SAN FRANCISCO---In the winter of 1891, Salvation Army Captain Joe McFee put a crab pot on the San Francisco docks and asked citizens to "keep the pot boiling" by making donations so he could feed the needy at Christmastime.These days, we all know this "crab pot" to be The Salvation Army Christmas Kettle
Tuesday, November 30 ,2004
This week is a holiday edition version. There will be limited news reporting.
Each day we will salute a professional non-profit equipment leasing
association. To learn more about them, we
invite you to visit their web site.
Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors
Eastern Association of Equipment Lessors
600 Mamaroneck Avenue
Harrison, NY 10528
600 Mamaroneck Avenue
Harrison, NY 10528
P: 914-381-5830
F: 914-381-5829
Alison Pryor, Executive Director
Cindy Spurdle
Associate Director - Membership
It is reported that members is down to 175, not verified, since
the resignation of its former president, Robert J. Fine, who
was in charge of "banker relations" for NorVergence, as well
as president of NorVergence Capital.
In the previous year, a article in "Pulse Online" noted that "
EAEL is primarily a regional association with 67% in the Northeast (NY, NJ,
MA, CT), an additional 5% in PA and MD, and the remainder in 25 states and
Puerto Rico.
"One important distinction in EAEL membership recruitment is that they do not solicit Brokers/ Lessors west of the Mississippi River."
"Members share information, have a close bond, often join other leasing
associations in joint conferences."
"There has been talk for years that this association would merge with
another, but there is a closeness among members that would be lost, and as
important, the membership dues overall are the lowest of the other three
leasing organization who would be their suitors."
Many of their members now belong to other leasing associations, as is common in the industry, especially for funders and those companies with business across the United States. It is also true that Leasing News has written about several of the directors of the board in stories that can best be described by us as "not flattering." Their actions should be seen as a reflection on the association.
Here is a list of the professional non-profit associations
involved in equipment leasing.