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SAN FRANCISCO---In the winter of 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joe McFee put a crab pot on the San Francisco docks and asked citizens to "keep the pot boiling" by making donations so he could feed the needy at Christmastime.These days, we all know this "crab pot" to be The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle

Monday, November 29 ,2004

This week is a holiday edition version. There will be limited news reporting.


2nd Bulletin Board Complaint
    ---Phoenix Alliance, Dana Point, Ca.
        Quarterly Leasing Survey Shows Improving Industry
            "Capital Adequacy/ Basel II
                Association for Governmental Leasing & Financing

######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”


2nd Bulletin Board Complaint---Phoenix Alliance, Dana Point, Ca.

“To Whom It May Concern;

  “  Through Google searching I have found your article dated 9/16/04:

”   I have been attempting to recover deposit money ($3,750) on a
commercial mortgage loan that Phoenix Alliance purported to have
capabilities to make, but did not deliver.  I have letters from them
stating that their up front fee was fully refundable.  Their
representative Beau Welch has been non-responsive since spewing a
string of lies and delaying tactics.

”I would really like your help in resolving this situation.

”Thank You,

”Grant Stern”

Many contact us before doing business with people and companies listed in our Bulletin Board Complaint ( or alerts or “bad boys” or from stories Leasing News has written. We have saved them a lot of heart ache ( and money.) Sometimes we are too late, such as with Phoenix Alliance. We again tried to reach someone to hear their site of the complaint, but could not. Then Mr. Stern contacted us again last Wednesday:

“My contact with their company has turned off his cell phone and is
completely un-responsive.”



"Quarterly Leasing Survey Shows Improving Industry"


The Equipment Leasing Association's (ELA) 3Q 2004 Performance Indicators Report (PIR) shows that new business volume grew at 7.1 percent when compared to the 3rd quarter 2003. Total net portfolio also increased 15 percent, indicating that the economy is gaining momentum.

Other key findings include:
o The total number of employees grew almost 9 percent as companies have increased their staff in response to an improved economic picture.
o Credit approval ratios are down slightly indicating that companies are focusing on improving credit quality.
o Average losses remained the same when compared to the previous year. In addition,current receivables data showed a marked improvement when compared to 3Q03.

"The key metrics are showing signs of life," said Ralph Petta, Vice President of Industry Services for ELA. "Originations are increasing and portfolio quality shows improvement as pockets of the economy continue to strengthen".

The PIR study is conducted quarterly by ELA, which provides a variety of data, including customized market analyses, to ELA members and organizations involved in the $218 billion equipment leasing industry. The survey is conducted among approximately 20 major leasing companies on a quarterly basis, affording trend analysis across all major performance areas.

Because the same companies were tracked and used in the analysis, the PIR provides fairly reliable trend analysis. Each illustration reflects the data provided by those companies responding to that particular question. Typically, not every company polled responds to every question.



"Capital Adequacy: Is Your Company Prepared For
Basel II Implementation?"


New study just released from the Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation. The final draft of the Basel II Accord on banking, entitled "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards" has been introduced but its interpretation remains a moving target for those preparing for its implementation. Although predominantly a banking accord, preliminary interpretation shows Basel II has far reaching effects on all industries, including leasing.

So what is the impact on the U.S. leasing industry of Basel II? Many leasing companies are saying; "Basel II does not affect them"..." they are not a bank", and "they are not part of a major top ten bank"...

This is all true of course! But ...
• There are banks that have leasing companies who will be impacted under Basel II.
• The survey conducted by the Foundation and White Clarke North America's own work indicates far more U.S. financial institutions are adopting Basel II capacity.
• The rating agencies (Moody's, S&P etc...) are looking more favorably at Basel II as a rating based indicator than previously thought
• Financial institutions looking to implement best practice will need to employ Basel II practices - to ultimately improve risk management
• Major financial institutions will look to switch capital requirements by product suite across portfolio - freeing up tactical capital on demand.

The study is available free of charge to Foundation donors, $75 for non-donors. Capital Adequacy Study available through the Foundation Library at www.LeaseFoundation.org .



Association for Governmental Leasing & Financing (AGLF)

1255 23rd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
202.742.AGLF (2453)
fax: 202.833.3636
email: gsh@aglf.org
Graham Hauck
Executive Director

AGLF was founded in 1981 to serve municipal leasing industry. Publishes Bi-monthly newsletter; sponsors 2 annual conferences; 50-state leasing survey; federal leasing survey; and conducts numerous industry projects.

Two types of membership: regular member - private sector organizations active in leasing/finance; governmental member - any state, territory, US possession, District of Columbia, or political subdivision of above.

Dues information:

"As many people as would like to from any one company may join. One person must be designated the Regular Member and pay $650/year dues. The other members are designated Additional Members and pay $150/year dues."

"Non-members are very welcome at our conferences. For registration materials, they can call 202.742.AGLF (2453) or email info@aglf.org "



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