Monday, August 8, 2011

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Leasing Gypsies
by Christopher Menkin
Classified Ads---Asset Management/Controller
Bank of the West IEF/Pacifica Capital join
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
Top Stories August 1-August 5
President and CFO of HL Leasing Found Liable Ponzi scheme
Why Chris Walker Lovefest?
Emily Fitzpatrick---Career Crossroad
12 Branches Close in Washington, Illinois 6th Bank Failure
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Electronic Funds Transfer
Authorization Agreement for Pre-Arranged Payments (Debits)
Direct Capital’s Popular Vendor Finance App for Android
Seattle, Washington Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Big banks turn focus to Atlanta
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.
Leasing Gypsies
by Christopher Menkin

While the headline has often had Southern California in front of it, the problem of Leasing Gypsies exists throughout the United States of those who don't return "advance rentals" when they are not successful in procuring a lease for the applicant. Southern California is mentioned the most due to the number of salesmen who have worked at several of the leasing companies that were not ethical. Those in the business know who I am talking about. In the 1970’s, Southern California brokers were “red lined” by funding sources.
The goal was not primarily in putting a lease together, but collecting the “advance rental. “One group in mind primarily used faxing, then when the attorneys were getting close to catching the ( it is illegal and attorneys can earn a fee for catching them), they changed it---still sending faxes out, but seeming to "cold call" those that responded, but from a different company name. They even got ingenious with the fax response with a high lease rate, but the cold call, with a much lower lease rate!
Operation Lease Fleece used the same faxing procedure, but it first started out as “disguised sales/leasebacks” and then grew into totally fraudulent transactions.
The Leases Gypsies started out from their apartment using a mail drop, or facade address, changing names and addresses as BBB and others caught up with them. Their trick was out of state primarily and for $2,000 or $2,500, much too low for an attorney to get involved, especially out of state; keeping ten “advance rentals” a month, made a very good living with very little overhead.
Some of them know each other, but this is not what the article is about, as this has been going on for years. And it is relatively a very small group; maybe twenty maximum here.
From these gypsies, it appears leasing brokers and discounters have gotten a bad image, becoming the first to be cut when a portfolio starts to have problems. In reality, these brokers and discounters were not the gypsies. Most were professionals trying to do the best job they could, and for a commission only, and repeat business from the customer and for the funder, too. Bernie Boettigheimer wrote about what he has learned from running his own company, as well as Lease Police. Most of the problems came from vendor fraud as well as the lessee.
The problem is not the broker or the discounter, it is the funding source that accepts the gypsy business. Many companies keep a list.
(Many of Bernie Boettigheimer’s clients have been asking him not only listing vendors, but brokers as well: The people you don't want to do business with.)
The real problem is the funder who does business with the person who bankrupted one company, didn't pay employees, didn't pay vendors, screwed his funding sources, but then opens up shop under a new name, and constantly does not return "advance rentals" from deals he can't find a sucker for.
To work with a broker or discounter that is known to have had problems in the past, or others in the industry warn them about, but then ignore it as they need the business so badly, they will just do more "due diligence" with this source. Or worse yet, it won't happen to them, because they are smarter than the party sending them the business.
It is hypocritical to say you are for ethics, for playing above the board, and then do business with these gypsies. You are the ones keeping them in business.
It is hypocritical when the funding source does not require in accepting the discounter’s contracts that they notify the lessee about the termination of the contract, or they will cease doing business with a discounter who automatically continues payments and abuses the purpose of the clause. To say they have no control over this aspect is not true. They accept the contracts that they use to discount, and more importantly, the behavior of those who send them business. It is really that simple.
Many funding sources, such as Bank of the West Independent Finance Direct not only require their California brokers and discounters to possess a California Finance Lender’s license, but also require an annual review that includes a list with contacts and telephone numbers of other funders they use, the percentage of business, and often financial statement and tax returns, especially for the first time they do business with the company. The reviews are not uncommon elsewhere and any complaints or abuses mean they are “cut-off.”
Others look at portfolio performance, as well as how many leases are approved and how many of them are funded, as well as how many get turned down.
Issues of “sub-broker” business are also taken seriously as well as the character of the sales personnel and general operation.
Yet the Leasing Gypsies exist because they go to sources that accepts their transactions, who obviously have loose requirements.
Classified Ads---Asset Management/Controller

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
Santa Barbara CA (will relocate)
Experienced Asset Manager of various portfolio's for a bank, broker and leasing company. Utilized specialized remarketing companies to maximize collateral values. Worked remote two years. | Resume
| Reference 1 | Reference 2 |
Chicago, IL
experienced in lease accounting, operations, management, and Sarbanes-Oxley. Seeking position with equipment lessor. Would consider contract assignments or relocating.
Email: |
Southeastern, MI
Controller & Management experience w/ equip lessors &broker. MBA, CPA w/ extensive accounting, management, securitization experience with public and private companies. Willing to relocate.
Email: |
Southern CA
20 years exp. as hands-on leasing CFO, managing accounting, treasury, FP&A, including securitizations, Great Plains/FRx, budgets, risk management. MBA. Also available as interim Controller/CFO, consultant.
Email: |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
Send Leasing News to a Colleague. We are “Free.”
Bank of the West IEF/Pacifica Capital join
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
Bank of the West Indirect Equipment Finance
Pacifica Capital
Click on company name or view entire list by going to link below:
Top Stories August 1-August 5

Here are the top ten stories opened by readers:
(1) Attorney Confirms His Client’s Relationship with FinPac
(2) Ted Parker Passes Away, age 75
(Tie) (3) Financial Pacific is Licensed, Benchmark is Not!
by Christopher Menkin
(Tie) (3) New Jersey Bankruptcy Court Slams Lender for Usury
by Thomas E. McCurnin & Frank Peretore
(4) Free Webair Today on Increasing Sales
The Magic Ratio for Vendor Business
(5) Crit DeMent---May Be Turning a New Leaf
(6) Marlin with 97 Salesmen Still Relies on Evergreen for Profit
(7) August 3, 2009 Pictures from the Past
Ken Bentsen resigns from ELFA
(8) Leasing News Complaint Bulletin Board
Newport Financial Partners, Newport Beach, California
(9) "Chris Walker Lovefest"
(Tie) (10) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Lease Structure---Not Fancy Lending
(Tie) (10) Reitman Offers Ready-to-Go “Leasing WebSite”
Gary DiLillo, President
216-658-5618 or
Comprehensive personal property tax outsourcing services.
Click here to see what our clients say about us. |
President and CFO of HL Leasing Found Liable Ponzi scheme
(Story posted Saturday for those who may have missed it)
A class action case against the officers and others thought liable in the HL Leasing, Fresno, California scheme masterminded by John Otto, who committed, suicide, has found the president, Dan Ramirez, and Andy Fernandez, chief financial officer, liable and ordered to pay $46.5 million to more than 1,200 who claim to be victims. Ara Jabagchourian, principal, Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy, LLP, Burlingame, California brought the case before Judge Donald S. Black in Fresno County Superior Court.

Ara Jabagchourian
How much of the reported $132 million, and perhaps more specifically to those in the class action suit of the award of $46.5 million, will actually be returned is not known at this time.
Kathleen Otto, the late John Otto's wife, even though accounting was done at their home, was not found guilty by the jury, as reportedly they did not find evidence that her actions caused any financial harm to the victims. However Jabagchourian believes she could be held liable under the theory she was a shareholder of the three companies Otto had founded that reportedly defrauded the victims. A hearing is scheduled for September.
The FBI also has not released its findings regarding alleged fraud.
Leasing News broke the story May 11, 2009 and had a telephone call into John Otto for an interview on May 10 prior to printing the story.
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Why Chris Walker Lovefest?
To be held August 20, 2011 at Theatre Cedar Rapids,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
For readers who don't know Chris Walker, who is also the President of the Certified Leasing Professional Foundation (CLP) as well as on the board of directors of the National Equipment Finance Association, here is a spotlight from the February, 2011, CLP Monthly Newsletter:

Chris Walker, CLP
GreatAmerican Leasing Corp.
CLP Foundation President
What do you enjoy most about the leasing industry?
My Favorite aspect of the equipment finance industry is that no day is the same. My focus has always been on the vendor originated side of our business and I enjoy calling on vendors, uncovering new opportunities and helping vendors use equipment financing effectively.
Can you tell us about your background in the industry?
I got my start in this business in 1979 with a company in Cedar Rapids called LeaseAmerica. We were a general equipment lessor originating business direct from lessees along with a few vendor referrals. We had six field offices scattered around the Midwest supported by 34 home office employees. My training included being a collector, credit analyst, accounting clerk and later filling in for field sales reps that might be away from their office for a week or two. I loved being sent off to an office, answering the phone and doing whatever I could to help the customers. Our training program was more baptism by fire than formal training but it seemed to work well for me.
My first opportunity in sales came when our sales rep in Milwaukee decided to pursue a new opportunity. It started with a temporary assignment and ended with me being able to assume responsibility for the office. I worked hard and Milwaukee was good to me. While I was in Milwaukee I landed a large national program that consumed the majority of my time and while it was successful I had all my eggs in one basket and I needed to diversify.
I wrote a business plan to create a national accounts support team in our Cedar Rapids home office that could service national and regional programs thereby freeing up our sales team to originate more business. Management liked my idea and they asked me to return to Cedar Rapids and implement the program. While I have always traveled, Cedar Rapids has been my home for the past 25 years.
If you could transport yourself instantly, where would you go?
If I could be transported somewhere in history instantly it would be to the Beatles recording sessions for their Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album. It would be 1966 and I would be watching creative genius unfold in the collaboration of musicians and technicians directed by George Martin. This album was voted Rolling Stone magazines number one selection in their top 500 rock albums of all time for its musical composition and the innovative methods that were required to record and produce this masterpiece. I remember hearing it for the first time on my parent's hi-fi and I still enjoy listening to it on my iPod at 35,000 feet (that's in an airplane but with a nod to the psychedelic era that produced Sgt. Peppers).

Chris enjoying some downtime at his sister’s house in
Santa Barbara, California overlooking the Pacific.
If you won 50 million dollars in the lottery what would you do with the money?
What would I do if I won $50,000,000? After taking care of my family and local charities, we would embark on an extended tour of concert venues where my friends and I would enjoy our favorite live musical experiences. I can imagine seeing The Rolling Stones in Paris, Boz Skaggs at a small club in San Francisco, Steely Dan at the Hollywood Bowl and Eric Clapton in London. The seats would be front and center, accommodations first class, and travel by private jet. I can dream can't I?
For updates on Chris’ fight against pancreatic cancer, or to leave him a message, please see

Coming from out of town? Below is information on accommodations and directions:
Hampton Inn
1130 Park Place NE
Cedar Rapids, IA
Phone: 319.832.1130 – mention the Walker Fundraiser
Reduced Rates:
Standard room with one king or two queens – $79
King studio – $89
For those of you who cannot attend, please visit or Facebook page “Chris Walker Love Fest 2011” for additional information. Questions? Contact Kathleen Bednar at 319.393.7809 or”
Emily Fitzpatrick---Career Crossroad

Question: What should I bring to my face to face interview?
Answer: For a face-to-face interview, you should prepare and/or bring
(1) An updated, marketable resume;
--- bring at least 2-3 copies to hand out to each interviewer
(2) Any employer reference letters you may have;
--- hand out to each interviewer
--- attach to your resume
(3) If you are interviewing for a sales / business development role, I strongly recommend bringing items that demonstrate a track record of success;
--- For example: Deal Logs, Pipeline Reports, W-2’s, etc…
(4) A list of questions that you have developed that will assist you in determining if this company / position is a good fit for you;
--- prepare on a legal pad and feel free to take notes during your interview (s)
(5) Most importantly, present YOURSELF in the most professional manner.
Please let Emily know in submitting your questions or inquiry, if you would not like to be named as asking the question. She invites all questions or inquiries be addressed to:
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Bank Beat--12 Branches Close in Washington, Illinois 6th Bank Failure

Columbia State Bank, Tacoma, Washington, assumed all the deposits of Bank of Whitman, Colfax, Washington. 12 of the branches will not be reopened, but eight of the original 20 will. The List of the branches remaining open and the ones closed (with the nearest open branch noted) can be found here:
In May Columbia State Bank acquired the three branches of Summit Bank, Burlington, Washington, and First Heritage Bank, Snohomish, Washington. Prior to the acquisition they had 68 branches in Washington and 25 in Oregon, plus are one of a relatively few banks active in equipment leasing

Bank of Whitman was founded September 29, 1977 as an employee owned community bank and had a high of 189 full time employees in December, 2008, and 158 March 31, 2011. March 31, 2011 Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio .000971%.
Investors lose all when a bank fails and in this case the retirement investments from the Employee Stock Ownership Plan hit many, as 2009 ESOP showed 178 participants.
In edition, the employees of the 12 branches being closed lost their jobs, and perhaps other changes will be made a presently existing Bank of Whitman branches.
Commercial and industrial loan write-offs were high, as well as nonfarm nonresidential loans going from $3.3 million in 2010 to $3.3 million the first quarter, and $5 million, the second quarter.
Reportedly the losses were among a small group of borrowers.
(in millions, unless otherwise)
Net Equity |
2006 |
$53.2 |
2007 |
$60.7 |
2008 |
$61.6 |
2009 |
$39.7 |
2010 |
$24.9 |
3/31 |
$18.4 |
6/30 |
-$319,000 |
Profit |
2006 |
$4.6 |
2007 |
$5.5 |
2008 |
$5.8 |
2009 |
-$17.0 |
2010 |
- $16.9 |
3/31 |
- $6.5 |
6/30 |
-$25.3 |
Non-Current Loans |
2006 |
$341,000 |
2007 |
$530,000 |
2008 |
$11.5 |
2009 |
$48.5 |
2010 |
$36.5 |
3/31 |
$39.4 |
Charge Offs
2006 $5.5 ($4.9 commercial and industrial loans, $250,000 farmland, $163,000 L&C, $171,000 other)
2007 $58,000 ($128,000 commercial and industrial, -$93 other loans)
2008 $81,000 ($60,000 loans to individuasl, $39,000 other consumer, $12,000 1-4- family,
2009 $3.6 ($2 commercial and industrial, $1.1 nonfarm, $184,000 1-4 fam., $137,000 other loans)
2010 $19.8 ($14.3 commercial and industrial, $3.3 nonfarm, $935,000 1-4, $983,000 multi-fam.)
3/31 $6.2 ($3.3 nonfarm, $2.8 multifamily)
6/30 $13.2 ($5 nonfarm, $4.4 commercial & industrial, $2.8 multi, $630,000 1-4, $52,000 L&C)
Land and Construction, 1-4 family multiple residential, Multiple Family Residential, Non-Farm Non-Residential loans.
As of June 30, 2011, Bank of Whitman had approximately $548.6 million in total assets and $515.7 million in total deposits. In addition to assuming all of the deposits of the failed bank, Columbia State Bank agreed to purchase approximately $314.4 million of the failed bank's assets. The FDIC will retain the remaining assets for later disposition.
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $134.8 million.

The three branches of Bank of Shorewood, Shorewood, Illinois were closed with Heartland Bank and Trust Company, Bloomington, Illinois, to assume all of the deposits. Founded April 24, 1978, the bank had 31 full time employees in Elwood, Plainfield, and Shorewood. Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 4.00%
(in millions, unless otherwise)
Net equity |
2006: |
$9.3 |
2007: |
$11.2 |
2008: |
$11.1 |
2009: |
$9.4 |
2010: |
$3.8 |
3/31: |
$3.4 |
6/30 |
$2.1 |
Profit: |
2006: |
$703,000 |
2007: |
$155,000 |
2008: |
$239,000 |
2009: |
-$2.7 |
2010: |
-$5.5 |
3/31: |
$338,000 |
6/30: |
-$1.78 |
Non-Current Loans: |
2006: |
$172,000 |
2007: |
$1.2 |
2008: |
$2.5 |
2009: |
$3.7 |
2010: |
$7.4 |
3/31: |
$7.2 |
Charge Offs
2006 $3,000 (actual $24,000 L&C, -$15,000 commercial and industrial loans,-$6,000 other)
2007 $628,000 ($600,000 commercial and industrial loans, other loans)
2008 $291,000 ($366,000 L&C $60,000 1-4 family, -$139,000 commercial & industrial loans)
2009 $2.19 ($1.1 1-4 family, $800,000 nonfarm, $223 commercial and industrial loans
2010 $2.3 ($1.5 L&C, $481,000 1-4 family, $613,000 commercial and industrial loans, $40 lease receivables)
3/31 $1.2 ($838,000 1-4 family, $214,000 non-farm, $140 C&L)
6/30 $1.2 ($844,000 1-4 family, $214,000 nonfarm)
Land and Construction, 1-4 family multiple residential, Multiple Family Residential, Non-Farm Non-Residential loans.
As of June 30, 2011, Bank of Shorewood had approximately $110.7 million in total assets and $104.0 million in total deposits.
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $25.6 million.
Tracking Bank Failures Map:
List of Bank Failures:
Bank Beat:
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigation
• Credit Investigations
• Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections
The Solution to Your Credit & Accounts Receivable Needs
John Kenny
315-866-1167 |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Electronic Funds Transfer
Authorization Agreement for Pre-Arranged Payments (Debits)
One of the changes we see in modern lease contracts is the elimination of the ten day grace period for late lease payments. In an era of efficiency, late charges are giving way to the need to collect lease payments through electronic funds transfer. So late charges are now being applied immediately, if the funds are not in the account the day the lease payment is due. This results is a “0” grace period. And I am not sure if this is greed or just the result of modern electronics, but it sure takes the “grace” and “flexibility” for a non-perfect world out of the leasing business.
Payments made by electronic funds transfer known as “ACH” require a signed document to allow the funding lessor to charge the Lessee’s bank account for the lease payment. There also must be some flexibility for the payment to change if the sales tax percentages change over the term. I do not know anyone using this system to charge for property tax, but I am sure it is coming with proper notice.
Here is the type language you would need to have signed to handle the ACH:
“(Name of leasing co.) is hereby requested and authorized to draw payment periodically. Such payments to be charged against the account of the undersigned below to cover the rental payments in accordance with the terms and conditions of the lease agreement between (name of leasing co.) and the undersigned.
“Authority for Pre-Arranged payments to the Manager of the Bank or Financial Institution noted below.
“You are hereby authorized to pay from and debit to the account of the undersigned all payments purporting to be drawn on our behalf, payable to (name of leasing co.) presented to you for payment. Such payment may be in the form of computer produced paper of electronic entry, in which case you are authorized to treat them as if they were signed by us.
“If a deduction is made in error, the undersigned shall have the right to be paid immediately by our bank for the amount of the erroneous deduction provided that I notify our bank about the erroneous deduction within fifteen (15) days after my account statement is issued or forty five (45) days after the deduction was made by notifying (name of leasing co.) in writing.
“If the account is transferred to another branch, this authorization shall be directed there and shall be of the same force and effect as if it had been originally delivered to that branch. This authorization may be revoked by the undersigned only by written approval of (name of leasing co.) and provided Lessee has given a ten (15) day written notice to (name of leasing co.).
“I understand that making the payment on time is my responsibility. If the payment is not made using the plan due to the temporary suspension of service or cancellation or because insufficient funds are in my account or the account is closed, I am required to make the payment manually on time. If this is not done, late charges as defined in the loan or lease agreement will apply as well as any fees charged lessor by the bank because of the above actions”
Proper language for this arrangement may be different for your funding lessor, so be sure to check with them or allow your legal counsel look it over. You would also need to add account numbers for both parties and signature lines but this is close to the language you would need.
The world is changing very fast and time is becoming critical, so there will be more requests for ACH type payments. If you have not already prepared the documentation for this procedure, I would recommend you look into it and get prepared.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
### Press Release ############################
Direct Capital’s Popular Vendor Finance App Now Available for Android

PORTSMOUTH, N.H.--Direct Capital, a leading nationwide provider of business financial services, has released the Android version of its popular FinanceQuote mobile app. The free app, which enables equipment and technology vendors to instantly quote monthly finance payments to their customers from a mobile device, has also been updated and re-released for iPhone/iPad users.
The newly released FinanceQuote features several enhancements for vendors, including the option to create quotes based on a customer’s credit, save and view past quotes, and store information to make it easier to send out future quotes.
“We received an amazing response to the initial release of FinanceQuote and we have taken the feedback we received from our vendor partners to make it even more powerful,” said Direct Capital CEO James Broom. “More and more of our vendors are arming their sales teams with smart phones and tablets to increase efficiency and customer service. Having immediate access to payment options goes hand-in-hand with those efforts.”
To download FinanceQuote for Android, go to
To download FinanceQuote for iPhone/iPad, go to Those who already have downloaded the app for Apple devices can upgrade by using the “Updates” function at the App Store on your iPhone or iPad.
About Direct Capital
Established in 1993, Direct Capital provides specialty finance solutions, including commercial equipment financing, commercial loans, and business cash advances. The company is headquartered in Portsmouth, NH and operates offices in New York, California, and New London, NH. You can follow Direct Capital on Twitter at or subscribe to its PointBlank blog at
#### Press Release #############################
Seattle, Washington-- Adopt-a-Dog

ID #: 9424751
Name: Ocho
Breed: Retriever, Labrador / Mix
Gender: Male
Size: Medium
Age: 2 years, 6 months
“Ocho, a 2-year-old Labrador Retriever mix is ready to greet you with lots of tail wags! Ocho is a handsome boy who likes to be busy and would do best in a home with owners that enjoy outdoor games. Take Ocho along for runs or fun hiking adventures, he'll love it!
“Ocho is currently getting the love and attention he needs a foster home. To learn more about him call the Seattle Humane Society at (425)649-7563 or email”
Quote from Ocho's foster family: "Ocho has been a joy to have. He has great house manners and loves to run around in the backyard. After getting dirty from a romp in the park, he has no problem letting me give him a bath."
As with all of our dogs, Ocho has been neutered, micro-chipped, vaccinated and behavior tested. He will go home with a certificate for an examination by a King County veterinarian and an identification tag. PLUS, most dog adoptions include six weeks of training in one of our on-campus dog behavior courses - a great way to start off on the right paw!
Introduce to children of all ages, resident dogs are required to visit Ocho prior to adoption, introduce to dog-savvy cats. Please see our adoption advisors for additional behavior information.
This pet comes with an implanted 24PetWatch microchip and free registration into the 24PetWatch pet recovery service. For more information call 1-866-597-2424.
This pet also is eligible for 30 days of pre-paid pet health insurance. For more information please visit or call 1-866-375-PETS.
Donate to Save Animals' Lives
Adoption Hours
Monday - Friday: 12:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm
Adopt Me Now!
VISIT Our Pets in Person Seattle Humane Society
13212 SE Eastgate Way
Bellevue, Washington 98005-4408
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Please send to a colleague---Leasing News is Free 
This Day in American History
1588 – This event is mentioned as history may have been quite different for the founding of the United States. The Spanish Armada, a fleet of 130 huge ships, met defeat at the hands of English sailors and their smaller, more maneuverable vessels. Then a series of wicked Atlantic storms off the coast of Southern England took their toll. Only half of the 130 Spanish ships managed to limp ... at best ... home. The 60 or so English ships, plus the weather, saved England from the Spanish invaders.
1776 - John Paul Jones was commissioned as a captain and appointed to command the Alfred. His orders were to harass enemy merchant ships and defend the American coast.
1786 - The US Congress adopted the silver dollar and decimal system of money.
1814-Esther Hobart McQuigg Morris was born at Tioga County, NY, but eventually moved to Wyoming Territory, where she worked in the women’s rights movement and had a key role in getting a women’s suffrage bill passed. Morris became justice of the peace of South Pass City, WY, in 1870, one of the first times a woman held public office in the US. She represented Wyoming at the national suffrage convention in 18795. She died April 2, 1902, at Cheyenne, WY.
1844- Brigham Young chosen Mormon Church head following Joseph Smith death.
1854 - Smith and Wesson patented metal bullet cartridges.
1866-Birthday of Mathew Henson, famous African-American explorer, born at Charles County, MD. He met Robert E. Peary while working in a Washington, DC, store in 1888 and was hired to be Peary’s valet. He accompanied Peary on his seven subsequent Arctic expeditions. During the successful 1908—09 expedition to the North Pole, Henson and two of the four Eskimo guides reached their destination Apr 6, 1909. Peary arrived minutes later and verified the location. Henson’s account of the expedition. A Negro Explorer at the North Pole, was published in 1912. In addition to the Congressional medal awarded all members of the North Pole expedition, Henson received the Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of Chicago and, at 81, was made an honorary member of the Explorers Club at New York, NY. Died Mar 9,1955, at New York, NY.
1866-The first queen to visit the United Sates was Queen Emma, widow of King Kamehameha IV of the Sandwich Islands ( later to be re-named Hawaii), who arrived in New York City from England on the Cuuard liner Java. She was received on August 14,1866 by President Andrew Johnson and introduced to his family. American business had already started to invest in the island, bringing coffee, potatoes, hybrid sugarcane, horses and cattle.
1878 - The temperature at Denver, CO, soars to an all-time record high of 105 degrees.
1899-Birthday Of Russell Markert, American choreographer Russell Markert, born at Jersey City, NJ. He founded and directed the Radio City Music Hall Rocketts from 1932 to 1971. He died December 1, 1990, at Waterbury, CT. 1899 - A.T. Marshall of Brockton, MA patented the refrigerator. It was not practical in cost for many households and “ice” refrigerators were common
until perhaps World War II.
1876-Thomas Alva Edison of Menlo Park, NJ, obtained a patent for a “method of preparing autographic stencils for printing”. He went on to improve the “mimeograph,” who until the advent of the photocopier, was the most widespread method of paper communication and duplication.
1896-Birthday of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, American short story writer and novelist ( The Yearling), born at Washington, DC. Rawlings died at St. Augustine, FL, December 14, 1953.
1900-Birthday of bandleader Lucky Millinder, Anniston, AL.
1911 - Membership in the U.S. House of Representatives was established at 435. Every 211,877 residents of the U.S. were represented by one member of Congress.
1918 –Birthday alto Sax player Benny Carter Birthday (Died July 12,2003)
1918-Two days after the Battle of Marne ended, the British Fourth Army mounted an offensive at Amiens with the objective of freeing the Amliens-Paris railways from bombardment by the German Second and Eighteenth Armies. More than 16,000 German prisoners were taken in two hours of fighting the first day. The German forces were forced back to the Hindenburg’s line by September 3. This battle is considered a turning point by many historians because of its impact on the psyche o f Germany. August 8 was described by General Erich Ludendorff as a “Black Day” for Germany.
1921--Birthday of American composer Roger Nixon, Tulara, CA.
1923-Birthday of singer Jimmy Witherspoon, Gurdon,AR.
1922-Louis Armstrong, 22 years old, leaves for the Windy City. His autobiography is fascinating to read about his version of the beginnings of jazz. He perhaps is not only the best known jazz musicians, but considered even today to have been quite ahead of his time. On old records, it is easy to pick him out playing the trumpet. He had tone, melody and rhythm that still wants you to sing, dance, or tap your foot.
1923 - Benny Goodman was 14 years old as he began his professional career as a clarinet player. He took a job in a band on a Chicago-based excursion boat on Lake Michigan.
1926-Birthday of trombonist Urbie Green, Mobile, AL.
1932-Birthday of singer/songwriter Mel Tillis, Pahokee,FL. Tillis was the Country Music Association Entertainer of the Year . Equally talented as a singer and as a songwriter, Tillis began his hit-making career in 1958 with "The Violet and the Rose." His top-ten singles have included "Who's Julie," "The Arms of a Fool" and "Memory Maker." Tillis has a speech impediment, but has made his stuttering a part of his act.
1933-Louisiana Governor O.K.Allen pardon’s Huddie William Ledbetter, better known as the folksinger “Leadbelly.,” He got the name while in prison in Texas for being very strong. He was a very big man with an explosive temper, and was in for murder. He was pardoned by Texas Governor Pat Neff from a thirty year sentence, something that was unheard of in Texas and from the very conservative Neff, but it is said, he sang a song of why he should be released that so affect the warden, and then Neff, that they released him. Leadbelly was one of my father’s favorite folksingers, that he played all the time, and my first memories of my father are listening to this music in the forties. I remember sitting on his knee, perhaps the earliest recollection of my father, who I miss more and more as each year goes by.
1933-The first savings and loan association established by the federal government was the first Federal Savings and Loan Association of Miami, Florida. The creation of savings and loan institutions had been authorized by the Home Owners Loan Act of June 13, 1933, to provide a convenient place for the investment of small and large sums and to lend money to local applicants for first mortgages.
1941 - Les Brown and His Band of Renown paid tribute to baseball’s ‘Yankee Clipper’, Joe DiMaggio of the New York Yankees, with the recording of "Joltin’ Joe DiMaggio" on Okeh Records. From that time on, DiMaggio adopted the nickname, Joltin’ Joe.
1942 - The invasion of Guadalcanal continues as the remainder of the first wave of American troops come ashore. Advancing rapidly inland, they capture the Japanese airstrip intact, renaming it Henderson Field. The missions on Tulagi and Gavutu are completed and the islands captured. Due to Japanese air and submarine attacks, Admiral Fletcher decides to withdraw his carriers, leaving the cruisers and transports near the island. This action is probably a mistake.
1942 - US President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill approve the appointment of American General Eisenhower to command Operation Torch , the proposed Allied invasion of North Africa.
1942- During World War II, six German saboteurs who secretly entered the United States on a mission to attack its civil infrastructure are executed by the United States for spying. Two other saboteurs who disclosed the plot to the FBI and aided U.S. authorities in their manhunt for their collaborators were imprisoned. The Nazis hoped that sabotage teams would be able to slip into America at the rate of one or two every six weeks. The quick capture ended their plans.
1943- Following the American break out from Normandy in July, 1944, the Germans decided that the only way to stop the Allied advance and push them back to the sea was to launch a massive attack in the Avranches region, about 150 miles west of Paris. To do this they moved tanks and men of the XLVII Panzer Corps into place and opened their operation on August 7th. Their main thrust, lead by the 2nd SS Panzer Division, was to cut the American line between Normandy and Brittany, forcing the two groups to fall back on different beach areas, possibly compelling at least one group to withdraw. But almost immediately the Germans were blocked by determined resistance. On Hill 317, near the village of Mortain, their advance was stopped by 700 men of North Carolina’s 2nd Battalion, 120th Infantry, 30th Infantry Division (which also included Guard units from SC and TN). Firing at almost point-blank range their one anti-tank gun and numerous anti-tank rockets (fired from ‘bazooka’s’) the Guardsmen destroyed 40 vehicles including several heavy battle tanks. The Germans bypassed the hill leaving it surrounded. They launched repeated assaults to capture it but these were beaten back with artillery support from the Guard’s 35th Infantry Division (KS, MO, NE) and RAF air strikes on the German positions. After five days of being cut off and with the loss of nearly 300 men the 2nd Battalion was rescued by elements of the 35th Division. For it’s determined and stubborn resistance in blocking the enemy advance the 2/120th Infantry was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation.
1951-Birthday of Randy Shilts, journalist known for his reporting on the AIDS epidemic. One of the first openly homosexual journalists to work for a mainstream newspaper and the author of And the Band Played On: Politics, People and the AIDS Epidemic. Born at Davenport, IA, and died at Guerneville, CA, Feb 17, 1994.
1951---Top Hits
Too Young - Nat King Cole
Mister and Mississippi - Patti Page
Because of You - Tony Bennett
I Wanna Play House with You - Eddy Arnold
1959---Top Hits
Lonely Boy - Paul Anka
A Big Hunk o’ Love - Elvis Presley
My Heart is an Open Book - Carl Dobkins, Jr.
Waterloo - Stonewall Jackson
1960-16 year old Bryan Hyland's novelty tune, "Itsy Bitsy, Teenie Weenie, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini" topped the Billboard Hot 100 and the Cash Box Best Sellers list. Songwriter Paul Vance said he got the inspiration for the song when he saw his two year old daughter at the beach in a tiny little swimsuit.
1960- British Decca destroyed 25,000 copies of Ray Peterson's death-rock song, "Tell Laura I Love Her." The company refused to release a song which it said was "too tasteless and vulgar for the English sensibility." A rival firm, however, had no such compunction, recording a cover version by a singer named Ricky Valance, which went to number one on the British chart. In the US, Ray Peterson's recording of "Tell Laura I Love Her" reached number seven on the Billboard pop chart.
1961-Britain's Lonnie Donegan has his biggest hit in the US when the novelty tune "Does You're Chewing Gum Lose Its Flavour on the Bedpost Overnight" reaches number 5.
1964-"House of the Rising Sun" by The Animals is released in America. Although the band would put 14 songs in the Top 40, this will be their only US number one.
1967---Top Hits
Light My Fire - The Doors
All You Need is Love - The Beatles
A Whiter Shade of Pale - Procol Harum
I’ll Never Find Another You - Sonny James
1968- Race riot in Miami Florida.
1969-Photographer Iain Macmillan took six pictures of the Beatles crossing the street outside their Abbey Road studio in London. A police officer held up traffic while the band walked back and forth several times. Paul McCartney chose one of the pictures for the cover of the "Abbey Road" album.
1970-New York Yankees honor Casey Stengel, retiring his number 37.
1970-CCR's "Looking Out My Back Door" is released.
1970- Janis Joplin bought a tombstone for blues singer Bessie Smith's unmarked grave in a Philadelphia cemetery. Less than two months later, Joplin herself was dead of a drug overdose. Smith had died following an auto accident in 1942 at the age of 37.
1970-Creedence Clearwater Revival's "Looking Out My Back Door" is released in the US
1970-Canadian immigration officials turn back thousands of American fans on their way to the Strawberry Fields Rock Festival in Mosport, Ontario, on the grounds that they "failed to produce adequate monies to support themselves." 8,000 Americans made it there.
1973-Vice-President Spiro T Agnew brands them "damned lies" regarding reports he took kickbacks from government contracts in Maryland. He vowed not to resign; that he was innocent.
1974-President Richard Nixon announced in a televised address that he would resign. Three days earlier he had released tape transcripts revealing he had impeded the Watergate investigation. Nixon told an audience of some 100,000,000, he had made some wrong decisions but that he was resigning because he no longer had enough support in Congress.
1974-Eric Clapton receives a gold record for "461 Ocean Boulevard." It's his comeback album and contains his Number One version of "I Shot the Sheriff." The album reaches the top of the charts.
1974 - Roberta Flack received a gold record for the single, "Feel Like Makin’ Love". Flack, born in Asheville, NC and raised in Arlington, VA, was awarded a music scholarship to Howard University in Washington, DC -- at the age of 15. One of her classmates became a singing partner on several hit songs. Donny Hathaway joined Flack on "You’ve Got a Friend", "Where is the Love" and "The Closer I Get to You". She had 10 hits on the pop charts in the 1970s and 1980s.
1975---Top Hits
One of These Nights - Eagles
Jive Talkin’ - Bee Gees
Please Mr. Please - Olivia Newton-John
Just Get Up and Close the Door - Johnny Rodriguez
1975- country singer Hank Williams Junior suffered severe head injuries when he fell 150 metres while mountain climbing in Montana. When he returned to performing months later, he had switched to a country-rock sound from the pure country style made famous by his father.
1976-The Chicago White Sox made baseball sartorial history by donning shorts for a game against the Kansas City Royals. The Sox won, 5-2, but the shorts, a novelty thought up by owner Bill Veeck, lasted only a while.
1981-Shiaway St. Pat, driven by Ray Remmen, won the Hambletonia, the most important race for three-year-old trotters, contested for the first time at the Meadowlands in New Jersey.
1983---Top Hits
Every Breath You Take - The Police
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics
She Works Hard for the Money - Donna Summer
Your Love’s on the Line - Earl Thomas Conley
1984 - Carl Lewis won his third gold medal at the Los Angeles Olympics. He won the 200-meter sprint. At the same time, Greg Louganis received his first gold medal in diving in the springboard competition.
1986- singer David Crosby, sentenced to a five-year term for drug and weapons charges, was paroled from a prison in Huntsville, Texas after serving only five months. The convictions were overturned by a Texas appeals court in November 1987- Crosby said when he was released that he had kicked a ten-year drug habit and wanted to resume his musical career. He gained fame with the Byrds in the late 1960's, then teamed with Stephen Stills, Graham Nash, and Neil Young.
1987 - Less than three months after they go to No. 1 on Billboard's Hot 100 for the first time with "With or Without You," U2 return to the top of the chart with "I Still Haven't Found what I'm Looking For," the second single from "The Joshua Tree."( A birthday present for the Edge.)
1988-The first night game of Chicago’s Wrigley Field was postponed by rain with the Cubs leading the Philadelphia Phillies 3-1, in the bottom of the fourth inning. The Phillies’ Phil Bradley let off the game with a home run, but in a postponed game, all statistics are washed out.
1990- Iraq annexes Kuwait. The US has been sending troops to Saudi Arabia
and moving the US Navy into the Mediterranean seas.
1991---Top Hits
(Everything I Do) I Do It for You - Bryan Adams
P.A.S.S.I.O.N. - Rythm Syndicate
Summertime - D.J. Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince
She’s in Love with the Boy - Trisha Yearwood
1993-The Dream Team, a specially-assembled team of NBA all-stars, defeated Crotia, 117-85, to win the gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. The Dream Team, coached by Chuck Daly, including Charles Barkley, Larry Bird, Clyde Drexler, Patrick Ewing, Magic Johnson, Michael Jordan, Christian Laettner, Karl Malone, Chris Mullin, Scottie Pippen, David Robinson and John Stockton.
1994- Janet Jackson tied Aretha Franklin for the most gold singles by a female artist - 14 - when "Any Time, Any Place" was certified as having sold more than 500,000 copies.
1995- the Canadian stage production of Disney's "Beauty and the Beast" opened at the Princess of Wales Theatre in Toronto. At $17 million, it was the most expensive stage production in Canadian history.
1998-The largest free jazz festival in the world, San Jose, California, draws 200,000 to hear Sandoval, Broadbent, Schuur, among many others.

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