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Monday, October 7, 2024
Today's Leasing News Headlines New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business ######## surrounding the article denotes it is a press release, it was not written by Leasing News nor has the information been verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a byline. It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. [headlines] New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business
[headlines] Lessons Learned There were many lessons learned over the past two years (the transitional period). Most of the lessons were apparent to veteran industry professionals. Many of the lessons learned had been part of previous economic cycles:
Savvy industry participants are diligently pursuing the highest quality assets in the fourth quarter of 2024 to finish the year strong and position themselves for a successful 2025. Scott A. Wheeler, CLFP
[headlines] Leasing and Finance Industry Help Wanted [headlines] You Become What You Attract Sales Make it Happen by Kit Menkin The title of this article not only applies to those in sales but to companies themselves and, perhaps, to life itself. In my experience, new sales individuals are attracted mostly to large lease transactions. They get off the track easily, especially if they have set themselves up on a quota or are in a lull. They think one large lease will make up for the lack of "regular" leases they have been advised to follow. Sometimes it is the "bragging" or "feeling good about yourself" that may be the reason you are working on a very large deal. You tell your boss, your colleagues, your spouse, and others, about working on the large deal. Maybe it is the idea of the "big money" or being in the circle of "top executives" or the perhaps feeling you have arrived because "look at the big deal I am working on." Most large ticket deals that you first stumble into do not go together as they are either not creditworthy, and thus the reason why you are working on it, or if they are creditworthy, by the time they place the order, they have gone with someone who has a much better rate. There is always someone with a better rate. There is no convenience or ‘I am doing the lease because I like you.’ They will bid it out. Just like the old Wild West, there is always someone who is faster in the draw, especially if you are new to the game. However, most of the time the reason you are invited to work on the large transaction is they have nowhere else to go, and that is also where you will wind up. This also applies to those in sales who rely on getting ten to fifteen points (or more) on a deal. They are not interested in cultivating a vendor or asking a customer for repeat business or cold calling. They want the deal that is almost impossible to put together, but somehow they do, or find someone who will do the lease. Sometimes it is the challenge, but in reality it is "I can make more money." All of a sudden, they find themselves boxed into this market and then it becomes not only the type of customer they find, but the type of customer that finds them. The vendor who said he will send you all his business if you put this together--- what he sends you is the business his regular source that pays him a "spiff" can't do. You have become what you attract, the deals his regular leasing company can't do. [headlines] Top Ten Most Read by Readers (1) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business (2) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business (3) New Hires/Promotions in the Leasing Business (4) Funders Looking for Broker Business (5) Now is the Time to Take Advantage of (6) License and Registration United States (7) Usury (8) Ansley Park Capital Surpasses $200 Million (9) North Mill Equipment Finance Sets (10) Don’t Assume Growth by Senior Executives
[headlines] Major Commercial Finance/Leasing
Oct. 16-18: NVLA Conference, Clearwater Beach, Fl. Oct. 27-29: 63rd ELFA Annual Convention, Austin, TX Nov. 6, 2024, Brokers Expo, New York City Nov. 11-14: NEFA Fall Conference, Indiana To be listed or update: kitmenkin@leasingnews.org [headlines] 20 Years of U.S. Transport According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, in 2022, U.S. freight transport alone generated nearly 570 million metric tons of CO₂, a number that has been steadily growing for the last 20 years. However, while all other transport types have increased emissions, rail freight transport has significantly decreased emissions over the same period. For this graphic, Visual Capitalist partnered with The Greenbrier Companies to investigate how rail significantly reduced emissions. The total volume of greenhouse gas emissions released by U.S. transport (shown below in millions of metric tons) has steadily grown over the last two decades. In fact, since 2002, U.S. freight emissions have grown by 17%. While the cause of much of this growth has been the increased emissions generated by trucking, which grew by 15% to 411 million metric tons in 2022, emissions from shipping and pipelines also rose over the last two decades—18% and 88%, respectively. However, at the same time, rail emissions dropped by 23% to 32 million metric tons. The rail industry made this possible by emphasizing fuel efficiency. The American Association of Railroads reports that one train can move a metric ton of materials 500 miles on a single gallon of fuel. Additionally, when looking at overall energy use, rail only consumed 3%* of the total energy used by U.S. transport in 2022. These and many other factors have led to U.S. rail freight contributing only 1.8% of the overall emissions produced by U.S. transport. Freight Rail: The Cleanest Transport Mode While greenhouse gas emissions from every other U.S. transport mode have grown for over 20 years, rail freight has cut emissions by almost 25% during the same time. The Greenbrier Companies are a global leader in freight railcar services, maintenance, and parts, propelling transport toward a greener future. [headlines] News Briefs Dow jumps over 300 points to close at an Lithium-ion battery fire disrupts terminal Another Polar Air Cargo executive gets time Hyundai’s Georgia $7.6 billion EV factory [headlines] How did 50K dockworkers strike at US ports [headlines]
NFL Week 5 Recap What will it take for the Browns to finally bench Deshaun Watson? [headlines]
A big change is coming to all California Alameda County DA Pamela Price recall group Local Hotel Named ‘Best in the World’ [headlines] Gimme that Wine
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJnQoi8DSE8 State files complaint against Sonoma County wine Leading Female-Owned Premium Canned Wine Company, [headlines] This Day in History https://leasingnews.org/archives/Oct2022/10_07.htm#history ------------------------------------------------------------- SuDoku The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler? -------------------------------------------------------------- Daily Puzzle How to play: Refresh for current date: -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.gasbuddy.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- Weather See USA map, click to specific area, no commercials -------------------------------------------------------------- Traffic Live--- Real Time Traffic Information You can save up to 20 different routes and check them out with one click, -------------------------------- Wordle https://www.powerlanguage.co.uk/wordle/ |
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