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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Today's Equipment Leasing Headlines
Bulletin Board Complaint
Brian Acosta/Matrix Business Capital
Classified Ads---Legal
Madison Capital Joins
Funders Looking for New Broker Business
Leasing Industry Ads---Help Wanted
Does Employee Behavior Portend A Rude Future?
Steve Crane, CLFP, at Disneyland Marathon
Must Prepayment Penalty Involve Actual Payment
as Opposed to Acceleration of Obligation?
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor
Most Favored Bank Stocks by Analysts
SNL Financial Special Report
Top Ten Shared Sites on Facebook---Chart
Mortgage Rates Still Heading Downward
German Shepherd
Long Beach, California Adopt-a-Dog
Updated-- Classified ads—
News Briefs---
ELFA Announces Top 10 Equipment Acquisition Trends for 2015
Facebook To Post Amber Alerts To Find Missing Children
Paris Hilton grandfather pledges fortune to charity
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www.leasingcomplaints.com (Be Careful of Doing Business)
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Bulletin Board Complaint
Brian Acosta/Matrix Business Capital
by Christopher Menkin, Editor

Brian Acosta
This complaint originally started with the Certified Leasing and Finance Professional Executive Director, Reid Raykovich.
Kelly Ethredge of Graphic Results, Houston, Texas spoke with her and followed up with this letter in December, in 2014:
"Dear Reid,
"Thank you for your time today.
"In summary: I signed an agreement with Brian Acosta and Matrix Business Capital for a buy back equipment lease with certain terms, and paid a deposit of $931.82.
"After it became clear that we were not going to close the deal on those terms, (terms changed immensely), Brian sent us the email on the cancellations procedures.
"I have provided the most relevant documents to support my complaint (I feel they did a bait and switch, offered me great terms just to get the deposit check, then came back with an invalid reason they could not do the deal that I clearly signed and agreed to and gave the deposit on those terms).
"I have so many issues with the way this company conducts business that in 15 years of doing business with leasing companies I am still in "awe" at the way this whole lease was conducted. He referred me to the number 7 on the application as to why the terms were changed. When verbally I was asked to explain number 4 and number 7, the explanations given to me was not the same as how or why the agreement changed. 2nd, he also sent via email to me a credit report of my husband, that all persons in my office now has access to. 3rd, they are asking me to send them copies of paper work they should have on file as part of the refund procedures.(Clearly this is another deceptive practice just to keep my deposit).
"I am currently in hold pattern for my refund, But from the actions that I am seeing from this company I feel we are in need of Help in this matter for this company to do right thing, and refund our deposit in a timely manner.
"Sincerely Yours.
Kelly Ethredge"
Leasing News was contacted by Ms. Ethredge on January 6th, and documentation was requested, then received all correspondence and emails involved (34 pages). It was learned that Brian Acosta was no longer a member of CLFP. In the last Bulletin Board Complaint, it was noted the Acosta and his companies were no longer a member of the National Equipment Finance Association as well as the National Equipment Leasing Brokers, and that Mr. Acosta was no longer a "Best Practicing Broker" of NAELB.
Matrix tried to negotiate holding the money for a new lease, then after contacted by Leasing News, a promise to return the deposit; however, not returned to date.
(Very revealing, if you have history in leasing industry)
Brian Acosta---Do You Provide Start UP Capital: (2:57)
“We’ll find a place to get you financed”
Previous Complaints:
Classified Ads---Legal

(These ads are “free” to those seeking employment
or looking to improve their position)
San Diego , CA
Experienced in-house corporate, equipment leasing and financial services attorney seeks position as managing or transactional counsel. Willing to relocate.
Cell Phone: 760-533-4058;
Email:marshallrosenberg@gmail.com | Resume |
Free Posting for those seeking employment in Leasing:
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Funders Looking for New Broker Business
27 |
U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico |
$10,000 to $450,000, Vehicles: Unlimited |
Y |
N |
N |
Y |
Y |
A -Accepts Broker Business | B -Requires Broker be Licensed | C -Sub-Broker Program | D -"Private label Program" |
E - Also "in house" salesmen
Allan Levine, President and COO, MADI$ON CAPITAL, made these comments in the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association MFLI-25 November report:
“For Madison, October and November were crazy months compared to 2013. One must keep in mind we are an equipment and vehicle lease/finance company. So here ya go:
“Oct. 2014 compared to 2013
Vehicles up 4%
Equipment up 25%
“Nov. 2014 compared to 2013
Vehicles up 42%
Equipment down 6%
“Dec. equipment appears to be up and vehicles are about a push when compared to last Dec.
“Our extreme volatility for vehicles, in Nov., was due to the delivery of 3 large fleets.
“Our business, over time, is 50-50 vehicles and equipment. Some years one is better than others. The good news is we are never dependent on a single phase.”
Full List
Funders Looking for New Broker Business

Receivables Management LLC
John Kenny
• End of Lease Negotiations & Enforcement
• Fraud Investigations
• Credit Investigations • Asset Searches
• Skip-tracing • Third-party Commercial Collections
(For Flat Fee or Commission Basis)
john@jkrmdirect.com | ph 315-866-1167| www.jkrmdirect.com |
(Leasing News provides this ad as a trade for investigations
and background information provided by John Kenny)
Leasing Industry Help Wanted
Title/Reg Manager
Chicago, Illinois
Experience dealing with multiple states
all types of vehicle classes required.
Come grow with us
Contact: Michael Testa 312-881-3133 mtesta@secondcityleasing.com
Financing for Commercial Truck & Trailer, Exotic, High Line, Vintage &
Classic Automobiles, Taxi, Livery & Paratransit
For information on placing a help wanted ad, please click here:
Please see our Job Wanted section for possible new employees.
Does Employee Behavior Portend A Rude Future?

Sales Make it Happen by Steve Chriest
Do you ever wonder what the employees in your future will be like, or what types of behavior your future colleagues will display in the workplace? For some answers, look no further than to the college professors today who teach your future employees and
In a recent article by a professor at Drake University in Iowa, readers learn that many college students answer cell phone calls, send text messages and play games on their laptops during class lectures. Most professors consider this to be rude behavior.
According to the article’s author, however, the student’s rude behavior isn’t their fault. Instead, the behaviors college students exhibit in the classroom are the same behaviors we all see in the workplace and in the rest of society.
If you have a cell phone, or a laptop and an email address, the expectation today is that you will stay in close touch with family, friends and co-workers, whether you are working at your desk or attending a presentation.
It’s the same for the students – our future employees and co-workers. They’ve grown up dialing cell phones, sending text messages, using email and IM. Even the youngest among us working folks didn’t have cell phones, laptops and iPhones growing up.
Maybe college students are intentionally acting rudely when they find it necessary, or irresistible, to send a text message or accept a cell phone call during a class lecture. Perhaps their behavior reflects what a great many people do naturally every day at restaurants, standing in a bank line or shopping for groceries.
Playing games on a laptop during class may be the norm for college students today, but does anyone really think it is anything but rude and inconsiderate behavior? Does this type of behavior reflect the tolerance for rudeness that has become part of our culture’s DNA?
We tolerate rude behavior, and even allow ourselves to act rudely when we want to send an email to a family member or friend during business meetings. Somehow it has become acceptable to text message our kids, answer emails and even shop online when someone is presenting new ideas at a department meeting.
If you’re wondering what type of behaviors your future employees are likely to display in the workplace, look no farther than the current behaviors tolerated in most work environments today.

Steve Chriest is the CEO of Open Advance and author of Selling to the E-Suite, The Proven System For Reaching and Selling Senior Executives and Business Acumen 101. He recently re-named his company from Selling-Up. He produces video and radio blogs, as well as continues as a columnist for Leasing News.
Sales Makes It Happen Articles:

Steve Crane, CLFP, at Disneyland Marathon
Leasing News asked Steve Crane, CLFP, now BSB Leasing Vice President & Commercial Division Manager, who was attending the Disneyland Marathon Weekend in Florida, to send photos.

"We didn’t get many pictures," he responded by email, "but attached is one of me with my brother-in-law Craig at the end of the race – he and I have done two full and several half Ironman races together. Craig did the 'Dopey Challenge', which is a 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday and the full marathon on Sunday – that’s why he has more medals than me – I was a wuss and just did the marathon on Sunday."

Must Prepayment Penalty Involve Actual Payment
as Opposed to Acceleration of Obligation?
By Tom McCurnin, Leasing News Legal Editor

Ambiguous Loan Documents Did Not Explicitly Provide for Make Whole
Premium, So Lender Could Not Enforce Penalty. As These Clauses Become More Common, What Should We Do?
U.S. Bank National Association v. Yashouafar, 2014 WL 7175222 (Cal. Ct. App. 2014)
Can a bank collect a “prepayment penalty” upon default? If the prepayment penalty is assessed upon default, isn’t that penalty really a form of liquidated damages? If the prepayment penalty is a form of liquidated damages, shouldn’t it be subject to modification under bankruptcy law? The answers to these questions may surprise you.
This subject is a little technical and involves some industry practices and legal issues perhaps beyond the average reader, so while I try to write simple articles, this one may get away from me.
Most loans (and some leases) have prepayment penalties. However, when loans are securitized in a pool, many larger loans have yield protection clause that essentially protect the lender from the pool’s possible dilution through non-performing assets. To do this, the loan is subject to a “no call” provision which prohibits the prepayment of a loan or lease before a stated date, called a “hard call” date. After the hard call date, the borrower can prepay the loan, but subject to a “make whole premium,” which acts like a liquidated damages clause and provides a formula for determining what amount a debtor must pay in order to prepay its debt after the hard call date but before maturity. But this all assumes the borrower wants to prepay the loan. What if the loan is merely in default and is accelerated, may the lender exercise the prepayment penalty?
The issue for today involves a large loan which went into default and according to some of the loan documents, the lender was entitled to a sizable make whole premium of $14 million dollars. The issue for the court was whether to enforce this so-called prepayment penalty when the loan was never repaid, and assessed only upon default. The California Court of Appeals stated that such terms are reasonable and enforceable, but in this particular case, the clause would not be enforced because the loan documents were ambiguous. The facts follow.
In 2006, Borrower Figueroa Tower borrowed $62,000,000 from German American Capital Corporation, guaranteed by Massoud Yashouafar. Ultimately, through various assignments and mergers, US Bank became the owner of the obligation. The loan went into default in June, 2011.
The promissory note provided that if the loan was prepaid in advance of the maturity date, a sizeable prepayment penalty would accrue. The Deed of Trust added to that prepayment provision and provided that upon a default, there would be a prepayment penalty. That penalty was $14 million dollars.
The Lender sued the Guarantors and sought $62,000,000 and certain other charges, fees, and interest due under the loan, including the prepayment penalty. The Lender filed a motion for summary judgment and was granted a judgment in the full amount, including the prepayment penalty, for a total of $81,000,000.
On appeal, the court of appeals held that under the contract documents (which had conflicting terms), no prepayment fee was due until defendants actually prepaid the note’s indebtedness.
What was important was not the specific holding of the court, but what the court of appeals did not hold. The court of appeal did not hold that under all circumstances, a prepayment penalty must only be exercised if a prepayment occurs, only that the documents here required an actual prepayment. The holding not to enforce the prepayment penalty was based on the lender’s unclear loan documents. Thus, it can be inferred that California will enforce prepayment penalties where no payment has been made, if the documents are clear.
By way of background for lawyers, the Fifth Circuit has also struck down an almost identical prepayment penalty clause in the case of In re Denver Merchandise Mart, Inc., 2014 WL 291920 (5th Cir. 2014) for the same reason—the ambiguity of the loan documents. And it should be noted that bankruptcy courts will not strike down such “make whole premiums” if the provisions are legal under state law. In re School Specialty 2013 WL 1838513 (Bankr. Del. 2013). Thus, the provisions of Bankruptcy Code § 506(b) making liquidated damages subject to a reasonable standard would probably be inapplicable for these types of clauses.
But, without getting too technical, this decision confirms the importance of careful drafting of contractual documents, especially when the note is in the millions of dollars. It was clear to me that the two operative documents, the note and the deed of trust were in minor conflict and were not harmonized. As suggested by the decision, the court of appeal would have enforced the prepayment penalty if the contract language was clear and unambiguous.
What are the lessons here for lenders?
First, get the loan reviewed by competent counsel, and stay away from pre-printed forms for larger deals. The two loan documents here simply did not work together very well. My thought was that the Deed of Trust was supplied by the servicer for the securitization pool, and the note was supplied by the lender and no one thought to review both to harmonize them.
Second, for lawyers, read the entire loan document suite with an eye toward making all provisions the same and in harmony. Two loan documents should not have different provisions and should work together.
Third, this decision is beneficial for most lenders because it underscores that prepayment penalties will be enforced IF the documents are clear and unambiguous.
Finally, as held in several decisions, these types of clauses will be enforced by a bankruptcy court where ordinary late charge provisions will be scrutinized. The distinction is lost on me, but lenders might want to consider placing these prepayment provisions in leases and loans in addition to the standard late charge provisions.
The bottom line to this case, like others in this field, is that courts will scrutinize prepayment penalties carefully—so should the lender.
US Bank Case 3
Tom McCurnin is a partner at Barton, Klugman & Oetting
in Los Angeles, California.

Tom McCurnin
Barton, Klugman & Oetting
350 South Grand Ave.
Suite 2200
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Direct Phone: (213) 617-6129
Cell (213) 268-8291
Email: tmccurnin@bkolaw.com
Visit our web site at www.bkolaw.com
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
Previous Tom McCurnin Articles:
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Most Favored Bank Stocks by Analysts
SNL Financial Special Report
by Rabia Ariv

Great Western Bancorp Inc. and South State Corp. were the only two bank and thrift stocks to receive unanimously positive recommendations as of year-end 2014, according to an analysis of sell-side research contributed to SNL.
SNL counted positive recommendations provided by analysts that contribute their research to SNL, as of Dec. 31, 2014. The analysis included U.S. banks and thrifts with at least seven covering analysts. SNL defines a "buy recommendation" as a rating of either "buy" or "outperform" based on an individual analyst's recommendation scale.

Great Western Bancorp Inc. was the largest bank by asset size that received 100% positive recommendations based on SNL's analysis. The company went public on Oct. 14, 2014, with an IPO priced at $18 per share. At least five analysts initiated coverage of the company on Nov. 10, 2014. Four of those gave a rating of "buy" or "outperform," while Sandler O'Neill initiated at "hold." Sandler analyst Tim O'Brien expected the bank's brand recognition and strong capital position to contribute to its growth and strong profitability; however in light of the "residual overhang of [National Australia Bank] ownership and the lack of a catalyst to drive substantial upside" to his estimates, he initiated coverage with a "hold" rating. The company's closing stock price was $20.35 on Nov. 10, indicating an increase of around 13% since its IPO.
At the time of Great Western Bancorp Inc.'s first earnings release on Nov. 20, the company's stock price had risen to $21.73. In a research report published following the earnings release, O'Brien raised the price target to $27 and recommendation to "buy" considering that the company's reported EPS matched his projections and exceeded the consensus. He stated that "despite the pending disposition of additional shares by parent NAB, given our positive outlook regarding earnings prospects and profitability, we do not believe Great Western shares should trade at a discount to peers." Other covering analysts also reiterated their initial "outperform" and "buy" ratings for the bank on Nov. 20. The company's closing stock price was $21.91 on Jan. 7, 2014, indicating an increase of 0.83% since the earnings release.
South State Corp. was the only other bank with all positive ratings as of Dec. 31, 2014, from analysts contributing research to SNL. Analysts have indicated expectations that the bank's franchise would get stronger based on the company completing its integration of First Financial Holdings Inc. In a Jan. 5 research report by BB&T, analyst Blair Brantley said "South State is "poised to outperform in 2015" as it "continues to lever its enhanced franchise in the Southeast while remaining a 'partner of choice' in an accelerating M&A environment." He said the banking sector could benefit overall from anticipation that rates will rise in the second half, but investors should choose "franchises in demographically attractive markets that offer multiple operating catalysts." In a Dec. 18 report, Sterne Agee analysts said "best idea" South State "is well positioned to build on its recent track record of attractive acquisitions as industry consolidation accelerates."

Looking at most recommended banks and thrifts during 2014, JPMorgan Chase & Co. garnered the highest number of reiterated positive recommendations at 234, followed by Citigroup Inc. at 218, Capital One Financial Corp. at 144 and Wells Fargo & Co. at 129. In an Oct. 23 research report, Oppenheimer & Co. Inc., analysts commented on the stability of staple bank stocks such as JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Citigroup Inc. and Capital One Financial Corp., saying, "Pet rocks are not exciting, but they are steady and reliable and they don't make a mess in your house."

Top Ten Shared Sites on Facebook--Chart

Business Insider recently reported Facebook has 58% of the country as users. The NewsWhip reports the December, 2014 top ten most shared sites on Facebook.

Number one continues to be www.PlayBuzz.com, which primarily features quizzes. Readers can also create their own quiz, list or poll. The rest are primarily news sites.
#### Press Release ##############################
Mortgage Rates Still Heading Downward
Foster City, Calif. (GlobeNewswire) - Rates on the most popular types of mortgages pressed a little lower this week, with fixed-rate mortgages burrowing slightly deeper into 20-month lows, according to HSH.com's Weekly Mortgage Rates Radar. The average rate for conforming 30-year fixed-rate mortgages fell by another six basis points (0.06 percent) to 3.77 percent. Conforming 5/1 Hybrid ARM rates decreased by eight basis points, closing the Wednesday-to-Tuesday wraparound weekly survey at an average of 3.04 percent.
"The world’s economic and political pessimism continues to outweigh the relative optimism about the U.S. economy's prospects," said Keith Gumbinger, vice president of HSH.com. "With bonds in Germany and Japan at record low levels, U.S. yields look very attractive, and provide a place for investors to escape market turmoil and get a better return as well, even as the influx of cash to these shores continues to push U.S. yields somewhat lower."
A stumbling global economy, shaky Euro currency union and low inflation in many places are creating a perfect environment for rates to ease. The 30-year fixed mortgage rate tracked in HSH's MRR has fallen by nearly a quarter percentage point since the first week of December, bringing new chances for homeowners to refinance, while also allowing potential homebuyers to qualify for a larger mortgage without increasing their monthly payment.
"Many New Year's resolutions come with a commitment to pay down debt," adds Gumbinger. "One method of permanently canceling debt is to refinance to a shorter-term mortgage, trimming years off the term and savings thousands of dollars in interest costs at the same time. In some cases, this can be done for virtually the same monthly payment, possibly less, and is a great way to get your long-run finances rounded into shape."
Average mortgage rates and points for conforming residential mortgages for the week ending January 13, according to HSH.com:
Conforming 30-year fixed-rate mortgage
Average Rate: 3.77 percent
Average Points: 0.18
Conforming 5/1-year adjustable-rate mortgage
Average Rate: 3.04 percent
Average Points: 0.09
Average mortgage rates and points for conforming residential mortgages for the previous week ending January 06 were, according to HSH.com:
Conforming 30-year fixed-rate mortgage
Average Rate: 3.83 percent
Average Points: 0.19
Conforming 5/1-year adjustable-rate mortgage
Average Rate: 3.12 percent
Average Points: 0.09
The Weekly Mortgage Rates Radar reports the average rates and points offered on conforming 30-year fixed-rate mortgages and conforming 5/1 ARMs. The weekly mortgage rate survey covers a large sample of mortgage lenders and is conducted over a Wednesday-to-Tuesday cycle, with data released every Wednesday. HSH.comís survey helps consumers find the best rates on home loans in changing market conditions. Unlike mortgage rate surveys that report average rates only, the Weekly Mortgage Rates Radarís inclusion of both average rates and average points provides a more accurate view of mortgage terms currently offered by lenders.
Every week, HSH.com conducts a survey of mortgage rate data for a wide range of consumer mortgage products including ARMs, FHA-backed and jumbo mortgages, as well as home equity loans and lines of credit from hundreds of direct lenders in the U.S. For information on additional loan products, visit HSH.com.
About HSH.com
HSH.com is a trusted source of mortgage data, trends, news and analysis. Since 1979, HSHís market research and commentary has helped homeowners, buyers and sellers make smart financial choices and save money on mortgage and home equity products. HSH.com, of Riverdale, N.J., is owned and operated by QuinStreet, Inc. (NASDAQ: QNST), one of the largest Internet marketing and media companies in the world. QuinStreet is committed to providing consumers and businesses with the information they need to research, find and select the products, services and brands that best meet their needs. The company is a leader in ethical marketing practices. For more information, please visit QuinStreet.com.
#### Press Release ############################
German Shepherd
Long Beach, California Adopt-a-Dog

Clint - ID#A539059
"Shelter staff named me Clint. Real name unknown. I am a male, brown German Shepherd Dog mix.
"The shelter staff thinks I am about 3 years old.
"I have been at the shelter since Dec 28, 2014."
For more information about this animal, call:
Long Beach Animal Care Services at (562) 570-7387
Ask for information about animal ID number A539059
Adopt a Pet
Updated-- Classified ads—
Leasing Industry Outsourcing
(Providing Services and Products)
Operations: Houston, TX
Silverlake Inspections LLC is an independent contracting company for real estate and equipment verification with pictures.
Email: jimh05@sbcglobal.net
Operations: Portland , OR
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email: doc_prep@yahoo.com
Repossessions: Southern California (except San Diego).
Full service repossession agency. All vehicles, big rigs, boats, heavy equipment and machinery. Licensed and insured 818-786-7376. www.simonsrecovery.com. adam@simonsrecovery.com |
Repossessions: Canada
Cease Bailiff Services Incorporated:
Asset Investigation/Tracing; Asset Recoveries; Asset Protection/Security
Asset Liquidations/Sales; Ottawa, Canada;www.ceasebailiff.ca dave@ceasebailiff.ca; Phone613 898 7376 ; Fax 613 225 2452 |
Remarketing: Los Angeles, CA
Video, Audio, Film, Computer, IT, Test, Presentation Equipment
We pay cash / 3 million in buying power /Quick Quotes
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Auctions, Appraisals, National Repossessions. ALL asset classes. 20+ year team works for you. Spend less, Net More… Fast!
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South East US- AllState Asset Management
Recovery, remarketing, inspections. 25 years experience, dedicated to deliver, prompt, professional services.
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All kinds of vehicles, equipment and machinery. Anywhere in the United States. Anything, Anywhere, Professionally
Bulldog Asset Management provides recovery and remarketing services with a difference. Contingent repos, free storage and industry experts to remarket. Email:Jamie@bulldogasset.comwww.bulldogasset.com |
Repossessions: Florida
Commercial Asset Solutions, Florida repossessions and skip tracing. We have been repossessing assets longer than anyone with the highest rate of return. We do not outsource your problems, we solve them ourselves. 30 years solving problems for the top commercial lenders. Our reputation is second to no one!
Mark Lacek 407-948-7087 |
San Francisco Bay Area
SFBAAM, LLC: 20 years’ experience in equipment FMV's, Repossessions, Lease Returns & Remarketing. We handle Copiers, Test Eq., Networking, IT, Medical, Industrial. No Repossession pick-up fees in the Bay Area. Over 50 million in assets remarketed. We are in compliance w/ the major banks.
zack@sfbaam.com |
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News Briefs----
ELFA Announces Top 10 Equipment Acquisition Trends for 2015
Facebook To Post Amber Alerts To Find Missing Children
Paris Hilton grandfather pledges fortune to charity

--You May Have Missed It
Woody Allen Will Create His First-Ever TV Series for Amazon
SparkPeople--Live Healthier and Longer

5 Reasons Why It's Okay to Drink Diet Beverages
Football Poem

Born To Win
by R.G. Graham
When you were in your crib tiny and small,
And everyone was looking at you one and all,
They smiled with pride and said again and again,
This child is special and was born to win!
Grandma and grandpa and mom and dad too,
Brother and sister were all looking at you,
They just couldn’t help getting a grin,
And saying this child is special and was born to win!
And now you’re getting older probably past two,
And they keep saying there’s nothing you can’t do
Because you’re kind to all and obey your mom and dad,
You pick up your toys and go early to bed.
You’re kind to your neighbors and all your friends too,
You share with them things that are special to you,
And children are so happy that you are their friend,
They know in their heart you were born to win.
So when you go to school and see children that are sad.
Pat them on the back and say it’s not so bad.
Because I like you, would you please be my friend,
Because you and I are special, we were born to win!

Sports Briefs----
Todd Bowles to become Jets coach
Russell Wilson, Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers and Andrew Luck are all winners
Lackluster finishes rankled Elway
Jason Garrett agrees to five-year deal
49ers and Adam Gase — good match or bad idea?

California Nuts Briefs---
French Laundry’s Thomas Keller Opens Ad Lib Pop-Up
2 Yosemite climbers closing in on historic feat

“Gimme that Wine”
Santa Barbara Wine Pioneer, Daniel J. Gainey, Passes Away at 89
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This Day in American History
1514 - Pope Leo X issues a papal bulletin against slavery.
1639 - The first formal declaration of American Democracy was the “fundamental orders,” drawn up by Roger Ludlow and adopted by representatives of Wethersfield, Windsor, and Hartford, Connecticut. It was a written body of laws by which they would govern themselves. It is considered the first constitution of colonial Connecticut, with the declaration “...the foundation of authority is in the free consent of the people.” Roger Ludlow was influenced by a sermon delivered May 31, 1638, by the Reverend Thomas Hooker at Hartford's Center Church.
1699 - Massachusetts held a day of fasting for wrongly persecuting "witches"
1739 - Birthday of William Whipple, American patriot and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Born at Kittery, ME, he died at Portsmouth, NH, Nov 10, 1785
1741 - Birthday of Benedict Arnold, a Revolutionary War hero, injured in battle, not happy with the French, who deserted to the British during the war in trade for plans of West Point. At the time, it was a major fortress guarding a major waterway, the Hudson River, and a major route of supplies. His name has since become synonymous with treason. Born at Norwich, CT. Died June 14, 1801 at London, England.
1784 - The Continental Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris, officially establishing the United States as in independent and sovereign nation, and officially ending the Revolutionary War.
1794 - Dr. Jesse Bennett of Edom, VA, performed the first successful Caesarean section. The patient was his wife. Bennett had asked Dr. Alexander Humphreys of Staunton, VA, to assist in performing the operation, but because of the low chance of success, Humphreys had declined. Dr. Bennett performed the operation with the assistance of two slaves, who held the patient. She was placed on a table made of two planks, loaded on a couple of barrels, and was given laudanum in lieu of an anesthetic.
1799 - The first US Senator to be impeached was William Blount, the first senator from Tennessee, who was elected on August 2, 1796, and served from December 6, 1876, until July 8, 1797, when he was expelled. The trial was held from December 17, 1798 to January 14, 1799, when the Vice President announced the decision of the High Court of Impeachment that the charges were dismissed for want of jurisdiction. Blount was accused of entering into a conspiracy with British officers to divert part of Louisiana from Spain to Great Britain, “a high misdemeanor, entirely inconsistent with his public trust and duty as a Senator.” While the case was in progress in Washington, DC, Blount was elected to serve in the Tennessee state senate, and at the opening session in 1798, was chosen to be its speaker.
1799 - Eli Whitney receives government contract for 10,000 muskets
1806 - Birthday of Matthew Fontaine Maury, Naval officer, at Fredericksburg, VA. Maury established oceanography as a branch of science and revolutionized the recording of oceanographic data as a superintendent of the Naval Observatory. Died at Lexington, VA, Feb 1, 1873.
1813 - Gideon Hawley became the first state school superintendent in US, in New York.
1863 - Birthday of Richard Outcault, creator of the newspaper “funnies.” When Outcault was asked by the New York World's Sunday editor to submit drawings for use with their new process for printing color pictures, colored comics or “funny papers” were born. Outcault's first color drawing, titled “Origin of a New Species” was published Nov 18, 1894. The first regular colored strip, “Hogan's Alley,” drawn by Outcault, began appearing with its main character's blustery comments written across his nightshirt. It was Outcault's strip “Buster Brown” that brought him celebrity and fortune. Outcault was born at Lancaster, OH, and died Sept 25, 1929 at Flushing, NY.
1864 – Union Gen William ‘Tecumseh’ Sherman began his march to the South
1865 - PALMER, WILLIAM J., Medal of Honor.
Rank and organization. Colonel, 15th Pennsylvania Cavalry. Place and date: At Red Hill, Ala., 14 January 1865. Entered service at. Philadelphia, Pa. Born. 16 September 1836, Leipsic, Kent County, Del. Date of issue. 24 February 1894. Citation: With less than 200 men, attacked and defeated a superior force of the enemy, capturing their fieldpiece and about 100 prisoners without losing a man.
1868 – North Carolina constitutional convention met in Raleigh while a South Carolina constitutional convention meets with a black majority.
1873 - John Hyatt's 1869 invention ‘Celluloid’ was registered as a trademark. He acquired Englishman Alexander Parkes' patent and began experimenting with cellulose nitrate with the intention of manufacturing billiard balls, which until that time were made from ivory. He used cloth, ivory dust, and shellac, and on April 6, 1869, patented a method of covering billiard balls with the addition of collodion.
1878 - US Supreme Court rules race separation on trains unconstitutional. On May 18, 1896, the Supreme Court endorsed “separate but equal” racial segregation with its “Plessy v. Ferguson” decision, a ruling that was overturned 58 years later.
1878 - Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated the telephone for Britain's Queen Victoria.
1882 - Southern California's greatest snow occurred on this date. Fifteen inches blanketed San Bernardino, and even San Diego reported a trace of snow.
1882 - The Myopia Hunt Club, Winchester, MA, became the first country club in the US.
1892 – Hal Roach, American actor, director, and producer, was born in Elmira, NY. Roach is best known today for producing the “Laurel and Hardy” and “Our Gang” (later known as “The Little Rascals”) film comedy series. He died in LA in 1992 at the age of 100.
1896 – Birthday of American novelist John Dos Passos, (the “U.S.A.” trilogy), and later Cold War warrior, in Chicago. An integral part of the Lost Generation crowd in Paris in the 1920s, his increasing fascism estranged him from most of his associates, including Hemingway. His philosophy changed over his life from very liberal to conservative. He is still controversial today and his books very well read and discussed. He died in 1970.
1896 - Carlo Ponzi immigrates to America from Italy. The small-time con man would later stumble into one of the largest scams of all time and have an entire type of crime named after him: the "Ponzi scheme.” For 20 years, Ponzi bounced from job to job, always dreaming up a way to make millions but never coming close. But in 1919, he came up with a new plan. Ponzi told friends and potential investors that they would get a 50 percent return on their money within three months if they invested with him. The hapless investors were never told much about what Ponzi planned on doing with their money, but, when pressed, he told them that it had to do with international postal exchange coupons, an obscure field that virtually no one knew much about. Ponzi told his marks that they could cash out at the end of three months or roll over their investments. Ponzi promptly paid off his initial investors and soon the investment dollars were pouring in. Thousands of people came to his offices, where money was stuffed in every desk drawer and filing cabinet. Ponzi was taking in an estimated $200,000 a day at the frenzy's peak. When a local writer questioned Ponzi's financial records, he threatened to sue and scared off further inquiry. Ponzi went on a personal spending spree in 1920, buying 100 suits and 100 pairs of shoes. He also took $3 million in cash to the Hanover Trust Company and bought a controlling interest in the reputable firm. However, when state investigators finally began examining his books and interviewing his workers, they found that there was no real investment going on. Of course, only the very early investors actually got any money back, and these funds came from later investors. Such a scam, known as a pyramid scheme, inevitably explodes, as it did on August 13, 1920, when thousands of investors demanded their money back. Ponzi, anticipating the collapse, had already taken $2 million to the Saratoga casinos in a vain attempt to make up the lost money. Ponzi went to jail and was deported to Italy in 1934. He told reporters, "I hope the world forgives me.” Perhaps taken in by his apparent contrition, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini gave Ponzi a high position in the government's financial sector. However, human nature is very difficult to change, and Ponzi eventually embezzled funds from the country's treasury and escaped to Brazil, where he died in 1949. By comparison, Bernie Madoff’s scheme totaled well into the $60-70 billion range. Should this not now be called a “Madoff scheme?”
1906 – Birthday of actor William Bendix in NYC. His most famous role was as Chester A. Riley in one of TV’s early comedies, “The Life of Riley” which gave rise to the euphemism still is use today. As a youth in the early 1920s, Bendix was a batboy for the New York Yankees. However, he was fired after fulfilling Ruth's request for a large order of hot dogs and soda before a game, which resulted in The Babe's inability to play that day. He started in films with appearances in “The Glass Key” (1942) and he soon gained more attention after appearing in Alfred Hitchcock’s “Lifeboat” (1944). He received an Academy Award nomination as Best Supporting Actor for “Wake Island” (1942). Bendix's other well-known movie roles include his portrayal of Ruth in “The Babe Ruth Story”(1948), a film roundly considered one of the worst sports biopics in film history. He died in 1964 in LA.
1910 - Drummer Jimmy Crawford born Memphis, Tenn. With Jimmy Lunceford 1929-42, many bands.
1914 - Henry Ford announced the latest advance in the assembly line production of automobiles, the continuous motion method. This new concept decreased assembly time of a car from 12½ hours to 93 minutes.
http://www.time.com/time/time100/builder/profile/ford.html http://www.hfmgv.org/
1915 – TV game show producer Mark Goodson was born in Sacramento. He graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1937 with a degree in Economics from Cal. That year, he began his broadcasting career in San Francisco, working as a disc jockey at station KJBS. In 1939 he joined radio station KFRC, where he produced and hosted a radio quiz called "Pop the Question" in which contestants selected questions by throwing darts at multi-colored balloons. Goodson and long-time partner Bill Todman produced some of the longest-running game shows in US television history. Their first television show, “Winner Take All”, debuted on CBS television on July 1, 1948. The long list of Goodson-Todman productions includes “Beat the Clock”, “Family Feud”, “Match Game”, “Password”, “Tattletales”, “The Price is Right”, “To Tell the Truth”, “I’ve Got a Secret”, “What’s My Line”, and “Card Sharks.” The shows endured through the decades, many over multiple runs, because of Goodson's sharp eye for production and presentation. He died in NYC in 1992 having left a huge legacy to what was an evolving medium when he started.
1916 - Birthday of African-American Novelist John Oliver Killens, in Macon, Georgia. His novels “And Then We Heard the Thunder” and “'Sippi”, dramatized racism in the U.S. Army during World War II and the South during the voting rights struggles of the 1960s. Both “And Then We Heard the Thunder” and Killens' satirical novel about black class divisions, “Cotillion, or One Good Bull Is Half the Herd”, were nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for fiction. He died October 27, 1957, Brooklyn, New York.
1916 - Birthday of tenor sax player, arranger/producer Maxwell Davis, Independence, KS. He died September 18, 1970,
1917 - Birthday of trumpeter Billy Butterfield
1919 - Birthday of writer, columnist, TV journalist Andy Rooney, in Albany, NY. A radio and television writer, he was best known for his weekly broadcast "A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney," a part of the CBS News program “60 Minutes” from 1978 to 2011. His final regular appearance on “60 Minutes” aired October 2, 2011. He died one month later, on November 4, 2011, at age 92.
1919 - Birthday of Shirley Jackson, American novelist and short story writer. Most famous story "The Lottery" (1949).
1919 - Charles Stoneham, John McGraw and Francis X. McQuade bought the New York Giants from Charles Hempstead. The Stoneham family controlled the Giants for the next 56 years and moved them to San Francisco after the 1957 season. Charles’ son, Charles, and his family lived in my hometown of Eatontown, NJ; his grandsons were classmates of mine, and he generously donated used Giants’ equipment to our Little League team, the Eatontown Smokeaters.]
1930 - Canadian avant-garde jazz trumpeter and composer Kenny Wheeler was born in Toronto. He moved to England in 1952, rising to prominence in Britain in the 1960's and in the European avant-garde the following decade. From 1971-76, Wheeler performed with US reedman Anthony Braxton, with whom he often appeared in North America
1932 - Birthday of drummer Grady Tate, Durham, NC
1932 - 1st totalisator system to record racetrack bets in US was installed at Hialeah Park in FL.
1932 - Horse racing legend Eddie Arcaro won his first race
1932 – Big Daddy Don Garlits was born in Tampa. Considered the father of drag racing, with the help of T.C. Lemons and relating at least in part to the loss of a portion of his foot in a drag racing accident, perfected the rear-engine "top fuel dragster design".
1936 - Harriet Hilliard, vocalist and wife of bandleader Ozzie Nelson, sang, "Get Thee Behind Me Satan."
1936 - L M (Mario) Giannini was elected President of Bank of America
1938 – Birthday of singer Jack Jones, born John Allan Jones in Hollywood. “Lollipops and Roses”, “Wives and Lovers”, “The Impossible Dream”, “Lady”, “The Race is On”, “Love Boat Theme”. His father was a very famous singer in the 1930's and early 1940's.
1938 - Birthday of Allen Toussaint, in New Orleans, LA. One of the most important forces in New Orleans rock 'n' roll in the 1960's, Toussaint, a pianist, songwriter and arranger, played on some of Fats Domino's early recordings. And in the '60s, he produced and arranged such hits as "Ooh Poo Pah Doo" by Jesse Hill, "Mother-In-Law" by Ernie K-Doe and "I Like It Like That" by Chris Kenner. Allen Toussaint is also the composer of "Java," an instrumental hit for both trumpeter Al Hirt and pianist Floyd Cramer.
1939 - All commercial ferry service to the East Bay from San Francisco ended.
1940 - Birthday of Julian Bond (legislator: Georgia, 1965; civil rights leader: helped found Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); chairman of NAACP board of directors), in Nashville, TN.
1940 – MLB Commissioner Kenesaw Landis granted free agency to 91 Detroit Tigers. Soon after Landis's appointment, he surprised the major league owners by requiring that they disclose their minor league interests. Landis fought against the practice of "covering up", using transfers between two minor league teams controlled by the same major league team to make players ineligible for the draft. This incident involving the Tigers involved the greatest number of players but was only one of several similar rulings Landis issued.
1941 – Actress Faye Dunaway was born in Bascom, FL. She is an Academy Award-winning actress who rose to prominence in the late 1960s with the films “Bonnie and Clyde” and “The Thomas Crown Affair”. Her star status was enhanced in the 1970s by critically praised performances in “Chinatown” (1974) and “Network” (1976), for which she won the Academy Award for Best Actress.
1941 - A. Philip Randolph, president of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and chief spokesperson for the African American working class, calls for a March on Washington, demanding racial integration of the military and equal access to defense-industry jobs. The call prompts black enthusiasm too great for the government to ignore. On June 18th, less than two weeks before the march, President Roosevelt invited Randolph to the White House. In the unpleasant confrontation, Randolph told Roosevelt he will abandon the march plans only if Roosevelt bars job discrimination in both the defense industry and government. Incredulous at Randolph's obstinacy, Roosevelt signed Executive Order 8802, the government's most significant action on behalf of African Americans since post-Civil War reconstruction.
1941 - Then head football coach of Massillon High School, Paul Brown, was named head coach of Ohio State's Buckeyes. In his seven years of high school competition, Brown's team only lost one game. Brown brought home the first of Ohio State’s national football championships in 1942.
1943 - The Allies met in Casablanca to agree on a strategy for concluding World War II and to demand the unconditional surrender from the enemy. President Franklin D. Roosevelt became the first President of the United States to fly in an airplane while he was in office, when he flew from Miami, Florida to French Morocco where he met with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to discuss World War II.
1944 – Birthday of guitar/accordion/zydeco Paul “Little Buck” Senegal, LA
1944 – Journalist Nina Totenberg was born in NYC. She is the legal affairs correspondent for NPR, focusing primarily on the activities and politics of the Supreme Court. Among her scoops was her groundbreaking report of sexual harassment allegations made against Clarence Thomas by Anita Hill, leading the Senate Judiciary Committee to re-open his confirmation hearings. Previously, in 1986, she broke the story that Supreme Court nominee Douglas Ginsburg had smoked marijuana, leading Ginsburg to withdraw his name. And in 1977, she reported on secret Supreme Court deliberations relating to the Watergate scandal. In 1971,after Totenberg wrote an “Observer” profile of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover, the latter wrote a long letter to the paper's editor demanding she be fired. Instead, the editor printed the letter in the “Observer” with a rebuttal of Hoover's complaints regarding the article. She was fired from that paper for plagiarism in 1972 regarding a profile she wrote of then-soon-to-be Speaker Tip O’Neill which included, without attribution, quotes from members of Congress that had previously appeared in “The Washington Post”. Totenberg has said that the dismissal also related to her rebuffing of sexual overtures from an editor. Many of Totenberg's colleagues have defended her, noting that this was a case of using previously reported quotes, a common journalistic practice in the 1970s. In 1995, Totenberg told the “Columbia Journalism Review”, "I have a strong feeling that a young reporter is entitled to one mistake and to have the holy bejeezus scared out of her to never do it again."
1947 - Kenton Band records “Intermission Riff,” Capitol.
1947 - Birthday of Gene Alden Washington, former football player, born Tuscaloosa, AL.
1948 – Musician, songwriter, and soundtrack and record producer T-Bone Burnett was born Joseph Henry Burnett in St. Louis.
1949 - The Department of Justice went trust busting and filed an anti-trust suit against AT&T. The suit was designed to break AT& T's choke hold over the industry by forcing the company to relinquish ownership of Western Electric, a potent manufacturing concern. After much wrangling, the suit was settled in 1956, when AT&T consented to limit the scope of its business to the national phone network and government jobs. The eventual AT&T breakup would occur in 1984 when the Justice Department litigation successfully required divestiture by AT&T of the several regional Bell operating companies, (RBOCs), Western Electric, and Bell Labs. This event also coincided with the creation of AT&T Credit Corp under EF/L industry veteran Tom Wajnert.
1950 - Top Hits
“Dear Hearts and Gentle People” - Dinah Shore
“A Dreamer's Holiday” - Perry Como
“The Old Master Painter” - Snooky Lanson
“I Love You Because” - Leon Payne
1950 – The US recalled all consular officials from China
1951 - In Los Angeles, California, the first National Football League Pro Bowl was played. The American Conference beat the National Conference, 28-27. The first "Pro All-Star Game," featuring the all-stars of the 1938 season was played on January 15, 1939 at Wrigley Field in LA. The NFL All-Star Game was played again in Los Angeles in 1940 and then in New York and Philadelphia in 1941 and 1942 respectively. Although originally planned as an annual contest, the all-star game was discontinued after 1942 because of World War II travel restrictions. The concept of an all-star game would not be revived until June 1950, when the newly christened "Pro Bowl" was approved.
1952 - The Modern Jazz Quartet was formally incorporated, beginning a career that lasted more than 40 years. The group signed a unique partnership agreement stipulating that the quartet would have no leader. The original members were pianist John Lewis, vibraharpist Milt Jackson, bassist Percy Heath and drummer Kenny Clarke. The MJQ had only one personnel change in 42 years - Connie Kay replaced Clarke in 1955.
1952 - “Today” Premiered on TV. The NBC program that started the morning news format we now have today, was anchored by Dave Garroway with news reported by Jack Lescoulie. The show was segmented with bits and pieces of news, sports, weather, interviews and other features that were repeated so that viewers did not have to stop their morning routine to watch. The segments were brief and to the point. Sylvester “Pat” Weaver, Sigourney’s father, devised this concept to capitalize on television's unusual qualities. What used to take three hours to broadcast live across the country was done in two with delayed videotape. The addition of chimpanzee J. Fred Muggs in 1953 helped push ratings up. There have been a number of hosts of the years, from John Chancellor and Hugh Downs to Tom Brokaw, Bryant Gumbel and Matt Lauer. Female hosts, originally called “Today Girls”, have included Betsy Palmer, Florence Henderson, Barbara Walters, Jane Pauley, Katie Couric, Deborah Norville, and Savannah Guthrie.
1952 – New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd was born in Washington, DC.
1954 - Screen actress and sex symbol Marilyn Monroe, age 29, and former New York Yankees baseball star Joe DiMaggio were married in San Francisco. Monroe later wrote in her autobiography, "That was something I had never planned on or dreamed about - becoming the wife of a great man.” In 1954, there was none greater the Joe D! The divorce would be final in nine months.
1954 - Alan Freed, disc jockey of the popular radio show “Rock 'n' Roll Party”, produces his first rock and roll dance concert in New York at the St. Nicholas Arena. The Rock and Roll Ball featured the Drifters, Fats Domino, Joe Turner, and others. All the musicians were black, but at least half the audience packing the arena was white. Freed, who was also white, had been an influential force in popularizing rock and roll (then a synonym for rhythm and blues) since he started airing a radio show in Cleveland called “Moondog House” in 1951. The self-dubbed "King of the Moondoggers" (who actually preferred classical music) spoke to listeners as if they all belonged to a hip kingdom, united by their affinity for the same music. In 1952, he had thrown a rhythm and blues concert called the Moondog Coronation Ball, which drew more than 10,000 people. An angry mob, denied admittance once the arena was full, started a riot, and teens stormed the stage, abruptly ending the concert. Cleveland city officials accused him of "reckless disregard" for public safety, but the riot turned him into a local celebrity. Radio station WJW gave him nightly airtime for his program. The following year, he threw The Biggest Rhythm and Blues Show tour, featuring Ruth Brown and Wynonie Harris. The tour drew a largely black audience, but within just a few years rhythm and blues crossed over to become the dominant mainstream musical form. The Moondog had to stop using his popular moniker in 1954; he had borrowed it from the song "Moondog Symphony," recorded by a blind New York City street musician who won a court battle with Freed, which stripped Freed of the ability to use the name. Forced to find a new identity for his show, he decided to rename it “Alan Freed's Rock and Roll Party”. He copyrighted the phrase in partnership with black music legend Morris Levy, veteran promoter Lew Platt, and New York radio station WINS. But soon, the tidal wave of rock and roll made his copyright virtually useless; nevertheless, in 1955, Cleveland was selected as the site for construction of the Rock and Roll Museum because Freed had popularized the term there.
1954 - The Hudson Motor Car Company merged with Nash-Kelvinator. The new company was called the American Motors Corporation.
1955 - Disc jockey Alan Freed begins his first New York area “Rock & Roll Ball”, a two night affair which is held at the Saint Nicholas Arena in Harlem. Both shows at the 6,000 seat arena are sold out in advance, bringing in $24,000. Those appearing on stage include Big Joe Turner, the Clovers, Fats Domino, the Moonglows, Drifters and the Harptones.
1956 - Rock ‘n' roller, Little Richard, sang the recently released, "Tutti-Frutti". The Pat Boone version of the song became more popular as it appealed more to white audiences. It was common in these early days of rock ‘n’ roll for hits by black artists to be covered by white singers, often with greater results in terms of air time and sales.
1957 – Actor Humphrey Bogart died in Westwood, CA of esophageal cancer.
1958 - Top Hits
“At the Hop” - Danny and The Juniors
“Stood Up/Waitin' in School” - Ricky Nelson
“Kisses Sweeter Than Wine” - Jimmie Rodgers
“Great Balls of Fire” - Jerry Lee Lewis
1960 - Elvis Presley is promoted to Sgt. in the U.S. Army, receiving a pay increase of $22.94 per month.
1963 - Bob Dylan sat in on a recording session in London for an album by folk singers Richard Farina and Eric Von Schmidt. Dylan was billed as "Blind Boy Grunt."
1963 - George Wallace sworn in as Governor of Alabama. His address states "segregation now; segregation tomorrow; segregation forever!" It was written by Asa Carter, the founder of a KKK terrorist organization.
1964 – In her first public appearance since her husband’s assassination in Dallas the previous November, former First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy appeared on TV.
1964 – First hootenanny was held at the White House, as the New Christy Minstrels performed not only for President and Lady Bird Johnson, but also for Italy's President.
1966 – The March on Atlanta protested the ouster of Julian Bond, African American from Georgia House of Representatives, after his endorsement of a SNCC statement critical of US involvement in Vietnam; basically he opposed the war in Viet Nam. Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. http://www.africana.com/Articles/tt_093.htm
1966 - Rock promoter Bill Graham leased the Fillmore Auditorium in San Francisco. The Fillmore became the prime venue for psychedelic rock in the late '60s
1966 - Top Hits
“We Can Work It Out” - The Beatles
“She's Just My Style” - Gary Lewis and The Playboys
“Flowers on the Wall” - The Statler Brothers
“Giddyup Go” - Red Sovine
1966 - David Jones changes his name to David Bowie to avoid confusion with Davy Jones from the Monkees, just in time for the release of his single, "Can't Help Thinking About Me". He would later say that he chose "Bowie" because he likes that "big American bear-killin' knife."
1967 - Sonny and Cher release "The Beat Goes On"
1967 - The first "Human Be-In" is held in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Among the performers are The Grateful Dead and The Jefferson Airplane
1968 - The Green Bay Packers won their second straight Super Bowl, defeating the Oakland Raiders, 33-14. Packers quarterback Bart Starr completed 13 of 24 passes for 202 years and one touchdown and was named the game's Most Valuable Player.
1968 - Birthday of singer L.L.Cool J, born James Todd Smith in St. Albans, Queens, New York.
Rank and organization: First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Company C, 2d Battalion, (Mechanized), 22d Infantry, 25th Infantry Division. Place and date: Tay Ninh Province, Republic of Vietnam, 14 January 1969. Entered service at: New York, N.Y. Born: 16 November 1946, Brooklyn, N.Y. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty. 1st Lt. Warren, distinguished himself at the cost of his life while serving as a platoon leader with Company C. While moving through a rubber plantation to reinforce another friendly unit, Company C came under intense fire from a well-fortified enemy force. Disregarding his safety, 1st Lt. Warren with several of his men began maneuvering through the hail of enemy fire toward the hostile positions. When he had come to within 6 feet of one of the enemy bunkers and was preparing to toss a hand grenade into it, an enemy grenade was suddenly thrown into the middle of his small group. Thinking only of his men, 1st Lt. Warren fell in the direction of the grenade, thus shielding those around him from the blast. His action, performed at the cost of his life, saved 3 men from serious or mortal injury. First Lt. Warren's ultimate action of sacrifice to save the lives of his men was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit on him, his unit, and the U.S. Army.
1969 - An explosion aboard the US aircraft carrier Enterprise off Hawaii killed 25 crew members.
1970 - Diana Ross performed for the last time with the Supremes at the Frontier Hotel in Las Vegas. The show began with a medley of hits and ended with "The Impossible Dream."
1972 - “Sanford and Son” premiered on TV. This NBC sitcom gained immediate popularity depicting an African American father and son engaged in the junkyard business. Norman Lear and Bud Yorkin developed the comedy series based on the British, “Steptoe and Son.” Comedian Redd Fox played Fred Sanford. His son, Lamont, was played by Demond Wilson. Others appearing on the show were Whitman Mayo as Grady, Slappy White as Melvin, LaWanda Page as Aunt Esther, Gregory Sierra as Julio. Nathaniel Taylor as Rollo, Raymond Allen as Uncle Woody, Don Bexley as Bubba Bexley, Lynn Hamilton as Donna Harris, Howard Plat and Hal William as Hoppy and Smitty, Pat Morita as Ah Chew, Marlene Clark as Janet and Edward Craford as Roger. The last telecast was September 2, 1977.
1973 - The Miami Dolphins became the first NFL team to go undefeated - a perfect season. They defeated the Washington Redskins 14-7 in Super Bowl VII. Tickets were $15.00. Kickoff time was 12:30 p.m. in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. Miami finished the season 17-0.
1973 - Elvis Presley drew the largest audience for a single TV show to that time -- an estimated one billion viewers in 40 countries. "Elvis - Aloha From Hawaii", a live, worldwide concert from Honolulu International Center Arena. Performed at 12:30 a.m. Hawaiian Time, it was beamed live via Globecam Satellite to Australia, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, the Philippines, South Vietnam and other countries, and was seen on a delayed basis in approximately 30 European countries. The first American airing was April 4th on NBC-TV. The show was also released as a two-record album, and became one of Elvis's top-selling LPs.
1973 - Bass guitarist Phil Lesh of the Grateful Dead was arrested at his home in Fairfax, California on drug charges.
1974 - Top Hits
“The Joker” - Steve Miller Band
“Show and Tell” - Al Wilson
“Smokin' in the Boys Room” - Brownsville Station
“I Love” - Tom T. Hall
1975 - Joe Walsh is presented a Gold record for his third solo album, "So What".
1975 - Teenage heiress Lesley Whittle was kidnapped by Donald Neilson, aka "the Black Panther".
1978 - The Sex Pistols play their final gig at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco. The following day, Johnny Rotten (born John Lydon) will quit the band, effectively bringing their brief career to an end.
1979 - Chicago, IL, was in the midst of their second heaviest snow of record as, in thirty hours, the city was buried under 20.7 inches of snow. The twenty-nine inch snow cover following the storm was an all-time record for Chicago
1979 - President Carter proposed Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday be a holiday
1980 - "Blues Brothers" movie with Dan Akroyd and John Belushi opens
1982 - Top Hits
“Physical” - Olivia Newton-John
“Waiting for a Girl Like You” - Foreigner
“Let's Groove” - Earth, Wind and Fire
“Fourteen Carat Mind” - Gene Watson
1984 - Madonna made her debut on "American Bandstand," singing "Holiday."
1985 - Martina Navratilova won her 100th tournament. She joined Jimmy Connors and Chris Evert Lloyd as the only professional tennis players to win 100 tournaments.
1985 - 16 people were indicted by US authorities for granting sanctuary to Central American refugees
1986 - "Rambo: First Blood, Part II" broke the record set by "Ghostbusters", for first day orders, when it arrived at video stores. 435,000 copies of the video were sold, for a total of almost $21.4 million worth.
1987 – Oakland A’s/New York Yankees P Catfish Hunter and the Cubs’ Billy Williams are elected to Baseball Hall of Fame.
1989 - A winter storm spread snow and sleet and freezing rain from the Middle Mississippi Valley to the northeastern U.S. Freezing rain in West Virginia caused fifteen traffic accidents in just a few minutes west of Charleston. Tennessee was deluged with up to 7.5 inches of rain. Two inches of rain near Clarksville, TN left water in the streets as high as car doors.
1990 - The pilot episode to launch the “The Simpsons” series on Fox was 7G02, “Bart the Genius”. There was a test launch on December 17, 1989 and originally the show was seen in “shorts” on the Tracey Ullman Show. The originator of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie is cartoonist Matt Groening.
1990 - Top Hits
“Another Day in Paradise” - Phil Collins
“Pump Up the Jam” - Technotronic featuring Felly
“How Am I Supposed to Live Without You” - Michael Bolton
“It Ain't Nothin'” - Keith Whitley
1994 – President Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed Kremlin accords to stop aiming missiles at any nation and to dismantle the nuclear arsenal of Ukraine.
1995 - Mexico pledged profits from state-owned Pemex's $7-billion-per-year oil revenues in an effort to secure US congressional approval of loan guarantees; President Clinton approved a $20-billion U.S. aid package for Mexico
1996 - Juan Garcia Abrego was arrested by Mexican agents. The alleged drug lord was handed over to the FBI the next day.
1997 - The Beach Boys guest star on an episode of ABC-TV's “Home Improvement”. They played the cousins of 'Wilson', Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor's next door neighbor and sang "Barbra Ann" with the show's cast, ”…Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Barber Ann…”
1998 - 100th episode of "Ellen" airs, starring Ellen DeGeneres
1998 - Whitewater prosecutors questioned Hillary Rodham Clinton at the White House for 10 minutes about the gathering of FBI background files on past Republican political appointees.
1998 - In Dallas, researchers report an enzyme that slows the aging process and cell death.
1999 - The impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton began in Washington.
1999 - The US proposed the lifting of the U.N. ceilings on the sale of oil in Iraq. The restriction required the money to be used to buy medicine and food for the Iraqi people.
2000 - The Dow Jones industrial average hit a new high when it closed at 11,722.98. Earlier in the session, the Dow had risen to 11,750.98. Both records stood until October 3, 2006.
2001 – Jennifer Lopez scored her first UK No.1 single with 'Love Don't Cost A Thing.'
2002 - NBC's "Today" celebrated its 50th anniversary on television.
2004 - In St. Louis, a Lewis and Clark Exhibition opened at the Missouri History Museum. The exhibit featured 500 rare and priceless objects used by the Corps of Discovery.
2005 - A probe, from the Cassini-Huygens mission, sent back pictures during and after landing on Saturn's moon Titan. The mission was launched on October 15, 1997.
2014 - American journalist David Satter was expelled from Russia
Super Bowl Champions This Date
1968 - Green Bay Packers
1973 - Miami Dolphins

The object is to insert the numbers in the boxes to satisfy only one condition: each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. What could be simpler?
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