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"Yes, sir fat free--straight from the gym."
"Cheap White Wine"
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"You'll need to find another attorney. I'm going to prison." |
"Major Funding. How much do you need?" |
Emergency Instructions |
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" You will be going on a long walk." |
"I'm sorry, but you have to be here the minutethe doors open if you want worm." |
"Next, a message of importance from Chicken Little." |
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"This is a night for white wine" |
"You have all your cancelled checks and receipts. What are you trying to hide?" |
"Call the Attorneys ! |
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"If I were money, you'd listen to me" |
"Excellent, but not fit for a king" |
"Lets bring accounting into the discussion" |
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" Honk if you love litigation" |
"Sales per..." |
"Sex? I thought you said you wanted a sax!" |
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"Ignorance of the law is no excuse"
"I didn't know that, either..." |
"Mr. Summers may I call you right back? I'm about to receive an award for making the most sales calls." |
"All those in Favor say Aye " |
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" I'll check and see if he's available." |
"All Christopher Neighborhood." |
"Mrs. Coffee." |
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"What's important is to be warm, Decent human beings." |
"Something Drinkable right now ." |
" Who oredered the megatelli? " |
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"Food, Water, Information ." |
"It's always good dog never great dog ." |
" Harriet, Do we have any nuts?." |
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"Im on the Road again." |
"I want you people to work over these sales figures until they are happy" |
"I've consolidated all your bills into one missed payament. " |
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"And what is your prefrence in wine
single or double figures ." |
"How wonderful we just received email
from everyone in India
." |
"Keep up the good work, Bromley ." |
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"I've heard a lot about you -
all nutty of course." |
"Congratulations. You have the skills we're looking for, and you'll just fit a cubicle." |
"Yes, they are crazy, but they can open the fridge." |
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"Hey, Johnny-am I nuts, or this have a hint of oak? |
"Fresh Poetry" |
"You just parked on a Saturn." |
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"Let's face it: you and this organization have never been a good fit." |
"It's been moved that we adjurn for an afternoon nap. Is ther a second?" |
"I've called this meeting to discuss the problem of stress in the workplace!" |
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"Ladies and gentelmen, is there a bankruptcy attorney on board." |
"A pal feeds a pal on time." |
"Youff....Youff" |
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"Not guilty, because puppies do these things." |
"Howard, I think the dog wants to go out." |
"Well, smell honest." |
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"Four-color Pizza with Pepperine and extra Cheese" |