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Headlines--- Classified Ads-Sr. Credit Officer/Sr. Management Lessors on Impact Improved Unemployment Rate RW Professional Leasing Up-Date Patterson & Kimball-Slagle Promotions at ACC Capital UAEL Chicago Region Christmas Party-December 18th Jeffrey Taylor To Lecture in Sri Lanka Edmunds.com Reports Automakers' True Cost of Incentives HP No. 1 Worldwide Server Shipments 6th Consecutive Q Cat Fin. Prestigious Malcolm Baldridge Nat. Quality Award This Border ##### Denotes Press Release (Not Written By Leasing News) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Two Versions of Leasing News
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--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classified Ads------Senior Credit Officer/Senior Management Senior Credit Officer experienced in middle- market leasing; structured, vendor and 3rd party to the fortune 1000. Proactive team builder, originations capable with strong work ethic. Email: kyletrust@hotmail.com Senior Management: Baltimore, MD 25 year veteran of commercial and equipment leasing seeking a senior management position with leasing or asset based financing company in the southeast (Florida preferred) Email: kellogg_md@yahoo.com
Senior Management: Denver, CO. Fortune 500 GM/SVP wants to team up with aggressive lender looking for Western expansion mid-market equip. finance/leasing. 20+ years experience within Rocky Mountain/ Southwest and Ca markets. Email:legal@csotn.com Senior Managment: Irvine, CA. Credit executive, portfolio manager and syndication facilitator. Extensive business building experience in small and mid-ticket operations. Highly innovative. Fortune 100 audit and technology skills. Bottom-line manager. Email: lenhubbard@bigfoot.com Senior Management: Long Island, NY Degree Banking/Finance. 13 years leasing exp. Now prez young leasing company where promises were not met. Interested in joining established firm with future. Email:bob33483@yahoo.com
Senior Management: Portfolio Management Consultant; 25+years experience in Collections, Customer Satisfaction, Asset Management, Recoveries, Continuous Process Improvement, Back end Revenue Generation, Cost per Collection Analysis. $5+Billion Portfolio expertise. Email: efgefg@rogers.com Senior Management: San Francisco, CA., 25 years experience w/global leasing company, sales,marketing,business dev., P&L responsibility, asset mgmt, brokering and re- marketing. Interested in joining an est. firm with a future. Email:rcsteyer@yahoo.com Senior Management: Tampa FL.20+ years of small to middle ticket finance, operations and sales management experience. Outstanding record of revenue enhancement, operational improvement and team development. Email: rlindcpa@earthlink.net full listing of jobs wanted at:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Lessors Are Saying About…The Impact of an Improved Unemployment Rate ELT News (Equipment Leasing Association) The decrease in the U.S. unemployment rate that was announced earlier this month was heralded by the media as proof that we are no longer in a “jobless” recovery, and that economic growth is creating demand that will force companies to hire more workers. Particularly since the recovery was attributed to the service sector, which includes retailers, banks and other financial companies, ELA members were asked what impact they think the lower unemployment rate has on the leasing industry. Lessors’ sense of the significance of the unemployment figure on the leasing industry ranged from none at all to that of a general overall mood change in the economy from which leasing can benefit. For instance, Mike Powers, Suntrust Leasing, doesn’t see a direct correlation, at least not in his practice. Jeanne Early, Key Equipment Finance, took a wider scope of the potential impact of the lower unemployment figure and responded, “Good news! Stronger employment figures support those advocating the U.S. economy is expanding. This is yet another reason to boost the business sector's confidence that it is time to make those long-delayed capital investments.” Dave Churchill, Key Equipment Finance, said, “Companies are making capital expenditures and it has a reflection in people keeping their jobs.” He added that people are much more optimistic, albeit cautiously, than in July and August. The leasing market segment also appears to have an effect on lessors’ interest in the unemployment indicator and its significance for their business. Vince Kolber, Residco, commented that his markets, aviation and rail, are over supplied with capital, and jobs recovery isn’t going to put a dent in that for a year or more. Further, he added, “We shouldn’t get, or even want to get, to where we are pumping more capital into this situation so rental rates and existing portfolios take further damage. We need to get into a situation where we have more of a capital constraint so rental rates can recover enough to bolster rates that have been ravaged in the last 24 months.” John Morand, Relational Funding Corporation, replied that growth in employment and capital spending “bodes well for value-added lessors, which help customers maximize the long-term value of their assets. spending in replacement products which bring increased efficiency will lead.” A number of ELA members expressed mixed reactions about lower unemployment figures having any impact or indication for the leasing industry. They demonstrated the cautious optimism that has become the prevailing attitude in the business community. Ted Brownrigg, Financial Pacific Leasing, LLC, said, “I don’t see any change. But it’s another of the signs that we’re starting to see that makes us feel good about next year.” Tom Howard, Eplus Group, said, “We’re starting to see some capital projects that had been delayed come back on the table.” But he believes that there needs to be continuing improvement since the economic indicators seen so far haven’t had an impact yet. He added, “It just isn’t there yet.” Carl Chrappa, Independent Equipment Company, seemed also to be seeing both sides of the picture that could easily sum up what the lower unemployment rate means to the leasing industry. He described talking to other people in the leasing industry who are having mixed results, but said, “The outlook is very positive and the overall morale is being cured as the rate drops. For us, it’s better times ahead.”
__________________________________________________________________ RW Professional Leasing Up-Date Jury to be selected for trial on April 12,2004 (6/2002) 40 FBI agents raided the offices and arrested Barry and Rochelle, Roger and Jennifer Drayer. The investigation found $6.5 Million of fraud. Prosecutors said that the company, the RW Professional Leasing Corporation, concocted elaborate schemes using up to 100 rented mailboxes as far away as California to send phony checks, sham invoices, bogus leases and other false documents to banks in various states. Based on those documents, the banks lent RW millions of dollars to buy equipment and lease it out, prosecutors said. The schemes included multiple loans from different banks for the same medical equipment and loans for equipment that was never bought or leased, prosecutors said.
(9/03) Defendents on bail, "house confined," with trial to start April 12, 2004. "Status Conference adjourned to 11/14/03 @ 1:30 p.m. before USDJ Spatt. Conference held. Speedy Trial Information on Dfts: Code Type: XT, Start Date: 9/5/03, Stop Date: 4/12/04. Excludable Delay entered on the record. Next Status Conference: 1) Conclude discovery 2) Set motion schedule. Questionnares two weeks before jury selection on 3/30/04. 3/31/04 counsel to pick up questionnaires. 4/6/04 all counsel to agree on jurors who will return for Jury Selection. Jury Selection 4/12/04 @ 9:00 a.m. Consent to Magistrate Judge selecting jury by dfts and govt. No adjournments of Jury Selection date will be granted. Re: Bradley Simon's Letter dated 9/2/03. Govt to move documents to another location and keep boxes (2nd set) for the Courthouse." Last file is a letter: "Ms. Besser is currently subject to a 7:00 p.m. curfew as part of her pre- trial supervision and requests that the curfew be lifted on 10/19/03 so she may participate in a gathering in Manhattan." It appears for the defendents to ask to either/or travel from their home or at certain hours, as they are remanded to their residence with electronic monitors on their ankle. "MINUTE ENTRY; before USDJ Spatt on 9/5/03 @ 11:30 a.m., for Criminal Cause for Status Conference as to Dfts Payaddi Shivashankar, Susan Cottrell, Adam Drayer, Roger Drayer, RW Professional Leasing Services Corp., Rochelle Besser, Barry Drayer. Dft RW Professional Leasing Services Corp. present on bail with retained counsel Stuart E. Abrams. Dft Rochelle Besser present on bail with retained counsel Stuart Abrams. Dft Barry Drayer present on bail with retain counsel Stephen L. Cohen. Dft Roger Drayer present on bail with retained counsel Jerald Rosenthal. Dft Adam Drayer present on bail with retained counsel Thomas Marino. Dft Susan Cottrell present on bail with retained counsel Jerald Rosenthal. Dft Payaddi Shivashankar present in custody with CJA counsel Edward Jenks. Govt: Geoffrey Kaiser. Court Reporter: Harry Rapaport. Case called. Status Conference adjourned to 11/14/03 @ 1:30 p.m. before USDJ Spatt. Conference held. Speedy Trial Information on Dfts: Code Type: XT, Start Date: 9/5/03, Stop Date: 4/12/04. Excludable Delay entered on the record. Next Status Conference: 1) Conclude discovery 2) Set motion schedule. Questionnaires two weeks before jury selection on 3/30/04. 3/31/04 counsel to pick up questionnaires. 4/6/04 all counsel to agree on jurors who will return for Jury Selection. Jury Selection 4/12/04 @ 9:00 a.m. Consent to Magistrate Judge selecting jury by dfts and govt. No adjournments of Jury Selection date will be granted. Re: Bradley Simon's Letter dated 9/2/03. Govt to move documents to another location and keep boxes (2nd set) for the Courthouse. Notice of Appearance filed by Jerald Rosenthal for dft #4. (Coleman, Laurie)" Here is a three part series on the full story: Take the Money and Run: Part I: http://www.leasingnews.org/Conscious-Top%20Stories/moneyandrun1.htm Part II: http://www.leasingnews.org/Conscious-Top%20Stories/moneyandrun2.htm Part III: http://www.leasingnews.org/Conscious-Top%20Stories/moneyandrun3.htm
Other Articles on RW Professional Leasing: http://www.leasingnews.org/Conscious-Top%20Stories/RW_stories.htm
Beige Report
Other Current Economic News http://www.leasingnews.org/#news Commonly
known as the Beige Book, this report is published eight times per year.
Each Federal Reserve Bank gathers anecdotal information on current economic
conditions in its District through reports from Bank and Branch directors
and interviews with key business contacts, economists, market experts,
and other sources. The Beige Book summarizes this information by District
and sector. http://www.federalreserve.gov/FOMC/BeigeBook/2003/20031126/Default.htm Prepared
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and based on information collected
before November 17, 2003. This document summarizes comments received
from businesses and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is
not a commentary on the views of Federal Reserve officials. Reports
received from the District Banks suggest that the economy continued
to expand in October and early November. Descriptions of the pace of
growth varied somewhat. But improvements appeared to be reasonably broadly
based, with most districts noting growth in a number of industries.
Overall, wages and prices of finished goods and services remained fairly
stable, although some increases in input prices were noted. Virtually
all districts continued to report concerns about rising health care
costs. The
majority of districts noted that retail spending was up on a year-over-year
basis. Expectations for holiday retail sales were reported as generally
positive. Reports on auto sales were mixed, with sales results closely
linked to manufacturers' incentives. Travel and tourism activity improved
overall, as did other service sector industries. Manufacturing
activity picked up in most districts, but few noted employment gains
in the factory sector. Almost all districts characterized residential
real estate activity as strong, but commercial real estate markets remained
weak. Reports from the banking sector generally indicated subdued loan
demand and some increase in investment banking activity. Agricultural
conditions were good in most reports, while activity in energy-related
industries was mixed. Labor markets conditions generally stabilized
after an extended period of weakness. Several districts noted a slowing
in layoffs and stronger demand for temporary workers. Consumer
Spending Reports
on retail spending were generally positive, although some weakness was
attributed to unseasonably warm weather in several parts of the country.
Boston, Atlanta, St. Louis, Minneapolis and Kansas City indicated that
sales exceeded year-ago levels, while San Francisco described sales
as "solid." Philadelphia said that sales were rising in early
November after weak results in October, and Richmond noted recent improvements
as well. Dallas and Cleveland indicated that sales growth remained uneven,
while New York and Chicago described sales as soft. New York, Philadelphia,
and Chicago stated that warm weather put a damper on sales, particularly
of apparel. Atlanta and San Francisco reported some discounting. Most
districts said that inventories were well positioned, with many retailers
keeping stocks lean. Discussions
of retailers' expectations for the holidays were generally positive.
New York, Philadelphia,
Richmond, Atlanta and Kansas City said that holiday sales are expected
to match or exceed last year's levels, while St. Louis and Minneapolis
reported that retailers are optimistic. Kansas City said that retailers
expect strong holiday sales while Boston, Cleveland and Chicago reported
mixed expectations. New York and Minneapolis reported that retailers
expect to hire similar numbers of seasonal workers as last year, whereas
Kansas City indicated that many retailers plan to increase seasonal
hiring. Reports
on auto sales were mixed across districts. Removal of generous factory
incentives reportedly drove down sales in the Atlanta, Minneapolis and
San Francisco districts; St. Louis noted that the incentives might have
shifted sales into the summer from the fall. Chicago also indicated
that sales weakened. Philadelphia, in contrast, reported a pickup in
sales in early November because of new manufacturers' incentives after
a "relatively sharp" drop in sales in October; Cleveland similarly
noted that sales were tied to incentives. Kansas City reported that
despite aggressive manufacturer incentives, sales improved more for
used cars than for new cars. Boston reported strong sales of imported
models but mixed results for domestic models. Several districts
noted that manufacturers are expected to roll out new incentive programs
to boost sales in the coming months. Tourism
and Services Activity
in the tourism and hospitality industry improved moderately overall,
according to most reports, but business travel remained subdued and
international tourism was still weak. Early snows and cold conditions
in ski areas pushed up demand in the San Francisco district. New York
reported that occupancy rates at Manhattan hotels were up noticeably
from a year ago. Minneapolis reported "generally solid" tourism
activity. According to Richmond, coastal areas were still recovering
from damage caused by Hurricane Isabel, but mountain areas were booked
almost to capacity for the Thanksgiving
holiday. Atlanta reported increased traffic at amusement parks and tourist
attractions in central Florida because of deals and discounts; south
Florida's cruise industry continued to report strong numbers, and advance
bookings at resorts and hotels are reportedly encouraging. San Francisco
noted that the number of international visitors to Hawaii remained soft,
but the weaker dollar is expected to boost traffic in coming months.
conditions also generally improved in other service industry sectors.
Boston and San Francisco said that demand for software products improved;
the outlook for software and IT services moved from cautious to optimistic,
according to Boston. Richmond reported steady demand at professional,
scientific, and technical service firms and higher demand at environmental
services firms. In the San Francisco district, demand for professional
services such as accounting, securities, and legal services stabilized
after months of contraction. Richmond, St. Louis and San Francisco reported
continued strong demand for health care services. Cleveland, Richmond,
Atlanta and Dallas reported increases in transportation services. In
general, increased seasonal freight was the main contributor to recent
growth in land transportation. Manufacturing Manufacturing
activity improved in most districts. Factory expansion was broad based
in the Richmond district, with firms in almost all sectors reporting
higher shipments, while Chicago said that new orders remained strong
or were up for medium- and heavy-duty truck and construction equipment
manufacturers. Dallas, Boston, San Francisco and Minneapolis noted positive
reports among manufacturers of various high-tech products. Demand increased
for building materials suppliers in the Atlanta and San Francisco districts.
Cleveland reported that auto makers and some steel producers increased
activity and that most nondurable producers there indicated "little
if any" spare capacity. Higher levels of capacity utilization were
also noted in the Kansas City district. St. Louis reported that the
manufacturing sector showed signs of improvement despite some plant
and layoffs. Less positively, Dallas reported continuing overcapacity
in the petrochemical industry, and Atlanta and Richmond noted weakness
in textile or apparel production. Weak demand for paper products adversely
affected manufacturers in the Boston, Atlanta and Dallas districts.
employment growth remained weak, according to a majority of districts.
Boston reported that most manufacturers expect to hold domestic employment
fairly flat in coming months. Cleveland, Richmond and Atlanta stated
that permanent staffing levels were little changed. Dallas said that
productivity growth and outsourcing continued to slow factory job growth.
However, New York indicated modest increases in factory employment.
Capital spending plans have changed little in recent months in many
districts. Chicago noted that spending was mainly for repair and maintenance
of existing
equipment. Real
Estate and Construction Residential
real estate markets continued to show strength in virtually all districts.
Home sales and construction maintained a brisk pace in most districts.
However, Richmond and Atlanta noted some easing in recent weeks. Dallas
relayed concerns about rising housing inventories in several areas,
with homebuilders offering increased incentives. Chicago reported that
the mid-priced housing market softened somewhat from earlier reports
but that some areas experienced a small up tick in luxury housing markets;
Kansas City noted mixed results for high-end construction. Residential
activity is expected to remain robust overall into next year, by most
accounts. Most
districts once again characterized commercial real estate markets as
currently weak. However, the outlook was a bit more upbeat, with strengthening
anticipated next year in many districts. Vacancy rates remained at high
levels across most markets; however, there were scattered reports of
small improvements in leasing or construction activity in the New York,
Cleveland, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis and San Francisco districts.
St. Louis noted "booming" hospital construction. Richmond
reported a "noticeable increase" in office and retail leasing
but sluggish activity in industrial space. Philadelphia, Boston and
Kansas City reported generally stable markets. Kansas City, St. Louis,
Minneapolis and Dallas noted expectations of more favorable markets
in some areas next year. Banking
and Finance Loan
activity was subdued in most districts. St. Louis and Chicago reported
little change in overall lending activity. Loan demand was characterized
as flat by Richmond, slowly increasing by Dallas and mixed by Cleveland.
Outstanding loan volume moved up slowly in the Philadelphia district
in November, and some banks there were limiting their residential real
estate lending to prevent mortgages from becoming too large a portion
of their loan portfolio. New mortgage originations were fairly strong
in the Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco districts. Refinancing
activity slowed in all districts that commented on mortgage lending.
Commercial and industrial loan demand was said to have
edged up in the Kansas City and Richmond districts, to be unchanged
in Dallas and to have remained at low levels in Atlanta and San Francisco.
Loan quality remained good in most districts, and New York said that
delinquency rates declined across the board. Lending standards were
generally unchanged, according to most reports. Financial
institutions reported mixed results in other activities. New York and
Atlanta said that deposit growth held steady, while San Francisco reported
a pickup. Kansas City reported that all types of deposit accounts rose
except for large CDs, but Cleveland noted slower growth in core deposits.
Merger and acquisition activity began to rise from low levels in the
Chicago and Dallas districts. Philadelphia said that demand for business
financing prompted an increase in investment banking activity, while
venture capital firms were beginning to evaluate start-up projects in
the Atlanta district. However, Dallas reported that there was still
"not a lot" of IPO activity. Agriculture
and Natural Resources Favorable
weather and improved market conditions continued to benefit farmers
and ranchers in most districts reporting on agricultural activity. Mild,
dry weather boosted farm production in Richmond, Atlanta, St. Louis
and Kansas City districts. San Francisco also noted increased yields,
while Chicago and Minneapolis reported improved conditions for most
agricultural products. Kansas City and Dallas reported that market conditions
were mostly good for cattle ranchers, but dry weather hurt cotton growers
in the Dallas district. Reports
on energy-related industries indicated mixed conditions. Richmond noted
that economic conditions in Central Appalachian coal fields were "favorable,"
with higher capital investment in new mining equipment expected. Minneapolis
reported that activity in the energy and mining sectors was stable,
and Kansas City reported that energy activity was strong. Dallas noted
seasonal cutbacks
in production by refineries and continued excess capacity in onshore
rigs and a pickup in international drilling. Natural gas providers in
the San Francisco district are reportedly fully stocked for the winter
season. Labor
Markets, Wages and Prices Labor
markets across the nation generally improved or remained stable, with
several districts noting a slowing in layoffs. Stronger demand for temporary
workers was noted by Boston, Richmond and Minneapolis; Chicago added
that the higher demand for temps was widespread. Several districts indicated
that firms are waiting for sustained increases in orders before hiring
permanent workers, although Boston reported some increases in permanent
placements by temp agencies. Firms had difficulty finding some specialized
workers in the Kansas City district, but labor markets remained slack
there overall. Dallas and San Francisco also reported slack labor markets,
although Dallas did note fewer layoffs. Minneapolis also reported increased
hiring plans in some areas. Labor markets
remained steady in the Cleveland and Atlanta districts as a whole, with
few signs of impending increases in employment. Wage
pressures were mostly subdued, although almost all districts reported
concerns about escalating health and other insurance costs. Several
districts noted that employers were shifting more health insurance costs
onto employees, with Kansas City adding that some small firms are eliminating
health insurance entirely. Dallas cited rising health insurance costs
as a factor, making firms reluctant to add new employees. New York reported
that bonuses in the securities industry are expected to be 20 percent
higher than last year. Increases
in some commodity prices were noted. Several districts noted higher
prices for plywood and steel, and Kansas City also reported price increases
for brick and cement. Dallas noted higher prices for primary metals,
while Chicago reported a rise in prices for some heavy equipment and
gypsum wallboard. Boston noted concern about upward price pressure due
to higher transportation costs after new trucking regulations are implemented,
while Dallas said that the regulations might also
make it more difficult to hire drivers. San Francisco noted that residential
rebuilding after the recent fires in Southern California is likely to
boost prices of building materials and wages of construction workers. Boston: New
York: Philadelphia:
Richmond: Atlanta: Chicago:
Louis: Minneapolis: Kansas
City: Dallas:
### Press Release ############################### Patterson new Prez/COO ACC Capital/Kimball-Slagle VP Sales/Marketing ACC Capital Corporation (formerly Amembal Capital Corporation) has announced the appointments of Kirstin Patterson to the position of President & Chief Operating Officer and Marci Kimball-Slagle to the position of Vice-President of Sales and Marketing. Ms. Patterson has been a valued member of ACC Capital for over ten years. Kirstin has been an instrumental force in growing ACC from its early days of five employees to its current role as a substantial player in the small to middle market-leasing industry. During her tenure with ACC, Kirstin has been responsible for extensive company growth and has managed the considerable tasks of establishing and overseeing the policy and procedures of Operations, Credit and Client Relations. Ms. Kimball-Slagle has been with ACC for almost seven years. In her tenure she has been a driving force behind the expansion and implementation of the Intermediary and Broker Funding Department. Marci is active in many of the Industry Associations and is a current Board member of UAEL and will serve on the CLP Foundation Board for 2004. Through ACC, Marci is also a member of MAEL, NAELB, and EAEL. Marci continues to donate significant time and effort in working and serving on various panels and committees for these industry associations. ACC is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah and operates in all 50 states. ACC is a premier provider of funds for equipment leasing and financing for domestic business. Typical transaction sizes range from $15,000 to in excess of $10,000,000. ACC prides itself in being a trusted advisor for its leasing clients and collaborative partners. The company's consultative and academic approach helps clients to determine the optimal methods to finance their capital equipment financing needs. If you have any questions or a transaction you would like to discuss, please don't hesitate to give your Broker Representative a call at 800-409-5008, Marci Kimball-Slagle @ ext. 1209, Catherine Long @ ext. 1247, Scott Mayne @ ext. 237 or Dorran Sampson @ ext. 1215. Please visit us on the web at www.acccapital.com.
#### Press Release ############################### ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Leasing Industry Help Wanted
**** Announcement *************************************** UAEL Chicago Region Christmas Party—December 18th Tis the season,,,.The Chicago Area’s Regional United Association of Equipment Leasing Group, would like to cordially invite you to a annual Celebration of the Season. This year partake of authentic Greek Cuisine at the wonderful Santorini Restaurant located in Chicago’s Greektown. Santorini Greek Restaurant 800 West Adams Chicago, IL 60606 877-620-9878 Come join us to meet and greet other local UAEL members to celebrate the joy of the season. Seating is limited. Make your reservations today. Credit card payments accepted through UAEL Secured website only http://www.uael.org/indexlow.asp 6:00pm $65.00 per person. Dinner menu includes: Taramosalata, Tirolafteri, Calamari, Rice, Saganaki, Lamb Kebobs, 1/2 Roasted Chicken, Vegetables, Greek Style Potatoes, Baklava, Galaktobouriko, Coffee, & Premium Bar You need to register by 12/10/03 (note space not reserved until payment made) Visit http://www.uael.org/events/regional/ncentral_events/xmasparty.htm or contact: Bill Griffith at 312-263-6096 = Fax: 312-263-3229 Email: Here is the flyer meant for print, as it is a very long download : http://two.leasingnews.org/temporary/holidayuael.pdf
announcement ************************************** ######## Press Release ############################
Jeffrey Taylor To Lecture in Sri Lanka Conference Expects To Attract 100 Senior Leasing Professionals Colombo, Sri Lanka - More often than not, leasing companies undermine lessee confidence by making too many financial, marketing and administrative mistakes. Jeffrey Taylor, Founder of The Leasing Academy and author of Selling Leasing In A Tough Economy, will conduct his Advanced Marketing Support and Managing A New Era Leasing Company lectures from Dec. 3-5 in Colombo, Sri Lanka at the Hotel Trans Asia. The Conference is designed to update equipment leasing executives on International leasing and securitization trends. For pricing information and a detailed brochure please contact Ajith Medis at the address below. Thank you. Highlights of the conference include a securitzation roundtable including Mr. Taylor and the following senior investment banking professionals: o Mangala Boyagoda - CEO, National Wealth Corp o Ajith Fernando - CEO, Capital Alliance o Naomal Goonewardena - Partner, Nithya Partners o D. P. Kumarage - CEO, People's Leasing o Vajira Kulathilaka - CEO, National Investment Bank Attendees will be able to: 1. Exploit opportunities in the equipment leasing marketplace 2. Get up-to-date information on accounting, tax and legal trends 3. Review advanced pricing/funding techniques 4. Manage risk 5. Understand the securitization process 6. Understand the credit function 7. Tackle advanced selling problems Quotes From Jeffrey Taylor Students Excellent...easily the best course directed to an industry...Jeffrey brings more to the course than any other teacher I have known...The depth of knowledge that I gained from the course is far beyond my expectations...very educational and refreshing...The instructor is very informed and has a special way of imparting his knowledge to his students...highly informative...material well presented...Jeff has a gift in presenting tricky concepts so they can be easily understood and interpreted...Today's seminar was fantastic...Jeffrey really knows his stuff...great teacher...informative...good learning experience...Would highly recommend it to anyone About The Leasing Academy The Leasing Academy conducts advanced professional training to equipment leasing companies all over the world. Company Website: http://leasingacademy.com About E. Morgan Relations E. Morgan Relations, the World Business Training company , arranges major finance conferences throughout Sri Lanka, India and the Far East. Jeffrey Taylor Founder email: jtaylor@executivecaliber.ws voice: 801-299-9332 Ajith Medis Managing Director email: emrelations@eureka.lk voice: 075-556040
#### Press Release ############################### Edmunds.com Reports Automakers' True Cost of Incentives: 2004 Model Year Vehicles Sell at Slower Pace as Incentives Remain High for Year-End Clearings SANTA MONICA, Calif.,- Edmunds.com (http://www.edmunds.com), the premier online resource for automotive information, reported that the average manufacturer incentive per vehicle sold in the United States was $2,521 in October 2003, up $595 or 30.9% from October 2002, and down 3.9% from September 2003. Edmunds.com's monthly True Cost of Incentives(SM) (TCI(SM)) report takes into account all of the manufacturers' various United States incentives programs, including subvented interest rates and lease programs as well as cash rebates to consumers and dealers. To ensure the greatest possible accuracy, Edmunds.com bases its calculations on sales volume, including the mix of vehicle makes and models for each month, as well as on the proportion of vehicles for which each type of incentive was used. Incentives spending for domestic Chrysler, Ford and General Motors nameplates decreased, falling 4.8% to $3,445 in October compared with $3,618 per unit in September. Chrysler increased incentives spending by 16.3% to $3,581 per vehicle and enjoyed a market share increase of 1.5%. General Motors reduced incentives spending by 4.5% to $3,642 per vehicle, and lost 0.3% market share. Ford's total incentives spending per unit dropped by 15.5% to $3,089 per unit, due in large part to the increasing market share of their less incentivized new 2004 models, in particular the new F-150. Overall, however, Ford's market share decreased 0.9% from September to October. In October, European automakers spent $1,693, Korean automakers spent $1,666, and Japanese automakers spent $931 per vehicle sold. Among vehicle segments, large SUVs had the highest average incentives last month at $4,142, followed by large cars at $3,408 and midsize SUVs at $2,954. Luxury SUVs had the lowest average incentives at $1,432, followed by sports cars at $1,473 and compact SUVs at $1,694. Luxury sports cars have gained the most market share since October 2002, increasing from 3.9% to 4.6% of the market, while midsize SUVs have lost the most market share during that period, down from 14.6% to 13.3%. Industry average 'days-to-turn,' which measures how many days on average it took to sell vehicles after they arrived at dealerships, was 69 days in October, compared to 75 in September 2003 and 51 in October 2002. Saturn had the longest days-to-turn at 159, followed by Isuzu at 123. The quickest inventory turnaround was for Lexus at 16 days, followed by Mini at 17 days. "Of all new vehicles sold in October 2003, over 44% were 2003 model year vehicles, while only 30% of last October's sales consisted of the outgoing 2002 model year vehicles," stated Dr. Jane Liu, Executive Director of Data Analysis for Edmunds.com. "This was caused by the unusually high level of prior model year inventory still at the dealerships, and will likely create an oversupply of model year 2004 vehicles throughout next year and, subsequently, generate incentives that will help them sell." About Edmunds.com True Cost of Incentives(SM) (TCI(SM)) Edmunds.com's TCI(SM) is a comprehensive monthly report that measures automobile manufacturers' cost of incentives on vehicles sold in the United States. These costs are reported on a per vehicle basis for the industry as a whole, for each manufacturer, for each make sold by each manufacturer and for each model of each make. TCI covers all aspects of manufacturers' various incentives programs (except volume and similar bonus programs), including dealer cash, manufacturer rebates and consumer savings from subvented APR and lease programs (including subvented lease residual values used in manufacturer leasing programs). Data for the industry, the manufacturers and the makes are derived using weighted averages and are based on actual monthly sales and financing activity. About Edmunds.com, Inc. Edmunds.com (http://www.edmunds.com) is the premier online resource for automotive information. Its comprehensive set of data, tools and services, including Edmunds.com True Market Value(R) pricing, is generated by Edmunds Data Services and is licensed to third parties. For example, the company supplies over 800,000 pages of content for AOL's auto channel and NYTimes.com's auto section and delivers monthly data reports to Wall Street analysts. Edmunds.com was named "best car research" site by Forbes ASAP, is viewed by consumers as the "most useful Web site" according to the J.D. Power and Associates New Autoshopper.com Studies(SM) for both 2001 and 2002, and was ranked first in the Survey of Car-Shopping Web Sites as reported by The Wall Street Journal. The company is headquartered in Santa Monica, California and maintains a satellite office in Troy, Michigan.
### Press Release ############################## HP No. 1 in Worldwide Server Shipments for Sixth Consecutive Quarter PALO ALTO, Calif.-- --For the sixth consecutive quarter, HP (NYSE:HPQ) leads in worldwide server unit shipments, with 30.6 percent of the market, according to figures released today by IDC.(1) Almost one of every three servers shipped is from HP. HP held the No. 1 revenue share position in Linux, UNIX(R) and Windows(R) servers, demonstrating its across- the-board server market strength. In addition to continuing its longstanding lead in the worldwide x86 server market with the HP ProLiant line, HP retook the No. 1 position in x86 server revenue in the United States, with 32 percent market share. HP also retook the No. 1 position in worldwide UNIX server revenue, driven by its HP9000 and Integrity server lines. HP holds the following market leading positions: -- HP is No. 1 in both revenue and unit shipments in the worldwide x86 server market with 31.9 percent market revenue share and 32.3 percent share of shipments. -- In the fastest growing server segment, HP increased its ProLiant blade server shipments 168.3 percent year- over-year and recently announced it has shipped more than 50,000 blade servers to date. -- HP's commanding lead in UNIX servers, with 33.8 percent share of market revenue, is driven by its No. 1 position in high-end and midrange UNIX server revenue worldwide. The company is the high-end leader for the fifth consecutive quarter. At the same time, outpacing all major competitors, HP's volume UNIX server revenue grew almost 20 percent over last year.(2) -- HP maintained its No. 1 position in EPIC servers, fueled by strong demand for HP Integrity servers running Linux, Windows and UNIX. -- HP is No. 1 in worldwide revenue and shipments for Linux servers, leading its nearest competitor by almost 9 percentage points in Linux revenue market share. From the industry-standard ProLiant and Integrity servers, to the high-end Superdome and NonStop systems, HP offers enterprise customers the broadest server portfolio in the industry, along with the industry's leading storage and management solutions. About HP HP is a technology solutions provider to consumers, businesses and institutions globally. The company's offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing. For the fiscal year ending on Oct. 31, 2003, HP revenue totaled $73.1 billion. More information about HP is available at www.hp.com. (1) IDC Worldwide Quarterly Server Tracker, Nov. 25, 2003. (2) IDC defines volume servers as less than $25,000, midrange servers as $25,000 - $499,999 and high-end servers as $500,000 or more. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group. Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.
### Press Release ###################################
Cat Financial recipient of Prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Company expected to receive honor from President Bush in early 2004 NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- The U.S. Department of Commerce has selected Nashville-based Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation (U.S.) as a recipient of the 2003 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the nation's premier award for performance excellence and quality achievement. Cat Financial was one of seven organizations to receive the prestigious award, earning the honor in the service category. The award is given to U.S. organizations with exemplary achievements in seven areas - leadership, strategic planning, customer and market focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, human resource focus, process management, and business results. President George W. Bush is expected to recognize award recipients at an awards ceremony early next year in Washington, D.C. "This is a tremendous honor, not only for our employees, but for the entire Caterpillar family," Cat Financial President Jim Beard said after learning of the company's achievement. "We've worked hard to create a company that offers excellent financial services to our customers and dealers, and I believe this award is recognition that our efforts are paying off with world-class results. It's a great feeling to be listed among America's best." Items highlighted in Cat Financial's award application included the company's "Business Excellence Model," which integrates its Mission, Vision, Critical Success Factors, and Shared Values, and provides the context for decision-making and alignment of all organizational activities. The company's strategic planning processes, which link every employee to accomplishing company goals through a Performance and Development Process (PDP); and the implementation of 6 Sigma, a process improvement methodology which has already saved Cat Financial millions of dollars; were also cited as examples of the company's commitment to excellence. Among other strengths cited in Cat Financial's application were: Consistently high satisfaction ratings by customers, Caterpillar dealers, and employees The company's growing suite of cutting-edge online services, known as "ExpressTrackSM," which allow dealers and customers to perform a wide range of business functions easier, faster, and at a lower cost; Incentive Compensation and 6 Sigma Rewards programs that reward employees for the company's success; Active community involvement through organizations such as United Way, Red Cross, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and Junior Achievement Cat Financial is a wholly owned subsidiary of Caterpillar Inc., a Fortune 100 company and the world's largest maker of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines. Cat Financial offers a wide range of financing alternatives, which support the entire Cat product line, and also extends loans to customers and Caterpillar's network of dealers. The company is headquartered in Nashville, Tennessee. Named after the 26th secretary of Congress, the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award was established by Congress in 1987 to enhance the competitiveness of U.S. businesses. Since 1988, 58 organizations have received the honor. Cat Financial is the second Caterpillar subsidiary to do so, with San Diego-based Solar Turbines Inc., a leading provider of industrial gas turbines for use in power generation, natural gas compression, and pumping systems, receiving the honor in 1998. Other past recipients of the award have included Federal Express, Eastman Chemical Company, The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, Texas Nameplate, Boeing Airlift and Tanker Programs, Xerox Corporation, and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. CONTACT: Marcia Colburn Caterpillar Financial Services Phone Number: 615 341-5003 Fax Number: 615 341-5022 E-mail: Marcia.Colburn@cat.com
#### Press Release ##################################### Buy or Lease? by Paul Weiss, president and chief acquisition officer of ICON Capital Corp., a major sponsor and manager of equipment leasing investment programs. He has more than 20 years of experience in the equipment leasing and financial services industries. http://www.builderonline.com/article-builder.asp?channelID=
Streamlined Sales Tax Update - ELA Meeting Scheduled With Technical Personnel In Tax Process Functions by Dennis Brown, ELA The Equipment Leasing Association (ELA) has scheduled meetings for technical personnel tasked with supporting tax processes at ELA member companies to discuss issues confronting them as lessors move toward implementation of the software driven Streamlined Sales Tax (SST). Integration of accounting and tax software is critical for compliance with SST and participants will review integration with certified automated systems and certified service provider systems. These meetings are for those in receipt of this message that are members of the Equipment Leasing Association. Meetings have been geared to two audiences. The first objective is accounting software companies for discussion of issues confronting them as equipment lessors move toward implementation of software driven SST. They will convene in downtown Chicago the afternoon of Wednesday, January 7. Since proprietary, competitive information will be accessible in this meeting, the execution of a non-disclosure agreement will be required. Accounting software firms wanting to send representatives need to provide contact information including address, job title, telephone, fax and email address for registering personnel to dbrown@elamail.com The second audience is technical personnel tasked with supporting tax processes at ELA member companies discussing issues confronting them as lessors. The session will convene in downtown Chicago from 8:30 AM until 2:00 PM on Thursday, January 8. Accounting software representatives will also participate and lessors are encouraged to have their accounting software provider contact the association for further information. ELA members wanting to send representatives need to provide contact information including address, job title, telephone, fax and email address for the tax and technical personnel to dbrown@elamail.com These discussions were proposed after an ELA working group determined integration of accounting and tax software functions cannot be avoided when SST is implemented. The most appropriate attendee is a person charged with maintaining the tax components of accounting systems, who also understands taxes at least generally. A systems person who knows tax basics, or one person with both skills, is rare indeed. A two-person team (one tax, one tech) is the norm in these discussions. The appropriate person(s) to attend the meeting may vary between lessors. Since lease accounting does not parallel income or sales tax revenue rules, an accounting systems technician in some companies may not be the correct technician if the accounting, lease and billing system are not fully integrated. For instance, the required systems technician may be one who works closest to billing for calculation on stream and one that understands accounting for calculation of tax at inception of a lease. Hopefully, this will be a single systems technician. Please pass this message along to those in your company with these responsibilities. One prospective SST Certified Service Provider (CSP) of tax calculation software has accepted the ELA invitation to convene with technical personnel from equipment lessors. Velosant [Taxware] tax and technical representatives will explain how their systems will accommodate the transaction tax needs of the leasing industry with its Certified Automated System and as a Certified Service Provider. The majority of these in-depth discussions will revolve around the linkage between the accounting systems used by industry and SST mandated tax systems. Attendees will receive technical information in advance. Lessors and representatives from accounting software firms will have an opportunity to explain how the Velosant [Taxware] specifications could affect their accounting systems. Attendees can suggest any modifications necessary to better support industry, in an effort to agree on Velosant standards for lease accounting system interfaces. Proprietary issues prevent more than one potential CSP from being present. ELA hopes other prospective CSP's with experience and capabilities on behalf of the equipment leasing industry will participate in similar meetings since development of standards for tax calculation and accounting software is an ELA priority as SST moves to implementation.
Dennis Brown DBROWN@ELAMAIL.COM Equipment Leasing Association <http://www.elaonline.com/GovtRelations/State/Streamometer/>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- News Briefs--- Economy Surged In Third Quarter http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A14660-2003Nov25
http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=71000001&refer=home& http://www.boston.com/business/articles/2003/11/25/economy_booms_ Consumer
Confidence at 14-Month High/May Be Great Xmas Retailers Strive to Meet Shoppers by Store and Screen http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A14541-2003Nov25.html Web shopping gains popularity
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/retail/2003-11-25-onlineshopping_x.htm The battle plan for 'Black Friday'/Retailers New Plans http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2003/11/26/the_battle_plan Existing home sales cool, peak may have passed http://www.usatoday.com/money/economy/housing/2003-11-25-home-sales_x.htm Upstart bank grows with focus on research ThinkEquity gets big cash infusion for expansion http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2003/11/25/BUGRM39SPD1.DTL&type=business Honda produces 10 millionth vehicle in United States http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/business/20031125-1332-hondamilestone.html Computer-maker Dell gets complaints on service employees located in India http://www.internetnews.com/bus-news/article.php/3113721 Foreign-owned Citizens touts its hometown focus http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2003/11/25/living_la_vida_local/ Jury sees Kozlowski's posh digs via video http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/manufacturing/2003-11-25-tyco_x.htm For the week of Nov. 17-23, the top 10 shows, their networks and viewerships: "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," CBS, 26.6 million; "ER," NBC, 23.4 million; "Friends," NBC, 20.7 million; "Friends" special, NBC, 19.9 million; "Survivor: Pearl Islands," CBS, 19.9 million; "Everybody Loves Raymond," CBS, 19.4 million; "CSI: Miami," CBS, 18.9 million; "The Bachelor," ABC, 18.6 million; "60 Minutes," CBS, 18 million; "Law & Order," NBC, 17.5 million http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031126/D7V260CO1.html
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sports Briefs— Emmitt Smith to return as Shipp's backup
Bettis admits this may be his last season as a Steeler http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/03329/243681.stm
Falcons lose leading rusher Warrick Dunn for season http://www.ajc.com/falcons/content/sports/falcons/1103/26dunn.html Broncos Suspend Gardener For 2 More Games http://www.theredzone.org/news/showarticle.asp?ArticleID=650 Good ol' Georgia is like a fine wine http://www.presstelegram.com/Stories/0,1413,204~23173~1788569,00.html Calendar clearing for January by Mark Purdy http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/sports/columnists/mark_pur NFL
to Vermeil: No wine for kicker http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2003/football/nfl/11/25/bc.fbn.chiefs.ve http://www.philly.com/mld/dailynews/sports/7344175.htm
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- California Nuts Brief--- $1.9 billion in cuts unveiled/Arnold Called “Czar” http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/7352525.htm
"Gimme that Wine" Thanksgiving
treasures from Napa Valley http://www.napanews.com/templates/index.cfm?template=story_full&i 'Bad'
years can produce good wines http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/living/columnists/laurie_d Where to buy wine in Denver http://www.denverpost.com/Stories/0,1413,36~45~1788428,00.html Wine Events in Philadelphia http://www.marksquires.com/events.htm Nutritionist to Direct Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science http://www-pubcomm.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=6748 A Holiday Ride From the Internet to the Table ://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/26/dining/26GIFT.html
10, Food Network still cooking http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/entertainment/television How to Set the Table, and Why: The Short Course http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/26/dining/26HOWT.html
This Day in American History 1775- The American Navy began using chaplains within its regular service. 1778- British explorer Captain James Cook first discovers Maui, the islands (the Hawaiian Islands) and names them Sandwich Islands after Britain’s Earl of Sandwich. He dies in the islands with four of his men as the natives were continuing to steal fishing hooks and supplies from the ship. http://www.mmbc.bc.ca/source/schoolnet/exploration/cookdeath.html http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/7557/ http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/7557/page1.html http://www.hallman.org/indian/cook.html http://www.geocities.com/neil2bn/cook.htm 1789-President George Washington proclaimed November 26,1789 to be Thanksgiving Day. It was the first holiday by presidential proclamation. Both Houses of Congress, by their joint committee, had requested him to recommend a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity to peaceably establish a form of government for their safety and happiness. Those opposed said it violated the states rights to proclaim the day of Thanksgiving in their own state and it should not be a national holiday. Proclamation issued Oct 3,1789. Next proclaimed by President Lincoln in 1863 for the last Thursday in November. In 1939 President Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving to the next to last Thursday. May 10,1941, Pres. Roosevelt announced Thanksgiving would be moved forward again. to the last Thursday of November, after the two-year experiment. Roosevelt had originally moved the holiday to simulate business activity. 1792- Sarah Moore Grimke birthday, American antislavery and women’s rights advocate along with her sister Angelina. Born at Charleston, SC, and died Dec 23, 1873, at Hyde Park, MA. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USASgrimkeS.htm http://www.english.ilstu.edu/351/hypertext98/hankins/african/SGrimke.html http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/book-sum/grimke3.html http://americanciv.uchicago.edu/Grimke.html 1832-Mary Edwards Walker, birthday, American physician and women's rights leader, born at Oswego, NY. First female surgeon in US Army (Civil War). Spent four months in Confederate prison. First and only woman ever to receive Medal of Honor (Nov 11, 1865). Two years before her death, on June 3, 1916, a government review board asked that her award be revoked along with 908 others as they decided the award would be solely for those in combat.. She continued to wear it, in spite of official revocation, until her death, Feb 21, 1919, at Oswego. On June 11, 1977, the secretary of the army posthumously restored the Medal of Honor to Dr. Walker. 1832-The first Streetcar “John Mason”, a horse-drawn conveyance designed and constructed by John Stephenson in Philadelphia, PA, was placed in service in New York City by the New York and Harlem Railway. 1832. Named for the prominent New York banker who organized the railway company, the John Mason was equipped with iron wheels and was drawn over iron rails laid in the center of the pavement. Lank O’Dell was the first driver. The car was divided into three nonconnecting compartments with 10 seats in each. The first of the three doors bore on its panel the name “New York,” the second “Yorkville,” and the third “Harlaem.” ( sic.))The fare was 12.5 cents. Tracks for the streetcar were laid along Fourth Avenue from Prince Street to 14th Street. In November 1835, a double track running north to Yorkville was completed. 1858- Mother Mary Katharine Drexel birthday, founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People. MKD inherited $14 million in 1880; she used her funds freely while directing her order's work, which ranged from a school for black girls in Virginia to schools for Indians in the West. In 1915 she endowed and began forming Xavier University in New Orleans, the only Catholic college for blacks in the U.S. http://www.katharinedrexel.org/history.htm http://www47.homepage.villanova.edu/charlene.mires/tours/drexel.htm 1862 -- On meeting Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom' Cabin, President Abraham Lincoln comments: "So this is the little lady who made the big war.” 1863-Union General George Meade moves against General Robert E. L Lee's Army of Northern Virginia after months of inaction following the Battle of Gettysburg. Meade's troops found no weaknesses in Lee's lines, and the offensive was abandoned after only five days. This day Meade sent three corps against Lee's right flank around a small valley called Mine Run. Unfortunately for the Union, William French's Third Corps took the wrong road and did not cross the Rapidan River (just south of the Rappahannock) on time. Lee moved part of his army east to meet the threat. While French's corps wandered in the Virginia wilderness, Confederate General Edward Johnson moved to block their advance. French's men fought Johnson's at Payne's Farm; French suffered 950 men killed and wounded to Johnson's 545. The blunder cost the Union heavily. Lee's men took up strong positions along Mine Run, and Meade realized that to attack head on would be foolish. By December 1, Meade began pulling his men back across the Rappahannock River and into winter quarters. There would be no further activity between the two great armies until spring. 1867- J.B. Sutherland of Detroit, MI received a patent on the first refrigerated railroad car. It was for an insulted car constructed with ice bunkers in each end. Air came in at the top, was passed through the ice chambers, and circulated through the car by means of gravity, controlled by the use of hanging flaps that created differences in air temperature. The first refrigerated railroad car to carry a load of fresh fruit was constructed1866 by Parker Earle of Cobden, IL, who built and shipped chests of strawberries on the Illinois Central Railroad. The chests had three layers of board and were airtight and watertight. They held 100 pounds of ice and 200 quarts of strawberries, which brought $2 a quart. In 1872, Earle shipped a full carload from Anna, IL, to Chicago. 1871—Birthday of Texas Governor Pat Neff ( he pardoned “Leadbelly,”), anti-klu klux klan, a man ahead of his time, champion of education and progress, McGregor, Texas. http://www.tsha.utexas.edu/handbook/online/articles/view/NN/fne5.html http://www.baylor.edu/about/neff.asp http://www.lib.utexas.edu/taro/tslac/40030/40030-P.html 1883-We don’t generally “mention” the passing of a person in American History, but this is the date Sojourner Truth left Earth. A former slave who had been sold four different times, Sojourner Truth became an evangelist who argued for abolition and women’s rights. After a troubled early life, she began her evangelical career in 1843, traveling through New England until she discovered the utopian colony called the Northampton Associations of Education and Industry. It was there she was exposed to, and became an advocate for, the cause of abolition, working with Frederick Douglass, Wendell Phillips, William Lloyd Garrison and others. In 1850, she befriended Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and other feminist leaders and actively began supporting calls for women’s rights. In 1870 she attempted to petition Congress to create a “Negro state” on public lands in the west. Born at Ulster County, NY, about 1790, with the name Isabella Van Wagener, shed died November 26,1883, at Battle Creek, MI. ( lower half of: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/nov26.html ) 1895-National Negro Medical Association founded. ( could not find current or successor organization ) 1907-Birthday of trumpeter Henry ”Hot Lips” Levine, born London, England. 1907-Birthday of pianist Frank “ Kansas City Frank” Melrose, Sumner, IL http://www.redhotjazz.com/kcffootwarmers.html http://www.doctorjazz2.freeserve.co.uk/page3.html http://shopping.yahoo.com/shop?d=product&id=1927007006&clink=dmmu.artist&a=b http://www.redhotjazz.com/frankmelrose.html 1908-Birthday of Vernon “Lefty” Gomez, Baseball Hall of Fame pitcher born at Rodeo, CA., well-known San Francisco personality and restaurateur. Gomez was a star pitcher with the New York Yankees from 1930 to 1942. He won six World Series game without a defeat and was the winning pitcher in the first All-Star Game. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1972. Died at Greenbrae, CA, Feb 17, 1989. 1922-Birthday of Charles Schulz, cartoonist, born at Minneapolis, MN. Created the “Peanuts” comic strip that debuted on Oct 2,1950. The strip included Charlie Brown, his sister Sally, his dog Snoopy, friends Linus and Lucy and a variety of other characters. Stricken with colon cancer, Schulz last daily strip was published Jan 3, 2000, and his last Sunday strip was published Feb 13, 2000. The strip ran in more than 2,500 newspapers in many different countries. Schulz won the Reuben Award in both 1955 and 1964 and was named International Cartoonist of the Year in 1978. Several TV specials were spin-offs of the strip including “It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown” and “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown.” Schulz died at Santa Rosa, CA Feb 12, 2000. See also “Peanuts Debuts: Anniversary” (Oct 2). 1925- after finishing his college football career oat the University of Illinois, Harold “ Red” Grange, perhaps the most famous player of all time, played his first game as a professional. Wearing the uniform of the Chicago Bears, Grange was held to 35 years, rushing in a 0-0 tie against the Chicago Cardinals. 1933-Birthday of entertainer, actor, singer Robert Goulet, born Lawrence, MA. 1933- Fifteen thousand people in San Jose, California, storm the jail where Thomas Thurmond and John Holmes are being held as suspects in the kidnapping and murder of Brooke Hart, the 22-year-old son of a local storeowner. The mob of angry citizens proceeded to lynch the accused men and then pose them for pictures. On November 9, Brooke Hart was abducted by men in a Studebaker. His family received a $40,000 ransom demand and, soon after, Hart's wallet was found on a tanker ship in a nearby bay. The investigative trail led to Holmes and Thurmond, who implicated each other in separate confessions. Both acknowledged, though, that Hart had been pistol-whipped and then thrown off the San Mateo Bridge. After Hart's body washed ashore on November 25, a vigilante mob began to form. Newspapers reported the possibility of a lynching and local radio stations broadcast the plan. Not only did Governor James Rolph reject the National Guard's offer to send assistance, he reportedly said he would pardon those involved in the lynching. On November 26, the angry mob converged at the jail and beat the guards, using a battering ram to break into the cells. Thurmond and Holmes were dragged out and hanged from large trees in a nearby park. The public seemed to welcome the gruesome act of vigilante violence. After the incident, pieces of the lynching ropes were sold to the public. Though the San Jose News declined to publish pictures of the lynching, it condoned the act in an editorial. Eighteen-year-old Anthony Cataldi bragged that he had been the leader of the mob but he was not held accountable for his participation. At Stanford University, a professor asked his students to stand and applaud the lynching. Perhaps most disturbing, Governor Rolph publicly praised the mob. "The best lesson ever given the country," said Governor Rolph. "I would like to parole all kidnappers in San Quentin to the fine, patriotic citizens of San Jose." 1938—Birthday of singer Tina Turner, Nutbush, Tn http://www.tinamania.com/tina/ http://www.askmen.com/women/singer/27_tina_turner.html http://www.askmen.com/women/singer/27c_tina_turner.html 1941- On this day, a Japanese fleet of six aircraft carriers, commanded by Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, left Hitokapu Bay under strict radio silence. The surprise attack was Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's idea. The Commander in Chief of the Japanese Combined Fleet had been stewing over the idea since November 1940, two months after Japan signed the Tripartite Pact that aligned them with Germany and Italy. Yamamoto's Pearl Harbor idea was inspired by two things: a prophetic book and a historic attack. The book was The Great Pacific War, written in 1925 by Hector Bywater, a British naval authority. It was a realistic account of a clash between the United States and Japan that begins with the Japanese destruction of the U.S. fleet and proceeds to the Japanese attacks on Guam and the Philippines. To Yamamoto, the book's plot almost seemed like a blueprint for war. And when the Royal Air Force attacked and successfully debilitated the Italian fleet at Taanto on November 11, 1940, Yamamoto was convinced that Bywater's fiction could become reality. He started making plans at once. Yamamoto, who studied English at Harvard University, did not underestimate the Americans. He said that if "hostilities break out between Japan and the United States, it would not be enough that we take Guam and the Philippines . . . we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House." He understood this would be virtually impossible but also believed that waiting for the Americans to strike first would be playing into U.S. strengths. Planning the Pearl Harbor attack and organizing the First Air Fleet took up much of 1941. When the fleet finally sailed on November 26, the mood was tense. The director of the First Fleet, Vice Admiral Nagumo, not only lacked experience with naval aviation but openly opposed the attack. Yamamoto sat in his flagship headquarters in Japanese waters, anxiously awaiting the results of his Pearl Harbor brainchild. 1942- “ Casablanca” premiered. Due to the landing of the Allies in North Africa on Nov 8, the premiere and release of the film were moved up from June 1943 to Nov 26,1942, when it premiered at New York City on Thanksgiving Day. The general nationwide release followed on Jan 23, 1943, during the Roosevelt-Churchill conferences in Casablanca. http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/today/nov26.html 1944-Birthday of singer Jean Terrell ( of the Supremes), Texas http://www.soulwalking.co.uk/Jean%20Terrell.html http://www.tonygreen.com/music/Supremes/Jean.htm
1945- Charlie Parker cuts “Billie’s Bounce,” “Now’s the Time,” “KoKo” 1946-Birthday of football coach and Pro Football Hall of Fame tackle, Arthur “Art” Shell, Charleston, SC. 1949—Top
Hits 1950- In some of the fiercest fighting of the Korean War, thousands of communist Chinese troops launch massive counterattacks against U.S. and Republic of Korea (ROK) troops, driving the Allied forces before them and putting an end to any thoughts for a quick or conclusive U.S. victory. 1952-Birthday of bass player Mark Dresser, Los Angeles, CA http://www.mindspring.com/~gerryhem/dresser.html http://www.blacksaint.com/bios/mdresser.html 1956—“The Price is Right” premiers on television. This popular show is also TV's longest-running daily game show, surviving changes in format, networks, time slots and hosts. It began in 1956 with Bill Cullen as host, Don Pardo as announcer and a fairly rigid format: four contestants had to bid on an item and the one who bid closest to the manufacturer's suggested price without going over won the item. In 1972, after a seven-year hiatus, "The Price Is Right" came back in two versions. Bob Barker was the host of the network version, which expanded to an hour and which he hosts to this day. Johnny Olsen was the announcer until his death in 1985. Rod Roddy took his place. Also on the show are attractive women who model the prizes to be won and give Bob Barker minimal assistance in setting up the price-guessing games. "Price" contestants are drawn from the studio audience. My father’s very good friend Bernie Gould was the chief writer on the show, coming up with the themes and dialogue. 1957—Top
Hits 1968- While returning to base from another mission, Air Force 1st Lt. James P. Fleming and four other Bell UH-1F helicopter pilots get an urgent message from an Army Special Forces team pinned down by enemy fire. Although several of the other helicopters had to leave the area because of low fuel, Lieutenant Fleming and another pilot pressed on with the rescue effort. The first attempt failed because of intense ground fire, but refusing to abandon the Army green berets, Fleming managed to land and pick up the team. When he safely arrived at his base near Duc Co, it was discovered that his aircraft was nearly out of fuel. Lieutenant Fleming was later awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions. 1968 -- O.J. Simpson is named football's Heisman Trophy winner for 1968. A running back for the University of Southern California, amassing 3,187 yards in 18 games and 33 touchdowns in two seasons. He then played for the Buffalo Bills and San Francisco 49ers, became a sportscaster and actor. More recently obsessed with tracking down the killer of his ex-wife, presumably linked to the greens, which he now haunts. 1969 - The Heisman Trophy was awarded to Steve Owens of Oklahoma as the nation’s outstanding college football player. Owens scored more touchdowns and gained more yardage than any previous player in collegiate history. 1970-African-American Charles Gordone receives the Pulitizer Prize for his play, “No Place to be Somebody.” Died November 13, 1995 http://www.africanpubs.com/Apps/bios/0097GordoneCharles.asp http://www.rtis.com/reg/bcs/pol/touchstone/February96/costa.htm http://www.thatplusmore.com/charles-gordone.html 1973—Top
Hits 1973 - Rose Mary Woods, U.S. President Richard Nixon’s personal secretary, told a federal court she had accidentally erased over eighteen minutes of a ‘Watergate tape’ made June 20, 1972. The recording was of a crucial conversation at an Oval-Office meeting between Nixon and Chief of Staff Bob Haldeman just three days after the Watergate break-in. 1975- With New York City spiraling toward fiscal disaster, President Gerald Ford proposed a $2.3 billion aid package designed to address the city's "seasonal cash needs." The president's plan, passed a little less than a month later, made federal money available to New York in any of the ensuing three years. While Mayor Abraham D. Beame praised Ford's announcement, a few New Yorkers greeted the news with a Bronx cheer, grousing about the attendant tax hikes which threatened to further erode the city's private sector and drive away wealthy residents to tax havens in New Jersey. Whatever the merits of these complaints, the city, saddled with a multi-million-dollar deficit that threatened to balloon to $1.3 billion by March 1976, seemingly had little choice but to accept federal help. 1975- Red Sox center fielder Fred Lynn (.331, 21, 105) becomes the first rookie ever to be named the league's MVP. 1981—Top
Hits 1989-Los Angeles Rams wide receiver Willie "Flipper" Anderson makes 15 catches for an NFL record 336 yards and a touchdown as the Rams rally for a 20-17 overtime victory over New Orleans. 1989—Top
Hits 1991-The US Congress approved a bill renaming Custer Battlefield National Monument as Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. The bill also authorized the construction of a memorial to the Native Americans who fought and died at the battle known as Custer’s Last Stand. Introduced by then Representative Ben Nighthorse Campbell, the only Native American in Congress, the bill was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush. 1994 - The Eagles’ "Hell Freezes Over", signaling the band’s reunion (after fourteen years), hit #1 (for two weeks) on U.S. album charts. The tracks: "Get Over It", "Love Will Keep Us Alive", "The Girl from Yesterday", "Learn to Be Still", "Tequila Sunrise", "Hotel California", "Wasted Time", "Pretty Maids All in a Row", "I Can’t Tell You Why", "New York Minute", "The Last Resort", "Take It Easy", "In the City", "Life in the Fast Lane" and "Desperado". 1998-When Minnesota’s Randy Moss scored three receiving touchdowns of at least 50 years vs. Dallas, he became the first player to do so in an NFL game since Raymond Berry in 1960. 2000—Florida http://politicalhumor.about.com/cs/election2000/ |
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