Monday, July 28, 2014

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Pictures from the Past---1996
IFC Credit Corp Officers (Filed BK July 27, 2009)
Classified Ads---Credit
Funders Looking for New Broker Business
“Video Interview Pointers”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Reasons to Lease
Become a Certified Leasing Professional
This Case May Chill Assignments
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
Alleged First Legal "Benefit" Corp. Bank Fails in Chicago
14th FDIC insured bank to fail this year, 4th in Illinois
Top Stories July 21—July 25
(You May Have Missed One)
Beagle/Australian Cattle Dog
Northbrook, Illinois Adopt-a-Dog
Collector/Collections Consultant/Communications
Classified ads—
News Briefs---
VA healthcare: Tentative deal reached in Congress
TCF 2Q profit rises, driven again by auto, equipment loans
Banc of California Win Is Largest for nCino Since Upgrade
Oil trains crowd out grain shipments to NW ports
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists | Features (writer's columns)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers | Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
Leasing News Icon for Android Mobile Device
You May have Missed---
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer
Sports Briefs---
California Nuts Brief---
"Gimme that Wine"
This Day in American History
Daily Puzzle
Weather, USA or specific area
Traffic Live----
######## surrounding the article denotes it is a “press release”
and was not written by Leasing News nor information verified, but from the source noted. When an article is signed by the writer, it is considered a “by line.” It reflects the opinion and research of the writer.

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Pictures from the Past---1996
IFC Credit Corp Officers (Filed BK July 27, 2009)

“Standing, left to right: Rudolph Trebels, CLP; Patrick A. Witowski
Seated: Dale Volkamer, CLP; Scott Kreissl, Gary Trebels, CLP “
June/July 1996 UAEL Newsline
IFC Credit filed $150 Million Chapter 7 Bankruptcy July 27, 2009.
(Note: None are CLP’s in good standing today)

Rudolph Trebels
Wedgewood Investment Group, LLC
Equipment Leasing Group of America
Northfield, Illinois
Patrick Witowski
IFC (1991-2009)
Executive Vice President of Operations,
No Other Information
Scott Kreissl
Principal, JSK Partners,
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Gary Trebels
(Rudy Trebels brother)
Member, Canvass Capital, LLC
Arlington Heights, Illinois
IFC Credit History:

Classified Ads---Credit

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
Credit, syndication, workout experience
Exceptional work ethic, common sense coupled with practical experience in equipment finance, consumer, commercial. Can interact with all levels of borrowers and intermediaries. Not an originator – but can help sales team close – great up sell ability. Will relocate for the right opportunity AND can work
Orlando, Florida
As a Commercial Credit Analyst/Underwriter, I have evaluated transactions from sole proprietorships to listed companies, across a broad spectrum of industries, embracing a multitude of asset types. Sound understanding of balance sheet, income statement and cash flow dynamics which impact credit decisions. Strong appreciation for credit/asset risk.
407 430-3917 |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:

(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Funders Looking for New Broker Business

To qualify for this list, the company must be a funder (as qualified by Leasing News) and on the “Funder List,” an acceptable Better Business Bureau Rating and no history of complaints at Leasing News. Also, it is their practice to notify lessees in advance when the lease will end and what the residual will be, specifically not automating extra lease payments, or insisting their discounter follow the same policy. We reserve the right to not list a company who does not meet these qualifications. There is no advertising fee or charge for a listing. They are “free.” Leasing News makes no endorsement of any of the companies listed, except they have qualified to be on this specific list.
We encourage companies who are listed to contact us for any change or addition they would like to make. We encourage adding further information as an "attachment" or clarification of what they have to offer would be helpful to readers.
Please send company name, contact/email or telephone number as well as a URL to attach or description to
Alphabetical list - click on company name to view more details |
1st Enterprise Bank Leasing
Advantage Funding
Agility Solutions
Allegiant Partners Incorporated
Allegheny Valley Bank Leasing
Allstate Leasing
American Leasefund, Inc.
Argent Bank Leasing
Bankers Capital
Barrett Capital Corporation
Black Rock Capital
Blue Bridge Financial, LLC
Boston Financial & Equity Corp.
BSB Leasing, Inc.
Calfund, LLC
Chesapeake Industrial Leasing Co., Inc.
Citizens Business Bank
Cobra Capital LLC
Dakota Financial
Data Sales Co., Inc.
Exchange Bank Leasing (formerly Dumac Leasing)
FirstLease, Inc.
First Federal Leasing
Financial Pacific Leasing
Forum Financial Services, Inc.
Gonor Funding
Lease Corporation of America
Manufacturer's Lease Plans, Inc
Mar Vista Financial
Maxim Commercial Capital, LLC
Mesa Leasing
National Equipment Finance
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation
NFS Leasing, Inc
Northwest Leasing Company, Inc
P&L Capital Corporation
Padco Financial Services
Pawnee Leasing Corporation
RLC Funding
Standard Professional Services, LLC
Summit Leasing, Inc.
TEAM Funding Solutions
Vision Financial Group, Inc. |
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed
| C -Sub-Broker Program
| D -"Private label Program" | E - Also "in house" salesmen
Full List:

“Video Interview Pointers”
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII

Question: I have an interview in the next few weeks, and it is to be a video interview. I would appreciate some pointers
Answer: There are two types of video interviews (1) live interviews (using Skype, FaceTime, or Live Messenger) and (2) recorded question-and-answer interviews, also called “time-shifted” video interviews.
In a recorded interview, the job seeker is directed to a website to answer questions on video, using their computer’s webcam.
Video interviews provide an apples-to-apples approach to assessing candidates. All applicants are asked the same questions, and the hiring manager can review and rate the responses. The company’s HR staff can easily set up these interviews, and the recording forwarded to the hiring manager for selection for the next round of interviews.
Skype usage has increased dramatically in recent years: more than 300 million minutes of video calls are logged every day. An increasing number of those calls are job interviews.
Video Interview Prep
You can conduct a video interview on a laptop with a webcam, a traditional computer with a webcam, or using the Skype app on your iPad.
Even though the interview is being conducted by webcam, this is a “real” live interview, and you should be as prepared as if you were sitting across the desk from the interviewer. In fact, you may have to prepare more! After all, you do not have to clean your room before going off to an in-person job interview, but you do need to clear a space for your Skype interview.
Be mindful of where you set up for your video interview. Be sure the area is free of visual distractions (clutter). Carefully consider what is in the background of your Skype interview. Make the background interesting, but not distracting. Plain white walls are fine, but boring. Can you frame a desk or bookshelves behind you instead?
Make sure you check out your technology well in advance of the interview, e.g. Internet connectivity and that your webcam and microphone are working. You may also have to download the software, if it is the first time you are using the application.
One of the best things you can do to prepare for a live video interview is to practice with friends or family members before your job interview. Clarify with the interviewer who will initiate the Skype call and double-check the username. Furthermore, be sure to account for any time zone differences.
Dress nicely from head to toe: you should always expect the unexpected -You never know when you might need to stand during an interview.
Lighting is important: If the light source is behind you, you may appear as a dark silhouette on the screen … position a lamp or other light source in front of you.
Positioning is important: Prop up the computer so that you are not looking down at it and practice where to sit so you are framed correctly by the webcam … Make sure your torso is visible, including your hands.
One “pro” tip is to use a USB-connected headset for an interview instead of the computer’s speakers: Headsets are inexpensive and can provide a much clearer interview experience.
Dial up the enthusiasm: Someone who speaks with normal energy in a one-on-one conversation can come across as flat and monotone on a video interview … so it is important to be a little more enthusiastic in a Skype interview than normal.
Lean in: You have probably heard that “the camera adds 10 pounds.” The reason for this is that many people lean backwards in their chair, when they should be leaning forward … if you sit back and relax in your chair, your head will be further away from the webcam than your stomach. Lean forward.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Collector, Atlanta, GA
Experienced, calling 11-90 day delinquent customers, assisting Asset Re-marketer with delinquency reporting, weekly reporting to home office.
Sales, Chicago, Atlanta
Work out of main office and satellite. Heavy phone sales calling on both independent dealers and end users (cold/warm calling), marketing, weekly reporting to management. Outside territorial salespeople will also be considered.
Contact: Michael Testa 312-881-3133
Financing for Commercial Truck & Trailer, Exotic, High Line, Vintage &
Classic Automobiles, Taxi, Livery & Paratransit
Leasing Operations Manager
San Antonio, Texas
Leadership role in building a team focused on credit, documentation and
funding functions for a dynamic high growth business operating in both
captive and non- captive lift truck markets.
Click here for full description.
Contact: Monet Pitts, HR Manager
Quality Controlled Material Handling Equipment
Rent, Finance, or Lease up to 84 months, Maintenace, too.
Help Wanted Classified Ads
$595 four HTML lines
(note, a space is counted as a line)
$40 for each additional line or space
The classified ad will appear for 21 days.
The idea is to attract an applicant to learn more, either to click to a full description on your web site or to a full job description attachment (free, no charge).
All "Help Wanted" ads go into the "Help Wanted" classified ad section, which appears in each news edition, and is well read. The ad will also appear on the web site for those who go directly to the web site section.
A "Help Wanted" ad appears at the top of the headlines in each edition in a chronological basis with other help wanted ads. The position cannot be purchased. The ad also continues to appear in the classified ad section in the news edition as well as the web site in addition to appearing above the headlines. If there is only one help wanted ad, a display ad may be utilized in the rotation basis as this position, meaning the one help wanted ad is not going to be on top in every edition.
Contact for more
information or to help word a classified ad.
Leasing News reserves the right to refuse advertising, particularly to a company that has appeared in the complaint bulletin board |
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Reasons to Lease
It does not look like Bonus Depreciation will be back this year, and maybe not next year. Also, new accounting changes are coming down the road, which will bring back “operating leases,” perhaps with shorter terms and higher residuals.
I am asked many times, “why would a company lease,” by business men and women that do not understand accounting or leases’ impact on business income tax. It is hard to explain cash flow, or its value to other than a CFO or the company’s tax accountant. However, we are called on to explain “why lease” to many decision makers who find leasing confusing.
The first question to ask, then sit back and listen, is “how long, and for what purpose is the equipment going to be used?” If the term is short, and the federal tax (MACRS) is long, then ask the customer how do they define cost and how does it match up with the term of financing? One of the biggest advantages of leasing is to place all costs such as accounting expense, tax expense and cash flow in unison, so cost accounting can be accurate and product pricing perfected.
Book depreciation and tax depreciation are usually on different terms, and loans could be on another term, making true cost hard to determine. If a true lease is used, then the book expense and the tax expense, plus the cash cost, are all on the same term making the cost accounting very clear and tied to the actual term of use.
True commercial equipment leasing is not always better than financing, and anytime the customer intends to keep the equipment for a long term, we should offer a bargain option lease that still would allow for irregular rents if they have an irregular cash flow or revenue stream. Loans tend to be level payments, causing the customer to have and use a line of credit. Make sure they add this interest cost, and commitment and non-utilizatoin fees to their financing costs when comparing leasing to lending.
Leasing is an easy cost to distribute to different departments, if the equipment has multiple uses in a manufacturing environment. In addition, in an operating lease, if situations change during the lease, a modification of the lease terms can change the expense and lease payment to adjust to the new issues. Loans can change the payment, but not the expense. By changing the lease payment, leasing changes the expense, and perhaps the term as well.
Leasing includes all the acquisition costs (delivery set-up, site preparation, etc.) and amortizes it as part of the equipment cost over the term of the lease. In financing, those costs usually require that cash be paid up front; however, amortized over the term of the equipment’s accounting depreciation. This makes it a hard cash cost.
Any time cash is used that cannot be expensed, it reduces equity or net worth, so leasing allows a company to maintain equity by being able to expense cash as it is used for lease payments.
There are many reasons to lease, so if you just ask the right questions, and prepare to listen to the customer, you will find many ways to present the value of equipment leasing.
This is only one of the aspects you will learn when you study to become a Certified Leasing Professional. Having this knowledge will help you better understand what leasing is all about, as well as being able to be of better help to your client.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
Mr. Terry Winders available as Expert Witness. 35 years as a professional instructor to the top equipment leasing and finance companies in the United States, author of several books, including DVD's, as well as weekly columnist to Leasing News. He also performs audits of leasing companies as an expert on documentation, and has acted as an expert witness on leasing for litigation in legal and tax disputes, including before the IRS. He also has taught the senior bank examiners, how to review a bank leasing department, for the Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. and has trained the examiners for the FDIC on how to prepare a lease portfolio for sale.
Mr. Winders received his Master of Business Administration and his Bachelor of Science degrees from the College of Notre Dame.
502.649.0448/ |
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Become a Certified Leasing Professional

The Institute for Leasing Professionals 2 day program is a comprehensive education program designed by equipment leasing and financing professionals. It is a 16-module course that covers the most important subjects in the equipment leasing and financing profession.
California ILP: August 8-9th
Location: Banc of California
CLP Exam: August 10th
Washington ILP: August 12-13th
Location: Financial Pacific Leasing
CLP Exam: August 14th
Maryland ILP: October 10-11th
Location: FSG Capital
CLP Exam: October 12th
For additional Information:
Reid Raykovich, CLP - Executive Director
(206) 535-6281 - direct
Why I Became a CLP
This Case May Chill Assignments

By Tom McCurnin
Leasing News Legal Editor
All Assignments Have Warranty of Future Enforcement Provisions. But Can an Assignor Warrant a Legal Opinion That the Lease is Enforceable to a Municipal Lessee? Two Courts Say “Yes.” Case May Chill Assignments.
Lyon Financial Services, Inc. v. Illinois Paper and Copier Co. 732 F.3d 755 (7th Cir. 2013.
Lyon Financial Services, Inc. v Illinois Paper and Copier 2014 WL 2965404 (Minn. 2014)
All lease assignments have a representation and warranty that the lease is “fully enforceable under its terms” or words similar to that. In today’s case, a copier supplier, Illinois Paper and Copier Co., Bolingbrook, Illinois, leased copier ($510,568) to the Village of Bensenville, Illinois for a six year term, and assigned the lease to Lyon Financial Services dba U.S. Bancorp Business Equipment Finance Group, Marshall, Minnesota, a subsidiary of U.S. Bancorp. The assignment had a warranty of enforcement that the lease was enforceable against the municipality that leased the copier.
“…it's clear that Lyon purchased the copier the Village wanted for a price of $510,658 and in turn leased it to the Village. The lease agreement—signed a week after the master contract was executed in October 2008—listed the Village as the ‘customer,’ Lyon as the ‘owner’ of the copier, and Illinois Paper as the ‘supplier.’ The Village was required to make monthly payments of $9,500 for 72 months (six years), and Lyon's remedy for nonpayment was repossession of the equipment.
(Page two, First Lyon Case)
The problem was that under Illinois law, a municipal lease over five years is illegal.
The copier supplier assigned the lease to Lyon Financial Services, Inc. with a choice of law provision in the assignment for Minnesota. Two years into the lease, the municipality stopped paying on the lease citing Illinois law, which makes such longer leases illegal. Lyon Financial sued Illinois Paper.
Illinois Paper defended, claiming that the warranty of future legal performance was in appropriate for a number of good reasons.
First, Illinois Paper argued that the lease form was supplied by Lyon Financial, so if there was a six year term, it was Lyon that selected that term. I have no doubt that Lyon Financial probably supplied the form, but I doubt whether the actual term was something Lyon insisted upon. Moreover, as a copier supplier in Illinois, one would think that Illinois Paper would have known about the five year maximum term.
Second, Illinois Paper argued that Lyon Financial was required to prove reliance upon the warranty to enforce it. The proving of reliance is not generally a requirement in a simple contract case.
Third, Illinois Paper argued that the warranty of enforcement is essentially a representation of law, which is generally not actionable by a party in contract.
The Federal Trial Judge ruled that Lyon's claim was a breach of warranty claim and the warranty of future enforcement was a representation of law. The court explained that reliance is an element of a breach-of-warranty claim under Illinois law, and because no one may reasonably rely on counterparty’s representation of law, the breach of warranty claim necessarily failed. Illinois Paper wins, Lyon loses. Lyon appealed.
On appeal, the Seventh Circuit was unclear whether, under Minnesota law (where the assignment was governed) reliance was a prerequisite to filing suit.
Federal Judges, as a group, are some of the most decisive judges I’ve ever seen, and are rarely without an opinion on any given subject. They also have a group of scary smart law clerks, from the best law schools in the Nation. Multiply that character trait for Federal Appellate Judges. So for the Seventh Circuit to express ignorance, whether reliance is necessary was quite surprising.
So unclear was the Seventh Circuit that it refused to rule on the case, and instead punted the case to the Minnesota Supreme Court last year to answer the question whether reliance is necessary.
The Minnesota Supreme Court had never ruled on the issue, so it considered the matter and held that for a breach of contract action like this, reliance on a specific term is not a prerequisite. Lyon wins, Illinois Paper loses. The Minnesota Court then sent the case back to the Seventh Circuit. It is likely that the Seventh Circuit will reverse the trial court and enter judgment for Lyon Financial.
Putting aside the procedural traffic jam, what do these two cases mean to equipment lessors?
First, a warranty of future enforcement between assignors and assignees is now enforceable, even for technical defects. And they are enforceable even if the assignee knew or should have known the lease was illegal. Reliance is not a factor.
Second, this puts the responsibility for determining a lease’s legality and enforceability squarely onto the shoulders of the assignor. So if the assignment has such a provision, the Assignor must consider the legalities of the lease from all perspectives. In the old days, we used to have lessees sign “Estoppel Letters” or obtain an “Opinion of Counsel” from the lessee’s attorney that the lease was in fact enforceable. Assignors may want to consider getting those types of documents to protect themselves against this decision.
Third, as wrong as this case seems to me, the fact remains that Illinois Copier was in the business of supplying copiers, and supplying them to Illinois businesses and governments. It’s hard for me to imagine that this was the first municipal lease it wrote. All leasing lawyers know for a fact that governmental leasing is a specialty, and most leasing companies won’t touch them without an expert staff familiar with the State’s laws in question, and a really good governmental leasing lawyer.
Fourth, for Assignees and funding sources, continue using the warranty of enforcement provisions with confidence that if the lease deal craters for anything other than financial reasons, your Assignor may arguably be on the hook.
Five, it is difficult to believe the city manager or finance officer
or those in the village government were not aware a six
year lease was illegal, and perhaps they were aware they could cancel
the lease, which they can do annually, but this time without any
problems as it was for six years. Perhaps they had earlier planned
to take advantage of the smaller monthly payment from the very
beginning, and the supplier should have taken this into consideration
or perhaps was involved in this plan from the very beginning,
and both parties were aware a six year lease was illegal in Illinois.
Lyon Case #1
Lyon Case #2
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Visit our web site at
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Alleged First Legal "Benefit" Corp. Bank Fails in Chicago
14th FDIC insured bank to fail this year, 4th in Illinois.

"A benefit corporation or B corporation is a corporate form available in certain US States, designed for for-profit entities that wish to consider society and the environment in addition to profit in their decision making process. Benefit corporations differ from traditional corporations in regards to their purpose, accountability and transparency. The purpose of a benefit corporation includes creating general public benefit, which is defined as a material positive impact on society and the environment."

The three branches of GreenChoice Bank, FSB, Chicago, Illinois were closed with Providence Bank, LLC, South Holland, Illinois, to assume all of the deposits. Established January 1, 1920, the bank
had 22 full time employees as of March 31, 2014, at its offices in Chicago, Cicero, and Lockport.
At March 31, 2013, the bank had 40 full time employees.
The bank was originally founded as Family Federal Savings of Illinois, Cicero. It was purchased and became GreenChoice Bank, FSB, Chicago, on February 1, 2011. (December 31, 2006, 16 full time employees.)
"GreenChoice obtained a thrift charter from the U.S. Office of Thrift Supervision in June 2009...Chief Operating Officer Steve Sherman, 37, declined to disclose how much capital GreenChoice is pumping into Family Federal, which is operating under a Nov. 20 "cease and desist" order from the OTS that requires it, among other things, to boost its capital levels.
"The CEO of GreenChoice is Mr. Sherman's father, Harold, 78, a community banker in Chicago in the 1980s.
"Family Federal, founded 110 years ago, had assets of $61 million as of Dec. 31. It's primarily a mortgage lender, but Steve Sherman said GreenChoice will make loans to apartment-building owners and small businesses in addition to continuing home lending."

"GreenChoice Bank FSB, claims to be the first bank in the U.S. to operate as a legal "benefit corporation."
"GreenChoice is a federal savings bank, and is wholly-owned by GreenChoice Holding Co. Inc., an Illinois-chartered benefit corporation. A benefit corporation, a new legal entity, is defined by state law as a business that, among other public purposes, is committed to “preserving the environment” or “increasing the flow of capital to entities with a public benefit purpose.”
“'We measure everything we do not only by how much it impacts our profit and losses, but also how it impacts the community and environment,' Jon Levey, executive vice-president and chief lending officer, said in an interview."
"Among its environmentally sustainable business practices, GreenChoice encourages customers to use e-statements, prints its reports on renewable sugar cane pulp, and designed its main office at 2545 W. Diversey Ave. so that sunlight can hit 90 percent of space inside the bank, according to Levey.
"GreenChoice provides loans to small business owners, ones Levey describes as “having been shut out of the credit system, largely.” as part of its business philosophy. In addition, GreenChoice bankers work to maximize return on investments for non-profits and foundations, because of common values, according to Levey."
"We invested most of 2010 re-engineering the business to GreenChoice’s standards. This involved retrofitting its two branch locations and applying for LEED certification, introducing online and other electronic banking capabilities and launching a cultural change to incorporate sustainability initiatives throughout the business.
"We strive to create a small physical footprint to reduce our environmental impact, instead using technology and service to bring the bank to you."
GreenChoice Web Site (now down)
The population of Cicero, Illinois in 2012 was 84,137, with an estimated median income of $39,680 compared to Illinois of $55,137. Estimated per capita income in 2012: $13,418.

- Hispanic - 72,609 (86.6%)
- White alone - 7,696 (9.2%)
- Black alone - 2,690 (3.2%)
- Asian alone - 467 (0.6%)
- Two or more races - 257 (0.3%)
- Other race alone - 90 (0.1%)
- American Indian alone - 56 (0.07%)
- Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone - 26 (0.03%)

Single-family new house construction building permits:
- 1997: 2 buildings, average cost: $58,200
- 1998: 2 buildings, average cost: $58,200
- 1999: 0 buildings
- 2000: 1 building, cost: $58,200
- 2001: 1 building, cost: $58,200
- 2002: 0 buildings
- 2003: 0 buildings
- 2004: 0 buildings
- 2005: 0 buildings
- 2006: 0 buildings
- 2007: 0 buildings
- 2008: 0 buildings
- 2009: 0 buildings
- 2010: 0 buildings
- 2011: 0 buildings
- 2012: 0 buildings
March 31, 2014: Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 2.73%;
It does not appear this was the location for a Legal "Benefit" Corp.,
especially based on energy savings.
Non-Current Loans, mostly real estate, took the bank down.
(in millions, unless otherwise)
Non-Current Loans
2006 |
$453,000 |
2007 |
$1.7 |
2008 |
$6.6 |
2009 |
$4.2 |
2010 |
$7.7 |
2011 |
$4.8 |
2012 |
$10.1 |
2013 |
$5.0 |
3/31 |
$3.9 |
Profit |
2006 |
-$86,000 |
2007 |
-$464,000 |
2008 |
$142,000 |
2009 |
-$2.3 |
2010 |
-$843,000 |
2011 |
-$2.6 |
2012 |
-$2.4 |
2013 |
-$2.8 |
3/31 |
-$512,000 |
Net Equity |
2006 |
$6.7 |
2007 |
$6.4 |
2008 |
$6.6 |
2009 |
$4.2 |
2010 |
$7.9 |
2011 |
$5.2 |
2012 |
$4.9 |
2013 |
$2.1 |
3/31 |
$1.6 |
Charge Offs
2006 -$1,000 (-$1,000 loans to individuals)
2007 0
2008 $2,000 ($2,000 loans to individuals)
2009 $2.2 ($1.3 1-4 family residential properties, $657,000 construct/land, $174,000 nonfarm/nonresidential, $-$1,000 loans to individuals)
2010 $121,000 ($74,000 nonfarm/nonresidential, $47,000 construction & land development)
2011 $246,000 ($209,000 construction/land, $23,000 1-4 family, $15,000 nonfarm/nonres/ -$1,000 individual loans)
2012 $417,000 ($188,000 1-4 family, $178,000 nonfarm/nonres, $38,000 multifamily, $2,000 commercial/industrial, -$2,000 individual loans)
2013 $935,000 ( $410,000 1-4 family, $284,000 nonfarm/nonres., $2,000 loans to individuals)
3/31 $90,000 ($39,000 nonfarm/nonres., $24,000 individuals, $22,000 1-4 family, $5,000 construction/land)
Construction and Land, 1-4 family multiple residential, Multiple Family Residential, Non-Farm Non-Residential loans.
As of March 31, 2014, GreenChoice Bank, fsb had approximately $72.9 million in total assets and $71.0 million in total deposits. In addition to assuming all of the deposits of the failed bank, Providence Bank, LLC agreed to purchase approximately $67.7 million of the failed bank's assets. The FDIC will retain the remaining assets for later disposition.
The FDIC estimates that the cost to the Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) will be $14.2 million.
List of Bank Failures:
Leasing News Bank Beat:

Top Stories July 21—July 25
(You May Have Missed One)

Here are the top stories opened the most by readers:
(1) 1999—Pictures from the Past
Meet the Northwest Team US Bancorp Manifest Funding Services
(2) Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Purchase Money Security Interest (PMSI)
(3) New Hires—Promotions in the Leasing Industry
(4) Archives---July 23, 2002
Origins of the Leasing Business
(5) 674 Dentists Win Judgment/Brican America
(Includes Special Report from Attorney Ron Gossett) by Christopher Menkin
(6) Secured Lender Loses Security Interest in Two Cranes
Which Are Sold Under its Nose
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal News Editor
(7) CIT's big buy in California could signal more large bank deals to come
(8) Placard---Cash Flow is King
(Tie) (9) Much Anxiety Over Having Enough Money for Retirement
(Tie) (9) Working Capital Myth #2
(10) Kmart offers $1 check cashing Adds to Financial Service, such as “lease to own”

Beagle/Australian Cattle Dog
Northbrook, Illinois Adopt-a-Dog

Animal ID: 22184804
Breed: Beagle/Australian Cattle Dog
Age: 1 year 4 months 21 days
Sex: Male
Size: Medium
Color: black/brown
Declawed: No
Housetrained: Unknown
Intake Date: 3/6/2014
Adoption Price: $225.00
“PJ is a low key dude. He's a 1-year old, 35-pound Beagle/Australian Cattle Dog mix that Heartland rescued from euthanasia. We think that his leg was broken at some point in the past because he walks with a limp, but he's happy as can be otherwise. He is so easy going and sweet- he'd love to be a couch potato with you! PJ is a beagle at heart so of course he enjoys getting out and sniffing around, but he'd be happy to snuggle for hours after.”
Heartland Animal Shelter is located at
2975 Milwaukee Ave. Northbrook, IL. 60062
Phone: 847-296-6400
* Please note that your calls will always be answered during our open shelter hours. We are sorry but we are not always able to answer your calls during off-hours, please leave us a message and we will return your call.
Email Us:
Stop by to visit Shelter Hours:
Mon: Closed
Tues: 4-7pm
Wed: Closed
Thur: 4-7pm
Fri: 4-7pm
Sat: 12-4pm
Sun: 12-4pm
Adopt a Pet
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News Briefs----
VA healthcare: Tentative deal reached in Congress
TCF 2Q profit rises, driven again by auto, equipment loans
Banc of California Win Is Largest for nCino Since Upgrade
Oil trains crowd out grain shipments to NW ports
Collector, Atlanta, GA
Experienced, calling 11-90 day delinquent customers, assisting Asset Re-marketer with delinquency reporting, weekly reporting to home office.
Sales, Chicago, Atlanta
Work out of main office and satellite. Heavy phone sales calling on both independent dealers and end users (cold/warm calling), marketing, weekly reporting to management. Outside territorial salespeople will also be considered.
Contact: Michael Testa 312-881-3133
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Baseball Poem
“Voices of the Game"
by J. Kyle
You see fans holding their radios here and over there,
Intently watching the game, yet listening with care.
Some think us strange that we bring our transistorized friend, Then they sit too close, and try to listen in.
So many, many voices of baseball present and past,
A very select few can make you feel that home run blast.
The team in the booth at times is the best,
The fans can hope for along with the rest.
Some of these voices have now faded away,
Going, going, gone to their final play.
The restless nights they talked us to sleep,
Just waiting for someone to take one deep.
Harry was the greatest Cub there ever could be,
There will never be another like him at ol' Wrigley.
Vin Scully still bleeds that Dodger blue,
While Scooter will always be a Yankee too.
Nuxhall and Brennaman are my favorite radio men,
They have been a duo since way back when.
I was a boy when I first heard that familiar winning call,
“This one belongs to the Reds” now has its own place in the Hall.
So the next time you search for the game on TV,
Turn the volume way down, grab a radio, and you will soon see.
The voices of the game do much more than that old screen,
They bring you the nation's game in a fashion unseen
(also recommended for Football games, too.)
“The poem brings back memories of my first game at Dodger Stadium. I was hosting about a dozen clients in 1981 - Fernandomania - and they were playing Nolan Ryan and the Astros. Nearly everyone in the Stadium had a transistor radio - it was '81 - and you could hear the play-by-play in both English and Spanish quite clearly. And the Dodger Dog vendor was throwing strikes to customers nearly as well as Fernando and Ryan!”
Ralph P. Mango

Sports Briefs----
Tony La Russa thankful in Hall of Fame speech
Eric Nadel honored by Hall of Fame, tells team, fans: 'We won this award together'
49ers' No. 2 running back Kendall Hunter tears ACL
49ers' LaMichael James suffers apparent dislocated elbow
John Kenny
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California Nuts Briefs---
Cal Fire: 10 homes, seven outbuildings destroyed by Sand fire
State senator calls for criminal probe of Bay Bridge construction problems
Vinod Khosla blames costly demands for Martins Beach trial

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This Day in History
1746 - Thomas Heyward’s birthday, in St. Luke’s Parish, SC. He was elected to the Continental Congress in 1775 as a representative of his home state and he was a soldier in the Revolution. A signer of the Declaration of Independence. He was captured by the British in 1778 and imprisoned in Philadelphia. Died Mar 6, 1809 in SC.
1777 - Vermont enacted the first universal voting rights to freemen without restriction as to property or wealth. The state constitution adopted at a general convention at Windsor, VT., permitted all freemen who were natural-born citizens over 21 years of age to elect officers and to be elected to office.
1819 - A small but intense hurricane passed over Bay Saint Louis, MS. The hurricane was considered the worst in fifty years. Few houses were left standing either at Bay Saint Louis or at Pass Christian, and much of the Mississippi coast was desolate following the storm. A U.S. cutter was lost along with its thirty-nine crew members. The storm struck the same area that was hit 150 years later by Hurricane Camille.
1841 - Forces from the national bank movement received a glimmer of hope as the Senate narrowly passed the Fiscal Bank Bill. An initiative of the embattled Whig party, this bill called for the creation of the Fiscal Bank of the United States, a federal financial institution to be located in the District of Columbia. The bank's starchy name barely disguised the ideological intent of its inventors: the Whigs sought nothing less than the revival of the Second Bank of the United States, the ill-fated institution that Andrew Jackson had putatively killed in the name of states' rights earlier in the 1830s. The bill to establish a Fiscal Bank of the U.S. was introduced and approved in the Senate and by the House on August 6. For a brief spell during the summer of 1841, it looked as though the Whigs would have their day; however, despite the Fiscal Bank Bill passing through the House in early August, the legislation--and its Whig advocates--was doomed to failure. On August 16, President John Tyler, a staunch state supporter, announced that he was vetoing the bill. The legislation bounced back to the Senate, but the Whigs failed to marshal sufficient support to override Tyler's veto. The Whig leadership was enraged by Tyler’s veto. They believed Tyler had agreed to sign the bill and that he had reneged on a promise
1854 – USS Constellation, the last all-sail warship built by the US Navy, is commissioned. It has been moored in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor since 1963. In 1994, Constellation was condemned as an unsafe vessel. She was towed to a dry-dock at Ft. McHenry in 1996, and her $9 million restoration project was completed in July 1999. On 26 October 2004, Constellation made her first trip out of Baltimore's Inner Harbor since 1955. The trip to the Naval Academy in Annapolis lasted six days, and it marked her first trip to Annapolis in 111 years.
1857 – Birthday of Ballington Booth, English-American activist, co-founded Volunteers of America, in Brighthouse, England. He was the second son of William and Catherine Booth, founders of The Salvation Army in 1878.
1858 - Four British and American ships spliced a telegraph cable together, and then set sail for home the following day. The cable was laid out until the ships reached Ireland and Newfoundland. The cable, which stretched more than 1,950 miles and was laid as deep as two miles under the ocean in some places, established transatlantic telegraph communication. An initial message was exchanged by President James Buchanan and Queen Victoria in August. However, the cable's weak signal was insufficient for regular communication and service ended on September 1.
1864 - Confederates under General John Bell Hood make a third attempt to break General William T. Sherman's hold on Atlanta. Like the first two, this attack failed, destroying the Confederate Army of Tennessee's offensive capabilities. Hood had replaced Joseph Johnston as commander of the Army of Tennessee on July 18, 1864, because Johnston had failed to keep Sherman away from Atlanta. Upon assuming command of the army, Hood quickly scrapped Johnston's defensive strategy and attacked Sherman, first on July 20 at Peachtree Creek, and then on July 22 at the Battle of Atlanta. Both failed, but that did not deter Hood from making another attempt to break the Union hold on the important Southern city. When Sherman sent General Oliver O. Howard southeast of Atlanta to cut the Macon and Western Railroad, one of the remaining supply lines, Hood sent Stephen D. Lee's corps to block the move. Lee attacked at Ezra Church, but the battle did not go as planned for the Confederates. Instead of striking the Union flank, Lee's corps hit the Union center, where the Yankee troops were positioned behind barricades made from logs and pews taken from the church. Throughout the afternoon, Lee made several attacks on the Union lines. Each was turned back, and Lee was not able to get around the Union flank. The battle was costly for an army that was already outnumbered. Lee lost 3,000 men to the Union's 630. More important, Hood lost his offensive capability. For the next month, he could do no more than sit in trenches around Atlanta and wait for Sherman to deal him the knockout blow.
1868 – The 14th amendment to the Constitution is ratified and former slaves become United States citizens. The amendment extends citizenship to “all persons born or naturalized in the United States including former slaves recently emancipated by the 13th Amendment. It also ensures that no state shall “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
1868 - Pres. Johnson signed the Burlingame Treaty. It was negotiated by Anson Burlingame, who represented the interests of China, and committed the US to a policy of noninterference in Chinese affairs. It also established commercial ties and provided unrestricted immigration of Chinese to the US.
1896 - The city of Miami, Florida was incorporated.
1900 - Louis Lassen of Louis' Lunch in New Haven, Conn., reportedly created the hamburger sandwich when he tossed a grilled beef patty between two slices of white bread for a customer in a hurry.
1901 - Birthday of Rudy Valle. American singer, saxophone player and radio idol of millions during the 1930s. Born Hubert Prior Vallee, at Island Pond, VT, the crooner used a megaphone to amplify his voice and introduced his performances with the salutation, "Heigh-ho-everybody!" Vallee appeared in a number of movies, including “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying”. Among his best-remembered songs are "I'm Just a Vagabond Lover," "Cheerful Little Earful," "Say It Isn't So" and his signature song, "My Time Is Your Time." Vallee died at age 84 at North Hollywood, CA, July 3, 1986.
1891 - Birthday of blues singer Mary McBride, Algiers, LA
1903 - The Saint Luke Penny Savings Bank, Richmond, VA, was founded by the first bank president who was a woman, Maggie Lena Walker, the daughter of an African-American salve. It had a paid-in capital of $25,000. The first day’s deposits exceeded $8,000. The bank later became the Consolidated Bank and Trust Company. She died December 15, 1934.
1904 - Birthday of Ikey “Banjo” Robinson, Dublin VA. Died Oct 25, 1990
1907 - Birthday of Leon Prima, trumpeter, New Orleans LA, died 1985. Older brother of Louis Prima who was also a trumpeter and band leader. Leon ran several Bourbon Street night spots, including the Shim Sham Club (229 Bourbon) and the 500 Club (whose house band was led by Sam Butera before Sam headed to Las Vegas to join Louis Prima's band in 1954)
1907 – Birthday of Earl Tupper, founder of Tupperware, in Berlin, NH. Using black, inflexible pieces of polyethylene slag, a waste product of an oil refining process given to him by his supervisor at DuPont Chemical Company, Tupper purified the slag and molded it to create lightweight, non-breakable containers, cups, bowls, plates, and even gas masks that were used in World War II. He later designed liquid-proof, airtight lids, inspired by the secure seal of paint can lids. Tupper founded the Tupperware Plastics Company in 1938 and, in 1946, introduced Tupper Plastics to hardware and department stores. Around 1948, he joined forces with Brownie Wise, who caught his attention after she made a lengthy phone call to his office during which she explained her extraordinary success selling Tupperware via home parties. Based on a marketing strategy developed by Wise, Tupperware was withdrawn from sale in retail stores in the early 1950s and Tupperware "parties" soon became popular in homes. This was the first instance of "party-plan" marketing.
1914 - World War I beings. Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were assassinated at Sarajevo, Bosnia, by a Serbian nationalist on June 28, 1914, touching off the conflict that became WWI. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, the formal beginning of the war. Within weeks, Germany entered the war on the side of Austria-Hungary and Russia, France and Great Britain on the side of Serbia.
1915 - US forces invaded Haiti and stayed until 1924.
1918 - MANNING, SIDNEY E. Medal of Honor.
Rank and organization: Corporal, U.S. Army Company G, 167th Infantry, 42d Division. Place and date: Near Breuvannes, France, 28 July 1918. Entering service at: Flomaton, Ala. Born: 17 July 1892, Butler County, Ala. G.O. No.: 44, W.D., 1919. Citation: When his platoon commander and platoon sergeant had both become casualties soon after the beginning of an assault on strongly fortified heights overlooking the Ourcq River, Cpl. Manning took command of his platoon, which was near the center of the attacking line. Though himself severely wounded, he led forward the 35 men remaining in the platoon and finally succeeded in gaining a foothold on the enemy's position, during which time he had received more wounds and all but 7 of his men had fallen. Directing the consolidation of the position, he held off a large body of the enemy only 50 yards away by fire from his automatic rifle. He declined to take cover until his line had been entirely consolidated with the line of the platoon on the front when he dragged himself to shelter, suffering from 9 wounds in all parts of the body.
1924 - Birthday of tenor sax player Corky Corcoran, Tacoma, WA. Died October 3, 1979.
1929 - Birthday of Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, former US First Lady, at Southampton, NY. She studied at Vassar, the Sorbonne, and George Washington University before marrying Senator John Kennedy.
She was basically a shy and retiring person who was hounded by the paparazzi. She was particularly admired for her dignified elegance and cool composure after the assassination (Nov. 22, 1963) of her husband who had been elected President in 1960. She became a working editor for a major publishing company and raised her two children in NYC, away from the public eye and without from scandal. She died May, 19, 1994 in New York City. She is buried next to JFK and her first son at Arlington National Cemetery. (lower half of: )
1930 - 114ø F (46ø C), Greensburg, Kentucky (state record)
1932 - Some 15,000 unemployed veterans of World War I marched on Washington, DC, in the summer of 1932, demanding payment of a war bonus. After two months' encampment in Washington's Anacostia Flats, eviction of the bonus marchers by the US Army was ordered by President Herbert Hoover. Under the leadership of General Douglas MacArthur, Major Dwight D. Eisenhower and Major George S. Patton, Jr (among others), cavalry, tanks and infantry attacked. Fixed bayonets, tear gas and the burning of the veterans' tents hastened the end of the confrontation. One death was reported.
1933 - The first singing telegram, said to have been delivered to singer Rudy Vallee on his 32nd birthday. Early singing telegrams often were delivered in person by uniformed messengers on bicycle. Later they were usually sung over the telephone.
1934 - 118ø F (48ø C), Orofino, Idaho (state record)
1935 – First flight of the Boeing B-17 bomber, named The Flying Fortress.
1936 - Birthday of bassist Jim Hughart at Minneapolis, MN,,446232,00.html
1938 - For the second consecutive day, Hank Greenberg hits two homers in one day. The Tiger first baseman will hit two home runs in the same game a record setting eleven times during the season.
1938 - The first loss of an airliner in trans-Pacific China Clipper service occurred when Hawaii Clipper was lost between Guam and Manila.
1939 - Accompanied by the Victor Young Orchestra, Judy Garland sang one of the most famous songs of the 20th century. The song "Over the Rainbow," recorded for Decca Records, became Garland's signature tune and will forever be linked with the singing actress. For those who don't know, "Rainbow" was featured as the musical highlight of the hit movie, "The Wizard of Oz".
1941 - Judy Garland, 19, married composer David Rose, 31, in Las Vegas on this date. It was Garland's first marriage.
1943 - Birthday of William Warren “Bill” Bradley, former US senator, presidential candidate, and Basketball Hall of Fame forward from the New York Knicks, at Crystal City, MO.
1943 - MORGAN, JOHN C. (Air Mission) Medal of Honor.
Rank and organization: Second Lieutenant, U.S. Army Air Corps, 326th Bomber Squadron, 92d Bomber Group. Place and date: Over Europe, 28 July 1943. Entered service at: London, England. Born: 24 August 1914, Vernon, Tex. G.O. No.: 85, 17 December 1943. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty, while participating on a bombing mission over enemy-occupied continental Europe, 28 July 1943. Prior to reaching the German coast on the way to the target, the B17 airplane in which 2d Lt. Morgan was serving as copilot was attacked by a large force of enemy fighters, during which the oxygen system to the tail, waist, and radio gun positions was knocked out. A frontal attack placed a cannon shell through the windshield, totally shattering it, and the pilot's skull was split open by a .303 caliber shell, leaving him in a crazed condition. The pilot fell over the steering wheel, tightly clamping his arms around it. 2d Lt. Morgan at once grasped the controls from his side and, by sheer strength, pulled the airplane back into formation despite the frantic struggles of the semiconscious pilot. The interphone had been destroyed, rendering it impossible to call for help. At this time, the top turret gunner fell to the floor and down through the hatch with his arm shot off at the shoulder and a gaping wound in his side. The waist, tail, and radio gunners had lost consciousness from lack of oxygen and, hearing no fire from their guns, the copilot believed they had bailed out. The wounded pilot still offered desperate resistance in his crazed attempts to fly the airplane. There remained the prospect of flying to and over the target and back to a friendly base wholly unassisted. In the face of this desperate situation, 2d Lt. Morgan made his decision to continue the flight and protect any members of the crew who might still be in the ship and for 2 hours he flew in formation with one hand at the controls and the other holding off the struggling pilot before the navigator entered the steering compartment and relieved the situation. The miraculous and heroic performance of 2d Lt. Morgan on this occasion resulted in the successful completion of a vital bombing mission and the safe return of his airplane and crew.
1945 – The Japanese attack American ships around Okinawa, in response to the Allied strikes on Japan. The American destroyer Callaghan is sunk by a Japanese suicide plane. It is the last ship to be destroyed by a Kamikaze attack.
1945 - An Army Air Force B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building in Manhattan, killing 14 and injuring 26.
1945 -Top Hits
“The More I See You” - Dick Haymes
“Dream” - The Pied Pipers
“Sentimental Journey” - The Les Brown Orchestra (vocal: Doris Day)
“Oklahoma Hills” - Jack Guthrie
1949 - Birthday of Vida Rochell Blue, former baseball player, born Mansfield, LA.
1951 - Rosemary Clooney's "Come On-A My House" hits #1
1951 - “Sammy Kaye” television show premiers. CBS's musical program hosted by bandleader Sammy Kaye swayed audiences to swinging tunes on Saturday nights.
1951 - Elia Kazan's powerful film, “On the Waterfront”, starring Marlon Brando, premiered in New York. It later won Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.
1953 - Top Hits
“Song from Moulin Rouge” - The Percy Faith Orchestra
“April in Portugal” - The Les Baxter Orchestra
“I’m Walking Behind You” - Eddie Fisher
“It’s Been So Long” - Webb Pierce
1954 - "Billboard's" top spot on the pop singles chart went to The Crew Cuts with "Sh-Boom." The song was a cover of a rhythm and blues recording by The Chords and it would stay at the #1 spot for seven weeks. Many people consider this song to be the first rock ’n’ roll record. It wasn’t the first ... rock and roll had made it to the music scene long before this. In fact, The Boswell Sisters recorded a song titled, "Rock and Roll" in 1934. However, "Sh-Boom" was the first rock ’n’ roll record to make it to the top of the pop charts. (The Chords’ version became the first rock-related hit in Great Britain.) Purists consider "Rock Around the Clock" to be the first, true #1 rock ’n’ roll hit. However, it didn’t hit the top of the charts until one year after "Sh-Boom".
1954 - Walt Disney's “Alice in Wonderland” was released in theaters. The animated film took five years to complete at an estimated cost of $3 million.
1956 - Elvis Presley's "I Want You, I Need You, I Love You" hits #1
1957 - Jerry Lee Lewis makes his television debut on "The Steve Allen Show." Lewis is booked for two more appearances.
1958 - Three years after "Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White" reached #1, Cuban-born bandleader Perez Prado was again at #1 with "Patricia". Because of his Latin inspired instrumentals, Prado was known as the Mambo King.
1959 – In preparation for statehood, Hawaiians voted to send the first Chinese-American, Hiram L. Fong, to the Senate and the first Japanese-American, Daniel K. Inouye, Medal of Honor recipient, to the House of Representatives. Hiram Fong served 3 terms.
1961 - Top Hits
“Tossin’ and Turnin’” - Bobby Lewis
“The Boll Weevil Song” - Brook Benton
“Yellow Bird” - Arthur Lyman Group
“Heartbreak U.S.A.” - Kitty Wells
1962 - Tommy Roe's "Sheila" enters the Hot 100 at #93. It will top the charts by September 1.
1965 - President Lyndon B. Johnson announces that he has ordered an increase in U.S. military forces in Vietnam, from the present 75,000 to 125,000. Johnson also said that he would order additional increases if necessary. He pointed out that to fill the increase in military manpower needs, the monthly draft calls would be raised from 17,000 to 35,000.
1996 - The Tokens record "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", which will reach the US pop chart in November and climb to number one by Christmas. The song was originally a hit in South Africa in 1939 for its writer, Solomon Linda, under its original title "Mbube" (pronounced EEM-boo-beh) which means "Lion".
1968 - *CARON, WAYNE MAURICE Medal of Honor.
Rank and organization: Hospital Corpsman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Headquarters and Service Company, 3d Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Quang Nam Province, Republic of Vietnam, 28 July 1968. Entered service at: Boston, Mass. Born: 2 November 1946, Middleboro, Mass. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as platoon corpsman with Company K, during combat operations against enemy forces. While on a sweep through an open rice field, HC3c Caron's unit started receiving enemy small arms fire. Upon seeing 2 marine casualties fall, he immediately ran forward to render first aid, but found that they were dead. At this time, the platoon was taken under intense small-arms and automatic weapons fire, sustaining additional casualties. As he moved to the aid of his wounded comrades, HC3c. Caron was hit in the arm by enemy fire. Although knocked to the ground, he regained his feet and continued to the injured marines. He rendered medical assistance to the first marine he reached, who was grievously wounded, and undoubtedly was instrumental in saving the man's life. HC3c. Caron then ran toward the second wounded marine, but was again hit by enemy fire, this time in the leg. Nonetheless, he crawled the remaining distance and provided medical aid for this severely wounded man. HC3c. Caron started to make his way to yet another injured comrade, when he was again struck by enemy small-arms fire. Courageously and with unbelievable determination, HC3c. Caron continued his attempt to reach the third marine until he was killed by an enemy rocket round. His inspiring valor, steadfast determination and selfless dedication in the face of extreme danger, sustain and enhance the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service.
1969 - Top Hits
“In the Year 2525” - Zager & Evans
“Crystal Blue Persuasion” - Tommy James & The Shondells
“My Cherie Amour” - Stevie Wonder
“Johnny B. Goode” - Buck Owens
1972 - Spacelab 3. Alan L. Bean, Owen K. Garriott and Jack R. Lousma started 59-day mission in the space station to test man's space flight endurance. Pacific splashdown Sept 25.
1973 - Chicago's Chicago IV LP hits #1
1973 - Exactly one year after their first date, television’s "Six Million Dollar Man", Lee Majors, married "Charlie’s Angels", Farrah Fawcett. On the campus of the University of Texas, newly-married Farrah Fawcett-Majors was deemed one of the 10 most beautiful, and her provocative poster adorned many a boy’s room.
1973 - One of the largest rock festivals of all time is held at the Watkins Glen raceway in the Finger Lakes region in New York State. More than 600,000 show up for one day of music with the Grateful Dead, the Band and the Allman Brothers.
1976 - Steve Miller Band's "Fly Like an Eagle" goes gold, on its way to platinum. The album features huge hits as the title track (which makes it to number two), "Rock'n Me" (goes number one later in the year), "Jet Airliner" (#8 in 1977) and "Take the Money and Run" (#11 this month).
1977 - Top Hits
“Looks like We Made It” - Barry Manilow
“I Just Want to Be Your Everything” - Andy Gibb
“I’m in You” - Peter Frampton
“It was Almost like a Song” - Ronnie Milsap
1979 - Cubs' slugger Dave Kingman becomes the sixth player in major league history to hit three home runs in one game twice in one season. The Mets win the game, 6-4.
1984 - In Southern California, the 23rd Summer Olympic Games opened at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The head of the United States Olympic Committee, Peter V. Ueberroth, welcomed 7,800 athletes from 140 nations in 3-1/2 hour long opening ceremonies.
1984 - Pete Rose passes Ty Cobb as the all-time singles leader as he collects his 3,053rd off Steve Carlton in a 6-1 Expos victory over the Phillies.
1985 - Top Hits
“Everytime You Go Away” - Paul Young
“Shout” - Tears For Fears
“You Give Good Love” - Whitney Houston
“Love Don’t Care (Whose Heart It Breaks)” - Earl Thomas Conley
1988 - Thunderstorms drenched Wilmington, NC, with 3.33 inches of rain, bringing their monthly total 14.46 inches. Seven cities in Michigan and Minnesota reported record high temperatures for the date. Marquette, MI, hit 99 degrees, and the record high of 94 degrees at Flint MI was their tenth of the month
1991 - Dennis Martinez of the Montreal Expos pitched a perfect game, defeating the Los Angeles Dodgers,2-0, in Dodgers Stadium.
1994 - Coincidences abounded in major league baseball. Kenny Rogers tossed major league's 14th perfect game in history on what was three years to the day since the previous time this same event happened. This time it was in an American League game where Texas beat California, 4-0. Ten years before, on September 30, 1984, the same two teams played when the 11th perfect game was pitched. Mike Witt was the pitcher and the winning team was reversed.
1996 - The remains of a prehistoric man were discovered near Kennewick, WA.
1996 - A pipe bomb hidden in a backpack exploded during evening festivities at the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia, killing 2 people and injuring more than 100. The explosion occurred around 1:00 a.m., which doubtlessly prevented more Olympic visitors from being killed or injured. It was the first of four bombings committed by Eric Rudolph. Security guard Richard Jewell discovered the bomb before detonation and cleared most of the spectators out of the park. Rudolph, a carpenter and handyman, had detonated three pipe bombs inside a military ALICE pack. Motivated by what he considered to be the government's sanctioning of "abortion on demand," Rudolph wanted to force the cancellation of the Olympics. After the bombings, Jewell was falsely implicated as a suspect by the FBI and the news media focused aggressively on him as the presumed culprit. However, in October 1996, Jewell was cleared of all charges. Following three more bombings in 1997, Rudolph was identified by the FBI as the suspect. In 2003, Rudolph was arrested, tried, and convicted two years later. Rudolph was sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.
1998 - Sammy Sosa hits his first career grand slam establishing the mark for most career homers before hitting a grand slam (246).
1998 - Monument Records released the Dixie Chicks' country single "Wide Open Spaces".
1999 - Pete Townshend plays at the Supper Club in New York to showcase his upcoming album, “Pete Townshend Live: A Benefit for Maryville Academy”. Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder joins Townshend on stage to perform a number of songs including "Magic Bus," "Heart to Hang Onto" and the Pearl Jam classic, "Better Man."
2000 - Toronto skipper Jim Fregosi wins his 1,000th game as a big league manager as the Blue Jays beat the Mariners, 7-2.
2000 – A US federal appeals court granted a last minute stay of an injunction that ordered Napster to shut down. The order to stop operations came on July 26, 2000.
2001 - The Eagles played the first concert at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.
2002 - During his induction speech at the Hall of Fame ceremonies in Cooperstown, with the song “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” playing in the background and a copy of 'The Wizard of Oz' in his hands, Ozzie Smith compares his baseball career to Dorothy's away trip from Kansas. Citing the recipe for his success during his 19-year career with Cardinals and Padres, the 47-year-old tells the crowd he had the mind to dream, which the Scarecrow cherished, a heart to believe, which the Tin Man wanted, and courage, which the Lion lacked, in order to persevere. During his career, Smith was known as “The Wizard” because of some of the most amazing fielding plays he executed at shortstop.

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