Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Correction: Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
by Christopher Menkin, Publisher
Kropschot vs. Balboa Capital: Stiffed
by Christopher Menkin, editor
Classified Ads---Asset Management/Collections
Excerpts and Fact Sheet from $300 E.L.F.F.
---U.S. Equipment Finance Market Study 2012-2013
Salvation Army Kettle
--Please Help us make our goal
Florida Federal Court Rules Two Year Delay in
Selling Collateral Was Not Unreasonable
By Tom McCurnin
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Leasing Books for Holiday Presents
Why I Became a CLP, Laura Carini
Financial Pacific Leasing, LLC
AVP Business Development
Owner of Beverly Hills Massage Therapy Business
Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud
Two Dogs: German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever
Portland, Maine Adopt-a-Dog
Leasing Attorneys Available
News Briefs---
Banking giant HSBC to pay record $1.9BB money-laundering case
BofA voted least popular; satisfaction at 11-year low
Software Companies: The Bicoastal Divide
Delta grabs bigger share of key NY-London route
For Vegas Weddings, 12-12-12 Date With a Built-In Reminder
Rush, Heart, Albert King 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees
Ravi Shankar, sitar virtuoso, passes away at 92
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
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Baseball Poem
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"Gimme that Wine"
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######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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Correction: Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
by Christopher Menkin, Publisher

In the Bulletin Board Complaint early edition on Monday 12/10
the pdf of the Graphic Pallet and Transport vs. Balboa case was not included:
The Full Bulletin Board Complaint:
((Please click on ad to learn more))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Kropschot vs. Balboa Capital: Stiffed
by Christopher Menkin, editor

Stiffed is when you don’t get paid or don’t get paid what you are totally owed. That is what happened to Bruce Kropschot, even after Balboa Capital had given him credit on their web site for obtaining a major line of credit. It took over four years and a second state to collect his remuneration with a settlement for a lesser amount.
To top it off, the payment was stalled and still may not be paid.
Robert J. Rasmussen, Balboa Capital Corporation Chief Operating Officer stated "The settlement agreement has a confidentiality clause and therefore we cannot comment."
Bruce Kropschot is a well-known and highly respected in the industry. Today he is senior managing director-mergers and acquisitions for the Alta Group, also a long time member of the Leasing News Advisory Board and contributing writer, covering conferences and state of the industry reports. He has helped literally hundreds of companies with lines of credit, mergers and acquisitions.
It is important to note Mr. Kropschot would not address this matter regarding Balboa at the time it was originally discovered by Leasing News. In addition, he is not aware this article was written or to be published. Specifically, he was not asked for a comment, realizing he also had signed a confidentiality clause. In fact, I bet he would prefer the entire matter be kept private. In my opinion as editor, it needs to be brought forth to Leasing News’ readers!
Leasing News originally discovered the case while searching Pacer law files for more information about Balboa Capital church leases. (1) At the time, the dispute documents with Bruce Kropschot were saved, along with a copy of the March 16, 2007 press release on their web site were made and stored in a folder. *
The case found in Pacer was put aside, perhaps awaiting an outcome. It concerned an agreement that requires a six month renewal, and it seems the line of credit took more than six months to consummate, reportedly over two years, and although the announcement was acknowledged in a press release by Balboa Capital, it was not paid:
The March 16, 2007 Balboa Capital Press Release:
"Balboa Capital, Irvine, California announced that it has secured up to $15 million of subordinated financing from global investment and advisory firm Babcock & Brown (ASX: BNB). The growth capital will support the company's various expansion initiatives. Bruce Kropschot, of Kropschot Financial Services, served as exclusive financial advisor to Balboa...”
Leasing News reported the event at the time with an interview from Mr. Kropschot:
“The commitment by Babcock & Brown to provide up to $15 million of subordinated financing to Balboa Capital Corporation should be an important step in Balboa Capital's growth by expanding the company's capital base,” Bruce Kropschot told Leasing News. “Subordinated financing is difficult for equipment leasing companies to obtain, and the fact that such a prestigious firm as Babcock & Brown has become a long-term partner of Balboa Capital certainly is a testament to the credibility of the company's business plan and its management team." (2)
As noted earlier, part of the problem was the dispute happened over a four year time period allowed in California, so the suit was brought to New York by Bruce Kropschot where Brown and Babcock was located in the United States, and where there is a six year statute of limitations. The case was argued over venue as well as lack of payment for services. (3)
Before the final settlement was agreed upon July 17, 2012, court documents show on September 17, 2012 a letter from attorney Kevin J. Farrelly that Balboa Capital wanted "additional changes" stating that the settlement money had not been paid:
"It is now almost two months since the parties agreed to a settlement and Balboa has still not signed the settlement agreement, even though the agreement was drafted by its counsel and Kropschot signed it without making any changes. It is clear that Balboa is deliberately delaying what should be a simple and straightforward settlement involving a lump sum payment of $70,000.00." (4)
The status of this case is not known, meaning there seems to have been a settlement, but whether Mr. Kropschot has been paid is not known since both parties have signed documents not to discuss the matter.
*Balboa Capital Press Release giving Credit to Kropschot:
- Church Television Stories
Court Case
- Leasing News Story
- Memorandum of Law filed 1/30/2012:
- Kropschot vs. Balboa Settlement Letter PDF
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations • Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing • Third-party Commercial Collections
john@jkrmdirect.com | ph 315-866-1167| www.jkrmdirect.com |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Classified Ads---Asset Management/Collections

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment or looking
to improve their position)
San Francisco, CA
Ten years experience setting residuals, negotiating leases and remarketing equipment across a broad spectrum of large ticket asset types including marine, intermodal, mining, energy, manufacturing.
geoffwalshe@yahoo.com |

Long Grove, Illinois
17+ years Comdisco, accounts receivable, collections, customer service, plus senior management, seeking full time or part time assignment. 847-359-4066roborgaard@aol.com | Resume |
Port St Lucie, FL
20+ yrs exp. commercial collection/late stage specialist.
Prefer to work from home based office or transfer to Sarasota areamichaelgalan@comcast.net | Resume |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services
We accept file exports and integrate personal property tax information with all lease management or accounting software. No other firm offers the combination of individual attention, software capabilities expertise, "full disclosure" and web port accessibility to information more than we do.
Click here to learn what our clients say about our service
Gary DiLillo, President 440.871.0555 or gary@avptc.com
Excerpts and Fact Sheet from $300 E.L.F.F.
U.S. Equipment Finance Market Study 2012-2013

Despite the talk about the “fiscal cliff,{ the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation U.S. Equipment Finance Market Study 2012-2013 (available for $300) found "$1.3 trillion to be invested in plant, equipment, and software, 55% ($742 billion) of that investment is expected to be financed through loans, leases, and lines of credit.
“ Research findings suggest the equipment finance market will expand over the next two years; however, the growth rate will slow.
“ In 2011, 72% of firms used at least one form of financing (excluding credit card use)."

“Companies with less than $1 million in revenues used financing in only 49% of their equipment acquisitions, while companies with revenues of $25 million to $100 million used financing in 86% of their acquisitions, according to the 2012 Foundation survey.

“The three biggest equipment categories that large companies finance are communication equipment, computer equipment, and software, which together accounted for nearly 65% of the large companies’ total financing volume in 2011.”
Complete Fact Sheet PDF
Purchase Full Report $300:

(please click kettle for more information
and also view who has donated)
Florida Federal Court Rules Two Year Delay in
Selling Collateral Was Not Unreasonable
By Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting

Regions Bank v. Hyman, 2012 WL 4479080 (M.D. Fla. 2012)
Speed in collections is everything. When a pokey creditor is thrown into a declining market, then the results can be disastrous. Today’s case demonstrates the need for speed. Thankfully the creditor used a reputable re-seller of the collateral or the deficiency may have been denied.
Regions Bank made a loan of $6.2 million dollars to G3 Tampa, LLC, secured by a Gulfstream G3 airplane in 2005, which was personally guaranteed by three guarantors with dollar limits to the guaranty. The borrower defaulted in 2009. The Bank took possession of the aircraft about 12 months later, after an aborted assignment for the benefit of creditors. No maintenance had been done on the aircraft for over a year, the borrower made an unconsented sublease of the aircraft, and the jet was uninsured.
The Bank contracted with ATC Jets as the sole marketing agent for the aircraft. The Bank sold the aircraft in 2011 for $625,000. The Bank sued for the deficiency which was over $5 million dollars. The Bank also tried to argue that the “limited” guaranties were void because of the gross negligence of the guarantors in failing to maintain the jet.
The guarantors made three arguments that the sale was commercially unreasonable. First, the guarantors claimed that the Bank caused the aircraft to depreciate because of the passage of time required to resolve the Bank's objections to the abandonment of the aircraft in the assignment for the benefit of creditors proceeding. Second, the guarantors claimed that the Bank did not perform maintenance after the transfer to the Bank. Finally, the guarantors argued that the sales price of $625,000 was too low.
In awarding a judgment in favor of the Bank against the guarantors, the Court noted that the fact that the borrowers filed an assignment for the benefit of creditors was not within the control of the Bank. The borrowers and the guarantors could have, but did not, turn the aircraft over to the Bank.
The Court also noted that the Bank maintained the aircraft in the same location and the same condition once the aircraft was turned over to the Bank. Given the lack of maintenance for over two years, the Court noted that it was not unreasonable to sell the jet “as is where is.” In this regard, the Court was spot on. The cases under the Uniform Commercial Code demonstrate that in some circumstances, minor repairs or minor improvements may be required to make a sale commercially reasonable. However, there are no cases holding that a lender seeking to sell a complex piece of equipment, such as an airplane, must perform extensive and expensive repair or maintenance work to make the sale commercially reasonable.
As to the low sales price, the Court noted that ATC was a reputable aircraft marketing firm, the jet was well advertised, and given the terrible condition it was in at the time of the sale, the low sales price was not unreasonable.
The Court awarded judgment in favor of the Bank for $5,604,598.72, but per the loan documents the guaranty liability was split up by a portion, stated in dollars, instead of a joint and several obligation, so each guarantor was only liable for a about $600,000 of the total deficiency.
The Bank’s final argument was that the guarantors committed gross negligence by failing to maintain the aircraft and making an unauthorized sub-lease, which damaged the collateral. Therefore, the Bank argued that the limited nature of the guaranties should be voided, and the guarantors should be liable for the whole deficiency. The Court concluded that the voiding of the limited guaranties due to the presence of gross negligence is not warranted. In short, the Court was not convinced that the Bank sustained more damages than it otherwise would have due to the guarantors' actions or omissions.
The lessons for equipment lessors or any back end collections department may be obvious.
First, aircraft loans can be risky, as the collateral depreciates quickly in the first few years. The value of the collateral is often tied to leases or operations of the business, as opposed to the naked value of the jet. If a creditor is underwriting a fast depreciating asset-based loan, the creditworthiness will be tethered to guarantors or the operations of the business. The loss in the value of the collateral after 2007 was not unexpected given the meltdown of 2006.
Second, act quickly. My collections mentor, Jim Grant, always said, be “first to the feast.” Here the Bank waited over one year to get possession and over two years to resell the collateral. While I agree with the guarantors arguments in delay of the Bank, the Uniform Commercial Code is clear that it is the guarantor’s burden to prove that an earlier sale would have resulted in more money. This is a tough burden. Given the limited nature of the guaranties, it was the Bank that took the hit here. I can’t help but believe that faster action would have resulted in more money for the Bank.
Third, always engage a reputable auction house or qualified re-seller of the collateral. Here, where the jet was sold by a reputable dealer, the low sales price was upheld by the Court, The Bank may have missed an opportunity to bullet proof the sale, because sales approved by a court or in this case, the assignee for the benefit of the creditors, are deemed commercially reasonable under UCC §9-627. The Bank may not have confidence in the assignee, but it’s hard to tell from the decision what the reasoning may have been for the Bank to go it alone.
Finally, the use of limited guaranties is not unusual, but even aggregating the three guaranties did not equal the total deficiency. While the exact terms of the guaranties was not disclosed by the Court, it would have been a better practice to limit the guaranties not as to dollars, but as to a percentage of the contract balance. Here the Bank was awarded the aggregate sum of $1.4 million dollars against the three guarantors on an obligation which exceeded $5 million dollars.
Regions Bank Case PDF
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Fax: (213) 625-1832
Email: tmccurnin@bkolaw.com
Visit our web site at www.bkolaw.com
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:

Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Credit Coordinator
11620 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Liaison between the Brokers/Clients and Maxim Credit Underwriters during the underwriting process. Coordinator will be responsible for managing the process of each transaction through our CRM and workflow management software. Click here for more information
Founded 2008, Maxim Commercial Capital, LLC is a
nationwide funding source for Equipment
and Real Estate secured commercial transactions.
Leasing Books for Holiday Presents

Workouts and Enforcement for the Secured Creditor
and Equipment Lessor
by Frank Peretore (February, 2008) $225.00
Click here for more info
"... a step-by-step guide, replete with practical forms, for attorneys to represent secured creditors and equipment lessors from the workout through the litigation and bankruptcy processes" by Leasing News contributing writer Frank Peretore, Peretore & Peretore, Sparta, New Jersey
Other Leasing books:
CLP Foundation Handbook
Complete Leasing Handbook by Richard M. Contino
Equipment Leasing/Mathew Bender
Power Tools for Small Ticket Leasing

There really are no secrets in Barry's book, as he explains it, and it is organized to open your thinking, more than just like exercising a muscle, as it also brings creativity and insight that exists. He not only demonstrates but illustrates, almost as if he is there talking with you.
It is 238 pages. You can stop after reaching the goal you want to, or continue.
If you have a child or grandchild in college,
this is a must Christmas or birthday present.
$19.95 at Amazon.com
"The Memory Shock" by Barry Reitman
(Also available in Kindle edition--$9.99)

Two Detective books by long time leasing executive (author
of 1994 "Selling Equipment Leasing Mike Berke:
"Cole Calling" and "Hot Cole"

Brian Huey, well-known to the industry as well as secretary-treasurer
of the National Association of Equipment Leasing Association, as
well as working on a film for Hollywood.
His novel "Perpetual" is available also on Kindle and Nook,
book stories, and direct at: http://www.brianhuey.com/

If you have enjoyed Barry Marks articles in Leasing News on law issues, he is a published poet, winner of the 1999 Alabama State Poetry Society Poet of the year and his book "Possible Crocodiles" was awarded Book of the Year for 2010 by the Alabama State Poetry Society.
Barry’s latest available at Amazon "Soundings" and from the publisher above:
Why I Became a CLP, Laura Carini
Financial Pacific Leasing, LLC
AVP Business Development

I am proud to say that I have the designation of being a Certified Lease Professional. I, like many, resisted the test for so long - convincing myself that it was going to take too much time to study or that the designation was not meaningful enough to be worth all the work. I was wrong. Here, at Financial Pacific, where we currently have the highest number of CLP’s of any company, it is a very important accomplishment. It was a personal goal, as an officer of the company, to also be a CLP. In the many emails that I send each day, it wasn’t long before my colleagues began to notice the change in my signature line - the designation of CLP.
As the AVP of Business Development at Financial Pacific, I personally oversee our major accounts as well as manage the Broker Relations staff across the country. I started at Financial Pacific as an inside sales representative in 1985 and then went into the role of Executive Assistant to the President, which included working with our Board of Directors. After many years (and serving a few different Presidents) I moved on to manage funding, which gave me the opportunity to get back in the day to day sales working closely with our TPO’s.
After spending a year managing funding it was exciting to land in the department that I had always wanted to be in - Business Development - under the leadership of Terey Jennings, CLP. As you can see by the vastly different roles, each came with a new learning curve. Throughout my career here I have worn many different hats, which I believe was a benefit when preparing for the exam. I can honestly say that I learned so much from studying and taking the exam from the history of leasing, to terminology in collections, law, management and accounting (okay well that Accounting part maybe still isn’t all that clear! Ha ha).
The exam itself focuses on all aspects of leasing and brings you the wide knowledge base that is needed for future growth in your company. It shows the rest of the industry that you are motivated, well rounded, can accept a challenge and ultimately can succeed. This designation says all of those things about you! I believe strongly in the benefit of knowledge and would encourage others to learn all they can about the industry they choose. I look forward to becoming more involved with the foundation by mentoring others so that we can continue the education for the future of our industry.
Here is a list of companies with more than three employees who are CLPs:
- Financial Pacific Leasing (16)
- First American Equipment Finance (7)
- Orion First Financial (7)
- Arvest Equipment Finance (5)
- Bank of the West (5)
- Great American Insurance (5)
- ECS Financial Services (4)
(information from CLP Foundation)
Why I Became a CLP stories
Mr. Terry Winders available as a consultant regarding assisting attorneys in resolving disputes or explaining procedures or reviewing documents as utilized in the finance and leasing industry.
He is the author of several books, including DVD's, as well as weekly columnist to Leasing News. He also performs audits of leasing companies as an expert on documentation, and has acted as an expert witness on leasing for litigation in legal and tax disputes, including before the IRS. He also has taught the senior bank examiners, how to review a bank leasing department, for the Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. and has trained the examiners for the FDIC on how to prepare a lease portfolio for sale.
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
#### Press Release #############################
Owner of Beverly Hills Massage Therapy Business
Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud

Los Angeles – The owner of Utta Body Sculpture, Inc., located in Beverly Hills - a deep tissue massage therapy business catering to celebrity and high net worth clients - pleaded guilty this morning to a federal tax charge admitting that she attempted to conceal income from the Internal Revenue Service.
Utta Hollingshead, 56, of Santa Monica, pleaded guilty to one count of subscribing to a false federal income tax return for the 2005 calendar year. Hollingshead entered her guilty plea before United States District Judge Manuel L. Real.
According to her plea agreement, for the year 2005, Hollingshead reported to the IRS that her business had gross receipts of approximately $122,595, when in fact, a federal investigation uncovered gross receipts of more than $332,000. Similarly, Hollingshead failed to report business income for the 2006 and 2007 tax years, causing a total tax loss to the government of $167,720.
During the years 2005 through 2007, Hollingshead accepted from business clients large payments by check made payable to cash. She then endorsed those checks directly to her credit card to pay personal expenses, including luxury trips overseas. These payments from clients and some cash payments as well, were never deposited into the Utta Body Sculpture bank account and were not disclosed to Hollingshead’s tax return preparer.
As a result of today’s guilty plea, Hollingshead faces a statutory maximum sentence of 3 years in federal prison and a fine of at least $250,000.
Judge Real ordered Hollingshead to appear for sentencing on February 25, 2013.
The investigation of Hollingshead was conducted by IRS - Criminal Investigation in Los Angeles in conjunction with the United States Attorney’s Office-Tax Division for the Central District of California.
##### Press Release ############################
Send Leasing News to a Colleague. We are free!!!
Two Dogs: German Shepherd and Labrador Retriever
Portland, Maine Adopt-a-Dog
Sex: Female
Breed: German Shepherd Dog Mix
Color: Brown/Chocolate - With Tan
Age: One Year
Size: Med. 26-60 lbs. (12-27 kg)
I am already spayed, housetrained, up to date with shots, good with kids, good with dogs, and good with cats.
Holly's Story...
“Holly is another German Shepherd Mix pup that tugged on our heartstrings.
“If folks would spay and neuter and be responsible there would not be gluts of dogs who face being euthanized simply for space.
“Holly is a sweet girl, is cat friendly and kid friendly. She's just an all-around great kid who is looking for a family who will enjoy her company and all the love she has to offer.
She is approx. 40lbs. currently and a little thin, so we will see she puts on some weight. Holly is very sweet and loving and affectionate. She is close to a year old and is crate trained and well behaved, easy to handle and along with more obedience work will make any family proud.
“Everyone must submit an application before an appointment is made to meet the dogs”
Rescue Group: Imminent Danger German Shepherd Rescue - Maine Chapter
E-mail: imindangergsrescue@gmail.com
Let 'em know you saw "Holly" on Adopt-a-Pet.com!
Website: http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/idgsr.html
Address: Portland, ME 04276

Sex: Male
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Color: Black
Age: Senior
Size: Med. 26-60 lbs. (12-27 kg)
"I am already neutered, housetrained, purebred, up to date with shots, good with kids, good with dogs, and good with cats."
CHASE's Story...
"Hi, my name is Chase and I am an 11 ½ yr. old Black Lab. My foster Mom tells me that I am very well mannered! I am housetrained and I don’t need a crate. I get along very well with all my fur-foster brothers/sisters (dogs/cats). I enjoy an occasional cookie and take it like a gentleman. I will not get on furniture or the bed unless I am invited. I am current on all my shots, HW negative and altered. My dog-tor did say that I am in the very early stages of heart failure. But this is a slow progressing problem and my dog-tor says otherwise for my age, I look good.
“I may need Lasix as a maintenance medication, but that has not been determined just yet and this is not a costly medication. Our adoption fee includes all vetting, microchip, health certificate and USDA certified transport to your area. We are a nonprofit organization and adoptions are considered charitable contributions on your income taxes.
“If you are interested in this little guy, please request an application at forrescuetn@gmail.com”
Contact This Rescue Group...
E-mail: forrescueal@gmail.com
Let 'em know you saw "CHASE" on Adopt-a-Pet.com!
Address: PORTLAND, ME 04101
Any New England area, if you are willing to drive to one of our FIVE pick-up locations.
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Leasing Attorneys
Birmingham, Alabama
The lawyers of Marks & Weinberg, P.C. have over 30 years experience in dealing with virtually every type of equipment financing and are recognized throughout the industry for prompt, practical solutions and exemplary service. They offer cost-conscious, effective lease enforcement and good counsel.
Email: Barry@leaselawyer.com
Website: www.leaselawyers.com |
California, National: city: Riverside
Ellen Stern - get results, reasonable pricing; numerous industry contacts, nearly 30 yrs exp.in SoCal, 20 yrs equip.: CFL license specialist, documentation, work-outs, litigated collections, recoveries; deal-maker.
Email: leaselaw@msn.com |

Kenneth C. Greene |
California & Nevada
Hamrick & Evans, LLP, Universal City , LA; San Francisco Bay
Area, No.Calif. & Nevada. Call for free consultation (828)763-5292 or (415) 806-2254,
kgreene@hamricklaw.com |
Connecticut, Southern New England:
EVANS, FELDMAN & BOYER, LLC Collections, litigation, documentation, portfolio sales and financing, bankruptcy. We represent many of the national and local leasing companies doing business in this state. Past chairman EAEL legal committee. Competitive rates.
email: rcfeldman@snet.net |
Los Angeles, Southern CA
Seasoned attorney representing secured creditors in auto finance and truck/equipment lease industry. Bankruptcy and State Court litigation. Vincent V. Frounjian (818) 990-0605 or email: vvf@pacbell.net. |
Encino, California: Statewide “ELFA”
Hemar, Rousso & Heald, LLP 30 yr excellent reputation Lessor representation commercial litigation, debt collection, and bankruptcy.
Call Stephen E. Jenkins Esq (818) 501-3800 |
Los Angeles, Statewide: CA. "ELFA" Aggressive creditors rights law firm specializing in equipment leasing handling collection matters on a contingency, fixed fee or hourly cbasis. email:RGarwacki@prodigy.net
Los Angeles -statewide: CA "ELFA"
Practice limited to collections, bankruptcy and problem accounts resolution. Decades of experience. 10-lawyer firm dedicated to serving you. Call Ronald Cohn, Esq. (818)591-2121 or email. Email: rrcohn@aol.com |
Long Beach, CA
Wagner & Zielinski, successfully representing lessees/ lessors. Not a member of any leasing organization, therefore not beholden to special interests. Richard Wagner
(562) 216-2952 www.wzlawyers.com |
Long Beach CA.
Paul Bent -- 30 years experience in all forms of equipment leasing, secured lending, and asset based transactions, from analysis and deal structuring to contract negotiations to closing to private dispute resolution. (562) 426-1000
www.paulbent.com |
Trabaris, P.C.: Finance attorney with 24 years’ experience with transactional, documentation, secured financing and workouts/restructurings. Kevin Trabaris. Phone: 847-205-4377. Email:kevin@trabaris.com
Website: www.trabaris.com. Blog:
http://www.trabaris.com/info/blog/ |
Law Firm - Service, Dallas, TX. "ELFA"
Mayer regularly practices in leasing, secured financing, project development and finance and corporate finance.
email: dmayer@pattonboggs.com
Website: www.pattonboggs.com |
National: The OMEGA Network Group-nationwide legal representation of small and mid ticket equipment lessors-flat fee bankruptcy & replevin, contingent collection,
billable litigation (704-969-3280)
tong_92@yahoo.com |
National: Coston & Rademacher: Business attorneys serving the lease-finance industry since 1980. Transactional, documentation, corporate/finance, workouts, litigation, bankruptcy, portfolio management. Chicago-based national practice. Jim Coston, CLP (Members: ELFA, NEFA).
email: Jcoston@costonlaw.com
Website:www.costonlaw.com |
St. Louis County , MO. - statewide:
Schultz & Associates LLP., collections, negotiation, and litigation. Also register and pursue recovery on foreign judgments. Contingency and reasonable hourly rates.
Ronald J. Eisenberg, Esq. (636) 537-4645 x108
www.sl-lawyers.com |
NJ,De,Pa: Specializing in leased equipment/secured transactions. Collections, replevins/workouts reasonable rates. Sergio Scuteri/Capehart & Scratchard, PAsscuteri@capehart.com / www.capehart.com |
New York and New Jersey
Peretore & Peretore, P.C. documentation, portfolio purchase & sale, replevin, workouts, litigation, collection, bankruptcy. Aggressive. Over 25 years experience.www.peretore.com |
Thousand Oaks, California:
Statewide coverage Spiwak & Iezza, LLP 20+ years experience,Representing Lessors banks in both State/ Federal Courts/ all aspects of commercial leasing litigation.
Nick Iezza 805-777-1175
niezza@spiwakandiezza.com |

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For Vegas Weddings, 12-12-12 Date With a Built-In Reminder
Rush, Heart, Albert King 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees
Ravi Shankar, sitar virtuoso, passes away at 92

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SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
25 Cheap Foods that are Good for You!

Sports Briefs----
Tagliabue overturns Saints suspensions
Kobe scores 42 in loss to woeful Cavs
Yankees are dropping ticket reseller StubHub
American Football Poem

Often read before a football game:
Willian Ernest Henley (1875) .
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as a Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how straight the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the Captain of my soul.

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This Day in History
1712- The South Carolina colony passed a "Sunday Law" requiring "all...persons whatsoever" to attend church each Sunday, to refrain from skilled labor, and to do no traveling by horse or wagon beyond the necessary. Infractions of this law were met with a 10_shilling fine and/or a two_hour lock_up in the village stocks
1745- Birthday of John Jay, American statesman, diplomat and first chief justice of the US Supreme Court ( 1789-95), coauthor ( with Alexander Hamilton and James Madison ) of the influential “Federalist” papers, born New York, NY. Jay died at Bedford, NY, May 17,1829.
(lower part of:http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/dec12.html)
1753 - George Washington, the adjutant of Virginia, delivered an ultimatum to the French forces at Fort Le Boeuf, south of Lake Erie, reiterating Britain’s claim to the entire Ohio river valley. Washington (22) was sent by Gov. Robert Dinwiddie to warn the French soldiers that they were trespassing on English territory.
1770 - The British soldiers responsible for the “Boston Massacre” were acquitted on murder charges.
1787- Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the US Constitution, by a vote of 46 to 23. One of the original 13 colonies, Pennsylvania is geographically located in the keystone position in relation to the other 12 colonies, earning the nickname, the Keystone State. The state capital is Harrisburg, a city almost midway between Pennsylvania’s two most well-known cites, Pittsburgh in Western Pennsylvania and Philadelphia in the east. Philadelphia is also where the first Continental Congress met and where the Declaration of Independence was signed. Not so famous is the state bird, the ruffed grouse and the state flower, the mountain laurel.
1790- the first Catholic Bible printed in English was a 900-page quarto printed by Carey, Stewart and Company, Philadelphia. It was issued in 49-page sections every Saturday. It was based on the New Testament published in 1582 in Reims, France, and the Old Testament published in Douai, Flanders, in 1609.
1799 - Two days before his death, George Washington composed his last letter, to Alexander Hamilton, his aide-de-camp during the Revolution and later his Secretary of the Treasury. In the letter he urged Hamilton to work for the establishment of a nationally military academy. Washington wrote that letter at the end of a long, cold day of snow, sleet and rain that he had spent out-of-doors. He remained outside for more than five hours, according to his secretary Tobias Lear, did not change out of his wet clothes or dry his hair when he returned home. When he became ill, the doctors bled him five times while his condition became worse, as that was the best cure, they thought in colonial days.
1805- birthday of William Lloyd Garrison, American anti-slavery leader, poet, and journalist, born at Newburyport, MA. Garrison died at New York, NY, May 24, 1879.
1805-Birthday of Henry Wells, one of the fathers of speed-conscious delivery and banking services. Born in Thetford, Vermont, Wells cut his teeth working as an agent for Harden’s Express in upstate New York. Clearly taken with the express transport business, Wells set up his own shop, Livingston Wells and Pomeroy’s Express, which ferried "goods, valuables, and specie" between Buffalo and Albany. By 1844, Wells sensed that it was time to push his business west of Buffalo, and he joined forces with William Fargo and Daniel Dunning to start Wells and Company, which would service terrain beyond the upper reaches of New York. While this was all fairly ambitious maneuvering, the 1850s saw Wells make an even stronger move to conquer the express market. First, in 1850, ever ambitious, he merged his two concerns into the American Express Company, which initially covered California and the Eastern seaboard (it later stretched to serve Latin America). Then, in 1852, he linked up with Fargo again to form Wells, Fargo and Company, a joint-stock venture that served as a holding company for the Wells Fargo Bank. Along with bankrolling business ventures, Wells used his ever-swelling fortune to aid the plight of chronic stutters, as well as to establish Wells Seminary (now Wells College) for women.
1806- birthday of Stand Watie, born at Rome Georgia, and died there September 9, 1871. Cherokee chief who, by signing the treaty of New Echota, surrendered his people’s land in Georgia, forcing relocation to Oklahoma. Though three other signers were murdered, Watie escaped and went onto initiate the first volunteer Cherokee regiment for the Confederates in the Civil War. Promoted to brigadier general, he was active in destroying property of other Native Americans who supported the Union. He never gave up.
1835-- Sarah Brown Ingersoll Cooper, director and superintendent of the Gold Gate Kindergarten Association, which incorporated nearly 4,000 pupils in the pioneer learning experience.
1862- Naval Engagement at Yazoo River MS (USS CAIRO torpedoed)
1870- Joseph Hayne Rainey of Georgetown, SC, was sworn in as the first black to serve in the US House of Representatives. Rainey filled the seat of Benjamin Franklin Whittemore, which had been declared vacant by the House. He served until March 3, 1879.
1870- Rachel Crothers birthday - U.S., playwright, director, and producer. She triumphed on Broadway with 34 of the 38 plays she wrote in her lifetime, usually doing everything from writing to casting to directing to producing on her way to becoming a legend.http://dizzy.library.arizona.edu/users/btravers/sabbatical/crothers.htm
1882 - Portland, OR, was drenched with 7.66 inches of rain, a record 24 hour total for that location. (12th-13th)
1899- African-American George F. Grant of Boston, Massachusetts obtained a patent for his invention, the golf tee. It was a wooden tee with a tapering base portion and a flexible tubular concave shoulder to hold the golf ball. As a side note, Grant was the first black to graduate from Harvard University.
1901 - Italian physicist and radio pioneer Guglielmo Marconi succeeds in sending the first radio transmission across the Atlantic Ocean, disproving detractors who told him that the curvature of the earth would limit transmission to 200 miles or less. The message--simply the Morse-code signal for the letter "s"--traveled more than 2,000 miles from Poldhu in Cornwall, England, to Newfoundland, Canada.
1906 Oscar Straus, 1st Jewish cabinet member, appointed Secretary of Commerce by Theodore Roosevelt. 1850–1926, b. Rhenish Bavaria, grad. Columbia (B.A., 1871; LL.B., 1873), was a diplomat and author. He practiced law in New York City until 1881 and then went into business with his brothers. He was minister to Turkey (1887–89) under President Grover Cleveland and again (1898–1900) under William McKinley and was ambassador to Turkey (1909–10) under William H. Taft. He was appointed (1902) to the Permanent Court of Arbitration (the Hague Tribunal) and was (1906–9) Secretary of Commerce and Labor under Theodore Roosevelt. He was candidate for governor of New York on the Progressive party ticket in 1912. He wrote several books, including Roger Williams (1894), The American Spirit (1913), and Under Four Administrations (1922).
1912- birthday of Henry Armstrong, box, born Henry Jackson, Jr., at Columbus, Mississippi. Armstrong was the first boxer to hold three world titles simultaneously. He won the featherweight title on October 29, 1937, the welterweight title on May 31, 1938, and the lightweight title three months later. Died at Los Angeles, CA, Oct. 22,1988.
1915- Frank Sinatra born at Hoboken, NJ. While the websites gives more history, briefly Frank Sinatra matured from a teen idol to the premiere singer of American popular music. Known as the “Chairman of the Board” to his fans, he made more than 200 albums. His signature songs included “ All the Way,” “ New York, New York,” and “May Way.” His file career included musicals ( On the Town and Pal Joey) and two gritty films for which won Oscar nominations, From Here to Eternity and the Man wit the Golden Arm. One of his many movies is making a revival with stars of the day instead of his “rat pack,” Oceans Eleven. He died May 14, 1998, at Los Angeles, CA. “ Put Your Dreams Away for Another Day.”
1917 - December 12, Father Edward Flanagan opened Boys Town west of Omaha , Nebraska , as a farm village for wayward boys, and since 1979, for girls too. In 1938, Spencer Tracy played Father Flanagan in, " Boys Town ", winning an Oscar.
1918-Birthday of jazz great Joe Williams born Cordele, GA. The album that turned me onto jazz in the early 1950’s when it came out, “Count Basie Swings, Joe Williams Sings,” is still wonderful today.
1925- the first motel opened, called the Motel Inn, San Luis Obispo, California. Arthur S. Heineman was the architect. The building featured a sign with flashing lights that alternated the letters H and M preceding the letters otel to spell out “ Hotel” and “ Motel” I t had accommodations for 160 guests individual chalets with garage, bathroom, and telephone. It was designed for motorists to be a “drive-up” hotel.
1929-Jazz pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi born Darien, Manchuria.
1938- Connie Francis birthday –Beach blanket favorite. Her first big single in the 50s was "Who's Sorry Now." She had a dozen hit singles and albums including "Where the Boys Are."
1941---*ELROD, HENRY TALMAGE Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Marine Corps. Born: 27 September 1905, Rebecca, Ga. Entered service at: Ashburn, Ga. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while attached to Marine Fighting Squadron 211, during action against enemy Japanese land, surface and aerial units at Wake Island, 8 to 23 December 1941. Engaging vastly superior forces of enemy bombers and warships on 9 and 12 December, Capt. Elrod shot down 2 of a flight of 22 hostile planes and, executing repeated bombing and strafing runs at extremely low altitude and close range, succeeded in inflicting deadly damage upon a large Japanese vessel, thereby sinking the first major warship to be destroyed by small caliber bombs delivered from a fighter-type aircraft. When his plane was disabled by hostile fire and no other ships were operative, Capt. Elrod assumed command of 1 flank of the line set up in defiance of the enemy landing and, conducting a brilliant defense, enabled his men to hold their positions and repulse intense hostile fusillades to provide covering fire for unarmed ammunition carriers. Capturing an automatic weapon during 1 enemy rush in force, he gave his own firearm to 1 of his men and fought on vigorously against the Japanese. Responsible in a large measure for the strength of his sector's gallant resistance, on 23 December, Capt. Elrod led his men with bold aggressiveness until he fell, mortally wounded. His superb skill as a pilot, daring leadership and unswerving devotion to duty distinguished him among the defenders of Wake Island, and his valiant conduct reflects the highest credit upon himself and the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.
1946- UN accepts 6 Manhattan blocks as a gift from John D Rockefeller Jr
1949---Top Hits
Mule Train - Frankie Laine
I Can Dream, Can’t I? - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Jack Leonard)
Don’t Cry, Joe - The Gordon Jenkins Orchestra (vocal: Betty Brewer)
Mule Train - Tennessee Ernie Ford
1952 -Peter J. McGovern becomes the president of the Little League replacing Charles Durban who resigned due to ill health. The league which started in 1939 with two leagues has now grown to 1,800 leagues in 48 states and international sites.
1955 - The largest philanthropic act in the world was announced by the Ford Foundation which gave $500,000,000 to private hospitals, colleges and medical schools.
1955-- Bill Haley and His Comets record "See You Later Alligator"
1955--- Bill Haley and His Comets record "See You Later Alligator"
1957---Top Hits
Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
Raunchy - Bill Justis
Peggy Sue - Buddy Holly
My Special Angel - Bobby Helms
1959 - At 22 years and 104 days of age, Bruce McLaren became the youngest driver to win a Grand Prix race as he earned first place at Sebring, Florida.
1959--After being overtaken as the best selling record in the US for a couple of weeks, Bobby Darin's "Mack The Knife" returned to the top spot on the Cashbox chart. It is a feat that is seldom duplicated.
1961 - Former big band singer (with Kay Kyser) Mike Douglas began a variety TV show from Cleveland. The show became most successful when KYW-TV moved from Cleveland to Philadelphia. Then, when the Douglas show left Philly for Hollywood, it folded. All things considered, it was a successful syndication effort, nationally, for Westinghouse Productions.
1962---Birthday of Tracey Ann Austin, tennis player, at 16 became the youngest person to win the U.S. Open. Won her second open in 1981 just before an injury cut short her career.
1963 - "John Fitzgerald Kennedy - A Memorial Album" became the fastest-selling record of all time when 4 million copies of the disk, each selling for 99 cents, were sold in six days -- between December 7-12. The memorial tribute was recorded November 22, the day President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.
1963- Frank Sinatra Jr returned after being kidnapped
1964--Bobby Vinton scores his fourth Billboard chart topper with "Mr. Lonely". It was a song that Bobby co-wrote and had added to his Greatest Hits album as a filler, but the track was quickly released as a single when it started to get airplay.
1964--The Righteous Brothers song "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling" is released.
1965---Top Hits
Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds
Let’s Hang On! - The 4 Seasons
I Got You (I Feel Good) - James Brown
Make the World Go Away - Eddy Arnold
1965- Gale Sayers of the Chicago Bears tied an NFL record by scoring six touchdowns in the Bears’ 61-20 win over the San Francisco 49ers. Sayers rushed for four score, caught an 80-yard touchdown pass and returned a punt 85 yards.
1965-US Supreme Courts votes 4-3 allowing Braves to move to Atlanta. Earlier, the Braves' move to Atlanta was halted by a court order, forcing a lame duck season in Milwaukee. The Braves led the league with 196 homers. In 1966, The Braves and Pirates debuted Major League Baseball's first season in Atlanta on April 12, with Pittsburgh winning, 3-2, in 13 innings. Atlanta was fifth in its initial season, but Aaron hit 44 homers and had 127 RBI to lead the league.
1969 - The worst tornado of record for western Washington State tracked south of Seattle, traveling five miles, from Des Moines to Kent. The tornado, 50 to 200 yards in width, began as a waterspout over Puget Sound. One person was injured and the tornado caused half a million dollars damage.
1970-- Smokey Robinson and the Miracles' "Tears of a Clown" hits #1
1970--Stephen Stills releases "Love The One You're With"
1971- left wing Bobby Hull of the Chicago Blackhawks got the 1,000th point of his NHL career, an assist in the first period of a 5-3 victory over the Minnesota North Stars. Hull finished his career with 1,170 points and entered the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1983.
1973---Top Hits
Top of the World - Carpenters
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Elton John
The Love I Lost - Harol Melvin & The Bluenotes
The Most Beautiful Girl - Charlie Rich
1980 - Oil tycoon Armand Hammer bought a notebook of writings by Leonardo da Vinci for $5.28 million at auction in London. It was the highest price ever paid for a manuscript. It was 36 pages long and dated back to 1508.
1980 - The U.S. Congress amended the Copyright Act in 1980 to explicitly recognize that computer programs were protected as literary works.
1980-- Marie Osmond's solo variety series, Marie, premieres on NBC.
1981---Top Hits
Physical - Olivia Newton-John
Waiting for a Girl like You - Foreigner
Every Little Thing She Does is Magic - The Police
Still Doin’ Time - George Jones
1982- known as the “Great Snowplow Play.” The New England Patriots defeated the Miami Dolphins, 3-0, in a driving snowstorm at Foxboro Stadium. The winning points came on a late field goal by John Smith, kicked after a snowplow came onto the field and cleared a spot for Smith and his holder. According to Kimberlee R. Coleman’s husband, the person who cleared the field was a state prisoner out on a work furlough. The Miami Dolphins believe they are robbed in the snowplow game by a 24-year-old man who is serving a 15-year sentence for robbing a house and is now on a work release program from the prison. Late in the fourth quarter, the New England Patriots are preparing to break a scoreless tie with a field goal when coach Ron Meyer waves Mark Henderson onto the field at Foxboro Stadium. Henderson fires up his yellow John Deere (Model 314) and heads for the Miami 23-yard line. Despite screams of protest from the Dolphins, Henderson runs a terrific sweep with his tractor-driven snowplow and clears the area for kicker John Smith. Smith kicks a 33-yard field goal with 4:40 left. After the Patriots' 3-0 victory, livid Dolphins coach Don Shula says, "The officials shouldn't have let it happen." Henderson says, "I figured, 'What's the most they could do? Put me in jail?' "
1983 - Football’s Jim Brown showed up in "Sports Illustrated" again. This time, he was not on the cover as in September, 1960, but inside the magazine -- a record span of more than 23 years between spreads, as they say in the publishing biz.
1984 - The group known as Band Aid -- 38 of Britain’s top rock musicians -- recorded "Do They Know This is Christmas?" for Ethiopian famine victims. Despite the best of intentions, much of the food raised never got to the starving Ethiopians. In fact, much of it was found rotting on docks, not fit for human consumption. More than a Band-Aid was needed to fix that political mess.
1985--- On her 45th birthday, Dionne Warwick is awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
1986 - James ‘Bonecrusher’ Smith became the first college graduate to win the world heavyweight boxing crown. “If I only had a bwain...,” he said, as he beat the brains out of Tim Witherspoon so badly, poor Tim couldn’t count to ten. “One, duh. Eight. Six. Duh. I’m out.”
1986 - The LA Lakers beat the Boston Celtics, 117-110, to become the first visiting team to win at the old Boston Garden since December, 1985 -- a streak of 48 straight wins for the Celtics.
1988 - Cold arctic air spread from the Great Lakes Region to the Appalachian Region. Twenty-five cities, mostly in the northeastern U.S., reported record low temperatures for the date. The low of 12 degrees below zero at Albany NY was their coldest reading of record for so early in the season. Saranac Lake NY was the cold spot in the nation with a low of 28 degrees below zero.
1989---Top Hits
We Didn’t Start the Fire - Billy Joel
Another Day in Paradise - Phil Collins
Don’t Know Much - Linda Ronstadt (featuring Aaron Neville)
If Tomorrow Never Comes - Garth Brooks
1989 - A winter storm produced snow from northern Mississippi to the Middle Atlantic Coast, with 10.5 inches reported at Powhatan VA. Heavy snow whitened the Black Hills of South Dakota, with 36 inches reported at Deer Mountain. Thirteen cities in the north central U.S., from Minnesota to Texas, reported record low temperatures for the date, including Duluth MN and Yankton SD with morning lows of 22 degrees below zero.
1992 - The soundtrack from the movie "The Bodyguard" was the #1 album in the U.S. A smash, as they say, it was number one for twenty weeks. The track listing: "I Will Always Love You", "I Have Nothing", "I’m Every Woman", "Run to You", "Queen of the Night", "Jesus Loves Me", all by Whitney Houston; "Even If My Heart Would Break", by Kenny G & Aaron Neville; "Someday (I’m Coming Back)", by Lisa Stansfield; "It’s Gonna Be a Lovely Day", by The S.O.U.L S.Y.S.T.E.M.; "Peace, Love And Understanding (What's So Funny ’Bout)", by Curtis Stigers; "Theme from The Bodyguard", by Alan Silvestri; and "Trust in Me", by Joe Cocker featuring Sass Jordan.
1994- IBM said it would halt shipments of Pentium computers because of a flaw in the Pentium chip. The November 7 issue of Electrical Engineering Times announced the "floating point" bug in the Pentium chip, which could produce mathematical errors. Intel officials admitted they had known about the flaw for some time but thought it so unlikely to cause problems that they did not disclose the problem, creating an uproar among computer users. Intel said it would replace flawed chips only if users showed they engaged in computer work that might be affected by the error. Consumers attacked Intel for its position, and later, the company agreed to replace any chips that were returned. Ironically, six months later, only about three percent of customers had requested a replacement chip.
1995 - The International Olympic Committee announced that NBC had successfully bid a record $2.3 billion for the exclusive U.S. TV (broadcast and cable) rights to the 2004 and 2008 Summer Games and the 2006 Winter Games. $894 million is for the 2008 games alone. And the deal calls for a 50-50 revenue sharing program with the IOC.
1995 - A severe coastal storm is blamed for five deaths and loss of power to over one million people in Oregon and Washington. Winds at Sea Lion Caves near Florence topped out at 119 mph before problems developed with the anemometer. In Newport, a gust of 107 mph occurred downtown, while Astoria and Cape Blanco also had gusts of over 100 mph. Astoria's air pressure dropped as low as 28.53 inches, an all-time record (and comparable to the central pressure of a Category 2 hurricane!). Gusts in the Willamette Valley exceeded 60 mph.
2001: The state of Nevada declares today Frank Sinatra Day
2003---Mick Jagger was knighted by Prince Charles at Buckingham Palace. Jagger's 92 year-old father was in attendance to see his son receive the award.
2008 - A significant ice storm wreaked havoc across New York and New England on December 12, disrupting electricity and leaving over 1 million homes and businesses without power. New Hampshire alone had as many as 320,000 residents without power, which according to reports it was described as the worst outages in 30 years (Reuters). Four fatalities were reported and parts of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Maine declared a state of emergency
2011--Barry Manilow entered a Los Angeles hospital to have ripped abductor muscles repaired on both hips. He was quoted as saying, "That's what you get when you jump around to "Copacabana" for 30 years!"

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