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Wednesday, June 12, 2003 Headlines--- Classified Ads---Outsourcing---Backroom/Portfolio/Legal The Fed detects scattered
signs of an economic rebound, economy still sluggish---"Beige
Report" See You there Tonight,
Don't Be Square PFSC Completes
Agreement with Lease Assurance NetBank Introduces
Small Business Banking and Leasing
Leasing Updates e-Vendor Program
Xerox Announces
$3.1B Refinancing Plan Lease Assurance
Chooses Portfolio Fin. Services CIT Small
Biz Lending Finances Graniteville General Store Special Report: - SMALL
BUSINESS AND THE BUSH TAX CUT: This Border ##### Denotes Press Release (Not
Written By Leasing News) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Two Version: Free ( text format) $59.95 yr ( html/website) Free 30 Day Trial This edition is also available in an "up-grade"
format, html, where you may click on the headlines to go to the story, plus is
also in this "new" format posted daily on our website--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Classified Ads---Outsourcing---Backroom/Portfolio/Legal Backroom: All Locations Are you a broker or a rep for a major lessor? Want to just market and leave the backroom an packaging functions to us? Call us. Email:nationalbusinesscredit@yahoo.com Back Office: San Rafael, CA We can run your back office from origination to final payoff. 30 years experience in commercial equipment lease and loan portfolio management. Email:gmartinez@phxa.com Back office: Atlanta , GA. GlobalTech Portfolio Services provides world class lease, loan administration and asset management for equipment and vehicles. Current portfolios $1 billion. Contact Alan Zeppenfeld 678-816-2216 email:azeppenfeld@globaltechfinancial.com Back Office: Atlanta, GA. Let Tax Partners handle your sales and use tax compliance duties w/less risk and cost than in-house. Largest tax compliance firm in U.S. email:sales@taxpartners.com Back Office: Northbrook, IL Our staff of CPA's and lease professionals can handle any or all portfolio responsibilities incl. portfolio mgmt, invoicing, sales/property/income tax, accounting, etc. Email:ngeary@edwinsigel.com Back Office: Portland, OR Tired of paying and training a documentation person? Cut your expense and try outsourcing. Ideal for any part of the USA Call for information 503-492-3183. Email:Trina.Drury@verizon.net Operations: Portland , OR. Portfolio Financial Servicing Company provides state of the art portfolio servicing for portfolios of all sizes. Contact Eric Gross (800547-4905 X-3226. egross@pfsc.com Lease Portfolio: Stilwell, KS Looking to buy or sell lease portfolio? 20+ year lease consultant specializing in portfolio placement. Free initial consultation. References available on request. Contact today Email:MLOST@aol.com Legal: http://www.leaselawyer.com/ "I enjoy brainstorming about all aspects of leasing. I'll be back to you within 24 hours of your call or e-mail!" Barry S. Marks, Esq. Email:bsm@blik.com full list at: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fed detects scattered signs of an economic rebound, economy still sluggish WASHINGTON – The weak U.S. economy, which has suffered thousands of job losses in recent months, may be on the verge of a rebound now that the Iraq war is over, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday, but the overall economy continues to appear “sluggish.” Commonly known as the Beige Book, this report is published eight times per year. Each Federal Reserve Bank gathers anecdotal information on current economic conditions in its District through reports from Bank and Branch directors and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts, and other sources. The Beige Book summarizes this information by District and sector. Although reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated some signs of increased economic activity in April and May, conditions remained sluggish in most Districts. No District report suggested that economic conditions had deteriorated since the last Beige Book. Economic activity increased or showed signs of improving in the Dallas, Kansas City, New York, and Minneapolis Districts. The Philadelphia and Cleveland reports characterized activity as mixed, while other Districts generally saw sluggish, subpar, or subdued economic growth. The unwinding of war-related concerns appears to have provided some lift to business and consumer confidence, but most reports suggested that the effect has not been dramatic. Consumer spending remained lackluster overall. Retail sales rebounded as the hostilities in Iraq subsided, but sales remained below the level of a year ago. Manufacturing activity was mixed, with some Districts reporting signs of improvement since the last Beige Book but others still seeing declines in orders. Service sector reports, although limited, suggested sluggish activity overall. Low mortgage rates continue to stimulate residential construction and home sales in most Districts, but commercial construction and real estate markets were still weak. The energy industry continued to strengthen. Agricultural production was impaired by wet weather in some areas. Most Districts continued to report weakness in labor markets and some downward pressure on wages, although benefit costs continued to increase. Consumer Spending Overall consumer spending was soft in April and May. Retail sales picked up some after subdued sales in March, but most reports indicated that sales remained below the level of a year ago. A few Districts noted that retail sales did not pick up as much as expected after the winding down of hostilities in Iraq. Wet weather was blamed for having damped sales in the Chicago, Cleveland, New York, Philadelphia, and Richmond Districts, but the very recent wet weather had a positive effect on foot traffic and sales in the Boston District. Most Districts indicated that inventories are in line with expectations, although a few Districts said inventories were on the high side, particularly apparel. The outlook for consumer spending was described as cautiously optimistic. The Boston District reported that most contacts are less concerned about economic uncertainties than in previous months and anticipate that sales will increase modestly in the next few months. Retailers in the Richmond and Kansas City Districts also expressed optimism about sales in coming months, noting that they are planning to hire summer help. However, contacts in the Dallas and Philadelphia Districts expressed caution that sales would not pick up significantly until employment conditions improve. Lower selling prices were reported by the Dallas, New York, and Philadelphia Districts, and widespread promotional activity and discounts were reported by the Atlanta District. The Boston and Dallas Districts noted that retailers continue to focus on ways to reduce their costs and become more efficient--using such strategies as improving their marketing, investing in faster cash registers, and increasing the use of part-time workers. Auto sales were mixed in April and May. Sales weakened since March in the Chicago, New York, and San Francisco Districts but improved in the Atlanta, Kansas City, and Philadelphia Districts. Sales were below the level of a year ago in the Boston, Cleveland, Kansas City, Philadelphia, and St. Louis Districts. Most Districts reported that dealer inventories have risen above desired levels. Some new incentives have been added, but contacts in the Philadelphia and Cleveland Districts suggested that consumers do not appear to be as responsive to the current offers as automakers and dealers had hoped. Manufacturing Manufacturing activity remained mixed. Three Districts--New York, Minneapolis, and Cleveland-- reported an increase in manufacturing activity in April and May although three others-- Philadelphia, Richmond, and Boston--indicated deterioration since the last report. The remaining six Districts reported little change from conditions that continued to be characterized as "sluggish," "weak," "soft," or "mixed." Still, four of those Districts reported signs of improvement or optimism about future activity. Boston, Atlanta, and Dallas noted that production related to defense and construction activity remained among the bright spots in the manufacturing sector. San Francisco noted strong demand for advanced technology production. Energy-related manufacturing activity in the Dallas District remained relatively strong. At the same time, the Richmond District's traditional manufacturing industries--textiles and furniture--recorded particularly sharp declines in April and May. The Chicago District reported that automakers said sales of light vehicles slowed nationwide in May, and inventories remained high; Cleveland noted a sharp cutback in motor vehicle production. The Chicago and Cleveland Districts also reported that, despite an increase in demand for specialty steel, steel shipments slowed early in the second quarter. Due to limited demand for new planes by the airlines, the San Francisco District reported that production of commercial aircraft has dropped to the lowest levels since the mid-1990s. Services Airline traffic has steadily increased in recent weeks, according to the Dallas District but, with airline capacity abundant, expectations are for a summer with low fares and intense competition. Airlines are carrying fewer passengers than a year ago and are continuing to cut costs through additional layoffs. The Cleveland District reported that demand for trucking and shipping was flat in May compared with April and slightly lower than one year ago. In the St. Louis District, business has picked up recently for midsize to large trucking firms because several smaller firms have gone out of business. The Dallas District reported an improved outlook for trucking companies and an increase in rail shipments. Contacts in the San Francisco District note that fears about the spread of SARS had no discernible affect on overseas shipping activity. District reports on the temporary employment industry are mixed. In the Boston District, half of the temporary employment firms contacted reported an improvement in business in the first quarter, with demand for workers in health care and selected financial services up, but light manufacturing still weak. In the New York District, an employment agency specializing in office jobs has also seen a pickup. Temporary staffing firms in the Dallas District report that demand has steadied. However, the vast majority of temporary help industry contacts in the Chicago District said that new orders fell in recent weeks, and those in the Richmond District reported lukewarm demand for workers in recent weeks. Reports on tourism and travel activity were also mixed. Tourism activity was soft in the Minneapolis District, declined modestly in the Richmond District, but picked up seasonally in the Boston District. In Chicago, tourism remained fairly steady, and hotel occupancy rates improved slightly in some areas. Although tourism was weaker than expected at Rocky Mountain ski resorts in the Kansas City District, summer bookings at family destinations are solid. Concerns about the SARS epidemic in East Asia reduced business and leisure travel in the San Francisco District in recent weeks. In the Atlanta and San Francisco Districts, increases in domestic tourism helped offset a decline in the number of overseas arrivals. Hotels in the Atlanta District continue to struggle because of the low volume of business travel. The Dallas District reports that hotel industry occupancy is 4 percent to 5 percent below a year ago. Construction and Real Estate Residential real estate markets and construction activity strengthened in the Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Kansas City, New York, Philadelphia, Richmond, and St. Louis Districts and was still "solid" in the Minneapolis District. In some instances, sales growth was very strong. For example, in April and May, many homebuilders in the Cleveland District reported sales increases of more than 10 percent over the high level of sales one year ago. In some areas of the Richmond District, home sales in recent weeks displayed "unprecedented strength," including real estate agents reporting their best sales growth in more than twenty-five years. However, inventories of unsold homes in late April and May were higher than a year ago in cities in the Kansas City District and were at record levels in Denver. In the Dallas District, new home building continued to lose steam, and sales of existing homes were very weak--contacts there say that it will take new jobs and increased confidence to stimulate demand for new homes. Overall commercial real estate continues to be weak, with only scattered indications of conditions stabilizing at a low level. The Boston District has seen high and rising office vacancy rates and falling rents. Office vacancy rates have also edged up in suburban Philadelphia. Nonetheless, both Districts reported an increase in purchases of office buildings by institutional investors and real estate investment firms. New York's office market has shown signs of improving recently, after having weakened in the first quarter. Brisk leasing activity in Lower Manhattan--largely from the health sector--pushed that area's vacancy rate down sharply to its lowest level in one year. Commercial leasing and construction activity in the Richmond District was generally flat in recent weeks, but the retail sector was one of the bright spots in recent weeks. Banking and Finance Lending activity continued to increase, mostly for refinancing residential mortgages. The Chicago District reports that many households appear to be taking advantage of refinancing to pay down other debt, which is limiting growth in credit card balances. Business lending increased in the Dallas, Cleveland, and Philadelphia Districts, but was weak in the Atlanta and Chicago Districts and in most of the San Francisco District. The Richmond District reports no signs of a pickup in commercial lending any time soon. Most Districts reported little change in loan delinquencies. The Cleveland District noted a few reports that credit quality had slipped, and bankers in the Philadelphia District expect commercial loan quality to slip in the second half of the year because revenue growth for many business borrowers has been weaker-than-expected. However, the Chicago District indicated that the credit quality on commercial loans was improving modestly, while the San Francisco District reported that the credit quality of bank loans was generally stable to slightly improved. A mild increase in residential mortgage foreclosures was reported in the Atlanta District, while the Dallas District reported a May spike in home foreclosures in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Banks in the St. Louis District reported that they had tightened lending standards for small firms. Agriculture and Natural Resources Wet weather delayed spring planting and other farm activity in the Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Richmond, and St. Louis Districts. The heavy rains damaged crops in some areas, such as in the Richmond and St. Louis Districts, where contacts expressed concerns about reduced crop quality. But the moisture was welcomed in the Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis Districts, where rainfall improved the outlook for yields. Conditions remain too dry in the Dallas District, where cotton planting was delayed because of insufficient moisture to germinate seed. The San Francisco District noted that sales were strong for beef cattle and for most crops, in part because the depreciation of the dollar boosted demand. The Atlanta District reported a bumper winter wheat crop. The Chicago and Minneapolis Districts reported that milk prices are very low. The energy industry continues to strengthen, according to the Dallas, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and San Francisco Districts. Drilling activity picked up in response to robust demand for oil and natural gas. Contacts in the Dallas and Kansas City Districts expect drilling and related activity to continue to grow through the end of the year. The Minneapolis District reported a decline in the region's mining sector, with the closing of an iron ore mine due to financial difficulties and disruptions to production and shipments at other plants. Labor Markets Most District reports continued to indicate that labor markets were soft. In the Kansas City District, the pace of layoff announcements continued to ease, but layoffs continue at some large employers in the Dallas District and at some manufacturers in the St. Louis District. A few employers in Cleveland continued to report layoffs, but most indicated plans to augment or maintain their workforces. In the Atlanta District, firms are not yet hiring permanent employees but are leveraging existing staff by increasing hours and, or adding temporary personnel. In the New York District, a major employment agency specializing in office jobs reports a noticeable pickup in hiring since the last report. District reports suggested little pressure on wages, although benefit costs continued to increase. In the Chicago District, contacts reported that many firms were instituting wage freezes and, or limiting or delaying merit increases. The Dallas District reported downward wage pressure in several industries, although some contacts said that the labor market had not eased sufficiently to allow the wage reductions they would desire. Service firms in the Boston and Dallas Districts report that downward pressure on fees has depressed pay rates. In the Kansas City District, wage pressures remained subdued, but some managers reported that their average wages had risen over the past year because lower-paid junior workers were laid off. Respondents in the San Francisco District noted very limited upward pressure on wages overall. Several Districts reported a continued rise in the cost of employee health benefits, particularly insurance. Prices Anecdotal reports suggest that price pressures are mixed, with no widespread inflationary or deflationary pressures. Lower prices were reported for crude oil, fuel, and some manufactured products. Prices also continue to be soft for many retail products. However, there were reports of rising cost pressures for tuition, state taxes, transportation, and all types of insurance. Natural gas prices rose, pushing up prices of most petrochemical products to record levels. The San Francisco District noted that depreciation of the dollar has led to higher costs for some imported Each of the district area reports are available at: http://federalreserve.gov/FOMC/BeigeBook/2003/20030611/default.htm. They cover: Boston New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco (The next “Beige Report” is scheduled for July 30th.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See You there Tonight, Don’t Be Square United Association of Equipment Leasing North Bay Region Bob Teichman, Host 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Valhalla Restaurant 201 Bridgeway, Sausalito, CA Tel: 415-331-9463 (Sally Stanford’s old haunt; interviewed her many times as a newsman, and have enjoying this town since 1961 when I first moved to Northern California after getting out of the army; Mill Valley. My accountant Steve Tracy’s father was the city clerk for over 30 years*, and I helped elect a city councilman in the early 1970’s. Casa Madrona Hotel has been one of our favorites since it was “re-built”. Scoma’s is still number one in my book ---the private room overlooking the City. The only restaurant I know in the area where you can get legal abalone. Editor) Members of UAEL and other leasing organizations $35.00 Non-Members $45.00 * He also wrote: “Sausalito: Moments in Time: A Pictorial History of Sausalito's First One Hundred Years: 1850-1950” by Jack Tracy http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0915269007/fast-bkasin-20/103-2488497-6059853
--------------------------------------------------------------------- #### Press Release ############################################ PFSC Completes Agreement with Lease Assurance
Portland, Oregon - Portfolio Financial Services Company (PFSC) announces that it has been selected by Lease Assurance Corporation (LAC) to become Primary Service of LAC's lease portfolio.
As part of this agreement PFSC will provide complete lease servicing and administration functions, including litigation management and recovery. Mr. Jerry Hudspeth, President of PFSC commented, "We are very pleased to be a part of the Lease Assurance Team. Lease Assurance's business model and structure combined with their creative financing capabilities make them a formidable player in the truck leasing market."
Mr. Phillip Hofmann - CEO and founder of LAC adds, ""Through our due diligence, it was clear that PFSC is the industry servicing leader in management of lease and loan portfolios. We believe our industry expertise and business model coupled with PFSC's capabilities, reputation and experience creates a dynamic industry force that sets the standard for our market niche."
About Lease Assurance Corporation Lease Assurance Corporation (LAC) is a finance company specializing solely in the acquisition, funding and securitization of non-cancelable, commercial operating leases in class 8, "over the road" equipment, (commonly known as "long haul 18 wheel tractor trailers"), throughout North America. LAC meets the truck and trailer needs of first time owner operators, individuals with previously unfavorable credit histories and others who may not qualify for traditional financing.
About Portfolio Financial Servicing Company PFSC is the largest independent commercial lease and loan-servicing company in the U.S. and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. PFSC provides primary/master servicing, backup/successor servicing, and consulting for leasing portfolios. PFSC currently manages over $6.0 billion in assets. More information can be found at www.pfsc.com. For Portfolio Financial Servicing Company: Jerry Hudspeth- (503) 721-3234 President and Chief Executive Officer
For Lease Assurance Phillip Hofmann - (407) 562-1935
### Press Release #############################################
NetBank Introduces Small Business Banking and Leasing (Note: Netbank owns Republic Leasing of South Carolina, not mentioned in this press release ) “Initially, NetBank will offer small business customers deposit products such as checking, money market, and CD accounts, as well as business equipment leasing services. NetBank plans to introduce other products, such as credit cards and loans, later this year” ATLANTA-- Online banking pioneer to offer personalized service to underserved market; Introduces new banking platform and marketing Web site NetBank(R) (Nasdaq:NTBK), the country's first commercially successful Internet bank, announces it has launched banking services designed for small businesses, particularly self-employed professionals, service providers and other business owners with limited cash-based transactions. Small business customers will operate on NetBank's new online banking platform. Additionally, the company announced it has launched its re-designed Web site. "Small business banking is a natural extension of our services and it represents an excellent growth opportunity for us," said Douglas K. Freeman, chairman and CEO of NetBank, Inc. "We can provide tremendous value from both a customer service and pricing standpoint, and that's not something a large number of small business customers are finding today. "Our market research uncovered a high degree of dissatisfaction among small businesses over how their existing banking relationships were handled. In fact, 23% of small businesses with annual sales of more than $1 million said they have no key contact. Small business owners want high-quality service and dedicated contacts, and we can give it to them." Among the customer service features small business customers can expect from NetBank: -- Dedicated Relationship Managers - Each small business banking customer will have their own Relationship Manager, reachable via phone or email. Relationship Managers will also make regular, proactive outbound contacts with the customer. -- Dedicated Customer Care Unit - NetBank's small business customer service team acts as a "one-stop" contact for transactional needs. They're trained to handle both the customer's small business and personal banking needs. -- Enhanced Account Administration Features - NetBank's new banking platform allows customers to set up multiple account users and define authority levels for each user. -- Online Bill Payment and Presentment - Users can make 10 free payments per month and get email notifications when new electronic bills are posted to their account. Initially, NetBank will offer small business customers deposit products such as checking, money market, and CD accounts, as well as business equipment leasing services. NetBank plans to introduce other products, such as credit cards and loans, later this year. Leading NetBank's small business initiative is Bert Davis, director, Small Business Banking. Davis is a 23-year veteran of the financial services industry, with extensive experience in the personal and business banking segments for large, national institutions. Davis says NetBank has an opportunity to differentiate itself from current providers in the market. "We feel strongly about the business opportunity before us and the chance to replicate the success of our personal banking offer with the small business segment," said Davis. "Our branchless model enables us to pass the cost savings to our customers in the form of lower fees and higher deposit rates. And the deployment of our new banking platform makes it even easier and more convenient to bank with us no matter where the small business is located." NetBank had been averaging 150-plus inquiries per month from its existing customer base regarding small business banking services. One of those customers is Christopher Forsyth who owns Family Funtime Corporation, a wholesale provider of inflatable jumpers, slides and other play structures, and advertising and promotional products based in Evanston, Illinois. Forsyth took part in a pilot program in March and today has three small business accounts with NetBank in addition to his personal banking accounts. "The application process was a snap," he said. "And I really appreciated how quickly I was contacted by a relationship manager and how helpful they were." For more information about Small Business Banking with NetBank, go to www.netbank.com or call 1-877-4NETBIZ. About NetBank NetBank(R) is the country's first commercially successful Internet bank. NetBank currently has $2.4 billion in deposits and serves customers in all 50 states and more than 20 foreign countries. Its full line of financial services is designed around the needs and lifestyles of its customers. Through a branchless business model, NetBank operates at a fraction of the cost of a traditional bank. Since its start in 1996, NetBank has passed its cost savings to customers through more competitive deposit rates and free account services, such as online bill payment. Through its mortgage lending subsidiaries, Market Street Mortgage(R) and RBMG(R), NetBank ranks as a top 30 U.S. mortgage lender. NetBank, Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC, is a primary operating subsidiary of NetBank, Inc. (Nasdaq:NTBK), a diversified financial services company. For more information on NetBank's products and services, please visit www.netbank.com. CONTACT: NetBank, Atlanta Rich Jeffers, 678/942-7596
### Press Release ################################################## INDEPENDENT LEASING ANNOUNCES UPDATE TO e-VENDOR PROGRAM
Independent Leasing Associates announced an update of their e-VENDOR PROGRAM, an online interactive leasing sales tool for manufacturers, vendors, and dealers. It is designed to help manufacturers and resellers convert shoppers to buyers and close more sales at higher margins by proactively offering lease options to their prospects. The e-VENDOR CALCULATOR allows the sales rep to instantly calculate a variety of lease and payment options, and with a click of a button generate a customized e-VENDOR LEASE QUOTE LETTER for the prospect. The new release allows for the LEASE QUOTE LETTER to be saved as a PDF file and e-mailed to prospect along with the equipment proposal. The sales rep may also use the e-VENDOR CALCULATOR to work interactively with the prospect by entering various scenarios to see which solution best fits the prospect's needs and budget. The prospect can then go directly to the secure e-VENDOR LEASE APPLICATION and in just a few minutes complete the online application. When the application is submitted all parties are immediately notified via e-mail. All components: the calculator, quote letter, and credit application, are personalized with the vendor's logo and business information. "We put this powerful, easy to use, proven sales tool on our vendor's web site to help them close more business" said Bob Bell, President of Independent Leasing Associates. About Independent Leasing Associates: ILA is a ten year old full service equipment leasing company that originates leases in all fifty states. The key market niche for ILA is "application only" transaction up to $75,000. ILA specializes in financing equipment for small and medium sized businesses. If you would like to learn how you can become an e-VENDOR, contact Bob Bell, CLP 770.844.8444, 800.685.7571, or bob@independentleasing.com
### Press Release ############################################### Xerox Announces $3.1B Refinancing Plan Through Issuing Stock, Backing From 6 Wall St. Firms Xerox Corp. on Wednesday announced a $3.1 billion refinancing plan by issuing stock and obtaining financial backing from six Wall Street firms. Xerox said it has received commitments from Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch and UBS for access to $1 billion package of a loan and credit that matures in 2008. The credit hinges on the Stamford-based copier and office machine manufacturer raising $1.5 billion, including at least $500 million of common and preferred stock. Xerox said it will use the capital and a portion of its cash balance to repay $3.1 billion in outstanding bank debt. Xerox announced it will issue about 40 million shares of common stock valued at $434 million based on the closing stock price of $10.84 on Monday; about $650 million of preferred securities; and about $1 billion of a combination of seven-year and 10-year senior unsecured notes. ### Press Release ################################################ Portfolio Financial Services Company (PFSC) announces that it has been selected by Lease Assurance Corporation (LAC) to become Primary Servicer of LAC's lease portfolio.
As part of this agreement PFSC will provide complete lease servicing and administration functions, including litigation management and recovery. Mr. Jerry Hudspeth, President of PFSC commented, "We are very pleased to be a part of the Lease Assurance Team. Lease Assurance's business model and structure combined with their creative financing capabilities make them a formidable player in the truck leasing market." Mr. Phillip Hofmann - CEO and founder of LAC adds, ""Through our due diligence, it was clear that PFSC is the industry servicing leader in management of lease and loan portfolios. We believe our industry expertise and business model coupled with PFSC's capabilities, reputation and experience creates a dynamic industry force that sets the standard for our market niche." About Lease Assurance Corporation: Lease Assurance Corporation (LAC) is a finance company specializing solely in the acquisition, funding and securitization of non-cancelable, commercial operating leases in class 8, "over the road" equipment, (commonly known as "long haul 18 wheel tractor trailers"), throughout North America. LAC meets the truck and trailer needs of first time owner operators, individuals with previously unfavorable credit histories and others who may not qualify for traditional financing. About Portfolio Financial Servicing Company : PFSC is the largest independent commercial lease and loan-servicing company in the U.S. and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. PFSC provides primary/master servicing, backup/successor servicing, and consulting for leasing portfolios. PFSC currently manages over $6.0 billion in assets. More information can be found at www.pfsc.com. ### Press Release ################################################### ----------------------------------- CIT Small Business Lending Finances Graniteville General Store, A Vermont Tradition and Historic Landmark GRANITEVILLE, Vt., -- CIT Small Business Lending Corporation, the nation's No. 1 Small Business Administration lender for the last three years and a subsidiary of CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), announced it has financed the purchase of Graniteville General Store, a deli and convenience store in Graniteville, Vermont. The store is located on the "Rock of Ages Granite Quarry," a historical site that boasts the world's largest active granite quarry. "Graniteville General Store has been a Vermont institution and tourist attraction since 1884," commented CIT Small Business Lending Senior Regional Account Manager Anina Butler. "CIT Small Business Lending is proud to play a part in carrying on this tradition and helping the business grow." New owners Evan and Melissa Jacobsen plan to continue the general store's tradition of high-quality products and customer service. They intend to expand the business to include an ice cream counter and a dine-in area for deli customers within the next year. "With more than 10 years of management experience between them, the Jacobsens decided to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and approached CIT Small Business Lending for financing the purchase of Graniteville General Store," continued Ms. Butler. "The business has posted positive cash flow and increasing revenues for many consecutive years and is a good fit for CIT financing. CIT Small Business Lending is a 'Preferred Lender' in the Vermont District Office of the Small Business Administration and has a strong track record of assisting entrepreneurs like the Jacobsens to succeed in providing the highest quality of service to the communities they serve." About CIT Small Business Lending Corporation CIT Small Business Lending Corporation offers Small Business Administration (SBA) loans to finance business acquisitions, owner-occupied real estate purchases and franchise start-ups through a network of field representatives. The nation's No. 1 SBA lender, CIT Small Business Lending has been designated a "Preferred Lender" by the SBA and can provide quick credit decisions and loan closings. The company's website and online SBA loan application are located at http://www.smallbizlending.com. About CIT CIT Group Inc. (NYSE: CIT), a leading commercial and consumer finance company, provides clients with financing and leasing products and advisory services. Founded in 1908, CIT has nearly $50 billion in assets under management and possesses the financial resources, industry expertise and product knowledge to serve the needs of clients across approximately 30 industries. CIT, a Fortune 500 company, holds leading positions in vendor financing, U.S. factoring, equipment and transportation financing, Small Business Administration loans, and asset-based and credit-secured lending. CIT, with its principal offices in New York City and Livingston, New Jersey has approximately 6,000 employees in locations throughout North America, Europe, Latin and South America, and the Pacific Rim. For more information, visit http://www.cit.com. SOURCE CIT Small Business Lending Corporation ### Press Release ############################################# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.leasingnews.org/#barry The merger means that we can help folks in Miss and Tenn as well as Ala with litigation, and we have a really solid brain trust for issues we couldn't address in the past that are just outside our experience. It's a wild ride, going from a 35-person firm to a 60-plus lawyer shop in 5-6 years, then having over 300 partners and associates all over the country and in China....but leasing people and their lawyers have to be ready to change with the winds! Barry -- The comment was made in This Day in History that although Lucy Pickens was on the Confederate Note, no woman has appeared on US currency. Oops...error. See attached. Martha Washington appeared on the 1886 - 91 One Dollar Silver Certificate. Thought you might find this interesting. Ronald J. Brodt SVP Credit & Syndication Amsource Capital Ltd. 972-221-7285 (Office) 214-222-0691 (Fax) 972-849-2742 (Mobile) (You have corrected the history books, specifically three separate sources that made that statement . The correction should then be: Lucy Pickens was the first woman to appear on the Confederate Note. The first woman to appear on a US Note was Martha Washington on the 1886-91 One Dollar Silver Certificate. None have appeared since, except for coins, such as the Susan B. Anthony dollar. http://two.leasingnews.org/images/onedollar.jpg ------------------------ Sweat Equity One of the oldest, active members of the leasing community (1957) is retiring . Bob New is looking for a vehicle and/or equipment leasing sales person or middle manager who would like an opportunity to eventually have his own business in return for some sweat equity. It would be helpful if this person could bring his own sources of leasing business. This is a great opportunity for a young entrepreneur. Please e-mail: Bob New (bobnew@gcs1.com ) or call him at 818-244-4788 ----- From: Barbara Willingham <bwillingham@distinctiveremodeling.net> Subject: RE: Please unsubscribe me If I need a leasing industry "fix" I can always go to the website for an update. And you know us leasing people we move in and out of the industry as mergers and acquisitions come and go. I worked for Charlie Lester at Lease Pro and LPI.... You may use my name if you like and send Charlie my love. He's a good guy or I wouldn't work for him twice! -- From: Jeff Taylor Yes. You can publish this! I found a new template on my email ISP and decided to use it. Basically, it allowed me to send to my 13,000 readers a request to authorize me to keep them in my database. On normal days I get 3,000 people to open my newsletter and I receive about 200-300 hits on various parts of my website as a result of my mailing. Today, 5,000 readers opened their mail and 2,700 asked me to remove them from my database. Normally, I would feel sad and depressed. The irony is that I feel lighter and happier since my overhead costs have been dramatically reduced by my not having to email people who do not want to hear from me. The best part is that if I continue to receive this kind of attrition, I can reduce my email database to zero in four years, have absolutely no readers and achieve total happiness. On that note, I'll take another 24. Jeffrey Taylor, CPA, CLP ExecutiveCaliber - Global Lease Training 2144 South 1150 East Bountiful, UT 84010 USA (801) 299-9332 (801) 299-9932 (fax) Author of: Selling Leasing In A Tough Economy -- David Mayer’s Business Leasing News---Latest edition His website has been ranked number one two months in a row at Alexa. Here is a copy of his most recent newsletter. http://www.pattonboggs.com/newsletters/bln/Release/bln_2003_06.htm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Next Scandal---Freddie Mac and Home Mortgages? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A46839-2003Jun11.html Mortgage Requests Drop http://www.nytimes.com/2003/06/12/business/12MBA.html Highlights This Day in American History 1771 -Patrick Gass, born, Falling Springs PA, Sergeant of Lewis & Clark Expedition, wrote a famous book of the exhibition, still available http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0878423516/greatdividetours/102-3693736-6012943 1775-The first U.S. Naval battle in the Revolutionary War took place when Captain James Moore of the British schooner Margaretta arrived in the harbor of Machias, Maine, and ordered the inhabitants to take down a liberty pole they had erected. The townspeople, led by Jeremiah and John O’Brien, set out in a confiscated sloop, the Unity, and in a hand-to hand encounter captured the Margaretta and confiscated her cannons. The captured crew was marched overland to Cambridge, MA, where they were turned over to General George Washington. The American loss was four killed and eight wounded. 1862-At the beginning of the American Civil War, the Confederate Army out maneuvered the Union Army, winning many of the battles, but the fact was the North had more men and supplies (especially since they paid “bonus” for recruits and allowed citizen to use substitutes, as many immigrants entered the United States, they were both given a bonus to join, plus clothes, food, housing, and pay. This day in one of his flamboyant moves, Confederate J.E.B “ Beauty” Stuart led a force of cavalry and artillery to reconnoiter Federal positions on the Peninsula. Considered the South’s first hero, Stuart and his men completely encircled McLennan’s forces, disrupting communications and supply lines and leading the Union forces to believe they were threatened to a much larger force. The large boost to Confederate morale was strengthened when Stonewall Jackson’s forces were reinforced under orders by Robert E. Lee. Four days later, Stuart had circled the entire Yankee force, 105,000 strong, and provided Lee with crucial information. Lee dispatched Stuart, his dashing cavalry leader, and 1,200 troopers to investigate the position of McClellan's right flank. Stuart soon discovered that McClellan's right flank did not have any natural topographic features to protect it, so he continued to ride around the rest of the army in a bold display that exceeded Lee's orders. His troopers took prisoners and harassed Federal supply lines. They rode 100 miles, pursued by Union cavalry that was commanded, coincidentally, by Stuart's father-in-law, Philip St. George Cooke. The Confederate cavalry was far superior to their Yankee counterparts, and the expedition became legendary when Stuart arrived back to Richmond on June 15. The information provided to Lee helped the Confederates begin an attack that eventually drove McClellan from Richmond's doorstep. Two years later facing a better coordinated and overwhelming Union Army, General Stuart tried this same strategy, but was fatally wounded and his unit was basically split up into other Confederate forces due to the lack of his leadership. It was said that if Stuart had arrived in Gettysburg on the first day, the outcome may have been different. The battle here was dumb luck into running into one of General Lee’s contingents on the way to join him in the plan to raid Washington, D.C. Stuart was said to be the “eyes and ears” of any General Lee campaign, also considered one of the most brilliant war strategist and commander of troops. http://www.civilwarhome.com/stuartbi.htm http://www.civilwarhome.com/stuartatgettysburg.htm http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?product_id=484237&sourceid=0100000010991440602498 http://www.swcivilwar.com/stuart.html http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USACWstuart.htm http://www.csa-dixie.com/deathofstuart.htm 1868-birthday of Solomon (Sol) White, baseball player and manager and sportswriter, born at Bellaire, OH. White played five seasons in white organized baseball and the balance of his career as a player and manager in black baseball. He wrote, “ The History of Colored Baseball” in 1907. Died at New York, NY, August 1955. http://www.pubdim.net/baseballlibrary/ballplayers/W/White_Sol.stm 1924-birthday of George Herbert Walker Bush ,41st US President, amateur golfer and former college baseball player, born Milton, MA. http://www.americanpresidents.org/presidents/president.asp?PresidentNumber=40 1928-birthday of Vic Damone ( Vito Farinola), New York, New York. http://www.artistdirect.com/music/artist/bio/0,,420154,00.html?artist=Vic+Damone http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/0,1249,150015989,00.html 1929- Anne Frank was Born at Frankfurt, Germany. Here family moved to Amsterdam to escape the Nazis but after Holland was invaded by Germany, they had to go into hiding. In 1942, Anne began to keep a diary. She died at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945. After the war, her father published her diary, on which a stage play and movie were later based. She is remembered today. 1930- Barbara Harris birthday; the first woman bishop of the Episcopalian Church. Black and lesbian, her ordination as suffragan bishop of Massachusetts in 1989 is still being opposed by many in the religious community. http://www.gale.com/free_resources/whm/bio/harris_b.htm 1935-Ella Fitzgerald, with the Chick Webb Band, makes her record debut with “ Love and Kisses” ( Decca 494). 1938-Count Basie and Benny Goodman bands play Madison Square Gardens. 1939- The National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum, Inc., was dedicated at Cooperstown, NY. More than 200 individuals have been honored for their contributions to the game of baseball by induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame. The first players chosen for membership (1936) were Ty Cobb, Honus Wagner, Babe Ruth, Christy Mathewson and Walter Johnson. Relics and memorabilia from the history of baseball are housed at this shrine of America’s national sport. http://www.baseballhalloffame.org 1941- Chick Corea Birthday http://www.chickcorea.com/ 1771 -Patrick Gass,born, Falling Springs PA, Sergeant of Lewis & Clark Expedition, wrote a famous book of the exhibition, still available http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0878423516/greatdividetours/102-3693736-6012943 1944- In the last years of World War II, the Japanese military turned to increasingly desperate (and suicidal) attack methods. One such method was the kaiten: a kamikaze-like torpedo piloted by a crew member grateful for the honor. The sacrificial warriors would climb into 48-foot metal tubes, seat themselves in canvas chairs before a steering wheel and guidance instruments - a compass, Swiss clock, and radio - and wait to hear the fatal word: Fire! Released from the metal bands clamping it to the submarine, the kaiten began rocketing towards eternity. With a top speed of twenty knots and a range of 27 miles, it was quite a sight, although it regularly missed its target as the pilot struggled to keep the speeding missile on course. When he was successful - the kaiten was tipped with a magnetic warhead designed to explode within 25 feet of any metal hull - the pilot was vaporized upon impact, often in mid-prayer. (It was impossible for a submerged "mother" sub to retrieve a kaiten, and if the pilot missed his target, he eventually ran out of fuel, and, gliding to the ocean bottom, was fatally crushed by the immense pressure.) (In Harm's Way) http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/japan/japtp-ss/kaiten.htm http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-fornv/japan/japtp-ss/kaiten-2.htm 1948-Stan Kenton Band ends tour with concert at Hollywood Bowl. 1948-Eddie Arcaro rode Citation to victory in the Belmont Stakes, making the colt, the eight horse to win the Triple Crown and the last until 1973. 1948-Ben Hogan won the US open at Riviera Country Club with a record score of 276, five strokes better than any previous Open score. For Hogan, it was the first of four Open Championships, the others coming in 1950, 1951, and 1953. 1952- Maurice Olley, Chevrolet’s Chief Engineer, completed his chassis, code-named "Opel," which would eventually become the chassis for the 1953 Corvette. In February of 1956 Arkus-Duntov drove a modified Corvette V-8 to a two-way stock car record of 150 miles per hour at the Daytona Raceway. While the Corvette would not surpass the T-Bird in sales during the 1950s, it would fulfill GM’s initial expectation in becoming the first American sports car. http://vettes.com/RReport/RReport98/RRFall98/Articles/History/51_54vettes.htm http://www.millikenresearch.com/olley.html 1955---Top Hits Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White - Perez Prado Rock Around the Clock - Bill Haley & His Comets Learnin’ the Blues - Frank Sinatra In the Jailhouse Now - Webb Pierce 1957- Jerry Lee Lewis's "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" entered the Billboard country and western chart. The next week, the record made its debut on the Billboard pop chart as well. The song first sold 100,000 copies in the US South. After Lewis appeared on Steve Allen's TV show, "Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On" sold more than six-million copies. It would eventually top both the country and R'n'B charts, and rise to number three on the Hot 100 survey. 1963-Medgar Evers, civil rights activist and martyr, assassinated http://blackhistory.eb.com/micro/199/92.html 1963 - Elizabeth Taylor starred in the $40,000,000 film epic, "Cleopatra". The movie certainly gave ticket buyers their money’s worth. It lasted for four hours, three minutes. "Cleopatra" opened at the Rivoli Theatre in New York City on this day. Richard Burton starred as Marc Antony, Rex Harrison played Julius Caesar, Hume Cronyn played Sosigines, Carroll O’Connor was Casa and Roddy McDowell appeared as Octavian. 1963---Top Hits It’s My Party - Lesley Gore Sukiyaki - Kyu Sakamoto Da Doo Ron Ron - The Crystals Lonesome 7-7203 - Hawkshaw Hawkins 1964-Nelson Mandela, South African president and political activist, sentenced to life imprisonment after conviction for "sabotaging" the South African government. Many American were incensed, both political and business “boycotts” began. 1965 - The Queen of England announced that The Beatles would receive the coveted MBE Award. The Order of the British Empire recognition had previously been bestowed only upon British military heroes, many of whom were so infuriated by the news, they returned their medals to the Queen. In fact, John Lennon wasn’t terribly impressed with receiving the honor. He returned it (for other reasons) four. 1967-The US Supreme Court decision in “Loving v Virginia” swept away all 16 remaining state laws prohibiting interracial marriages. http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/scripts/getcase.pl?court=US&vol=388&invol=1 1971---Top Hits Want Ads - The Honey Cone Rainy Days and Mondays - Carpenters It’s Too Late/I Feel the Earth Move - Carole King You’re My Man - Lynn Anderson 1973- Emily Howell is hired by Frontier airlines, the first woman pilot for a scheduled passenger airline in the United States. She had trained male commercial pilots for years. About six months later Bonnie Tiburzi flew out of New York as the first woman pilot of a nation-wide airline, American Airlines. http://www.cogreatwomen.org/warner.htm http://www.nasm.edu/nasm/aero/women_aviators/emily_howell_warner.htm 1979---Top Hits Love You Inside Out - Bee Gees We are Family - Sister Sledge Just When I Needed You Most - Randy Vanwarmer She Believes in Me - Kenny Rogers 1987 - President Ronald Reagan delivered a now-famous speech at the Brandenburg Gate in West Berlin, “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” Destruction began November 9, 1989 on the Berlin Wall that had divided the city for some 28 years. 1987---Top Hits You Keep Me Hangin’ On - Kim Wilde Always - Atlantic Starr Head to Toe - Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam I Will Be There - Dan Seals 1990- Oakland A's Rickey Henderson becomes 2nd to steal 900 bases. 1991-Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva, held a seminar about the World Wide Web, a new hypertext system designed by British computer scientists Tim Berners-Lee during a fellowship at CERN. In May, Berners-Lee had presented the architecture for the World Wide Web to a CERN committee and released a version of the Web on CERN's computers. Berners-Lee had been developing the system, which allowed Internet documents to "link" to each other easily, since 1989. By 1990, he had created the basic parameters of the World Wide Web, which were posted on the Internet in the summer of 1991. Berners-Lee continued to develop the Web through 1993, working with feedback from Internet users. By late 1991 and early 1992, the Web was widely discussed, and in early 1993, when Marc Andreessen and other graduate students at the University of Illinois released the Mosaic browser (Netscape's precursor), the Web rapidly became a popular communications medium. 1994 - The gruesomely-murdered bodies of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were discovered outside Nicole’s Brentwood, California condominium. Within days, actor/football legend O.J. Simpson was charged by police. He was acquitted in criminal court [1995], but found liable for the deaths in a civil suit [1997]. The murderer(s) have not been caught as of this date ( or was he and let go by “a glove that did not fit?”) NBA Finals Champions This Date 1984 Boston Celtics 1991 Chicago Bulls --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************************************** - SMALL BUSINESS AND THE BUSH TAX CUT: A BANK MARKETING OPPORTUNITY ================================================================= By Charles B. Wendel, President Financial Institutions Consulting Monday's Wall Street Journal featured an article on page A2 that should be on page A1 of every small business and retail executive's reading list. The article titled, "Small Businesses Reap Benefits of Tax Cut," focuses on two key topics: the impact of one provision of President Bush's tax cut on small businesses and the general upswing in small business optimism. These changes, and others like them, offer banks an opportunity to demonstrate value to small businesses. Banks can play two roles: information provider and solution generator. THE TAX CUT The tax cut makes near-term capital investments highly attractive for small businesses. The article states that the new tax allows "small businesses to expense as much as $100,000, rather than $25,000, of new equipment annually, and receive a 50% bonus write-off for new equipment, up from 30% annually." Up to this point, most small business owners remain unaware of what the tax bill offers them. Importantly, we know of no bank that is offering a financing solution to businesses that may want to take advantage of the tax change. Our sense is that most small business bankers do not know about this change; if they do, they are failing to use it as a marketing opportunity. We are not suggesting that the tax law by itself will result in a huge increase in borrowing. But, how many customers do banks have that may echo the words of one business owner quoted in the Journal: "I've been dragging my feet [on making additional investments], and the tax bill gave me the incentive." To take advantage of this law change, banks need to act fast and gain some leadership advantage. Banks should immediately (in fact, yesterday) develop a communication plan to inform their customers about the opportunity available to them. Banks should leverage email, brief informational telemarketing calls, and one-page direct mail fact sheets in introducing this news. They should also create something like "The Tax Cut Special Loan," perhaps with reduced fees or interest rate or deferred payments for six months (when the economy improves). The tax cut provides banks with an opportunity to bring value to small businesses by telling them something they do not know that can help their business and providing them with a related turnkey financing solution. Frankly, banks should have already been all over this event. SMALL BUSINESS OPTIMISM As the article reiterates, small business is incredibly important to the U.S. economy: "Small businesses represent 98% of all firms and employ 50% of the work force. They pay 44% of the nation's payroll and generate 41% of all the nation's business receipts. When they feel positive, the economy moves up. The article features the results of a survey from the National Federation of Independent Business that indicates that small business optimism is on the increase. Going forward, more small businesses plan to increase employment and capital outlays in response to an improved economic outlook. According to the survey, there is a sense of cautious optimism among small businesses; "There's also a sense that the time is right. Interest rates are low now, but may not be as low a year from now. The dollar's weakness gives many of them a competitive advantage over imports, but that could evaporate when the dollar rises. Orders are beginning to pick up and they want to be in a position with updated equipment to snag them. Moreover, bargains abound. With demand down for two years, machine and equipment prices have fallen." Question: How many banks are offering seminars/information to help their customers manage through a down economy, take advantage of the weak dollar, or position themselves for the recovery? Our view: very few. Both the tax law change and the economy provide an opportunity for banks to position themselves with their customers as value added providers of advice rather than commodity providers of loans. Senior management needs to task internal marketing or product management departments with anticipating changes that will impact the small business and retail customer and then quickly developing offers that address emerging customer needs. Too often, we find that banks say, "We are all selling the same thing." Events such as the tax law change and the dollar drop are just two examples of opportunities for the banks to distinguish themselves with customers. If banks are not using events like this to do so, the real question is, why not? ===================================================== Financial Institutions Consulting (FIC) Announces The Launch Of: ***The BusinessFirst Forum***, AN INTERACTIVE TELECONFERENCE ON ISSUES RELATED TO SUCCESS IN BUSINESS BANKING. Each quarter, Charles Wendel, President of FIC and other industry experts will join in an interactive forum to discuss topics of critical importance. Participants will be able to listen to the discussion, download the presentation, and ask questions of the presenters. This Forum's Topic: THE CURRENT STATE OF SMALL BUSINESS BANKING: ACHIEVING EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS IN A DIFFICULT ENVIRONMENT For more information scroll to bottom of article or visit: http://www.ficinc.com/BusinessFirstForum.htm ===================================================== NOW AVAILABLE FOR ONLY $500: 2001 SMALL BUSINESS STATE OF THE MARKET REPORT - a comprehensive study of the small business market and its use of financial services products and providers. By joining the perspective of over 400 small business owners with FIC's extensive knowledge of the small business market and financial services industry, the report looks at market size, use of products, product providers, credit cards, credit, primary providers, delivery channels, online banking, and segmentation. For more information or to purchase, e-mail: mharvey@ficinc.com. ===================================================== ABOUT FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONSULTING FIC is a strategy consulting firm addressing issues related to growth and profitability for financial services clients. We emphasize practical, bottom-line results based on quantitative and qualitative research and an in-depth understanding of industry dynamics. For more information about our consulting services or if you have questions or comments, please e-mail info@ficinc.com. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS CONSULTING, INC. 475 Fifth Avenue, 11th Floor New York, NY 10017 212-252-6700
************************************************************************ Financial Institutions Consulting (FIC) Announces The Launch Of: ***The BusinessFirst Forum***, AN INTERACTIVE TELECONFERENCE ON ISSUES RELATED TO SUCCESS IN BUSINESS BANKING. This Forum's Topic: THE CURRENT STATE OF SMALL BUSINESS BANKING: ACHIEVING EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS IN A DIFFICULT ENVIRONMENT For more information scroll to bottom of article or visit: http://www.ficinc.com/BusinessFirstForum.htm
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