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Monday, November 18, 2013

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Name of Pulaski Bank $7 Million Leasing Fraud:
Healthcare Partners Group, LLC
Classified Ads---Legal
DLL Leaves Lessor to Hang re: Evergreen Clause
by Christopher Menkin
Advice for Broker or Lessor
Dealing with a Company that Uses Evergreen Clauses
Companies that Do Not Inform Lessee of residual
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
Leasing 102 by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP
Section 179 to End December 31, 2013
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Prospective Employer Requests ‘Functional Resume’
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII
Two More CLP's for Orion First Financial
Britanee Dixon, CLP, Steve Huffman, CLP
Small US Commercial Banks Beat Big Boys
on Loan Growth Front, reports SNL Financial
Salary Needed to Make Mortgage Payments 25 Cities
Top Stories November 12-November 14
(You May Have Missed One)
Labrador Retriever
St. Louis, Missouri Adopt-a-Dog
News Briefs---
Midwest tornadoes, winds slam towns and trucks; 5 killed in Illinois
Oil tank-car makers may have overestimated demand
Leasing Group IFC Tempts Gulf Carriers With Jet Quintet
Hyundai ranks highest in Total Value Awards
Road & Track names new Corvette Performance Car of the Year
Making Branches Relevant: Umpqua's Ray Davis Discusses 'Revolution'
Butterball says it has a shortage of fresh large turkeys
Broker/Funder/Industry Lists |
Features (collection)
Top Ten Stories Chosen by Readers |
Top Stories last six months (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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Name of Pulaski Bank $7 Million Leasing Fraud:
Healthcare Partners Group, LLC
by Christopher Menkin

Telephone calls, but mostly emails, came in from all over the United States asking what was the name of the leasing company caught in the alleged $7 million fraud with Pulaski Bank, Creve Coeur (St. Louis), Missouri. Guesses that it was King Commercial Finance were not correct, as it would have been a lot more money involved (was told with a laugh by the principal that it wasn't them--- and if he was going to steal, it would be for a lot more money); certainly not CSI, as it definitely would have to be a lot more money involved.
Leasing News called many leasing companies and banks in the St. Louis, Missouri, area and no one knew the name of the company allegedly involved in the fraud.
Yes, no one guessed it, and the bank was not disclosing it as the FBI was in the midst of arresting Michael Edward Filmore, 51, Chesterfield, Missouri. He reportedly had at least 15 outstanding loans with Pulaski Bank valued at around $7 million for his company Healthcare Partners Group, LLC.
The bank appeared to be lax in the transaction: its credit investigation, and the absent audits of leases or the operating statements.
They felt comfortable with approving the loan it appears due to an alleged fabricated brokerage account records with reportedly $631,000 of the stock pledged as collateral for the loans (most likely not the stock certificates, but a promissory note).
There was no information on the credit investigation, meaning any loan officer who looked at the tax returns of Healthcare Partners Group, LLC or Michael Edward Filmore, would have seen income or losses or financial statements regarding stock. It is also is common to confirm such information with a call to the stock brokerage firm for verbal confirmation. This may have been done, but to a person posing as the stock broker.
It also appears there were no leases written by Healthcare Partners Group (not to be confused with the many similar companies such as Healthcare Partners Medical Group). No web site, no listing in BBB, no membership in a leasing association –all red flags that the company was not in the business of equipment leasing. In fact, the company is not listed in the yellow pages for Chesterfield or St. Louis, Missouri for leasing, even health care, or health care equipment.
These warnings were perhaps why Leasing News received so many emails as to what was the name of the leasing company--no one knew at the time, especially since there are not many leasing companies in St. Louis, Missouri.
Reportedly Mr. Filmore had been a "customer for years" of the bank. In an affidavit filed in court, FBI Special Agent Peyton Tucker said the bank discovered in early November that Filmore used a fictitious purchase order and other questionable information to secure a loan to buy medical equipment. Why this did not occur in previous requests was not explained.
Reportedly the outstanding loan balance to Pulaski Bank is $7 million, minus $631,000 in collateral held by the bank. The collateral was not identified. Hopefully it was not a lien on a brokerage account that did not exist.
It also appears none of the funds was used to buy equipment to lease. Evidently, neither the leases nor the equipment, the reasons for the loans, ever existed. They are not listed as collateral available to the bank.
So, according to Pulaski Bank’s announcement it leaves them to file an insurance claim under its fidelity bond which reportedly has a $5 million maximum limit.
According to the most recent FDIC filing, the Pulaski Bank was formed in January 1, 1922. As of September 30, 2013, 459 full time employees at 13 offices; net income after taxes of $7.3 million, equity of $131.7 million, and non-current loans of $33.3 million. Before the $7 million loss was discovered in November, charge offs as of September 30, 2013, included $6.3 million in commercial/industrial loans, $2.1 million secured by first liens, 1.7 million 1-4 family residential properties, $1.3 million junior liens, $448,000 nonfarm nonresidential, $56,000 other loans, $42,000 multi-family, $16,000 personal loans; total of $12 million. Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio was 0.127732 (12.8%).
The bottom line is Healthcare Partners Group, LLC, was never in the leasing business.

Classified Ads---Legal

San Diego , CA
Experienced in-house corporate, equipment leasing and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate.
Cell Phone: 760-533-4058; | Resume |
(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment or
looking to improve their position)
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
All “free” categories “job wanted” ads:
John Kenny Receivables Management
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations
• Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing
• Third-party Commercial Collections | ph 315-866-1167| |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
DLL Leaves Lessor to Hang re: Evergreen Clause
by Christopher Menkin

This is a case that crosses the bridge as did several in early 2000, such as NorVergence, where the funder of the lease was held responsible for the actions of the seller of the equipment; the death of leasing contract "hell and high water" clauses. In the NorVergence case, and the others to follow in the next ten years, funders were found negligent by both the jurors and court decisions in doing their "due diligence" regarding vendor representations and promises utilizing both "capital leases" and "true leases." The issue was, and is, responsibility.
Here is a key “responsibility” case involving the blatant abuse of an "Evergreen clause." What makes it even more shameless is a collection agency was involved after payments stopped, but wait, it gets worse: the lessee has settled with the funder and the funder's collection agency, but the lessor, who sold the lease to the funder, De Lage Landen (DLL,) remains in the suit as being party, or “in collusion,” with the Evergreen clause collection matter. The fact is the lessor was not directly involved in the collection of payments or received any remuneration, as well as the suit continues, now solely against the lessor. As happened in “Hang ‘em High,” the wrong party is going to be strung up and hanged.
There is another side to the case, regarding the claims of the plaintiff, but the fact is the two main parties are no longer involved in the law suit, leaving the lessor to pay his legal costs as well as face the outcome of the case itself. It certainly might cost the lessor $50,000 easily to defend their position, not counting that they may lose and pay the damages; or the cost to appeal the decision. It certainly is a case a smart leasing attorney would say "throw some money at them" and settle as did De Lage Landen and Advance Recovery System. Now the plaintiff obviously has a larger “war chest” to proceed against the lessor. And in Montgomery, Alabama.

Dr. Beauchamp, MD
December 5, 2011 plaintiffs Dr. D'Livro Beauchamp, a graduate of Howard University College of Medicine, and his company Obelisk Healthcare/Symmerty Medspa, founded July, 2002, Montgomery, Alabama, filed a suit asking for a jury trial against Mike Wallace, Advance Recovery System, De Lage Landen (DLL), Wayne, Pennsylvania, and Spenser Capital Group, Inc., dba Group Financial Services (GFS), Hilton Head, South Carolina, regarding a lease of a Radcom x-ray machine and a “dummy lease,” as described by the plaintiff. Both leases were to end January, 2009.
In reality it is claimed that $34,560 in lease payments were collected illegally, although the lease contract had an Evergreen clause that if the lessee did not notify in 90 days before expiration, the payments would continue. It appears this went on for almost three years.
The plaintiff charges a second lease, a "dummy lease...was never executed or contemplated by plaintiffs. The defendants collected the fraudulent payments by mail and bank transfers...” As noted, the suit called for a jury trial in Montgomery, Alabama.
--(page 4)
"16. The defendants collected more than $31,163.07 from the plaintiffs, which was not owed to the defendants under the lease. When the defendant would refuse to make the payment, De Lage Landen would threaten to take legal action against the plaintiffs."
(page 5)
There are other charges involving the collection agency hired by De Lage Landen and their means of trying to collect the money allegedly owed, including the alleged violation of the RICO Act, claiming $82,500 in collective damage to their business and property, plus the return of the alleged "stolen" money. (1)
As noted this case was filed on December 5, 2011. On October 11, 2013 Advanced Recovery Systems and Numen Bilal (a/k/a Mike Wallace were dismissed from the case, making a settlement . (2) On October 15, 2013, De Lage Landen Financial Services, Inc., was dismissed, making a settlement. (3)
That leaves GFS, the lessor, holding the bag. In their defense, they basically said they never met Dr. Beauchamp to talk him into signing, the lease was done by telephone and sent by overnight, assigned to DLL, they had no interest in the residual or any extra payments, nor did they hire a "recovery agency" or involved in collecting extra payments from the original lease. (4)
In the listing of companies who notify lessees regarding the termination of the leasing contract and residual, if any, also included were lessors who assigned contracts. They felt it their responsibility to inform ("remind") the lessee regarding notification of the residual in advance to avoid the continuation of lease payments by those who abuse the Evergreen clause.
Here is a case where De Lage Landen continued collecting payments for almost three years automatically, obviously with knowledge of why a "recovery agency" would be engaged by them. Supposedly the residual here was 10% and the extra payments certainly paid more than that.
The trend here is the involvement of all parties in a lease transaction, including the lessor (or broker). What responsibility does the originator have? I know the attorneys will have their own opinions, but as history is showing us, both the judges and the jurors have been crossing from commercial law to consumer law decisions.
Certainly Evergreen Clause abuse is the culprit here, but how responsible is the lessor when not directly involved in its collection of extra payments? And to those who discount to companies that are known to promote extra lease payments, better watch out, you could be next named in a law suit as a party to the action.
- Complaint (24 pages)
- ADS/Mike Wallace dismissal
- DLL Dismissal
- GFS Response (14 pages)
Exhibit A Lease Contract
Exhibit B Amortization
Exhibit C Amortization
Exhibit D Amortization
Exhibit E Letter extra payments
Advice for Broker or Lessor
Dealing with a Company that Uses Evergreen Clauses
Leasing News has been in favor of putting a clause in the leasing contract that requires notification regarding the expiration of the lease and notification of any residual.
The gist of the article above is that a broker or lessor which uses an Evergreen Clause and assigns the lease to a funder may still be at risk for the actions of the assignee funder many years down the road, if the funder assignee abuses the provisions of the Evergreen Clause.
That said, how can a broker lessor protect itself from downstream assignees which abuse the Evergreen Clause?
--Consider Not Using Evergreen Clauses. They are legal in most States.* I got it. But this case demonstrates how an innocent broker got caught up in a mess created by its funding source.
--If You Use Evergreen Clauses, Consider Informing the Lessee. Maybe the broker assignor should have informed the lessee of the existence of the clause. That would have been a nice email to have in your pocket if you are sued.
--Ask the Funding Source For Indemnity Provisions in Assignment.
It’s obvious here that the broker lessor did nothing wrong except use a form probably approved by the funding source. Since the Complaint reflects the fact that the funding source abused the Evergreen Clause, perhaps there should be indemnity for those downstream actions.
--Consider Using a Forum Selection Clause to a Jurisdiction of the Funding Source. Here, DLL was the funding source. Would this case have had a different result if it was being tried locally in Pennsylvania? I think so.
* These states have statutes requiring commercial equipment lessors to provide a written notice – a fair warning – before the notice deadline date arrives:
This is an unofficial list:
New York
Rhode Island
(**Consumer, may affect commercial, especially a proprietorship, partnership or personal guarantee)
Bookmark us
Companies that Do Not Inform Lessee of residual
ACC Capital, Midvale, Utah
Balboa Capital, Irvine, California
IFC Credit, Morton Grove, Illinois
Jules and Associates, Los Angeles, California
LEAF Financial Group, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Marlin Business Leasing, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
Marquette Equipment Finance, Midvale, Utah
Mazuma Capital Corporation, Draper, Utah
Onset Financial, South Jordan, Utah
Pacific Western Equipment Finance, Cottonwood Heights, Utah
Republic Bank, Bountiful, Utah
Tetra Financial Group, Salt Lake City, Utah
(Click on Name to learn more)
Note: De Lage Landen, Wayne, Pennsylvania will be added to the list
Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
There are companies who on purpose do not automatically start sending extra payments and continue the lease, as noted in this group:
ABCO Leasing
Advantage Funding
Agility Ventures LLC
Allegiant Partners
American Leasefund, Inc.
BancLease Acceptance Corporation
Bank of Ozarks Leasing
Bankers Capital
Bank of the West, Indirect Equipment Finance
Black Rock Capital
BSB Leasing
Capital Technology & Leasing, LLC
Cobra Capital, LLC
Commerce National Bank
Dakota Financial, LLC
Direct Capital
Financial Pacific Leasing
Five Point Capital, In
Forum Financial Services, Inc.
Gonor Funding
GreatAmerica Financial
Innovative Lease Services, Inc.
Madison Capital
Macrolease Corporation
Manufacturer's Lease Plans, Inc
Mesa Leasing
Maxim Commercial Capital
Mount Pleasant Capital
National Machine Tool Financial Corporation
Navitas Lease Corp.
Northwest Leasing Company
P&L Capital Corporation
Pacifica Capital
Padco Financial Services
Pawnee Leasing Corporation
Southern California Leasing, IncSpecialty Funding, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Standard Professional Services, LLC
Stoddard & Associates
TEAM Funding Solutions
Full List: Companies who notify lessee in advance of lease expiration
Leasing 102
by Mr. Terry Winders, CLP

Section 179 to End December 31, 2013
Congress has yet to extend Section 179 of the IRS Code for 2014.
It is time to contact your customers and convince them that if they plan to purchase or lease equipment in the next few months, such as early in 2014, perhaps they should try a do it prior to December 31 to be able to use section 179.
Next year is still up in the air so as we look to all the changes that are expected in 2014 in tax incentives (or lack thereof), and accounting changes, we need to plan, observe, and be ready to adjust to a changing market.
Essentially, Section 179 of the IRS tax code allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the tax year. That means that if a business buys (or lease under Article 9) a piece of qualifying equipment, they can deduct the full purchase price from their gross income. It's an incentive created by the U.S. government to encourage businesses to buy equipment and invest in themselves. It has been in existence since 2008 but appears to be short lived.
Today, Section 179 is one of the few incentives included in any of the recent Stimulus Bills that actually helps small businesses. Although large businesses also benefit from Section 179 or Bonus Depreciation, the original target of this legislation was much needed tax relief for small businesses - and millions of small businesses are actually taking action and getting real benefits.
In fact, if a business could write off the entire amount, they might add more equipment this year instead of waiting over the next few years. That's the whole purpose behind Section 179 - to motivate the American economy to move in a positive direction.
For most small businesses (adding total equipment, software, and vehicles totaling less than $500,000 in 2013), the entire cost can be written-off on the 2013 tax return. Once the purchases exceed $2,000,000 each dollar over this amount must be subtracted from the $500,000 for depreciation purposes.
Mr. Terry Winders, CLP, has been a teacher, consultant, expert witness for the leasing industry for thirty-five years and can be reached at or 502-649-0448
He invites your questions and queries.
Previous #102 Columns:
Mr. Terry Winders available as Expert Witness. 35 years as a professional instructor to the top equipment leasing and finance companies in the United States, author of several books, including DVD's, as well as weekly columnist to Leasing News. He also performs audits of leasing companies as an expert on documentation, and has acted as an expert witness on leasing for litigation in legal and tax disputes, including before the IRS. He also has taught the senior bank examiners, how to review a bank leasing department, for the Federal Reserve in Washington D.C. and has trained the examiners for the FDIC on how to prepare a lease portfolio for sale.
Mr. Winders received his Master of Business Administration and his Bachelor of Science degrees from the College of Notre Dame.
502.649.0448/ |
(This ad is a “trade” for the writing of this column. Opinions
contained in the column are those of Mr. Terry Winders, CLP)
Classified Ads---Help Wanted
Sales Account Executives
Jacksonville, FL/Philadelphia, PA
Small Ticket funder with broad funding and
exceptional vendor service
E-mail resume to:
Navitas Lease Corp is an innovator in the Small Ticket Leasing
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Leasing News reserves the right to refuse advertising, particularly to a company that has appeared in the complaint bulletin board |
“Prospective Employer Requests ‘Functional Resume’"
Career Crossroad---By Emily Fitzpatrick/RII

Question: I have been advised to present a functional resume, and I am not aware of the various types of resumes. I would appreciate your advice?
There are three types of ‘functional resumes:
- The most frequently used and requested resume type
- Suggested if you have been unemployed for long periods of time
NOTE – this type of resume may signal a red flag …I don’t recommend it, unless it follows an interview where your work periods have been discussed.
I Recommend:
– Use this if you have a steady work history with demonstrated growth and have nothing you wish to de-emphasize
Each style is designed to emphasize strengths and minimize certain undesirable traits. You need a POWERFUL resume and as such, I recommend utilizing the Combination style.
If you need assistance, feel free to contact me.
Emily Fitzpatrick
Sr. Recruiter
Recruiters International, Inc.
Phone: 954-885-9241
Cell: 954-612-0567
Invite me to Connect on LinkedIn
Also follow us on Twitter #RIIINFO
Career Crossroads Previous Columns
Two More CLP's for Orion First Financial
Britanee Dixon, CLP, Steve Huffman, CLP

The following two new certified lease professionals brings the total to nine at Orion First Financial, Gig Harbor, Washington.

Britanee Dixon, CLP
AVP, Controller
Orion First Financial
“I wanted to challenge myself professionally and increase my knowledge of the leasing industry,” Ms. Dixon, CLP, said.

Steve Huffman, CLP
Client Reporting
Orion First Financial
“Becoming a CLP is an important step in my career development," Mr. Huffman said. "It shows my drive to be the best I can be.”
Shannon Green, CLP, President of Orion First Financial states, “I am proud to support our industry’s up-and-coming leaders by encouraging continued education and certification through the CLP Foundation. It is imperative that we differentiate ourselves as students and stewards of this industry; CLP credentialing is a testament to one's solid commitment to this end."
The CLP designation identifies an individual as a knowledgeable professional to employers, clients, customers, and peers in the leasing industry. There are currently 198 Certified Lease Professionals throughout the world
For more information, call Reid Raykovich, CLP at (206) 535-6281 or visit
Companies with more than one CLP:
1. Financial Pacific Leasing – 18
2. First American Equipment Finance – 10
3. Orion First Financial – 9
4. Arvest Equipment Finance – 7
5. Commerce National Bank – 5
6. Great American Insurance – 5
7. Ascentium Capital LLC – 5
8. Bank of the West – 4
9. ECS Financial Services – 4
10. First Star Capital – 4
11. Innovative Lease Services, Inc. – 4
12. Maxim Commercial Capital – 4
13. FSG Leasing - 3
14. LeaseTeam-3
15. Pacifica Capital - 3
16. Banc of California - 3
17. FSG Leasing Inc.- 3
18. Affiliated Investment Group- 2
19. Allegiant Partners- 2
20. Cannon Financial Services-2
21. Clearview Financial-2
22. GO Capital- 2
23. Padco Financial Services- 2
24. Pinnacle Business Finance- 2
25. Portfolio Financial Servicing- 2
CLPs in Good Standing by Company
Why I Became a CLP series:
Working Capital Loans $10,000-$250,000 |
Small US Commercial Banks Beat Big Boys
on Loan Growth Front, reports SNL Financial

Loans and deposits ticked up at commercial banks in October, according to the Federal Reserve's Nov. 8 weekly H.8 release, posting weekly and monthly gains. Loans and leases in the industry stood at $7.332 trillion as of Oct. 30, up slightly from $7.326 trillion at the close of September. Deposits, on the other hand, rose to $9.651 trillion in the week ended Oct. 30, up from $9.584 trillion in September.
Deposits continued marching upward in October, but the largest 25 domestically chartered commercial banks have been able to grow deposits at a faster clip than smaller banks. These largest banks held $5.599 trillion in deposits at Oct. 30, up from $5.536 trillion at the end of September and $5.408 trillion at the close of March. Small, domestically chartered banks held $3.021 trillion in deposits at Oct. 30, up from $3.009 trillion in September and $2.969 trillion in March.
However, small banks have fared better than their larger peers when it comes to growing loans over the span of the eight months under review. Loans and leases at small, domestically chartered banks totaled $2.463 trillion at Oct. 30, up from $2.455 trillion in September and $2.390 trillion in March. The 25 largest banks posted $4.195 trillion in loans at Oct. 30, down from $4.216 trillion in September and $4.222 trillion in March.
Commercial and industrial loans and consumer loans have been the bright spots for the industry, while real estate loans have fallen. Across all commercial banks in the U.S., C&I loans totaled $1.591 trillion at Oct. 30, up 0.95% since September and 3.91% since March. Consumer loans equaled $1.152 trillion on Oct. 30, up from $1.143 trillion in September and $1.123 trillion in March.
Full Report Here:

Salary Needed to Make Mortgage Payments 25 Cities looked at mortgage rates and median home prices in 25 of the country’s largest metropolitan areas to determine how much salary you need to earn to cover the principal and interest payments on the average home. Property taxes, insurance and other expenses do not factor in this calculation. In the most recent update of the study, found that affordability has declined significantly since the start of 2013 as home prices and mortgage rates have increased.
Below you will find the 25 metropolitan areas, ranked in order of the salary needed in those areas to afford a median-priced home, along with a link to the full slideshow.
1. Cleveland: $22,348.03
2. Cincinnati: $25,151.04
3. St. Louis: $25,227.82
4. Atlanta: $26,862.53
5. Tampa: $26,930.35
6. Orlando: $29,630.85
7. San Antonio: $31,154.35
8. Dallas: $32,051.99
9. Houston: $32,682.92
10. Phoenix: $33,497.81
11. Chicago: $37,078.02
12. Minneapolis: $37,114.99
13. Philadelphia: $40,517.29
14. Miami: $44,534.57
15. Sacramento: $45,345.74
16. Baltimore: $46,622.88
17. Portland, Ore.: $49,170.46
18. Denver: $50,662.05
19. Seattle: $63,145.41
20. Washington, D.C.: $68,345.39
21. Boston: $68,956.41
22. New York City: $71,254.65
23. Los Angeles: $79,176.55
24. San Diego: $85,842.74
25. San Francisco: $125,071.78
For the full analysis as well as the detailed methodology, click here:

Top Stories November 12-November 14
(You May Have Missed One)

Here are the top stories opened by readers
(1) Insiders on Why Pelose is Leaving Marlin Leasing
by Christopher Menkin
(2) Northern California Chapter “Lovely Ladies of Leasing”
Participate in Mermaid Series Run
By Briana Allen, Acct. Coordinator, First Star Capital
(3) De Lage Landen/Element Financial Settle Dispute
Original story by Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
(4) Commerce National Bank Leasing
Now Argent Bank Leasing
Change in Funder List “A”
Funders Looking for New Broker Business
(5) New Hires—Promotions
(Tie) (6) Corey Bell Resigns as President of NAELB
(Tie) (6) To Get Even, Securities Lawyer and Wife Plant Drugs
in School Volunteer’s Car, But Face Trial Instead
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal News Editor
(8) Why I Became a CLP
John Snyder, CLP, Senior Account Manager
Alliance Funding Group
(9) Pulaski Financial says it uncovers leasing fraud
(10) Leasing vs. buying machinery
(11) Marlin Evergreen Clause Still Bringing Net Profit
From Marlin Third Quarter 10-Q:
((Please click on ad to learn more))
(Leasing News provides this ad “gratis” as a means
to help support the growth of Lease Police)
Labrador Retriever
St. Louis, Missouri Adopt-a-Dog

Name: Rooney
Gender: Male
Breed: Lab/Retriever mix
Size: 60pounds
Age: 2 1/2 years
Rooney came to Stray Rescue because he had been abandoned by his family, something no dog should have to experience. At the shelter he has found wonderful attention from - Dr. Karen Rooney, Stray Rescue's vet. One of her first recommendations was to put some weight back on this boy as he is skinny.
Besides regular meals, Rooney is also getting regular attention from the staff and volunteers, who all call him sweet. He is a young guy who really enjoys his walks and play time in the yard. Rooney loves people, but he is more selective about his canine companions.
Rooney is looking for his second chance in life, for a place where he will be loved - permanently. Couldn't you use an active dog with a lot of veterinary knowledge in your life? Rooney is counting on it.
Adoption fees for all black dogs and cats just $50 throughout the month of November.
Stray Rescue of St. Louis
2320 Pine St
St. Louis, MO 63103-2219
Phone 314.771.6121
Winter adoption hours are Monday through Sunday 10am - 6 pm
Adopt-a-Pet by Leasing Co. State/City
Adopt a Pet

News Briefs----
Midwest tornadoes, winds slam towns and trucks; 5 killed in Illinois
Oil tank-car makers may have overestimated demand
Leasing Group IFC Tempts Gulf Carriers With Jet Quintet
Hyundai ranks highest in Total Value Awards
with Equus leading all cars
Road & Track names new Corvette Performance Car of the Year
Making Branches Relevant: Umpqua's Ray Davis Discusses
'Revolution' in His New Book
Butterball says it has a shortage of fresh large turkeys,0,397948.story?track=rss#axzz2kvlV453j

--You May Have Missed It
Banks Trail Credit Unions in Exec Pay, Loan Growth, Political Clout
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

60-Second Health and Fitness Boosters
Simple Ways to Improve Your Health--Almost Instantly!
Football Poem

by Edgar A. Guest (1881-1959)
When you're up against a trouble,
Meet it squarely, face to face;
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and take a brace.
When it 's vain to try to dodge it ,
Do the best that you can do;
You may fail, but you may conquer,
See it through !
Black may be the clouds about you
And your future may seem grim,
But don't let your nerve desert you;
Keep yourself in fighting trim.
If the worst is bound to happen,
Spite of all that you can do,
Running from it will not save you,
See it through !
Even hope may seem but futile,
When with troubles you're beset,
But remember you are facing
Just what other men have met.
You may fail, but fall still fighting;
Don't give up, whate'er you do;
Eyes front, head high to the finish.
See it through ! |

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This Day in History
1787- Birthday of Sojourner Truth, abolitionist and orator, born up-state New York. Born into slavery as Isabella Baumfree
1803- Battle of Vertieres, in which Haitians defeat French. In the battle for independence, a fierce fight took place in the town of Vertieres, where the French army led by Napoleon, was defeated by Haitians. This huge defeat of Napoleon's army led to the end of the war, and to Haiti's eventual march towards independence on 1st January, 45 days later. American Black slaves escape to Haiti for freedom. Southern states introduce legislation for "runaway slaves."
1820- American Captain Nathaniel Brown Palmer in the "Hero, a sloop of 44 tons, with a crew of six including the captain and the mate, discover Antarctica. His discovery of the Antarctic peninsula is now called Palmer's Peninsula. The first American to set foot on Antarctica was probably John Davis, a seal hunter, who went ashore at Hughes Bay on February 7m, 1821. Antarctica had already been seen from a distance by the English explorer James Cook and the crew of his ship, The Endeavor, which circumnavigated the continent between 1773 and 1775.
1825- Birthday of Susan Lincoln Tolman Mills, educated at Mount Holyoke College, she used the training methods in a school in Hawaii where she taught with her husband. Back in California, the couple opened a school that became Mills College, again using the Mount Holyoke philosophy as well as several of its teachers. At her husband's death in 1884 she was principal and for a time acting president. She was finally named president (after two male presidents) in 1890. Mills was the first woman's college on the west coast and under her guidance it became one of the major colleges of the nation. In 1991 an effort to convert it to admit men was defeated by the students and it continues to be an all-woman college.
1848- Edward Cleveland Kemble resumed publishing the combined "California Star" and the "Californian" in San Francisco as the "Star and Californian"; both closed when employees quit to rush to the gold fields.
1849- John and Amanda Pelton open first tuition-free public school in San Francisco.
1850- Col. Charles L. Wilson granted concession to build a planked toll road from San Francisco to Mission Dolores.
1857- Birthday of Rose M. Knox, within seven years of taking over the management of the Knox Gelatine Company, developed it into a multi-million-dollar firm. On the first day of her management following her husband's death, she locked the back door and ordered everyone from president to janitor to use the front door. She managed the business for more than 40 years, changed its emphasis to nutrition, and made it a thriving business. Her management style was pro- worker and layoffs were unheard of with a five-day work week with vacations and sick pay. She stepped aside as the company's president only when she reached her 90th birthday, retaining her position as chairperson. She was recognized as one of the nation's outstanding businesswomen.
1861- Poet and abolitionist Julia Ward Howe writes the lyrics for the Battle Hymn of the Republic. She had accompanied her husband, Dr. Samuel Howe, to Fort Griffin, Virginia, to review Union troops defending the capital. The ceremony was cut short when the Federals were forced to give chase to a nearby party of Confederates. Dr. and Mrs. Howe returned to their Washington hotel, but Mrs. Howe awoke in the early morning hours with "long lines" of a poem in her mind. She rose in darkness and wrote six stanzas of The Battle Hymn of the Republic on her husband's stationery based on chapter 63 of the Old Testament's Book of Isaiah. In February 1862, The Atlantic Monthly printed the poem for a $5 payment. Soon troops all over the North were singing the stirring words to the popular tune of John Brown's Body, which had been composed in 1852.
1863- President Lincoln boards a train for Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to deliver a short speech at the dedication for the cemetery of soldiers killed during the battle there on July 1 to 3, 1863. While he did not know it at time, the battle was the turning point of the Civil War. He also was not aware that the address he was about to give became perhaps the most famous speech in American history. Lincoln had thought about what he wanted to say, but he nearly missed his chance to say it. On November 18, Lincoln's son, Tad, became ill with a fever. Abraham and Mary Lincoln were, sadly, no strangers to juvenile illness: they had already lost two sons. Prone to fits of hysteria, Mary Lincoln panicked when the president prepared to leave for Pennsylvania. Lincoln felt that the opportunity to speak at Gettysburg and present his defense of the war was too important to miss, though. He had a great sense that there was a turning point in the long, deadly war about to be made. He was accompanied by an entourage that included Secretary of State William Seward, Postmaster General Montgomery Blair, Interior Secretary John Usher, Lincoln's personal secretaries John Hay and John Nicolay, several members of the diplomat corps, some foreign visitors, a Marine band, and a military escort. A reporter wrote during one stop, a young girl lifted a bouquet of flowers to his window. Lincoln kissed her and said, "You're a sweet little rose-bud yourself. I hope your life will open into perpetual beauty and goodness." When Lincoln arrived in Gettysburg, he was handed a telegram that lifted his spirits: Tad was feeling much better. Lincoln enjoyed an evening dinner and a serenade by Fifth New York Artillery Band before he retired to finalize his famous Gettysburg Address.
1865- Mark Twain has instant success with his first fictional piece, "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" (New York Saturday Press).
1883- Charles Ferdinand Dowd, a Connecticut school teacher, and one of the early advocates of uniform time, proposed a time zone plan of the US ( four zones of 15 degrees), which he and others persuaded the railroads to adopt and place in operation. It did not become law until March 19,1918, when Congress passed the Standard Time Act, which authorized the Interstate Commerce Commission to establish time zones. It also established "Daylight Savings Time" to save fuel.
1888-The great baseball promoter Albert G. Spalding began his world tour to introduce baseball to the enter world. He, the Chicago White Stockings and a group of all-star players set sail from San Francisco for Honolulu, the first stop on their round-the-world tour.
1888- Birthday of Frances Marion, screenwriter, novelist, director who at her peak earned $17,000 a week as a Hollywood screen writer, writing the original Stella Dallas and winning academy awards for The Big House (1930) and The Champ (1931). In all she wrote more than a hundred film scripts.
1909-Birthday of John Herndon "Johnny" Mercer, American songwriter, singer, radio performer and actor, bon at Savannah, GA. Johnny Mercer wrote lyrics ( and often the music ) for some of the great American popular music from the 1930's through the 1960's, including "Autumn Leaves, " "One for My Baby, " Satin Doll," "On the Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe," "You mush Have Been a Beautiful Baby," "Come Rain or Come Shine," Hooray for Hollywood," "Jeepers Creepers," and countless more. Mercer died June 25, 1976 at Bel Air, CA.
1916- Birthday of the late Jimmy Lyons, born Peking, China; jazz disc jockey, founder of the Monterey Jazz Festival, who I worked with at KFRC in the early 1970's.
1923- Fifty-four inches of snow and sleet blocked the Columbia River Highway in the Dalles, Oregon. Railroads were stopped for days in both Washington and Oregon
1923- Birthday of Alan Shepard, former astronaut and the first American in space (in 1961). Shepard was born at East Derry, NY. He was one of the only 12 Americans who have walked on the moon and was America's only lunar golfer, practicing his drive in space with a six iron. He was awarded the Medal of Honor in 1979. Shepard died near Monterey, CA, July 21, 1998.
1927- Bix Biederbecke cuts first date with Paul Whiteman Orchestra, " Washboard Blues," with Hoagy Carmichael, vocal. Victor.
1928- The comical activity of squeaky-voiced Mickey Mouse first appeared on the screen of Colony Theater at New York City. The film Walt Disney's "Steamboat Willie" was the first animated cartoon talking picture.
1928- Birthday of singer Sheila Jordan, Detroit, MI
1932- For the first time, a tie occurred for the Best Actor Academy Award. Wallace Beery and Fredric March were only one vote apart so the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences ruled it a tie. Both received an Oscar at the Fifth Annual Academy Awards, March for his performance in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and Beery for his role in "The Champ". March thought it rather funny that the two were honored for "best male performance of the year" when they each had adopted a child that year. "The Champ" also was honored when Frances Marion received the Writing/Original Story Academy Award for the film. There was only one Best Actress Award and it was presented to Helen Hayes for her performance in "The Sin of Madelon Claudet". Host Lionel Barrymore greeted the film industry this night in the Fiesta Room at LA's grand hotel, The Ambassador. The movie, "Grand Hotel" (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), earned the top honors as Outstanding Production. It was also a grand night for the film, "Bad Girl". Its director, Frank Borzage, and its writer (adaptation), Edwin Burke, were both presented with Academy Awards. Walt Disney also received two awards: an honorary award for the creation of Mickey Mouse and for the cartoon short subject "Flowers and Trees". Short Subject awards were presented to two other well-known Hollywood talents on this evening. Hal Roach won his prize for the comedy, "The Music Box" and Mack Sennett for the novelty short, "Wrestling Swordfish". Both were first-time Academy Award winners as were Gordon Wiles for Art Direction ("Transatlantic") and Lee Garmes for Cinematography ("Shanghai Express").
1936-Ella Fitzgerald,18, cuts first disc, " My Last Affair." Decca.
1936 Birthday of Trumpet Player Don Cherry
1939- Artie Shaw, at the peak of success, disbands, splits for Mexico.
1942- Thornton Wilder's play, "The Skin of Our Teeth", opened in New York City. The play was Wilder's sequel to "Our Town". "The Skin of Our Teeth" starred Tallulah Bankhead, Fredric March, Montgomery Clift and E.G. Marshall. One critic wrote, "As of last evening, the theatre was looking up."
1943- Two days after the American raid on the power station in Vermork, Norway, 440 British bombers swooped down on Berlin at night. The raid was not overly successful. Though 131 Berliners were killed, the Royal Air Force struck very few of the industrial areas they intended to hit. Even worse, nine British bombers were shot down, and fifty-three aircrew members killed. One of the victims was Wing Commander John White, who had played a significant role in the successful bombing of Peenemunde.
1946- Birthday of sax player Bennie Wallace, Chattanooga, TN,
1949- Jackie Robinson because the first baseball player who was African-American to win the "Most Valuable Player Award" in the major leases as second baseman of the National League's Brooklyn Dodgers, New York City. He won the Kenesaw Mountain Landis Memorial plaque from the Baseball Writers Association. The first African-American player in the American League to win the award was Elston Howard, catcher for the New York Yankees, on November 7, 1963.
1949---Top Hits
That Lucky Old Sun - Frankie Laine
Don't Cry, Joe - The Gordon Jenkins Orchestra (vocal: Betty Brewer)
I Can Dream, Can't I? - The Tommy Dorsey Orchestra (vocal: Jack Leonard)
Slipping Around - Margaret Whiting & Jimmy Wakely
1950- "Harbor Lights" by Sammy Kaye topped the charts and stayed there for 4 weeks.
1950- Marine Corp jet Captain Major John F. Bolt of Sanford, Florida, became a double ace. He led a four-plane Saber flight in an attack on four enemy fighters east of Sinuiju, Korea, on his 37 th mission, and downed his fifth and six MIG-15s. He first qualified as an ace in world War II, when he shot down six Zekers between September 23, 1943 and January 4, 1944, while serving with Boyington's Black Sheep Squadron. John Bolt was the only Marine to become an ace in WWII and Korea. In WWII, he flew with 'The Black Sheep', VMF-214, best known for its CO, Pappy Boyington.
1951- The television show "See It Now" premiered, doing unrehearsed interviews, covering relevant and newsworthy stories of its time, including desecration, lung cancer and anti-Communist fervor. One of the most notable shows focused on Senator Joseph McCarthy, leading to McCarthy's appearance on the show which damaged his creditability. The show was hosted by Edward R. Murrow, who also produced it jointly with Fred W. Friendly. Its premiere was the first live commercial coast-to-coast broadcast.
1951- Wanting to stay in California, PCL Los Angeles Angels first baseman Chuck Connors becomes the first player to refuse to participate in the major league draft. The former Cub first baseman and future star of the TV series The Rifleman refusal allows the minor leagues to ask for more money for big league talent.
1952-Bill Haley marries his pregnant girlfriend just four days after he divorces his first wife. In all, Bill would marry three times and have eight children.
1954--ABC Radio stations ban Rosemary Clooney's "Mambo Italiano" due to what it considers "offensive lyrics," more than likely the exaggerated Italian patois and words "goombah" and "gidrool."
1955- An early season cold snap finally came to an end. Helena, MT, experienced 138 consecutive hours of subzero temperatures, including a reading of 29 below zero, which surpassed by seven degrees their previous record for the month of November. Missoula MT broke their November record by 12 degrees with a reading of 23 below zero, and Salt Lake City UT smashed their previous November record of zero with a reading of 14 below. Heavy snow in the Great Basin closed Donner Pass CA, and total crop damage from the cold wave amounted to eleven million dollars
1955- Carl Perkins recorded "Blue Suede Shoes" at Sun Studios in Memphis. It became his biggest Pop hit, reaching #2 on the Billboard chart. Elvis Presley's version, which gets more air-play these days, only managed to get to #20.
1956- Birthday of football player Harold Warren Moon, born Los Angeles, CA.
1956- Fats Domino appears on the Ed Sullivan show singing his hit "Blueberry Hill."
1957---Top Hits
Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley
You Send Me - Sam Cooke
Little Bitty Pretty One - Thurston Harris
Wake Up Little Susie - The Everly Brothers
1957- Ricky Nelson records "Stood Up", which will reach #2 early the following year.
1957 - A tornado, 100 yards in width, travelled a nearly straight as an arrow 27-mile path from near Rosa AL to near Albertville AL, killing three persons. A home in the Susan Moore community in Blount County was picked up and dropped 500 feet away killing one person.
1958 - DALLAS, Texas - Former city councilwoman Laura Miller easily won the hotly contested race for mayor of the nation's ninth largest city Saturday night.
1963- Push-button telephones went into service as alternative to rotary-dial phones. touch-tone service was available as an option at an extra charge. this option was only available in two Pennsylvania cities.
1963-- Beatles manager Brian Epstein asks the group's fans to please refrain from pelting the group with "jellybabies" (jellybeans) at their concerts. (The Beatles had made the mistake of remarking how much they liked them.) On the same day, the newspapers reveal that the head of the Church of England has requested that the group write a Christmas song.
1964- J Edgar Hoover describes Martin Luther King as "most notorious liar"
1964- The Supremes appear on "Shindig!" singing "Baby Love" and "Come See About Me." The Righteous Brothers are also on the show and perform "Little Latin Lupe Lu."
1965---Top Hits
Get Off of My Cloud - The Rolling Stones
1-2-3 - Len Barry
You're the One - The Vogues
Hello Vietnam - Johnny Wright
1966- This was the last required meatless Friday for American Roman Catholics, in accordance with a decree made by Pope Paul VI earlier this year.
1967- DAVIS, SAMMY L. Medal of Honor
Rank and organization: Sergeant, U.S. Army, Battery C, 2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery, 9th Infantry Division. Place and date: West of Cai Lay, Republic of Vietnam, 18 November 1967. Entered service at: Indianapolis, Ind. Born: 1 November 1946, Dayton, Ohio. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life and beyond the call of duty. Sgt. Davis (then Pfc.) distinguished himself during the early morning hours while serving as a cannoneer with Battery C, at a remote fire support base. At approximately 0200 hours, the fire support base was under heavy enemy mortar attack. Simultaneously, an estimated reinforced Viet Cong battalion launched a fierce ground assault upon the fire support base. The attacking enemy drove to within 25 meters of the friendly positions. Only a river separated the Viet Cong from the fire support base. Detecting a nearby enemy position, Sgt. Davis seized a machine gun and provided covering fire for his gun crew, as they attempted to bring direct artillery fire on the enemy. Despite his efforts, an enemy recoilless rifle round scored a direct hit upon the artillery piece. The resultant blast hurled the gun crew from their weapon and blew Sgt. Davis into a foxhole. He struggled to his feet and returned to the howitzer, which was burning furiously. Ignoring repeated warnings to seek cover, Sgt. Davis rammed a shell into the gun. Disregarding a withering hail of enemy fire directed against his position, he aimed and fired the howitzer, which rolled backward, knocking Sgt. Davis violently to the ground. Undaunted, he returned to the weapon to fire again when an enemy mortar round exploded within 20 meters of his position, injuring him painfully. Nevertheless, Sgt. Davis loaded the artillery piece, aimed and fired. Again he was knocked down by the recoil. In complete disregard for his safety, Sgt. Davis loaded and fired 3 more shells into the enemy. Disregarding his extensive injuries and his inability to swim, Sgt. Davis picked up an air mattress and struck out across the deep river to rescue 3 wounded comrades on the far side. Upon reaching the 3 wounded men, he stood upright and fired into the dense vegetation to prevent the Viet Cong from advancing. While the most seriously wounded soldier was helped across the river, Sgt. Davis protected the 2 remaining casualties until he could pull them across the river to the fire support base. Though suffering from painful wounds, he refused medical attention, joining another howitzer crew, which fired at the large Viet Cong force until it broke contact and fled. Sgt. Davis' extraordinary heroism, at the risk of his life, is in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit upon himself and the U.S. Army.
1968- Glen Campbell, a former session musician for Frank Sinatra, Nat "King" Cole and the Beach Boys, receives two gold records - one for "By The Time I Get To Phoenix" and one for "Gentle On My Mind."
1968- The Jimi Hendrix Experience's third album, "Electric Ladyland," earns the group its third gold LP. "Crosstown Traffic," a version of Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower" and "Voodoo Chile" are the two-record set's highlights.
1968- The Spiral Staircase record "More Today than Yesterday", which will reach #12 in the US the following spring.
1973---Top Hits
Keep on Truckin' - Eddie Kendricks
Heartbeat - It's a Lovebeat - The DeFranco Family
Photograph - Ringo Starr
Paper Roses - Marie Osmond
1974- Frank Sinatra emerged from retirement to do a TV special with dancer Gene Kelly. The show was a smash hit and revived Sinatra's career.
1975- John Denver received a gold record for "I'm Sorry".
1978- Congressman Leo J Ryan of Burlingame, California was killed along with four others in his group in Jonestown, Guyana by members of Peoples Temple, followed by ritual mass suicide of 913 members. (I served as his first state assembly administrative assistant and legislative aide in the late 1960's. His personal secretary of many years was murdered in her house during a robbery of the family's coin collection). People's Temple leader Jim Jones led hundreds of his followers in a mass murder-suicide at their agricultural commune in remote northwestern Guyana. The few cult members who refused to take the cyanide-laced fruit-flavored concoction were either forced to do so at gunpoint or shot as they fled. The final death toll was 913, including 276 children. Jim Jones was a charismatic churchman who founded the People's Temple, a Christian sect, in Indianapolis in the 1950s. He preached against racism, and his integrated congregation attracted mostly African Americans. In 1965, he moved the group to northern California, settling in Ukiah and after 1971 in San Francisco. In the 1970s, his church was accused by the press of financial fraud, physical abuse of its members, and mistreatment of children. In response to the mounting criticism, Jones led several hundred of his followers to South America in 1977 and set up a utopian agricultural settlement called Jonestown in the jungle of Guyana. A year later, a group of ex-members convinced U.S. Congressman Leo Ryan, a Democrat of California, to travel to Jonestown and investigate the commune. On November 17, 1978, Ryan arrived in Jonestown with a group of journalists and other observers. At first the visit went well, but the next day, as Ryan's group was about to leave, several People's Church members approached members of the group and asked them for passage out of Guyana. Jones became distressed at the defection of his members, and one of Jones' lieutenants attacked Ryan with a knife. Ryan escaped from the incident unharmed, but Jones then ordered Ryan and his companions ambushed and killed at the airstrip as they attempted to leave. The congressman and four others were murdered as they attempted to board their charter planes. Back in Jonestown, Jones directed his followers in a mass suicide in a clearing in the town. With Jones exhorting the "beauty of dying" over a loudspeaker, hundreds drank a lethal cyanide and Kool-Aid drink. Those who tried to escape were chased down and shot by Jones' lieutenants. Jones died of a gunshot wound in the head, probably self-inflicted. Guyanese troops, alerted by a cult member who escaped, reached Jonestown the next day. Only a dozen or so followers survived, hidden in the jungle. Most of the 913 dead were lying side by side in the clearing where Jones had preached to them for the last time.
1978-Billy Joel topped the Billboard Hot 200 album chart with "52nd Street", his first US #1 LP. In 1982, it would become the first commercial album to be released on compact disc (by Sony Music Entertainment).
1979- Paul McCartney releases "Wonderful Christmastime", a tune on which he plays all the instruments himself.
1981---Top Hits
Private Eyes - Daryl Hall & John Oates
Start Me Up - The Rolling Stones
Physical - Olivia Newton-John
My Baby Thinks He's a Train - Rosanne Cash
1986- The Roseland Ballroom reopened in New York City. The 67-year-old home for those wanting to dance cheek to cheek featured America's dean of society music, Lester Lanin. He played for patrons who wanted to cut a rug on the 112-by-55-foot, maple wood dance floor.
1986- For the first time since his departure from his own late-night TV show, Jack Paar was a guest of Johnny Carson on "The Tonight Show". One of TV's great lines came from the show, when Carson quipped (after one of Paar's long, long spiels), "Why is it that I feel I'm guesting on your show?"
1986 - The first of two successive snowstorms struck the northeastern U.S. The storm produced up to 20 inches of snow in southern New Hampshire. Two days later a second storm produced up to 30 inches of snow in northern Maine.
1986- Roger Clemens was named the American League's Most Valuable Player. He was the first American League starter to be so named in 15 years. The Boston Red Sox hurler won the honor one week after earning the Cy Young Award1997 - The Arizona Diamondbacks and Tampa Bay Devil Rays begin taking shape with 35 selections apiece in baseball's expansion draft. Both the Diamondbacks and Devil Rays began their baseball lives with sufficient funds to contend quickly.
1986- "Amanda" by Boston topped the charts and stayed there for 2 weeks.
1987- Cub outfielder Andre Dawson (.287, 49, 137) becomes the first player to win the MVP award as a member of a last place club.
1987- After nearly a year of hearings into the Iran-Contra scandal, the joint Congressional investigating committee issues its final report. It concluded that the scandal, involving a complicated plan whereby some of the funds from secret weapons sales to Iran were used to finance the Contra war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, was one in which the administration of Ronald Reagan exhibited "secrecy, deception, and disdain for the law." Naming several members of the Reagan administration as having been directly involved in the scheme (including National Security Advisor John Poindexter and deceased CIA Director William Casey), the report stated that Reagan must bear "ultimate responsibility." A number of government officials were charged and convicted of various crimes associated with the scandal.
1988-An Anti-Drug bill of large scope was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. It called for the death penalty for drug-related murders, a $10,000 fine for the possession of even small amounts of controlled substances and provided for the expansion of treat facilities. A cabinet-level office was established for a drug "czar" to oversee the nation's fight on drugs.
1989---Top Hits
When I See You Smile - Bad English
Blame It on the Rain - Milli Vanilli
Love Shack - The B-52's
Bayou Boys - Eddy Raven
1989- A second surge of arctic air brought record cold to parts of the north central U.S. Eleven cities in the Upper Midwest reported record low temperatures for the date, including Rochester MN with a reading of 4 degrees below zero. Strong winds ushering the arctic air into the north central U.S. produced squalls in the Lower Great Lakes Region. Snowfall totals in northern Ohio ranged up to twenty inches in Ashatabula County and Geauga County
1990- The Righteous Brothers saw their popularity surge when the movie, Ghost, (starring Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore) featured their 1965 hit, "Unchained Melody." Their original version and a re-recorded cut both made it into the US top 20, while three Greatest Hits albums made the Billboard chart.
1990- Art Monk becomes only the third player in NFL history to amass 700 career receptions when he makes four catches against the Saints.
1995- The Rolling Stones become the first act to broadcast a concert on the Internet.
1995- "Goldeneye" the latest James Bond movie, opens, featuring a title song by Tina Turner.
1996- Four hardware makers unveiled hand-held computers at an electronics show on this day in 1996. The computers were all designed to run Microsoft Windows CE, an operating system introduced at the show the previous day. The machines offered remote and wireless connections for checking e-mail and surfing the Web and allowed users to synchronize data with Windows programs. By 1999, the market for hand-held computers had grown to an estimated 5.7 million units, nearly fifty percent greater than 1998 sales, according to the research firm Dataquest. Today they are incorporated into wireless telephones the size of a pack of cigarettes that also include the ability to take pictures.
1997-- John Denver's last recordings are released as The Unplugged Collection, a selection of stripped-down acoustic performances of his hits.
2008- Joining Cal Ripken Jr. (Orioles - 1983) and Ryan Howard, (Phillies - 2006 ), Dustin Pedroia (.326,17,83) becomes the third player in major league history to win the Most Valuable Player award a season after being selected as the Rookie of the Year. The scrappy Gold Glove second baseman, the 10th Red Sox player to earn the American League honor, received 16 of the 28 first-place votes to easily outdistance heavy-hitting Twins first baseman Justin Morneau (.300, 23, 129).
2008- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice introduces Ken Griffey, Jr. as an American Public Diplomacy Envoy, a position in which the future Hall of Famer will represent the "values of the United States, not the government of the United States." The free-agent outfielder, who played for the Reds and White Sox last season, joins Cal Ripken Jr. as a major leaguer serving his country in the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. |

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