SAN FRANCISCO---In the winter of 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joe McFee put a crab pot on the San Francisco docks and asked citizens to "keep the pot boiling" by making donations so he could feed the needy at Christmastime.These days, we all know this "crab pot" to be The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle
Editor's Notes : Leasing News will resume on Monday, November 29 th with a daily feature from our Equipment Leasing Association page.
We will NOT be sending out our daily e-mail to let you know Leasing News is posted. Brian Wong will be posting the newsletter at http://www.leasingnews.org between 1am to 2am, California time. Advertisements will be accepted to run after December 6 th .
Have a Happy Thanksgiving holiday.
Kit Menkin and Leasing News staff.
Wednesday, November 24, 004
Classified Ads----
NorVergence Happy Holidays
Year-end special from leasingpress.com
Wine and Beer for Thanksgiving
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
First Business Financial Services 3rd Quarter Results
Michels Joins AIG Commercial Equipment Finance
News Briefs--
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
American Football Poem
Track Flights
Airport Delays
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
Classified Ads----
Those who are looking for a job, please take this weekend to post on all free sites listed below... and also consider other sites that charge a nominal fee.
Those who have not posted an ad here, it is “free.”
As the larger leasing companies merge, fold, change, new lessors are created, plus many intermediate and smaller banks are expanding their product line to include lease finance.
We have many testimonials that those who have advertised have found work through the ad. Sometimes it is from a professional recruiter, sometimes from someone who see it and recommends to a friend or a company HR person they may know, and at worst, you may get some e-mail or telephone interviews, or best yet, an in person meeting, a chance to sharpen your presentation of what you can do for the prospective employer.
www.craigslist.org (available in many cities now, use scroll feature)
[headlines] -----------------------------------------------------------------
NorVergence Happy Holidays
by Kit Menkin
As we officially begin the holidays after Thanksgiving tomorrow, the goal of getting more state attorney general's involved continues to grow.
From the very beginning, the various NorVergence ex-customer listserves have been sending out addresses, asking all to contact their state attorney general. It seems 20 legitimate complaints gets attention, and over 100+ get action, as Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey have filed suits, requesting leasing company's to halt collection of lease payments regarding NorVergence related contracts.
Evidently Colorado has decided not to move ahead, California does
not have enough complaints, New York is thinking about it, and rumors that Michigan was investigating appears to be “high hopes,” perhaps..
Headlines that “Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox is the latest regulator to launch an investigation into the Norvergence matter...The investigation comes after the Federal Trade Commission filed a lawsuit against the Newark, N.J-based company and several finance companies” brought this response:
“I am sorry Kit. This was a response from a media call that was placed to our office.
“If there is something you'd like to know or a specific question I can answer - I sure will try. Please call or email and I will try and help.
“Make it a great day.”
Randall Thompson
Director of Communications
Attorney General Mike Cox
State of Michigan
Executive Office
7th Floor, G. Mennen Williams Building
525 West Ottawa Street
P.O. Box 30212
Lansing, MI. 48909
Office: 517-373-8060
Fax: 517-335-4213
Email: Thompsonrh@michigan.gov
The attorney general of Massachusetts filed a complaint against NorVergence filed 11-22-04 in Massachusetts state court, Suffolk County, according to
Karlen J. Reed, Assistant Attorney General
Utilities Division, Office of the Attorney General
One Ashburton Place, Boston, MA 02108
Phone: 617-727-2200 ext. 2414
Fax: 617-727-1047
e-mail: karlen.reed@ago.state.ma.us
200 companies in pacts to rent worthless device
copy of filing:
On Monday Leasing News reported that the nationwide class action suit headed by Michael Green had formed an alliance with five statewide class action suits. Their hope is in numbers they can dispel “hell and high-water” leasing contracts with other considerations.
There are a number of issues involved from private label “representations and warrants,” procedure, due process, coercion, false statements classified as “lies” and “fraud.” “due diligence” by the leasing companies and perhaps “misrepresentations.”
The lessees are hoping that the nuisance and costs involved will find the lessors more inclined to “write off” the lease as a bad investment, plus give the lessee the Christmas presentof not having to make any more leasing payments.
Many would rather walk away than seek remuneration for what they have lost to date in business, energy, and perhaps out of pocket expense.
Either way, it certainly is a “bad debt.”
It's not going to be a Merry Christmas for those involved, except for those attorneys who were smart enough to obtain a retainer as it looks like it going to be a long ride to the finish. The next NorVergence bankruptcy hearing is on November 30 th , but the deadline for putting claims in is not until the end of the year, depending on the agencies and circumstances.
[headlines] ----------------------------------------------------------------
Year-end special from leasingpress.com
“All three of our best selling books may be purchased through the remainder of 2004, mixed as you wish for the following prices, which include free shipping to the same address:
“Power Tools for Successful Leasing
Technology Leasing: Power Tools for Lessees
Power Tools for Small Ticket Leasing
Regular price of each book is $79.95 plus s&h
“Through December 31, our prices have been reduced as follows:
5 or more copies--only $60 each (savings of $19.95 per copy)
10 or more copies--only $50 each (savings of $29.95 per copy)
20 or more copies--only $40 each (savings of$39.95 per copy)”
Best wishes,
James M. Johnson and Barry S. Marks
Wine and Beer for Thanksgiving
“And the French beer you had was probably a ‘La Belle Strasbourg'.”
John Meredith
( Right on! Great with a course country pate, and I think would go great with turkey and stuffing, too. A delicious beer to accompany food. editor)
“Don't forget Gundlach Bundschu Gewürztraminer goes great with
Dumac Leasing
(Excellent choice, a top one, for sure. When I mentioned German wine, I was speaking in generalities, as to me it is not only wine from Germany, but a style, a grape area. Mike's recommendation is perfect, a Sonoma County winery: http://www.gunbun.com/ It is also a readily available wine here in California, and perhaps elsewhere, not one in limited production that you never find, as many of the Wine Spectator ratings are from 100, or 500 and rarely 1,000 case productions ( maybe a 5,000 case production in the top “90's,” but that is low indeed compared to Kendell Jackson over one million cases. I certainly agree with Mike's choice. In fact, I am going to make sure we have a bottle for Thursday. editor )
Gundlach Bundschu Gewürztraminer
(members of their wine club get a 20% discount)
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Account Representative
BALTIMORE-BASED ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE - In this position, you will develop and maintain relationships with lease brokers, leasing companies, equipment vendors and direct leases throughout Maryland and Virginia. Must be knowledgeable in indirect/third party transactions ranging $15K and up.
Apply online ONLY to www.mandtbank.com and view posting #04-0003124.
At M&T Bank, we provide an exciting and challenging work environment where performance and innovative thinking are encouraged and rewarded at every level. With over 700 branches, your career can travel as far as you want to take it. |
Account Representatives & Inside Sales Manager needed in Nashville, TN & Austin, TX. with exp., in finance & sales, & a successful track record of sales leasing. Work directly with CFOs, CIOs, CEOs and other high-level executives at the Mid-Market level. Please send resume indicating position and location of interest to: Us_DFS_Staffing@dell.com .
About the Company: At Dell Financial Services, we aspire to fuel your potential with the kind of challenging opportunities and hands-on support you need to grow. We're the exclusive provider of leasing and finance services for Dell technology systems worldwide.
Senior Underwritter

Sr. Underwriter - Don't Pass This One Up. Key position. Unique opportunity. Requires
5-7 yrs+ small ticket lease underwriting w/both credit assessment & equip valuation expertise. Portsmouth, NH office. Please send resume to: RHenderson@DirectCapital.com
Direct Capital is a leading provider of financing solutions for businesses, nationwide. Recognized five times as one of NH's top 100 employers and named to the Inc 500, Direct Capital has become known in the industry as an employer of choice…and one of its fastest growing companies.
### Press Release ######################
First Business Financial Services, Inc. Announces 3rd Quarter Results
MADISON, Wis.,-- First Business Financial Services, Inc., holding company of First Business Bank, announced 3rd quarter results for 2004.
First Business Financial Services reported net income of $2.8 million for the third quarter of 2004, as compared to $3.0 million for the 3rd quarter ended September 30, 2003. Fully diluted earnings per share for the third quarter of 2004 was $1.15. This compares to $1.43 for the same period in 2003. Total assets for the company on September 30, 2004 were $557.1 million, an increase of 8.3% or $43.0 million from September 30, 2003. Return on average assets for this period was .70%. Return on average equity was 12.34%.
About First Business Financial Services, Inc.
First Business Financial Services, Inc., headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin, specializes in commercial banking, asset-based lending, commercial finance, equipment leasing, retirement plans, investment management services, and trustee services.
First Business Financial Services together with its subsidiaries and affiliates serves business owners, executives, and high net worth individuals with all of their financial needs. These subsidiaries and affiliates include: First Business Bank, First Business Bank - Milwaukee, First Business Capital Corp., First Business Trust & Investment Services, First Business Leasing, LLC, and m2 Lease Funds, LLC.
For additional information, visit
http://www.fbfinancial.net or call
To obtain a press interview or receive additional information, contact:
Jodie Johnson
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
608-232-5910 or jjohnson@fbfinan
[headlines] ### Press Release ######################
Michels Joins AIG Commercial Equipment Finance
Greg F. Michels has joined AIG Commercial Equipment Finance, Inc. (AIGCEF) as Vice President – New Business. Mr. Michels comes to AIGCEF with over fifteen years experience in the financial services industry.
Michels earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in accounting from the University of Cincinnati. In addition he is a Certified Public Accountant. As Vice President – New Business, Michels will responsible for developing new business for AIGCEF through qualified intermediaries and brokers. He is based in Cleveland, Ohio and can be reached at (440) 356-0374.
[headlines] ### Press Release #####################
News Briefs---
AC Nielsen Finds U.S. Consumers Short on Cash as Important Holiday Selling Period Begins; Twenty-Eight Market Study Shows U.S. Consumers Most Strapped
Government Projects Farm Exports to Drop
One Hour and Counting: The Worst Airport Waits
Two Anchormen Down. One More to Go?
Nearly 8 million cell phone users switch with original number
Martha Stewart 'safe, fit and healthy' at Thanksgiving
[headlines] ----------------------------------------------------------------
“Gimme that Wine”
Grenache Steps Out of Others' Shadows---Eric Asimov
New group will promote fast-growing Willamette Valley wine region
Hospices de Beaune: prices fall/Distaste for French Wines Grow
Plan would make it illegal for teenagers to be drunk in Missouri
[headlines] ------------------------------------------------------------------
This Day in American History
1713 -Birth of Father Junipero Serra, Spanish missionary to western America. From 1769, he established 9 of the first 21 Franciscan missions founded along the Pacific coast and baptized some 6,000 Indians before his death in 1784. In doing so, he erased the California Indian culture and way of life, often in a cruel manner, but he was on a “mission” and is part of elementary school projects to learn about the Catholic churches built in California. He is credited with helping to bring “civilization” to California coast, including vineyards.
1784- Zachary Taylor's birthday, the soldier who became twelfth president of the US was born at Orange County, Virginia. Term of office, March 4, 1849-July 9, 1850. He was nominated at the Whig party convention in 1848, but, the story goes, he did not accept the letter notifying him of his nomination because it had postage due. He cast his first vote in 1846, when he was 62 years old. Becoming ill July 4, 1850, he died at the White House, July 9. His last words, " I am sorry that I am about to leave my friends."
1832- South Carolina passes Ordinance of Nullification to challenge Federal government rights over states, starting with tariff laws and other issues: historians view as the first sign of a succession from the United States.
1838- Canadian Sulpician missionary Franois Blanchet, 43, first arrived in the Oregon Territory. A native of Quebec, he spent 45 years planting churches in the American Northwest, and is remembered today as the "Apostle of Oregon."
1859 -- Evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species is published.
1863-“Lookout Mountain” Battle; part of a major three day major Civil War battle, after reinforcing the besieged Union army at Chattanooga, Tennessee, General Ulysses S. Grant launched the battle of Chattanooga.. Evidently falsely secure in the knowledge that his troops were in an impregnable position on Lookout Mountain, Confederate General Braxton Bragg and his army were overrun by the Union forces. Bragg himself barely escaped capture. The battle is very famous for the Union Army's spectacular advance up a heavily forced slope into the teeth of the enemy guns. Many historians claim this victory gave Grant the momentum of his campaign. Accordingly, pre-frontal clouds obscured the upper battle- field aiding a Union victory.
1868 Scott Joplin Birthday, born Texarkana, Texas
1871-The National Rifle Association was organized and chartered in New York City with 35 members. Its first shooting meet was held on April 25,1873 at Creedmore, NY. The contestants included nine regiments of the New York National Guard, one regiment of the New Jersey National Guard, the U.S. Engineers, and a squad of regular servicemen from Governors Island. The first president of the association was General Ambrose Everett Burnside, who had commanded the Army of the Potomac during the Civil War.
1880 -In Montgomery, AL, more than 150 delegates from Baptist churches in 11 states met to form the Baptist Foreign Missions Convention of the United States. Liberian missionary William W. Colley was chief organizer, and the Rev. William H. McAlpine was elected the first president.
1887- Mary Ely Lyman birthday, Anglo-American theologian. Received her B.D. from Union Seminary in 1919 as the only woman in the class. Was not allowed to attend the commencement luncheon and had to sit in the balcony with faculty wives during the graduation ceremony even though she was the ranking scholar of her class. She attended two years at Cambridge on a fellowship and was refused a degree or a transcript because of her sex. She taught religion at Barnard College from 1919-1940 and taught at Union Seminary along with her husband. She was dean and professor of religion at Sweet Briar College. In 1950 became the first woman to hold a faculty chair at Union Seminary although a few years earlier she had been terminated because her husband (15 years her senior) had retired and it was "assumed" she would be retiring also.
1888-Birthday of Dale Carnegie, American inspirational lecturer and author. Dale Carnegie was born at Maryville, MO. His best known book, “ How to Win Friends and Influence People,” publish in 1936,sold nearly five million copies and was translated into 29 languages. Carnegie died at New York, NY Nov 1.1955.
1896-The first absentee voting law was enacted by Vermont. According to its provisions, a voter could obtain a certificate declaring that he was qualified to vote in the state. He could then vote for state officers at any election booth in the state. 1896-Birthday of singer Rosa Henderson (born Rosa Deschamps), Henderson, KY
http://bluesland.net/thang/RosaHenderson.html http://music.mainseek.com/1912R46K0_Artists-A-Z-H-Rosa-Henderson.html
1918-Birthday of piano player/organist/arranger Bill “Wild” Davis, Glasgow, Mo.
1919 -- The Oscar Mayer Company reopens a meat-packing plant on Madison's east side. The company searched for skilled workers in a recruiting frenzy that included a sweep of Milwaukee's Polish saloons during the Cudahy packing-plant strike. The Oscar Mayer plant had been operated by the Farmers' Cooperative Packing Company, which formed under a strongly worded state law encouraging cooperatives. Prior to the cooperative's opening two years ago, in 1917, Madison-area farmers had no choice but to sell their pigs and cattle to the Chicago beer trusts. Response to the cooperative was enthusiastic -- 5,000 area farmers bought nearly 600,000 dollars of stock in the new enterprise. The nation had only two other farm-owned cooperative packing plants, both in Wisconsin. But faced with mounting wages and operating losses, and no real prospect of new capital, the cooperative was forced to sell the plant to the Chicago firm, Oscar F. Mayer & Brother.
1922-pianist Teddy Wilson born Austin, Texas.
1923-birthday of baritone sax player Serge Chaloff, Boston, MA
1923-Birthday of harmonica player Earl Payton, Pine Bluff, AR
1924-The first “Corn-husking championship” was held on a farm near Alleman, Polk County, IA. there were six contestants. The winner was Fred Staek of Webster County, IA, who husked 1,1891 pounds in 90 minutes.
1925-Birthday of sax player Al Cohn sax ,Brooklyn NY
(one of the “Four Brothers:” Serge Chaloff, Stan Getz, Zoot Sims and Herbie Stewart. Al Cohn replaced Herbie Stewart. Jimmy Giuffre, you would also be right, and he did replace Zoot Sims on Tenor sax (Guiffre is known as a great clarinet player. But what is best known beside the sound, is the tune arranged by Jim Guiffre with Serge Chaloff on baritone sax and Stan Getz, Zoot Sims, and Al Cohn on tenor sax. What makes this so unique is not the four together, but the arrangement with the lead in the trombone section? A jazz classic.
1933-Singer Bessie Smith, 38, cuts last record, “ I'm Down in the Dumps.”
1937-The Andrews Sisters record Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen (Decca). We had dinner last year next to the two surviving sisters and their husbands at the Bellagio in Las Vegas, Nevada. They still looked great and appeared to be very gracious people.
1941-Birthday of bass player Donald “Duck” Dunn, Memphis, TN, perhaps best known for playing himself in “The Blues Brothers.” A Saturday night studio musician who is one of the architects of the Stax / Volt sound.
1941-Birthday of drummer Pete Best, Madras India, known for being the original “Beatles” drummer, and for setting the beat sound; fans were “outraged” when he was replaced by Ringo Starr.
1941-Donald "Duck" Dunn of Booker T., ”The Blues Brothers,” & the MG's is born.
1947 -John Steinbeck's novel "The Pearl" published
1950 - Frank Loesser's musical comedy, "Guys and Dolls", opened at the 46th Street Theatre in New York City. The show ran for 1,200 performances.
1950 - The temperature at Chicago, IL, dipped to 2 below zero to equal their record for the month established on the 29th in 1872. On the first of the month that year Chicago established a record high for November with a reading of 81 degrees.
1955---Top Hits
Sixteen Tons - Tennessee Ernie Ford
Autumn Leaves - Roger Williams
Love and Marriage - Frank Sinatra
Love, Love, Love - Webb Pierce
1958 - Jackie Wilson's "Lonely Teardrops" was released, as was a Richie Valens' album featuring "Donna" on one side and "La Bamba" on the other.
1957 -- Cleveland rookie Jim Brown rushes for an NFL record 237 yards and four touchdowns to lead the Browns to a 45-31 victory over the Los Angeles Rams.
1958 - Harold Jenkins, who became Conway Twitty, got his first #1 hit with "It's Only Make Believe", which was the United States' most popular song for one week.
1961 - The Lion Sleeps Tonight became the first African song to hit the Number 1 spot on the American pop chart. The American version, recorded by the Tokens, was a translation of a South African folk song known variously as "Mbube" or "Wimoweh".
1963-The first murder to be shown on television took place at 12:20pm in the police headquarters at Dallas, Texas. While television news cameras were rolling, a Dallas police officer brought in Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Oswald was in the process of being transferred to the county jail. A man in the crowd stepped forward and fired a concealed pistol at Oswald, killing him. The crime was witnessed by millions of people. The murdered was Jack Ruby ( Jacob L. Rubenstein), a Dallas nightclub owner.
1963---Top Hits
I'm Leaving It Up to You - Dale & Grace
Washington Square - The Village Stompers
She's a Fool - Lesley Gore
Love's Gonna Live Here - Buck Owens
1969 - United States Army Lieutenant William L. Calley, charged with the massacre of over 100 civilians in the Vietnamese village of My Lai in March 1968, was ordered to stand trial by court martial.
1969 - Apollo 12 returned to Earth after its moon landing.
1970 - The United State's outstanding collegiate football player of the year was awarded the Heisman Memorial Trophy. The winner was Jim Plunkett, quarterback for the Stanford Cardinal, who later went on to a sterling career in the NFL.
1971---Top Hits
Theme from Shaft - Isaac Hayes
Baby I'm-A Want You - Bread
Have You Seen Her - Chi-Lites
Daddy Frank (The Guitar Man) - Merle Haggard
1971-D.B.Cooper Hijacking. A middle-aged man whose plane ticket was made out to "D.B. Cooper" parachuted from a Northwest Airlines 727 jetliner on Nov 25, 1971, carrying $200,000 which he had collected from the airline as ransom for the plane and passengers as a result of threats made during his Nov 24 flight from Portland, OR, to Seattle, WA. He parachuted near Woodland, WA, into a raging thunderstorm with winds up to 200 miles per hour and the temperature at seven degrees below zero, wearing only a light business suit. He left the plane with 10,000 $20 bills. He was never found, and it is believed that he was killed. Several thousand dollars of the marked ransom money turned up in February 1980, along the Columbia River, near Vancouver, WA.
1973 - After more than two years of retirement, Frank Sinatra returned with a NBC television special titled, "Ol' Blue Eyes is Back". Despite finishing third in the ratings, in a three-show race, one critic called the program, "the best popular music special of the year."
1979---Top Hits
No More Tears (Enough is Enough) - Barbra Streisand/Donna Summer
Babe - Styx
Please Don't Go - K.C. & The Sunshine Band
Come with Me - Waylon Jennings
1981-“Simon and Simon” premieres on television. This popular crime show about private eye brothers starred Jameson Parker as smooth, educated A.J. Simon and Gerald McRaney as brother Rick, a Vietnam vet. Other featured actors included Mary Carver as Cecilia Simon, their mother; Eddie Barth as rival detective Myron Fowler; Jeannie Wilson as Myron's daughter Janet, a district attorney; Tim Reid as undercover policeman Downtown Brown and Joan McMurtrey as Lieutenant Abby Marsh. The series was based on a 1980 made-for-TV movie called "Pirate's Key," with the series locale shifted from Florida to San Diego.
1982 - Hurricane Iwa lashed the Hawaiian Islands of Niihau, Kauai, and Oahu with high winds and surf. Winds gusting to 120 mph caused extensive shoreline damage. Damage totaled 150 million dollars on Kauai, and fifty million dollars on Oahu. The peak storm surge on the south shore was six to eight feet. It marked the first time in 25 years that Hawaii had been affected by a hurricane
1987---Top Hits
Mony Mony "Live" - Billy Idol
(I've Had) The Time of My Life - Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes
Heaven is a Place on Earth - Belinda Carlisle
I Won't Need You Anymore (Always and Forever) - Randy Travis
1988 - Low pressure brought heavy snow and high winds to the Northern and Central Rockies. Snowfall totals in Colorado ranged up to 40 inches at Wolf Creek Pass, with 27 inches falling in 24 hours. Telluride CO received 32 inches of snow, and winds atop Mines Peak gusted to 95 mph.
1990-The first telescope of importance with a compound objective mirror was the William M. Keck I telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. It had a 394-inch main objective mirror of 36 hexagonal segments that could be precisely positioned by computer. An interferometer combined the light from the 36 segments into a single focused image. The first astronomical image from the Keck was produced this day when nine of the segments were in place.
1991- In week 13, after going 12-0 Washington loses to Dallas 24-21. Washington ends their season 14-2 and beats the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl 37-24, Joe Gibbs coach of the Redskins and Marv Levy coach of the Bills. In 1991, the Bills appeared in their first of four consecutive Super Bowls. In this game, Bills kicker Scott Norwood missed a field goal “wide right”, in the games final seconds to seal the victory for the Giants. The team would lose the next three Super Bowls by a combined score of 119- 54. However, the team was one of the most dominant in the 90s, recording 100 victories in the decade and winning the AFC Championship four times." They are still “Meet the Press” Tim Russert's favorite team.
1992-The US Military leaves the Philippines. The Philippines became a US colony at the turn of the century when it was taken over from Spain after the Spanish-American War. Through President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a bill Mach 24,1934 granting the Philippines independence to be effective July 4, 1946., before that date Manila and Washington singed a treaty allowing the US to lease military bases on the island. In 1991, the Philippine Senate voted to reject a renewal of that lease, and this day, after almost 100 years of military presence on the island, the last contingent of US marines left the Subic base.
1992- a major winter storm across the Texas panhandle, western Oklahoma and western Kansas produced near blizzard conditions which contributed to a massive 200 car pile-up on interstate 40 in Amarillo, TX. All traffic was brought to a virtual standstill in the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. 19 inches of snow with drifts over 6 feet at Lavern, OK. Drifts reached 15 feet near Hugoton, KS. 17 inches fell at Liberal, 16 at Garden City and 14 inches at Dodge City in Kansas.
1994 - The film comedy "Junior," starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, and Emma Thompson, opened in United States theaters. Schwarzenegger and Thompson were later both nominated for Golden Globe acting awards.
1996 - Following its United States opening weekend, Star Trek: First Contact brought in $30.7 million at the box office.
1998 - The Spice Girls' "Live at Wembley" video was released by Virgin Music Video, and the following year was certified platinum.
1998---Top Hits
Lately- Divine
Doo Wop (That Thing)- Lauryn Hill
Nobody s Supposed To Be Here- Deborah Cox
One Week- Barenaked Ladies
American Football Poem
“Every Good Boy Does Fine”
I practiced my cornet in a cold garage
Where I could blast it till the oil in drums
Boomed back; tossed free throws till I couldn't move my thumbs;
Sprinted through tires, tackling a headless dummy.
In my first contest, playing a wobbly solo,
I blew up in the coda, alone on stage,
And twisting like my hand-tied necktie, saw the judge
Letting my silence dwindle down his scale.
At my first basketball game, gangling away from home
A hundred miles by bus to a dressing room,
Under the showering voice of the coach, I stood in a towel,
Having forgotten shoes, socks, uniform.
In my first football game, the first play under the lights
I intercepted a pass. For seventy yards, I ran
Through music and squeals, surging, lifting my cleats,
Only to be brought down by the safety man.
I took my second chances with less care, but in dreams
I saw the bald judge slumped in the front row,
The coach and team at the doorway, the safety man
Galloping loud at my heels. They watch me now.
You who have always homed your way through passages,
Sat safe on the bench while some came naked to court,
Slipped out of arms to win in the long run,
Consider this poem a failure, sprawling flat on a page
David Wagoner's “Traveling Light :From Collected Poems, 1956-1976 When my kids were growing up, I only had a few rules about participating in different activities: if you started something you had to finish it; if you played you had to do your best; and, you could always quit at the end of the season if you wanted to, it was your choice, not mine. As a result, they both seem to have grown up more confident than I ever was and are both willing to risk many things I never would.
All of us are probably haunted by our failures, but the real failures are those who are afraid to take the chances to do what they really want to do. There's no reason to play football, or participate in one particular activity, but it's a mistake not to play football or participate in a play simply because you're afraid you will fail. Failure is less destructive than not giving life a chance.
Needless to say, I don't consider this poem a failure.