Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Today's Leasing News Headlines
Complete License and Registration United States
By Kenneth C. Greene, Attorney
Leasing Industry Ads, Senior Sales Team
Equipment Vendor Sales Superstars, Attention Rainmakers
Moving Up: Selling into the Middle Market
Sales Makes it Happen by Robert Teichman, CLFP
Your Next Big Relationship
Wheeler Business Consulting
Top Ten Leasing News
August 30 to September 3
Fair Market Value in True or Capital Leases
What is It?
Four Types of Interim Rent
By Christopher Menkin
Only 8 Percent of CEOs At
Fortune 500 Companies Are Female
Best Return to Office Plan: A Team-Led Approach
By Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
2021 Cindy Spurdle Award of Excellence Recipient,
Kevin Prykull Announced During CLFP Day
Great Pyrenees & Golden Retriever
Murphy, Texas Adopt-a-Dog
Canadian 2021 Digital Conference
In-Person September 22, 2021- Virtual Complete Sept. 23
News Briefs---
Major auto makers fear the global chip shortage
could persist for some time
Big Boeing Customer Says It Is Walking Away
From New MAX Order
Why You Might Not Be Returning
to the Office Until Next Year
Fired Santa Clara city attorney on 49ers: 'Jed York
wanted my head on a silver platter, and he got it'
You May have Missed---
Washington Test-drives a New Driving Fee
Federal Fuel Tax Down, More Efficient Cars, Electric Cars
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (wrilter's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months
www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
Sports Brief----
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release,” it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified. The source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “byline.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

Complete License and Registration United States
By Kenneth C. Greene, Attorney
This series was designed to be able to update changes. When updated, the date will change.
The original series by Leasing News Legal Editor Ken Greene was presented with the dates to be able to update to the latest changes.
Leasing News welcome any updates or corrections, which will appear in the news edition as well as added to this list located on the website at: https://leasingnews.org/All_Lists.htm
Segment 1 - 06/28/21
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California
Segment 2 – 07/06/21
Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida and Georgia
Segment 3 - 07/12/21
Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa
Segment 4 - 07/19/21
Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine and Maryland
Segment 5 - 07/26/21
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi and Missouri
Segment 6 - 08/02/21
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, and New Jersey
Segment 7 - 08/09/21
New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota and Ohio
Segment 8 – 08/16/21
Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina https://leasingnews.org/archives/Aug2021/08_16.htm#license
Segment 9 - 08/23/21
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Vermont
Segment 10 – O8/30/21
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
Wyoming, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico

Ken Greene
Law Office of Kenneth Charles Greene
5743 Corsa Avenue Suite 208
Westlake Village, California 91362
Tel: 818.575.9095
Fax: 805.435.7464
Alternate: kengreenelaw@outlook.com
Help Wanted Ads

Moving Up: Selling into the Middle Market
Sales Makes it Happen by Robert Teichman, CLFP
Small-ticket and middle market are two different businesses. The Leasing salesperson who understands the differences will be successful in both.
The small-ticket business, generally defined as leases for equipment costing less than $150,000, focuses primarily on the credit of the guarantor of the lessee company. Some consider the marketplace under $250,000, as often "app only" goes up to this amount. It used to be $75,000. The definition is centered on the lessee only supplying a credit application calling for a minimum amount of information and three months of the first page of their bank statement. The application and bank statements are forwarded to a funder, which reviews the credit, concentrating on the guarantor's credit score and the lessee's time in business. The funder may also consider bank and trade information. Approval, if granted, occurs shortly after the funder receives the application, and the approval and rate is transmitted to the originator. Some now claim to approve in five seconds (TimePayment), Financial Pacific is several minutes and 4Hour Funding can not only approve the transaction but pay the vendor by ACH in four hours (they use Equipment Finance Agreements, not lease documents).
Therefore, the characteristics of the small-ticket business include an application with little information, heavy reliance on credit scores, a fast turnaround of the credit process, and credit review before getting the lessee's commitment.
On the other hand, middle market leases, generally defined as leases between $150,000 and 1,000,000, require a more structured approach. The funder requires a full financial package, which includes several years of financial statements, lessee and guarantor tax returns, complete equipment details and a narrative which should include a thorough financial analysis as well as a discussion of the company and its history.
Because of the depth of analysis which goes into a middle-market transaction, most funders demand that the lessee agree to the terms of the lease before starting the credit process. It is because of this requirement that more middle-market lease approvals convert to bookings than do small-ticket (application-only) transactions.
All leasing salespeople should understand how to place a middle-market transaction. Even those who specialize in application-only deals will improve their volume by learning packaging and financial analysis techniques. One of the first things to do is learn to read financial statements and understand ratios.
Often, the lessee who started with a small transaction grows beyond the small-ticket limit. In order to maintain the relationship, the originator will have to help the lessee obtain the financing, or risk losing the account.
One technique I have often used is the Master Lease. Instead of simply responding to the lessee's stated need for a small transaction, I would ask what other equipment the lessee planned to acquire that year. Not surprisingly, there almost always were other items on the capital expense budget. I would then offer a written proposal based on the total equipment needed, since I knew by then that I was working with a larger transaction. All the equipment the lessee planned to get over a six to twelve month period could be easily accommodated under a single Master Lease, instead of many individual leases.
If the lessee did not need additional equipment, the lease could still have been handled as an application-only transaction.
Not all lessees would qualify for a larger Master Lease, but the originator who pre-qualifies the lessee and is confident of obtaining an approval will win not only the original small lease, but all follow-on leases as well. Originators who understand how to read and analyze financial statements and how to properly prepare a full financial package will significantly increase their bookings.
Robert Teichman, CLFP
LL 415 331-6445
C 415 309-6679

Your Next Big Relationship
Wheeler Business Consulting

Scott Wheeler, CLFP
Successful originators in the commercial equipment finance and leasing industry always have a handful of top relationships that they can count on to consistently provide a flow of new business each quarter. Many of these robust relationships have been supercharged over the past six to twelve months and account for a large portion of a successful originator's production. What may happen if (or when) one or two of these top relationships suddenly disappear? Are you prepared to find, secure, and win new relationships to replace a lost relationship in the future?
I hear originators claim that they are too busy to prospect. Business is so strong that their priority is servicing their current relationships. The lack of prospecting will create future challenges. There is no better time to prospect then when an originator is at the top of his game. Success breeds success. Success creates confidence. Success provides an originator with the tools to build meaningful relationships faster and with more efficiency. Now is the time to seek and win those relationships that may have appeared out of reach just a few months or years ago. Below are a few suggestions for prospecting in a robust market:
- Set aside time each week to focus on developing new relationships.
- Develop a hot list of vendors and end-users which you believe should be using your services.
- Create realistic goals of how many new, meaningful relationships you will add in the next 60 or 90 days.
- Focus on your success and prospect by sharing your success with new relationships. Professionals want to conduct business with successful originators.
- Focus on prospects that have the greatest potential - stop chasing prospects that no longer align with your capabilities.
There is no better time to develop top relationships then when you are experiencing success.
Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
Wheeler Business Consulting
1314 Marquis Ct.
Fallston, Maryland 21047
Phone: 410 877 0428
Fax: 410 877 8161
Email: scott@wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Web: www.wheelerbusinessconsulting.com
Wheeler Business Consulting works with banks, independents, captives, origination companies, and investors in the equipment leasing and finance arena. We provide training, strategic planning, and acquisition services. Scott Wheeler is available to discuss your long-term strategy, to assist your staff to maximize outcomes, and to better position your organization in the market.
Top Ten Leasing News
August 30 to September 3
(Top stories opened by readers)
(1) The Industry’s First Reality TV Show is Here
(2) DeBanked Reality Show Called Off
"...decided not to move forward with it"
(3) What Does it Cost to Run Big Business?
Chart plus Revenues and Margins
(4) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
and Related Industries
(5) Credit Managers Managing Too Many Decisions
With Too Little Time
(6) License and Registration United States
By Kenneth C. Greene, Attorney
Segment 10
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin,
Wyoming, Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico
(7) Unmasked elementary school teacher infects
half of class with COVID-19, CDC says
(8) Moderna vaccine makes twice as many
antibodies as Pfizer, study says
(9) Certificate of Insurance for Lease or Loan
By Terry Winders
(10) California Financial Regulator Moves Forward
to License California Debt Collectors

Fair Market Value in True or Capital Leases
What is It?
There are three common terms on what is “fair market value, according to Edward Castagna, CEO InPlaceAuction, LLC:

The 3 terms we use are:
FLV (Forced Liquidation Value)
OLV (Orderly Liquidation Value)
FMV (Fair Market Value)
The inherent difference of each value is "time to sell." Forced is immediate, orderly has more time, and fair is all the time in the world.
To my experience, the term most used for a true lease, and even used in capital leases, Purchase Option's is Fair Market Value.
I'd like to review before I quote a price if the request involves an official appraisal report or list of assets to be appraised.
Next time there is a complaint you receive, let me know if I can help.
Edward Castagna CEO
InPlaceAuction LLC.
(516)-297-7775 Mobile (best)
(516)-500-2345 Direct
(516)-229-1968 Main
Coda: Ed has been extremely helpful in resolved Bulletin Board complaints about complaints Leasing News has received regarding the actual “fair market value” of the purchase option quoted by
the leasing customer to the lessee. Editor.

Four Types of Interim Rent
By Christopher Menkin

Construction Interim
Funds advanced to the manufacturer of the equipment during construction of the equipment.
Delivery Interim
Partial payment to the manufacturer upon delivery of the equipment prior to the Lessee's acceptance of the equipment.
Multiple Delivery Interim
Daily rent on delivery of accepted equipment prior to the balance of the equipment being accepted by the Lessee
Due Date Interim
Additional rent charged to change the due date on the Lease from the
commencement date to a more acceptable date during the month.
The first three are usually a part of a “Master Lease,” which is usually a document that provides a line of credit allowing a Lessee to add equipment under the same basic terms and conditions without negotiating a new Lease contract. Often it is one contract in sections.
The rent is most common “interest only” and often a separate document spells this out from the “Master Lease.”
Partial payments are normally part of the “Master Lease” and generally are “interest only,” often spelled out in a separate document not part of the lease contract itself. In smaller leases, the payment is derived from a lease factor (the monthly payment as a multiplier) of the master lease payment. It also includes the principal, which is kept by the lessor as an extra profit as it is not deducted from the monthly payment or actual total cost of the equipment. The difference in the payment from the interest is then “extra profit.”
The Due Date Interim includes “extra profit” for the lessor as the actual lease is billed in advance to the lessee but converted to the
bank or line of credit in arrears. A T-Value program can compute the extra profit in this arrangement.
Some offer a first or 15th of the month payment due date and do not charge interim rent or actually start the payment on a specific day the vendor is paid. Then in an ACH billing system where a specific day for the payment is not necessary for bookkeeping or collection purposes.
What is known as a 90 day interim payment is in reality a scam, as it is not a choice of a day in the month for payments to be due, but an means of extra profit since the interim rent is not part of the monthly payment stream.


2021 is seeing a new record of female CEOs at Fortune 500 companies. As of June, there were 41 female CEOs employed at America's 500 highest-grossing companies. Yet, the new high still only translates to around 8 percent female representation at the top of the country's biggest public businesses.
Calls for more equitable hiring seem to be slowly bearing fruit in the higher echelons of the business world, as the number of female CEOs has risen for the third year in a row.
A notable recent addition is Roz Brewer, who joined Walgreens Boots in March, making her the CEO of the top 3 female-led company in America. The appointment of Thasunda Brown Duckett as CEO of TIAA in May also marked the first time two African-American women led Fortune 500 companies at the same time.
Karen Lynch taking over the lead at CVS Health in February meanwhile made the company the biggest in Fortune 500 history to ever be led by a women. 2020 revenues rank the pharmacy and healthcare chain as the fifth biggest public business in the U.S., bringing in $256.8 billion. Preliminary 2021 figures even see CVS Health move into rank 4, overtaking crisis-shook Exxon Mobile.
In 2019, the highest-grossing company with a female CEO had been General Motors, then in rank 13.
By Katharina Buchholz, Statista

Best Return to Office Plan: A Team-Led Approach
By Dr. Gleb Tsipursky

Surveys show that anywhere from two-thirds to three-quarters of all employers intend to have a hybrid workforce after the pandemic as part of their return to office plan. Employees would come in one to three days weekly to work on collaborative tasks with their teams. The rest of the time, they would work on their own tasks remotely. Many of these employers also intend to permit employees to work fully remotely if the employees want to and can demonstrate a high level of productivity.
That hybrid-first with remote options approach offers the best fit for the desires of the majority of employees who worked remotely during the pandemic. That’s according to large-scale, independent surveys (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) asking employees how they want to work after the pandemic. Data on productivity (1, 2) also showed that employees are happier when working remotely.
Retaining your employees and boosting productivity makes a hybrid model with some remote options an example of wise decision-making. But how do you transition to this model as you return to the office?
Get Buy-In By Seeking Staff Input on the Return to Office Plan
You can use best practices as shared by the 61 leaders I advised on how to develop and implement a strategic return to office plan as the pandemic winds down.
First, conduct an anonymous survey of your currently-remote staff on their preferences for remote work.
While you may choose to ask a variety of questions, be sure to find out about their desire for frequency of work in the office. Here’s a good way to phrase it:
After the pandemic has passed, which of these would be your preferred working style?
A) Fully remote, coming in once a quarter for team-building retreat
B) 1 day a week in the office, the rest at home
C) 2 days a week in the office
D) 3 days a week in the office
E) 4 days a week in the office
F) Full-time in the office
Team-Led Choices for the Return to Office
The best practice is for the leadership to provide broad but flexible guidelines for the whole company. Then, let teams of rank-and-file employees determine what works best for them.
Empower each team leader to determine, in consultation with other team leaders and their team members, how each team should function. The choice should be driven by the goals and collaborative capacities of each team rather than the personal preferences of the team leader. The top leadership should encourage team leaders to permit, wherever possible, team members who desire to do so to work remotely.
Addressing Return to Office Resistance
Many lower-level supervisors feel a personal discomfort with work from home. They feel a loss of control if they can’t see their staff and are eager to get back to their previous mode of supervising.
They’re falling for the anchoring bias. This mental blind spot causes us to feel anchored to our initial experiences.
Likewise, they feel a strong drive to return to the pre-pandemic world. They suffer from the status quo bias, a drive to return to what they perceive as the correct way of doing things. They refuse to accept the reality that we need to adapt to survive and thrive in the post-pandemic society.
Justifying In-Office Work
Communicating to lower-level supervisors about problems in their mental patterns will be the first step to addressing them. A second step is having them justify any time their team needs to be in the office.
That justification should stem from the kind of activities done by the team. Team members should be free to do their independent tasks wherever they want. By contrast, many – not all – collaborative tasks are best done in-person.
Team leaders should evaluate the proportion of individual versus collaborative tasks done by their teams. They should also gauge the productivity levels of team members who want to be fully remote. If capable enough, these employees should be allowed to work remotely and only come to the office once a quarter for a team-building retreat.
There should be a valid reason if the team leader desires more than three days in the office per week. Such reasons exist but are rare. Generally speaking, no more than 5% of your staff should be forced to be in the office full-time.
As companies gear up for a mostly-hybrid workforce with fully-remote options, leaders need to carry out best practices during the shift so they can seize competitive advantage in the return to office post-pandemic transition.
Source: ceoworld.biz
##### Press Release ############################
2021 Cindy Spurdle Award of Excellence Recipient,
Kevin Prykull Announced During CLFP Day

Kevin Prykull, CLFP
PNC SVP and Credit Underwriting Executive
Recently Retired
The Certified Lease and Finance Professional (CLFP) Foundation announced the 2021 Cindy Spurdle Award of Excellence on August 26th during a 15-minute celebratory “CLFP Day” virtual call with nearly 300 CLFPs and Associates in attendance. The award was presented to Kevin P. Prykull, CLFP.
The Cindy Spurdle Award was created in 2012 to acknowledge the CLFP who has contributed the most to the industry and best represents the CLFP ideals for the year. Nominees are submitted by the CLFP membership, and the final award candidate is voted upon by the entire CLFP Board of Directors
Kevin has been a very active participant in the CLFP Foundation. He serves on the Foundation’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors, including as President in 2020. Kevin chairs the Body of Knowledge and Recertification Committees. He is an ongoing Instructor in the ALFP Academies, has instructed every section within the ALFPs, and has taught more virtual sessions than any other instructor. Kevin has been instrumental in working with the Foundation this year to create a self-paced online ALFP -- which will debut shortly.
Kevin is a seasoned leasing credit and risk professional with over 43 years of experience in all major aspects of the industry working in bank, captives, and independent leasing companies. He is retired after 30 years having served as the Credit Underwriting Executive for PNC Equipment Finance, LLC. He remains active in the ELFA on the Credit and Collections Committee, the Research Committee and is Chair of the Credit Manager Survey Forum. He teaches for ELFA and is an Adjunct Professor in Finance at Duquesne University.
Kevin says: “I am deeply honored and humbled to be selected as the recipient of the Cindy Spurdle Award of Excellence. For 2021 it is nice to be able to join an esteemed fellowship of prior awardees that likewise embrace the values and ideals of Cindy Spurdle and the Foundation. I actually had the privilege of meeting Cindy Spurdle in Philadelphia for lunch when I sat for the then “CLP” certification. What a helpful and inspiring individual. Supportive and guiding.”
“I encourage others to get involved with the Foundation as a volunteer. It is very rewarding and a great way to “give back” to the organization. It is easy. Start by joining one of the many working committees or ad hoc groups. Thanks to Reid Raykovich, the Foundation and most importantly our membership for the opportunity to serve and to be recognized as this year’s recipient of the Cindy Spurdle Award of Excellence.”
The call also included a $1,000 cash gift to celebrate the Foundation passing 1,000 members and Cassie Blodgett of Stryker Flex was the winner. She stated, “Congratulations on another great CLFP day celebration! It was great to see so many CLFP’s joined together virtually to mark the amazing 1,000-member milestone.
The CLFP designation identifies an individual as a knowledgeable professional to employers, clients, customers, and peers in the equipment finance industry. There are currently 1,057 active Certified Lease & Finance Professionals and Associates in the United States, Canada, India, Africa, and Australia.
For more information, visit http://www.CLFPFoundation.org.
### Press Release ############################

Great Pyrenees & Golden Retriever
Murphy, Texas Adopt-a-Dog
Coat Length: Medium
Meet Star
Star and Orbit came to the Shelter as owner surrenders. They came from a farm that had lots of running room and chickens. We really don't have a lot of information on them. There adoption fee is $85.00. The adoption includes their spay/neuter, rabies vaccination, combo shot, and microchip. For more information please call 972-468-4226.
Murphy Animal Shelter
205 North Murphy Road
Murphy, TX 75094
Animal Control
203 N. Murphy Road
(Behind the Community Center)
Murphy, TX 75094
Monday - Friday
10:00 am - 5:00 pm

CFLA 2021 Annual Digital Conference
Regional in-Person, Wednesday, Sept. 22
Toronto, Vancouver & Calgary
Virtual Conference, Thursday 23, 2021
Digital/In-person fees for virtual and non-member registration:

Hugh Swandel, President of Meridian OneCap Credit Corporation, reminds readers, “Our fair prices start at $290 per person, but you can save up to 50% when buying registrations in bulk!”

This Day in History
1630 - The Massachusetts town of Trimontaine (Shawmut), was renamed Boston, and became the state capital. It was named after a town of the same name in Lincolnshire, England.
1776 - According to American colonial reports, Ezra Lee made the world's first submarine attack in the Turtle, attempting to attach a time bomb to the hull of HMS Eagle in New York Harbor (no British records of this attack exist).
1778 – During the Revolutionary War, France invaded Dominca in the British West Indies, before Britain became aware of France's involvement in the war.
1816 - Teabout and Chapman launched the Frontenac, the first steamboat “to sail” on the Great Lakes, revolutionizing shipping.
1825 - The Marquis de Lafayette, the French hero of the American Revolution, bade farewell to President John Quincy Adams at the White House.
1857 - The Mountain Meadows massacre was a series of attacks on the Baker-Fancher emigrant wagon train, at Mountain Meadows in southern Utah. The attacks began on September 7 and culminated on September 11, 1857, resulting in the mass slaughter of the party by members of the Utah Territorial Militia with some Paiute Native Americans. The militia, officially called the Nauvoo Legion, was composed of southern Utah's Mormon settlers. Intending to leave no witnesses and thus prevent reprisals, the perpetrators killed all the adults and older children—about 120 men, women, and children in total. Seventeen children, all younger than seven, were spared.
1860 – Grandma Moses (d. 1961) was born Anna Mary Robertson Moses in Greenwich, NY. A renowned American folk artist, having begun painting in earnest at the age of 78, she is often cited as an example of an individual successfully beginning a career in the arts at an advanced age. Her works have been shown and sold in the United States and abroad and have been marketed on greeting cards and other merchandise. Moses' paintings are among the collections of many museums.
1864 - In preparation for his march to the sea, Union General William T. Sherman orders residents of Atlanta, Georgia, to evacuate the city. Even though Sherman had just successfully captured Atlanta with minimal losses, he was worried about his supply lines, which stretched all the way to Louisville, Kentucky. With Confederate cavalry leader Nathan Bedford Forrest on the loose, Sherman expected to have a difficult time maintaining an open line of communication and reasoned that he could not stay in Atlanta for long. The number of troops committed to guarding the railroad and telegraph lines was almost as many as he had with him in Atlanta. For Sherman, the defeated residents of Atlanta could only hinder him in his preparations since they represented mouths to feed in addition to his own army. Furthermore, he did not want to bear responsibility for women and children in the midst of his army. Eviction of the residents was Sherman's most logical solution. Sherman's order surely didn't win him any fans among the Southerners, but he was only starting to build his infamous reputation with the Confederates. In November, he embarked on his march to the sea, during which his army destroyed nearly everything that lay in its path.
1875 – Edward F. Hutton (d. 1962) was born in Manhattan. In 1904, Hutton, his brother, Franklyn, and Gerald M. Loeb founded the American stock brokerage firm E.F. Hutton. Under their leadership, it became one of the most respected financial firms in the United States and for several decades was the second largest brokerage firm in the United States. E.F. Hutton merged in 1988 with Shearson Lehman/American Express.
1876 - In Northfield, MN, Jesse James and the James-Younger Gang attempted to rob the town's bank but were driven off by armed citizens.
1881 - The temperature soared to 101 degrees at New York City, 102 degrees at Boston, and 104 degrees at Washington, D.C.
1892 - At the Olympic Club in New Orleans, James Corbett won the World Heavyweight Championship by knocking out John L. Sullivan in the 21st round. Corbett's new scientific boxing technique enabled him to dodge Sullivan's rushing attacks and wear him down with jabs.
1903 – Taylor Caldwell (d. 1985) was born in Greenwich, CT. Novelist and prolific author of popular fiction, also known by the pen names Marcus Holland and Max Reiner, and by her married name of J. Miriam Reback. In her fiction, she often used real historical events or persons. Best-known works include “Dynasty of Death,” “Dear and Glorious Physician” (about Saint Luke), “Ceremony of the Innocent,” “Pillar of Iron,” “The Earth is the Lord's” (about Genghis Khan) and “Captains and Kings.” Her last major novel, “Answer As a Man,” appeared in 1980.
1903 - The Federation of American Motorcyclists was organized at Manhattan Beach, NY., when the New York Motorcycle Club, which in 1903 merged with the Alpha Motorcycle Club of Brooklyn. The first president was R.G. Betts of the New York Motor Cycle Club. About 200 delegates attended the first meeting, considered the first rumble of motorcyclists in the U.S.
1907 – Walter Johnson of the Washington Senators beat the Red Sox for the first of 38 career 1-0 shutouts. Johnson threw 130 shutouts during his career, 23 more than runner-up Grover Cleveland Alexander.
1908 - Trumpeter Max Kamisnky (d. 1994) birthday, Brockton, MA.
1908 – Dr. Michael DeBakey (d. 2008) was born in Lake Charles, LA. World-renowned American cardiac surgeon, innovator, scientist, medical educator, and international medical statesman. DeBakey is known for his work on the treatment of heart patients and for his role in the development of the mobile army surgical hospital (MASH).
1908 – Put this on the list of things you’ll never see again. On Labor Day, Washington Senators manager Joe Cantillon was forced to start Walter Johnson as one pitcher was sick and another returned to Washington to be with his sick wife. Only three Senators pitchers made the trip to New York. The Big Train shut out the Highlanders for the third time in four days, 4-0, topping Jack Chesbro, allowing just two hits and no walks. In the three games, Walter allowed 12 hits, walked one, and struck out 12.
1909 – Elia Kazan (d. 2003) was born Elias Kazantzoglou in Constantinople, now Turkey. Director, producer, writer and actor, described by The New York Times as "one of the most honored and influential directors in Broadway and Hollywood history." Noted for drawing out the best dramatic performances from his actors, he directed 21 actors to Oscar nominations, resulting in nine wins. He directed a string of successful films, including “A Streetcar Named Desire” (1951), “On the Waterfront” (1954), and “East of Eden” (1955). During his career, he won two Oscars as Best Director and received an Honorary Oscar, won three Tony Awards, and four Golden Globes. A turning point in Kazan's career came with his testimony as a witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 at the time of the blacklist, which brought him strong negative reactions from many liberal friends and colleagues. His testimony helped end the careers of former acting colleagues, along with ending the work of playwright Clifford Odets. Nearly a half-century later, his anti-Communist testimony continued to cause controversy. When Kazan was awarded an honorary Oscar in 1999, dozens of actors chose not to applaud as 250 demonstrators picketed the event.
1912 – David Packard (d. 1996) was born Pueblo, CO. An electrical engineer and co-founder, with William Hewlett, of Hewlett-Packard (1939), serving as president (1947–64), CEO (1964–68), and Chairman of the Board (1964–68, 1972–93). He served as US Deputy Secretary of Defense from 1969 to 1971 during the Nixon Administration. Packard was the recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1988 and is noted for many technological innovations and philanthropic endeavors.
1922 - Joe Newman (d. 1992) birthday (Great Count Basie trumpet player-13 years), New Orleans.
1924 – Daniel Inouye (d. 2012) was born in Honolulu. US Senator from Hawaii from 1963 to 2012. He was President pro tempore (3d line the presidential line of succession) of the Senate from 2010 until his death in 2012, making him the highest-ranking Asian American politician in U.S. history. Inouye fought in World War II and lost his right arm to a grenade wound. He was a Medal of Honor recipient, received several military decorations and was a posthumous recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
1930 - Tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins was born Walter Theodore Rollins, Sugar Hill in Harlem.
1936 - Singer Buddy Holly (d. 1959) was born Charles Hardin Holley in Lubbock, TX. Musician and singer-songwriter who was a central figure of mid-1950s rock and roll. In 1955, after opening for Elvis, Holly decided to pursue a career in music. He opened for Presley three times that year; his band's style shifted from country and western to entirely rock and roll. In October that year, when he opened for Bill Haley & The Comets, Holly was spotted by Nashville scout Eddie Crandall, who helped him get a contract with Decca Records. Unhappy with their control in the studio and with the sound he achieved there, Holly went to producer Norman Petty in New Mexico and recorded a demo of "That’ll Be the Day” among other songs. In September 1957, as the band now known as Buddy Holly and The Crickets, toured, "That'll Be the Day" topped the US and UK charts. Its success was followed in October by another major hit, "Peggy Sue." In early 1959, Holly assembled a new band, including future country music star Waylon Jennings and embarked on a tour of the midwestern U.S. After a show in Clear Lake, IA, Holly chartered an airplane to travel to his next show. Soon after takeoff, the plane crashed, killing Holly, Ritchie Valens, The Big Bopper, and the pilot, in a tragedy later elegized by Don McLean as "American Pie."
1944 - MAXWELL, ROBERT D., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Technician Fifth Grade, U.S. Army, 7th Infantry, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Besancon, France, 7 September 1944. Entered service at: Larimer County, Colo. Birth: Boise, Idaho. G.O. No.: 24, 6 April 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life above and beyond the call of duty on 7 September 1944, near Besancon, France. Technician 5th Grade Maxwell and 3 other soldiers, armed only with .45 caliber automatic pistols, defended the battalion observation post against an overwhelming onslaught by enemy infantrymen in approximately platoon strength, supported by 20mm. flak and machinegun fire, who had infiltrated through the battalion's forward companies and were attacking the observation post with machinegun, machine pistol, and grenade fire at ranges as close as 10 yards. Despite a hail of fire from automatic weapons and grenade launchers, Technician 5th Grade Maxwell aggressively fought off advancing enemy elements and, by his calmness, tenacity, and fortitude, inspired his fellows to continue the unequal struggle. When an enemy hand grenade was thrown in the midst of his squad, Technician 5th Grade Maxwell unhesitatingly hurled himself squarely upon it, using his blanket and his unprotected body to absorb the full force of the explosion. This act of instantaneous heroism permanently maimed Technician 5th Grade Maxwell, but saved the lives of his comrades in arms and facilitated maintenance of vital military communications during the temporary withdrawal of the battalion's forward headquarters.
1950 - “Truth or Consequences” premiered on television. The half-hour show was based on a parlor game: contestants who failed to answer a question before the buzzer (nickname Beulah) went off had to perform stunts (i.e., pay the consequences.) Ralph Edwards created and hosted the show until 1954, then it became a prime-time show hosted by Jack Bailey. My father's very close friend, Morris Burman, was the lead writer. Bob Barker succeeded Bailey in 1966 and hosted it through syndication through 1974. In 1977, the show was revived as “The New Truth of Consequences” with Bob Hilton as host, ending in 1988.
1951 - CRUMP, JERRY K., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army, Company L, 7th Infantry Regiment, 3d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Chorwon, Korea, 6 and 7 September 1951. Entered service at: Forest City, N.C. Born: 18 February 1933, Charlotte, N.C. G.O. No.: 68, 11 July 1952. Citation. Cpl. Crump, a member of Company L, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. During the night a numerically superior hostile force launched an assault against his platoon on Hill 284, overrunning friendly positions and swarming into the sector. Cpl. Crump repeatedly exposed himself to deliver effective fire into the ranks of the assailants, inflicting numerous casualties. Observing 2 enemy soldiers endeavoring to capture a friendly machine gun, he charged and killed both with his bayonet, regaining control of the weapon. Returning to his position, now occupied by 4 of his wounded comrades, he continued his accurate fire into enemy troops surrounding his emplacement. When a hostile soldier hurled a grenade into the position, Cpl. Crump immediately flung himself over the missile, absorbing the blast with his body and saving his comrades from death or serious injury. His aggressive actions had so inspired his comrades that a spirited counterattack drove the enemy from the perimeter. Cpl. Crump's heroic devotion to duty, indomitable fighting spirit, and willingness to sacrifice himself to save his comrades reflect the highest credit upon himself, the infantry and the U.S. Army.
1951 - KANELL, BILLIE G., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Private, U.S. Army, Company I, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Pyongyang, Korea, 7 September 1951. Entered service at: Poplar Bluff, Mo. Born: 26 June 1931, Poplar Bluff, Mo. G.O. No.: 57, 13 June 1952. Citation: Pvt. Kanell, a member of Company I, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. A numerically superior hostile force had launched a fanatical assault against friendly positions, supported by mortar and artillery fire, when Pvt. Kanell stood in his emplacement exposed to enemy observation and action and delivered accurate fire into the ranks of the assailants. An enemy grenade was hurled into his emplacement and Pvt. Kanell threw himself upon the grenade, absorbing the blast with his body to protect 2 of his comrades from serious injury and possible death. A few seconds later another grenade was thrown into the emplacement and, although seriously wounded by the first missile, he summoned his waning strength to roll toward the second grenade and used his body as a shield to again protect his comrades. He was mortally wounded as a result of his heroic actions. His indomitable courage, sustained fortitude against overwhelming odds, and gallant self-sacrifice reflect the highest credit upon himself, the infantry, and the U.S. Army.
1952 - PORTER, DONN F., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company G, 14th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Mundung-ni Korea, 7 September 1952. Entered service at: Baltimore, Md. Born: 1 March 1931, Sewickley, Pa. G.O. No.: 64, 18 August 1953. Citation: Sgt. Porter, a member of Company G, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy. Advancing under cover of intense mortar and artillery fire, 2 hostile platoons attacked a combat outpost commanded by Sgt. Porter, destroyed communications, and killed 2 of his 3-man crew. Gallantly maintaining his position, he poured deadly accurate fire into the ranks of the enemy, killing 15 and dispersing the remainder. After falling back under a hail of fire, the determined foe reorganized and stormed forward in an attempt to overrun the outpost. Without hesitation, Sgt. Porter jumped from his position with bayonet fixed and, meeting the onslaught and in close combat, killed 6 hostile soldiers and routed the attack. While returning to the outpost, he was killed by an artillery burst, but his courageous actions forced the enemy to break off the engagement and thwarted a surprise attack on the main line of resistance. Sgt. Porter's incredible display of valor, gallant self-sacrifice, and consummate devotion to duty reflect the highest credit upon himself and uphold the noble traditions of the military service.
1953 - American tennis great Maureen “Little Mo” Connolly became the first woman to win the Grand Slam, the four major tournaments in the same year. She began with the Australian Open, then the French Open and then Wimbledon. At the US championships at Forest Hills, NY, she defeated Doris Hart in the final, 6-2, 5-4. Connolly was so dominating that the match lasted only 43 minutes.
1956 - “The Adventures of Jim Bowie” premiered. My father, Lawrence Menkin, wrote some of the episodes. This half-hour western about the inventor of the Bowie knife starred Scott Forbes as the title character. There was much criticism about the early violence, and as a results action was greatly decreased on this original television series (Bowie rarely used his knife and even fist fights were removed from air.)
1957 - Elvis enters a recording studio to cut "Treat Me Nice," "Don't" and the tracks for his upcoming Christmas album
1958 - Georgia Gibbs performs "The Hula-Hoop Song" on The Ed Sullivan Show, boosting the craze that is sweeping North America. The song would be the last of nine Top-40 hits for Gibbs.
1963 - Three weeks after its release, The Beatles' "She Loves You" hits #1 in England. It remained on the charts for thirty-one consecutive weeks, eighteen of those in the top three.
1963 - The Pro Football Hall of Fame opened in Canton, OH with 17 charter members: Jim Thorpe, Ernie Nevers, Bronco Nagurski, Don Hutson, Cal Hubbard, Pete Henry, Mel Hein, Red Grange, Dutch Clark, Johnny Blood, Sammy Baugh, George Halas, Curly Lambeau, George Preston Marshall, Tim Mara, Joe Carr and Bert Bell. The reasons Canton was selected: The NFL was founded in Canton in 1920 (at that time it was known as the American Professional Football Association); second, the now-defunct Canton Bulldogs were a successful NFL team during the first few years of the league.
1966 - Roy Orbison begins filming his one and only starring role, in the unlikely Western comedy “The Fastest Guitar Alive,” with a cameo by Sam "The Sham" Samudio of "Wooly Bully" fame.
1967 - At Candlestick Park, the Giants tie a National League mark using a record 25 players to beat the Astros in 15 innings, 3-2. Manager Herman Franks uses all his starters and five relief pitchers, sends six pinch hitters to the plate; three players enter the contest as pinch runners along with two defensive substitutions.
1967 - “The Flying Nun” premiered on television, about a nun at a convent in Puerto Rico who discovers that she can fly, starring Sally Fields.
1968 - The Doors' LP “Waiting for the Sun” hits #1
1970 - A lightning bolt struck a group of football players at Gibbs High School in Saint Petersburg FL, killing two persons and injuring 22 others. All the thirty-eight players and four coaches were knocked off their feet
1970 - ENGLISH, GLENN H., JR., Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Company E, 3d Battalion, ~03 Infantry, 173d Airborne Brigade. Place and date: Phu My District, Republic of Vietnam, 7 September 1970. Entered service at: Philadelphia, Pa. Born: 23 April 1940, Altoona, Pa. Citation: S/Sgt. English was riding in the lead armored personnel carrier in a 4-vehicle column when an enemy mine exploded in front of his vehicle. As the vehicle swerved from the road, a concealed enemy force waiting in ambush opened fire with automatic weapons and anti-tank grenades, striking the vehicle several times and setting it on fire. S/Sgt. English escaped from the disabled vehicle and, without pausing to extinguish the flames on his clothing, rallied his stunned unit. He then led it in a vigorous assault, in the face of heavy enemy automatic weapons fire, on the entrenched enemy position. This prompt and courageous action routed the enemy and saved his unit from destruction. Following the assault, S/Sgt. English heard the cries of 3 men still trapped inside the vehicle. Paying no heed to warnings that the ammunition and fuel in the burning personnel carrier might explode at any moment, S/Sgt. English raced to the vehicle and climbed inside to rescue his wounded comrades. As he was lifting 1 of the men to safety, the vehicle exploded, mortally wounding him and the man he was attempting to save. By his extraordinary devotion to duty, indomitable courage, and utter disregard for his own safety, S/Sgt. English saved his unit from destruction and selflessly sacrificed his life in a brave attempt to save 3 comrades. S/Sgt. English's conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the cost of his life were an inspiration to his comrades and are in the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.
1974 - Elton John is awarded a gold record for "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me." The single was #2 on the Hot 100 for four straight weeks but was kept out of the top spot by John Denver's "Annie's Song," Roberta Flack's "Feel Like Makin' Love" and Paper Lace's "The Night Chicago Died."
1977 - In Washington, President Jimmy Carter and Panamanian dictator Omar Torrijos sign a treaty agreeing to transfer control of the Panama Canal from the United States to Panama at the end of the 20th century. The Panama Canal Treaty also authorized the immediate abolishment of the Canal Zone, a 10-mile-wide, 40-mile-long U.S.-controlled area that bisected the Republic of Panama. Many in Congress opposed giving up control of the Panama Canal--an enduring symbol of U.S. power and technological prowess--but America's colonial-type administration of the strategic waterway had long irritated Panamanians and other Latin Americans. The rush of settlers to California and Oregon in the mid-19th century was the initial impetus of the U.S. desire to build an artificial waterway across Central America. In 1855, the United States completed a railroad across the Isthmus of Panama (then part of Colombia), prompting various parties to propose canal-building plans. Ultimately, Colombia awarded the rights to build the canal to Ferdinand de Lesseps, the French entrepreneur who had completed the Suez Canal in 1869. Construction on a sea-level canal began in 1881, but inadequate planning, disease among the workers, and financial problems drove Lesseps' company into bankruptcy in 1889.
1979 - The Chrysler Corporation asked the United States government for $1.5 billion to avoid bankruptcy.
1979 – A game-changing development in television was launched with the Entertainment and Sports Programming Network in Bristol CT. An estimated 30,000 viewers tuned in to witness the launch. Simultaneously, ESPN debuted its first “Sports Center” telecast with anchors Lee Leonard and George Grande. The first words spoken were from Leonard who informed viewers: "If you're a fan, if you're a fan, what you'll see in the next minutes, hours, and days to follow may convince you you've gone to sports heaven." The first score Grande announced was Chris Evert’s victory over Billie Jean King at the US Open tennis tournament. New England sports announcer William Rasmussen founded ESPN to broadcast New England Whalers hockey games and University of Connecticut sports events. It was purchased by the Getty Oil Company before it began broadcasting in 1979, the year it began signing large advertising contracts. In 1984 it was sold to ABC, Inc., and three years later, began broadcasting NFL games on Sunday nights. Though a cable network, ESPN competed with the established networks in producing live sporting events. In 1990 it paid $400 million to Major League Baseball to broadcast 175 games annually for four years. NHL games, college basketball and football games, including bowl and all-star games, and bowling, golf, martial arts, tennis, and lacrosse matches were among the more than 65 sports broadcast on ESPN, which transmitted 24 hours a day.
1986 - Off the coast of Florida, an F-106 “Delta Dart” of the 125th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron encounters a Soviet Air Force Tu-95 “Bear” bomber flying parallel to the twelve-mile limit of U.S. airspace as it makes its way from Russia to Cuba. These are routine flights which are just as routinely met by Air Guard fighters who act as ‘escorts’ to be sure the bombers pose no threat to the U.S. homeland. Since 1953, Air Guard fighter-interceptor units took on an air defense mission, challenging unidentified aircraft flying into American airspace. Air Guard pilots and aircraft stood alert 24 hours a day, every day. This mission grew each year and by 1965, the 22 interceptor squadrons flew 30,000 hours and completed 38,000 alert sorties. By 1988, the Air Guard provided 86% of the Air Force units assigned to national airspace security. In the post 9/11 environment, the Air Guard has continued and expanded its role in homeland defense by flying overhead cover for major cities in times of heightened alert as well as investigating all suspicious air traffic heading toward or across the country.
1988 - Fifty cities across the eastern U.S. reported record low temperatures. The low of 56 degrees at Mobile, AL was their coolest reading of record for so early in the season. The mercury dipped to 31 degrees at Athens, OH, and to 30 degrees at Thomas, WV.
1993 - Dr. Joycelyn Elders, born in 1933 in Schaal, AR, became the first African-American Surgeon General. Elders, the former health director of the state of Arkansas, was confirmed by a Senate vote of 65 to 34.
1995 – Oregon Senator Bob Packwood resigned rather than face expulsion after allegations of sexual harassment, abuse, and assault of women emerged. Packwood's political career began to unravel in November 1992, when a Washington Post story detailed claims of sexual abuse and assault from ten women, chiefly former staffers and lobbyists. Publication of the story was delayed until after the 1992 election, as Packwood had denied the allegations and the Post had not gathered enough information about the story at the time. Packwood defeated the Democratic nominee, 52.1% to 46.5%–easily his closest race since his initial run for the seat a quarter-century earlier. Eventually 19 women came forward. As the situation developed, Packwood's diary became an issue. Wrangling over whether the diary could be subpoenaed and whether it was protected by the Fifth Amendment's protection against self-incrimination ensued. He did divulge 5,000 pages to the Senate Ethics Committee but balked when a further 3,200 pages were demanded by the committee. It was discovered that he had edited the diary, removing what were allegedly references to sexual encounters and the sexual abuse allegations made against him. Packwood then made what some of his colleagues interpreted as a threat to expose wrongdoing by other members of Congress. The diary allegedly detailed some of his abusive behavior toward women and, according to a press statement made by Richard Bryan, at that time serving as senator from Nevada, "raised questions about possible violations of one or more laws, including criminal laws." Despite pressure for open hearings from the public and from female Senators, the Senate ultimately decided against them. The Ethics Committee's indictment, much of it from Packwood's own writings, according to a report in The New York Times, detailed the sexual misconduct, obstruction of justice, and ethics charges being made against him. The Ethics Committee referred to Packwood's "habitual pattern of aggressive, blatantly sexual advances, mostly directed at members of his own staff or others whose livelihoods were connected in some way to his power and authority as a Senator" and said Packwood's behavior included "deliberately altering and destroying relevant portions of his diary" which Packwood himself had written in the diary were "very incriminating information". On September 7, the committee unanimously recommended that Packwood be expelled from the Senate.
1996 - In a pre-game ceremony in front of sellout crowd at the Metrodome, the Twins bid farewell to Kirby Puckett, one of team's popular players in recent years. After a remarkable 12-year Hall of Fame career, the talented and personable outfielder was forced to retire in July because of blindness in his right eye caused by glaucoma. He died in 2006.
2001 - During his 30th Anniversary celebration at Madison Square Garden, Michael Jackson is reunited onstage with the Jackson 5 for the first time since 1984.
2008 – On the heels of The Great Recession that was precipitated by a subprime mortgage collapse, the US Government took control of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Following their mission to meet HUD housing goals, GSEs such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks (FHL Banks) had striven to improve home ownership of low and middle income families, underserved areas, and generally through special affordable methods such as "the ability to obtain a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage with a low down payment... and the continuous availability of mortgage credit under a wide range of economic conditions." Then in 2003–2004, the subprime mortgage crisis began. The market shifted away from regulated GSE's and radically toward Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) issued by unregulated private-label securitization conduits, typically operated by investment banks. Fannie Mae and smaller Freddie Mac owned or guaranteed a massive proportion of all home loans in the United States and so were especially hard hit by the slump. The government officials also stated that the government had also considered calling for explicit government guarantee through legislation of $5 trillion on debt owned or guaranteed by the two companies. On Oct 21, 2010, FHFA estimates revealed that the bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will likely cost taxpayers $224–360 billion in total, with over $150 billion already provided
2010 - Trevor Hoffman earns his 600th save, the first Major Leaguer to do so, when he induces pinch-hitter Aaron Miles to hit a grounder for the final out in the Brewers' 4-2 victory over St. Louis at Miller Park. The 42-year-old reliever, baseball's career saves leader, has converted 600 of his 676 save opportunities (89%) during his 18-year career with Florida, San Diego and Milwaukee. Hoffman remains second behind the all-time saves leader, Mariano Rivera, who retired with 652. Hoffman entered the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2018.
2014 - Serena Williams beat Caroline Wozniacki in the U.S. Open final, joining Martina Navratilova and Chris Evert in having won 18 Grand Slam singles victories.

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