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Headlines--- Pictures from the Past---Peter Mellon---1987 Classified
Ads----Heaven or Hell? Greenspan
---Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Easy
money? Funding Tree apparently takes root in Nevada ----by Rene
Tankersley ELA
Industry Q Report New Biz Grew 1.4 Percent w/charts Alexa
Ranks Leasing Association Web Sites Lessors
Network Conference Sold Out--Waiting List Bad
Telcom Loans Closed Southern Pacific Bank Steve
Geller Gets Ken Wheeler to Join UAEL/ELA Z
Resource Group and Diversity Capital LLC Electro
Scientific Taps Key Equipment-Global Leasing NAELB
Conference Hotel Reservation Feb. 21 Allied
Capital Provides Growth Financing Banknorth
Connecticut State's Top Five Banks Fitch
Ratings Lowers GATX Rating Outlook To Stable "Mick"
First ---"Bruni" Second at Westminster Kennel Club ### Denotes Press
Release ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pictures from the Past---Peter Mellon---1987 “Peter Mellon, formerly with Westover Financial, has joined
Paccom Leasing Corporation, Portland, Oregon, as Vice-President-Northwest
Region, including Alaska and Hawaii.” Western Association
of Equipment Leasing Newsline, August 1987 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classified Ads----Heaven or Hell?
One day while walking down the street, a highly successful Equipment Leasing Human Resources Manager was
tragically hit by a bus and died. Her soul arrived in heaven where she
was met at the Pearly Gates by Saint Peter himself. "Welcome to Heaven," said Saint Peter. "But,
before you get settled in, it seems we have a problem. You see, strangely enough, we've
never had an Equipment Leasing Human Resources Manager make it this
far, and we're not really sure what to do with you." "No problem, just let me in," said the woman. "Well, I'd like to, but I have higher orders. What we're
going to do is let you spend a day in Hell and day in Heaven and then you can
choose where you want to spend Eternity." "Actually, I think I've made up my mind (of course SHE
did!!) -- I prefer to stay in Heaven," said the woman. "Sorry, but we have policies and procedures to follow..."
said Saint Peter. And with that, he put her on the elevator and it went down
to Hell. The doors opened and she found herself stepping out on a
beautiful golf course. In the distance was a beautiful country club, and
standing in front of her were all her friends and fellow executives that she
had worked with over the years. They were well dressed in evening gowns and
they were all cheering for her. They ran up and kissed her on both cheeks
and talked about old times. They played a fantastic round of golf, and
at night, they went to dinner at the country club where she enjoyed a wonderful
steak and lobster dinner. She even met the Devil, who was actually
a really great guy (really cute!) and she had a wonderful time dancing and telling
jokes. She was having such a good time that before she realized, it
was time to leave. Everybody shook her hand and waved good-bye as she got on
the elevator. The elevator went up and opened up at the Pearly Gates where
she found Saint Peter waiting for her. "Now it's time to spend
a day in Heaven," he said. So, she spent the next 24 hours lounging around on
clouds, playing the harp and singing. She had a great time and before she
knew it, her 24 hours were over and Saint Peter came to get her. "So, you've spent a day in Hell and a day in Heaven.
Now you must choose your eternity." The woman paused for a second and replied, "Well, I
never thought I'd say this; Heaven was really great, but I think I had a better
time in Hell." So, Saint Peter escorted her to the elevator and again she
went back down to Hell. When the doors of the elevator opened, she found
herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered with garbage and filth. She
saw that her friends were dressed in rags and were picking up garbage
and putting it in sacks. The Devil came to her and put his arms around her. "I
don't understand," stammered the woman, "Yesterday I was here and there
was a golf course; a country club, and we ate steak and lobster, danced and had
a great time. Now there’s a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look
so miserable!" The Devil looked at her and smiled. "Yesterday, we were
recruiting you, but today, you're an employee..." ( anonymous) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greenspan ---Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan told Senate Banking
Committee yesterday he differs sharply with President Bush and his economic
advisers, specifically stating it would be "premature" to
cut taxes. In his prepared address
before the semiannual Monetary Policy Report to the Congress,
he did not think it was necessary to stimulate the lagging U.S. economy
because the major factor hurting growth is the uncertainty posed by
a possible war with Iraq. He had a few other things to say about budget deficits and
other problems, and basically appeared he would rather not be making statements
opposing the presidents views. He would rather be in Peoria. Here is the full, official text from the Federal Reserve: http://www.federalreserve.gov/BoardDocs/HH/2003/february/testimony.htm If you haven’t read the full account in your local newspapers,
go here for the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59515-2003Feb11.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Easy money? Funding Tree apparently takes root in Nevada
--by Rene Tankersley, feature editor Land Line Magazine,
the official publication of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (She has won
awards for her coverage of the Funding Tree since December,
2001.) “The report of my death has been greatly exaggerated.” Mark
Twain said it in 1896, but it could be said today about The Funding
Tree, a finance and leasing company. Although the company’s former president, Kendra Bernal, was
arrested last year in California, the company appears to have resurfaced
in Nevada under the name Legacy Leasing. (Side note, her attorney told
Leasing News she has skipped, owing him $10,000 in fees for his representation.
editor) OOIDA member Larry Hargrove of Las Vegas, NV, says he paid
$4,000 in advance payments and document fees to Legacy Leasing in November.
As of today, Hargrove says he still has no truck and no sign of his
$4,000. Another trucker, Kenneth Farrington III, says he gave Legacy
Leasing $3,200 on Dec. 18, 2002, with promises of a truck by the New
Year. Farrington and his dealer, Bob Gordon, even showed up at Legacy’s
office in Laughlin, NV, in early February to get their money. They said
they were told that they could be helped only by a man named Jack Thompson,
and that he was out of the office. Land Line first became aware of The Funding Tree in January
2002 after two OOIDA members read Land Line’s report in December 2001
about advance-fee finance companies. The two called in complaints about The Funding Tree, Integrity
Group and Integrity Funding, which Land Line later learned were all
names used by Bernal’s business. Kit Menkin, editor and publisher of Leasing News, an electronic
daily newspaper for the equipment leasing industry, has written about
The Funding Tree for some time. He said the company was the subject
of a cease and refrain order issued by the California Department of
Corporations in January 2002. The order warned Bernal and her companies to stop engaging
in the business of finance lending or brokering without a license, saying
doing so would be a violation of the California Finance Lenders Law. Bernal was arrested May 31 in Riverside County, CA, and charged
with six felony counts related to the financing of commercial vehicles
and other equipment, according to the Riverside District Attorney’s
Office. Following Bernal’s arrest, The Funding Tree’s vice president,
Bruce Peterik, took over as president. Peterik is now listed as the contact for Legacy Leasing in
the Laughlin Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory. However, the Nevada Secretary of State’s Office says its
records show The Funding Tree registered at the same address in Laughlin
as Legacy Leasing, with Peterik listed as the contact. Farrington and his wife, Patricia, say a person identifying
himself as Jack Thompson told them he was the owner of Legacy Leasing. In addition, a message at the Funding Tree’s former California
phone number directs callers to an office in Laughlin, NV, and a woman
at the Legacy Leasing office says the company was formerly called The
Funding Tree. Peterik was not available for comment. A receptionist
at the company said Jack Thompson was also unavailable. Marcie Whitehead, who identifies herself as a former employee
of Legacy Leasing, said the name Jack Thompson was an alias used by
Peterik. Neil Rombardo, deputy attorney general for Nevada, told Land
Line the AG’s office would investigate the company. The Attorney General’s
Fraud Unit Hotline can be reached at 1-800-266-8688. --- for the latest
about The Fund Tree, go here: http://www.leasingnews.org/Conscious-Top%20Stories/fundingTree_stories.htm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Leasing Industry Quarterly Report Shows New Business
Volume Grew 1.4 Percent Slow Economy Revealed in Data, Losses Remain Stable http://two.leasingnews.org/temporary/4Q02Graphs.htm Arlington, Virginia - - The Equipment Leasing Association's
(ELA) 4Q 2002 Performance Indicators Report (PIR) shows that new business
volume grew 1.4 percent when compared to 4Q 2001. Total net portfolio
numbers declined 1.6 percent, showing signs that the economy continues
to slow. The PIR study is conducted quarterly by ELA, which provides
a variety of data, including customized market analyses, to ELA members
and organizations involved in the $204 billion equipment leasing industry.
The survey is conducted among approximately 20 major leasing companies
on a quarterly basis, affording trend analysis across all major performance
areas. Other 4Q PIR Findings: a.. The total number
of employees declined 0.77 percent reinforcing a delicate employment
market. b.. Credit approval
ratios increased 1.2 percent compared with the 4Q 2001. c.. Average losses
remained stable when compared to the previous year. d.. Lease payments
within 30 days (on-time) are up 60 basis points compared to 4Q 2001.
"The metrics show a lot of mixed signals in the fourth
quarter report," said Ralph Petta, Vice President of Industry Services
for ELA. "It will be interesting to see what 2003 has in store
for the leasing industry as one would require a crystal ball to predict
future conditions." The PIR tracks the performance of prominent leasing organizations
in six key areas. Because the same companies were tracked and used in
the analysis, the PIR provides fairly reliable trend analysis. Each
illustration reflects the data provided by those companies responding
to that particular question. Typically,
not every company polled responds to every question. . To access this and other industry information, visit the
www.ELAOnline.com or call ELA at (703) 516-8380. A full report is
available to members. Here again
are the graphs to this story ( but not the full report as we were unable to obtain
permission to show them to you—for members only.) http://two.leasingnews.org/temporary/4Q02Graphs.htm Financial decision makers needing more information on leasing
should visit www.LeaseAssistant.org, which provides information on how
to choose a leasing company, the top 10 questions to ask before signing
a lease, a glossary of terms, and more. ### About ELA Organized in 1961, the Equipment Leasing Association (ELA)
is a non-profit association representing companies involved in the dynamic
equipment leasing and finance industry. ELA's mission is to promote
the leasing industry as a major source of funds for capital investment
in the United States and abroad. Headquartered in Arlington, Va., ELA
has more than 800 member companies and a staff of 27 professionals.
Equipment leasing is estimated to be a $204 billion industry in 2002.
Visit ELA online at http://www.elaonline.com. Participants in the 4th quarter 2002 Performance Indicators
Report ADP Credit Corporation Amsouth Leasing Corporation Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation Computer Sales International, Inc. Dana Credit Corporation De Lage Landen Financial Services GreatAmerica Leasing Farm Credit Leasing Services Corporation Fleet Capital Leasing John Deere Credit Corporation Hitachi Credit America Corporation Key Equipment Finance LaSalle National Leasing Corporation U.S. Bancorp Leasing & Financial Verizon Credit, Inc. Wells Fargo Equipment Finance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alexa Ranks Leasing Association
Web Sites 02/11/03 01/08/03
57,762 59,689
www.aba.com American Bankers Association 61,776 78,388
www.leasingnews.org Leasing News 73,495 72,640
www.monitordaily.com Monitor Daily 93,624 104,374 www.elaonline.com Equipment
Leasing Association 125,104 132,950 www.nacha.org The Electronic
Payments Association 254,127 307,547 www.leasingtoday.com
Leasing Today 311,876 334,195 www.uael.org United Association of Equipment Leasing 322,352 326,065 www.executivecaliber.ws
Exec. Caliber-Jeffrey Taylor 341,056 383,001 www.naelb.org Nat’l
Assoc. of Equip. Leasing Brokers 341,070 315,834 www.cfa.com Commercial
Finance Association 344,979
n/a www.lessors.com The Lessors Network 358,127 304,657 www.us-banker.com U.S. Banker 605,575 548,271 www.leasefoundation.org
Equip Leasing & Fin Foundation 679,639 751,146 www.pblaw.com/newsletters/bln/
Biz Leasing News 706,894 838,591 www.ibaa.org Independent
Comm. Bankers of America 831,875 778,573
www.eael.org Eastern Assoc. of Equipment Leasing 928,023 695,290 www.clpfoundation.org
CLP Foundation 1,290,921 1,256,726
www.nvla.org National
Vehicle Leasing Association 1,315,615 3,743,401
www.aglf.org Assoc. of Gov. Leasing and Financing 1,839,282 1,781,592
www.iicl.org Institute of International Container Lessors 2,649,974 NO DATA
www.nationalfunding.org The National Funding Assoc. 3,503,351 3,324,980
www.mael.org Mid-America Assoc. of Equipment Lessors 3,827,903 3,687,589
www.leaselawyer.com Lease Lawyer NO DATA NO DATA www.efj.com Equipment Financial
Journal NO DATA NO DATA www.1stBusinessDay.com BizWiz
Daily Note: The Equipment
Financial Journal had pages “under construction” when the test was run and is also new to our list. 1stBusinessDay.com
is less than a month old and will not have history for perhaps several months as it gets into the system. These comparison are compiled by Leasing News using Alexa
and should be viewed as a "sampling," rather than actual count
from the website itself. The Alexa tool bar works on most browsers. They are partnered
with Google. You may download their free tool bar. To learn more about how the rankings work: http://pages.alexa.com/prod_serv/quicktour_new.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lessors Network 2003 Lease Syndication
Showcase Sold Out Matching Buyers With Sellers In The Commercial & Municipal Syndication Markets March 10 | The Ritz-Carlton, Buckhead | Atlanta, GA Waiting list begun, in case of cancellations: http://www.lessors.com/Events-2003/Syndication/syndication-wait.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
http://www.utdallas.edu/police/wavs/DragnetSetting.WAV Southern Pacific will reopen under a new owner. Bad telecom
loans may have played a role. By Martin Romjue The Daily
Breeze One day after state regulators closed the failed Southern
Pacific Bank of Torrance, federal officials assured depositors that the bank
will reopen Monday morning under a new owner with full access to accounts
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Southern Pacific Bank customers will become depositors of
Plano, Texas-based Beal Bank, which bought Southern Pacific under FDIC supervision. Southern Pacific Bank, which had assets of $1 billion, is
the first failure nationwide of an FDIC-insured institution this year, and
the first in California since Monument National Bank of Ridgecrest was
closed in June 2000. The bank has branches at 23530 Hawthorne Blvd. and 3701 Skypark
Drive, both in Torrance, and one in Irvine. Most customers will not notice any changes to their accounts
or the branches, said Alana Golden Nabong, spokeswoman for the California Department of Financial Institutions, which closed the branches
Friday and named the FDIC as receiver. The exact number of customers was unavailable Saturday, but
Southern Pacific Bank holds 17,200 accounts, said David Barr, a spokesman
for the FDIC. Of those, 938 accounts exceed the $100,000 FDIC insured limit
and are considered at risk. Beal Bank has assumed about $834 million of insured deposits
of the failed bank. At the time of closure, Southern Pacific had about
$30.7 million in deposits in the at-risk accounts. "Those customers become creditors to receivership,"
Barr said. "It is like a Chapter 7 liquidation. They become top-tier creditors." As the FDIC sells Southern Pacific assets, that money flows
down to the receivership and is disbursed to creditors, he said. "Chances are they won't receive 100 cents on the dollar,"
Barr said. "Historically, over the past 10 years, uninsured depositors
have recovered on average of 73 cents on the dollar." Barr said it is too soon to calculate how much Southern Pacific's
at-risk depositors will receive. "Those tend to be more commercial deposits, but there
could be some large individual depositors," said Barr, who added that the
FDIC cannot disclose the names of depositors because of financial privacy laws. "We have to work with these customers to finalize their
claims," Barr said. Some customers who have more than $100,000 in assets may
be able to get them to fall under insurance protection, he said. The FDIC will
try to determine what assets in excess of $100,000 could qualify for insurance
protection. "There are ways to have more than $100,000 insured in
one institution," he said. The FDIC estimates Southern Pacific losses will be $134.5
million, meaning that even when all assets are sold, the FDIC won't recoup
$134.5 million, or 13.5 percent, of total bank assets. Southern Pacific Bank was a subsidiary of Imperial Credit
Industries Inc. of Torrance, a diversified financial services holding company
that did most of its business through Southern Pacific Bank. The banking firm
offered financial services to small- and middle-market companies,
such as commercial loan and lease products for borrowers, and certificates of
deposit, money market, passbook and IRA accounts to its depositors. As of
Sept. 30, Imperial Credit had $2.1 billion in assets. Southern Pacific Bank offered loans through several core
lending divisions, including Coast Business Credit, specializing in asset-based
commercial lending; Imperial Warehouse Finance, offering residential
mortgage repurchase facilities; the Lewis Horwitz Organization, the
premier lender to independent film and television production companies; the
Income Property Lending Division, lending to multifamily and commercial property
owners; and Southern Pacific BanCapital, offering equipment leasing to
middle-market businesses. Imperial Credit Industries Inc. executives could not be reached
for comment Saturday. The office phone for Brad Plantiko, executive vice
president and chief financial officer of ICII, was being answered by an
FDIC official. FDIC officials were working on the transition to Beal Bank
ownership Saturday inside the ICII/Southern Pacific Bank office buildings
on Skypark Drive. Few details on why Southern Pacific Bank failed were immediately
available Saturday but one key reason was its extensive loans to telecommunications companies that went bankrupt because of the economic downturn
and burst of the technology investment bubble, Nabong said. The Department of Financial Institutions determined that
Pacific Southern was operating in "an unsafe manner," and the Commissioner
of Financial Institutions gave it a deadline to raise enough capital,
Nabong said. They were unable to come up with any plan for additional capital,
she said. The Department of Financial Institutions regulates the safety
and soundness of California's state chartered financial institutions by
encouraging the use of sound banking and business practices and by examining
the finances of licensees. Barr said the closing of Southern Pacific was not a surprise,
since the FDIC had been working with them. The owners had the opportunity
to recapitalize the bank, but were unable to do so, he said. In such cases, the FDIC puts a troubled bank out to competitive
bid, looking for a potential buyer, Barr said. By Friday, the FDIC had
lined up Beal Bank, which is a state chartered savings bank in Texas. With offices in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio, Beal Bank
is one of Texas' largest privately owned financial institutions with more
than $5.5 billion in assets and more than $942.5 million in equity capital.
It operates as a wholesale bank, serving mostly secondary markets where loans
and debt securities are bought and sold. Beal Bank's tier-one capital, or net worth, is about 16 percent
of assets, or about three times the FDIC standard of 5 percent for a
well-capitalized bank. The bank will pay the FDIC a premium of $500,000 to assume
the insured deposits and buy about $201.5 million of the failed bank's
assets. The rest of the assets will be sold and distributed to creditors,
Barr said. Beal Bank is still evaluating the "situation with the
FDIC," and will open the branches under its name Monday, said Jim Chambless, documentation
and communications manager with Beal. Customers will receive
a letter explaining the purchase in the coming week, he said. The sale gives Beal a foothold in the California financial
market and enables it to widen its depositor base while funding asset
purchases and loans that match the core of its business activities, the
company said in a statement. Barr said it is too early to determine if any criminal activity
or financial mismanagement was involved in the failure. Any such activity
would be referred to the Department of Justice. However, most bank closures result from bad business decisions,
he said. Find out more Customers with more than $100,000 on deposit at the failed
Southern Pacific Bank should contact the FDIC toll free at 866-308-4470. The
toll-free number will be available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. On weekdays,
customers can reach the FDIC from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ( sent to us by the
writer of the article.editor ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Steve Geller Gets Ken Wheeler to Join UAEL/ELA When Leasing News originally printed this story it appeared
Ken Wheeler and Equipment Financing Group were not members of the Equipment Leasing Association and the United Association of Equipment Leasing as his literature and faxes stated that they were members. Mr. Geller was not the only one who sent us copies of the fax and the mailing. We received this story on January 29th, attempted to get
comments from Mr. Ken Wheeler, and
ran the story in our early morning January 31st edition. Ken and Sean Wheeler
Misrepresentation “I received today, totally unsolicited, a fifteen page fax
from Equipment Financing group, Fresno, CA, representing themselves as a
funding source. I am sure
I was one of many send out unsolicited.
Any information I receive where I can not tell who the contacts
are or other significant information about, does not pass my "smell"
test. The cover page includes the ELA and UAEL logos. I check both member
lists an this company is not listed. I
checked out their website and find that the contact is Ken Wheeler, enough said. “I would hate to see people get hurt by these guys who misrepresent themselves as ELA and UAEL members. I think ELA, in particular, should know about their use of the ELA logo since they have the
legal resources to stop its use.” Steven B. Geller, CLP Leasing Solutions LLC 20 Dike Drive Wesley Hills, New York 10952 845-362-6106 fax 845-354-2803 cell 914-552-0842 www.leasingsolutionsllc.com Leasing News also
could not find the company in the “on line” directory of ELA and UAE. Leasing News has printed stories about Mr. Ken Wheeler and
the National Association of Equipment Brokers. (see: http://two.leasingnews.org/archives/June2002/6-18-2002.htm "Kenneth Wheeler
Takes On NAELB Legal Counsel Joe Bonanno") We then ran a story
on February 4th. It confirmed that we had gone “on line” at the request of Mr. Ken Wheeler and confirmed his company
was a member of ELA. Yesterday
we received confirmation of his membership in UAEL from the CEO, Joe
Woodley: "On January 30, 2003 Equipment Financing Group, Inc
enrolled on-line via the UAEL website as a new member. Address given
is 2037 W. Bullard Ave. #514 Fresno,
Ca. 93711. Phone: 559-438-5146. Web Site: www. efginc.net. In business since
1992. No. of Employees: 32.
Dues category: $595.00 ( under $20 million a year. editor). Contact:
Christopher Jones. Ken Wheeler
has called me in this regard and I confirmed the receipt of the enrollment.
We have not updated the database nor have we printed a 2003 Directory
yet. We have a cutoff date at the end of March but since reenrollment
has been far better than usual we will update the database very soon.
Contact me directly with any other concerns. Thank you." Joe --- So we can assume Steve Geller should get some kind of credit
for bringing a new member to both ELA and UAEL. Equipment Financing Group belongs to both organizations today. Welcome
aboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ##### ##################################### Z Resource Group and Diversity Capital LLC Announce Strategic Alliance Boston, MA - Z Resource Group announces the signing of a
strategic three-year alliance agreement with Diversity Capital, a New
Jersey based investment-banking firm. The goal of the alliance it to
provide the marketplace with a truly integrated solution that provides
client companies with both creative debt and lending solutions provided
by Diversity Capital coupled with the value added recruiting and growth
consulting component provided by Z Resource Group.
Diversity Capital's
Managing Director David D'Antonio related, " Growth and profitability
for today's leasing industry participants is dependant on three key
elements: Strategy, funding
and talent. Human Resources
will be a critical factor for lessors as the economy improves during
the balance of 2003 and into 2004.
We believe this alliance with Z Resource Group provides our clients
with the best value added solution for attracting top talent." Larry Hartmann, Managing Director of Z Resource Group stated,
"Funding is also a key consideration to any growth strategy. Having top talent without the right balance
sheet solution is not enough.
Our alliance with Diversity will allow us to better serve our client
organizations with additional value added solutions that are quite relevant
in today's marketplace. About Z Resource Group Z Resource Group is a fast growing, nationwide specialty
Executive Search, Staffing and Consulting Firm. The company is entering
its fifth year of successfully providing value added services to several
key markets, including financial services, technology, and healthcare.
Headquartered in the Boston area, the company maintains branch offices
in the New York/New Jersey area, Philadelphia, PA and Nashville, TN.
For more information, contact Larry Hartmann @ lhartmann@zrgroup.com
or on the web at www.zrgroup.com
About Diversity Capital LLC Diversity Capital LLC is a financial advisory firm that provides
liquidity, M&A consulting and debt placement to a variety of specialty
finance industries, including commercial lending, leasing, tax lien,
settlement and other financial services industries. Diversity has extensive experience in setting up service retained
purchase facilities (UNL), commercial paper facilities and other financing
structures. Diversity Capital
LLC, located in the Philadelphia, PA region, has been providing these
services since 1999 and has originated over $500 million in facilities
for its clients. For additional information contact David D'Antonio
at ddantonio@divcapital.com or on the web at www.divcapital.com Larry Hartmann Managing Director Z Resource Group 201-560-9900 ############### ################################### ELECTRO SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES TAPS KEY EQUIPMENT FINANCE FOR GLOBAL LEASING SUPERIOR, Colo., USA Key Equipment Finance, one of the
nation¹s largest bank-affiliated equipment financing companies and an affiliate of KeyCorp (NYSE: KEY), today announced that it
has been selected by Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: ESIO) to
provide financing options to its end-user customers worldwide. The relationship with Key Equipment Finance will allow Electro
Scientific Industries (ESI), a supplier of high-value, high technology
manufacturing equipment, to leverage the Key Equipment Finance field organization
in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific to provide a complete financing
package to end-user customers. The benefits of a co-branded leasing
program for ESI end-user customers include one-stop-shopping and financing,
tax benefits and equipment upgrade flexibility. ESI customers will receive fast, accurate information about
their financing options, even pre-qualifying for a lease on the spot in certain circumstances. In addition to enhancing customer options,
ESI¹s decision to offer lease financing may potentially provide benefits including
increased sales and better control of equipment in the aftermarket. "We are committed to providing the best solutions for
our customers, and the right financing package is an important component of that,"
said Lisa Holtz, treasurer of ESI. "Key
Equipment Finance will be a strong financial ally that enables us to return quick financing decisions to our
customers as well as accelerate our cash flow cycle. "ESI is committed to the service it provides customers
and recognizes the importance of financing as part of that service," said
Karen Larson, president and chief operating officer of Key Equipment Finance¹s
global vendor services unit. "We expect ESI will experience
increased customer satisfaction as a result of implementing a formal, unified
global financing program with their clients¹ budgets in mind." About ESI ESI, headquartered in Portland, Oregon, supplies high-value,
high technology manufacturing equipment to the global electronics market.
Using its expertise in laser/material interaction, small parts handling,
machine vision and real-time control systems, the company enables
the production of leading-edge products for customers in the semiconductor,
passive component and electronic interconnect markets. More information on ESI can be obtained on their web site, esi.com. About Key Equipment Finance Key Equipment Finance is an affiliate of KeyCorp (NYSE: KEY)
and provides business-to-business equipment financing solutions to businesses
of many types and sizes. They focus on four distinct markets: - businesses of all sizes in the U.S. and Canada (from small business to large corporate); - equipment manufacturers, distributors and value-added resellers
worldwide; - federal, provincial, state and local governments as well
as other public sector organizations; and - lease advisory services for manufacturers¹ captive leasing
and finance companies. Headquartered outside Boulder, Colorado, Key Equipment Finance
oversees an $8 billion equipment portfolio with annual originations of
approximately $3 billion. The company has major management and operations
bases in Toronto, Ontario; Albany, New York; London, England; and Sydney, Australia.
The company, which operates in 25 countries and employs more
than 600 people worldwide, has been in the equipment financing business for
nearly 30 years. Additional information regarding Key Equipment Finance, its
products and services can be obtained online at KEFonline.com. Cleveland-based KeyCorp (NYSE: KEY) is one of the nation's
largest bank-based financial services companies, with assets of approximately
$85 billion. Key companies provide investment management, retail
and commercial banking, retirement, consumer finance, and investment banking
products and services to individuals and companies throughout the United
States and, for certain businesses, internationally. The company's businesses
deliver their products and services through KeyCenters and offices; a network
of nearly 2,200 ATMs; telephone banking centers (1.800.KEY2YOU); and a Web site, Key.com(R), that provides account access and financial
products 24 hours a day. Forward Looking Statements Statements in this press release may include forward looking
statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual results to materially differ, either better or worse, from those
discussed, including volatility in the electronic equipment market and
competitive pressures on sales terms for customers. Such risks and uncertainties are numerous and are identified in more detail in ESI's Annual
Report on Form 10-K and interim reports on Form 10-Q. # # # CONTACT: Cori Keeton Barnhart/CMI (303) 626-7248 ########## ################################## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAELB Annual Meeting HOTEL R E
G I S T R A T I O N D E A D L I N E February
21—the following Friday. The event is being held: March 20-23, 2003 Hyatt Regency Oakbrook Chicago, Illinois If you haven't made your hotel reservations, now is the time.
Call the general Hyatt reservations at 800-233-1234 and make
your reservations for the Hyatt Regency Oakbrook. Book your reservation
on-line, or just take a look at the hotel and amenities by clicking
on http://oakbrook.hyatt.com/property/index.jhtml. We have a special rate of $124 for any NAELB
meeting participant. When you
call, mention NAELB. This special
rate cannot be guaranteed after February 21, 2003. Airlines: Book your flight today and save. The best airline rates are the ones that are booked early. Visit your preferred airline of choice and book your flight to Chicago O'Hare International
Airport (11 miles from hotel) or Chicago Midway (15 miles from hotel). Networking: Members tell us that one of the best opportunities to network
and meet others in the brokerage community is at the NAELB Annual Conference. Don't
wait any longer, register today and save $$! After February 21, registration fees increase!
For more information on this meeting and to register click
the following link: www.naelb.org/events.shtml or http://www.naelb.org:80/events.shtml Gerry Egan President NAELB President TecSource, Inc. 5621 Departure Drive, Suite 113 Raleigh, NC 27616 Phone: 919-790-1266 Fax: 919-790-2262 E-Mail: mailto:GerryEgan@ForEquipmentLeasing.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### ################################################# Allied Capital Provides Growth Financing for Leading Modular
Facilities Company WASHINGTON--Allied Capital (NYSE:ALD) today announced that
it has provided $30 million in growth financing to Resun Leasing, Inc.,
a leading provider of modular space solutions. The financing was structured
as senior secured debt. Resun Leasing, in business since 1986, owns and manages a
fleet of over 21,000 building units used by public school systems, the
federal government, and commercial properties for additional classrooms,
training facilities, expanded office space, and temporary sales centers.
In 2002, the company was the exclusive provider of modular buildings
for the Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. Resun operates branches across the United States, enabling
the company to respond efficiently to the needs of a geographically
diverse customer base. "Resun Leasing is well-positioned for the future growth
of the modular space industry," said Bill Walton, Allied Capital
Chairman and CEO. "As businesses, schools, and government agencies
continue to outsource facility requirements, the need for flexible and
cost-effective solutions, like those provided by Resun, will significantly
increase." About Allied Capital Allied Capital is the nation's largest business development
company and provides long-term debt and equity investment capital primarily
to support the expansion of private companies in a variety of industries.
The company also participates in the real estate capital markets as
an investor in non-investment grade commercial mortgage-backed securities.
The company is headquartered in Washington, DC. For more
information, please visit the web site at www.alliedcapital.com, call
Allied Capital Investor Relations toll-free at 888/818-5298, or e-mail
us at ir@alliedcapital.com. About Resun Leasing, Inc. Resun Leasing is a national provider of mobile and modular
building space to non-residential customers. In addition to the leasing,
delivery, and installation of units, the company sells modular facilities
and provides a variety of value-add products and services. Resun Leasing
employs a workforce of over 200 and is headquartered in Dulles, VA,
with offices around the country. For more information about the company, please visit www.resunleasing.com. CONTACT: Allied Capital Suzanne Sparrow, 202/973-6383 SOURCE: Allied Capital ################# ##################################### Banknorth Connecticut Poised to Become One of State's Top
Five Banks ( leasing subsidiary/division) GLASTONBURY, Conn.----When Banknorth Connecticut, a division
of Banknorth, N.A., completes its anticipated February 14 acquisition
of American Savings Bank, the bank will vault from the 14th to the fifth
market share position in the state. In Hartford County, Banknorth's
market share will improve from seventh to third. Banknorth also will
move its headquarters from Glastonbury to New Britain into the 102 West
Main Street building that has served as the corporate office for American
Savings Bank. Once the acquisition is final, Banknorth Connecticut will
have a total of 48 branches and $2.6 billion in deposits. "We want to be the best bank in Connecticut, and I believe
that Banknorth's strong network and our new acquisitions put us in a
good position to reach that goal," says John J. Patrick, President
and CEO, Banknorth Connecticut. "We're thrilled to have the opportunity
to bring our products and services to so many new customers and communities
in Connecticut. We started 2002 with six Banknorth branches in Connecticut,
so our growth has been nothing short of phenomenal." Banknorth's new customers will have a wide choice of personal,
small business and commercial banking products and services with the
convenience of over 350 Banknorth branches and more than 470 Banknorth
ATMs across New England and upstate New York. Banknorth Connecticut
is also part of the SUM Network of more than 2,800 ATMs. Banknorth Connecticut has taken great care to alleviate any
customer inconvenience as a result of the acquisition and name change.
Most American Savings Bank customers may continue to use existing checks
since most deposit account numbers will not change. For most customers,
auto payments, transfers and withdrawals will continue uninterrupted
after the acquisition. Customers will begin to see the Banknorth Connecticut
name in branches and on their statements beginning February 14. "The bank recently appointed two new Regional Vice Presidents
who will work closely with the Waterbury and New Britain regions in
addition to our current Glastonbury region," Patrick said. "Banknorth's
community-based banking philosophy means our new bank branches will
continue to have local leadership and decision-making capabilities.
And relocating our corporate headquarters to New Britain puts us in
the center of our newly expanded service area." Currently, Banknorth Connecticut, a division of Banknorth,
N.A., has $721 million in deposits and 12 branches, and has served local
customers and communities for more than 100 years. Following the anticipated
February 14 acquisition of American Savings Bank, Banknorth Connecticut
will have 48 branches and $2.6 billion in deposits. Banknorth Group,
Inc., the third-largest retail and commercial banking company headquartered
in New England, will have close to $26 billion in assets following the
American Savings Bank acquisition. Other banking divisions operated
by Banknorth, N.A. include Banknorth Vermont, Banknorth Massachusetts,
Peoples Heritage Bank in Maine, Bank of New Hampshire and Evergreen
Bank serving upstate New York. Banknorth's network of subsidiaries and
divisions provides products and services throughout New England in areas
such as insurance, investment planning, investment management, private
banking, mortgage lending, leasing, merchant services and more. Investment and insurance products are not bank deposits,
are not insured by the FDIC or any federal government agency, are not
obligations of nor guaranteed by any bank or bank affiliate, and may
involve risk, including the possible loss of value or principal amount
invested. Securities and investment products are offered through Banknorth
Investment Management Group, a division of Banknorth, N.A., or through
Banknorth, N.A., in association with its affiliate, Bancnorth Investment
Planning Group, Inc. Insurance products are offered through Bancnorth
Investment Planning Group, Inc. or the agencies of Banknorth Insurance
Group. Securities and some insurance products offered through Banknorth,
N.A., or Bancnorth Investment Planning Group, Inc., are provided by
PrimeVest Financial Services, Inc., an independent registered broker/dealer.
Member SIPC. Bank deposits FDIC insured. Equal Housing Lender. CONTACT: Banknorth Connecticut John Patrick, 860/652-6561 or Banknorth Group, Inc. Brian Arsenault, 207/761-8517 SOURCE: Banknorth Connecticut ############## ################################################## Fitch Ratings Lowers GATX Financial To 'BB/B'; Rating Outlook
To Stable Fitch Ratings- (This is an amended version of a press release
issued yesterday, containing revised information in paragraph seven
regarding GATX's announcement that it would exit its Specialty, not
Technology, Finance business. Fitch Ratings lowers GATX Financial Corp.'s (GATX Financial)
senior debt and commercial paper ratings to 'BB' and 'B' from 'BBB-'
and 'F3', respectively. The Rating Outlook is revised to Stable from
Negative. Approximately $2.6 billion of debt securities are covered
by Fitch's actions. GATX Financial is the principal operating subsidiary of GATX
Corp. (GATX), a specialized equipment finance and leasing holding company.
To eliminate the impact of double leverage, Fitch analyzes GATX Financial
at the GATX level. The rating changes center on GATX's weakening credit profile
and the challenging operating environments in the company's core markets.
Specifically, nearly all of the company's leverage and capitalization
measures weakened in 2002. Much of the downward trend was directly due
to GATX's weak operating results in 2002. During 2002, net of a $6.2
million gain from the sale of a segment, the company realized $66 million
of one-time and asset impairment charges, which resulted in net income
of $0.3 million. Fitch notes that writedowns to goodwill accounted for
66% of the net charge. However, even without these charges, GATX's internal
capital formation, after common dividends, would have been negative
in 2002. The negative internal capital formation resulted in leverage,
defined as all on-balance sheet debt divided by tangible equity, increasing
to 5.79 times (x) at Dec. 31, 2002 from 5.03x at Dec. 31, 2001. Fitch
views leverage at Dec. 31, 2002's level as high given the company's
business mix, heavily weighted toward operating leases and higher risk
secured loans and finance leases. Additionally, GATX's equity base also
supported $861 million of investments in off-balance sheet joint ventures
and partnerships at Dec. 31, 2002. GATX's proportionate share of assets
from these partnerships is believed to exceed $1.5 billion. The joint
ventures and partnerships were arranged to principally support GATX's
acquisition of commercial aircraft, an asset class that the company
has significant experience managing. Fitch also notes that GATX also
had $1.37 billion of off-balance sheet debt at Dec. 31, 2002, of which
over $1 billion was recourse to the company. During 2002, GATX issued over $1.5 billion of long-term debt. Of this amount, $425 million was unsecured and issued in public markets. The majority of the remaining debt issued was secured. Secured debt allowed management to fund the company at a lower cost than the terms available in the unsecured market. However in doing so, GATX's asset base was further encumbered to the detriment of the unsecured bondholders. Aside from the availability on the company's $778 million in aggregate bank credit facilities, Fitch believes that GATX will source additional secured funding for the foreseeable future in order to meet its term debt requirements. At Dec. 31, 2001, GATX reported that it had $883 million of secured debt, which was collateralized by $1.01 billion of assets. Fitch believes that the advance rates for secured debt issued in 2002 were similar to those in 2001. Positively, management reduced the amount of short-term debt
in the company's capital structure during the year. Therefore, debt
rollover is not a risk at present. Additionally, the company has over
$1.1 billion of available liquidity at Dec. 31, 2002, including full
availability under its bank revolvers, in order to help meet upcoming
debt maturities and committed capital expenditures. Fitch notes that
a $350 million bank credit facility expires in 2003 but it is believed
the company will seek to extend the majority of this facility. The combination
of available liquidity and good cash flow from operations, over $1.3
billion in 2002, is reflected in the Stable Rating Outlook. In 2001 and 2002, management implemented strategies to improve
the company's operating efficiency and reduce its risk profile through
workforce and business rationalization programs. On Dec. 17, 2002, GATX
announced that it would exit its Venture Finance business either through
sale to another party or portfolio liquidation. Concurrently, GATX also
announced plans to exit its Specialty Finance business through portfolio
liquidation. While business diversity is generally viewed favorably,
these businesses were outside GATX's core emphasis and, given the financial
challenges facing the company, became expendable. Management provided earnings guidance for 2003 on its Jan.
31, 2003 year-end conference call. Projected net income of $65 million,
subject to market assumptions, would slightly exceed current common
stock dividend requirements of approximately $63 million. Continued
weak internal capital formation limits management's ability to be opportunistic
in the current challenging environment and position the company for
growth when the economy rebounds. Therefore, Fitch believes that a revision
to the dividend policy is likely both to help build the capital base
but also to provide a buffer to unsecured debtholders as additional
secured debt is issued. Based in Chicago, GATX Financial Corp. is a specialized finance
and leasing company. The company is one of the largest commercial aircraft
and railcar operating lessors in the world and has an information technology
business with long-term growth potential. Contact: Philip S. Walker, Jr., CFA 1-212-908-0624 or Matthew
D. Gallino 1-212-908-0218, New York. Media Relations: James Jockle 1-212-908-0547, New York. ######### ######################################## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mick” First ---“Bruni”
Second at Westminster Kennel Club Ch. Torums Scarf Michael, the 6 1/2-year English-bred Kerry
blue terrier known as Mick wins “Best of Show” at the Westminster Kennel
Club yesterday in New York. Second was Bruni: http://www.leasingnews.org/images/Brun
Desk 2 (2).JPG http://www.keystoneleasing.com/Archie_shoe_guilty.JPG ( His name was originally
Archie, but this pictures shows how he got his name.) (Barry Reitman says Bruni will always be first in his heart.
He even has a Valentine gift for his beloved “live-in” companion.
He denies the rumor that he plans to put Champagne in the water dish
on Friday.) Here, Kitty. Here, Kitty, Kitty---- http://www.keystoneleasing.com/Here_Kitty.JPG For more pictures of Bruni, please go to: http://www.keystoneleasing.com/Archie_Hannah2.JPG You judge with the pictures of the “Best of Show.” http://graphics7.nytimes.com/images/2003/02/11/sports/12dog.jpg http://graphics7.nytimes.com/images/2003/02/12/sports/12DOGS.jpg Full story and Multi-Media available at New York Times (you may have to
register, but it is free ) http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/12/sports/othersports/12DOGS.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Niners Go With A Beaver” I remember when the 49ers fired George Seifert (remember
him) and all we fans were mad as h*ll. It took us almost four years to pronounce his successors name, and then as we learned how to pronounce
Maah—ree—oooch-eee , they let him go for an Oregon State coach. None of us wanted Mora to succeed the job ( he is often booed
more by fans than the opposing team ). It worse however, if you
are an Oregon Duck (Sue graduated from Beaverton High School and the University
of Oregon.) Her first
question, “Why do we need all the 49er tickets that we have?” To make it worse, the San Francisco Chronicle headlined the
announcement: “Niners
Go With A Beaver” http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2003/02/12/349ERS.TMP Here is ESPN view of the matter; http://espn.go.com/nfl/news/2003/0211/1507238.html Here is Sue’s view
of the matter: http://www.utdallas.edu/police/wavs/hstlavsta.wav --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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