Picture from the Past---1988—Bill Grohe

Bill Grohe, Spring Conference Program Chairman, Palm Springs, CA

Western Association of Equipment Lessors NewsLine, February,1988

“Program Chairman Bill Grohe of Grohe Financial Services in San Mateo, CA is in the process of putting together a variety of workshops for those with basic, intermediate, and advanced level expertise; he plans to make the conference a real “ meat and potatoes kind of program, with the emphasis on professionalism and educational up-date on industry issues.”

In 1989, Bill would be named “Secretary-Treasurer,” where his biography is printed: “...vice-president of Brentwood Funding, Laguna Hills, CA. A member of the Board of Directors since 1987, he will head the Membership Development Task Force in 1989.

“Bill was formerly president of Grohe Financial Services, and during his 26 years in the industry, also worked with Leaseco, Searle and Colonial Pacific Leasing. He is a graduate of Colgate University.

In 1991, he served as president of the association. He sold his company to his daughter who was working for him, went sailing and swimming, then decided to help out the association he helped lead for 13 years by becoming the Membership Director.

He was in the top ten at the year 2000 Masters Swimming Championship in Munich, Germany.
You can contact him at: bill@uael.org


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