Non-Profit Leasing Association
had 216 members. 2000---240 2001---228 2002---216 The Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors is a trade association
for entrepreneurial leasing companies, banks, brokers and their
services firms. As of June 30 EAEL had 202 members: 132 Lessor/Broker 29 Funding Sources 18 Service Providers 23 Attorneys Last June EAEL had 213 members, and the end of the year,
2001: 228 members. This is not uncommon due the economic times, including mergers,
acquisitions, and failure of many large leasing companies. EAEL is primarily a regional association with 67% in the
Northeast (NY, NJ, MA, CT), an additional 5% in PA and MD, and the remainder
in 25 states and Puerto Rico. One important distinction in EAEL membership recruitment
is that they do not solicit Brokers/ Lessors west of the Mississippi
River. Members share information, have a close bond, often join
other leasing associations in joint conferences. There has been talk for years that this association would
merge with another, but there is a closeness among members that would
be lost, and as important, the membership dues overall are the lowest of
the other three leasing organization who would be their suitors. ELA has not raised their membership dues: $300.00 FULL MEMBERSHIP (less than 3 employees) $600.00 FULL MEMBERSHIP (less than 50 Employees) $800.00 FULL MEMBERSHIP (more than 50 Employees) $800.00 FULL MEMBERSHIP (funding source) $800.00 SERVICE MEMBERSHIP (attorneys, accountants, etc.) Many of their members now belong to other leasing associations,
as is common in the industry, especially for funders and those companies
with business across the United States.