Chief Credit Officer St. Cloud, Minnesota
10+ Years Exp. Key Management
lending role in leasing industry
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Our partners, Harvest Land Cooperative and its financial division AgQuest Financial, provides strength and resources that allow us to offer competitive rates and
specialized service that comes from a small-company atmosphere.
Monday, August 26, 2011

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California
Bulletin Board Complaint
Classified Ads---Sales
Irene Hurricane
eLease/Team Funding Solutions join
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
and require their discounter to also notify lessee in advance
Companies Who Do Not Notify Lessee regarding termination
nor have such a standard for their discounters
Canadian Finance & Leasing Association Conference
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Pressure to be sloppy
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Career Crossroad---“Thinking about Leaving”
Top Stories August 22---August 26
Bank Beat---No Failures on Friday, but a lot of cash
by Christopher Menkin
NEFA Expo Super Regional in NJ Set For November 6 & 7
Castaic, California Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Only 600 new jobs for 17,000 applicants at Ford plant
Saab to file for protection from creditors
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months
Unemployed? Go to North Dakota
You May have Missed---
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Briefs---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer. It is considered “bias” as it is the writer’s viewpoint.

Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California
Bulletin Board Complaint

This concerns a $230,879.34 lease for:
One (1) set of internally illuminated fabricated aluminum letters with logo and One {1) set of non-illuminated foam letters with logo. One (1) single faced non illuminated menu board display. Furnish Kitchen Equipment and design New Grid Ceiling, Two Rest Rooms, Two 6 Ton HVAC Units along with various repairs and installation. Firefly Technologies Phoenix Point of Sale Software (Exhibit A” for the lease)
for Jensen's Complete Shopping, Inc. 102 S. Sunrise Way
Palm Springs, CA 92262
The lessee has had three leases with Jules and Associates, and in the beginning stated in writing they want to exercise the 1% purchase option, and on April 11, 2011 Adam Zack, Vice-President wrote a letter of notice to purchase for 1%. It is also obvious from the nature
of the equipment it is not something you want to return, particularly
with a 1% purchase option.
In this lease, the letter was not certified, and was considered late:
Paul Richards, Jules & Associates, Regional Manager responded, "…you were required to give your 180 day notice on Lease Agreement No. 20070221, Schedule 1 but I don’t see that you gave it. On Lease Agreement No. 20070221, Schedule 2 it doesn’t end until 2013 so you have plenty of time to give your notification on that one. You had given proper notice on the previous three deals that we closed out in the past but give me a call and we can discuss Schedule 1."
1% is $$2,308.79. The monthly payments are $6,743.99 plus California sales/use tax for 36 months (.02921). The additional six months are $40,463.94 and if the 1% notice is not made or purchase not concluded, the contract calls for an additional three months.
Leasing News made several telephone calls, with one call answered with the promise to be returned, but was not. There were many emails since August 18, 2011, for a comment or a statement. None was received.
This appears to be what Leasing News has written editorials and been campaigning regarding the abuse of Evergreen Clauses. As in all Bulletin Board Complaint, we leave it up to readers to make their own opinion, but to Leasing News the complaint appears legitimate.
Copies of the contract, letters:
Classified Ads--- Sales

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
Aggressive, competitive self-starter with vendor/direct equipment
leasing and asset-based lending experience. Success in business banking sales and financial planning.
Email: | Resume |
Award winning and strategic leasing sales professional with eleven years experience in Technology, Medical, Furniture, and Office Automation. Will consider positions with full benefits only. |
Garfield, NJ
15 years experience small to large ticket sales exp. All types of equipment industries. Vendor & direct. Self motivated. Work with leasing company or broker.
Tony Lio |
Montgomery, AL
Individual with 10 years advertising sales exp. & 7 years insurance sales exp. Wants independent contractor situation in Alabama.
Work with leasing company or broker. 334-590-5133
E-mail: |
Orange County, CA
20+ years in leasing sales & sales management.
Have estab. existing remote office with Lessee /Vender following.
Looking for a partnership w/funding source.
Pittsburgh , PA
Aggressive self starter looking for leasing position w/10 plus yrs sales exp., plus banking experience
814-227-4592 |
San Francisco Bay Area:
Business Development “Hunter” with transferable book of business in multiple segments: commercial construction, technology, fitness, etc. Years of managerial experience: can also be a “player/coach”.
E-mail: |
15 year lease vet looking for plact to take business.great references. all major equipment types. open to compensation. please contact if interested.
E-mail: |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:

Irene Hurricane

Hurricane Alley
I have asked those on LinkedIn that I know to let Leasing News readers know how Hurricane Irene affected them.
My son Dash is stationed out of Norfolk, Virginia, leaves at Virginia Beach with his girlfriend, 2 1/2 miles from the beach. He was more worried about his Columbia boat that he secured very well than anything. He said they took in everything around the house that could turn into a projectile. He has a generator, as do many of his neighbors, as he says electrical outages are common. He says it was very windy and raining hard.
When he went to bed the eye of the storm was in his area, but they were awoken at 12:30am when their house alarm went off, power outage, who looked around the house but no damage, and the power went on a 4:30am, but it was very windy. He said in the morning he and neighbors helped each other out, clearing up the leaves and branches, and other debris. He said it was not as bad as expected. His tomato garden with vegetables and other plants, he said was 20% destroyed, which he was surprised as he thought he would lose it all.
I was communicating with Gerry Egan, Executive Director, National Association of Equipment Leasing, who emailed:
"Thanks for asking. For us, personally, in Raleigh, about 125 miles inland, hurricane Irene was pretty much a non-event. Very heavy rain and very gusty winds with numerous short-term power outages but no damage or real inconvenience.
"Of much greater concern to me was the earthquake we had earlier in the week. I'd never been in an earthquake before and certainly didn't expect to feel one in Raleigh. Again, though, no damage.
"So, this year thus far, North Carolina has had forest fires, tornadoes, an earthquake and a hurricane. I assume pestilence and plague must be on the schedule soon!"
Any reaction to the hurricane, please send to
eLease/Team Funding Solutions join
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
and require their discounter to also notify lessee in advance
Team Funding Solutions
now included in list
You may click on the name above or go to the Full List:
(July/August Deals List Now Available)
Companies Who Do Not Notify Lessee regarding termination
nor have such a standard for their discounters

The latest Bulletin Board Complaint centered around an Evergreen Clause requiring a 120 day certified letter regarding the 1% residual of the lease (Jules and Associates—see first story above), the lessee Adam Zack contacted the California Grocery Association as he wanted to get the word out. Here is a copy of his email:
"I have been dealing with a leasing company that pretty much has jacked us around and I am not too pleased about. Who can I talk to at CGA to warn other grocers about the 'evergreen' clause in leases that most normal people forget about? There is a guy named Kit Menkin who is behind who is a big advocate against tricks that the leasing companies use on businesses who might be willing to help us out, too."
It was requested Leasing News put together a list of those companies who do not notify the lessee
and/or use language to confuse, perhaps to deceive, with the result an automatic continuation
for an additional twelve months of payments. Several companies have even invoked
the twelve months on a $1.00 purchase option or an Equipment Finance Agreement.
ACC Capital, Midvale, Utah
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois
Jules and Associates
LEAF Financial Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Marlin Business Leasing, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
ACC Capital, Midvale, Utah---This company is no longer in business, although its portfolio is being wound down, according to its owner Loni Lowder; the receivables are being collected by creditors. Lowder today is an employee, manager, Stalwart Contract Finance, Salt Lake City, Utah. To date, all Evergreen Clause complaints have been satisfied.
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois---This company is in bankruptcy,
appeared many times in the Leasing News Bulletin Board prior to filing bankruptcy, but engaged in Evergreen Clauses, and unfortunately a recent example is a complaint to the trustee, stemming from M&T Bank lease assignment expiring and notify the lessee that they did not notify about the residual, which was a $1.00. This has happened many times with other banks who have taken over the IFC Credit Corporation portfolio. Calls and letters to the trustee and attorneys have gone unanswered.
Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California--- Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California---A repeat customer, who notified Jules and Associates on a lease, but was not before the 180 day expiration, so Jules and Associates instead of the 1% due for the residual ($2,308.79) charged six more payments or $40,463.94, and if 1% is not paid in this time, they will be subject to another three months.
LEAF Financial Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania---It appears this company is in a more wind down phase, moving its operation of LEAF Commercial Credit with basically the same management. There have been complaints about the Evergreen Clause, including a recent one for an Equipment Finance Agreement!
Marlin Business Leasing, Mount Laurel, New Jersey---The actual SEC filings state the profit earned from Evergreen Clause, primarily from copier leases. Complaints have been received about this practice in addition to the SEC financial statement filings.
Leasing News has contacted over 50 leasing companies, several more than five times, who have not responded with their policy regarding notification to lessees. The practice of imposing extra payments may be more widespread than the companies named above.
"Complaints" Bulletin Board
Put a Clause Requiring Notification in Your Lease Contract
Send Leasing News to a Colleague. We are “Free.”
Canadian Finance & Leasing Association

Roster for Non-Members:
All Fall Conference:
((Please Click on Bulletin Board to learn more information))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Executive Director of Sales
Laguna Hills, CA
Base Salary, performance bonuses, sales overrides, full benefits
Require excellent track record of integrity based performance with strong leadership skills for business development.
Manage existing sales force. Optimize diverse array of financial products and solutions. Execute sales enablement strategies. Trusted advisor on executive team.
“STRADA Capital has been raising the standard for excellence in financial solutions for over 10 years. Our success stems from our
unwavering commitment to our customer’s success”
Brad Kissler,, 949-789-8850, ext.222
Looking for seasoned sales professionals with 5+ years experience closing both Equipment Leasing Transactions and Merchant Cash Advance Transactions
---New leads daily generated through our marketing efforts, and call center. Base salary plus
commission, includes daily abundance of marketing leads.
West Los Angeles, CA
Emma 310.447.3460 ext. 319
Chief Credit Officer St. Cloud, Minnesota
10+ Years Exp. Key Management
lending role in leasing industry
Click here for more information
Our partners, Harvest Land Cooperative and its financial division AgQuest Financial, provides strength and resources that allow us to offer competitive rates and
specialized service that comes from a small-company atmosphere.
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Pressure to be sloppy
In these economic times it is not wise to drop your guar and allow things to happen that will give you a potential loss in the future. Chief among these is not checking out the vendor or the equipment prior to agreeing to lease the equipment. We all are hungry for business and in these times----fraud is easy.
New, in business, vendors should be visited and checked out. Questions that should be asked in addition to requesting their financials (if they will give them to you) is who has title to the equipment. Some new vendors do not get the right to sell the equipment and pass title until the manufacture is paid. Some States have protection for you in theses circumstances but not all.
The description of the equipment should always carry the date of manufacture. Many times the equipment is listed as new but only because title or ownership has not passed. Rental units are sometimes listed as new but have been used under a rental agreement by the lessee for many months.
The actual location of use should be verified and an equipment inspection should be made in six months to verify location and use. It is also an excellent marketing call, but on occasion discovers many problems that if left unchallenged could lead to serious problems. It is amazing what lessees present at lease origination and then change their minds and the location or use for your equipment.
Be careful of equipment that is already in the hands of the lessee before you enter the picture. Check out the date of delivery and then check the UCC filings to make sure you get clear title and/or a proper lien filing. Prior blanket filings can take your equipment in a default. You may need to request a replacement for the equipment before you lease it.
Lately I have seen some leasing companies failing to describe the equipment on the lease agreement even when they have an invoice with the full description. It is hard to match up an invoice if the description is not the same. I have written so many times on the sloppy descriptions or incomplete descriptions on lease agreements so it continues to be a major problem in defaults.
Delivery is different than acceptance so to combine them into a document with one date and one signature is stupid unless the equipment can be accepted upon delivery. The purpose of an acceptance certificate is to make sure the lessee has had time to inspect and test the equipment prior to agreeing to pay the lease payments. The disclaimer of warrantees and guarantees of performance in your lease agreement are hard to enforce if it can be proven that the lessee was not given time to review the equipment prior to signing the acceptance. Go out of your way to make sure the delivery date and acceptance date are different.
A combined D&A should have three date lines, one for delivery, one for acceptance, and one for the date the document is signed.
All signatures should be verified and identified. Scribbles are difficult to define as whose signatures it is so it should carry a title of authority and a printed name so identification can be made. Also the date of the signatures should be at the time of signing. “No back dating of anything.” I repeat: “No back dating of anything,” plus any changes should be initialed by both lessee and lessor.
A copy of the completed lease contract needs to be sent to the lessee and if possible proof that they received it. Also if the lease has been assigned or sold proper notice has been sent.
Many lessors’ think that many of the safeguards recommended here are too expensive or time consuming to be implemented. If that is true then they need to increase their lease loss reserve by 3 or 4 points to cover the losses they will incur. Doing business correctly has many benefits and insures a leasing company will survive and prosper especially in these difficult economic times.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Career Crossroad---“Thinking about Leaving”

I am contemplating exploring new job opportunities, but my employer has treated me well and I do enjoy working with my colleagues, however, I do think it is time to move on. What are your thoughts?
Making the decision to potentially leave your current employer is never an easy task. Take stock of your goals and objectives in seeking new employment. Making a move should NEVER JUST be about money (if you are successful, eventually the money will come) * …
Are you being appreciated, recognized and heard? If you are looking to move up the Career Ladder, is there a clear cut path for advancement? You must determine if your “needs” / goals are being met AND if not, voice your concerns.
If your employer does not address these issues or is not able to meet your objectives, it may be a good idea to consider exploring other career opportunities.
*If your employer is late on commission payouts OR any type of compensation - RUN.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Top Stories August 22---August 26

Here are the top ten stories opened by readers:
(1) Bulletin Board Complaint
iFinancial Group, San Clemente, California
(2) Chris Walker Lovefest Cedar Rapids, Iowa August 20, 2011
(3) American Bank Leasing No Longer Funding New Business
(4) Hugh Swandel---Chris Walker Chicago Marathon
(Tie)(5) Background of First Trillion Fundin
(Tie)(5) Leasing Companies Out of Business
plus No Longer taking Broker/Discounting Business
(6) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Servicing Issues with Smaller Banks
(7) US Bancorp outperforms all Wall St. Titans
(Tie) (8) American Screw & Rivet Short $14.2 million in loans/leases
(Tie) (8) Top Car, according to
(9) GreatAmerica Portfolio Service Joins “Back Office” List
(10) "The List" ---July, 2011
--- Mergers, Acquisitions & Changes
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Bank Beat---No Failures on Friday
by Christopher Menkin

There have been several Fridays this year where there were no banks closed. Except for the closing of Gelt Financial dba Public Savings Bank, Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania, as the officers were Jewish Orthodox and as Friday was Sabbath, the FDIC announces the take over mostly on Friday at 5pm when they actually walks in and take over, getting ready most often for the "new" bank to open on Saturday (most banks today are open on Saturday.)
The good news is the number of "problem" institutions has declined from 888 to 865 this year. This is the first time since the third quarter of 2006 that the number of "problem" banks fell; first time in 19 quarters.
Total assets of "problem" institutions declined from $397 billion to $372 billion. Twenty-two insured institutions failed during the second quarter, four fewer than in the previous quarter, and the fewest since the first quarter of 2009.
The FDIC also reported Insured banks and thrifts charged off $28.8 billion in uncollectible loans during the quarter, down $20.9 billion (42.1 percent) from a year earlier. This also resulted in commercial banks and savings institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reporting an aggregate profit of $28.8 billion in the second quarter of 2011, a $7.9 billion improvement from the $20.9 billion in net income the industry reported in the second quarter of 2010
Enforcement actions have also been looking better, as well as community involvement reports.
Asset quality showed further improvement as noncurrent loans and leases (those 90 days or more past due or in nonaccrual status) fell for a fifth consecutive quarter. Insured banks and thrifts charged off $28.8 billion in uncollectible loans during the quarter, down $20.9 billion (42.1 percent) from a year earlier.
The Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) balance was positive for the first time in two years. The DIF balance — the net worth of the fund — rose from a negative $1 billion to a positive $3.9 billion during the second quarter.
There still remains a major disparity between the "large" and "smaller banks" as the 10 largest insured banks accounted for 82 percent ($229 billion) of the growth in large-denomination deposits. Much of the money comes from larger corporations who are sitting on their cash, here and overseas, as well as reports much is also from consumers, creating an "all time high of $9.8 trillion at the end of June.
“We projected this phenomenal growth in deposits and the shift from term to liquid accounts in the analysis we produce last year,” said Dan Geller, Ph.D. Executive Vice President at Market Rates Insight, “the reason we are witnessing such growth and shift in deposits despite meager interest rates is because consumers are very fearful about the economy, and are fleeing to the safety and security of insured and liquid deposits.”
Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, said Friday," “The country would be well served by a better process for making fiscal decisions.” Certainly an understatement, and definitely "safe" to observe.
Tracking Bank Failures Map:
List of Bank Failures:
Bank Beat:

### Press Release ############################
NEFA Expo Super Regional in NJ Set For November 6 & 7

Raleigh, NC ...The National Equipment Finance Association, (, has scheduled their Expo Super Regional meeting for Sunday evening, November 6th and Monday, November 7th, 2011, at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe, in Teaneck, NJ, (
“This one day meeting, along with the reception the evening before, is one of our most popular events,” said Gerry Egan, Executive Director of NEFA.

“This meeting, called the Fall Expo for many years, was a signature EAEL event long before EAEL became a founding part of NEFA. I can remember going to this meeting very early in my equipment leasing sales career and that was a lot of years ago! Some of the contacts I made there remain friends and valued business connections to this day. It’s a privilege to part of the continuation of it now”
This year’s meeting is Co-Chaired by George Parker, of Leasing Technologies International, Inc., (, and Bruce Winter, of FSG Leasing, Inc., ( The meeting will focus on specific things brokers and lessors can do to respond effectively to the most recent changes in our industry. More program details will be posted soon on the NEFA website:
About National Equipment Finance Association
The National Equipment Finance Association (NEFA) is a national association serving small to mid-sized independent equipment finance companies, lessors and brokers. NEFA is a strong association offering enhanced educational programs and premium networking opportunities with broad geographic and industry segment diversity. The mission of NEFA is to provide a forum for members to pursue personal and professional growth and promote ethical business practices through advocacy, networking and industry involvement. For more information, visit: or call: 847-380-5050.
#### Press Release #############################
Castaic, California-- Adopt-a-Dog

Impound No: A4057206 Details
Impound Date: 8/26/2011 3:34:31 PM
Sex: Male
Primary Breed: LABRADOR RETR
Age: 4 Years, 0 Months
Location: CASTAIC
LA County:
Castaic Shelter
31044 N. Charlie Canyon Rd.
Castaic, CA 91384
(661) 257-3191 or
(818) 367-8065
Monday – Thursday: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Closed Holidays
Take the 5 Freeway, exit on Parker Road and go east. Make right on Castaic Road merge onto Tapia Canyon Road and make a left on Charlie Canyon Road
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet
Please send to a colleague---Leasing News is Free 
This Day in American History
1708 - Haverhill, Mass., was destroyed by French & Indians.
1758 - New Jersey Legislature formed the 1st Indian reservation.
1776 - General George Washington retreated during the night from Long Island to New York City withdrawing from Manhattan to Westchester.
1786- Shay’s Rebellion: Daniel Shays, veteran of the battles of Lexington, Bunker Hill, Ticonderoga and Saratoga, was one of the leaders of more than 1,000 rebels who sought redress of grievances during the depression days of 1786—87. He began organizing his followers with speeches this day. They prevented general court sessions and on Sept 26 they prevented Supreme Court sessions at Springfield, MA. On Jan 25, 1787, with 1100 men, they attacked the federal arsenal at Springfield; Feb 2, Shays’s troops were routed and fled. Shays was sentenced to death but pardoned June 13, 1788.The uprising had been caused by the harsh economic conditions faced by Massachusetts farmers, who sought reforms and the issuance of paper money. Shay later he received a small pension for services in the American Revolution.
1809-Birthday of Oliver Wendell Holmes, physician and author, father of Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, born at Cambridge, MA. Died at Boston, MA, Oct. 8,1894. “ A moment’s insight, “ he wrote, “ is sometimes worth a life’s experience.”.
1815- Anna Ella Carroll birthday, writer and publicist for Union cause during the Civil War. She is best known for her pamphlet which outlined the proposition that the Southern states would resume their original places in the United States once the rebellion of the Civil War was over, precisely the course adopted by Abraham Lincoln in superseding Congress in the conduct of the war. She is credited with the plan to invade the South along the Tennessee river. Her tombstone reads "Maryland's Most Distinguished Lady." However, she died financially poor and anonymous in 1893.
1817-The first “abolition” newspaper was the Philanthropist, published and edited by Charles Osborn, which appeared in Mount Pleasant, OH. It published “ An Appeal to Philanthropists” by Benjamin Lundy, which is said by some to be the most powerful abolition appeal ever made.
1839-In January , 53 Africans were seized near modern-day Sierra Leone, taken to Cuba and sold as slaves. While being transferred to another part of the island on the ship Amistad, led by the African, Cinque, they seized control of the ship, telling the crew to take them back to Africa. However, the crew secretly changed course and the ship landed at Long Island, NY, where it and its
‘cargo” were seized as salvage this day. The Amistad was towed to New Haven, CT where the Africans were imprisoned and a lengthy legal battle began to determine if they were property to be returned to Cuba or free men. John Quincy Adams took their case all the way to the Supreme Court, where on Mar 9, 1841, it was determined that they were free and could return to Africa.
1852- The Latter Day Saints first published their doctrine of "celestial marriage," popularly known as polygamy. The Mormon Church maintained this teaching until the Manifest of 1890 (and later Congressional legislation) outlawed the practice.
1861- The first Confederate forts to surrender in the Civil War were Fork Clark and Fort Hatteras on Hatteras Island, NC, guarding Pamlico Sound. They surrendered to Flag Officer Silas H. Stringham and General Benjamin Franklin Butler, who had captured the garrison with 715 men, 31 heavy guns, and 1,000 stands of arms.
1862-(29th-30th) At the second Battle of Bull Run, the maneuvers of General Stonewall Jackson and his teamwork with General Robert E. Lee were too much for the 45,000 Union troops under General John Pope, who broke and retreated to Washington, DC. Union losses were 1724 killed, 8372 wounded, 5958 missing. Confederate losses stood at 1481 killed, 7627 wounded, 89 missing. Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) begins.
1894-Birthday of African-American sociologist E. Franklin Fraiser..
1896-History records chop suey was concocted in New York City by the chef of Chinese Ambassador Li Hung-chang, who devised the dish to appeal to both American and Asian tastes. Chop suey was unknown in China at the time.
1904-Third modern Olympic Games opens in St Louis .These Games were originally scheduled for Chicago. However, President Theodore Roosevelt intervened on behalf of St. Louis so that the Games would be in conjunction with the Louisiana Purchase Exhibition. Again the Games were upstages, this time by the St. Louis World's Fair, and critics believed this would kill the fourth Olympics from taking place. The marathon included the first two black Africans to compete in the Olympics - two Zulu tribesman named Lentauw (real name: Len Taunyane)and Yamasani (real name: Jan Mashiani). They wore bibs 35 and 36, respectively.
The only problem was that these two tribesmen were not in town to compete in the Olympics - they were actually the sideshow! Yes, they were imported by the exposition as part of the Boer War exhibit (both were really students at Orange Free State in South Africa, but no one wanted to believe that these tribesmen could actually be educated - it would have ruined the whole image).
Lentauw finished ninth and Yamasani came in twelfth. This was a disappointment, as many observers were sure Lentauw could have done better - that is if he had not been chased nearly a mile off course by a large, aggressive canine!
The marathon was over, but there is still one more little story to go along with this:
It seems that two of the patrolling officials driving in a brand-new automobile were forced to swerve to avoid hitting one of the runners - they ended up going down an embankment and were severely injured.
In the end, the St. Louis Olympics (along with the previous Paris games) proved to be such a disaster that the Olympic Committee was forced to hold interim Olympic games in 1906 at Athens, in an attempt to revive the flagging Olympic movement. These games were not numbered, but were attended by twenty countries and put the Olympics back on a steady course to success.
An interesting useless side note: Iced tea made its debut at the 1904 Exposition. It seems that it was so hot during the Expo that the staff at the Far East Tea House couldn't even give away their product.
1920-Birthday of Charlie Parker. Clint Eastwood made a movie about his life. Known as "The Bird," he and Dizzy Gillespie, trumpet player extraordinaire and great showman, are credited with "inventing" the style "Be-Bop." Definitely way ahead of his time, and quite melodic ( his record albums with strings from 1947 to 1952 produced by Norman Granz are jazz classics ). There is controversy on how he got his name. Some say it was from sitting in the backyard of "speakeasies" in Kansas City, Kansas, where he was raised, fingering his alto sax. Others say it was his love of chicken. He was addicted to Heroin, as many of the "Be-Bop" players were. The movie "The Man with the Golden Arm" was a take off of his life, not Chet Baker, according to the writer of the movie. He was taken to Camarillo for the Insane, where he kicked the habit, for a short time. The club Birdland in Manhattan was named after him. It is told one of his ideas to make the club more profitable was to have a Country and Western band come and play during the breaks. Parker was a profound influence upon Miles Davis, who started playing with his band at the age of 17.
1921 – Birthday of Wendell Scott (auto racer: first black stock-car driver; NASCAR champion [12-1-63]: won race but because of racial tensions did not receive honor until Jan. 1964 when NASCAR officials admitted the flagman’s intentional error;
died Dec 22, 1990)
1922—New Orleans Rhythm Kings cut first records for Gennett.
1924 – Birthday of singer Dinah Washington (Ruth Lee Jones) born Detroit, Michigan ( What A Diff’rence a Day Makes, It Could Happen to You, Our Love is Here to Stay, For All We Know, Baby [You’ve Got What It Takes], A Rockin’ Good Way [To Mess Around and Fall in Love], Baby Get Lost, This Bitter Earth; w/Lionel Hampton band [1943-46];
died Dec 14, 1963)
1939-A typical day at the Graham dairy farm in Georgetown, North Carolina.
1944- For the sake of diplomacy, Paris was liberated on August 25, when the German commander General Dietrich von Choltiz surrendered to French General Jacques-Phillipe Leclerc. On this day, the 15,000 American troops taking part in the liberation marched down Champs Elysees.
1944---McVElGH, JOHN J. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U .S. Army, Company H, 23d Infantry, 2d Infantry Division. Place and date: Near Brest, France, 29 August 1944. Entered service at: Philadelphia, Pa. Birth: Philadelphia, Pa. G.O. No.: 24, 6 April 1945. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty near Brest, France, on 29 August 1944. Shortly after dusk an enemy counterattack of platoon strength was launched against 1 platoon of Company G, 23d Infantry. Since the Company G platoon was not dug in and had just begun to assume defensive positions along a hedge, part of the line sagged momentarily under heavy fire from small arms and 2 flak guns, leaving a section of heavy machineguns holding a wide frontage without rifle protection. The enemy drive moved so swiftly that German riflemen were soon almost on top of 1 machinegun position. Sgt. McVeigh, heedless of a tremendous amount of small arms and flak fire directed toward him, stood up in full view of the enemy and directed the fire of his squad on the attacking Germans until his position was almost overrun. He then drew his trench knife. and single-handed charged several of the enemy. In a savage hand-to-hand struggle, Sgt. McVeigh killed 1 German with the knife, his only weapon, and was advancing on 3 more of the enemy when he was shot down and killed with small arms fire at pointblank range. Sgt. McVeigh's heroic act allowed the 2 remaining men in his squad to concentrate their machinegun fire on the attacking enemy and then turn their weapons on the 3 Germans in the road, killing all 3. Fire from this machinegun and the other gun of the section was almost entirely responsible for stopping this enemy assault, and allowed the rifle platoon to which it was attached time to reorganize, assume positions on and hold the high ground gained during the day.
1945- Wyomia Tyus birthday, Afro-American U.S. sprinter who was the first person to win Olympic gold medals in back-to-back competitions: the 100m dash in 1964 and in 1968, setting a new world's record the second time.
1948- In St. Louis, Jackie Robinson hits for the cycle, drives in two runs, scores three times and steals a base helping the Dodgers to beat the Cardinals, 12-7.
1948- Carol Bartz birthday, American CEO and chair of Autodesk, one of the world's largest manufacturers of computer-design software. Only 2 percent of technology company chief executives are women. As CEO of Autodesk, Carol Bartz runs the fourth largest PC software company in the world, with 3 million customers in nearly 140 countries. She is also a strong role model for other aspiring women in the software Industry. Bartz led the effort to re-architect Autodesk's flagship product AutoCAD, and continues to lead the corporation towards further innovation and diversification of its product line.
1953--Birthday of American composer William Copper,Virgina.
1954-Birthday of Flora “Flo” Hyman, volleyball player born at Inglewood, CA. Hyman stood 6’5” and was regarded as the best player in the US, starring on the 1984 Olympic team that won the silver medal. She suffered from Morfan’s syndrome, a hidden congenital aorta disorder. Died at Matsue, Japan, Jan 24, 1985.
1954-San Francisco International Airport (SFO) opens. It has been continually “under construction” since this date. San Francisco has had at least three airports within the city limits during the twentieth century. Crissy Field at the Presidio dates from World War I, the Marina Flying Field from 1915, and the late 1930s saw development of the Seaplane Harbor at Treasure Island. Ingleside racetrack was also used for aviation purposes in the early part of the twentieth century. Commercial and general aviation ultimately moved to Mills Field in San Mateo County in the 1930s, which originally was temporary as the originally international airport was to be built on Treasure Island..Crissy Field at the Presidio was the last airport within the city, and ended limited operations in the 1980s.
1956---Top Hits
My Prayer - The Platters
Hound Dog/Don’t Be Cruel - Elvis Presley
Allegheny Moon - Patti Page
I Walk the Line - Johnny Cash
1958- Air Force Academy moved from Denver to its present site in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
1958 – Birthday of singer/dancer Michael (Joe) Jackson (‘King of Pop’), Gary, Indiana: group: The Jackson Five: I Want You Back, ABC, The Love You Save, I’ll Be There, solo: Ben; Grammy Award: Don’t Stop ’Til You Get Enough [1979]; 5 Grammy Awards in 1983: Thriller, Billie Jean, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial; 2 in 1984: Beat It; another in 1985 [w/Lionel Richie]: We are the World); 1989 Best Music Video/Short Form Grammy: Leave Me Alone; The Legend Award Grammy; The Girl is Mine, Stay, Stay, Stay [w/Paul McCartney], I Just Can’t Stop Loving You [w/Siedah Garrett], Rock with You, Bad, Smooth Criminal, Ease on Down the Road [w/Diana Ross - from Broadway’s The Wiz]; Captain Eo in Epcot Center’s multimedia show; married and divorced Lisa Marie Presley; inducted into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Mar 19, 2001)
1958--Alan Freed's "Big Beat Show" opens at the Fox Theatre in Brooklyn. The usual venue, The Paramount, is vacated because management didn't like the fact there was a riot after Freed's Boston concert. The opener in Brooklyn brought in $200,000 and those performing included Frankie Avalon, Jimmy Clanton, Bobby Freeman, the Elegants, Bill Haley & the Comets and Chuck Berry.
1958-John Lennon and Paul McCartney of a Liverpool band called the Quarrymen, welcome George Harrison to the group.
1959-Horace Silver Quintet records “ Blowin’ the Blues Away.”
1960-Birthday of American composer William Susman, Chicago, IL.
1962- Malvin Russell “Mel” Goode of Pittsburgh, PA, became the first African-American to be a television news commentator when he was assigned by WABC-TV to the United Nations staff, New York City.
1962-- Elvis' tenth movie, Kid Galahad, opens in US theaters, featuring the King as an amateur boxer. Charles Bronson also stars.
1962 - Hackberry, LA, was deluged with twenty-two inches of rain in 24 hours, establishing a state record.
1964---Top Hits
Where Did Our Love Go - The Supremes
The House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
C’mon and Swim - Bobby Freeman
I Guess I’m Crazy - Jim Reeves
1964- Walt Disney's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious "Mary Poppins" released.
1964 - Roy Orbison’s "Oh, Pretty Woman" was released. It hit number one (for 3 weeks) on September 26th and became the biggest of his career. "Oh, Pretty Woman" was Orbison’s second #1 hit. The other was "Running Scared" (6/05/61).
1964-- In a clear case of rock and roll being saved by the British Invasion, Billboard magazine notes that guitar sales are the highest they've been since the advent of Elvis Presley.
1965- Giant Willie Mays breaks former Pirate Ralph Kiner record for home runs in the month of August when the 'Say Hey Kid' connects for his 17th round tripper in an 8-3 victory over the Mets.
1965-cool wave brought 2.5 inches of snow to Mt. Washington for an August record. It reached 25 in Vermont, the earliest freeze on record in many locations.
1966 - The Beatles performed at Candlestick Park in San Francisco, CA. It was the group’s last live appearance before they disbanded in 1970. 1966- Beatles last public concert, (Candlestick Park, San Francisco) Also appearing were The Ronettes, and the Remains. Ticket purchases by mail were available from KYA, No. 1 Nob Hill Circle, San Francisco
1967- Final TV episode of "The Fugitive". The series originally started on September, 1963. Dr. Richard Kimble ( David Janssen) was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death for his wife’s murder, but escaped from his captors in a train wreck. This popular program aired for four years detailing Kimble’s search for the one-armed man(BillRaisch) who had killed his wife, Helen ( Diane Brewster). in the meantime, Kimble himself, was being pursued by Lieutenant Phillip Gerard ( Barry Morse). The final episode aired this day in 1967 featured Kimble extracting a confession from the one-armed man as they struggled form the heights of a water tower in a desert amusement park. That single episode was the highest-rated show ever broadcast until 1975. The TV series generated a hit movie in 1993 with Harrison Ford as Kimble and Oscar-winner Tommy Lee Jones as Gerard. (Feb. 28,1983, M*A*S*H, concluding a run of 255 episodes, this 2 ½ hour finale became the most-watched television show at that time---77 percent of the viewing public was tuned in. Cheers last episode on August 19,1993 did not beat this rating nor did Seinfield last on May 14, 1998 nor did my most favorite show, “Mad About You.” on May 24, 1999.
(Helen Hunt and co-star, Paul Reiser, were both given $1,000,000 per episode salaries for the 1999 TV season of "Mad About You".
1968-Democratic Party National Convention: Antiwar protesters clashed with police and national guardsmen in the streets outside, and hundreds of people, including innocent bystanders and members of the press, were brutally beaten by Chicago’s finest.
1968-Cream and Electric Flag opened at Fillmore West, San Francisco.
1969 - To compete with Johnny Carson (NBC) and Joey Bishop (ABC), CBS-TV presented Merv Griffin on late-night TV. Johnny ruled -- staying on top for almost 23 years to come.
1971 - Hank Aaron became the first baseball player in the National League to drive in 100 or more runs in each of 11 seasons.
1971 - No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey,'' Paul & Linda McCartney. McCartney had a real Uncle Albert, who he said would quote the Bible when he got drunk.
1972---Top Hits
Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl) - Looking Glass
Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O’Sullivan
Long Cool Woman (In a Black Dress) - The Hollies
If You Leave Me Tonight I’ll Cry - Jerry Wallace
1972-Preisdent Richard Nixon announced that a White House investigation of the Watergate break-in, conducted by White House counsel John Dean, revealed that administration officials were not involved in the burglary.
1974- 600 Catholic nuns adopt a resolution calling for the ordination of women priests in the Roman Catholic Church.
1974-Moses Malone became the first basketball player to jump from high school to professional basketball, skipping college to sign a contract with the Utah stars of the ABA.
1977- Lou Brock stole the 893rd base of his career, surpassing Ty Cobb’s modern record for career stolen bases. Ricky Henderson in 1982 breaks Brock’s for stealing the most bases in one season with 122.
1979-Sheridan Broadcasting Corp purchases Mutual Black Network, making it the first completely Black owned radio network in the world.
1980---Top Hits
Magic - Olivia Newton-John
Sailing - Christopher Cross
Take Your Time (Do It Right) - The S.O.S. Band
Drivin’ My Life Away - Eddie Rabbitt
1981-The Pretenders "II" LP enters the chart.
1981-The soundtrack to the film, "Heavy Metal" enters the album charts. The LP features tracks by Stevie Nicks, Cheap Trick, Devo and Sammy Hagar.
1982-- No. 1 Billboard Pop Hit: ``Abracadabra,'' Steve Miller Band.
1984 - Edwin Moses won the 400-meter hurdles in track competition in Europe. It was the track star’s 108th consecutive victory.
1984-high temperatures at Topeka, KS reaches 110 degrees for the first time since the dust bowl of the 30's.
1986 - The former "American Bandstand" studio, at the original home of WFIL-TV in Philadelphia, PA, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The studio is located at 4548 Market Street.
1987-Los Lobos' remake of Ritchie Valens' 1959 classic, "La Bamba" hits #1 on the pop singles chart and stays there for three weeks.
1987 - Some of the most powerful thunderstorms in several years developed over the piedmont of North Carolina, and marched across central sections of the state during the late afternoon and evening hours. Baseball size hail was reported around Albemarle, while thunderstorm winds downed giant trees around High Falls.
1988 - Cool air invaded the north central U.S. Ten cities reported record low temperatures for the date, including Bismarck ND with a reading of 33 degrees. Deerfield, a small town in the Black Hills of South Dakota, reported a low of 23 degrees. The remnants of Tropical Storm Chris drenched eastern Pennsylvania with up to five and a half inches of rain, and produced high winds which gusted to 90 mph, severely damaging a hundred boats in Anne Arundel County MD.
1988---Top Hits
Monkey - George Michael
I Don’t Wanna to Go on with You like That - Elton John
I Don’t Wanna Live Without Your Love - Chicago
The Wanderer - Eddie Rabbitt
1989-- In a special election, Ileana Rose Lehtinen (R-FL) becomes the first Cuban-American elected to the U.S. Congress.
1990 -Saddam Hussein declares America can't beat Iraq. By the end of 1990, 580,000 Iraqi troops were believed to be in Kuwait or southern Iraq. Facing them were 485,000 troops of 17 allied countries. Earlier, on August 10 at a meeting in Cairo, only 12 of the 21 member nations of the Arab League voted to support American troops.
1991- the Soviet Communist Party suspended parliament, thus ending a 75-year control of the USSR. Democratic change was sought and the struggle still continues today. Perhaps ending the hunt in the United States to “halt” communism. Capitalism won out.
1992-Guns'n'Roses "November Rain" peaks at #3 on the pop singles chart.
1998---Top Hits
I Don t Want To Miss A Thing- Aerosmith
The First Night- Monica
Crush- Jennifer Paige
My Way- Usher
2002- To show their displeasure about tomorrow's impending strike, fans at Devil Ray-Angel game begin throwing foul balls back onto the field at Edison Field and over a100 people are ejected for throwing trash. New words are added to the traditional seventh-inning rendition of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" as many of the fans in attendance begin to chant, "Don't strike! Don't strike! Don't strike!".
2005 - Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Plaquemines Parish in southeastern Louisiana early on the 29th with maximum sustained winds near 125 mph, a strong category-three, and the third most-intense land falling hurricane in U.S. history. The center of the hurricane passed just east of New Orleans, where winds gusted over 100 mph. Widespread devastation and unprecedented flooding occurred, submerging at least 80 percent of the city as levees failed. Farther east, powerful winds and a devastating storm surge of 20-30 feet raked the Mississippi coastline, including Gulfport and Biloxi, where Gulf of Mexico floodwaters spread several miles inland. Rainfall amounts of 8-10 inches were common along and to the east of the storm's path. Katrina weakened to a tropical storm as it tracked northward through Mississippi and gradually lost its identity as it moved into the Tennessee Valley on the 30th.
2005--- Fats Domino, now 77, is rescued from his Ninth Ward home in New Orleans after the devastation of Hurricane Katrina.
2009-A 1970 interview with John Lennon, in which he revealed some of the reasons that The Beatles split, appeared in Rolling Stone magazine. John said that his band mates disrespected and "insulted" his wife, Yoko Ono, adding, "They despised her... It seemed I had to be happily married to them or Yoko, and I chose Yoko." He also took a shot at his former songwriting partner, saying "We got fed up with being sidemen for Paul."

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