15), Jermaine (14), Marlon (12) and Michael (10).
    1971 - The final issue of "Look" magazine was published. It had been a must-see publication
    1972 - Overriding President Nixon's veto, Con­gress passed a $25 billion Water Pollution Control Act.
    1974 - Top Hits
“I Honestly Love You” - Olivia Newton-John
“Nothing from Nothing” - Billy Preston
“Then Came You” - Dionne Warwicke and Spinners
“Please Don't Stop Loving Me” - Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton
    1974 - Chicago Bull Nate Thurmond becomes the first in NBA to complete a quadruple double: 22 pts, 14 rebounds, 13 assists and 12 blocks.
    1975 - Simon and Garfunkel reunite on "Saturday Night Live."
    1975 - John Denver's LP Windsong hits #1
    1976 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: "If You Leave Me Now," Chicago . The song is the group's 11th top 10 hit and the first to go to No. 1.
    1977 - One of the more popular black rock and roll acts this year is the Brothers Johnson (George and Louis). Their "Strawberry Letter 23" is certified gold on this date, having recently hit Number One on the R&B chart and #5 on the pop chart.
    1977 - Reggie Jackson made history and earned the nickname, Mr. October. Regg-a-roo (as Howard Cosell called him) hit three home runs on three successive pitches. He led the New York Yankees to an 8-4 thrashing of the Los Angeles Dodgers and rookie manager Tommy Lasorda in Game 6 of the World Series. Three different pitchers served up the gopher balls to Jackson. The New York Yankees won the series, 4 games to 2; their first Series title in 15 years.
    1981 - Though it yielded only one minor hit single in "Backfired," "Koo Koo," the solo album by Blondie's Deborah Harry, goes gold today
    1982 - Top Hits
“Jack and Diane” - John Cougar
“Who Can It Be Now?” - Men at Work
“Eye in the Sky” - The Alan Parsons Project
“I Will Always Love You” - Dolly Parton
    1983 - Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton received some gold to add to their collections -- for their smash, " Islands in the Stream."
    1986 - Huey Lewis and The News had the number one album in the U.S. "Fore" was perched at the pinnacle of popdom for one week. "Fore" featured these tracks: "Jacob's Ladder," "Stuck with You," "Whole Lotta Lovin'," "Doing It All for My Baby," "Hip to Be Square," "I Know What I Like," "I Never Walk Alone," "Forest for the Trees," "Naturally" and "Simple as That."
    1987 - Thunderstorms in northeastern Texas produced golf ball size hail at Atlanta , along with wind gusts to 86 mph, and four inches of rain. Damage from the storm was estimated at more than a million dollars. Sunny and mild weather continued across much of the rest of the nation.
    1988 - “Roseanne” appears on TV. This comedy showed the blue-collar Conner family trying to make ends meet. Rosanne played wise-cracking Roseanne Con­ner, John Goodman played her husband Dan and Laurie Metcalf played her sister Jackie. The Conner children were played by Sara Gilbert (Darlene), Alicia Goranson and Sarah Chalke (Becky) and Michael Fishman (D.J.). The last episode aired Nov 14, 1997 but it remains popular in reruns.  During the short-lived revival (March 27, 2018, to May 22, 2018), the series reached No. 3, with an average of 18 million viewers per episode within the span of its nine episodes. In 1993, the episode "A Stash from the Past" was ranked No. 21 on TV Guide’s 100 Greatest Episodes of All-Time. In 2002, Roseanne was ranked No. 35 on TV Guide’s 50 Greatest TV Shows of All-Time. In 2013, it was ranked No. 32 on TV Guide’s 60 Best Series of All-Time.
    1988 - Eight cities in the southwestern U.S. reported record high temperatures for the date, including Red Bluff CA with a reading of 96 degrees.
    1989 - Unseasonably cold air began to invade the central and eastern U.S. Light snow fell across northern Maine and snow was also reported in the Great Lakes Region including the Chicago area. Bismarck, ND was the cold spot in the nation with a low of 9 degrees above zero. Five cities in Florida reported record high readings for the date, as temperatures warmed above 80 degrees. Miami reported a record high of 90 degrees.
    1989 - Hurricane Jerry made landfall on the upper Texas coast, the latest ever for a storm in this region. The center of this very small storm passed closest to Galveston, TX which reported sustained winds of 75 mph with gusts to 100 mph
    1990 - Top Hits
“Praying for Time” - George Michael
“I Don't Have the Heart” - James Ingram
“Ice Ice Baby” - Vanilla Ice
“Friends in Low Places” - Garth Brooks
    1991 - 3.9 inches of snow fell at Rochester, MN, the greatest ever so early in the season
    1995 - The Houston Oilers football team gave the world a view of family values. Houston Oiler David Williams missed a game against the New England Patriots to stay with his wife Debi, the day after she gave birth to their son Scot Cooper. The offensive linesman was docked $110,000 for the missed game. "Whatever the fine, it's money well spent," said Williams. "I don't regret what I've done." In a poll, 9 out of 10 football fans backed his decision. He had tried to make the game but was not able to make the last plane out of Houston, plus there was fog in New York delaying other planes. Houston owner Bud Adams insisted Williams made the wrong decision
    1996 - The American Basketball League, a new professional league for women, opened its inaugural season with three games. The New England Blizzard defeated the Richmond Rage, 100-73, the Columbus Quest beat the Seattle Reign, 82-75, and the San Jose Lazers took the measure of the Atlanta Glory, 78-70. The Colorado Xplosion and the Portland Power were idle on the league's first night.
    2004 - After 5 hours, 49 minutes and 471 pitches, the Red Sox outlasts the Yankees, 5-4, in Game 4 of the league championship. Boston's DH David Ortiz, who is the first player in baseball history to hit two walk-off home runs in during the postseason, ends the longest game in ALCS series history at 1:22 a.m. with a two-out single into center scoring Johnny Damon from second in the 14th inning at Fenway Park.
    2010 – The US government determined that China is helping Iran bypass UN sanctions and is helping them, improve their missile technology and develop nuclear weapons.
    2019 – The first all-female spacewalk occurred by NASA astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir outside the International Space Station. 
World Series Champions:
    1977 - New York Yankees



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